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Visit Brett Elliott’s Herbal Health Clinic

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Yes, we are living longer but on average many of us are still getting very unwell long before our time.

In New Zealand, we spend over 1 billion dollars a year on degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Dementia and its related care alone. Over 25% of the population suffers from pre-diabetes, which has led to diabetes being our third biggest killer.

Over 40% of the world’s adult population suffers from metabolic disease, which is a combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and weight gain. These factors contribute to our three biggest killers, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Even our children are beginning to suffer from these health problems.

Brett Elliott Medical Herbalist

About Brett

Brett started his life as an herbalist in 1995 while healing his severe back injury. He was converted to natural solutions with a passion and herbal medicine became his life. His private practice grew over the years into manufacturing and retail. Personally seeing up to 20,000 clients and with over 120,000 Ultimate Herbal Health programs sold in over 45 countries, he has found his specialty.

Brett says, “I want to help transform the lives of the people who use my products in a way that brings them years of satisfaction and joy”. Brett resides in Tauranga with his wife Sarah and continues to refine his products, write books, and provide specialized advice for clients around the world.

Brett Elliott specializes in balancing the pre-clinical metabolic imbalance and the related ailments. This includes weight gain, arthritis, and joint pain, hormonal imbalances, digestive complaints, addiction, depression, stress, and fatigue.

By doing this we can avert disaster and often resolve a multitude of minor irritations along the way.

As a regular public speaker at healthy living events, Brett is a strong advocate for herbal medicine and was the president of the New Zealand Association of Medical Herbalists 2021-2023

The focus

These are the three major things Brett focuses on:

  • Detoxifying the body so it can communicate better internally
  • Getting your metabolism and digestive system balanced
  • Increasing access to your mental, and emotional healing power

Personal consultation

Brett states “Health is a state of Peace, found when the Body, Mind, and Spirit Resonate in Perfect Harmony”.

He currently operates a private clinical practice in Tauranga, New Zealand, and welcomes you to visit him to receive a personal consultation with a tailor-made program.

Brett can usually get great results with these complaints:
Acne, allergies, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, bloating, blood sugar problems, blood pressure, candida, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, colitis, constipation, depression, eczema, edema, fatigue, gas, gout, headaches, heartburn, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, indigestion, irritable bowel, lazy bowel, memory loss, mucus congestion, obesity, palpitations, parasites, psoriasis, reflux, sinusitis, skin rashes, stomach or peptic ulcers, stress, weight gain.

Brett loves to see people one on one and offers personal program management for a very limited number of clients.

Just call 0800 555 556 or 021 829227 or email

Below is a brief outline of Brett’s methodology.

Medical Herbalist Online Consultation


In Brett’s clinical practice he uses several techniques to assist in directing the tailor-made segment of the program toward your specific needs. These methods are not mainstream and no clinical diagnosis is given but they do help provide him with further indications of your general health.

These include:

  • Herbal Medicine
  • Dietary advice
  • Live Blood Analysis
  • Kinesiology
  • Energy Healing
  • Counseling

Below is a little more detail on how these methods work together.  

Herbal Liquids

Herbal medicine

Herbal medicine is Brett’s passion because plants have incredible natural healing power. The practice dates back thousands of years, plus modern herbal extracts are standardized and very effective. Using a range of herbs he can put together a blend that is tailor-made specifically for you.

The object of herbal medicine is to nourish and strengthen the body so it is empowered to heal itself rapidly. The amazing thing about herbs is that, when used correctly, your body can recover and regain youth, vitality, and general health very quickly.

Medicinal Herbal substances are taken in by your body and utilized for many varied purposes. They can improve hormonal balance, nourish blood vessels, and the heart. They can reduce plaques, contribute to the liver’s proper functioning, and break down acid accumulations. The body can use them to repair the brain function, repair and strengthen bones, repair damaged intestinal lining, they can metabolize into chemicals used by your immune system, by your nerves, and by virtually every tissue and organ in our body.

Brett offers an extensive range of herbal products. These include his unique herbal detox and weight management programs, personal liquid herbal formulations, and other home remedies that he can show you how to make for yourself.

Dietary Advice

“Death sits in the bowel – bad digestion is the root of all evil” said Hippocrates around 400BC and he got it right.

So many of the illnesses we get today are due to a bad digestive system brought about by bad eating habits. Traditional medicine practitioners have known this for years, in fact, it is the cornerstone of herbal medicine and naturopathy.

Solving issues in the digestive system is possible but make take a couple of months to fully resolve. This is done by getting a good regular bowel function and establishing good healthy bowel flora. Specific foods can be recommended for each individual.

Live Blood Analysis

The practice of taking a drop of live blood and placing it under the microscope to view on a computer screen has been around for decades and is a very good way to get a snapshot of your general health.

Nothing deeply specific can be gleaned but general indications can be noted such as the longevity of your blood cells outside the body, hydration of your blood, freedom of flow, cleanliness of your plasma, the general shape and integrity of blood cells can be seen.

These indications can be helpful when choosing herbs and foods plus improvements can be clearly visible on repeat visits. It’s well worth taking a look and you may be surprised at how quickly things can be seen to improve.

Kinesiology - Muscle testing

Kinesiology uses the ancient system of acupuncture and the energy system of meridians to test and measure energy levels and ask questions directly to your body. This is a fantastic tool for finding answers to otherwise unseen and potentially unknown weaknesses or causes for a condition. This intuitive feedback method forms part of the total picture Brett uses to design your program.

Energy Healing

Brett’s natural gift for energy healing has been in his family for generations. It means he can sense the human energy field and manipulate it to move blockages, relieving stress and pain. This allows the herbs to work their magic and for healing to take place a lot faster than usual.

Brett also teaches the principles of this method during the sessions, so you can continue to work on yourself at home.

Read More About Brett’s Healing Method

Your Personal Program

It is Brett’s role to understand you from a holistic perspective, taking into account your full medical history, lifestyle, diet, work habits, family, and personal constitution. He has found he has a talent for finding things that the conventional doctor or other practitioners may have missed using normal methods of diagnosis. This is often due to the fact that until something is clinically visible it is usually not treatable.

The first consultation is usually just over 2 hours and costs $200.00

To book just call 027 2080401 or 021 829227 or email

Check out Brett’s Online Consulting Service Below

What people are saying:

Below are some results from people who came to see me. Some of these people had previously spent hundreds, even thousands, without results.

  • “Dangerous ulcerative bleeding stopped, drugs did not work”
  • “Migraines since a teenager. Now I haven’t had ONE. I can’t believe it! I can’t thank you enough.”
  • “Lost 12kg now I’m training for a marathon”
  • “My nurse said in all her years of nursing she’d never seen such a drastic drop in cholesterol”
  • “My memory improved and I feel 10 years younger, I’m telling everybody”
  • “My allergies were so bad it seemed I was sneezing and itching at everything, now so much better”
  • “Hot flushes stopped”
  • “Baby has stopped screaming with reflux”
  • “Fluid retention has gone…I don’t need the drug anymore”

Read more client reviews here

Doctor Holding a Cellphone

Online Consultation

Unlock Your Self-Healing Potential with a Personal Online Consultation

No matter where you are in your life, you can start the next step in your Journey to Ultimate Health today. Why spend $1,000’s on appointments and health products when you can get Brett Elliott’s personal expert advice straight to your home!  Brett’s programs are designed to empower you with the knowledge to be able to make positive changes in your health at home.

Brett will personally put together a specific health program for you which will include dietary advice, herbs, and home remedies to address your particular ailment.

How it works:
To get a good understanding of you Brett requires a full profile of your general health, diet, and lifestyle with a three-part Health Assessment Questionnaire. Once purchased you will be emailed a link to the Health Assessment Questionnaire. You simply tick the boxes and send it then Brett will do the rest!

Brett Elliott will study your Questionnaire, maybe give you a 20-minute phone call, or request blood test results if you have them. Brett will then send you his recommended health program with dietary and lifestyle recommendations, herbal and home remedies plus relevant informative articles.

It’s that simple.

What you will receive
Brett Elliott’s recommendations will include:

Dietary advice: There are specific foods can you use as medicine. In other words, by having more specific foods in your regular diet you can impact your specific health concern. The same applies to some foods which should be reduced. Knowing this information can be one of the powerful pieces of information for your long-term health outcome.

Home remedies: There may be specific herbal remedies that you can make at home right from your garden or pantry. Once again it comes back to what you can do long-term to manage and maintain ideal health. Your ability to make home remedies is a crucial part of this picture.

Herbal formulation: Brett can provide concentrated herbal formulations from his herbal dispensary and will often recommend a tonic blend of liquid extracts that can be delivered along with your program. These liquids can also be used long-term as a healing herbal tonic. We all have specific herbs that work well with our bodies. Please note – these herbal formulations are at an extra cost and depend on the bottle size purchased.

Herbal DETOX or SLIM program: There may be a Detox program required to start the ball rolling. By cleansing and supporting your metabolism, your body regains its full quota of energy for healing and growth. This is the foundation for all other areas of your body but also supports the emotional and mental aspects of health.

The Next Level: Everybody is different but there are always a couple of things we can do on the energetic level, body-mind-spirit. Often Brett will suggest a couple of things that can be done in this area to help you.

All of this will come back to you in an email with links to support you.

Book Your Online Consultation Here 

Reviews and Feedback

Nothing short of a miracle

It has been an amazing six weeks and the only change in my life and lifestyle has been taking the body cleanse and detox tablets….. the arthritis that I have in my toe and back has diminished by 75% And my whole lifestyle has improved incredibly, along with now having two or three bowel movements in a day and not needing any medication to achieve this which is nothing short of miraculous as it has been a problem since I was 15 years old!!!!! so I am very happy thank you so much Brett🙂🌹


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