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How to Reduce Bloating & Gas Naturally

How to Reduce Bloating & Gas
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How often Should I pass Wind

Is Farting Healthy?

The gastrointestinal tract contains, on average, less than 200 mL of gas, whereas daily gas expulsion averages 600–700 mL.

On average, healthy men pass flatus (Fart) 14 times per day, especially after meals. Fart rates up to 25 per day are quite normal. The major gases in farts are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and methane. Gases produced by colonic bacterial fermentation of ingested nutrients and endogenous glycoproteins (hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide) represent 74% of farts. (7)

In other words, if you fart up to 25 times daily, that’s normal and healthy, but farting a lot, especially when there is internal discomfort or bloating usually represents an imbalance, which needs attention. 

If you are ready to examine excessive farting, wind, and gas in-depth, then buckle up, we’re going to get to the bottom of this issue!

What Defines Problematic Bloating?

Bloating is more common in women (19.2%) than men (10.5%). Between 10% to 25% of healthy people experience bloating. It is particularly common in persons with irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. (8)

There is a pattern of symptoms that define what bloating actually is. This is called the Rome Criteria and is used for diagnosis. (1)

  • The recurrent feeling of bloating or visible distention for at least 3 days per month
  • The onset of symptoms at least 6 months prior to diagnosis
  • Presence of symptoms for at least 3 months
  • Insufficient criteria to establish a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, functional indigestion, acid reflux, or any other functional gastrointestinal disorder (1)

Other symptoms may include burping or belching, farting a lot, and sharp stabbing abdominal pains.

The Cause Of Abdominal Pain

What Causes Painful Gas in the Gut?

Also known as flatulence, gas in the gut is usually associated with what’s going on further down in the digestive system, like in the small intestine and colon.

There are a number of other conditions that can be connected with excess gas and a bloated stomach.

These include:

  • 90% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have symptoms of bloating
  • Functional Dyspepsia (Indigestion)
  • Chronic constipation
  • Celiac disease
  • Diverticulitis
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Fructose intolerance
  • Gluten sensitivity (1)

Foods That Cause Gas And Bloating

A number of foods are also known to be gas forming such as:

  • Raw Brassica including Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
  • Raw Carrots, Celery, Onions
  • Legumes, Beans, Chickpeas, Dahl, especially if not well cooked (high in inflammatory Lectins)
  • Nuts and seeds (also contain lectins)
  • Sugary drinks
  • Dairy products
  • Wheat products

Read more about Lectins

Imbalances of Gut Microbiota

The term gut microflora (also called gut microbiome or microbiota) refers to bacteria (and their byproducts) that inhabit the intestinal tract and their effects on both GI (Intestine) tract function and the body as a whole. Approximately 500 different species of bacteria reside within the colon. (1)

Research over the past decade has shown that these bacteria play a vital role in gut immune function, mucosal barrier function, metabolism of drugs, and the production of short-chain fatty acids and vitamins. Even minor disturbances in gut microflora can lead to significant changes in gut function, including gas production. (1)

Read more about the Gut Microbiome

Colonic gas production occurs primarily due to the metabolism of materials by colonic bacteria.

Food products that are incompletely digested within the small intestine—such as lactose (in patients with lactase deficiency), fructose, sorbitol, legumes (ie, stachyose and raffinose), fiber, and complex carbohydrates (ie, wheat)—are broken down in the colon. (1)

Altered microflora may produce differences in fermented gas type and volume, which may be the causes of symptoms in patients with bloating. There have been some reports to verify the relationship between the types of gas produced by colonic microflora and bloating. (6)

The 5 most common gases found in the GI (Intestine) tract are nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), hydrogen (H2), CO2, and CH4 (methane). (1)

You can see where these gases appear in the diagram below.

Causes Of Gas In The Stomach

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
As mentioned above, the gas found in the stomach is often related to other complications further down the digestive pathway, intestines, and colon. 

For example, patients with irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation are less able to effectively evacuate infused gas and are much more likely to develop symptoms of abdominal distention, bloating, and gas.

This can be also connected with stress-related muscle reflexes and incorrect posture. Women with moderate-to-severe bloating more frequently report a history of major depression and more severe depression and anxiety  (1)

Relaxation, massage, meditation, and other stress relief techniques could be useful with regard to this.

Bloating is one of the most common complaints in a large proportion of patients with various functional gastrointestinal disorders, namely: functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, and functional constipation. (9) 

In an individual, reflux and dyspepsia (indigestion) may occur simultaneously and therefore they are hard to be discriminated between. (10) Acid reflux and indigestion are often experienced simultaneously. Read more about acid reflux

You can see in the diagram below that bloating and gas can have multiple contributing factors. Even today this problem continues to evade simple treatment and is uniquely individual to each patient. In saying that we will discuss some natural treatment options below.

What's good for bloating and what helps with gas?

Because this condition is complex and can be difficult to treat with conventional drugs, the natural approach is worth investigating first. That’s what we will do here.

A combination of simple dietary changes and herbal remedies should give great results. Because these can be done at home without medical intervention the stress factor is also reduced.

Start with a good herbal cleansing program and it will incorporate all of these recommendations.

Woman Looking at Different Fruits and Desserts

Dietary Advice For Bloating and Gas

Elimination diet
Gastroenterologists usually direct patients to remove one possible offending substance at a time (ie, dairy first, then fructose-containing liquids, then fiber, and so on); however, some patients with severe bloating and abdominal distention prefer to begin with a strict elimination diet consisting of only water, broth, boiled chicken, and egg whites, and then they slowly add in different food groups. 

Some patients have noted symptom improvement after minimizing carbohydrates and gluten, although this approach has not been well studied. (1)

Many retrospective observational studies have shown that the reduced intake of large amounts of highly fermentable, poorly absorbed short-chain carbohydrates (FODMAPs) may reduce bloating in IBS patients. (6)

Lectin-Free Diet
Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins present throughout nature that act as agglutinins. Approximately 30% of our food contains lectins, some of which may be resistant enough to digestion to enter the circulation. Because of their binding properties, lectins can cause nutrient deficiencies, disrupt digestion, and cause severe intestinal damage when consumed in excess by an individual with dysfunctional enzymes.

Read More About Lectin-Free Diet Here

DETOX and cleansing diet
detox elimination diet followed by a combination of digestive herbs has been found to be of great assistance. (see client reviews below)

Herbal Remedies For Bloating and Gas

The good news is that a great number of natural herbs have an excellent effect when it comes to relieving gas and bloating. The category of medicinal herbs that reduce gas is called carminatives.

Follow the links for complete articles on each herb.

Peppermint – (Mentha piperita) leaf
The pharmacological studies in vitro and in vivo showed antispasmodic effects on the smooth muscle of the digestive tract, choleretic activity (bile production), and reduction in the tonus of the oesophageal sphincter (relaxes the oesophagus muscle) enabling the release of the entrapped air. The clinical studies of the essential oil, have demonstrated efficacy for the symptomatic relief of minor spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, and abdominal pain. (2)

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Seed
Crying time reduction was observed in 85.4% of subjects with infant colic, using Fennel, Lemon Balm, and Chamomile which showed that colic in the breastfed infant improves within 1 week of treatment. (4)

Pineapple (Ananas comosus)
Contains the enzyme Bromelain that can help improve digestion. Bromelain facilitates the breakdown of proteins into peptides and amino acids, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals who experience digestive discomfort, such as bloating and gas, after eating protein-heavy meals.

Papaya (Carica papaya)
Contains the enzyme Papain that can help improve digestion. Papain has various therapeutic applications due to its protein-digestive properties. It’s used in digestive aids to help relieve symptoms of indigestion and bloating, especially when these are caused by high-protein meals that are difficult to digest.

Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis)
Contains enzymes that can help improve digestion thus reducing indigestion-related bloating and gas. It contains a potent enzyme known as actinidin, which, like bromelain in pineapple and papain in papaya, helps break down proteins in the digestive system.

These are the best but many other fruits also contain digestive enzymes – Maybe that’s why fruit salad is often a popular dessert!

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Rhizome
Ginger is traditionally used as a home remedy and is of immense value in treating various gastric ailments like constipation, dyspepsia, belching, bloating, gastritis, epigastric discomfort (pain below your ribs in your upper abdomen), gastric ulcerations, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, and scientific studies have validated the traditional uses. (3)

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Root
Licorice is used for various digestive system complaints including stomach ulcers, heartburn, colic, and ongoing inflammation of the lining of the stomach (chronic gastritis). A mixture of dried powdered slippery elm bark, lactulose, oat bran, and licorice root significantly improved both bowel habit and IBS symptoms in patients with constipation-predominant IBS. (5)

Other common herbs used to help relieve bloating and gas include chamomile tea, caraway seeds, and parsley, all of which can be found in the kitchen and used with your food. Most of the herbs mentioned above can be included in food or used as herbal teas with food.

Best Herbal Product For Bloating and Gas

Digezaid – Digestive Support

Digezaid contains herbs that support comfortable, healthy digestion and maintains intestinal health.

The formula also contains the enzymes Papain, Bromelain, and Kiwifruit to improve the digestion of proteins and soothing herbal agents such as Peppermint, Ginger, and Fennel to calm digestive discomfort such as bloating and gas.

Cayenne and Licorice are included to support intestinal wall healing and to control negative bacteria that can cause ulcers and inflammation of the gut wall.

Digezaid 120 capsules – Herbal Ingredients

Click on the individual ingredient names for more information on how each herb works.


Reviews and Feedback

Really helped me in more ways than I ever anticipated

I can’t even begin to articulate what this program has done for me. I’m sure, like thousands of others who have suffered from poor digestive issues, IBS, Bloating, constipation impacted stools…the list goes on. This program has really helped me in more ways than I ever anticipated. I have tried other products, this is gentle on the system, and not harsh, as I have known others to be. I completed the Ultimate Herbal Detox, and currently awaiting my next shipment, as my body responded so well to it. For me, this is a life-changer. The live chat support is a huge bonus, the articles, recipes, and resources, are the best to support your journey. Brett even personally called me, to help walk me through the process of purchasing, as I was having trouble, and getting frustrated (that’s got nothing to do with the procedure of purchase, I’m just not tech-savvy lol). Well done Brett and team! I hope others will take the step to change their lives too. Martha.


My whole body felt less bloated and my mind was clearer

I did your DETOX program which I was on for five days and, Wow, what a difference, in so many ways. My whole body felt less bloated and my mind felt clearer. Made me conscious of what foods are good for you and what to stay away from. Very impressed!”



My food digestion improves immensely afterwards

I’ve done about eight Ultimate Cleanses over the last several years and tend to want to do one at least every year. Each time it has been enjoyable as I feel the cleaning process inside my body, and I have more energy. I’ve let go of sugar cravings and eat wholesome foods. Over ensuing months after each cleanse I tend to slip on my quality of food as I am on the run with work, eat takeaways or politely accept cooked food at a friend’s house with less nutritive value, (white flour products, cakes, biscuits, overcooked veggies, etc) and one’s quality of metabolism slips back. That’s why I Cleanse and Detox around each six to nine months when I feel the time is right.

I have noticed my metabolism digesting food improves immensely after the Cleanse program is over and during my last Cleanse 25 October through to 4 November I weighed 84kg, and started on fruit juices/small fruits/herbs/whey powder (protein sourced from milk) mixed into smoothies, and ate at least 2 avocados a day for the first five days. Then I did the last five days on no avocado, no fruits, just herbs and water or herbs and juices. I had plenty of energy to do all the things I needed to do. I recommenced eating regular and wholesome foods 4th November, weighing around 76kg, having lost about 8kg, and over the next five weeks my body metabolism shaved off another 5kg as I ate wholesomely and was more active surfing, etc. On 18th Dec I weighed 71kg, well 70.9kg to be exact.



We were amazed at the results

Dear Brett and Team,

We were fortunate enough to receive one of your Ultimate DETOX kits each, and as we had experienced various gut problems between us (Gluten, wheat & dairy intolerance and Candida), we couldn’t wait for the right time to start the 10 day DETOX.

We were absolutely amazed with the results, as we work within the Natural Health Industry and have tried many different DETOX programs, but nothing that we have tried, has results similar to The Ultimate DETOX! The toxic matter that you mention in your booklet, describes exactly what we experienced. (We weren’t brave enough to send a photo in though!) Our energy levels have increased, our bloated tummies have settled down and we feel fresher and a lot cleaner! Thank you so much for the opportunity to experience all of this.

Kindest regards,

Sonia & Emma 🙂

P.S We have already marked a date in our diaries to do it all over again, in 6 months time!

Sonia & Emma

Words cannot describe the results I achieved

WOW ! Words cannot describe the results I achieved from the “ultimate DETOX”! I have suffered from constant bloating, constipation, fatigue and headaches from my early teens. My weight was a constant battle and many foods made me feel bloated and constipated. Nothing I tried helped me and being a teenager coping with constipation was embarrassing and very uncomfortable.

I resorted to laxatives which eventually through constant use, no longer worked for me but instead made my problem worse! I tried everything over the years and even tried DETOXs of other brands which did’nt seem to help either. After the birth of my twins 5 years ago, I felt extremely fatigued and constantly unwell. I visited Brett Elliott at ‘Brett Elliott’ and he put me onto his DETOXs. I completed the ‘Ultimate DETOX’ first with wonderful results!

For the first time in my life, my stomach is flat and I now know what foods I can and can’t eat to prevent constipation and bloating. I now complete ‘the weekend DETOX’ once a year and have recommended it to many of my friends, it’s the best DETOX on the market! Thank you soooo much Brett and the team.

Persons Name:



My friends & family want what I’m having!

My friends, family and work colleagues want what I’m having!!! Day 3 into my detox and people were starting to notice a difference! My work colleague asked if I’d been out for a run that morning as she said I was glowing and my skin seemed so clear. I did indeed feel great; my mind was clearer, my body less bloated and best of all I felt less stressed and able to deal with anything and anybody in a genuinely loving way.

I read all the guff on the herbs and programme and thought Wow! This is too good to be true!! However I have just finished the Detox and am now on the Slimming Programme and think Wow! This is too good to keep secret, so I’ve told everyone who wants to listen. I’ve reached my ideal weightand although I’ve never been a petite ballerina, I feel healthier and my clothes fit better as the muffin tops have shrunk. I don’t feel I’ve sacrificed or missed out anything… believe me, I love food but now have a new appreciation of the inherent light goodness and the taste of the sun in every bite. Thank you.


Best DETOX ever

Abdominal bloating completely gone. Minimal cravings. No headaches or moodiness. Weightloss, especially stomach and large intestine area. More energy. Incredible mental clarity and focus which led to an emotional release and softening of the heart… A much happier disposition in general. Other Comments: This is my 3rd year doing your Detox/Clense Brett and each time I have found it to be absolutely astounding!! The effect on my body is a pleasure to observe and feel. The biggest surprise for me each time is the mental clarity and emotional clensing which occurs alongside the physcal benefits… I love it!! I am a huge fan of your product and am always telling my friends “you have to do this detox clense, it will change your life!” Keep up the great work. Fan for life. Graeme 🙂


My second detox

I feel that I really got a proper detox. My body feels lighter and fresher and I did have a lot of energy the whole way through. Towards the end ( last day) I started getting really hungry and my body was craving some more heavy food, wanted protein and starch, so I did not succeed an having a slow buildup of food again, but didn’t have any problems. Oatmeal porrige for brakefast, scramled eggs for lunch and fish for dinner. I do take a good probiotic every day, and my body feels really good. I will take a cleanse every year, as I can feel that the one I took last year really have been of benefit this whole year. Less pain in my joints, less problems with my stomach, less bloating and food intolerances, more clear in my head, skin feels good and looks good. I am very happy for this product. Thank you. Highly recomended.


Everyone should try!

Clear skin, bright eyes, clear head, no bloatedness, lost weight, felt lighter, energetic I have candida, and struggle not to eat chocolate! this makes me bloated and the detox reduced this completely, to the point where I could tell almost immediately after I ate what foods made me bloated again. I lost 3 kg (as I do every time i detox) which is just enough to get me feeling at my best. my skin cleared up, much less redness and pimples. Amazing!!


Renewed energy

I finished doing the herbal detox nearly five months ago, the experience was slightly challenging but i am so pleased i did it, as the results were fantastic renewed energy, 4 kilo weight loss (much needed) bloated tummy disappeared and best of all my hay-fever disappeared, along with my desire to overeat. Michelle


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