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Lentil & Sweet Potato Fish Cakes

Lentil and Sweet Potato Fishcakes
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A great recipe for filling the gap when following your Ultimate Herbal Slim or Ultimate Herbal BodiTune program. By providing both fish and lentils you receive a good serving of protein while keeping the carbs to a minimum. It’s also gluten-free which helps digestion.

I like to double up on the recipe and make extra for the freezer. They are great to reheat when the time is short for cooking dinner.



  • 1 cup of Lentils
  • 1 200 g can of wild-caught salmon
  • 1 medium sized sweet potato (purple or gold)
  • 1 white onion
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 Tsp of Indian curry powder
  • 1 Tsp Turmeric
  • Small bunch of fresh Coriander (Cilantro)
  • 5 eggs


Day Before – Cover Lentils with 2 cups of water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes then turn off the heat and allow to soak overnight. This will make your Lentils soft and a lot less gassy when eaten.

The next day, bring the lentils to the boil again for five minutes and allow them to cool. Peel and grate the sweet potato and add to a large bowl. Finely chop onion, Garlic, and Coriander and add to bowl. Sprinkle with turmeric and curry powder and stir together with a fork. This will coat the sweet potato, onions, and garlic with powdered spices. Break up the Salmon with a fork and stir in the bowl. Whisk the eggs in a separate bowl and add to the main bowl mixing in well. You now have your fish cake mix!

A little trick I found to make great fish cakes is to use the Salmon can as a mold, just like a biscuit mold. This only works if you have a short fish can. Just press some of the fish cake mix into the can and upturn into the frying pan over your already hot oil.

Cook for 10 minutes on each side to cook through and serve with vegetables of your choice. In this case, I have used steamed Broccoli and Leek along with a little Tomato, Cottage Cheese, and Avocado.

I hope you enjoy this very satisfying meal!


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