Sarah: This is the second in a series of four videos designed to give you a greater understanding of why do a detox? How to do it and what to expect. This particular videos focuses on the signs and symptoms our bodies’ gives to us, and what happens when we actually do a detox. So Brett I’m personally quite fascinated with this first topic toxic overload it’s a common used phrase, but what exactly is it? Brett: Well, toxic overload is when the body becomes overloaded with a particular substance and it becomes toxic. So you might be familiar with poisoning. Poisoning is when something becomes quickly toxic in the body in other words it interferes with the normal functions of the body. But what happens with our society today is we’re actually poisoning ourselves slowly with our food because we’re putting chemicals into our food, in our factories, in the way we process the food with preservatives and chemicals. So toxic overload occurs over a period of time by consuming these processed foods so our body becomes actually poisoned by those substances over time. And people might say the body should detox those chemicals and yes in a way it is meant to do that, but over time those artificial chemicals become harder and harder for the body to digest and to eliminate and to get out of the system so we start getting overloaded with those poisons and toxins and we start getting symptoms of toxic overload. Sarah: So the first sort of symptoms that we would feel what would they be if our body was suffering from toxic overload? Brett: Well usually when somethings toxic in your body it starts to cause an irritation, and of course things like sugar you might think “how could sugar be a toxin and a poison?” Well over time what sugar does is it causes the body to become acidic. And the same with processed carbohydrates you start to get more and more acid in the body and the processed foods are hard to digest so acid builds up and as a result of that acid we start getting inflammation and so if you think of the things that are caused by inflammation: aches and pains, itchy skin, hay fever, sinus, allergies, things that the body’s irritated by and inflamed the acid that has caused that irritation by inflaming the whole body. There is a domino effect that happens when you start getting inflammation in your body from acid you start getting gut problems, digestive problems, bloating, gas, wind, constipation, acid reflux is a big one. We really suffer a lot from because we’re struggling to digest the food. Also you get sinus and hay fever, allergies, coughs and colds, skin problems, they’re all related to this acid inflammation pattern and it’s really just a toxic overload from our diet. Sarah: So once you start to go through a detox, what actually happens to your body then? Brett: When we do a detox what we want to do is take away all the processed food from our diet and go onto a whole unprocessed natural food so we are looking at fruits and vegetables, things that are made by nature not by man so there are no chemicals in them and when we go onto a pure whole food diet we take our herbs along with that, the body starts to detoxify. The acids starts to go down and one of the things we get with our society today is a huge epidemic is what we call metabolic disease. And that’s a combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetic problems, and heart disease is a result of all of that so it’s a combination of those things and they actually result in our three biggest killers which is heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and also today chronic obstructive lung problems. They’re all a result of this chronic inflammation and toxicity. So when we do the detox we are reducing the chemicals in the body, reducing the acid in the body, and inflammation, and all of those things can go down and so what we can experience is a fantastic sense of clarity and of wellbeing, feeling really calm and peaceful, really clear and light and energised. So those are the results from doing a detox.
Transform your life series: Part 2
Sarah: This is the second in a series of four videos designed to give you a greater understanding of why do a detox? How to do it and what to expect. This particular videos focuses on the signs and symptoms our bodies’ gives to us, and what happens when we actually do a detox. So Brett I’m personally quite fascinated with this first topic toxic overload it’s a common used phrase, but what exactly is it? Brett: Well, toxic overload is when the body becomes overloaded with a particular substance and it becomes toxic. So you might be familiar with poisoning. Poisoning is when something becomes quickly toxic in the body in other words it interferes with the normal functions of the body. But what happens with our society today is we’re actually poisoning ourselves slowly with our food because we’re putting chemicals into our food, in our factories, in the way we process the food with preservatives and chemicals. So toxic overload occurs over a period of time by consuming these processed foods so our body becomes actually poisoned by those substances over time. And people might say the body should detox those chemicals and yes in a way it is meant to do that, but over time those artificial chemicals become harder and harder for the body to digest and to eliminate and to get out of the system so we start getting overloaded with those poisons and toxins and we start getting symptoms of toxic overload. Sarah: So the first sort of symptoms that we would feel what would they be if our body was suffering from toxic overload? Brett: Well usually when somethings toxic in your body it starts to cause an irritation, and of course things like sugar you might think “how could sugar be a toxin and a poison?” Well over time what sugar does is it causes the body to become acidic. And the same with processed carbohydrates you start to get more and more acid in the body and the processed foods are hard to digest so acid builds up and as a result of that acid we start getting inflammation and so if you think of the things that are caused by inflammation: aches and pains, itchy skin, hay fever, sinus, allergies, things that the body’s irritated by and inflamed the acid that has caused that irritation by inflaming the whole body. There is a domino effect that happens when you start getting inflammation in your body from acid you start getting gut problems, digestive problems, bloating, gas, wind, constipation, acid reflux is a big one. We really suffer a lot from because we’re struggling to digest the food. Also you get sinus and hay fever, allergies, coughs and colds, skin problems, they’re all related to this acid inflammation pattern and it’s really just a toxic overload from our diet. Sarah: So once you start to go through a detox, what actually happens to your body then? Brett: When we do a detox what we want to do is take away all the processed food from our diet and go onto a whole unprocessed natural food so we are looking at fruits and vegetables, things that are made by nature not by man so there are no chemicals in them and when we go onto a pure whole food diet we take our herbs along with that, the body starts to detoxify. The acids starts to go down and one of the things we get with our society today is a huge epidemic is what we call metabolic disease. And that’s a combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetic problems, and heart disease is a result of all of that so it’s a combination of those things and they actually result in our three biggest killers which is heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and also today chronic obstructive lung problems. They’re all a result of this chronic inflammation and toxicity. So when we do the detox we are reducing the chemicals in the body, reducing the acid in the body, and inflammation, and all of those things can go down and so what we can experience is a fantastic sense of clarity and of wellbeing, feeling really calm and peaceful, really clear and light and energised. So those are the results from doing a detox.
Thai Carrot and Apple Salad
Watch Brett make Lunch on his 7 Day Super Power DETOX – Thai Carrot and Apple Salad
Thai Carrot and Apple Salad
Watch Brett make Lunch on his 7 Day Super Power DETOX – Thai Carrot and Apple Salad
Chocolate Orange Mint Smoothie
Watch Brett Elliott make his breakfast on his 7 Day Super Power DETOX – Chocolate Orange Mint smoothie
Chocolate Orange Mint Smoothie
Watch Brett Elliott make his breakfast on his 7 Day Super Power DETOX – Chocolate Orange Mint smoothie
Vegetable Curry
Watch Brett make his dinner on his 7 day Super Power Ultimate Herbal Detox
Vegetable Curry
Watch Brett make his dinner on his 7 day Super Power Ultimate Herbal Detox
Easy way to take DETOX capsules
Brett shows you how you can take the capsules in a smoothie Watch more recipe videos or See more recipes or Hey you can get them sent to your inbox! Sign Up NOW
Easy way to take DETOX capsules
Brett shows you how you can take the capsules in a smoothie Watch more recipe videos or See more recipes or Hey you can get them sent to your inbox! Sign Up NOW