Try this delicious warming recipe during your Herbal DETOX or Herbal SLIM program. It is filling and hearty and makes you feel very satisfied. Serves 2 people Ingredients: 1 x Medium Kumara (sweet potato) or 2 Parsnips 1 x Large Leek 1 x Large Broccoli Salsa: Coconut oil 1 x Onion 6 x large cloves of garlic 1 x Capsicum Garlic Shoots Tomato paste 250gm Cumin powder Oregano herb Paprika powder Cayenne pepper Turmeric powder Soy Sauce Apple cider vinegar Honey Method: Scrub the Sweet potato and oven bake in Jacket for 45 minutes at 180 Celsius. While the Sweet potato is baking finely slice leek and dice broccoli and place in a saucepan with only 2cm of water. You will want to simmer the saucepan for about 10 minutes and time this in with the Sweet Potato. Salsa method: On the side, dice the onion, garlic shoots, and garlic and place in a frying pan with 2 Tbsp of Coconut oil (or cold-pressed olive oil). Saute while adding the herbs to your taste. This will create a kind of curry paste. Gently blend in 1 Tbsp honey, 1 Tbsp vinegar, and 1 Tbsp soya sauce, then add the tomato paste and diced capsicum. Add a little water until you get the consistency of salsa you prefer. You are now ready to serve. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal DETOX n’ SLIM program Stupendous Sweet Potato: Sweet potatoes pack a powerful nutritional punch. The average sweet potato contains over 400% of your daily needs for vitamin A, more than any other food including beef liver, spinach, and carrots. Vitamin A is essential for the proper function of the retinal cells in the eyes. That’s where the old saying “Eat your carrots and you will be able to see in the dark” originated. Now you can tell your children to “Eat your sweet potato” as well.
Super Alkalizing Green Detox Smoothie
This is one of my all-time favorites, the super spinach alkalizing green smoothie, made in my favorite kitchen appliance, the Ladyship blender, and juicer. Add some ginger to help reduce bloating and gas. Recipe: 1 x bunch of raw Spinach (or Kale) 1 x 2cm thick slice of fresh Pineapple 1 x Apple (optional) 1 small Lemon (or orange) 2 x stevia tablets (or dessertspoon of honey) 1 x BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim smoothie sachet 8-10 ice cubes 1 glass of water to help puree Blend until smoothie and drink until completely satisfied. If you want to know more about the blender check it out by clicking here You will be supercharged and ready to go all day with this meal in a glass. If you’re detoxing then this will solve the “what do it eat” question, as you simply don’t feel hungry after consuming this. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n’ SLIM program Spinach This amazing superfood contains an incredible nutrient value. For example, it is a good source of: Vitamins K (1,110% RDA), A (337.3% RDA), Manganese (84% RDA), Folate (65.7% RDA), Magnesium (38% RDA), Iron (35% RDA), Vitamin C (31% RDA), Vitamin B2 (27% RDA), Calcium (25% RDA) Potassium (23% RDA), Vitamin E (21% RDA), Fiber (19% RDA), together with other vitamins from the B complex, carotenes, iodine, phosphorus, some trace elements and several amino acids. This smoothie is created to help reduce the toxic levels of acid in our body. Acid builds up when we consume too much fried food, sugar, meat, and coffee to mention just a few. Acid creates Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Gout by causing the body to leach calcium into the circulation. Acid is another toxin that a good Herbal DETOX can reduce.
Indian Style Cauliflower Curry
This great simple coconut curry can be made with all kinds of vegetables depending on their availability. This makes it very versatile. Super healthy during your herbal detox, and incredibly delicious you need to make plenty of this dish for the whole family. Serves 4 people Ingredients: 1 1⁄2 tablespoons extra virgin oil 1⁄2 tsp cumin seeds (optional) 1⁄2 large white onion diced up 2 x garlic cloves crushed 2 tsp hot curry powder 1 x 440gm can of diced tomatoes 3 tbsp of tomato paste 400ml of water 2 x average sized zucchinis or a quarter of a cabbage 1/2 Buttercup Pumpkin 1 heaped cup of cauliflower florets 1 large carrot or red capsicum 1⁄2 cup coconut milk Chopped cilantro Pinch of salt Add in Brown rice if doing the 1 or month DETOX & SLIM Programs if you wish Method: Puree the tomatoes with 400ml of water and tomato paste. Heat oil in pan or wok. Add cumin seeds. When they sizzle, add chopped onion and cook until lightly browned. Add minced garlic and curry powder then stir for 30 seconds. Pour in pureed tomatoes, coconut milk and salt then bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, cover, and simmer for about 10 minutes or till the sauce thickens a little. Add chopped zucchinis (or cabbage), cauliflower, and carrot (red capsicum) then simmer until zucchini is soft. Serve with cilantro sprinkled on top. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Sweet & Sour Chinese Style
This is a nice variation on Chinese sweet and sour. You can use these ingredients or try other vegetables of your choice. If you’re doing the one or two-month Herbal DETOX program then you could include some cubed fish, and if you’re doing the Herbal SLIM program then you could even try cubed chicken. Just quickly stir-fry the meat first, place aside and add back in just before serving. Serves 4 people Ingredients: Vegetables: 1 x large onion 6 x cloves of garlic 2 x carrots 2 x capsicums 1 x small head of broccoli 6 x flat mushrooms 1 x handful of spinach greens (or green runner beans) 1 x ring of pineapple chopped into pieces Sauce: 1⁄2 cup tomato paste 2 tbsp fresh ginger 1 small lemon 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp turmeric 2 dstp honey 1 tsp cayenne 1 dstp soy sauce Method: First of all mix the sauce, by melting the honey in hot water. Place dry ingredients in a bowl and mix, while adding soy sauce, lemon juice, and melted honey. Combine with tomato paste and fresh ginger. Then chop all vegetables into bite-size pieces as you desire. Slice and stir fry the mushrooms first and place to one side. Sauté in olive oil the onions, garlic for 2 minutes, then add the carrots, broccoli until half cooked and still crunchy. Add the spinach greens, mushrooms, pineapple and sauce and allow to come to a gentle simmer to 2 minutes. Serve fresh with a sprinkling of fresh cilantro. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Program Precious Pineapple: 1 cup of fresh pineapple yields 130% of your daily Vitamin C, 2% of vitamin A, 2% of Calcium, and 2% of your iron requirements. Pineapple is a rich source of vitamins and minerals including thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, manganese, and potassium. Pineapple is the only known source of the protein-digesting enzyme Bromelain, which has been studied in relation to alleviating joint pain, arthritis, reduce inflammation, inhibit tumor growth, and shorten recovery time following plastic surgery.
Fresh Beetroot Salad
This is a very filling and super nourishing combination. I had it two nights in a row on my detox. There are two parts to this dinner recipe and yet it only takes about 20 minutes to prepare. It’s really great how this type of food can detox and heal your body. Serves 2 people Beetroot salad Ingredients: 1 Large can of beetroot 2 stalks of celery 2 sprigs of spring onion 1/2 a white onion, or a handful of cocktail pickled onions 2 Tomatoes A handful of Kalamata olives A handful of Corriander (cilantro) and or Basil leaves Method: Chop all ingredients into bite-sized pieces and stir together, Serve with homemade vinaigrette and yogurt dressing. Get the Vinaigrette Reicpe Here Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Curry Thai Pumpkin Soup
This is a great little warmer for your two-week or one-month Detox program. It has the benefit of coconut milk which is good fat, especially if you can get good quality organic coconut cream. The combination of coconut and chili (in the red curry paste) is truly rewarding. Serves 4 people Ingredients: ½ Crown pumpkin 2 stalks of celery 1 x 440gm can of coconut cream 200ml water 2 dstsp butter 2 dstsp authentic Thai red curry paste 1 dstsp crushed garlic or 6 cloves 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp ginger 1 tsp thyme Method: Chop pumpkin into 1-inch cubes and boil until soft. Drain mash and set aside. Melt butter stirring in dried herbs and spices and sauté for 1 minute. Stir in garlic, curry paste, and coconut milk. (If you like to warmer you can increase the Thai curry paste) Finally, add the pumpkin and allow it to simmer, stirring gently. Blend the soup in a blender until smooth and creamy. Serve with fresh cilantro and a swirl of cream. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n’ SLIM program Powerful Pumpkin: Pumpkin is one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that gives orange the color to vegetables. The body converts it into vitamin A in the body. Foods high in beta-carotene may reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer and can delay aging and body deterioration. Blood pressure: Eating pumpkin is good for the heart! The fiber, potassium, and vitamin C content in pumpkin all support heart health. Consuming adequate potassium is almost as important as decreasing sodium intake for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure). Other foods that are high in potassium include bananas, oranges, pineapple, spinach, and tomatoes.
Mashed Cauli
This recipe makes 4 generous servings. During Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal Detox it’s a perfect time to enjoy colourful salads, homemade vegetable juices, loads of fruit and vegetables, soups, dips, and raw delights. However, we understand that for some people, especially those who are not yet used to the rewards of eating whole, live vegetables a little hankering for something more comforting is normal. So… mashed potatoes, anyone? Here’s a culinary trick to try that will have you wishing you’d cooked more. It’s our version of ‘Mashed Potato’ Cauliflower. Even people who claim not to be fans of cauliflower are surprised at how much they enjoy it this way. Ingredients 1 head of cauliflower (large as possible as people really like this dish) 3 cloves garlic A few tablespoons of full-fat milk and/or plain yogurt Knob of butter Pepper and unrefined salt to taste Paprika, spring onion, or herbs to garnish Method Cut cauliflower into florets. Steam or boil with chopped garlic until tender. Drain, place in blender with the milk/yogurt mixture and the butter. Add salt and pepper, then blend until smooth. Serve with a sprinkle of paprika, spring onion, or herbs. Delish! Perfect For: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Grapefruit & Pineapple Smoothie
Great for supporting liver health, and improving digestion of proteins, this smoothie is super high in enzymes and has a wonderfully refreshing fruity flavour. Ingredients: 1 x grapefruit 1 x slice of pineapple (a cup of pineapple in natural juice) 1 x DETOX n SLIM Protein sachet 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt 1 cup of water Method: If you don’t have a Ladyship Blender then peel the grapefruit.If you do then cut it into slices. Add grapefruit to the Blender followed by the unsweetened yogurt and water. Add in the DETOX n SLIM Protein powder. Blend until smooth then pour into a glass. Did you know? Grapefruit contains high levels of Vitamin a, xanthin, lutein, and naringenin — all great antioxidants. it is also a good source of potassium, vitamin C, and fibre. Grapefruit interacts with many drugs so check with your doctor if you are taking any prescription medication. Alternatively, substitute an orange in this recipe. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program