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Brett Elliott

Our Mission:

“To improve millionss of lives with the world’s best herbal health programs”

In the last 20 years, Brett Elliott has helped over 100,000 people through his Ultimate Herbal Program which is now New Zealand’s most popular Herbal Health Program.

How did this come about?

Brett began his journey into natural medicine in the early 1990’s when his own health began to deteriorate. He had been laying gas lines for many years and due to the hard physical activity, three discs in his lower spine had severely degenerated. Brett turned down the operation to join 3 vertebrae with titanium rods and began his search for alternatives.

Brett did what we call in New Zealand “Going bush”

He was virtually off the grid for a couple of years finding the best way to heal himself. The area He lived in called Taranaki had a lot of access to the bush and Mount Egmont and this inspired him. Brett had overwhelming feelings of connection to the trees and plants on a spiritual level.

Whilst searching the library for books on self-healing and natural medicines he discovered herbs. The penny dropped for him as he read about herbal medicines dating back thousands of years in every ancient culture.

He says “The use of herbs as medicine gave me a strong feeling to follow this as my path in life. I soon realized I had a gift for feeling and moving spiritual healing energy and natural medicine became my life. There is no other option for me, so I’m a man on a mission!”

Brett’s studies included a two-year Diploma in Herbal Studies and four years of Anatomy Physiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics at Auckland University of Technology. He also completed another 4-year diploma in Herbal Medicine and opened his clinic in 1997.

His real passion is for sharing the beauty of, what he calls “Nature’s Medicine” and seeing how it can transform the health and lives of people when they find the perfect natural health solutions.

Brett lost his wife to ovarian cancer in 2014 and this further reinforced his drive to help others avoid unnecessary loss.

“Too many of us die before our time and miss priceless moments we could have shared with our family and friends. We may not be able to prevent every disease but we can certainly extend our quality of life,” he says.

Brett’s first company The Herbalist, was formed in 2001 followed by NZ Nutraceuticals in 2005 and this factory still operates in Tauranga, New Zealand today.

Ultimate Herbal Health Limited was formed in 2009 as a natural health product development and distribution company.  It is run by Brett and his wife Sarah.

Brett aims to provide a deep personal service and health products that take you on a healing journey.

See more about Brett’s Clinic


Contact us: 

New Zealand FreePhone: 0800 555 556     USA FreePhone: 1800 595 1047     Worldwide: +647-5442863

Head Office: 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu, Tauranga 3112 New Zealand

USA: Distribution Centre: 1145 Uniform Road, Griffin, GA 30224 USA