Also known as flatulence, gas in the stomach is usually associated with what’s going on further down in the digestive system, like in the small intestine and colon.
Understanding Digestive Enzymes in Food
There are many different types of enzymes, which are highly specific to the substances they catalyze, and enzymes aid every metabolic function in the body.
5 Ways A Detox Program Can Trigger The Healing Process
A herbal detox program is the most powerful tool we can use to clear the way back to perfect health.
Natural Medicine: What’s Natural and What Isn’t
Article References Article Get ready to explore the possibility that Nauropathy and Herbal Medicine may have quite differing views on what ‘Natural’ means in practice. References (1) ADVERSE EFFECTS OF NUTRACEUTICALS AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. PubMed (2) Toxicity Potential of Nutraceuticals. Pubmed (3) The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements. (4) [Bioavailability of natural versus synthetic B vitamins and their effects on metabolic processes]. PUBMED (5) Spirulina Supplements as a Source of Mineral Nutrients in the Daily Diet. Not All ‘Natural Medicine’ Is Truly Natural I see it all the time in my practice as a medical herbalist. People come in with a bag of supplements, often up to 20 different bottles, and I know right away that’s part of the problem. I guess it’s better than 20 prescription drugs, but this cocktail can still be a major problem. Mixing multiple synthetic supplements can be no different as the interactions can be toxic. At least with herbs you have thousands of years of historical use and known beneficial synergistic effects. In-fact this synergy is part of the study of traditional herbal medicine. In the quest for health and wellness, the distinction between what’s considered “natural” and what isn’t can sometimes blur, especially when comparing the practices of naturopathy and medical herbalism. Despite their shared commitment to harnessing the healing power of nature, there are nuanced differences in how each approaches the concept of natural medicine, particularly regarding the use of synthetic chemicals, compounds, and lab-made ingredients. The Practice Of ‘Synthetic’ Naturopathy Naturopathy prides itself on a holistic approach, treating the whole person rather than isolated symptoms. Its broad scope encompasses various natural therapies: Wide-Ranging Therapies: Including nutrition, homeopathy, herbalism and physical therapies, i.e. naturopathy integrates multiple healing modalities. Holistic and Preventative: Focusing on identifying root causes and preventive health. Self-Regulated Practice: With qualifying, registration, and continued professional development requirements varying by location, Naturopaths should operate to high standards of practice. The word ‘Naturopathic’ implies the treatments should be natural, but this is not always the case. Naturopaths might incorporate manufactured supplements, possibly containing synthetic nutrients, to address deficiencies or support bodily functions This integrative approach sometimes includes pharmaceutical-grade supplements to attempt higher efficacy, but the flipside is these supplements may be artificial with potential toxicity and side effects, similar to some pharmaceutical drugs. If you are seeing a Naturopath, you might like to ask them this question: “Are all the supplements you are giving me 100% natural or are they ‘made in a chemical factory’ synthetic?” The Purity of Medical Herbalism Medical herbalism, with its deep roots in the tradition and science of plant medicine, offers a purer interpretation of natural healing. Although similar to Naturopathy in many ways including, the holistic approach to diet and lifestyle, and the employment of other healing therapies, herbal medicine is much, much older and steeped in traditions around the world. What sets the practice of herbal medicine apart includes: Plant-Based Specialization: Emphasizing the therapeutic use of whole plants and herbal preparations, including roots, bark, leaves, berries, and flowers of over 350,000 plants worldwide. Evidence and Tradition: Guided by a combination of historical knowledge and modern research. Over 5,000 research papers are published annually validating the traditional claims made by herbalists throughout the millennia. Personalized Remedies: Crafting remedies tailored to individual needs, focusing exclusively on natural plant constituents. Medical herbalists mix and match herbs and prescribe them as formulations and tea blends specific to each case. Self-Regulated Practice: With qualifying, registration, and continued professional development requirements varying by location, Naturopaths should operate to high standards of practice. Herbalists’ dedication to whole plant medicine naturally limits the inclusion of synthetic ingredients, favoring remedies that harness the full spectrum of phytochemicals found in nature. Read More About How Herbal Medicine Works Here However, some Naturopaths also claim to be Herbalists, so in this instance, you can always ask them once again. “Are all the remedies you are giving me 100% natural or are they ‘made in a chemical factory’ synthetic?” Production of Synthetic Nutraceutical Ingredients The production of synthetic vitamins and nutraceuticals often involves source chemicals that are not naturally found in the human body, such as coal tar derivatives, petrochemicals, and other synthetic materials. These substances are used due to their cost-effectiveness and stability in manufacturing processes. For instance, synthetic forms of vitamins such as vitamin E (dl-alpha tocopherol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) can be derived from these industrial sources. The synthetic form of Thiamine (Vitamin B1), for example, has been noted to come from coal tar derivatives, processed with harsh chemicals including ammonia and formaldehyde. Additionally, Vitamin B12’s synthetic form has been linked to activated sewage sludge. These manufacturing processes raise concerns about the health implications of consuming synthetic vitamins derived from such sources. Examples Of Common Synthetic Vitamins These are just a few of the ingredients used in common nutritional supplements, highlighting the hidden synthetic nature of these so-called ‘natural’ products. Synergy and Bioavailability Further, the structural and functional differences between synthetic and naturally sourced vitamins suggest that the body may recognize and utilize them differently. Scientific evidence suggests that natural vitamins, which come from food sources and include additional food factors, might be superior in terms of bioavailability and efficacy compared to their synthetic counterparts. This is due to natural vitamins being in forms that the body recognizes and can utilize more effectively, as well as containing beneficial co-factors that synthetic vitamins lack. It’s important for consumers to be aware of these distinctions when choosing vitamin supplements, as labels might not always make the source of the vitamin clear. Looking for terms like “100 percent natural” or specific food sources listed for vitamins can help identify products that do not contain synthetic ingredients. However, the presence of words like “dl” in the chemical name (indicating a synthetic form) or vitamins listed without a food source may suggest synthetic origins. (3) Synthetic Ingredients: The Toxicity/Side Effect Risk The key divergence between naturopathy and medical herbalism lies in
Using a Detox Program to Identify Toxins Affecting Your Health
Unlock the secret to identifying and eliminating toxins that may be impacting your health with our comprehensive guide on detox programs. Learn about the steps involved, from using a toxin level calculator and implementing an elimination diet to making environmental changes and engaging in a herbal detox program. Discover how to rejuvenate your health and pinpoint the toxins affecting your well-being today
The Health Benefits Of Yoghurt During A Detox
Article References Article Yoghurt has long been revered for its creamy texture and versatility, but its health benefits, particularly in gut health and digestion, are what truly set it apart. References (1) Effect of probiotics on the occurrence of nutrition absorption capacities in healthy children: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled pilot study. PUBMED (2) Lactose digestion from yogurt: mechanism and relevance. PUBMED (3) Potential Health Benefits of Combining Yogurt and Fruits Based on Their Probiotic and Prebiotic Properties (4) Evidence for the effects of yogurt on gut health and obesity. PUBMED (5) Association between Yogurt Consumption and Intestinal Microbiota in Healthy Young Adults Differs by Host Gender. PUBMED A Key Player in Digestive Wellness Many people think it’s not a good idea to use yoghurt as part of a gut-health program, or maybe they suffer with lactose intolerance. You might be surprised to find out that this might not actually be a problem at all when it comes to yoghurt consumption. This article delves into the science-backed advantages of incorporating yoghurt into your diet, focusing on its role in nutrient digestion, lactose intolerance management, and its role in cleansing diets, and herbal detox programs. Yoghurt and Digestion: Enhancing Nutrient Absorption Yogurt is rich in probiotics, beneficial bacteria that play a crucial role in digestive health. These probiotics aid in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients in the gut, enhancing overall digestive efficiency. Studies have shown that regular consumption of yogurt can improve the digestion of certain nutrients, making it an essential addition to a balanced diet. One study specifically focuses on the effectiveness of probiotic supplementation in enhancing the absorption of nutrients such as vitamins, calcium, and minerals. The results confirmed the role of probiotics in increasing the overall blood biomarkers levels of these nutrients, further supporting the beneficial role of yogurt in nutrient absorption (1) Lactose Intolerance and Yoghurt: A Gentle Alternative Despite being a dairy product, yogurt is often well-tolerated by individuals with lactose intolerance. The fermentation process of yogurt reduces its lactose content, and the probiotics present aid in lactose digestion. Clinical research indicates that even lactose-intolerant individuals can enjoy yogurt without discomfort, offering a way to incorporate dairy nutrients into their diets. Essentially, the lactose in yogurt is digested more efficiently than other dairy sources of lactose because the bacteria inherent in yogurt assist with its digestion. (2) Gut Health and Yoghurt: Building a Strong Digestive System Yogurt’s probiotics are instrumental in maintaining a healthy gut flora balance, which is crucial for digestive health and immunity. Regular consumption of yogurt has been linked to improved gut health, reducing the risk of gastrointestinal disorders and enhancing the body’s natural defenses [3]. Read more about gut health here. Yoghurt in Cleanse Diets and Herbal Detox Programs In the realm of cleanse diets and herbal detox programs, yogurt stands out for its ability to support gut health and aid in the elimination of toxins. Its probiotic content helps in maintaining a healthy gut environment, which is vital during detoxification processes. Yogurt can be seamlessly integrated into herbal detox diets, complementing the benefits of various medicinal herbs. One study, “Evidence for the effects of yogurt on gut health and obesity”, indicates that yogurt consumption may improve gut health and reduce chronic inflammation. This is particularly important as yogurt enhances innate and adaptive immune responses and intestinal barrier function. Such properties make yogurt a suitable candidate for inclusion in cleanse diets and detox programs, where maintaining a healthy gut environment is crucial. (4) Additionally, the study “Association between Yogurt Consumption and Intestinal Microbiota in Healthy Young Adults Differs by Host Gender” explores how yogurt consumption is associated with changes in the gut microbiota. This study provides insight into how yogurt can influence gut health, highlighting the role of dietary habits in shaping our microbiome. Such effects are pivotal in the context of detoxification and cleansing diets, where the balance of gut microbiota is crucial. (5) During the Ultimate Herbal DETOX or BodiClenz program yoghurt is highly recommended not only as a source of nutrition and protein but also to help restore gut health and regulate appetite. Conclusion In summary, these studies collectively suggest that yogurt, with its probiotic content, can support gut health and may be beneficial in the context of cleanse diets and herbal detox programs. The improvement in gut health and potential for aiding detoxification processes make yogurt a valuable dietary component in these contexts. Yogurt is more than just a delicious snack; it’s a powerhouse of digestive health benefits. From aiding nutrient absorption to supporting gut health and playing a role in lactose intolerance management, yogurt is a valuable addition to any diet, especially during cleanse diets and herbal detox programs.
4 Pillars of Healing the Gut-Brain Connection
In this article we are going to explore some of the mechanisms employed within this gut-brain interface and how it affects our mental and physical health.
5 Powerful Ways To Create Healing Space
Article References Article I’m glad I’ve got a few minutes to talk to you today about something called healing space. Don’t you find life is too busy sometimes and maybe all of the time? References (1) The Extraordinary Importance of Sleep. PUBMED Robert von Mayer’s original work on the conservation of energy was published in the mid-19th century. Here is the most famous quote: “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.” This rule also applies to the energy in our body, our metabolism, and our healing capacity. This diagram is a great illustration of how our body, mind and spirit require an outward flow of energy into the surrounding space, and this indicates why healing occurs when the is space provided. Energy Flow For Healing In today’s stress-filled world, we’re constantly running around trying to get as many things done as possible, and there are just not enough hours in the day. Because there’s an ever-increasing demand for us and our time this makes us emotionally and mentally stressed. Our body chemistry and metabolism are no different and respond to chaos and overload in exactly the same way. So what are the easiest and quickest ways can we give our body a break to trigger deep healing on all levels? Space !! Do you sometimes feel like this? Issues like metabolism imbalances, digestive problems, blood pressure weight gain, and many other things can be down to the ‘stress of life’. So, It seems obvious that what we really need is a break. A holiday so to speak. We’re about to explore the reasons we need space and share 5 powerful methods to achieve this quickly and explain how they work. The 5 Methods To Create Healing Space You can skip to each method by clicking the names below. Sleep and Rest Minimalism – Simplification Detox – Clean Diet and Herbs Meditation Fasting 1. Sleep and Rest It’s because we’re at rest and there’s some space and time, and it’s then that the body can truly focus its energy on healing and regeneration. That’s also why we need bed rest when we’re unwell. Our bodies can’t heal when we’re busy and racing around during the day, doing many things. In fact, recent sleep deprivation studies confirm the relationship between inadequate sleep and a wide range of disorders, such as hypertension, obesity and type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, impaired immune functioning, and more. (1) 2. Minimalism – Simplification We’ve all heard the saying “Less is more”. A classic example of this is in the minimalist lifestyle where decluttering is know to increase the flow of energy in your environment. Great designers and architects use this principle also. You may have heard of Maria Condo who advocates decluttering as a path to happiness and joy. By deliberately creating some healing space in your life by simplifying things you can really help trigger a rapid healing process mentally, and emotionally, and as a by-product, physical health can improve. You will find as you do this that your energy levels increase and your body starts to regenerate and grow, and you also help to do things like slow down the aging process, reverse the disease process, and that sort of thing. 3. Detox – Clean Diet and Herbs When we create space within ourselves physically by going on pure food and pure herbs and detoxing ourselves we allow the healing process to take place. It’s that simple really. It’s all about creating a proper healing space within us. The Detox ‘n Heal Yourself program is all about deliberately creating space, for healing processes to take place. Not just mentally and emotionally, but also physically with the metabolic processes of your body. A bit like stopping to sleep each night encourages healing, so do simplicity and space also encourage metabolic healing. So by cleansing with pure food and pure herbs and simplifying what goes into your body, it creates ‘metabolic space’ in your body which allows the healing and fat-burning processes to be triggered and your growth and regeneration increases. The whole idea behind this Detox ‘n Healing Yourself program is to simplify and create space allowing the healing process to be triggered. An incredible amount of annoying health issues can respond to this process. You will find as you browse this website that this theme is continued. See our suggested herbal detox ‘n heal-yourself programs below. 4. Meditation Meditation, a journey into the depths of consciousness, can open doors to an unseen dimension, revealing the vast mysteries of our Universe that lie hidden from our everyday perception. This profound experience has the potential to transform not just our perspective on life, but also the very essence of who we are. As we traverse this inner landscape, we unearth a wealth of benefits – improved health, heightened energy, mental clarity, enhanced intellect, and a deep sense of bliss and love. Yet, the true essence lies in spiritual enlightenment and healing. Through meditation, we embark on a quest to unravel the higher truth of our existence and discover our life’s purpose. Rapid changes ripple through our body, mind, and soul. Colors seem more vibrant, flavors more intense, and peace of mind and clarity of thought reign supreme. Intuition transforms into guidance, guiding us through life’s twists and turns with purpose. But the impact of meditation extends far beyond the individual. Studies have illuminated the power of collective meditation, where large groups coming together in stillness have been known to influence and heal not just themselves, but their surroundings as well. Crime rates drop, harmony prevails, and the world transforms. Imagine the possibilities within your family, workplace, and personal well-being. The journey of meditation holds the key to profound transformation – within and around us. Read More About Meditation Fasting Apart from the obvious weight-loss benefit achieved by intermittent fasting for periods of up to 12 hours, this method has demonstrated its ability to induce favorable stress-related changes
Best Fasting Methods + Main Health Benefits
Keto diets have become a worldwide trend as a way to lose weight. They generally involve a high fat and protein intake, lots of fatty meat and low carb eating. However, is this really healthy, the best way of triggering Ketosis and could intermittent fasting be even better?
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) Health Benefits
Article References Article Spirulina is a blue-green algae that became famous after it was successfully used by NASA as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. An amazing superfood that is still hugely underestimated for its nutritional value, Spirulina deserves its place as the ultimate plant-based protein source and more. References (1) Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications. PUBMED (2) Effects of spirulina on weight loss and blood lipids: a review. PUBMED (3) The effects of spirulina supplementation on serum iron and ferritin, anemia parameters, and fecal occult blood in adults with ulcerative colitis: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. PUBMED Numerous scientific studies have delved into the remarkable potential of Spirulina in fighting various diseases. Some of the most rigorous research, including randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews, indicates that this algae can do more than just alleviate symptoms—it may possess powerful properties that combat cancer, viruses, and allergies. It’s a promising natural remedy with a wide range of potential health benefits. (1) Today we look at the nutritional effect and touch on just a a few of the health benefits of consuming Spirulina. Nutritional Benefits of Spirulina This amazing algae has long been a crucial part of human diets, serving as a valuable protein and vitamin source with no noteworthy side effects. In addition to its high protein content, which can reach up to 70%, it’s rich in essential vitamins, particularly B12 and provitamin A (β-carotenes), as well as important minerals, such as iron. It’s a natural nutritional powerhouse with much to offer. Spirulina is often hailed as the “food of the future,” boasting exceptional components that fuel high energy levels. Among these components, some, like polysaccharides (Rhamnose and Glycogen) and essential fats (GLA), are readily absorbed by our cells, aiding in the release of energy. Spirulina is composed of numerous antioxidants, including beta-carotene, phycocyanin, tocopherols, micronutrients, polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly gamma-linolenic acid, and phenolic compounds. The high nutritive values of spirulina were recognised by the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Microalgae Spirulina Against Malnutrition in the 1970s, where they launched Spirulina to fight against starvation and malnutrition. ( 2) Spirulina’s beneficial impact on healthy lactobacillus in the gut leads to the production of Vitamin B6, further supporting the release of energy, making it a potential superfood for vitality. Spirulina For Iron In a study, after eight weeks of Spirulina supplementation, the results showed a significant increase in serum iron levels compared to the placebo group. The Spirulina group also had significantly higher mean corpuscular volume, while the placebo group saw lower red blood cell count and hematocrit levels. These findings suggest that Spirulina supplementation could be valuable in managing anemia. (3) Healing Effects Of Spirulina CholesterolIn one clinical study, 15 diabetic patients who took Spirulina experienced a notable drop in their LDL : HDL ratio. Another study discovered a significant decrease in blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol, along with an increase in HDL cholesterol. This suggests that Spirulina could be a beneficial addition for managing cholesterol and promoting heart health. Weight LossIn a study involving 50 obese individuals with hypertension who were already undergoing antihypertensive treatment, half were given 2 grams of Spirulina daily for three months, while the other half received a placebo. The Spirulina group saw significant improvements in body mass, reducing from 92.96 kg to 88.97 kg, BMI dropping from 33.5 kg/m² to 31.7 kg/m², and a decrease in waist circumference. These findings highlight the potential of Spirulina in aiding weight management and improving health outcomes. (2) The advantages of incorporating Spirulina into your diet go beyond what we’ve mentioned earlier. This remarkable algae offers a wide array of benefits, including antiviral, anticancer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, liver protection, heart protection, and immune system enhancement properties. It’s a true health all-rounder. (2)