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See Inside the Ultimate Herbal SLIM

Herbal Slim Supplements
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  • 2 years ago
  • 3Minutes
  • 673Words
  • 630Views

The Ultimate Herbal SLIM program contains 480 capsules of pure herbs. These herbs have been carefully selected and blended to provide you with a fully rounded and balanced effect on your body.

You also receive the beautifully illustrated Slim User Guide and Recipe Booklet which guides you step by step through the Herbal SLIM program. The herbs and the user guide come in a stylish carry box for your convenience.

The goal is to boost your metabolism, reduce cravings, cleanse your digestive system and increase your energy. Let’s look at the individual herbal products in detail.




Nutrition Information

Supplement facts on the Herbal Slim program


Cleansa Stimulating Laxative bottle

Cleansa provides a wonderful bowel cleansing and digestive tonic effect. The herbs are designed to stimulate bowel movements and liver function. This in turn improves digestion and elimination.

A healthy digestive function is very important in the way our body processes food which gives us energy. Supporting a healthy digestive function is crucial to effectively managing our weight long term.

By helping to remove excess build-up from our colon, Cleansa helps speed the elimination of excess pounds which may have accumulated inside our intestines.

This also increases energy and improves the assimilation of nutrients.

By supporting liver function, Cleansa has the side benefit of encouraging a natural detox of chemical waste from the body.

Each capsule contains:



Satisfed Craving Cutter bottle
Satisfed has powerful appetite-controlling properties. The main ingredient, Caralluma is a cactus that has been used in India for centuries for its stamina and energy-giving properties. It tells the brain that you don’t need more food.

The second main ingredient is the herb Gymnema which powerfully supports healthy pancreas function. It has even been shown to reverse the decline of blood sugar control associated with diabetes.

The combined effect of these herbs is to give a sense of stability and energy which reduces the cravings for snacks, junk foods, and addictive behaviors.
This product supports the long-term health of the pancreas and is crucial to the success of a long-term weight management program such as the Ultimate herbal SLIM program.

Each capsule contains:



Thermogenik Metabolic Boost bottle

This powerful thermogenic combines all of the world’s greatest energy-giving herbs into one bottle. A two-month supply of a product like this normally retails for the same price as the entire herbal SLIM program.

It provides you with the energy you have been missing by boosting the metabolic rate of cells, circulation, and brain function. You will feel like getting back in the gym or going out for regular walks once this product gets into your circulation.
This kickstart is an integral part of our weight management approach. It also reduces the need for snacks, junk foods, and overeating because you feel energized by it.
Please check out the label for full ingredient details, and compare the value of this product to others.

Each capsule contains:



Xtrafood Nutrient Support bottle

Xtrafood is full of concentrated nutrients from some of nature’s greatest super-foods including spirulina, kelp, barley grass, and beetroot.

Because a lot of our foods are grown in nutrient-deficient soils we often end up with a deficiency in one or another essential nutrient.

This can leave us with an unexplainable feeling of hunger and causes all kinds of food cravings.
By providing a combination of super-foods, Xtrafood assists with energy levels, appetite control, and a general sense of wellbeing.

The perfect product to complete the Ultimate herbal SLIM program and add that extra value to your efforts.

Each capsule contains:

  • Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare) leaf
  • Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)
  • Beetroot (Beta vulgaris-cicla)
  • Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) leaf
  • Spirulina (Spirulina platensis)
  • White Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)

Reviews and Feedback

Like you said it really does work

Hi There,

Here is my testimonial.

I am 60 years old and over the past 5 years I have noticed an increase of 10ks gradually creep up on me, what disheartened me was that no matter what I did I wasn’t able to budge the weight, I put this down to menopause, old age, slowing down. But I also didn’t want to accept it and I began to feel disappointed in my self, I wished my clothes would fit as good as they used to and I began to look at bigger sizes, and more lose fitting garments.

I also became concerned regarding my eating because to me I felt that I was almost eating nothing even my partner would comment on the small portions that I had, and still the weight stayed.

Just before Christmas 2009 I went to the shopping mall and looked through the Health shop products, I saw the shakes but felt no inclination to live on them and then I spied Brett’s book, it had a small sign above it saying “please give these out it really works,” so I took one and went and got a coffee and read through it, something clicked for me, I think it was connected with the idea of eating whole good food and through doing this I would lose weight, I mean it makes sense doesn’t it?

So I went that day and brought the herbal slim kit, I didn’t start it until the 1st of January 2010 on that day I weighted 70kg and 3 months later I am 64kg, the biggest changes I have made apart from taking the herbs is to cook with olive oil and to not eat any gluten, I notice that if I eat out or I have been on holiday and my weight goes up it then comes back quickly, as I resume my routine of herbs and healthy diet I like to weigh my self regularly so that I can keep an eye on how I am doing,

Some tips that have helped me is to add LSA to my diet, and I mostly stick to having fresh fruit and yoghurt for breakfast I cut the fruit up the night before and that makes it more easy for me in the morning

At night time I throw some extra vegis in a pot and boil up some soup that then is easy for me to take to work for lunch with rice crackers, I keep my food simple and make more effort in the weekends.

It’s been a great thrill to have work colleges and husband notice my loss in weight and now 1 other person at work is on the slim kit, it really is so easy, thank you for your product it is healthy, natural and good, like you said it” really does work”




The Herbal Slim Kit fitted my lifestyle, it's not a fad diet

Hi There,

For some time I had been unhappy with my weight and finally I made the decision to lose at least 5 kg. The Herbal Slim Kit fitted my life style, not a serious or fad diet but a healthy eating plan. I chose the 8 week option although I was not seriously overweight as I wanted to see results quickly. I made only small changes to my usual diet, less bread, more fruit and vegetables and in the 8 weeks I had lost more than planned.

Six months later this weight has been maintained and I’m thrilled with the outcome.



My friends & family want what I’m having!

My friends, family and work colleagues want what I’m having!!! Day 3 into my detox and people were starting to notice a difference! My work colleague asked if I’d been out for a run that morning as she said I was glowing and my skin seemed so clear. I did indeed feel great; my mind was clearer, my body less bloated and best of all I felt less stressed and able to deal with anything and anybody in a genuinely loving way.

I read all the guff on the herbs and programme and thought Wow! This is too good to be true!! However I have just finished the Detox and am now on the Slimming Programme and think Wow! This is too good to keep secret, so I’ve told everyone who wants to listen. I’ve reached my ideal weightand although I’ve never been a petite ballerina, I feel healthier and my clothes fit better as the muffin tops have shrunk. I don’t feel I’ve sacrificed or missed out anything… believe me, I love food but now have a new appreciation of the inherent light goodness and the taste of the sun in every bite. Thank you.


3.3 kg Lost in one week - Detox

Have been using Brett Elliot BodiTune and Ultimate Herbal Slim for almost one month now and I have lost a total of 8 Kilo’s. But more importantly I have gained vitality and clarity within. My skin hair and nails look and feel great, I have much more energy and my state of mind is amazing. Following Bretts advice I have adopted the habit of eating natural/raw foods and have dropped the CRAP – Caffeine, Refined Sugars, Alcohol and Processed food…… and I feel GREAT!! Thanks Brett 🙂


Lost 6kgs & changed my life!

I’m 43 years old and 4 months ago was feeling over weight and bloated. I’m also at that age that you start to realise its what you eat and how much that is going to ensure you can live until your kids are 40 years and not die as my father did when I was 28 years old. The last 4 months has been a fantastic journey that was started with reading and understanding the importance of what Brett has been coaching for years. Only now am I starting to understanding the importance of eating vegetables, fish and staying away from carbs and to much meat. I was 93 kgs 4 months ago and this week have hit 87kgs. To many people, 6kgs is probably not a lot however my focus is not on dropping kgs but more on modify my life balance so I eat what is right and and will give me good energy and sleep. The number one benefit of using the the Ultimate Herbal Silm in my option is you feel it in action. The bloatedness goes away and you lose the craving to eat and snack. Once you feel the inner change, its very powerful and all of a sudden, my mind starts get it and it becomes a habit forming process. I now focus on paleo cereal (and fruit) for breakfast which gives me long lasting energy, salad based lunches (small) and no carbs for dinner. We have moved the family from meat during the week to a fish delivery service to our home, along with fresh vegetables from our very garden. During the journey, a good friend of mine has managed to lose 13kgs due to purchasing a set of scales and tracking his weight and changing his diet. He actually looks 10 years younger! As I was already on the journey of making a heath change. To me, its been tracking what I eat daily, how eating well, what the effects are compared to eating bad. Its has been fascinating how different foods effect your weight and mood. To summarise – this shit ain’t rocket science – its actually quite easy – first step – just listen to some of Brett’s videos and understand the science. and take the first step and you’ll feel the difference. Only tip I have to keep on reminding myself is, its a journey and a life change, not a diet! My challenge to you all – lets see if we can live 20 years older than our parents did! Well, that my challenge to myself…


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User Guide &
Recipe Book

The Ultimate Herbal SLIM Program