When considering the environmental impact of mobilized metals, the “big three”, mercury, lead, and cadmium, are in the limelight.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Natural Solutions
Multiple factors appear to have a role in IBS, including the composition of the gut microflora, intestinal permeability, immune response and the gut-brain connection.
How Detox Can Increase Fertility
We all know that toxins stored in the mother are shared with the unborn child, but what about the father. Of course, sperm can be damaged by toxins as well so potential Dads need to be aware of their role too.
Managing detox headaches and withdrawal symptoms
There’s nothing more annoying than a headache. Whether during a detox program or any other time. They can indicate toxicity, stress, blood sugar problems or just general fatigue, but there is an answer.
145,000 Reasons to do a DETOX
There are over 145,000 Chemicals in our household cleaners, devices, cars, textiles, packaging and processed food industry and 60 million other chemicals worldwide
Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally
A very common diagnosis received at your Doctors visit is High Blood Pressure but what causes it and how can we reverse it without using drugs with all their nasty side effects?
Migraine Headache – Can it be treated naturally?
Dehydration, blood sugar imbalance, hormonal variation, emotional upset and inadequate sleep all have a physiological effect that can generate a deluge of events leading to a migraine.
How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally with Herbs & Food
You actually need Cholesterol to live – your body makes hormones like estrogen and testosterone plus many other important biological molecules from Cholesterol.
The True Power of a Plant-Based Diet Revealed
The major benefits for people who decide to start a plant-based diet are the possibility of reducing the number of medications they take to treat a variety of chronic conditions, lower body weight, decreased risk of cancer, and a reduction in their risk of death from ischemic heart disease.
The Ultimate Crohns Disease Treatment Program
Today I will share with you the holistic view, covering food, herbs and mind-body medicine giving you a new ray of hope. Many people have completed our program and reported success at relieving the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.