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Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

an illustration of a fatty liver and metabolic syndrome
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  • 1 year ago
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You’ve probably heard of a Fatty Liver, but it’s generally not something we talk about much or understand very well.

Fatty Liver Disease is another unexposed epidemic that can be fatal and really needs to be brought to our attention.

There are also strong connections between Fatty Liver Disease and another epidemic ‘Metabolic Syndrome’ both of which can lead to an early death.

You may have heard of the superstar George Michael who died in 2016. A senior coroner in Oxfordshire attributed the death to natural causes as the result of a dilated cardiomyopathy with myocarditis (an inflamed heart) and a Fatty Liver. Another light went out too soon.

A bi-annual detox and cleanse is the best preventative measure we could take, as this not only flushes fats from the Liver but also encourages improved eating habits.

Let’s explain how Fatty Liver occurs.

What is Fatty Liver Disease?

Specifically, we will talk about what is called ‘Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease’ (NAFLD) which is a Fatty Liver without associated alcoholic Liver damage.

NAFLD is a pandemic disease worldwide, which has been paralleling the ongoing epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome. (2)

The prevalence of NAFLD approaches 25%-30% in Europe and United States general populations, but this figure surges to 80%-90% in selected groups with Metabolic Disease.

Patients with NAFLD have an increased risk of premature cardiovascular as well as Liver-related death. (2)

NAFLD features excess liver triglyceride deposition in patients who are free of other Liver diseases.

doctor comparing a fatty liver to a healthy liver

The Fatty Liver Cholesterol Connection

Apart from high Cholesterol, your doctor may also report that you have high triglycerides. The problem with this is there is a strong connection with high triglycerides, high cholesterol, and Fatty Liver disease. It’s worth understanding this a little more. (1)

Patients with NAFLD have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease because these diseases share several risk factors. In addition, NAFLD is often associated with the presence of plaques around the heart. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver disease (NAFLD) is common in the general population, and it also commonly occurs in overweight people with Metabolic Syndrome. (1)

There is a cycle of events connected with the Metabolic Syndrome pattern which leads to the progression of NAFLD. We will talk about these further below.

Read more about Metabolic Syndrome

fatty liver and metabolic syndrome

The causes and progression of NAFLD

It has been traditionally accepted that the progression of NAFLD was based on the “two-hit hypothesis”.

The first hit:
This involves triglyceride accumulation within the liver cells, which results in simple fat stagnation (steatosis). This is mainly attributed to insulin resistance associated with obesity and it increases the vulnerability of the liver to further injury. (1)

The second hit:
Primary liver toxicity, caused by oxidative stress from increased lipid peroxidation, liver cell dysfunction, and the associated inflammation. (1)

Progression to steatohepatitis (NASH) which is Fatty Liver-related hepatitis and fibrosis may subsequently occur in response to these biological processes. Many of the biological conditions involved in the development of NAFLD, including insulin resistance and inflammatory cytokines, exert the same effects on arteries, resulting in atherosclerosis. This may help explain the association between NAFLD and Cardiovascular disease. (1)

More recently it has been theorized that NAFLD is rather a multi-factorial, non-communicable disease resulting from a complex interaction between multiple environmental and metabolic “hits” and a predisposing genetic background. (2)

A “multiple parallel hits hypothesis” seems more appropriate to describe the complexity of NAFLD progression, which results from numerous events originating within the Liver, adipose tissue, gastrointestinal tract, and the muscle. (2)

fatty liver disease progression

An unhealthy lifestyle, characterized by sedentariness and a high-calorie diet, is crucial for NAFLD development and progression. The imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure causes increased fat deposits, which become inflamed and insulin-resistant and release increased amounts of free fatty acids into the bloodstream, leading to fat accumulation in the Liver, skeletal muscles, and pancreas. (2) A different approach to diet can help the fatty liver.

An unhealthy lifestyle also results in gut dysbiosis, i.e. changes in gut microbiota composition. In NAFLD changes in functional aspects of gut microbiota have all been described. Gut microbiota may contribute to the development and progression of NAFLD.

While cardiovascular mortality is the leading cause of death in NAFLD patients, malignancies, mainly affecting the gastrointestinal tract (Liver, Colon, Esophagus, Stomach, and Pancreas) and extra-intestinal sites (Kidney in men, and Breast in women) rank second. The fatal problem results when NASH resulting in Liver cirrhosis (severe inflammation resulting in tissue scarring) ultimately sets the stage for Cancer.

Dietary Fats
Experiments in mice have shown that dietary trans-fats could play a role in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (3)

In another study, high total red meat consumption was associated with FLD whereas white meat, (chicken or fish) was not. (4)

As you can see Fatty Liver disease is not just a singular symptom resulting from an isolated cause, but a multi-faceted disease involving many factors indicated by the diagram below.

It is important to turn this complex lifestyle condition around before this cascade of events is triggered.

fatty liver disease causes


The Ultimate Liver Detox program can act as a Treatment for Fatty Liver

Herbal supplements that address the entire digestive system indirectly support the Liver. By acting as a fatty liver detox, clearing undigested, built-up matter from the colon these herbs will reduce the amount of re-circulating waste substances straining the Liver.

detox or drink

The Ultimate Herbal Detox and BodiClenz
The Ultimate Herbal Detox or BodiClenz programs both give the benefits of most of the very effective herbs we have talked about, including Milk thistleGlobe ArtichokeGoldensealDandelionWormwoodTurkish RhubarbKiwifruitand Barley grassIt is the combination of these foods along with the specific foods mentioned above which give you an excellent liver cleansing program.

You should use these programs over 14-days following what’s called the Deep Cleanse Program. Read more about the Deep Cleanse program here

livafood dietary supplement 120 capsules

LivaFood Tonic Capsules
Livafood is a nutrient-rich formulation that supports liver function and provides a broad range of naturally occurring nutrients including superoxide dismutase which supports phase 2 liver detoxification plus 700mg of Milk Thistle herb per capsule. The addition of Cilantro and Chlorella promotes the process of a heavy metal detox, helping to remove lead and mercury.
Ingredients: Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare), Globe Artichoke (Cynara scolymos) root, Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) root, Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), Chlorella (Chlorella Vulgaris), Golden Seal (Hydrastis canadensis) root, Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seed.

Take 4 capsules daily for one month directly after completing the Ultimate Herbal Detox or BodiClenz 14-day Deep Cleanse.  

LiverClenz Liquid Tonic
LiverClenz Liquid Tonic contains a blend of classic liver tonic herbs formulated by Brett Elliott, Medical Herbalist.
The formula includes the following herbs: LIcoriceMilk thistleDandelionBupleurumAndrographisGentianGoldensealHops.

Take 10ml three times daily alongside the 14-day Deep cleanse program

LiverClenz Liver Tonic Formulation and LiverClenz Capsules

LiverClenz The Ultimate Herbal Detox Combo Program

Get all of the above products in one complete package for a full 6 week Liver detox program. This combo deal is discounted by 30%

Buy the Ultimate LiverClenz Combo Here 

Can you Detox and Heal your Liver?

YES, your liver can become toxic and toxin-induced liver disease is a huge global problem.

Find out what you can do naturally to combat toxic liver damage and more, including

  • What does the liver do?
  • What causes liver damage?
  • What is hepatotoxicity?
  • How do drugs destroy your liver?
  • Which herbs can help protect the liver?
  • What foods help the liver function?

Doctors and Detox skeptics who say “You can’t Detox your liver” can now do their homework.

For those of you who feel constantly tired, have high cholesterol, fatty liver or recovering from hepatitis, alcohol or chemical toxicity, drug damage or just have that foggy headache that won’t go away, this could be the answer.

Reviews and Feedback

My cholesterol & liver count improved

Hi my name is Brendon and my wife brought me your Detox set which I have just completed. I have recently finished 20 yrs in the Military and was very fit. I am 5ft 11 inches, slim and by no means unfit, but in the civilian life I have let my high standard of fitness level slip and my eating habits are not as good as they should have been.

Anyway, I had blood tests 5 weeks ago and my cholesterol level was 7 (normal is 5), liver count HDL was 5.5 and weighing 96.9kgs. My wife and I completed the 14 day detox course which I found to be hard at the start but after day 3 I noticed marked energy increases and enjoyed your diet without feeling hungry.

The great news is I just received my blood test results where my cholesterol is now 4.8, liver count 3.2 and I weight 94.8kgs (without exercise).

Pretty amazing results. I am now motivated, joined a gym and back into running/circuits. But the biggest change for me is not having a huge desire to eat red meat. I get full on small portions of meat but load up on all the good stuff like veggies/fruits etc.

We will now do this course annually and I look forward to it.

Many thanks Brett, on a very simple life changing result.


It got my body working properly again

I was diagnosed with chemical poisoning and insufficient liver function. I did the Ultimate DETOX and I think that was the major contributing factor to my recovery because I felt better straight afterwards. It got my body working properly again and made me aware of my eating habits which have changed ever since.


Up there with the best

This liver cleanse/detox programme is fantastic. Every 3 to 6 months I give my body a treat by doing a 5 to 10 day detox, and have found Brett Elliot’s Ultimate Herbal Detox to be up there with the best. Tracey


Love Love Love It!

3 years ago I made the decision to loose all my pregnancy weight…I was tired of being overweight and my daughter was heading for 4 years old I didn’t want to get any bigger weighing in at 115 kg. I started to cycle I managed to get my weight down with cycling and gradual diet changes to 95 kg but could not get lower no matter how long or how far I cycled so I did research and realised I had to cleanse my system restart my metabolism and that’s when I came across Bretts Ultimate Herbal Detox….the first time I did it I made it to 4 days without cheating and lost 4 kg then next time I did it 6 months later I lost another 5 kg and managed to make it to 7 days without cheating. I took a break and slowly my diet went back to what it was and I went up 95 kg in a 9 month period well I decided last year I was going to do it again and I did I ran the whole time while doing the Detox in fact I had more energy and found I was able to run further I did 2 kits in a row and I did a Herbal Slim pack I dropped 11cm around my waist and 10 kg! This was in December it has been 6 months and weight is still off I recently did another kit lost 2 kg now doing the Herbal Slim kit to get rid of the rest, love love it! It moves excess weight like no other product I am a big believer and have recommended it to my friends. My partner did one kit recently, due to a health exam showing he had elevated liver enzymes doctors were concerned, well after his last Herbal Detox no problems at all with his liver AND his acne he has had all his life now at the age of 40 has cleared up!!! He is ecstatic! And just wants to stick to the diet for forever……thank you for this great product I will continue to use it every 6 months no matter how much I weigh for the rest of my life you definitely have a life time customer and that’s me! Stomach issues gone, more energy, clear skin, post nasal drip goes away, breath smells good all day, no chocolate craving, no sweet cravings, no carbohydrate cravings…just some of the differences I notice after a cleanse


The results are AMAZING !!

My husband who has high cholesterol that he was due to go on medication for, went in for another cholesterol test after finishing the 14 day detox we have just received a phone call from the nurse stating that his results were amazing and what had he done he now no longer needs medication for high cholesterol as he is back in the safe range and only has to have yearly check ups. He now has a healthy weight, is sleeping through the night and no longer craves unhealthy food. I have also had great results I no longer have IBS symptoms, I feel alert, energised and am also lighter. I urge anyone who is thinking of doing this to take the plunge and stick with it as its only 14 days out of your life and the results have been life changing for us. Get inventive with the food, I created an aioli out of yogurt, Garlic, lemon juice and olive oil which was lovely on salads and veggies…

Gavin and Linda

Improved Liver Function

I had elevated Liver Enzyme readings for several years, which resulted in completing a Liver Biopsy. Diagnosis was that I had a fatty Liver. Every six months I complete a blood test to keep an eye on Liver Enzyme levels I completed the Brett Elliot Detox diet, a couple of times within a six week period. Really happy with results, more energy, just feeling better. Routine blood test was due last week, which I completed. Doctor text through result saying that Liver Enzyme results were Normal!! Fantastic. Other than the Detox diet, I also quit drinking coffee and changed to Roobois tea and freshly sliced ginger. Worked for me.


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