Unconditional Energy Healing 2-Day Certificate Workshop



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Unconditional Energy Healing 2-Day Certificate Workshop

  • What exactly is Healing Energy?
  • Where does it come from, and how do we tap into it?
  • What are the universal rules that healing energy follows?
  • How does it actually work to heal our bodies?

Whether you’re a health professional, a natural-born healer, or a curious soul embarking on a journey of self-discovery, this transformative workshop is your gateway to a new level of understanding. Unlock the secrets to harnessing infinite, universal healing energy and become a master of your own health and well-being.

The Big Energy Law We All Break!

Most of us have been applying the core fundamental, universal law of energy flow incorrectly. In fact, we all break this law regularly. It goes back to a basic falsity in what we have been told about exchanging energy with the world around us.
This misalignment is at the root of our most common health conditions including — pain, fatigue, stress, depression and anxiety. Once you understand and realise the true flow of universal energy, you can then tap into an inexhaustible reservoir of unconditional healing energy.

What You'll Learn

By the end of this two-day workshop, you’ll have a deep understanding of groundbreaking principles and techniques that will change your approach to health forever, not only benefiting you, but also those around you. 

Not only will you have direct access to tune-in, connect, feel and receive the unconditional energy, but you will know how to manipulate it and keep the flow of unconditional healing energy going for years to come.

Meet Your Guide: Brett Elliott

With over 25 years of practise and thousands of incredible healings, Brett Elliott has simplified the art of energy healing into easy-to-follow steps. He will share knowledge and insights that can trigger immediate and profound changes in your life. Read Brett’s Story Here

What You Receive

  • Two days of Intensive Interactive Workshop Sessions with Brett  
  • Workshop Manual
  • A Copy of Brett’s book “Unconditional Energy Healing”
  • Delicious Food and Meals from Brett’s Healing Recipes
  • Exclusive offer on Brett’s Herbal Programs

Venue: Brett's Home/Clinic

Workshop Overview

Day One: The Foundation

Understanding Universal Consciousness
  • Learn the concept and its importance in unconditional healing.
Transcending the Ego
  • Step-by-step guide to achieving a higher state of consciousness.

Universal Laws of Energy Flow

  • The physics behind universal energy flow and its application to human health.
Understanding Healing Energy
  • Demystifying the true nature of healing energy.

Day Two: Practical Application

Clearing Blockages
  • Learn groundbreaking channeling principles to clear energy blockages.
Programming Yourself to Heal
  • Use the power of your mind to upgrade your DNA.
Hands-on Healing
  • A practical session to apply your new skills.

Certification & Refreshments

  • Receive a certificate of completion and enjoy food and refreshments throughout the event.

With over 25 years of professional practice as an energy healer, Brett Elliott has developed the energy healing art into a science, and he simplifies everything down into simple steps that anyone can use.

Brett will share deep insights and knowledge that can promote energy healing right in the present moment, plus trigger profound changes in perspective, and awareness, and promote emotional/mental peace.

His beautifully illustrated 200 page book ‘Unconditional Energy Healing’ describes the method in great detail and this two-day interactive workshop is designed to empower you to take that next step on your healing journey.

The workshop price includes a workshop manual, a copy of Brett’s Book ‘Unconditional Energy Healing’ plus a very special offer on Brett’s Herbal Programs.

“One thing I have found that makes all the difference when it comes to triggering physical healing is that the body/mind/spirit must resonate in harmony. Human beings all seem to suffer from the same fundamental problem. We don’t understand how to manage our own energy flow correctly and our exchange with the world continually lets us down. I have developed a scientifically based method to tap into and manipulate healing energy, and I teach it very clearly so you can practice it yourself at home. Join me at my clinic in Tauranga and learn Unconditional Energy Healing for yourself over 2 power-packed days of interactive workshops. Knowledge really is power. Brett


See What people are saying about this workshop Below

Once you purchase the workshop ticket, you’ll receive a confirmation email and further details about the venue will be provided.

Additional information

Workshop Venue and Date

Brett Elliott's Clinic – 16-17 Nov 2024

15 reviews for Unconditional Energy Healing 2-Day Certificate Workshop

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 15 reviews)
Very good0%


September 20, 2023

I really enjoyed how well Brett had structured all of the content, I felt like it flowed well and complex topics were easy to digest. And the best bit was getting to put all of the theory into practice I really enjoyed Brett’s knowingness, humbleness & amazing diagrams.

September 20, 2023

A tremendous experience, the course is very well structured and I learned a lot through this experience. I am leaving invigorated and grateful, so pleased to have met such lovely people. I enjoyed getting to understand the logic behind the concepts.

September 20, 2023

Beautifully lead, keep it open to all understandings of spiritual understanding. The church could sure do with these understandings too. I enjoyed the practical hands-on, the hospitality, and the love. All participants were seeking the same direction, healing for themselves and others.

September 20, 2023

At first, when I saw the program I thought all the theory would be a lot, but it never felt like too much and the practice hands-on time at the end was enough, with the great background understanding of what we’re doing. Love the simplicity. What I enjoyed most was the lovely energy of everyone. Learning and doing self-healing and practising. Thanks very much.

September 20, 2023

Such a rich two days gaining new insights around the nature of the universal and availability/extent of the healing energy than the application of that will then/between group members. Much new leading and much encouragement thank you for such warm and generous hospitality too!!! What I enjoyed most was all the meal/break times, sharing refreshments!


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