FREE Instant Downloads Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal Health Program User Guides and Planners as eBook and interactive FlipBooks. 6 Week Weight Management Program DOWNLOAD → LiverClenze – The Ultimate Herbal Liver Cleanse Program Guide – Instant FlipBook DOWNLOAD → LiverClenz Coaching Program DOWNLOAD → The Ultimate HeartClenz Program – Instant FlipBook DOWNLOAD → The Ultimate Herbal Candida Program Instant FlipBook DOWNLOAD → DETOX and Heal Yourself – Instant FlipBook DOWNLOAD →
Personalised Ideal Weight and Ultimate Herbal Program Calculator
Ultimate Herbal SLIM – Shopping list and eating plan made easy
The central idea of the SLIM eating plan is this: Eat unprocessed natural living foods and connect directly with nature, especially air, light, and water. The list below should give you a good stock of ingredients for your ideal meals. Try to avoid getting things, not on this list i.e. processed food. You can also choose from the full range of recipes available on the quick recipe finder page click here Almond, Coconut, rice, soy, or un-homogenized whole milk Apple juice Apples/oranges Apricots Asparagus Avocado Baked beans Bananas Bea sprouts (alfalfa or mung) Beetroot (fresh or canned) Blueberries Broccoli Brown rice Cabbage red/white Capsicum Carrots Cauliflower Celery Soft Cheese (cottage or Brie)) Cherries Chickpeas (garbanzos), Dahl and lentils Chicken breast Cider vinegar Corn on the cob Courgettes Cucumber Dates, prunes, raisins, or figs Eggs Fresh herbs (a variety) Fresh fish, or canned tuna and salmon Garlic Herbal teas Herbs and spices Honey Hummus Kale Kiwifruit Kumara (sweet potato) Lemons or lemon juice Leeks Lettuce Mango, pawpaw and passionfruit Millet Mung beans for sprouting Mushrooms Nuts (mixed) Olives and Olive oil Onions Oranges Peaches Peanut butter (Raw) Pineapple Potatoes Pumpkin Quinoa Raspberries Rolled oats (for porridge) Sunflower and pumpkin seeds Silverbeet Spinach Spring onions Squeezed orange juice Strawberries Tomatoes (fresh and canned) Tomato juice Unsweetened yogurt All other whole vegetables and fruit are allowed Meal Recommendations These are my favourite suggestions. In the morning: Choose a smoothie from our recipe page or try some fruit and yoghurt. You could have ‘rolled oats porridge’ or ‘eggs on raw spinach or toast’ both once a week. If you do get some bread, try and get the heaviest brick seed loaf you can find at your local bakery and only use 2-3 slices a week. During the day: You could use leftovers from dinner, soups, curries, stir fry, or salads. You could add some tinned fish, avocado, tofu, or chicken breast, but it’s best to keep it vegetarian if possible. Snack on fruit as you feel the need for energy. You can always make a cup of tea or another smoothie as alternatives. Dinners: It’s good to stick to soups, curries, stir fry, or salads and avoid white rice, pasta, buns, or other alternatives to bread like naan, pita, tacos, tortillas, nachos, etc. Try to only have meat 2-3 times a week or less, and stick to chicken or fish if possible. It’s easier to digest. Increase the spiciness of your meals, as this helps boost metabolic rate. Remember, you can also choose from the full range of recipes available on the quick recipe finder page click here Free Herbal SLIM User Guide This free user guide gives you the full in-depth breakdown of Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal SLIM program. This is the actual user guide and recipe book that is inside the Ultimate Herbal SLIM pack. So if you are interested in doing the program or you have lost your own copy click on the button below and it will be with you instantly. The SLIM program user guide includes: How the Ultimate Herbal SLIM program works The key four areas of weight management Stage One – Goal Setting Weight gain in the modern world BMI – Body Mass Index Body Types WHR – Waist to hip ratio BIA – Bioimpedance analysis GAY – Good about yourself Stage Two – Ultimate Nutrition Light Air Water Beneficial nutrients Good nutrition Fats Carbohydrates Gluten Fiber Making a meal Stage Three – Taking the herbs Dose plans Stage Four – Food & Shopping Breakfast suggestions Morning and afternoon snacks Lunch suggestions Dinner suggestions Shopping list DOWNLOAD NOW
Where do I Begin?
If you’re looking for a quick answer, then please feel free to try this Ultimate Personal Program Calculator On this page, I will help you find the best program to start with and simplify the decision-making process for you. You may just be looking to embark on your healing journey, or perhaps you’re a seasoned detoxer, and ready to take it to the next level. Either way, you can use the Detox ‘n Heal Yourself / Ultimate Herbal Health Program to empower yourself during this process. How The Ultimate Herbal Health Program Fits Together In this video, you will find out what the major components of the Ultimate Herbal Health Program are and how they work together to complete the Healing Triangle. It’s when you understand how these parts integrate and synergize that you will be inspired to follow through and get the transformative results Brett promises. Choosing Your Perfect Program There is a core range of herbal programs available, but choosing the right one for you revolves around a couple of major factors. What is your goal? eg; Resolving a specific health issue, losing weight, or cleansing your inner body for general health? Do you prefer taking capsules or drinking smoothies? Are you in it for a long-term healing journey or just a quick reboot? Brett will offer you a couple of suggestions. Let’s look at each of these a little further and link you to what you need to make the choice. 1. What Is Your Goal? Resolving a specific health issue There are a few health issues that respond very well to the Ultimate Herbal Health programs, and each one has a page with some specific guidelines on where to start, with diet, herbs, and self-healing.Most of these programs will suggest you start with a 2-week Deep Cleanse which means you will need either the Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or BodiClenz Smoothie Drink powder. Simply click the heading names to view these specific articles.Acid Reflux, Heartburn, IndigestionBloating & GasCandidaConstipationCrohn’s DiseaseChronic Fatigue SyndromeFatty Liver Disease And Metabolic SyndromeHeadaches and MigrainesHigh Blood PressureHigh CholesterolIrritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)Liver Detox ProgramType 2 DiabetesParasite CleansePsoriasis & ExcemaConquering Sugar AddictionImmune Boosting ProgramEstrogen Dominance And Menopausal Weight Gain Losing Weight If weight loss is your goal then a good place to start is the ‘Ideal Weight Calculator‘ The Ultimate Herbal SLIM or BodiTune programs are ideal for weight loss, but usually, work better after completing the Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or BodiClenz Smoothie Drink powder for two weeks as a kick start. You will find some suggestions below the Ideal Weight Calculator result guiding you to the best program to try. We can’t make claims as to the weight loss results, but put it this way, giving your body a good cleanse and committing to a healthy diet plan usually gets great results. Click Here To Try The Weight Calculator Cleansing your inner body for general health If you’re looking for a good inner body cleanse to reset your gut health and metabolism then either the Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or BodiClenz Smoothie Drink powder is always the best place to start. I highly recommend completing one of these as a two 2-week Deep Cleanse at least once, or even twice a year. 2. Do You Prefer Taking Capsules or Drinking Smoothies? When looking at detoxing and cleansing the Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or BodiClenz Smoothie Drink powder are both ideal. These both contain exactly the same formulation and dosage of herbs, so the results are fairly equal. In other words, it’s really your preference between capsules or drinks. You can actually do both side-by-side if you want, by taking the smoothies in the morning or at lunchtime and then having the capsules at night, which can be easier. 3. Are You In It for a Long-Term Healing Journey or Just a Quick Reboot? The quick reboot is best done using the Ultimate Herbal Detox capsules or BodiClenz Smoothie Drink powder as a two-week deep cleanse. If you’re embarking on or continuing your long-term healing journey, then perhaps you can look at things in stages like this. – A ‘kickstart’ Herbal Detox or BodiClenz for two weeks (if not completed in the last 6 months).– Achieve metabolic balance and weight control with Ultimate Herbal Slim, or Combo plan (if weight loss is needed).– Ongoing maintenance with BodiTune or BodiClenz at a low dose (one scoop daily).– Learn ‘Unconditional Healing‘ by watching, reading, and practicing the method. You will learn Brett’s unique Self-Healing method by tapping into infinite, universal healing energy. 4. Brett’s Suggestions In this short video, Brett shares his simplified version of how best to follow the Ultimate Herbal ‘Detox ‘n Heal Yourself’ Program also known as The Ultimate Herbal Health Program. This video is taken at Brett herbal health clinic in Tauranga, New Zealand. If you’re still not sure what program is best for you then please feel to contact Brett by email or on the live chat. To contact us click HERE
Get ‘Detox ‘n Heal Yourself’ Mobile App
Get Healing Power In Your Hands! We’ve made it easier than ever to navigate your personal health journey. Detox ‘n Heal Yourself literally puts the power in your hands, with everything from a recipe finder to program coaching. With hundreds of videos, articles, and full access to Brett Elliott’s Ultimate Herbal Health guides, you will never feel alone while you progress on your journey of healing. Includes the Following: • 100’s of Detox Recipes & Videos• 100’s Of Herbal Health Articles & Videos• Free Online Coaching, Webinars & Events• AI Herbalist & Live Chat Support• VIP Membership for Herbal Programs See a sample video of the App working on a phone below. FREE App Download ANDROID – Click Above Or Scan Below APPLE – Click Above Or Scan Below App Demo
Herbal Detox & BodiClenz – Deep Cleanse Days 5-14
Deep Cleanse – Day 5 So you may have taken the first half of the 40 capsules and the second 20 will be waiting for you at the end of the day. If you’re using BodiClenz powder, then it’s one smoothie in the morning and 1 at lunchtime. You can still have your clean, fresh salad or hot vegetable dinner. Some quiet time alone, deep meditation, or a long gentle walk are just what you need. Connecting with new energy sources around you will help you through this challenging stage. I thought this was a good time to share some ideas around protein sources on your program and to talk about how nature can help detox stress from our body. Also, it’s good to consider other energy sources, such as light for example. You can investigate this further in the video below.–2cc&t=1s Sunlight – Can We Tap Into This Source Of Energy?We know that light has a powerful influence on our circadian rhythm and that a healthy sleep-wake cycle affects our metabolism, appetite, and weight control. The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland in the brain. It produces melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone, which affects the modulation of sleep patterns, which is central to maintaining good health.Click Here to Read the full ‘Sunlight’ article Deep Cleanse – Day 6 Hope all is going well and things are starting to move. If you are feeling a bit bloated, full or constipated, you can heat up your food with spices such as Turmeric, Curry and Chilli to get things going. You must also make sure you keep your water levels up. If you aren’t moving too much or things haven’t changed dramatically please don’t worry as it varies for everyone. Some people get a shift on day 1 whilst, for others it might be day 14 and some people don’t get a really noticeable shift. All of these are normal, as everyone is different. If you aren’t getting much, it’s not that your body isn’t detoxing but that you may be clear of plaque and letting go of the toxins through your kidney and liver functions more than just your bowels. Toxins get released from your cells into the channels of elimination and if you are quite clear in the colon and intestines, you might not have any dramatic evacuations. Hope all is going well and you’re feeling light and energised. Deep Cleanse – Day 7 Yesterday you could have noticed the effect of taking the double dose of herbs for a couple of days, and perhaps extra bowel movements will have resulted. If not then this could be just around the corner. We also talked about the healing nutrients found in your plant-based diet. It’s not just that your food is 100% plant-based but also that it’s completely unprocessed. Herbs have been used for thousands of years for their healing powers. I thought you might find it inspiring to look at how herbal medicine heals your body in a little more detail. See the videos below. In this video, Brett shares the contents of his pantry and explains how a lot of herbal medicines can be found in your kitchen. Understanding how to use simple herbs and spices as healing medicines can be a major step forward in managing your health long term. How Herbal Medicine HealsMore than 20,000 species of plants are used in traditional medicines, alleged to be all potential reservoirs for new drugs, and are considered a potential source of chemical constituents with anti-cancer activities. In this video and article, I will explain where herbal medicine begins, and how science is now recognising these amazing plants.Click Here To Read The Full Article Deep Cleanse – Day 8 I hope you’re coping with the restricted detox diet and not feeling too deprived. It’s often just a matter of finding interesting ways to make meals. Remember you can snack on pickles, olives, dates, prunes, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, grapes, cherries, raisins, and mandarins. Just a few ideas. I’m thinking you might need a few more meal ideas, so I’m reminding you about the recipe page below. Barbecued Vegetables One thing you often think of when eating just vegetables is, “What about if we go to a barbecue”. The great news is, there’s still plenty you can eat at the barbecue. Check it out in this video. DETOX Recipes Galore There’s over 100 recipes available on our recipe page. Remember to select the 14-day program from the Herbal Program drop-down selector. We do recommend the recipes in the user guide, and my Cleansed & Cured book as the absolute ultimate recipes, but if you’re getting bored, maybe it’s time to try a few new things and get experimental.Click Here To Open The Quick Recipe Finder Page Deep Cleanse – Day 9 I hope you’re getting through your program well and not feeling too deprived. One of the things we often get asked is, “What about my protein levels?” or “I don’t think I can survive without my meat”. This is especially common with men for some reason and I think this is mostly emotional attachment. I usually respond with the gorilla message. “Did you know that Gorilla’s are 90% vegetarian and they are the strongest animal on earth”. Also, when you look at the animals we eat for meat, mostly cattle and sheep, they get all of their protein directly from green leafy vegetation, like grass. There is clearly no shortage of protein when eating your greens. Find out more on this subject in the videos and articles below. Meat vs VegetablesA recent study conducted in New Zealand found that people on a meat-free diet were able to lose up to 11kg weight in one year and reduce medications by up to 29%. Watch this interesting news clip below. Brett also talks about the science of meat vs vegetables. Super Vegetarian Diet Research shows that plant-based diets are cost-effective, low-risk interventions that may lower body
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How To – The Ultimate Herbal BodiTune Program
A Very Unique Herbal Protein Drink This wonderful natural protein, vegetable, and herb drink will help with food cravings; support your energy; help manage your weight long term; support healthy metabolism; natural digestive function and nourish and strengthen your body. It has a low GI, is suitable for vegans plus it’s free from harmful chemical additives. † † This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. BodiTune comes in these three sizes.32 x 15.5g Sachets500g Bulk Pot (33 x 15g scoops)1kg Bulk Pot (66 x 15g scoops) How to take BodiTune You can have the BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim drink daily for long-term health maintenance. It can be stirred into water, but it’s extra tasty when mixed into milk (eg dairy, coconut, soya, almond, or rice milk), diluted juice, or as part of a smoothie with your favorite fruits and yogurt. Click here to search for some great smoothies made with the DETOX n SLIM protein drink. When?Whenever you like! As a snack, as a meal, or as part of a meal. For most people, a BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim protein drink is best taken earlier in the day because it is so energizing and will help to see you through the day. Choosing a plan There are no hard and fast rules, and you can chart your own destiny! There are three plans to choose from, but you can make your own plan by moving from one to another as you progress. You can start on the rapid plan, then go steady, and finally move to the maintenance plan. Set your goals, and hit the blender! You can download the free BodiTune DETOX n SLIM User sheet from inside the pack by requesting it here. Remember to be realistic and not expect too much too fast. Herbal medicine has been used around the globe for thousands of years and it has a reputation for long-term results. Choosing your plan can be as easy as starting on the rapid plan for one month, moving to the steady plan for two or three more months, and then settling into the maintenance plan thereafter. Remember, if you have not completed one of our Ultimate Herbal DETOX or Ultimate Herbal SLIM programs already then we highly recommend checking to see if one of these might be worth completing alongside your drink. They are the perfect kickstart. Plan One: Rapid Plan: 4 sachets dailyThis is the ultimate detox and weight management plan “all in one”. By taking 4 sachets daily, you will give your body all it needs to cleanse the colon, liver, and other organs of build-up and toxins. You will also be giving your metabolism a huge boost and get blood sugar and cravings balanced. Set your goals, focus on the eating tips in the recipe section on this website, to help you get there fast. If you want to lose weight fast or if you prefer to use the drink powder instead of the herbal capsules then this is the plan for you. Once you reach your goal or find your body is following a regular pattern of weight management then you can drop back to the steady plan. Plan Two: Steady Plan: 2 sachets daily2 sachets daily will give you nice steady energy and provide a gradual balancing effect. Depending on your body size and type you could lose weight steadily on this plan. The steady plan helps avoid any rebound effect and gives your body the time it needs to find metabolic balance, while you practice the good eating and lifestyle habits recommended. This is my favorite plan to use alongside the Ultimate Herbal DETOX or Ultimate Herbal SLIM programs. If you take the capsules plus have two BodiTune DETOX ’n SLIM sachets daily, your energy will increase while your appetite will be reduced naturally. Steady is good. Plan Three: Maintenance Plan: 1 sachet dailyUse the BodiTune DETOX ’n SLIM maintenance plan in between your annual 14-day DETOX or two-month SLIM program for maintaining health, energy, digestion, and ideal weight. A car needs regular maintenance because it gets used every day, it combusts fuel and it has many moving parts. Why should our bodies be any different? We shop for food but sometimes we go for convenience. The herbal ingredients in BodiTune DETOX ’n SLIM sachets provide us with the missing bits. The ultimate activating factors to our metabolism are found in 1-2 BodiTune DETOX ’n SLIM sachets daily. This is just enough to hold you at your ideal weight and metabolic rate if you have nearly achieved it. You could still lose that last stubborn bit of weight if you stay on this plan for a couple of months but for long-term continuous use, this plan is also ideal. What can I eat? You can any food as long as it is unprocessed. See some suggested foods below which are perfect for this program. See all the recipes options here Almond or rice milk Apple juice Apples/oranges Apricots Asparagus Avocado Baked beans Bananas Beetroot (fresh or canned) Blueberries Broccoli Brown rice Cabbage (red or white) Capsicum Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cheese Cherries Chickpeas (garbanzos), dahl & lentils Chicken Cider vinegar Cinnamon & spices Corn on the cob Courgettes Cucumber Dates Free-range Eggs Flaxseeds Figs Fresh herbs (a variety) Fresh fish Fruits Garlic Grapefruit Herbal teas Herbs & spices Honey Hummus Kiwifruit Kumara (sweet potato) Lecithin Lemons or lemon juice Leeks Lettuce Mango & passionfruit Millet Mung beans for sprouting Mushrooms Raw nuts (mixed) Olives Olive oil Onions Oranges Organic, farm, or un-homogenized whole milk Passionfruit Peaches Pineapple Potatoes Prunes Pumpkin Quinoa Raisins Raspberries Rolled oats Sunflower & pumpkin seeds Silverbeet Spinach Spring onions Sprouts Squeezed orange juice Strawberries Tamarillo Canned tuna & salmon Tomatoes (fresh & canned) Tomato juice Unsweetened yoghurt Vegemite or marmite Disclaimer – Results will vary in time frame and intensity from person to person. All testimonials and reviews are authentic and submitted from actual Ultimate Herbal Health customers. Download Free BodiTune User Guide here
Herbal Detox & BodiClenz – Lead In, Days 1-4
We call this next four days the lead-in stage. It allows your body to adjust to the effect of the herbs before stepping up to the full Deep Clenase dosage. Lead In – Day 1 Today is the first day of taking your Herbal Detox capsules or your BodiClenz Drink. By now you should have taken 20 of your capsules, 5 from each one of the bottles in the morning, or you will have taken 1 scoop of BodiClenz in your breakfast smoothie. This is the amount you will be taking for the first 4 days. See the 7 Ulitmate BodiClenz Smoothie Recipes Here Now that you are into the cleanse, it is a good time to explore why live food and raw food are so good for you. There is no real value in processed ‘dead food’ as it’s actually toxic to us. Over time by-products of dead food will accumulate and you will need to do a detox/body cleanse program to feel better. This is why our Ultimate herbal Detox diet includes lots of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables. This allows your body to cleanse toxins and to feel energised and healed at the same time. You will find after your BodiClenz or Ultimate Herbal Detox program that the increase in energy is so profound that your diet naturally leans towards more raw food thereafter. Have an awesome day Why Eat Live Food Photosynthesis captures light, which is then released during the cellular metabolism of sugars and fats. This basic process in nature has significant implications for our diet, especially concerning the type of food we choose to consume for energy. Key Dietary Insights: Bright Foods for Energy: Foods rich in color, such as fruits and vegetables, contain a high amount of light, which translates to energy. This concept is vividly illustrated by brightly colored flowers, which are natural light-capturing devices. Similarly, ripe fruits, especially those picked directly from the tree, provide an almost instant energy boost, making them unparalleled sources of life force and quick energy. Raw Vegetables’ Power: Fresh raw vegetables are loaded with light, life force, and healing properties. However, when under stress, people often avoid these raw foods because consuming them can trigger a detox process. This process not only expels physical toxins but also emotional and mental ones, which may be overwhelming if one is not prepared to face them. The Detriment of “Dead Food”: Low Nutritional Value: Processed foods, artificially flavored snacks, overcooked foods, and dead meats are categorized as “dead food” because they lack nutritional value and are toxic. These foods do not contribute to our health and can lead to the accumulation of harmful by-products in our bodies. Necessity for Detox: Continuous consumption of dead food necessitates periodic detox or body cleanse programs to eliminate toxins and rejuvenate the body. Incorporating raw, fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, as suggested by our Ultimate Herbal Detox diet, facilitates this cleansing process, helping to energize and heal the body. Empirical Support for Raw and Vegetarian Diets: Health Benefits: Studies consistently show that diets high in raw plant foods lead to better health outcomes. For instance: Favorable cholesterol and triglyceride levels from long-term consumption of a 70% raw plant food diet. Beneficial plasma beta-carotene and low plasma lycopene concentrations linked to strict long-term raw food diets. Raw vegan diets contribute to lower obesity rates and reduced hypertension. Significant relief from fibromyalgia symptoms and reduced signs of rheumatoid arthritis in individuals following a raw vegan diet. People adhering to raw or vegetarian diets often report much higher energy levels and overall happiness, underscoring the profound impact of diet on physical and mental health. Lead In – Day 2 You’re into the second day of capsules or drinks. Hopefully, you are getting them down OK. Please keep up your gentle exercise as your body will benefit from the gentle exercise and energy flow. I thought that reflecting on the reasons for doing a cleanse might be appropriate at this stage, but also a little insight into the philosophy on how you can achieve your goals bu utilising the law of ‘Incremental Change’ Keep going, you are doing well. Inner Peace – What Is It? Everyone has different reasons for doing a detox program. For many it is at a practical level, to lose weight or to clean their body to resolve health conditions. For some they want to reach deeper, to make a significant change in their lives, and to find emotional/mental peace and deeper healing. Brett has written a series of articles on this subject and shares his self-healing method which you can use during your detox. Click Here to See the series Ultimate Energy Healing Lead In – Day 3 You are heading into a key part of your cleanse, and your body may be showing signs of the Detox kicking in. As you are moving further into the cleanse, your body will be starting to release toxins held inside you. It is common not be feeling too good in the early stages, like between days 3-6 on the herbs, but keep going and it should pass in 24 to 48 hours. See more information below about toxins and how detoxing heals. Just a tip: If you are struggling to take the capsules, you don’t have to take them all at once. You can split them up and take them throughout the day if it makes it easier for you. Also if you are feeling full after the capsules don’t feel you have to eat just because you think you should. It’s OK if the capsules fill you up and your appetite drops. Keep going, you can do it. What can I snack on when I get hungry? It’s important to keep snacking in the first few days of your detox as you may start to miss your normal routine of eating certain foods. There are many things you can eat. These include Grapes, Prunes, Figs, Raisins, Olives, Gherkins,
Ultimate Herbal DETOX & BodiClenz – Elimination Diet
Day 1 – Starches So you have now completed your preparation and ready to begin your program. Today you should start eliminating the big starches from your diet including the following: potato bread rice pasta You should also eliminate all other processed carbohydrates. This includes: cakes, pastries, muffins, sugary drinks, sweets, and basically any product containing flour or sugar. Check out my groceries and more info about processed carbs below. WATCH – Brett’s Detox Groceries It’s important to stock up with fresh food and snacks that you can have during your detox program, so here is a little video where I share what I have purchased for my own personal Detox program. I might help you think of what you could start buying more of. Why Remove Processed Carbs? Not only do processed carbs addictive, irritate your gut, and cause inflammation, but they also destroy metabolic balance in your body. You may have heard in the news over the last few years that Diabetes is on the rise. In fact, it has become a global epidemic and is one of the biggest health crises the world has ever seen. One of the side benefits of completing the Herbal Detox program is weight management and this comes about largely through the elimination of simple processed carbohydrates. The end result of prolonged processed carbohydrate use is what they call pre-diabetes. They estimate that up to 40% of the adult population could be suffering from this. Controlling your blood sugar has many massive benefits to your health. Day 2 – Protein Today is the day for taking out your proteins. I’m making this easy for myself by making a huge pot of vegetable soup, which you can see in the video. To thicken it, I have used a tiny amount of red lentils, or you could use a little dahl, but this will be the last of the protein foods. You will also need to take out meats, nuts, seeds, beans, eggs, cheese, and any other heavy protein foods that are not fruit or vegetables. From this time onward you need to keep an eye on your toilet habits. Not the best topic to talk about but one which is very important! From here on your normal toilet habits may change at any time. What to expect is a bit unknown. Some people may get loose, semi-fluid bowel movements, whereas others may get extra bulk and volume. Some may not get a movement for a few days even. Please be assured this is just a normal part of the process. Remember to do that gentle exercise, even if it is some stretching and walking it’s worth it. It’s time to look after number one! Six Reasons To Avoid Meat 1. Early DeathA study involving 448,568 men and women over ten years found significant associations with processed meat intake were observed for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and ‘other causes of death’. 2. Acidity and InflammationCurrent data suggests an association between the amount of dietary red meat and processed meat intake and levels of obesity-related inflammatory markers. 3. Cancer ConnectionProcessed meats have been directly linked to bowel cancer, one of the most common and lethal forms of cancer. Red meat is classified as probably carcinogenic to humans 4. Increased Stroke LikelihoodA high-protein diet might benefit health in some ways, but depending on what kind of protein a person consumes, it could raise their stroke risk too, suggests a large new study that found eating lots of red meat increases the likelihood of having a stroke. 5. DiabetesHigh consumption of red meat, and specially processed meat, is associated with an increased risk of 32% for Diabetes. 6. Coronary Heart DiseaseIn one study we have a consistent picture for a reduction of Coronary heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension, in which risks appear to be lower in vegetarians, and some of the mechanisms are clear. Alcohol and Coffee on your Detox In this video, Brett talks about cutting back on alcohol and coffee during your detox. Detoxing your body can be hard enough without having to completely quit everything. It is better to quit one thing at a time and try one habit each year. It could be sugar, coffee, energy drinks, or any other emotional comfort eating drinking, or drug habit. Steady incremental change is the best way to make permanent improvements in your habits. Day 3 – Processed Food Today you should eliminate any other processed food which may be in your normal diet. It’s out with the starches, proteins, grains, sugars, and meats. It’s all fruit, vegetables, juices, soups, and unsweetened yogurt from here on in! If you can utilise organic food then even better as it is completely natural and untouched by chemical pesticides, fertilisers, additives, or affected by irradiation. If you can’t get organic then get your food from the local grocer and try and avoid the big stores if possible. Today is a good day to start planning your shopping list for the days when you are taking your Detox capsules. There is a shopping list on page 15 in your user guide, but also find a link to the shopping list on our website below. Remember your blender is your friend and it can produce some awesome smoothies like the Black Forest Berry smoothie below. See a quick message about alcohol and coffee in the video below. The good news is, you don’t have to stop completely if you’re a regular drinker, but it’s important to cut right back. Keep up the great effort, you are not alone in this. Why you’re going onto whole-foods! Your digestive system works in a similar way to your home garden compost heap. You throw your scraps on your compost and a little while later you have a nice pile of fertilizer come out the other end. The difference with your gut is that there’s a permeable membrane that filters out the good stuff, the nutrients that your body needs, and what