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You may think that you need some special ability to heal others with energy, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
We are all born with a natural ability to give healing, and it’s as close as breathing and as near as our heartbeat. From the moment your mother picks you up, she starts giving you healing, and you know instinctively that you’re receiving it. That rub on the back when you’re crying, that gentle stroke over your forehead when you can’t sleep. Energy healing is second nature to all human beings. If you care about other people and have compassion for their suffering, then you are definitely going to find this quite natural. If you don’t have that inclination then it’s better to focus on yourself for now. In saying that, it’s really no good trying to help others unless you have first spent the time to work on yourself and have developed a deep awareness of the healing energy. If you are full of stress and pain and put your hands on others, you may potentially try and use your own energy, and inadvertently pass on your stress-energy. Get yourself into the right space first, then you can move on to helping others heal.
For The Giver
The paradox is that we are giving healing and yet we are not. This paradox exists for two reasons. Firstly healing energy is universal and comes from another dimension, therefore, in reality, it’s not exactly ours to give. Secondly, we can’t actually heal others, or force changes in other people, so we’re not really capable of healing others. What we actually do is lovingly share truths, and healing energy with them, so it’s the energy itself that heals, and that only happens when the receiver tunes in, accepts, and receives the healing energy.
A baby, infant, or animal can easily tune in and receive because they have very little ‘Ego stuff’ in the way. In other words, they don’t have much baggage or resistance. They are not opinionated, full of attitudes or beliefs, and are much more of an open book, so can easily accept healing. It’s the adults that usually need to make several adjustments.
Understanding the nature and characteristics of healing energy can only serve to increase your natural ability and help you to become a greater channel for it. When it comes to healing others, what you mainly need to develop is your ability to channel the healing energy, and this comes with its own special set of basic principles.
I’m now going to share the secrets I have found work best for channeling healing energy. It comes down to these seven simple principles.
- Tune in with the source. Maintain the higher ‘unconditional love’ perspective by meditating often (daily).
- Become an open channel. Keep yourself clear, physically, emotionally, and mentally. You must hold onto nothing.
- Hold no attachment to outcomes. You have no control over the result when it comes to healing others. Let go of any expectations.
- Just ‘get out of the way’. Your-self must step aside as far as your personal agenda, and your ego is concerned.
- It’s not your energy. Never try and use your own energy, but rather tune in, and tap into the infinite reservoir, using the “I am” phrases.
- Love those you serve. Remember that we are all part of the human family and love must be 100% unconditional. We are all children of one great universal family.
- Wait to be guided. Trust the energy to guide and direct your hand movements and their timing. Don’t force anything and allow for variation.
For The Receiver
It’s also very important for the receiver to be in the right space to receive the healing energy for themselves. One of the most common methods used in the world is ‘faith healing’. This is where the believer is healed simply because they believe they will be healed. This practice has merit because, as I said, it’s scientifically recognized that the placebo effect accounts for up to 30% of the results in clinical trials. In other words, just because people believe they are taking a new ground-breaking medication, they get better, even when they’ve actually been given a complete fake, often just a sugar pill. The same principle applies to faith healing. We must allow for this as a factor when it comes to giving healing to others. Your faith in what you’re doing is equally important.
If you doubt yourself, or what you’re doing, or you come across at all ‘airy-fairy’ then it’s unlikely that your subject will feel confident in what you’re offering. The same applies to yourself. If you have doubts, fears, or even disbelief, then it’s very unlikely that you will have access to the healing energy. Remember it’s the absolute truth that makes the connection take place, and doubt or fear are not absolute truths.
Preparing The Mind
When I first meet a new client I take some time to get to know them and make them feel comfortable, just like we’re having a friendly discussion about their family life, work, background, etc. Then I give a little background to myself and explain what the healing is all about. I explain that it’s not me that does the healing and that I’m just going to help them connect directly to the healing energy for themselves.
I then proceed to share one, or maybe two of the principles of healing energy such as those we have talked about in earlier chapters. I usually draw a simple diagram and talk about the one-way nature of healing energy coming from above, and moving down through us vertically, and how we can simply tune and resonate, in order to receive it. My other most common discussion is around the simplicity principle and how complexity causes stress and disease. These two topics seem to work very well, as most people grasp them quickly.
I always adhere to the scientific references, keep it generic, and try not to raise any spiritual or religious eyebrows. When I talk about the unconditional nature of the source of healing energy, if often refer to the sun, and sunshine as a parable. The warmth and light from the sun are one-way, unconditional, and provides all life on the planet with energy. Even though God has thousands of names, just like everything else on Earth, due to culture and language differences, people still tend to think that theirs is the only correct name for God, or the only correct belief system or religion, so I try to avoid getting too deep into any religious discussions.
In saying that, it is worth briefly asking about their faith. That’s because if you can detect that somebody has a spiritual or religious affiliation, then it can work in their favour. For two reasons. Firstly you know that they have faith in a higher power and usually that comes with a belief in healing from either universal energy, or spiritual sources, and this is ideal. Secondly, you can often relate to them on the level of their beliefs around love, forgiveness, letting go, compassion, and other universally common spiritual principles that relate to purification, and self-healing.
In some cases, we talk about the meditation method, and I share the looking, listening, and feeling technique. This leads nicely to the next part of the session, which is where we get specific.
Targeting the healing
Before laying hands on somebody to give healing, it’s important to explain that all you’re going to do is tune in to the source with them, and simply share in the process of receiving the unconditional healing energy together. The healing energy comes from the universal source and not from you, but when the two of you ‘tune in’ together the channel is opened up many times wider and the healing energy received is potentially much more powerful than doing it alone.
The person who is receiving the healing is the one we must target with the energy, so making the session specific to them is imperative. It can take a little digging and questioning, but what you need to look for are patterns and behaviours that may be blocking them from tuning in, resonating, and receiving a good connection with the healing energy.
Here are some of the most common resistance-generating issues somebody might have.
- A complete lack of faith in anything spiritual (atheism)
- A belief that life has no purpose, and/or that life is completely unfair
- Attitudes of anger with the system, society, some institution, or group of people
- Resentment, unforgiveness, or bitterness towards somebody, or for past events
- Unworthiness, a feeling of not being good enough
- Grief or sorrow, related to attachment, and a loss of possessions or relationships
- Feelings of isolation, being disconnected, or not fitting in
- Anxiety, fear of life situations, sickness or death
- The big ego or the ‘know-it-all’. It’s impossible for a person to receive healing when they think they know everything. They will talk a lot and not listen.
None of these patterns are in line with ‘absolute truth’ or to the giving and receiving of unconditional love. Making some simple adjustments will greatly increase access to, and awareness of the healing energy. It is important not to get into details, begin a counseling session, or start giving detailed advice. The key to getting a powerful experience of healing energy to the receiver is ‘keep it simple’ and trigger a greater general understanding of life, or give them an epiphany around some key principle. Sometimes people may have all of the above barriers combined, so you will need to choose which is the most obvious point of resistance and address that first.
Once you have uncovered their most clear pattern of self-sabotage you can formulate an antidote. Using the phrases mentioned earlier for meditation as examples, you can come up with a short phrase that may correct some errors in thinking. I always explain that the healing phrase is a meditative affirmation. This is best described as a motto or phrase which will become their Mantra for the next little while, during this upcoming next phase of their healing journey. They may not accept this phrase at the present, but that’s OK. You will need to explain that this is to cause a change to take place, and to resolve some conflict or resistance to the unconditional healing energy. Remember, any absolute truth will simplify their inner process and directly connect them to the healing energy.
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Here is a couple of classic examples.
- The person is angry with their ex-spouse for cheating, consequently, they’ve divorced, lost their house, and are worried about future income to pay the bills. This can be making them sick, mentally, emotionally, and physically. They are suffering from anxiety, depression, and irritable bowel syndrome. Their healing phrase could be“I am moving forward with Love” or “I am trusting in my journey”
- The person is drinking, smoking, and suffering from addictive eating behaviours due to an abusive childhood family situation, and the resulting lack of self-esteem. This is severely interfering with their health and causing many other physical symptoms including chest pain and indigestion. Their healing phrase could be “I am fulfilled and peaceful” or“I am always loved”
The trick is to share the understanding that these phrases are not necessarily something they already accept or believe. Instead, the words are actually universal truths, and it’s their experiences with falsity in the world around these phrases which have led them to believe in something that is not true, and this is where the disconnect took place. The new ‘true’ information needs to be integrated and accepted, and it’s the repetition of these healing phrases that will allow them to reconnect with healing energy. Peace, warmth, comfort, and healing will be their evidence of this truth.
They may struggle at first, but ultimately, as the phrases take hold, healing will occur, especially when practiced with the new knowledge, and the powerful meditation method you can share with them. Other phrases may look like those we mentioned for healing ourselves earlier. Be careful not to complicate these phrases, but keep them simple and be sure they are universal absolute truths, not just more worldly ideas. It is important that we don’t use any opinions or beliefs, only generic undeniable truths.
Laying on Hands
The laying on of hands for healing has been practiced for thousands of years and numerous techniques have been developed. The reason it works so well is that energy is able to move very quickly when we make direct physical contact. The act of just resting your hand on somebody’s head or shoulders immediately initiates the energy healing process. Once again, it’s not rocket science, but more like second nature, and should be an act of loving effortlessness.
Before starting the laying on of hands, I always suggest a couple of things to prepare the receiver. I usually mention a few words like these.
- Let’s meditate on the healing phrase together during the session. It will bring things up, which is natural, but when you find your mind wandering, just remember to come back to the healing phrase. This will quieten the mind.
- You can do the look, listen, and feel meditation while we are doing the healing. Take note of what you experience. Whatever you feel, whether it’s heat, tingling, pressure, or even the occasional twinge, it’s all OK, and just part of the process.
- Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths and let’s get started. Remember to keep breathing deep and slow.
I always start with the person lying on a massage table, but you can also do it with them sitting in a chair.
Starting from the top, and working your way down is best, however, I do lay hands on the head and stomach for the first 3-4 minutes, just to establish a connection. Usually, I will spend about 5-7 minutes on each of the following positions.
- The head, on the temples, and then on the top of the head.
- Next, I rest my hands on the shoulders, then the heart and stomach.
- Finally either side, just below the rib cage. I never touch below the navel, but simply sweep the energy towards the feet.
- Often I will massage the feet a little, just to ground the person before bringing them back.
The time frame on each position and the exact positions, you can develop for yourself based on what you feel, and how the energy is moving. If you feel the energy moving through you, that is great. It usually means that healing energy is doing its thing, and you should wait until any obvious energy movement quietens down before moving on to the next position. You may feel pressure, magnetism, heat, vibrations, small electrical impulses, or even pain in your hands, as energy moves, and is released. You may also experience wonderful feelings of bliss and a sense of spiritual ecstasy. In any of these cases, once again, stay in that area until it calms down, and then move on. If energy is moving in any of these forms, it means healing is taking place. There is no point analysing it, as the healing energy is far too intelligent for us to understand, and all we do is complicate things, which further confuses the situation.
After you have spent 30-40 minutes on a person, the job should be done. Always suggest they continue with self-healing and daily meditations, continuing to use the phrases when they go home. Usually, I would suggest they also try the hand positions for healing themselves as well. Even 10-20 minutes a day will keep the ball rolling. Often it takes 2-3 sessions before the person is comfortable enough with the process to take it forward by themselves. Ultimately, you want them to become connected for themselves and not depend on you for ongoing healing.
The key to success in this depends on both you and the receiver tuning in to the energy together and having absolute trust in the process. Most of all, enjoy your healing experience.
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