How to do the Ultimate Detox & BodiClenz programs

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This page gives you the details on how to do the Ultimate Herbal DETOX capsule program and Ultimate Herbal BodiClenz Drink Program detox drink or capsules

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There are four different options for doing the program. They all vary depending on your own personal health and the length of time you wish to do the DETOX. The program consists of taking herbal capsules from four different bottles – ColonaidDigezaid, Livafood, and Symlax or consuming your BodiClenz drink powder both of which contain exactly the same combination of herbs.

Choosing the right plan for you is important because we want you to succeed. In saying that you can easily switch between these plans at any time. There are no hard and fast rules around the dosage because everybody is different. If you find the plan is too strong for you and you are getting uncomfortable, experience urgent diarrhea or it’s just happening too fast, then switch to a slower plan, and if not enough cleansing is happening you can simply switch to a faster plan.

These guidelines are just to help get you started.

Power Cleanse

For the very experienced, strong, super healthy person.

Ultimate Herbal DETOX capsules
  • DAY 1 and 2 (Take 40 capsules daily) – On rising in the morning take 5 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax. Repeat at Bedtime
  • DAYS 3 to 7 (Take 80 capsules daily) – On rising in the morning take 10 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax. Repeat at Bedtime
Ultimate Herbal BodiClenz Powder POWER Cleanse Food It’s better to have a lot of liquids and raw food on this plan, with only fresh fruits and vegetables. Ideally a smoothie for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a soup for dinner. For the very experienced you could have nothing but smoothies for 7 days. This potentially triggers powerful healing on many levels. For more recipe ideas Select ‘7-day Detox capsules’ or ‘7-day BodiClenz Smoothies’ from the ‘program type’ selector Click Here See the detailed detox diet outline further down this page.

Deep Cleanse

For the average healthy person who wants improved energy levels, to lose some weight, or to alleviate minor irritations.

Ultimate Herbal DETOX capsules
  • DAYS 1 to 4 – Lead in Stage (Take 20 capsules daily) – On rising in the morning take 5 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax.
  • DAYS 5 to 14 – Ultimate Detox Stage (Take 40 capsules daily) – On rising in the morning take 5 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax. Repeat at Bedtime
Ultimate Herbal BodiClenz Powder DEEP Cleanse Food During the deep cleanse 14-day plan you need to follow the strict detox diet and avoid all meat, eggs, nut, grains, legumes, processed foods, and carbs including bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. You can eat all the food from the 7-day power cleanse, plus have hot dinners. I recommend curries, stir fry’s, soups, and roast vegetables. For more recipe ideas Select ’14-day Detox capsules’ or ’14-day BodiClenz Smoothies’ from the ‘program type’ selector Click Here See the detailed detox diet outline further down this page.

Gentle Cleanse

For the generally unwell, those with chronic health conditions, the elderly, or morbidly obese.

Ultimate Herbal DETOX capsules
  • DAYS 1 to 30 (Take 16 capsules daily) – On rising in the morning 2 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax. Repeat at Bedtime
Ultimate Herbal BodiClenz Powder GENTLE Cleanse Food During the gentle cleanse 30-day plan you need to follow the same strict detox diet as the 14-day plan, but you can have a little more food, including eggs, fish, cottage cheese, hummus, and brown rice. However, I only recommend having each of these once a week during your one-month program. For more recipe ideas Select ’30-day Detox capsules’ or ’30-day BodiClenz Smoothies’ from the ‘program type’ selector Click Here See the detailed detox diet outline further down this page.

Maintenance Plan

For long-term use, it gently encourages regularity, balance metabolism and improve digestion.

  • DAYS 1 to 60 With Detox capsules, Take 8 capsules daily at breakfast, take 2 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax or with BodiClenz just use 1/2 a scoop daily.
MAINTENANCE Plan Food. On this plan, you can go back to your normal diet, although I do recommend avoiding red meat and all refined, processed foods where possible.

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Choosing the ideal plan can be a bit of guesswork, so if you start your program and find the results too strong or too weak for your liking, you can always switch to another plan along the way. There are no hard and fast rules about sticking to one particular plan, so follow your instincts. It may be that your capsules or powder run out sooner or later than anticipated because you changed plans, but that’s fine. So long as you get the results you desire.

Please note: Some particular foods and recipes can only be eaten on the Gentle or Maintenance plans. These foods and recipes are marked with a star, both in the recipe section and shopping list. All other foods can be eaten freely on all plans. If any severe discomfort or pain occurs during this program, cease taking the remedies altogether and consult your practitioner. Maybe try one of the gentler plans. You can download the DETOX Recipe Book and User Guide Here Ultimate Herbal Detox program with bottles

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Stage 1 – Preparation

The Ultimate Herbal DETOX kit and BodiClenz pots contain 24-28 highly effective herbs, to be taken at different times over several days.

Over a period of three days, you gradually eliminate all gluten, meats, processed food, legumes, nuts, and grain products from your diet. This includes all junk food, bread, pasta, beans, cheese, and any other refined, packaged, canned, or preserved products.

A good intestinal cleanse needs some decent preparation. Below is a list of dietary changes which need to be followed for 3 to 7 days before beginning the Herbal DETOX. The main thing to remember is to eliminate meats, starches, processed foods and stick mainly to fresh fruits, vegetables, and juices, smoothies, soups, and yogurt.

3-Day Elimination Diet

DAY 1: (or can be over 2 days) – Eliminate all grains, sugars, and starches, especially wheat products which contain gluten: bread, pasta, pastry, pies, baking, cakes, cookies/biscuits, crackers, snack bars, rice, and rice products; any grain product in a package. Eliminate sweets, sweet foods, candy, chocolate.

DAY 2: (or can be over the next 2 days) – Eliminate meats, whilst still eliminating grains as above, now also eliminate all protein. Avoid all meat, chicken, fish, eggs, cheese, beans, lentils,  chickpeas, other pulses, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Exceptions: unsweetened yogurt and protein powders; you can eat these freely throughout the Herbal DETOX if you are tolerant to milk protein. For people who suffer from lactose intolerance, yogurt is often appropriate because the culture has already broken down this milk sugar. Most protein powders contain no lactose. Get organic yogurt when possible as it provides easily digested protein and beneficial intestinal organisms.

DAY 3: (or can be over the next 2 or 3 days) – Eliminate all other processed foods including all packaged, refined, canned, preserved, artificially colored, and flavored foods so that your diet is now as close to nature as possible. Continue avoiding the previously eliminated foods while eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. Do not eat potatoes or bananas as they are too starchy for your DETOX and will slow it down.

Foods that can be eaten freely during your DETOX:

Getting Ready: An ideal kick-start to the Herbal DETOX is half a teaspoon of Epsom Salt in water twice daily during the three days of preparation. You are now ready for the next stage. You can take fruit for lunch and buy vegetables and fresh fruits for juicing. You can have extra yogurt and olive oil to keep your energy up.

Drink plenty of water: Once you have been on this diet for at least 3 days (preferably a week) you are ready to begin taking the herbs. From this point on you will need to follow the diet as strictly as you can.

Special Note re Caffeine, Tobacco, and Alcohol: Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and many soft drinks. When you stop taking caffeine, tobacco or alcohol your body may experience one or more of the following withdrawal symptoms:
  • Headaches
  • Migraine
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Low energy; or
  • A general unwell feeling.

I recommend that during the Herbal DETOX, if it places extra unnecessary stress on your body, that you do not completely stop coffee, tobacco or alcohol (unless this is your desire). Just reduce to 1 or 2 x 100ml servings per day. This will not interfere with the program’s success. HOWEVER!! This is a golden opportunity to “change your life” and quit a bad habit forever. The whole process of completing a Herbal DETOX makes quitting a habit so much easier.

Reviews and Feedback

Highly recommend

Rated 5.0 out of 5

I loved doing the detox. I felt like I needed to do it for a very long time. I waited for my partner to go away on business to do the detox because I thought it would be easier when I was on my own. I was ready for it! It was so much easier than I expected. I am a huge meat eater and am one of those people who get cranky if I don’t eat when I need to. Therefore, I was worried I would have low energy and crave food I couldn’t eat. This was so far from the truth. I had higher energy and loved the food I was eating. I got really creative with the meals. By the 5th day I already noticed a difference in how soft and healthy my hair and skin were. I just felt great during the whole process. I have now switched to choosing healthier options in my eating since the detox. My partner even loves some of my new veggie dishes! We’re getting married next year and I plan on doing the detox a month or so before the wedding. I think I’ve convinced my partner to do it with me next time!


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