It seems pretty obvious that using Bacopa as a herbal medicine or daily supplement could be a good long-term appraoch to improving mental function, brain health and long-term mental health.
Considering a Lectin Free Diet?
You may have heard of the Atkins diet, the Blood Type Diet, and more recently the Keto and Paleo Diet, all of which are examples of fad diets.
Unconditional Energy Healing – Part 6 – Connecting
Our brain, heart and nervous systems are all electrical and magnetic in nature, which is why modern medicine uses so many electromagnetic devices and equipment, both in diagnosis and treatment.
Unconditional Energy Healing – Part 4 – Tuning In
Healing Energy is just like any other energy, it moves and it travels from one place to another. In order to put ourselves in the right place to receive healing energy you could compare other types of energy and how they are received.
Unconditional Energy Healing – Part 2 – A Higher Perspective
We’re going to get started with how to put yourself in the right space to receive healing energy.
This means putting aside our past understandings and allowing for a new paradigm, a new type of view on the world and ourselves.
Unconditional Energy Healing – Part 1 – Introduction
Science has only understood a very small fraction of our reality, our cosmos and ourselves as humans. In-fact science may be under 1% of what there is to know.
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) Health Benefits
Parsley is the richest source of iron from any leafy green that you’d get from the supermarket. One cup of parsley will also provide up to 10% RDA of copper, 7% RDA of magnesium, 7% RDA of potassium, 6% RDA of zinc, and 5% RDA of phosphorus.
The Top 6 Dietary Sources of Good Fats for Weight Loss
Fat is a major source of energy and aids your body in absorbing vitamins. It’s important for proper growth, development and keeping you healthy.
Many people are concerned about being overweight and so they restrict fat in their diet in order to lose weight. But we need to eat a certain amount of fat for our bodies to be able to carry out many important and essential functions. Reducing dietary fat to an unnaturally low level leads to disease and will cause the body to hold onto the fat it has in defense.
Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) Health Benefits
Because zucchini is relatively high in fiber and low in calories, it provides a low GI (15) food with a high nutrient value. This means zucchini is an ideal food during your detox or slim program and will help reduce cravings and balance blood sugars.
The 4 Part Detox Strategy
If you’re planning to sort out your metabolism, balance digestion or resolve an annoying inflammatory or immune-based health issue then a detox program is a great place to start.