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ColonEze The Ultimate ‘Irritable Bowel Syndrome’ Program Instant FlipBook

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Reviews and Feedback

No more irritable bowel after 36 years!

I recently did two of the Ultimate DETOX within 5 weeks of each other. I have suffered irritable bowel for most of my 36 years. Since doing this DETOX approx 7-8 weeks ago I have never felt better, having regular bowel motions.

I will try another DETOX in approx 6 months time to keep my body rid of toxins. I have eliminated meat, and bread from my diet, and have had no problems with my bowels since. I wish to thank you for your help. Two family members have since done the DETOX and are feeling brighter than before. Please add me to your membership I look forward to any updates that you may have. Regards



Words cannot describe the results I achieved

WOW ! Words cannot describe the results I achieved from the “ultimate DETOX”! I have suffered from constant bloating, constipation, fatigue and headaches from my early teens. My weight was a constant battle and many foods made me feel bloated and constipated. Nothing I tried helped me and being a teenager coping with constipation was embarrassing and very uncomfortable.

I resorted to laxatives which eventually through constant use, no longer worked for me but instead made my problem worse! I tried everything over the years and even tried DETOXs of other brands which did’nt seem to help either. After the birth of my twins 5 years ago, I felt extremely fatigued and constantly unwell. I visited Brett Elliott at ‘Brett Elliott’ and he put me onto his DETOXs. I completed the ‘Ultimate DETOX’ first with wonderful results!

For the first time in my life, my stomach is flat and I now know what foods I can and can’t eat to prevent constipation and bloating. I now complete ‘the weekend DETOX’ once a year and have recommended it to many of my friends, it’s the best DETOX on the market! Thank you soooo much Brett and the team.

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Cleared up Irritable bowel syndrome

Hi Brett, its been over a week now since I finished my detox and I can honestly say its been the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and seems to have cleared up my IBS issues. I don’t feel so heavy in the gut anymore, and don’t have any horrid cramps or aches now, no bloating and I lost 3kg of crap that I must have been hanging onto without knowing it. I have way more energy and have never felt better! Your product is amazing and I have told heaps of people about it. Thank you so much!! 🙂 [Erin – facebook]


The results are AMAZING !!

My husband who has high cholesterol that he was due to go on medication for, went in for another cholesterol test after finishing the 14 day detox we have just received a phone call from the nurse stating that his results were amazing and what had he done he now no longer needs medication for high cholesterol as he is back in the safe range and only has to have yearly check ups. He now has a healthy weight, is sleeping through the night and no longer craves unhealthy food. I have also had great results I no longer have IBS symptoms, I feel alert, energised and am also lighter. I urge anyone who is thinking of doing this to take the plunge and stick with it as its only 14 days out of your life and the results have been life changing for us. Get inventive with the food, I created an aioli out of yogurt, Garlic, lemon juice and olive oil which was lovely on salads and veggies…

Gavin and Linda

No more irritable bowel after 36 years!

I recently did two of the Ultimate DETOX within 5 weeks of each other. I have suffered irritable bowel for most of my 36 years. Since doing this DETOX approx 7-8 weeks ago I have never felt better, having regular bowel motions. I will try another DETOX in approx 6 months time to keep my body rid of toxins. I have eliminated meat, and bread from my diet, and have had no problems with my bowels since. I wish to thank you for your help. Two family members have since done the DETOX and are feeling brighter than before. Please add me to your membership I look forward to any updates that you may have.


Rheumatoid arthritis, IBS and chronic fatigue.

One day I hope to shake your hand. My whole health journey started with you. I’m now vegan and free from rheumatoid arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and chronic fatigue. I’m very grateful for your work, as it propelled me forward to take control of my health and seven years after my first Brett Elliott product, I am the healthiest I’ve ever been and so are my children. I regularly use your products to this day. Thanks again.


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