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Yerba Mate Tea 100g


VIP Members Price 50% OFF
VIP Members Price $13.75 LEARN MORE
SKU YMT100 Category


Contains Organic Yerba Maté (Ilex paraguariensis) Leaf

We supply 100% Pure Organic Yerba Maté Tea sealed inside water resistant White Paper Bag. 

If you’re looking for a stimulating and healthy beverage, Yerba Maté is an excellent choice. For centuries, people have enjoyed green tea for its energising properties.

Yerba Mate Tea Benefits

Yerba Maté, the plant Ilex paraguariensis, is traditionally consumed in many South American regions, but its popularity is increasing in North America, Europe, and other regions worldwide. Several anti-atherogenic and weight-loss properties have been associated with the regular consumption of Yerba Maté, including anti-oxidation, vasodilation, reduction in blood lipids, and other anti-mutagenic and anti-glycation benefits. These health properties have been attributed to several naturally-present bioactive ingredients, which have been detected in Yerba Maté including polyphenols and caffeoyl derivatives.

Combining Yerba Mate intake with prolonged exercise at targeted ”fat-loss”’ intensities augments fat metabolism and improves measures of satiety and mood state. Such positive combined metabolic, satiety, and psychomotor effects may provide an important role for designing future fat and weight-loss lifestyle interventions.

References Here 


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