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Fermented Vegetables – Sauerkraut

Fermented Cabbage Sauerkraut
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Fermented vegetables are in fashion!

At last, the benefits of fermented vegetables (Sauerkraut) are becoming commonplace.

They give digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria for healthy digestion and immune function and these “gut-friendly” foods are thought to help with bloating, immunity, libido, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Making them couldn’t be easier! This is such a simple process and our recipe takes all the mystery out of it if you’ve never done this before.

Simple ingredients:

  • A clean glass jar with a lid
  • Organic vegetables (including the hottest vegetable of the moment, cauliflower)
  • Water
  • Unrefined salt

Vegetables – Use a single vegetable or any combo, (e.g. cabbage, capsicum, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, onion, carrot, fresh herbs).

By the way, the cabbage family of vegetables is great for the liver. The greatly enhance liver function and support Liver detox.

Why organic? Apart from the obvious reason that they do not contain pesticides, organic vegetables abound more in a variety of beneficial types of bacteria. This will make the fermentation process more successful and will also provide your gut with a variety of very good bacteria.


  • Finely chop the vegetables
  • Place in jar.
  • Pour in saltwater solution. (2 Tbsp salt per 1 Liter or 1 quart of water…well dissolved).

Vegetables must be completely covered but leave a space of about 2 cm to allow for bubbling during the fermentation process.

Screw lid on jar.

Leave, away from direct sun, for at least 3 to 4 days, opening the jar once or twice daily to release gas.

We like to give the vegetables a bit of a poke with a wooden chopstick to encourage the release of the gas bubbles.

After a few days, the vegetables will be fermented and ready to eat.

From then on, store them in the refrigerator. They will keep for a long time…months…but must be refrigerated and must be kept covered by the fermentation liquid.

Serve with a meal to aid digestion.



Enjoy as an economical probiotic after doing Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal Detox, after antibiotics, and for good health in general.



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