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I need help with my health

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I have suffered with IBS for around 15 years now, I am 29 years old and have two daugthers age 2 and 3. I did gymnastics heavily for 6 years training 15 hours a week, also horse riding. I am very over flexible and hypermobile, especially so during pregnancy. I moved to NZ with my husband and girls in Feb last year and started working part time as a gymnastics coach. I pulled my back out whilst coaching in June and claimed on ACC. Since then I have been trying physio, chiropractors and osteopaths and although they help relieve syptoms slightly, I am still in a huge amount of pain. My pain is mainly in my back, shoulders, neck and collar bone area, but it changes all the time. I have seen a specialist named Dr Chris Milne, a sports physician through my GP, and after several x-rays and examinations, he suspects I may have a condition called fibromyalgia, although he has not diagnosed me. I am currently taking tramadol for the pain and am also taking nortryptaline. I was previously put on amitryptaline. None of these tablets seem to be working for me, I have noticed no change in syptoms and if anything they are just giving me more side effects such as constipation, dizzyness/light headedness etc. I have started to drink more water, I have tried epsom salt baths, and exercises etc. My question being…could it all be related to my diet? I lost roughly 6 kilos in september last year after going on a sensible diet and running 3 times a week. My osteo pointed out that there could have been a tipping point which has put me off balance etc and he is convinced it may be to do with my diet. He has suggested i see a natropath to see if I have any food intolerances etc. The truth is, I have always been active and healthy, aside from the bloating etc from IBS which I have just learnt to put up with, but I am getting a little confused with all these different pieces of advice, I just dont know who to listen to and what to do for the best. But I have been in pain for what seems like an age and its really starting to upset me. I feel a bit old before my time, and I try to keep stress levels down etc (I work full time and have the girls to run around after, my husband has started up a business and works most weekends, I have no family here so no real support network etc) but I am determined to stay positive and try and get to the root of the problem. It was in a health product shop that I was directed to your herbal detox. I wanted to hear your thoughts on weather or not you think it could help, and I would welcome any advice you may be able to offer. Thank you in advance.

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