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Joint Pain Relieved, Lost 8kgs


I have just completed the detox programme and wanted to share what has happened for me. I had a 3 day lead in and then began my detox (taking full advantage of the school holidays). I found the programme easy to follow and the recipes certainly helped although I had to adjust them to my taste. After about a week I noticed that my joints weren’t painful, especially walking up and down stairs, getting up and down off the couch. I feel so much better, my mind was clearer and I feel healthier (I religiously stuck to the eating plan). I didn’t feel like I had lost any weight but decided to weigh myself on day 14 (lead up days inclusive) to my shock I had dropped 8 kilo!!! I started back at work (teacher) and the first comment from a colleague was “have you shrunk?” One of the students today said “you’ve gone and got skinny!!” Well you could imagine how delighted that made me feel considering last term I was told that I had Kankles!!! Doing this programme has encouraged me to continue on a similar eating plan (stay off sugars and breads) to shed the remaining 20 kilo that I need to loose. Thank you for advertising on Rhema. I will certainly detox at least once a year.