This is a healthy green smoothie with the added bonus of being low on the Glycemic Index and high in protein. Great for your herbal Detox or Slim program. Protein Content Chia seeds contain 16% protein so 1 tablespoon (10g) = 1.6g protein Broccoli contains 3% protein so I small head (250gm) = 7.5g protein 1 slice of pineapple = 1g protein BodiTune sachets contain 7.5g protein Total protein = 17.6g or 35% of daily needs. Ingredients 1 x small head of Broccoli 1 x large Orange with skin on 1 x ring on pineapple 1 Tablespoon of soaked Chia seeds 1 x BodiTune Sachets (or 1 x scoop of powder) 8 x Cubes of Ice Water to smooth drink Method Chop and place all ingredients in the blender with broccoli on the bottom. Blend until smooth adding water to give the texture you prefer. Perfect For: The Ultimate Herbal DETOX The Ultimate Herbal SLIM
Carrot, Ginger & Turmeric Smoothie
A classic detox drink contains carrot, ginger, and lemon. This is a simple uncomplicated, healthy twist on a smoothie and includes turmeric the super antioxidant. Ingredients: Small bulb of Ginger root 1 dessertspoon Turmeric 1 small Lemon with the skin on 2 small Carrot (or one large) 8 cubes of Ice Honey or Stevia to sweeten 1 cup Orange juice Method: Chop all ingredients and add to the blender. Blend until smoothie adding water to achieve drinking texture. Perfect to take with your Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or Ultimate Herbal Slim capsules. Did you know? In Clinical trials, Turmeric has shown promising effects in patients with various pro-inflammatory diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, uveitis, ulcerative proctitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, tropical pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor, oral lichen planus, gastric inflammation, vitiligo, psoriasis, acute coronary syndrome, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic microangiopathy, lupus nephritis, renal conditions, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, β-thalassemia, biliary dyskinesia, Dejerine-Sottas disease, cholecystitis, and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Curcumin has also shown protection against hepatic conditions, chronic arsenic exposure, and alcohol intoxication. (1) Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim Program References: (1) Therapeutic Roles of Curcumin: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials. PUBMED
Lime, Coconut & Avocado whip
Chia seeds and avocado make up this filling and delicious dessert. Pop a fresh strawberry on top to make it a celebration! Great for during your detox or slimming program and it only takes a few minutes. Serves 3 people Ingredients: 1 large avocado 1 Lime 1 Dessertspoon of Chia Seeds 1 can of coconut cream or 500ml of Coconut Yogurt 1 tsp of stevia or 3 stevia tablets 1 Dessertspoon of honey 12 cubes of ice Method: Soak Chia Seeds in 100ml of water for 20 minutes or until thick. Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and whip until smooth and thick. Serve with a sprig of spearmint or chopped mint leaves. Or grate a bit of dark organic cacao onto the top!) Find out more about Chia seeds Inspired by Vicki Keast who has been experimenting with desserts! Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n’ SLIM program Chia Seed Information A very popular superfood now widely available in supermarkets and natural health stores. This little seed packs a punch so if you would like to learn more then click here to read my Chia Seed Monograph.
Beetroot & Grapefruit Smoothie
A wonderful superfood combination! Ingredients: 1 large bunch of Cilantro 2 x sachets of BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder Half a large Avocado 1 x Grapefruit Half of a large Beetroot 2 big pieces of Ginger 3 dstsp of Dates 6 to 8 cubes of ice 400ml of water Method:Soak the dates in half a cup of water. Chop the Cilantro into chunky bits and with the Avocado add to the Ladyship Blender. Chop the ends off the Grapefruit, chop into 4 pieces and add to blender. Chop off the ends off the Beetroot and then chop into pieces. Chop up Ginger leaving the skin on. Add Beetroot and Ginger to blender. Throw in 2 sachets of the DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder and the dates into the blender. Add ice cubes and 200ml water. Then blend adding approximately 200ml as you go. Did you know? Beetroot has exhibited significant Liver protective activity and is purported as a health-promoting food that might be useful for reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases hypertension, stroke, and the immune disorder inflammatory bowel disease. Read More Cilantro contains no cholesterol. Its leaves possess good amounts of antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, and dietary fiber, which help reduce LDL (the bad cholesterol) while raising HDL (the good cholesterol) levels. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program BodiClenz Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Program Grapefruit – Did you know? Grapefruit has been shown to encourage weight loss. Choosing to eat grapefruit instead of other foods will cause you to eat less but it also stimulates liver metabolism and detoxification. Several studies have shown weight loss results such as: Participants started eating less resulting in a decrease in the overall density of calories and total energy intake (20-29% decrease). Participants experienced an average weight loss of 7.1%. Significant reductions were observed in body fat percentage, trunk fat, android fat, gynoid fat, and waist circumference (-4.5 cm).. The increase in HDL-cholesterol levels was 6.2% for the group with certain drinks and 8.2% for the group with other specific drinks. Reference Here
Cacao Bean & Spinach Smoothie
Antioxidant Heaven – this unusual combination will surprise you! Ingredients: 3 bunches of organic spinach 2 x stalks of celery Half an avocado 2 x dstsp of organic cacao beans 2 x dstsp of gogi berries 1 x sachet of DETOX n SLIM Protein powder 200ml to 400ml of water Method: Soak the Gogi berries in half a cup of water. Chop the spinach into chunky pieces and add to the Ladyship Blender. Chop the celery and with the avocado add to the blender. Add the Gogi berries, cacao beans, and DETOX n SLIM Protein power. Add 200ml of water and blend adding water as needed until smooth and yummy. Pour into a glass and enjoy. Did you know? Chocolate can be good – Cacao is the highest whole food source of magnesium, which is the main mineral missing from modern cultures’ diets. Magnesium improves the muscle contractions in the bowels and helps to relax the heart and cardiovascular system. The dark chocolate antioxidants have been clinically proven to dissolve plaque built up in the arteries which help in reversing heart disease and causes naturally lower blood pressure. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Beetroot, Silverbeet & Gogi Berry Smoothie
A deep red superfood smoothie that is great for your blood! If now is the time to start your Herbal SLIM then this is the perfect way to begin. Superfood smoothies along with a Brett Elliott herbal detox can really get your body humming. Ingredients: 3 to 4 leaves of silverbeet Half a beetroot 2 dstsp of Gogi Berries 1 x apple 1 x sachet of DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder A cup of blackberries 1/2 cup of Almonds 6 to 8 cubes of ice 200ml of water Method: Chop the silverbeet into pieces and put it in the bottom of the Ladyship Blender. Slice apple and add to blender. Add blackberries, soaked almonds, and DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder. Slice up the beetroot and add to the blender with the 6 to 8 ice cubes. Blend until smoothie, pour and enjoy! Did you know? Swiss Chard/Silverbeet: The leaves are a brilliant source of the antioxidant vitamin, vitamin-C – It provides about 33% of recommended levels per 100g. It is one of the best vegetable sources for vitamin-K. Vitamin K has a potential role in bone health by promoting bone formation and strengthening. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Rocket, Mango & Chia Seed Smoothie
Now here is an unexpected superfood smoothie surprise! Ingredients: 1 x Mango 2 dstsp of Chia Seeds soaked in half a cup of water 3 to 4 leaves of Rocket 1 x Kiwifruit 1 x Carrot 1 x sachet of BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim Protein Powder 1 dstsp of Coconut Oil 6 to 8 ice cubes 200ml of water Method: Chop the rocket and add to the Ladyship Blender. Take the ends off the kiwifruit, cut into pieces leaving the skins on then add to blender. Add the Chia seeds, slice the mango into pieces and add. Chop carrot and add to blender. Add the BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim Protein powder with its 40 different natural herbs, fruit, and vegetables. Add the coconut oil, cubes of ice and water. Blend until smooth, put and pour and enjoy! Did you know? Chia Seeds: Despite being very small, Chia seeds have many important nutrients. They have omega-3 fatty acids, which raises HDL cholesterol levels – that’s the good cholesterol that helps protect against heart attack and strokes. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Program
Lettuce & Parsley Smoothie
This combination is great for alkalizing the body and for reducing indigestion and bloating. Rich in enzymes it will surprise you! Ingredients: Half of an Iceberg Lettuce 3 to 4 heads of Parsley 1 ring of Pineapple 1 x large Apple 1 x cup of soaked Cranberries (optional) 2 dtsp of Coconut oil 1 x BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Protein powder 1 x Kiwifruit Method: Chop lettuce into chunks and add to the Ladyship Blender. Chop up parsley, take the skin off the ring of pineapple and chop up then add both to the blender. Slice up the apple leaving the skin on and add to the blender with the DETOX n SLIM protein powder. Add the soaked cranberries. Add coconut oil for some fat. Slice the ends of the kiwifruit, chop up and add to blender. Reducing acid in the body: Arthritis is a major disease in the western world and what’s it caused by? Toxic levels of acids in the body. An acidic system causing the body to leach calcium into the circulation, there causing Osteoporosis, Gout, and Arthritis. Acid is another toxin that a good Herbal DETOX can reduce. This recipe is perfect for helping to reduce acid. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Carrot & Mango Smoothie
Ingredients: 1 x large carrot Half a mango Half a lemon 2 x sticks of celery Cup of blueberries 2 x dstsp of coconut oil Large piece of ginger root 1 x fennel stork DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder 6 to 8 cubes of ice 200ml of water Method: Chop up celery into chunks and add to Ladyship Blender. Cut up one fennel stork and the half lemon then add to blender. Cut up the ginger, slice up mango, chop up carrot and throw in blender. Add 2 dessert spoons of coconut oil with ice cubes and water Blend until smooth and enjoy. If you would like to have more recipes sent to you by email then subscribe here FREE Detox your body: As part of a herbal detox program, this recipe can totally boost your metabolism and clear acids, reduce inflammation and pain plus give you real clarity. Over 75,000 people have completed this program see their detailed reviews here Did you know? Fennel contains its own original combination of phytonutrients. They include the flavonoids rutin, quercitin, and various kaempferol glycosides – these all create strong antioxidant activity.Possibly the most interesting phytonutrient found in fennel, is anethole. In animal studies, it has been shown to reduce inflammation and to help prevent the occurrence of cancer. It’s most common use in herbal medicine is for the relief of digestive disturbances such as flatulent, bloating and colic. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program
Kale & Lime Smoothie
A Kale superfood smoothie with a zingy lime taste. Simple to make and great at reducing acids in the body. Perfect for the Brett Elliott Ultimate Herbal Detox. Ingredients: 2 to 3 Kale leaves (or a handful of spinach) 1 x lime (or lemon) 1 x ring of pineapple Half a banana Half a telegraph cucumber or celery stalk (optional) 300ml of Water 6 to 8 cubes of ice 2-3 slices of fresh ginger root 1 x BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Protein sachet Method:Chop the Kale into chunky pieces and add to the Blender. Slice the ends of the lime off (leave the rest of the skin on), cut into chunks then add to blender. Peel and slice the cucumber, peel and break the banana into pieces and put both in the blender. Slice the skin off the ring of pineapple add to the blender with the soaked almonds. Finally, add in your BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim sachet. Blend until smooth. Choose a beautiful glass to pour it into, sprinkle with and enjoy! Did you know?Kale – It has one of the world’s highest ORAC ratings (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or Antioxidant power) along with the likes of beetroot greens and rocket leaves. It is packed with antioxidants including vitamin C, beta-carotene, kaempferol, and quercetin. Detox your bodyAs part of a herbal detox program, this recipe can totally boost your metabolism and clear acids, reduce inflammation and pain plus give you real clarity. Over 100,000 people have completed this program see their detailed reviews here Perfect for these Ultimate Herbal Health programs: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Program