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Ultimate Addiction and Withdrawals Combo Deal



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Combo Deal – Itemized value (NZD)

Total Value NZD $477.50

Combo Price $357.00 = Savings 25% Discount (Save up to $120.00)

If you’re trying to quit an addictive substance or bad habit and want to manage the inevitable detox withdrawal symptoms, you’ve come the right page.

The Ultimate Herbal Detox Withdrawal Combo is also good for helping reduce migraines and long-term tension headaches. The Ultimate Herbal Detox Withdrawals Combo gives you everything you need to get through the detox withdrawals and headaches.

Choose the option with either the BrianGlo Liquid or add Ultimate herbal Detox or BodiClenz program if you want also support your body to detox toxins or substances you have recently quit or been exposed to.

BrainGlo Liquid Formulation

Unlike other liquids that are around, Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal BrainGlo is 100% herbal and made with clinical strength herbal extracts, made right here in New Zealand. The herbs can help improve the health of the entire Brain and assist with healthy circulation, hormonal balance, and cognition within the brain. Brainglo contains a blend of key tonic herbs to help protect and support brain health. It can be used over the long term as a tonic, or in short bursts for tension headache relief.

It contains a blend of the following herbal extracts in a base of pure New Zealand bush honey.
Click the names to read more about each ingredient.

  • NZ Bush Honey
  • Licorice – Great for energy, stamina, and blood sugar balance.
  • Bacopa – Administration of BM appears to nourish rather than deplete neurons, an action compatible with 1400 years of Ayurvedic study.
  • Ginkgo Biloba – Inhibits platelet aggregation (anti-PAF) to reduce blood viscosity, improves circulation.
  • Gotu Kola –  Studies have shown Gotu Kola to re-vitalize the brain and nervous system, increase attention span and concentration, and combat aging.
  • St John’s wort – Helps to keep serotonin available in neuron synapses (spaces between nerve endings) of the brain. Take with professional guidance if using migraine drugs. St John’s wort protects the liver, nourishes, repairs, and calms the entire nervous system, and relieves pain.
  • Bilberry – Blueberry intake has been shown to increase brain activity, memory, and learning and to decrease age-related cognitive decline.  Cognitive performance in elderly adults improved after 12 wk of daily intake of blueberry.
  • Turmeric – Strong anti-inflammatory, digestive, and liver support, blood thinning.
  • Feverfew – Grow feverfew in the garden and chew on a few leaves when you experience a migraine aura. It is thought to work by inhibiting the generation and release of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Feverfew has also been shown to inhibit serotonin release from platelets, aiding blood vessel tone and constriction. This is a very bitter herb that promotes digestive secretions for improved food assimilation. Feverfew can also be taken prophylactically (as a preventative) – consume 2 to 3 leaves every day to reduce the frequency of migraines.
  • Saffron – The active components in saffron protect neurons in the brain and increase the concentration of neurotransmitters in the synapses, thus enhancing cognitive function.
  • Ginger – Another plant that improves blood circulation; inhibits thromboxane and other prostaglandins. Relieves inflammation, nausea, and vomiting.

Take 10ml twice daily or 5ml four times daily, depending on the severity of the headache.
Click here to buy just this ‘Detox Headache’ Liquid formulation

Satisfed New

Satisfed Capsules

As one part of the four-part Ultimate Herbal SLIM program, Satisfed plays an important role in controlling hunger, blood sugar levels, and emotional food cravings.

Just four capsules daily 1/2 hour prior to the most common craving periods are effective at reducing bad habits, or 1/2 hour before meals to reduce serving size.

Click the ingredients’ names to see further research.


Read more about Satisfed Capsules Here

Satisfed Herbal Tea

A delicious blend of Green tea, Yerba Mate and Stevia. It’s the ideal herbal tea to replace sugary drinks, reduce cravings and increase positivity.

A blend of herbs to help improve brain function and increase metabolic energy. The ideal strategy to combat food cravings, emotional eating, and other addictive behaviours. Best taken during the afternoons to reduce midday snack cravings.

Contains the following herbs:

  • Green Tea –   Clinical studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat. Green tea has been used traditionally to control blood sugar levels.
  • Yerba Mate – The reported effects include improved total mood disturbance score, increased focus, alertness, and energy, and decreased fatigue in habitual caffeine consumers. Modifying behavioral factors of mood state and appetite control
  • Stevia – Used as a natural sweetener, Stevia contains a compound that is 200 x Sweeter than sugar and when used can help to balance blood sugar and reduce hunger.

Read more about Satisfed Tea Blend Here 

Herbal BodiTune

Another option is to include BodiTune, which is 50% vegan protein and contains all of the Detoxifying herbs, along with all of the craving control and appetite suppressants, which can be very helpful with conquering addictive or emotional eating habits. 1 scoop in your morning smoothie or in your shaker bottle during the day can make a huge difference to your energy levels and cravings throughout the entire day.

Read more about BodiTune drink powder here 

Herbal DETOX Program or BodiClenz

Another option is to choose to get one of these Ultimate Herbal Detox 480 capsules or Herbal BodiClenz 500g drink powder included with your program for a 14-day deep inner body cleanse. This will focus your program more on the detoxifying and elimination of residues and by-products of substances and their long-term toxic effects. This option is a great choice if you want to quit for good and get clean, or if you are looking to get drug tested for a new job.

You can use the Detox option first for 2 weeks, then repeat the program again with the BodiTune option for another month to set your new ‘good habits’ in stone.

Good luck on your mission should you decide to accept it. We are here to help anytime via live chat, email or phone.

Please Note – Detox Capsules are Gelatin and BodiClenz drink is Vegan.

Additional information

Weight 2.0 kg
Dimensions 30 × 25 × 15 cm
Withdrawal Combo Options

With BrainGlo Liquid, With BodiTune Added, With BodiClenz Added, With Herbal DETOX Added


Download as a PDF Here


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The cloud has lifted - No more Migraines

November 13, 2024

I started using Brainglo about 2 months ago, and immediately I felt the cloud had lifted. My brain fog was gone, and soon i realsed that I was no longer getting my monthly migraines. This is a life-changing outcome for me, and I will be using Brainglo from this day forward. Thanks for a great product Brett


It does make a difference but takes some dedication...

May 9, 2019

I did the 14 day Ultimate Detox. The program took just over 2 weeks to complete, by the time I had initiated the diet and eliminated all the carbs and proteins. I thought taking 40 capsules a day would be impossible but it was quite easy – got to the stage of swallowing 5 at a time! I felt great by day 4 on the capsules, and started to noticeably lose weight – I dropped 7kgs in 2 weeks, and a month later have kept it off. I found the (lack of) food really difficult, however have since made some long term changes to my diet. Have said good bye to bread, potatoes and sugar which were regulars in my diet in the past. Had a great energy boost in the middle of the detox but actually felt dreadful for the last 4 days of it!

Mixed feelings about the detox – the first 2/3rds of it I felt amazing, the last 4 days on the capsules, then 3 days after the capsules were completed I felt absolutely terrible with severe constipation. I didn’t experience the colon clean out that I expected and did not pass any plaque at any time. However the greatest benefit for me was losing 7kgs in the two weeks I was on the detox, and a month after completing it, I have kept the weight off (the detox was part of my goal to lose 15kgs in total at the recommendation of my doctor). I have also stopped eating a lot of gluten containing products and potatoes as well as being much more aware of my diet in general. I have also cut all added sugar from my diet. So there have been some real positives as a result of doing the detox and I see the benefits of doing it perhaps twice a year. However sticking to the fairly strict super vegan (as I referred to it) diet was really a struggle, as well as not drinking any alcohol for the two week period. But ultimately I felt it did me good, and lots of my work mates and friends commented in the 2nd week of the detox how amazingly clean my skin looked and how shiny my eyes were. I have recommended the detox, I would do it again.


My dark cloud has lifted. I feel so in touch with God - Tracey

May 9, 2019

I just wanted to let you know how things are going. Firstly, I want to give you a little background so you can fully appreciate my thanks. I have experienced anxiety and binge eating on and off since my childhood. Recently, it has been a fierce force in my life and I have been in a battle with it intensely for the last 6 months. At night when alone, I turn to high sugar/fat processed sweets and eat until I am in pain, physically and spiritually. And you can imagine how hard it was to then have to go to work with the guilt and thousands of calories of toxic sugar coursing through my body. I began attending a 12 step program to renew and strengthen my relationship with God and help me with my compulsion, as well as speak to my GP about my condition. He took bloods and recommended a clean diet. I’ve been on so many bloody diets that I was not going to do that. I wanted to invest. To commit. To promise. So I invested in your product. I did not do the initial stage of eliminating foods from my diet (I’m compulsive, remember!), I just jumped in with 10 days of 4 protein sachets a day, and raw fruit/veggie and dairy. Today is day 10. My dark cloud has lifted. I feel so in touch with God, with my body’s needs (I actually recognise and acknowledge hunger/satiety), and do not feel anxiety around food or eating. 10 days of complete peace around food. Plus, I feel nourished by the purity of your product, and the goodness and truth in your literature. So! I’m going to keep going for a while because I feel so great! I have just bought three more packs – thank you for the fast delivery! My doctor weighed me at the start, but I do not want to weigh myself because this is not about weight. It is about feeding my body and soul the best because I deserve to let this light keen shining! Thank you 🙂 Tracey


A great way to break your bad habits

May 9, 2019

It keeps the hunger at bay. Your literature has helped me to better understand the benefits of eating whole foods and eliminating the processed foods which slow down your bodies ability to absorb goodness and slows down the ability to eliminate waste. I have managed to lose over 10 kgs to date and am on track to reach my goal of losing 30 kgs. I have increased the amount of water I drink each day which helps to eliminate the occasional hunger pangs I get between meals. I have cut out all of the “crap” food – sugars, muffins and other nasties. Snacking on dried fruit and nuts when I need to. I have reduced my meal size, particularly the meat portion as well. I have a real focus now on what I need to do and what I should and should not eat. It makes the process of losing weight so much easier when you better understand better , the impacts of bad eating habits on your body.


It works! If you want to change then this is it!

May 9, 2019

I did the Ultimate detox program for 7 days. It works. My sugar cravings are gone. My skin cleared up from breakouts. I lost 7 pounds and I kicked the coffee habit. I have no desire to drink coffee. I now drink herbal caffeine free tea and plenty of water. I feel great. I highly recommend The Ultimate Detox program to anyone that wants a change for the better in their body, mind, and spirit. #This is it!!


It's Actually Amazing! Sugar Habit Has Gone

May 9, 2019

Hi Brett. I just wanted to touch base with you. I finished my two-week detox two weeks ago, and I am basically just eating the same food. I have not had any desire to eat red meat or chicken, nor bread or any wheat. I have had fish a couple of times (my body telling me to have it). It’s actually amazing. My sugar habit has gone, and if I want sweet, I have baked pears or a piece of fruit. I intend to continue this way, one meal, one day at a time. Thank you for all of the support from you and your Team during the detox, it was extremely helpful to have my questions answered so promptly and wisely.


Sugar Cravings Gone

May 9, 2019

The Detox sure did cure all my sugar cravings!!


Great Cleanse & Helps Ditch Bad Habits

May 9, 2019

Such a great cleanse. Really helps kickstart great eating habits and ditch the bad habits. Both me and my husband feel amazing!! My husband has moved on the BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim too and he’s really enjoying it!! Great products!


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