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Let’s review the previous chapters and bring them all together into a practical method. We will cover a lot of the same ground again, but from a slightly different angle, with some new insights to connect the dots. This chapter should bring some further clarity and create a more complete big picture.
(1) What are electromagnetic fields? World Health Organization https://www.who.int/peh-emf/about/WhatisEMF/en/
(2) Recent advances in biomagnetism and its applications. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6208498/
(3) Magnetic resonance. https://www.britannica.com/science/magnetic-resonance
(4) DNA MemoChip: Long-Term and High Capacity Information Storage and Select Retrieval. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5841191/
(5) Abundance of the chemical elements https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abundance_of_the_chemical_elements
(6) 9999999% of Your Body Is Empty Space. https://www.sciencealert.com/99-9999999-of-your-body-is-empty-space
(7) Neurophysiology of pain and hypnosis for chronic pain. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3717822/
(8) The placebo effect: from concepts to genes. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5367890/
(9) Hypnotic Approaches for Chronic Pain Management. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4465776/
(10) Epigenetics and the Human Brain: Where Nurture Meets Nature. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3574773/
(11) Prolonged Fasting Reduces
(12) The Nobel Prize, Press Release. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2016/press-release/
(13) Can ageing be slowed? Hormetic and redox perspectives. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3227150/
(14) Autophagy and the Immune System. Annual Review of Immunology https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-immunol-020711-074948
(15) Near-Death Experiences Evidence for Their Reality. PUBMED
(16) Energy therapies in advanced practice oncology: an evidence-informed practice approach. PUBMED
(17) Clinical Studies of Biofield Therapies: Summary, Methodological Challenges, and Recommendations. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4654788/
(18) Boeing https://787updates.newairplane.com/787-Suppliers/World-Class-Supplier-Quality#
(19) What is DNA? https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/dna
(20) What is noncoding DNA? https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/primer/basics/noncodingdna
(21) The nocebo effect and its relevance for clinical practice. PUBMED https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3167012/
(22) A 21st Century Frontier for Discovery: The Physics of the Universe. NASA https://pcos.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/Physics_of_the_Universe.pdf
(23) Cosmic dust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_dust
(24) How Far is the Edge of the Universe? https://www.scienceandnonduality.com/article/how-far-is-the-edge-of-the-universe
(25) Christians remain world’s largest religious group, but they are declining in Europe https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/05/christians-remain-worlds-largest-religious-group-but-they-are-declining-in-europe/
Deep down, we all want to heal ourselves, but often we’re our own worst enemy!
We can struggle to accept ourselves, we may feel inadequate, unworthy, afraid of rejection, or abandonment. We yearn to be loved and accepted and yet we self-sabotage, get triggered by our past experiences, and behave in ways we wish we hadn’t. We then have a tendency to hold onto guilt and regrets, further punishing ourselves.
All of these things may cause us to spiral into addictive behaviours, emotional eating, alcohol and drug use, or even self-isolation and a withdrawal, limiting ourselves from achieving our life’s full potential. Sadness, loneliness, anxiety, and depression can result.
If you combine the total, prolonged, cumulative effect of all of the above stresses and their reactions, it starts to show as physical pain, fatigue, and eventually, an acute sickness or chronic disease state may occur. Does this picture sound familiar?
It’s a pretty common pattern and you’ve probably seen it in your own family. In fact, just about every person that ever lived has gone through this type of scenario, no matter how rich, successful, or beautiful they may appear to be. Nobody is immune to the process of dis-ease. An old trick is to hyphenate the word disease into dis-ease. It’s important to remember that health is a state of calm, balance, and harmony called ‘homeostasis’ in medicine. In other words “health is a state of peace”. This occurs when the whole person, body/mind/spirit systems operate in harmony, or more accurately, resonate together as one entity. Whether you’re living on a tropical island, a labourer working in a mine, a millionaire tycoon, or a famous movie star, the same rules apply, and we all struggle to integrate them into our lives.
In this chapter, you will discover how your complete picture of health can be achieved by applying this over-arching principle of peace in its fullness. Always remember the big picture!
Note: You can click the headings to go back and review the full chapter on each topic.
Taking a higher perspective
In order to attune ourselves with healing energy, we need to rise above our worldly self and see things from a universal, unbiased position without the earthly boundaries of language, culture, country, or even our religions. We can still maintain all of these, but we need to see things from the unconditional standpoint of a cosmic being, that is eternal, and exists ‘in this world’ but not ‘of this world’. We must rise above the worldly state and resonate with our higher, ‘true selves’ to gain access to healing energy.
What is the worldly state I speak of? It mostly revolves around our selfish Ego. This ego is formed from a very young and can be easily recognized by selfish or defensive behaviour.
This ego is largely the result of our desires for everything to go ‘our way’.
We wrongly feel at a very young age that the world owes us a favour, that everything should be plain sailing, that we already know everything, and nothing needs to be learned. However, we quickly get knocked back, and this is when our ego kicks in. They call it the ‘terrible two’s’ when we start defiantly saying NO to our parents. Yes, it all starts from there, and many of us construct massive ego defence systems as children, teenagers, and young adults, to the point where the ego actually takes over during times of stress and we turn back to the selfish ‘false I am’ ego.
We say “I am right” and “you are wrong”, “I am qualified” in this or that field of knowledge, “I am entitled to…”, “I am from this town”, “I am black or white” and “I am from this country”. The list is endless. Ultimately these Ego-based types of “I am” statements are false, and not who we are at all.
We are actually an eternal cosmic being that is not from this world at all but from a far, far higher, and much different dimension where these worldly constructs serve no purpose. It is back to this other dimension we will return after our short stint on Earth is over. We need to remember that, first and foremost. This universal knowledge puts us in the right place to start the healing journey.
Many have an epiphany at some point in life that reminds them of this. A near-death experience, accident, illness, or loss of a loved one. Others may simply begin a search for truth and discover this along their journey. Either way, it’s essential to drop the act and realise our eternal nature in order to progress.
All human beings are our brothers and sisters, as we are all created as inhabitants of this same planet, and all have our origins in the same melting pot of created spirits. With this knowledge must love each other with compassion, understanding, and forgive all mistakes, not to say we should be exempt from law or justice, but accepting this loving relationship with all human beings places you in the right headspace to be healed. This is the first step to experiencing the principle of peace in its fullness. I repeat, always remember the big picture!
Energy Exchange
The energy that builds our false Ego can be blamed on a deceptive, horizontal energy exchange with the world around us, which comes in the form of ‘give and take’ but more often than not it’s ‘take and take’. Because of our worldly nature and our selfish egos, we tend to want to accumulate more and take whatever we can for ourselves. We have also often developed a tendency to believe that the world owes us a favour because of the commonly held beliefs in some type of equilibrium. Ideas like karma, yin yang, or ‘as ye give so shall ye receive’ don’t work actually in this physical world. All manner of these beliefs fail and disappoint us on earth.
The nature of healing energy, on the other hand, is infinite and flows ‘one way’ unceasingly. It comes from the universal reservoir of unconditional energy, similar to the energy that powers the sun, the galaxy, and in likeness to what the religions collectively call God, the creator, or the source of all existence. This energy is never-ending and has no conditions, other than resonance. We simply need to tune in and resonate to receive this energy. The simplest way to do that is with the absolute universal truth, which lies above and beyond all man-made versions of the truth.
Unfortunately, the world has fed us with so many false versions of the partial truth, disguised as absolute truth, but cloaked in another ego-serving outer shell, like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We have been told many lies by ‘the system’ by those we look up to, the media, our hero’s in sport, cinema, music, and even scientific institutions, along with many other supposedly credible sources or role models.
Parts of truth can be mixed with falsity and mistaken for the whole truth, like a cheap knock-off of a Rolex watch. These partial truths lead us astray and just like the cheap knock-off, they disappoint us when it comes to the crunch. We find they have no real underlying substance and are missing crucial elements for reliability during the hard times. Like the cheap car, appliance, or gadget they breakdown and fail when we need them most.
The absolute truth was actually written into our DNA and into our spiritual hearts from day one. We all know it, deep down inside and it’s contained within the energy, the feeling, and act of what we call LOVE. This capital letter type of LOVE is not emotional, romantic, or revolving around infatuation, but is the kind of love a parent has for their child. The love God has for us comes in this same form. It is one way, unconditional and infinite. This is how healing energy is received from above and beyond this world, yet simultaneously it permeates every atom of this physical world.
A parent may scold their child for doing wrong, or even punish them in some way to teach them the lesson of consequence, but they never stop loving that child. Discipline is a necessary part of love. If we don’t understand the laws and principles that govern this world and the universe and the consequences of breaking those incontrovertible laws, we will keep falling into the traps, and we can’t progress beyond where we currently are. Such progress is the purpose of our lives and is inevitable.
Once we understand that all things are ultimately centred within the principle of unconditional love and that all things are for our good, for our progress, and for us to learn more about the nature of this unconditional love energy, the more we learn, and the faster we heal. Acceptance of our painful trials and our tough experiences in life is key to receiving the healing energy.
Tuning in
In order to receive energy sent from another place, the receiver must be attuned to the source transmitter. The energy of radio and television signals can be sent from the ground to satellites and around the world as electromagnetic waves at the speed of light. The light from the sun travels in the same fashion and can be received as energy on earth by plants and by solar panels. In order to receive the energy, the receiving device must be on the same resonant frequency and be tuned into that frequency. Think of yourself as a receiver of healing energy. Now imagine that there’s a transmitter spanning the entire universe, and remember what we just covered regarding energy exchange. The energy is unconditional and infinite, it flows in our direction from above and has the nature of pure universal love. Remember the reservoir and the cosmic microwave background? It’s everywhere throughout our entire universe, it flows in all directions, and it has a soft warm glow.
Let’s focus a little longer on the principle of resonant transmission and reception. The antenna for a TV or radio signal must ideally match the wavelength of the signal to receive a clear sound or picture. (3) This means the antenna can pulse in tune (resonate) with the signal length and vibrate accordingly. As it does this, the signal can be decoded. It’s simply vibrating in response to an energy wave that is pulsing towards it. Of course, we do this every day with light and sound, but what about the more subtle aspects of ourselves? We are receiving all kinds of energy signals from around us in the form of thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and even love itself.
By tuning in with the source we can receive unconditional healing energy without any effort being made. I want to highlight this point again for you here. NO EFFORT IS REQUIRED! The process is simply one of TUNING IN!
Let’s remember what this healing energy actually feels like.
What is Healing Energy?
One thing I’m well aware of is that energy healing is seen by many as ‘airy-fairy’, not real, or not scientific at all, and that’s why a little more current scientific evidence is worth mentioning.
Many different types of energy healing have been practiced around the world in almost every culture, for thousands of years. In recent times the scientific community has coined the collective term ‘biofield therapies’ for the various techniques, for which hundreds of clinical studies have been published. The vast majority of studies that have been conducted show positive results with cancer patients, arthritis, pain relief, anxiety, and heart conditions, among others. (17)
One study with hundreds of cancer patients receiving hands-on energy healing of various modalities indicated a positive benefit for these patients in respect to pain, quality of life, fatigue, health function, and mood. The healing in immune responses and cell line studies confirms that energy healing therapies bring harmony and balance to the system in the direction of health. (16)
Scientists are also very familiar with electromagnetic energy and its use in modern medicine including X-ray, MRI and CT scans, radiotherapy, and laser treatment. They also know that our body responds directly to electromagnetic energy from the environment, including visible light, infrared, ultraviolet (UV), and even microwaves. (1) High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance has even become one of the most prized tools in the fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry. (3)
We also understand that our genes and genetic information can be changed by applying environmental energy. Thoughts, visions, emotions, and even physical feelings are all relayed to and from our body, mind, brain (consciousness) via electromagnetic impulses, or waves. It would appear that almost all aspects of our biology and our planet rely on electromagnetic energy to function. Why on earth would energy healing appear to be something esoteric or mystical, when it fits well within our existing scientific framework, has clinical evidence, and makes perfect, common sense?
Thousands of those who have reported out-of-body experiences during near-death experiences report a state of consciousness that is beyond the physical, therefore it seems logical that our consciousness must somehow passively move into an ‘energy field’ state of existence after death. If science accepts anecdotal statistics of improvements with depression, anxiety, and other mental states as proof of the therapeutic effect of drugs in clinical trials, then surely thousands of near-death experiencers reporting out of body consciousness would also equate to scientific proof of life existing outside the physical body, and existing within an energy field of some kind.
In one study the vast majority of more than 1,000 near-death experiencers (NDEr’s) surveyed rated their experiences on a scale, rating their sense of reality. Those surveyed included many physicians, scientists, attorneys, and nurses. Given that over 95% of NDEr’s considered their experiences to be ‘definitely real’ it would be reasonable to accept their assessment of the reality of their personal experience unless there is good evidence that their experiences were not real, or some other rational medical explanation, for which there is not. (15) Second to that is the fact that, if we can live outside our body in an energy field, then we must also have an eternal energy body of our own, during our physical lives, that is part of some great, collective, cosmic ‘life energy’ field.
A living, breathing, cosmic energy field, which is just beyond the perceivable field of energy for the human eyes and ears, is not necessarily beyond our ability to feel with our own personal energy field while we are alive. Our body’s own electromagnetic energy field is well recognized. Another example is recently developed Magnetoencephalography which measures magnetic fields produced by the human brain, which has become one of the major non-invasive imaging modalities to study the human brain. (2)
It’s just that with all of the busyness and harsh energy that comes at us throughout our lives we slowly shut down this subtle electromagnetic awareness. As young children, many of us will have had energy experiences that we have probably forgotten. It is this awareness that we need to open up, reactivate, and expand upon in order to sense, feel, and experience the unconditional healing energy. Our revision of the quickest methods to do this are coming up next.
What is Healing Energy?
One thing I’m well aware of is that energy healing is seen by many as ‘airy-fairy’, not real, or not scientific at all, and that’s why a little more current scientific evidence is worth mentioning.
Many different types of energy healing have been practiced around the world in almost every culture, for thousands of years. In recent times the scientific community has coined the collective term ‘biofield therapies’ for the various techniques, for which hundreds of clinical studies have been published. The vast majority of studies that have been conducted show positive results with cancer patients, arthritis, pain relief, anxiety, and heart conditions, among others. (17)
One study with hundreds of cancer patients receiving hands-on energy healing of various modalities indicated a positive benefit for these patients in respect to pain, quality of life, fatigue, health function, and mood. The healing in immune responses and cell line studies confirms that energy healing therapies bring harmony and balance to the system in the direction of health. (16)
Scientists are also very familiar with electromagnetic energy and its use in modern medicine including X-ray, MRI and CT scans, radiotherapy, and laser treatment. They also know that our body responds directly to electromagnetic energy from the environment, including visible light, infrared, ultraviolet (UV), and even microwaves. (1) High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance has even become one of the most prized tools in the fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry. (3)
We also understand that our genes and genetic information can be changed by applying environmental energy. Thoughts, visions, emotions, and even physical feelings are all relayed to and from our body, mind, brain (consciousness) via electromagnetic impulses, or waves. It would appear that almost all aspects of our biology and our planet rely on electromagnetic energy to function. Why on earth would energy healing appear to be something esoteric or mystical, when it fits well within our existing scientific framework, has clinical evidence, and makes perfect, common sense?
Thousands of those who have reported out-of-body experiences during near-death experiences report a state of consciousness that is beyond the physical, therefore it seems logical that our consciousness must somehow passively move into an ‘energy field’ state of existence after death. If science accepts anecdotal statistics of improvements with depression, anxiety, and other mental states as proof of the therapeutic effect of drugs in clinical trials, then surely thousands of near-death experiencers reporting out of body consciousness would also equate to scientific proof of life existing outside the physical body, and existing within an energy field of some kind.
In one study the vast majority of more than 1,000 near-death experiencers (NDEr’s) surveyed rated their experiences on a scale, rating their sense of reality. Those surveyed included many physicians, scientists, attorneys, and nurses. Given that over 95% of NDEr’s considered their experiences to be ‘definitely real’ it would be reasonable to accept their assessment of the reality of their personal experience unless there is good evidence that their experiences were not real, or some other rational medical explanation, for which there is not. (15) Second to that is the fact that, if we can live outside our body in an energy field, then we must also have an eternal energy body of our own, during our physical lives, that is part of some great, collective, cosmic ‘life energy’ field.
A living, breathing, cosmic energy field, which is just beyond the perceivable field of energy for the human eyes and ears, is not necessarily beyond our ability to feel with our own personal energy field while we are alive. Our body’s own electromagnetic energy field is well recognized. Another example is recently developed Magnetoencephalography which measures magnetic fields produced by the human brain, which has become one of the major non-invasive imaging modalities to study the human brain. (2)
It’s just that with all of the busyness and harsh energy that comes at us throughout our lives we slowly shut down this subtle electromagnetic awareness. As young children, many of us will have had energy experiences that we have probably forgotten. It is this awareness that we need to open up, reactivate, and expand upon in order to sense, feel, and experience the unconditional healing energy. Our revision of the quickest methods to do this are coming up next.
Remember that over 95% of the universe is made up of energy which scientists do not yet understand the elemental nature of. This is where our reservoir of energy is, on tap in the higher dimensional realms of existence, where universal intelligence resides. It is from this higher place where the universally intelligent, healing energy is poured out and down into the physical universe, in the form EM/plasma/information which constructs matter as atoms (in stars), bringing forth life via molecules such as DNA on earth.
That same infinite source of information and energy is creating our universe, and that’s why the universe is continually expanding, just like we are from within. The jury is actually still out on the Big Bang Theory, as many scientists still believe in the Einstein, Newton view of a universe created by intelligent design, not to mention over 90% of the human race, with nearly 7 billion religious believers. (25)
If over 90% of the human race believes in a creator God it means, in effect, the two major scientific theories ‘Evolution and The Big Bang’ are really only accepted by 10% of the world’s population. It’s a clear contradiction that we continue to teach these theories to our children in schools. The belief in evolution by chance and random mutation events is, by its very nature, a little naive. For example, the Darwinian and Neo-Darwinian scientific community is clinging to the theory that the first forms of life formed in a primordial soup or puddle. Of course, DNA would have had to be almost the very first molecule of life to form, as DNA forms the informational basis, code, or blueprint of all living cells, even bacteria, and viruses. Without DNA there would be no way to reproduce a single-celled living organism. I will come back to DNA shortly.
The next major problem with the current scientific version of evolution is the ‘mutation theory’ which supposes that new complex functions occur as life evolves by the introduction of new complex DNA code and that this ‘new and complex’ DNA code is the result of accidental mutation. Really? Where does this new complex DNA code come from? They have no answer to this. That’s because new complex code would require intelligent intervention, just like our very own DNA manipulation technology, and whenever evolution requires intelligence there is blank space left by science. The reason being is that it would require the acceptance of potential universal intelligences, spirits, or gods. Science will continue to have many such blank spaces until spirits or gods are acknowledged. They need to remember Einstein and Newton were not foolish in their quest to prove universal intelligence. It is worth exploring this DNA dilemma a little further because understanding DNA is central to our energy healing method.
DNA is by far the most complex molecule known, and yet it must have been there at the very beginning of evolution. When you consider that according to science today, just a few grams of DNA can store all the written and digital information ever produced by mankind, and it basically lasts forever, DNA technology is truly mind-blowing. It’s like the ultimate flash drive, far beyond our current technology. Not only due its memory capacity and durability, but also in its ability to manifest real life forms and perform self-replication. For example, scientists have fully decoded a 700,000-year-old horse genome (4). Modern Neo-Darwinian evolution theory makes absolutely no logical sense because according to evolution simple things are supposed to become ‘more advanced’ as they evolve, not begin with the most advanced thing, namely, DNA. How then does DNA, the most complex molecule known to exist, come first? It’s simply not plausible!
Let’s repeat this statement another way. It is backward to think that DNA would be at the very beginning of the evolutionary process. A highly advanced piece of molecular technology, far beyond the capacity of human intelligence, is definitely not where a random style evolution of life begins. However, it is by no coincidence, exactly where the activity of God would be found, that’s if you were looking for evidence of an intelligent designer.
Let me expand on this by using another great example. I call this the ‘Dreamliner Delusion’.
The aircraft called the Boeing 787 Dreamliner has 2.3 million parts which include everything from “fasten seatbelt” signs to jet engines and which vary in size from small fasteners to large fuselage sections. (18) Human DNA on the other hand consists of about 3 billion parts, over one thousand times more parts than the Dreamliner. (19) The order, or sequence, of these DNA parts (code), determines the information available for both constructing and maintaining an organism, such as a complete human being, from one single original cell, sperm, or egg. In theory, this makes DNA one thousand times more advanced than our flashiest luxury passenger aircraft. Let me use this comparison to further support ‘intelligent design’ for life on earth over evolution.
If NASA had a probe orbiting Mars taking photographs, looking for intelligent life, and one of those photos came back showing the words “HELP US” written in the sand, NASA would immediately exclaim “There must have been intelligent life on Mars”. It would appear obvious, beyond any doubt, that those words could not have appeared on the sand by themselves. Any layman or scientist alike would not be foolish enough to deny intelligent design in action in this instance or resort to the explanation that the wind or some random event could not have produced such clear legible communication in the sand. Indisputably, it had to have been created by intelligence.
Later that same day, the probe sends back another photo of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner parked up in the sand. The scientific community put their heads together and after lengthy deliberations conclude “Because we believe that the DNA molecule came together by random occurrence, and was a product of natural influences and chance, and DNA has 1 thousand times as many parts, we must also conclude that the Boeing Dreamliner on mars is a product of accidental movements of the sand. Perhaps the sand originally crawled out of a puddle of mud and after billions of years eventually formed itself into a Dreamliner?
I think not. The scientific community would not want to look that silly. Obviously, something that technologically advanced would be the product and design of great intelligence.
Would you not agree, therefore, that something 1,000 times more complex and advanced than a Dreamliner, namely DNA, would also be the product of a great intelligent design? The DNA within a single cell leaves the Dreamliner for dead, literally, as DNA is invisible to the naked eye, it’s alive, and can multiply, accept new code directly from intelligence, transforming itself into every living creature on the planet, simply by applying a new combination of code. An intelligent creator must therefore undoubtedly exist.
By fully accepting and integrating this profound truth, we make a massive step towards connecting to healing energy. You and I were created by an intelligence beyond our comprehension. It is the same with the purpose of our lives. Everything is intelligently designed for our learning and growth, and nothing is as it seems, or as those in the popular world around us would have us believe. This type of truth potentially resets your viewpoint and changes your reality. If not, then it should certainly confirm your belief in the existence of God or universal intelligence.
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Every similar piece of absolute truth accepted, understood, and integrated into your being, activates a part of your DNA’s genetic code, as it connects directly to the source of universal intelligence, truth, light, and love. As you learn, grow, and come to understand more of these absolute universal truths, your bandwidth connection to the healing energy expands and your signal becomes more and more complete. It’s this more complete signal that creates a healthy state of mind/body.
Only truth can make the connections happen. Anything that is false cannot connect with the source of this universal love. Whenever something false, incorrect, or even misleading is accepted there is an immediate disconnect, the light is dimmed and the picture becomes clouded. It’s a very fascinating, yet simple principle.
Any absolute truth will tangibly manifest as a connection to healing energy!
In contrast, Falsity is a belief in the non-existent, which can only leave you in the dark, feeling empty and disconnected.
The only way to clearly identify what these ‘absolute truths’ are is to maintain the universal, higher perspective while seeking out a place of pure love and peace within yourself. This only comes through practice and patience. Ultimately, the healing energy will become increasingly obvious to you, and you will clearly perceive it as a witness of absolute truth.
Eventually, it can become as clear as night and day, like the lights are either switched on or switched off. There are of course thousands, maybe millions of absolute truths, and likewise, an endless supply of subtle, deceiving untruths. The tricky part is working your way through them and switching over to more truth every day. It’s a lifetime’s work, and most likely more work lies waiting beyond this life. They say that 99% of our DNA is inactive and un-coded which leaves plenty of space for new information. (20)
The great news is, with all that extra capacity available, you can tune in, tap in, and continue to experience new dizzying heights of health and ecstasy as the great universal source of all energy, knowledge, love, and creation communicates with your inner being.
Tapping in with Meditation
One of the most important factors in energy healing is awareness. You have probably met people who are completely unaware of themselves and their surroundings, which can be very embarrassing for everyone involved. This lack of awareness is largely due to ego and complete self-involvement. There is simply too much going on within for the person to engage and observe things around them, and become self-aware. Interestingly, a recent trend in self-help circles is the practice of mindfulness. This is involves living in the present moment, observing, and taking in all the beauty around us. It also means letting go of the past, dropping concern for the future, and living purely in the now. This is a great idea, but sometimes this can also be distracting, and still actually leave us looking outwards for happiness.
To tap healing energy we will ideally need quiet space, enabling a tangible experience or feeling that we are connecting to something real that nourishes our soul. This can be achieved through the ancient ‘observation method’ of meditation that I recommend.
Meditation acts much like an observatory viewing the night sky. An observatory looks into space, but to get a good view the observatory must be well away from the city lights. Our eyes also require time to adjust, thus receiving more and more light as we look into the night sky. Meditation is the key to seeing, hearing, and feeling healing energy and realizing that it’s real, and it will consequently manifest unto you personally.
In order to get a clear signal with your phone, television, or any device receiving information via EM waves, not only do we need to be resonating on the same frequency as the transmitter, but we also need to be in a good location, a quiet space and have an adequate period of time to receive a clear signal. Once we get a clear signal, we start to receive all the information which was sent out by the source transmitter, that we were originally meant to receive. Just like how a television image is unscrambled by a decoder box, your DNA must get a clear signal in order to send out the right instructions to your cells, and then the organs and tissues will grow correctly or function more perfectly. The complete picture of information is then made manifest, and that makes us whole (healed).
The Simplicity Principle
When you consider that ‘simplifying things’ always makes life easier, it’s no surprise the same rule applies to energy healing.
This principle can be easily understood like this. Have you ever had what they call ‘One of those days’? I bet you have, and we all do. It’s one of those days where one thing goes wrong after another. One problem is still being worked on while yet another problem appears close behind, sometimes stacking up on you throughout the day. A day like that can quickly make you feel stressed, angry, frustrated, sad, and reach for the bottle, the chocolate bar, or just plain give up. That’s basically how complexity affects us. When things are over complicated they get in the way and disrupt the state of peace we call health or homeostasis.
Remember, health is a state of peace found when the body, mind, and spirit resonate together in harmony. When you simplify things, you feel better. Don’t overthink it, and you will be much better off. This rule not only applies to energy healing, but also meditation, food, medicine, relationships, work, and life in general.
Detoxing and Fasting
One of the most effective ways of simplifying the energy process in your body is to go on a detox diet. It’s something I highly recommend for anybody who wants to increase the speed of healing and access to healing energy. Detoxing and fasting have been practiced for thousands of years and have been shown to trigger cellular renewal, retain youth, and also reset the immune functions (11,12,13,14). I suggest 10-14 days on fresh produce, morning smoothies, fresh fruit and salads, veggie soups, stir-fries, and curries.
I have written another book on this very subject called ‘Cleansed & Cured’ which explains how detoxing and fasting can trigger healing in your body. In a nutshell, it happens because detoxing simplifies the process of digestion and elimination, which normally require huge amounts of metabolic energy. This allows more energy to flow into the natural processes of immune function, detoxification, healing, and regeneration. What this actually does is create space physically, mentally, and emotionally, and that’s what you need to receive healing energy, and also to grow. It’s that simple!
Channeling from the Reservoir
One way I describe the infinite reservoir of healing energy is by referring back to the >95% ‘invisible’ energy portion of our universe which is still largely a mystery to science. Collectively, they call it dark energy, and dark matter, and that’s because it does not emit or reflect any light. Another way to understand this infinite reservoir is to consider the elements that our universe is made from. The most common elements in our universe are the light elements (gasses) and the least common are the heavier elements (solids). You will see this represented in the next illustration. The even lighter subatomic particles, waveforms, and EM energy such as heat, light, and plasma are found in exponentially greater quantities. When you allow for the >95% unknown fraction of the cosmos (dark energy and dark matter), you immediately see how this chart will continue in the same fashion beyond this picture and into the realm of infinite energy. This is moving into the arena of quantum physics, which I’m not going to dive into any further because that’s another deep subject. I will just sum it up like this; these finer, lighter energy components of our universe constitute the vast majority of our reality and can be influenced by our consciousness and our thoughts via the interwoven EM connection. It’s within this vast energy majority portion of our universe where human thoughts and consciousness exist, above, and within which the healing energy reservoir permeates.
Even the solid matter that makes the atoms of our body are actually 99.9999999% empty space and that’s why the healing energy is able to easily penetrate us. The dark energy throughout the cosmos also penetrates matter here on earth. To understand this overwhelming percentage of ‘energy containing’ space in our reality, consider this; If the nucleus of an atom was the size of a peanut, the outer rings of that same atom would be about the size of a baseball stadium. If we vacuumed away all this dead space inside the atoms of our body, we would each be able to fit into the tiniest particle of dust, and the entire human species would fit into the volume of a sugar cube. The rest is pure energy.
This energy, for all intents and purposes, is infinite and fills the entire cosmos. Imagine an exponential outwards and upwards expanse above the funnel chart coming up, which represents mostly the table of the elements, gasses, liquids, and solids. Above that, we have the remaining contents of the universe, subatomic waves, EM plasma, and dark energy i.e. 99.9999999% pure energy. The beauty of this concept is that this energy is just sitting there, waiting there/here for us to tap in. That’s why I completely oppose the big-bang theory because intelligent design energy flow actually works in the completely opposite direction.
Why Evolution and the Big Bang?
Before going forward I want to explain why I have brought up the scientific theories of Evolution and The Big-Bang. It’s mainly because the unconditional healing energy is ‘universal intelligence’ and love which carries all absolute truths, and accepting those truths is crucial to accepting the energy itself. When we accept the universal truth we will feel the energy increase, and when we accept something false the energy decreases. Identifying the living energy within us, as peace warmth etc, as previously described, gives us clear evidence of those absolute truths.
Science on the other hand has no regard for our feelings when it comes to identifying truth. It is based on the cold hard measurable facts and often makes huge assumptions to fill in the gaps in knowledge when things can’t be measured. For example with evolution, and the big bang there are massive holes, and contradictions, and very little actual proof, plus they both also go against the vast majority (over 90%) of the human race who believe in a creator God.
The problem with those two theories is that they discount and disconnect the great universal intelligence from not only the planet itself but every living thing on it, including ourselves. Accepting the fact that the healing energy and intelligence is within and behind every atom, molecule, and living organism has a very powerfully connecting effect with the healing energy, and that’s why I have taken the time to cover it in this series.
Once upon a time scientists believed the earth was the centre of the universe and the earth was flat, but now they have been able to see more. Someday science may be able to see and understand the mysterious >99% of existence that currently, it cannot. Until then we should listen to our hearts and our feelings in order to gain knowledge of the things beyond science, and not blindly believe their interim scientific theories.
Connecting with the universal intelligence and unconditional love that is available to us will allow the energy to penetrate every atom of our bodies and fill our DNA with the complete information that it needs, removing any confusion from cellular function, immune system, and healing.
Yes, you can use humility, faith, and trust to receive healing energy through a healer temporarily, but only the absolute truth and knowledge can give you a permanent connection that you can achieve for yourself without any outside help, giving you real power to tap into and use that energy on demand.
Let me explain my infinite, creative, expanding universe (ICE) theory, and you can decide for yourself what feels right. I share it because it was given to me directly, and it lines up with the rest of this energy healing method. You don’t need to understand the physics of it, but it can help fit everything else into the big picture and help you better tap into the energy.
Acknowledging the potential for universal intelligent design is an important factor in triggering the healing process and, as you will see in the diagram, the infinite source material and plasma, provides plenty of room for such intelligent design to work within.
Scientists know that all matter in the universe is formed by a process called aggregation, which means ‘coming together’. This means the pre-matter, energy, and subatomic particles (waveforms) when combined form plasma, which then fuses into atoms within stars. Those atoms are then crushed inside stars under huge pressure (fusion) to form the heavier elements.
Those elements are further combined into molecules which eventually become the solid materials we see on earth by a process called transmutation. In other words, the universe is being put-together/constructed from an infinite supply of invisible raw material, which ‘must be’ intelligently manufactured into the expanding visible universe.
It is simply beautiful to visualise.
Yes, the universe is expanding, but the puzzling fact to scientists is that the source material (dark energy) is neither expanding nor losing its density, completely defying the laws of physics and completely destroying big-bang theory. (22)
According to the big-bang, one tiny piece of extremely dense matter suddenly exploded and the entire universe sprang into existence. I’ve always thought this sounds a little bit silly, or to be blunt, totally ludicrous. It’s far more likely that an infinite amount of ultrafine pre-matter is slowly being condensed, connected, put together, and manifesting from infinite amounts of this pre-matter source (dark matter and dark energy) as pictured. It’s the ‘infinite’ part that the human mind struggles with. So let’s put that into perspective.
It has now been estimated that the universe should be at least 11.5 trillion light-years across, completely outdating previous estimates of the universe at under 14 billion years in age. (24) We can currently see objects 46 billion light-years away from us with telescopes and that’s literally just the tip of the iceberg. In my eyes, this all leaves the big bang theory full of holes, to put it mildly. In order to truly heal ourselves, we must grasp the big picture.
Quote: “Astronomers have shown that the objects in the universe from galaxies a million times smaller than ours to the largest clusters of galaxies are held together by a form of matter that is not what we are made of, and that gives off no light. This matter probably consists of one or more as-yet-undiscovered elementary particles, and aggregations of it producing the gravitational pull leading to the formation of galaxies, and large-scale structures in the universe. At the same time, these particles may be streaming through our Earth-bound laboratories.” (22)
Because this dark and mysterious ‘raw material’ supply is never-ending and doesn’t dilute, the universe must continue to expand forever. Therefore, no big-bang was ever necessary.
According to the laws of physics, energy will automatically flow into any space provided (diffusion) or flow into a channel from where it is drawn, that’s unless there is some opposing force or pressure inhibiting the flow. The same principle applies if you continually design and manufacture something using intelligence. You will continually need more and more raw materials, so as production ramps up you will need to keep expanding your manufacturing facility. In this case, the funnel which represents the various proportions of our physical universe must push into the space around it and expand.
In the scenario I have illustrated I suggest it’s actually an infinite, eternal, universal, intelligent source that’s behind the scenes sending instructions via EM and plasma. The manufacture of elements, the organizing of matter, and construction of new worlds, and the nature of life, which are all sent via subtle EM light energy (spirit) just as all the world’s major religions agree. Because of this, the universe must keep expanding eternally. Look at the way bacteria multiply for example. Why would planets, stars, and galaxies be any different? I call this the Infinite-Creative-Expansion (ICE) Theory.
Human beings are contributing to this expansion, in a very minor way, by manufacturing things here on earth. Thousands of tons of space-dust are landing on earth from space every year, and new layers are continuously being added to the planet’s crust, including the layers we’re constructing. We are all co-creators in an infinitely expanding universe. (23) We can also be co-creators of our ever-expanding selves, by connecting with infinite healing energy.
I’m sorry for throwing you in the deep end here, but a universal, higher perspective is crucial for powerfully tapping into the healing energy. Absolute healing truly involves becoming one with the universal creative force and intelligence, which you are also part of. Learning how to actively participate in the creation of your world, but also your own body is a crucial step in your eternal progress. Understanding the one-way energy flow helps us become aligned with it, and encourages our personal energy to do the same thing, create, and expand eternally.
Tapping into unconditional healing energy is really no different from the way we draw off water, which naturally moves when you dig out a channel for it. The biggest obstacle we face when tapping into the infinite reservoir of healing energy is our ‘busy nature’. We are physically, mentally, and emotionally very busy creatures. This manifests as bundles of internal noise, unprocessed past, or future events, emotions, and thoughts, all constantly racing around within our own personal energy field. In order to tap any reservoir, a channel must be opened, and bottlenecks must be removed. Our busy internal nature does nothing but create a bottleneck, and stands in our way. We simply need to get out of our own way, and the best method of achieving that is to take control of our minds. We spoke earlier about meditation, but now we will take this one step further by including ‘real intent’.
The Mind
One of the great mysteries of science is the true nature of human consciousness. What exactly is it, and where precisely does it exist? Maybe it’s a subtle form of internal EM plasma? We do know that impulses from the brain travel through the body as electricity and that various parts of the brain light up when we think about, or experience certain things. This electrical power of our mind is truly incredible with how it can manipulate the physical body. Two great examples of the power of intentional use of the mind include hypnosis and the placebo effect.
Studies have shown that approximately 70% of individuals with chronic pain are able to experience a short-term reduction in chronic pain during a hypnosis session, and between 20% and 30% achieve permanent reductions in daily pain. (7) Neurophysiological studies reveal that hypnotic analgesia has clear effects on the brain and spinal-cord functioning that differ as a result of the specific hypnotic suggestions made. (9)
I always remember the night my mother went to a hypnosis meeting to learn about the power of her mind. She came home with a photo of herself almost levitating. Basically, she was balancing between two chairs like a plank with only her ankles and the back of her head supported. We have all seen the people who walk on hot coals or pierce their bodies with steel rods. All testify to the incredible power your mind has over your body.
A placebo is a fake version of a drug, or therapy, given to patients to compare against a potential new drug treatment in clinical trials. The results show that up to 35% of patients given the placebo still get healing results. There are now over 5,000 research articles in the world’s largest medical database, PubMed, that make specific reference to the placebo effect, which include demonstrations of placebo effects for pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia, immunosuppression, ADHD, and even Parkinson’s disease, to name a few. Even more fascinating is that fake placebo surgeries have shown to be just as effective as real surgeries in treating coronary heart, and knee diseases. (8)
Conversely, when we are told to expect a negative experience, our beliefs can also cause these to manifest. This is called the ‘Nocebo effect”. Nocebo effects have been observed in allergic disorders and severe symptoms such as nausea in cancer patients mostly related to verbally-induced and conditioned negative expectations. (21)
These two examples demonstrate the power of our mind to exert both, a disease tendency, or healing influence on our bodies, but how does our mind affect our DNA?
Another example of external influence affecting our health is found in the science of epigenetics. This is where a series of environmental influences have been shown to regulate gene activity. External influences and experiences can activate or inactivate genes, alter the amount of protein synthesized, or expressed by a gene, and determine when a gene is expressed throughout the course of a lifetime. (10)
So how do these external energies alter our DNA?
Consider the television signal coming from a satellite encountering rain interference. Parts of the signal are lost and we see a messy picture on our television screen. In like manner, when we have partial truths, falsity, or external interference with our ‘healing energy’ signal we start to exhibit an incomplete picture of health. Isn’t that exactly how we look when we are unwell? We start to present a broken picture, an incomplete manifestation of our true selves?
“Make me whole” was the ancient cry to the healers of old. Our picture of health is made up of many, many pieces, that constitute elements of the absolute truth. Remember, our DNA can hold up to 3 billion potential pieces of information. It’s the universal information received from the infinite intelligent source that can completely activate our DNA, and that is ultimately what heals us. That healing energy is unconditional and represents true love. When we receive that information in its fullness, we present a complete picture of health.
Remember, in order to receive this informational signal, we must have the space available. All religions have a practice of creating space by fasting, prayer, or meditation. They also create holy places of solitude such as Cathedrals or Temples, even using caves or mountains as places to commune with the divine. As we tune in, sit and meditate, look and listen, feel and perceive the living energy that we are receiving, we can tune in stronger, clearer, and receive a greater signal. This energy signal may contain new information, bringing us to a heightened sense of bliss, ecstasy, and happiness. This will also come with a new sense of peace and contentment. This is the experience of the true state of health.
What we need to find is the time, space, and place to tune in, and feed our minds with absolute truths, not worldly ideas or opinions. We need 100% universal truth to see the absolute picture of who we are, and what we can become. Finding this inner peace is the ancient secret to opening the healing energy channel. Then you can start directing the healing energy intentionally with your heart, and with your hands to get specific results.
Using Your Hands
Another book could be written about using your hands for healing, and this could become very complex. Many systems of healing with the hands have been developed, some of which come across as quite mystical, weird, evangelistic, or just plain wacky. It need not be that way, and can actually be the most normal of practices. We tend to overthink these things when really self-healing is the most natural thing in the world. A simple touch of the hand can be comforting to a loved one. A stroke on the head, or rub on the shoulder is actually an act of energy healing, so why would it be any different with yourself.
Most of us feel the tendency to rub or touch an area that is sore and tender. We need not complicate this with convoluted methods, but simply understand it like this; When you’re in tune with the healing energy and express self-love or compassion towards yourself in the same way you express it towards others, the energy will begin to flow. You don’t need to understand how it flows, where it goes, or what exactly it’s doing. The healing energy knows everything it needs to do the job because it’s inherently intelligent. It already contains all the information necessary, without any outside persuasion.
If you have heartache, then rest your hand on your heart. If you have tension in your gut, then rest your hands there. The secret is, to practice tuning into the energy until you can feel it all around you, within you, and becoming an integral part of you. The rest will take care of itself. No need to analyse it further. Now you are ready to begin your self-healing.
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