This is an extra tasty lime and mint twist on traditional guacamole and is something you can do on any of the Ultimate Herbal Health Programs. It’s very important to keep high levels of good fats when detoxing as they not only protect you from circulating liberated toxins but help keep your energy levels stable. Avocados should be an integral food on both detox and slim programs. It’s a great addition to any salad but can also be used on hot food or just as a dip for your carrot or celery sticks. Ingredients: 2 Large Avocados 2 Limes A handful of fresh mint leaves 3-4 cloves of Garlic 100m Olive oil Method: Peel Avocados and dice garlic. Add them to a bowl with the chopped mint, juice of limes and olive oil. Blend and nearly smooth. It’s that simple. Try your Guacamole with the following raw vege sticks for dipping: Carrots Celery Capsicum Cucumber Broccoli Cauliflower Gherkins Pickled onion quarters
Ultimate Liver Detox Smoothie
Here is a great combination of ingredients specifically for the Liver function. The perfect smoothie recipe for reducing Cholesterol, Fatty Liver, Estrogen Excess and to protect your liver from chemical damage. An excellent smoothie to take during your Ultimate Herbal Detox program. Ingredients: 1 Head of Broccoli 1 Whole Beetroot 1 Whole Grapefruit 3-4 Kale leaves 1 Tsp Black Mustard Seeds 1 Sachet of BodiTune (40 Herbs) Ice and Water to mix Add fresh Ginger and Honey to your taste. Method is shown in the video below.
Whipped Coconut Cream & Salad
Cream is bad for you, right? Not necessarily, in fact, unlike dairy fat, coconut cream contains no cholesterol and has a unique compound called lauric which has been shown to reduce tumor growth. Read more about the healthy coconut With that in mind, we thought you might like to try using coconut cream this Christmas, maybe on your Pavlova, or even better, on your fruit salad! SERVES 4 Ingredients Whipped Cream 400g Coconut cream 2 Chopped and frozen bananas A pinch of stevia Fruit Salad 200g Strawberries (a small punnet) 1/2 Pineapple (or sliced orange) 1/2 Rockmelon Handful of blueberries Cinnamon to sprinkle Method You will need to chop and freeze the bananas the night before so they go hard and are perfect for this recipe. Pour the coconut cream into a blender (our Ladyship blender is perfect) and place the chopped banana on top. Add a pinch of stevia (or add one tablet) and blend until smooth. Add chopped fruit to serving bowls and spoon over the whipped coconut cream. Sprinkle with blueberries and cinnamon. Now you can eat whipped cream guilt-free! Enjoy! Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n’ SLIM program
Broccoli & Orange Smoothie
This is a healthy green smoothie with the added bonus of being low on the Glycemic Index and high in protein. Great for your herbal Detox or Slim program. Protein Content Chia seeds contain 16% protein so 1 tablespoon (10g) = 1.6g protein Broccoli contains 3% protein so I small head (250gm) = 7.5g protein 1 slice of pineapple = 1g protein BodiTune sachets contain 7.5g protein Total protein = 17.6g or 35% of daily needs. Ingredients 1 x small head of Broccoli 1 x large Orange with skin on 1 x ring on pineapple 1 Tablespoon of soaked Chia seeds 1 x BodiTune Sachets (or 1 x scoop of powder) 8 x Cubes of Ice Water to smooth drink Method Chop and place all ingredients in the blender with broccoli on the bottom. Blend until smooth adding water to give the texture you prefer. Perfect For: The Ultimate Herbal DETOX The Ultimate Herbal SLIM
Carrot, Ginger & Turmeric Smoothie
A classic detox drink contains carrot, ginger, and lemon. This is a simple uncomplicated, healthy twist on a smoothie and includes turmeric the super antioxidant. Ingredients: Small bulb of Ginger root 1 dessertspoon Turmeric 1 small Lemon with the skin on 2 small Carrot (or one large) 8 cubes of Ice Honey or Stevia to sweeten 1 cup Orange juice Method: Chop all ingredients and add to the blender. Blend until smoothie adding water to achieve drinking texture. Perfect to take with your Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or Ultimate Herbal Slim capsules. Did you know? In Clinical trials, Turmeric has shown promising effects in patients with various pro-inflammatory diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, uveitis, ulcerative proctitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, tropical pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor, oral lichen planus, gastric inflammation, vitiligo, psoriasis, acute coronary syndrome, atherosclerosis, diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic microangiopathy, lupus nephritis, renal conditions, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, β-thalassemia, biliary dyskinesia, Dejerine-Sottas disease, cholecystitis, and chronic bacterial prostatitis. Curcumin has also shown protection against hepatic conditions, chronic arsenic exposure, and alcohol intoxication. (1) Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim Program References: (1) Therapeutic Roles of Curcumin: Lessons Learned from Clinical Trials. PUBMED
Lime, Coconut & Avocado whip
Chia seeds and avocado make up this filling and delicious dessert. Pop a fresh strawberry on top to make it a celebration! Great for during your detox or slimming program and it only takes a few minutes. Serves 3 people Ingredients: 1 large avocado 1 Lime 1 Dessertspoon of Chia Seeds 1 can of coconut cream or 500ml of Coconut Yogurt 1 tsp of stevia or 3 stevia tablets 1 Dessertspoon of honey 12 cubes of ice Method: Soak Chia Seeds in 100ml of water for 20 minutes or until thick. Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender and whip until smooth and thick. Serve with a sprig of spearmint or chopped mint leaves. Or grate a bit of dark organic cacao onto the top!) Find out more about Chia seeds Inspired by Vicki Keast who has been experimenting with desserts! Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n’ SLIM program Chia Seed Information A very popular superfood now widely available in supermarkets and natural health stores. This little seed packs a punch so if you would like to learn more then click here to read my Chia Seed Monograph.
Chocolate Pineapple Yogurt
Try my latest favorite dessert – Chocolate Pineapple Yogurt! We ate it quite a lot during our last Ultimate Herbal DETOX. It’s so fast and easy you won’t believe it. It takes about 5 minutes maximum! Ingredients: (per serving) 2 cups of plain unsweetened yogurt 2 tsp of Raw Cacao powder 1 inch thick ring of pineapple 1 tsp Cinnamon Small handful of raisins 1 tsp of stevia powder Method: Put the yogurt into your dessert bowl and add the Cacao powder and crushed stevia powder (or drops). Stir with a whisk until smooth. Cut the pineapple into small bite size wedges and drop onto the yogurt. Sprinkle with Raisins and dust with the cinnamon. I like about 6 dates with mine. Mmmmm super delicious. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal DETOX n’ SLIM program
How to Make the Worlds Best Orange Juice for FREE
Brett makes 1 litre of the worlds best orange using the amazing Ladyship high speed juice extractor/blender. This blender is what Brett recommends to use during the Ultimate Herbal DETOX and Herbal SLIM programs. The whole orange is used including the skin. This means you receive the full benefit of the skins antioxidants and vitamin C. Ingredients: 1 Orange 1 stevia tablet Ice cubes Water Method: Chop orange into blender, then add ice stevia and water. Blend until smoothie. Orange Skin Fact. The major phenolic compounds present in the orange include hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA) and flavonoids, among which flavanones are the most prevalent. Citrus flavonoids, especially hesperidin, have a wide range of therapeutic properties, including anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, diuretic, analgesic, and hypolipidemic activities. The concentrations of antioxidant components vary among the different parts of the orange; therefore, the antioxidant activity of orange parts may also vary. In general, the peel of the fruit contains a higher concentration of antioxidant substances than the flesh of the fruit. Reference: Antioxidant Activity of Orange Flesh and Peel Extracted with Various Solvents. PubMed
Gazpacho (Cold soup)
This is a simple recipe that creates a lovely meal with gorgeous tomatoes – a beautiful splash of red! This is a great recipe during all the herbal programs. Serves 4 people Ingredients: 4 cups of tomato juice 12 medium tomatoes with the skins removed 1 medium-sized cucumber Half a red onion 2 cloves of garlic 1 green capsicum (diced small) 1 tsp of honey 3 x spring onions (chopped) Juice of half a lemon Juice of half a lime 2 dstsp of wine vinegar 1 tsp of tarragon 3 tsp of fresh basil (torn) Half a tsp of cumin A quarter of a cup of fresh parsley 2 dstp of extra virigin olive oil Salt and black pepper Method: Keep a small portion of the cucumber and diced tomatoes to create some texture and for garnish at the end. Put the remaining ingredients in the Ladyship blender and process. Chill in the fridge until very cold. Add some of the reserved tomatoes and cucumber but leave a little for garnish on top. Decorate with additional basil if you have any and garnish. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal DETOX n’ SLIM program Tarragon Although mainly known as French Tarragon, is thought to have originated in the Central Asia region, probably in Siberia. Tarragon has been used as a traditional remedy to stimulate appetite and alleviate anorexic symptoms. Fresh tarragon is one of the highest antioxidant value food sources among the common herbs. The herb is a very rich source of vitamins such as vitamin-C, vitamin-A as well as B-complex group of vitamins.
Beetroot & Grapefruit Smoothie
A wonderful superfood combination! Ingredients: 1 large bunch of Cilantro 2 x sachets of BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder Half a large Avocado 1 x Grapefruit Half of a large Beetroot 2 big pieces of Ginger 3 dstsp of Dates 6 to 8 cubes of ice 400ml of water Method:Soak the dates in half a cup of water. Chop the Cilantro into chunky bits and with the Avocado add to the Ladyship Blender. Chop the ends off the Grapefruit, chop into 4 pieces and add to blender. Chop off the ends off the Beetroot and then chop into pieces. Chop up Ginger leaving the skin on. Add Beetroot and Ginger to blender. Throw in 2 sachets of the DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder and the dates into the blender. Add ice cubes and 200ml water. Then blend adding approximately 200ml as you go. Did you know? Beetroot has exhibited significant Liver protective activity and is purported as a health-promoting food that might be useful for reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases hypertension, stroke, and the immune disorder inflammatory bowel disease. Read More Cilantro contains no cholesterol. Its leaves possess good amounts of antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, and dietary fiber, which help reduce LDL (the bad cholesterol) while raising HDL (the good cholesterol) levels. Perfect for: Herbal DETOX Program BodiClenz Program Herbal SLIM Program Herbal BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Program Grapefruit – Did you know? Grapefruit has been shown to encourage weight loss. Choosing to eat grapefruit instead of other foods will cause you to eat less but it also stimulates liver metabolism and detoxification. Several studies have shown weight loss results such as: Participants started eating less resulting in a decrease in the overall density of calories and total energy intake (20-29% decrease). Participants experienced an average weight loss of 7.1%. Significant reductions were observed in body fat percentage, trunk fat, android fat, gynoid fat, and waist circumference (-4.5 cm).. The increase in HDL-cholesterol levels was 6.2% for the group with certain drinks and 8.2% for the group with other specific drinks. Reference Here