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The Ultimate Herbal Candida Program


Original price was: $741.00.Current price is: $592.00.

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Candida Combo Program Deal – Itemized value (NZD)

Total Value NZD $741.00

Combo Price $592.80 Savings 20% Discount (Save $148.20)

Candida is a silent invasive parasite and is hard to detect. Normally it is kept under control by our healthy micro-organisms and our immune system, but when we are down in energy or our gut is compromised it can cause real problems. This program supports the resolution of candida through its antimicrobial and parasite herbs as well as encouraging good gut flora.

The Ultimate Herbal Caqndida Program Contents

The program includes the following individual items. For details on ingredients click the product names in the descriptions below. 

Double Deep Clenz

A double Deep Cleanse Program (Pictured above)
1 x BodiClenz smoothie powder 500g (contains 28 Herbs). Take one smoothie each morning.
1 x Ultimate Herbal DETOX (480 capsules), Colonaid 120 caps, Digezaid 120 caps, LivaFood 120 caps, Symlax 120 caps. Take 4 capsules from each bottle at bedtime with water.  Please Note – Capsules are Gelatin

While completing this 4-week program follow the other dietary advice and recommendations above, and use the other remedies mentioned on this page. Controlling Candida Naturally 

Aloe Vera Juice 1 Litre

To heal the gut wall and encourage healthy gut flora. Take 50ml from the fridge first thing each morning before your BodiClenz Smoothie

To encourage healthy gut flora:

  • Take a good course of 30 capsules (BioGaia L-Reuteri pIcturedTake 1 daily over the 30 days adding them into your morning smoothies.

ParaClenz – Herbal Liquid Formulation

ParaClenz Antimicrobial, and antifungal Liquid Formulation 500ml.

It contains a blend of the following herbal extracts in a base of pure New Zealand bush honey.
Click the names to read more about each ingredient.

Take 15ml diluted in water at bedtime, over the 4 weeks.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 15 cm


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NOTHING compares to this product

May 9, 2019

I have just completed my 3rd DETOX with Brett Elliott and every time I am more amazed than the last time how wonderful this product is. I have done a large number of DETOX’s over the years but NOTHING compares to this product and its assistance throughout the process.

Last year I started getting migraines for the first time ever in my life. After 10 months the frequency and intensity of these increased ten-fold, as well as the duration. I was beginning to have 1 or 2 a week often with numbing headaches in-between. Someone recommended Brett Elliott’s program to me and I decided to give it a shot.

After completing my first DETOX the headaches, which were a constant by then, ceased for the first time in weeks. Imagine my delight. I did another DETOX 3-4 months later as I felt the twinge of another migraine coming on. It didn’t come and I didn’t receive another for 9 months. On top of this candida and thrush which I have always struggled with since having children went away. I maintained a dairy free diet for the first 3-4 months after cleansing but occasionally have dairy in my diet now and it is not a problem. This is the first time in years I have been able to eat and drink such products without having a flare-up. I know the DETOX helped in ridding me of this. However, another miracle occurred during partaking in my third DETOX.

On the third day of taking the products I suddenly experienced a spiritual shift. The blockage that had been there for some months suddenly melted one evening and I know this was solely due to the DETOX (I was up to day 3 of taking the products). Clean digestive system and organs allows for a clean and focused mind opening the pathways to awareness and / or spirituality. This experience and realisation was both exciting and humbling. I hope many others get to experience even one of the benefits I mention. This product truly is the best on the market. Thanks for everything Brett, your products and knowledge are fantastic.

Kind regards,



My Brett Elliott's Detox Experience

May 9, 2019

I am a longtime fan of Brett’s Detox herbals. I used them for the first time six years ago to keep my candida under check. Now I use them not so much because they help me detox or loose weight (I live in Africa and look after my health) but because they keep my digestive system running smoothly. What I like is to embark on the 60 days program, meaning 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills at night. Bret Elliott’s nutritional recommendations during the 60 days program coincide with my normal diet: fish, legumes, vegetables, whole cereals without gluten. For me the pills are just an extra herbal help to ease my digestive movements. I believe they can be used the whole year round by anyone who has already developed such a diet.


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Ultimate herbal candida program

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