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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Natural Solutions

Woman in Fetal Position Clutching Her Stomach
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  • 2 years ago
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common and most annoying, painful problems in modern society. If you suffer from it then you will have found little long-term help from your doctor and it can be years before there is any solution, if at all. This is because the causes are very complex, poorly understood, and difficult to treat with conventional drugs.

In this article, I’m going to briefly outline the symptoms, statistics, and proposed causes, then provide you with some potential natural solutions.

nurse consoling a patient with ibs


Diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) include recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least 3 days per month in the past 3 months associated with two or more of the following:

  • Improvement (Pain reduction) with defecation;
  • Onset associated with a change in the frequency of stool;
  • Onset associated with a change in the form (appearance) of stool; and/or
  • Criteria fulfilled for the past 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months before diagnosis.

Discomfort means an uncomfortable sensation not described as pain.  During screening evaluation, pain or discomfort frequency must be at least 2 days per week to qualify subjects for clinical trials. (1)

It is well established that Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms give feelings of shame, fearfulness, and embarrassment, while patients also report being misunderstood by their doctors, their family members, and friends. (12)


You can see in this chart just how common the symptoms of IBS are in the general population. (17)                                  ibs symptoms chart map of the world

To mention just a few, 15-19% of New Zealanders, 10-14% of British, and 5-9% of Americans and Australians are affected. It is interesting how less than 5% of Chinese and Indian people have IBS while Mexicans are over 30%. The obvious question here is has this got something to do with local dietary habits?


Although the cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has not yet been completely understood, multiple factors appear to have a role, including the composition of the gut microflora, intestinal permeability, immune response, and the gut-brain connection.

Gut microflora

The gastrointestinal microflora is a diverse and numerous ecosystem that inhabits the entire gastrointestinal tract and has a systemic influence on our health. Associations were observed between patients’ self-reported symptoms and the presence of quantities of certain gut bacteria. Among IBS subjects several gut bacterial strains were significantly reduced. (4) 

Microflora activity mirrors differences between herbivorous and carnivorous mammals, reflecting trade-offs between carbohydrate and protein fermentation. Foodborne microbes from both diets transiently colonized the gut, including bacteria, fungi, and even viruses. These results demonstrate that the gut microflora can rapidly respond to an altered diet. (6)

An imbalance of intestinal microflora and/or the presence of unwanted fungi, bacteria, and viruses can disrupt the sensitive mucous membrane of the gut. 

Intestinal permeability

On one hand, an intact intestinal barrier protects the human organism against the invasion of microorganisms and toxins, on the other hand, this barrier must be open to absorbing essential fluids and nutrients. Such opposing goals are achieved by very complex anatomy and physiology. The intestinal barrier represents a huge mucosal surface, where billions of bacteria face the largest immune system in our body. (3) 

In one study the permeability of colon tissue samples was found to be significantly higher in patients with IBS compared to healthy subjects. (5) This may be caused by disturbances to the microflora which in turn may have triggered an inflammatory immune response. Immune response

Infectious gastroenteritis is the strongest risk factor for the development of IBS and increased rates of IBS-like symptoms have been detected in patients with inflammatory bowel disease in remission or in celiac disease patients on a gluten-free diet. The number of immune cells in the small and large intestines of patients with IBS is increased in a large proportion of patients. (2)

Supporting the immune system and microflora of the gut may be of assistance, improving digestive processes while simultaneously reducing gut inflammation. The gut-brain connection

The brain, the gut, its microflora, and the immune system present two-way communications in health and disease. The brain, via the nervous system, influences intestinal motility and fluid secretion (8), intestinal permeability (3), immune function (10), and gut microflora (11), all of which have been reported to be out of control with IBS. 

The mental and emotional connection to the digestive system is powerful and must be considered in the context of IBS. gut brain connection

Technically known as the enteric nervous system, the second brain consists of sheaths of neurons embedded in the walls of the long tube of our gut, or alimentary canal, which measures about nine meters end to end from the esophagus to the anus. The second brain contains some 100 million neurons, more than in either the spinal cord or the peripheral nervous system, technically known as the enteric nervous system. (16)

The enteric nervous system uses more than 30 neurotransmitters, just like the brain, and in fact, 95 percent of the body’s serotonin is found in the bowels. Irritable bowel syndrome also arises in part from too much serotonin in our entrails, and could perhaps be regarded as a “mental illness” of the second brain. (16)

COMMON ALLOPATHIC TREATMENTS (mainstream treatments)

The most commonly prescribed drugs for IBS include laxatives, antibiotics, antidiarrhoeals, and anti-depressants.

All of these drugs may provide some temporary relief of symptoms but none offer a long-term solution by way of treating the cause of the problem. The underlying dietary habits, general gut health, and mental status may not have been resolved. This is where natural solutions come into their own.  


When looking at a complex multi-faceted problem like IBS conventional treatments often work short-term but fail to provide long-term relief. This is because the problem can be subtle and lie largely within the realm of dietary, nutritional emotional, and mental systems.

The areas of gut microflora, intestinal permeability, immune response, and gut-brain connection all fall into strong categories for natural solutions. Let’s look at each of these individually healing food banner

Irritable bowel syndrome diet There are a lot of theories on dietary advice for IBS but nothing that is conclusive or that can be applied to everybody.

Some things seem fairly obvious when you look at the research. Inflammatory foods, lack of pre-biotic containing fruits and vegetables, and low fiber intake must all be factors. Foods to Avoid Irritating food for the digestive system includes the following:
  • Red Meats – Highly acid-forming and inflammatory

  • Added Sugar – Highly detrimental to gut health

  • Processed foods in general (including pasta)

  • Processed grains especially wheat, and other products containing gluten, pasta, pastry, cake, etc.

  • Too many high-lectin nuts and legumes like baked beans, chickpeas, and lentils. Read more about Lectins Here.

  • Gas-forming foods – Raw cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli. Read more about Bloating and Gas Here.

  • Plus don’t follow a raw food salad diet until the IBS symptoms have gone

Recommended foods

  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables (try stewed apples)

  • Cooked root vegetables (except potatoes)

  • Vegetable Soups, mushroom, pumpkin, parsnip

  • Chicken and fish (instead of red meats)

  • Probiotic drinks and yogurt smoothies

  • Digestive herbs and mild-medium spices especially turmeric, mint, cinnamon, rosemary

  • Black tea and herbal teas (see above)

Immune response

The intestinal immune system has developed a tightly regulated control to optimize the protection against pathogens, while at the same time avoiding unnecessary immune activity. (15)

Supporting the entire immune system along with prebiotics and probiotics will be the best approach. You can use foods to do this:
  • Mushrooms – which boost our immunity;

  • Garlic – high in sulfur which boosts immunity;

  • Vitamin C foods – anything fresh will contain Vitamin C;

  • Aloe Vera juice – 50ml daily.

food recipes for people who have ibs

For a selection of ideal recipes Click Here and Choose ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ for the ‘Special Diet’ Selector.

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Healing The Gut Wall

There there’s nothing I have found better for healing the gut wall over the long term than Aloe Vera Juice. You will find it mentioned further below, but it’s worth looking at it and a little more detail if you’re really interested. Aloe Vera has an amazing power to heal tissues and has a great reputation for speeding recovery from Burns and other tissue damage. Science doesn’t fully understand how it works yet, as it has over 200 active components in the Aloe Gel. I personally recommend this hello vera gel which has no additives or preservatives, or you could grow yours at home and make it yourself. Watch this video if you want to try that. DOSE: Take 30ml daily first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  aloe vera Get my Recommended Aloe Here

Gut Microflora

Diet has a marked impact on gut microflora diversity, understandable given that resident micro‐organisms obtain energy for growth via the metabolism of dietary nutrients. (13)

The effect of dietary fiber consumption on the intestinal microflora composition was reported in global population studies with very similar results. Using recent and long‐term dietary questionnaires and stool samples from healthy human subjects, microflora analysis demonstrated that a diet low in fat and high in dietary fiber was associated with higher positive bacteria, but a diet high in fat was more highly associated with negative bacteria. There has been growing concern that even short‐term dietary changes, particularly to a ‘Westernised’ style diet (high animal fat, high sugar, and low in plant‐based fiber) can rapidly alter the composition and metabolic activity of resident intestinal microflora, with decreased levels of beneficial bacteria and increased numbers of bile‐tolerant, inflammation‐associated bacteria (13) I suggest using the powerful Human prebiotic strain L-Reuteri, which you can get in the product called BioGaia. Take 2 tablets daily for the first month and 1 tablet daily for the second month. Click here to find out more. DOSE: Take 1 tablet with water just before Dinner biogaia protectis

Intestinal permeability

The gut barrier plays a key role in the avoidance of inflammatory responses to the microflora and is regulated by a finely tuned network of immune mechanisms (3) Because increased intestinal permeability and inflammation go hand in hand, natural methods to reduce intestinal inflammation will be useful.

A diet rich in plant and vegetable fiber has been shown to greatly reduce inflammation. A recent demonstration from the Nurses Health study that subjects had a 50% lower risk for the development of Crohn’s disease, which was directly associated with long‐term ingestion of a diet rich in fruit and vegetable fiber. (13) The Herbal Detox diet plan promotes a pure fruit and vegetable diet and has been reported to assist with IBS.

Powerful triggers for inflammation are the presence of microorganisms in sites where they do not belong. Microorganisms contain structures alien to the body. Bacteria and fungi, for example, have cell walls in contrast to human cells that lack these structures, and viruses have unique forms of DNA and RNA. Cells and molecules involved in the inflammatory defense system react immediately against these foreign elements; they are danger signals to the body. (15) Again this points to supporting the microflora, as above, which also introduces antiparasitic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Traditional herbal remedies include:

Herbal Medicine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One of the most effective things I have seen help with irritable bowel syndrome is the 14-day herbal Bodicleanz program. It contains a combination of 24 herbs designed to support bowel health and digestive processes. You simply take the powder twice a day and a smoothie for two weeks. I highly recommend using these two recipes every day if possible, StomachClenz and BowelClenz. DOSE: Take 2 scoops daily in a smoothie as your Breakfast and Lunch bodiclenz one pot 1kg Some of the anti-inflammatory herbs traditionally used to encourage healthy microflora, heal the gut wall, and reduce negative bacteria and parasites include the following herbs, all of which are contained in the BodiClenz formulation. coloneze liquid formulation DOSE: Take 10ml twice daily away from food. Repeating some of these herbs in a liquid formulation, and adding a couple of extra anti-inflammatory, immune-supporting herbs in a liquid will help increase the effect of the powered herbs taken in a smoothie. See the ColonEze Liquid Formulation Here Herbal Teas to reduce inflammation and intestinal permeability:
  • Raspberry
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Ginger
Try a mixture of these teas in your teapot and drink 2-3 cups daily. You can get this blend pre-made here. You will just need to add some fresh ginger. DOSE: Take 2-3 cups daily from a teapot, great in the evening. irritable bowel syndrome tea blend

Get everything in one complete package, and save 25%. The Ultimate IBS and Crohn’s Program comes with everything you need for the full 1-month treatment program. Click Here to Find out more 

ibs and crohns combo deal

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Going back to the brain-gut connection, there is an important role for the nervous system to play in IBS. Meditation can play a major role here. One randomized controlled trial demonstrated that mindfulness training has a substantial therapeutic effect on bowel symptom severity, improves health-related quality of life, and reduces distress. (7)

Interestingly, changes in quality of life, psychological distress, and visceral anxiety were not significantly different between groups immediately after treatment but evidenced significantly greater improvements in the meditation group at the 3-month follow-up. (7) This makes sense, as the effects of meditation are known to increase over time. Read more Here woman meditating

See my article for more detail on Meditation

buy the ibs program banner

Follow up Plan to Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

I would recommend continuing with the dietary advice until IBS symptoms have been absent for over 3 months, preferably 6 months, then gradually introducing foods as you feel comfortable.

Long term it would be best to minimize the inflammatory, acid-forming foods mentioned and keep up the good food and herbs.

It is always good to complete a Herbal Detox at least once a year and you can also use our other herbal products to continue your journey.

I hope this article has been helpful and please share your comments if you also find success with our recommendations. Many Blessings Brett Elliott  ®

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Solutions Free eBook

How Food & Herbs can Heal IBS. This eBook explains what can cause IBS and what you can do yourself to solve the problem at home. Brett Elliott has helped over 100,000 people with his Herbal Health Programs

You’ll Learn:

  • What are the statistics, symptoms and potential causes of IBS look like from a holistic perspective
  • Understanding the gut-brain connection, and how mental and emotional states affect IBS
  • What your Doctor would prescribe versus the natural solutions you can use at home, including specific herbs and foods
  • What’s involved in Brett Elliott’s Herbal program for IBS and some success stories from other IBS sufferers

Reviews and Feedback

Really helped me in more ways than I ever anticipated

I can’t even begin to articulate what this program has done for me. I’m sure, like thousands of others who have suffered from poor digestive issues, IBS, Bloating, constipation impacted stools…the list goes on. This program has really helped me in more ways than I ever anticipated. I have tried other products, this is gentle on the system, and not harsh, as I have known others to be. I completed the Ultimate Herbal Detox, and currently awaiting my next shipment, as my body responded so well to it. For me, this is a life-changer. The live chat support is a huge bonus, the articles, recipes, and resources, are the best to support your journey. Brett even personally called me, to help walk me through the process of purchasing, as I was having trouble, and getting frustrated (that’s got nothing to do with the procedure of purchase, I’m just not tech-savvy lol). Well done Brett and team! I hope others will take the step to change their lives too. Martha.


No more irritable bowel after 36 years!

I recently did two of the Ultimate DETOX within 5 weeks of each other. I have suffered irritable bowel for most of my 36 years. Since doing this DETOX approx 7-8 weeks ago I have never felt better, having regular bowel motions.

I will try another DETOX in approx 6 months time to keep my body rid of toxins. I have eliminated meat, and bread from my diet, and have had no problems with my bowels since. I wish to thank you for your help. Two family members have since done the DETOX and are feeling brighter than before. Please add me to your membership I look forward to any updates that you may have. Regards



Cleared up Irritable bowel syndrome

Hi Brett, its been over a week now since I finished my detox and I can honestly say its been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and seems to have cleared up my IBS issues. I don’t feel so heavy in the gut anymore, and don’t have any horrid cramps or aches now, no bloating and I lost 3kg of crap that I must have been hanging onto without knowing it. I have way more energy and have never felt better! Your product is amazing and I have told heaps of people about it. Thank you so much!! 🙂 [Erin – facebook]


I've never felt better!!

What’s not like about this detox programme, its easy to follow and simple. I had seen a Naturopath several times, with on-going IBS issues, bloating, constipation etc etc, they advised me I needed a detox to rid the bad bacteria from my gut. They kindly advised me the detox would be $600 through the naturopath, leaving horrified at the price I went to Hardys Health Store who put me onto Brett’s detox. I couldn’t wait to get started, and its honestly been the best thing I’ve ever done. Its been 3 weeks since I completed the detox, and haven’t had any of my bad symptoms return, I finally have a flat stomach after living with a bloated gut for years, I feel great! I can work a full day with high energy and don’t get tired and loose concentration around 2pm like I use too. I lost 3kgs over the 10days, which was quite a bit for me, my starting weight was 65kg, I wasn’t doing it for the weight loss but I feel so much better for it. I can go to the loo regularly now, I now know what foods my gut doesn’t like too much of and my mindset on what foods I eat has changed for the best. Also noticed that my eyes aren’t bloodshot anymore, they are nice and white 🙂 I would and have recommended this product to anyone who needs a change! 🙂


Felt Great

I really enjoyed eating all the fresh products, I felt really fresh and clean and had lots of energy by the end of the 14 days. My skin felt great, my IBS symptoms were relieved towards the end, and I learned a bit about some of the foods that seem to agree with me or more to the point some of the foods that don’t agree with me, such as grapes, not sure why!? Felt myself getting slimmer and less heavy feeling, my tummy didn’t seem bloated anymore. Just a good feeling of wellness. We were a bit unclear about how long it was for also, as we didn’t realise that the 14 days didn’t include the ‘cutting things out gradually’ 3 days minimum so maybe a diagram or flow chart for ‘dummies’ from start to finish day one do this day two and so on. I suppose a lot of people love the freedom to do what they want and really choose what they want to eat, but for me who doesn’t seem to have time to think, I would have preferred a ‘this day have this, this day have that’ approach. Really enjoyed it though and will do again in the near future, maybe try it over a longer period this time and able to east other bits and bobs, also reduce amount of capsules per day. Have recommended to my parents and they loved it, they even ordered 5 more for friends and family!


Ultimate Herbal Detox - amazing!

Well I’m 17 years old and I had a lot if trouble with my bowel- I was diagnosed with IBS just last year and was told I had to live a life with out gluten and diary. I tried many laxatives and natural products and prescription yet nothing worked. I heard of this detox on Facebook from a friend who was using it. I looked into the detox and read so many stories about how amazing it is and how it fixes people that had IBS so I gave it a go- what was to loose? The first few days I found it really hard, purely because I’m a teenager and the rest of my friend were stuffing their mouths with all the things I couldn’t eat. On about day for I felt amazing! My bowels were moving I had energy, I didn’t crave or miss any food. By the end of the detox I truly felt like a new person! So it’s been a few months now that I had finished it and this is the best my health has been in years, and I swear its because of this detox, i have no other explanation. I haven’t been bloated since before I started the detox, I haven’t been constipated also since before the detox. I feel as though I flushed all the bad things out of me and have given my body another go. I seriously recommend this and will most definitely purchase this again! AMAZING! 🙂


The results are AMAZING !!

My husband who has high cholesterol that he was due to go on medication for, went in for another cholesterol test after finishing the 14 day detox we have just received a phone call from the nurse stating that his results were amazing and what had he done he now no longer needs medication for high cholesterol as he is back in the safe range and only has to have yearly check ups. He now has a healthy weight, is sleeping through the night and no longer craves unhealthy food. I have also had great results I no longer have IBS symptoms, I feel alert, energised and am also lighter. I urge anyone who is thinking of doing this to take the plunge and stick with it as its only 14 days out of your life and the results have been life changing for us. Get inventive with the food, I created an aioli out of yogurt, Garlic, lemon juice and olive oil which was lovely on salads and veggies…

Gavin and Linda

No more irritable bowel after 36 years!

I recently did two of the Ultimate DETOX within 5 weeks of each other. I have suffered irritable bowel for most of my 36 years. Since doing this DETOX approx 7-8 weeks ago I have never felt better, having regular bowel motions. I will try another DETOX in approx 6 months time to keep my body rid of toxins. I have eliminated meat, and bread from my diet, and have had no problems with my bowels since. I wish to thank you for your help. Two family members have since done the DETOX and are feeling brighter than before. Please add me to your membership I look forward to any updates that you may have.


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