This soup is lovely and creamy with a rich mushroom and corn flavour, using a whole-cooked chicken and fresh or frozen corn.
A great winter warmer and extra filling when following the 30-day Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program. Serves 4-6 people
See the Video Below.

- 1 x Pulled Roast Chicken
- 16 Small (or 8 large) Button Mushrooms
- 1 cup of Dahl (red or yellow)
- 2 cobs fresh or 500g of frozen Corn Kernels
- 1 x White Onion
- 6 x Cloves Garlic
- 800ml Fresh Cream (or coconut cream)
- 50gm Butter
- 4 Tbsp Olive oil
- 4 tsp Mixed Herbs
- 2 tsp Turmeric
- 2 tsp Paprika
- 2 tsp Curry Powder
Boil 1 part Dahl in 2 parts water slowly and while this is cooking start pulling the chicken. Chop the mushrooms, onions, and garlic.
In a large saucepan heat some olive oil adding the onions and garlic. After 2 minutes stir in the turmeric, paprika, and curry powder.
Clear a space to melt the butter and add the mushrooms and mixed herbs mix until the mushrooms are evenly coated with the spices. Add chicken, dahl, and coconut cream. Heat until just boiling and then allow to simmer for 5 minutes before eating.
This soup is high in protein and is suitable for the following programs.
- 30 Day Ultimate Herbal DETOX program
- Ultimate Herbal SLIM program (any plan)
- Boditune (Detox ‘n Slim) program
Health tip:
Dahl is a type of pulse that has many nutritional values. The health benefits of Dahl in general are that they are very rich in proteins. As many Indians are vegetarians, these different types of pulses provide them with a main source of vegan proteins. 30g of raw dal gives 7g of protein. Dahl also has resistant starch which acts like fiber in the body and helps control blood sugar levels, clears bowels, and aids in weight loss.