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Interactions with medications?

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Hi Brett Someone recommended your program to me, and I have purchased the ultimate herbal detox. I'm very keen to give this a go. My only concern is that I have SLE (Lupus) and I also take warfarin (anti coagulants) daily for a blood clotting condition. Whenever I have had gastrointestinal problems such as a viral or bacterial bug, I have had to be carefully moderated with my medication as my INR (blood thinning test) goes extremely high. I have been hospitilised as a consequence before and given plasma infusion and Vit K IM to reverse the effect. My question is: would it still be suitable and safe to begin the detox programme whilst taking my regular medications? I tend to get more frequent INR tests anyway, even if on antibiotics or feeling under the weather, I just have more frequent testing (from monthly to fortnightly for example) to assess how my INR is and allow for a change in dose if necessary. I would do this with a detox too, just to make sure my medications are metabolising as they should be. Do you have advice for me? Thank you T

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