This page is only a snapshot of the complete diet but it does include many of my favorites.
The Sustainable Fad-Proof Diet Plan
With a new fad diet coming out almost every year, people are getting tired of trying and failing. Maybe it’s time we looked at the Non-Diet approach which is timeless and sustainable?
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Herbal Monograph
The traditional use, modern use, and scientific research all suggest that Milk thistle has indeed earned its place as the King of Liver protectors.
Garcinia (Garcinia Cambogia) Herbal Monograph
Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss or during a weight loss program should be a safe option and there appears to be enough evidence to include this herb amongst other beneficial herbal treatments.
The Ultimate Crohns Disease Treatment Program
Today I will share with you the holistic view, covering food, herbs and mind-body medicine giving you a new ray of hope. Many people have completed our program and reported success at relieving the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) Herbal Monograph
The soluble fiber of Slippery elm acts as a prebiotic which feeds probiotics, the beneficial bacteria of the intestines.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) Herbal Monograph
Gymnema has been used for centuries in the treatment of diabetes, other blood sugar disorders, and cravings. It has been used as a natural folk medicine for maintaining optimal health since 6,000 B.C.
Chromium Polynicotinate weight management mineral
Gymnema has been used for centuries in the treatment of diabetes, other blood sugar disorders, and cravings. It has been used as a natural folk medicine for maintaining optimal health since 6,000 B.C.
Research Proves why we need to Detox
Toxins come in many forms. Everything from chemicals, pharmaceutical drugs, heavy metals, alcohol, cigarettes, air pollution, exhaust fumes, cleaning agents and artificial food additives and metabolic acid through to less commonly thought of toxins such as noise, low-grade media, negative emotions, and even thoughts.
Psyllium Husk (Plantago psyllium) Herbal Monograph
Psyllium husks significantly increase the level of stool moisture and both wet/ dry stool weight, this is why it has such great effect at relieving constipation and improving bowel health.