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Thai Vegetable Green Curry

Thai Vegetable Coconut Curry
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This is one of my absolute favorites. It’s easy to eat too much of it but it’s guilt-free so very enjoyable.

It’s not a genuine Thai recipe but my own take on a classic green curry.

Try this during your Herbal DETOX or Herbal SLIM program.

Serves 4 people



  • 1 x Capsicum
  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 2 x Tomato
  • 1 x large sweet potato (or pumpkin)
  • 1 x large parsnip
  • 1 x large onion
  • 2 x Carrot
  • 250 gm field mushrooms
  • 1/2 cauliflower
  • 1 x Can of Coconut milk
  • 1Tsp turmeric
  • 100gm Authentic Thai Green Curry paste
  • A thumbnail size of Ginger finely chopped


You will need to peel and boil sweet potato and parsnip earlier and allow to sit, air and cool. They can then be cubed and will hold together nicely.

Slice all other ingredients and place into bowls as pictured. Capsicum with tomato, garlic with onions etc.

Heat oil in a wok and stir-fry mushrooms for 3-4 minutes until sealed then remove and put aside.

Add more oil and heat again, add garlic, onions, carrots and cauliflower and 1tsp Turmeric. Stir fry until coated with turmeric. Then add 100ml of water and cover with lid. Steam for 2-3 minutes until a little soft.

Throw in ginger, green curry paste, coconut milk, sweet potato and parsnip and gently combine.

Allow to come to a simmer for 2-3 minutes then gently add mushrooms, capsicum, and tomatoes.

Allow to heat through for another 5 minutes on low heat.

You are now ready to serve.

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