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The Four Key Stages Of Herbal DETOX

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So how does the 14-day Herbal DETOX work?

Stage 1: Lead In - Elimination Diet

The lead-in elimination stage of the 14-day Ultimate Herbal Detox program involves a gradual process over the first four days where you eliminate certain foods from your diet. Here’s a summary of what to do:

  • Elimination Diet: Gradually eliminate all meats, processed foods, legumes, nuts, and grain products. This includes breads, pasta, beans, cheese, and any other refined, packaged, canned, or preserved products.
    Read more About Elimination Diet Here
    See Full DETOX Diet Plan Here

  • Herbal Warm-up: During this lead-in stage, you will also start taking a half dose herbal capsules of drink powder to begin the detox process.
  • Extended Lead-In: If necessary, you can extend the preparation period up to a week or even two weeks for some people, to adjust fully before moving on to the next stage. The longer your preparation, the better your results will be.
    Read About Lead-In Here

Stage 2: Taking the full dose of herbs

As you begin the deeper phase of your detox journey, there are some key steps that ensure a smooth and effective detox process. 

You will be upping the herbs and starting to experience the full effects of deotxing.

  • Herbal Regimen: A combination of 24 different herbs with a daily intake up to 40 capsules daily, a two smoothies split into two dosages.
  • Dietary Guidelines: Fou will be given a daily guide to follow the strict diet and recipes and ingredient suggestions provided.
  • Initial Detox Transition Phase: Expected symptoms when transitioning into detox mode can be headaches, nausea, agitation, fatigue, gas, or bloating.
  • Monitoring and Adjustment: These symptoms should be manageable. If they become uncomfortable, pause the program for a day.
  • Advancing to Stage 3 in the Program: If you are comfortable and manage to get through the first three days of transition without significant issues, you can happily proceed to the full detox stage of the program.


Stage 3: Detox

This is normally between day 6 and day 14 of your program.

You should find that your bowel movements increase in urgency, size, and frequency. Many people experience between 4 and 6 semi-solid bowel movements daily.

Around day 10, 11 and 12 is when the real rewards often begin to appear. Impactions (or plaque as it is often referred to) can start to appear.

You can imagine the benefits of removing this type of build up from your body. The body can then detoxify on many levels, including liver, kidney, and lymphatic system.

This is when the healing can really being. 

Read More about How A Detox Heals

Stage 4: Follow up

It is important to get a good course of probiotics and keep the healthy diet going as long as possible. Immediately returning to a bad diet will not be received well by your body. People often improve long term eating habits after this DETOX program.

See More about Probiotics Here

Get Brett’s Recommended Probiotics Here

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The Ultimate Herbal Detox Program