Here you will find answers to the most common asked Detox and cleansing questions
Cloves (Syzygium Aromaticum) Herbal Monograph
What we don’t often think of is “Clove bud” the powerful medicinal herb with centuries of therapeutic use. Here we will discover the history and the research behind this incredible plant.
Goldenseal Root (Hydrastis Canadensis) Herbal Monograph
In herbal medicine, Goldenseal is often used as a multi-purpose remedy and is thought to possess many different medicinal properties. In addition to being used as a topical antimicrobial, it is also taken internally as a digestion aid.
How Detox Can Increase Fertility
We all know that toxins stored in the mother are shared with the unborn child, but what about the father. Of course, sperm can be damaged by toxins as well so potential Dads need to be aware of their role too.
Managing detox headaches and withdrawal symptoms
There’s nothing more annoying than a headache. Whether during a detox program or any other time. They can indicate toxicity, stress, blood sugar problems or just general fatigue, but there is an answer.
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) Herbal Monograph
Feverfew is a traditional medicinal herb which is commonly used to prevent migraine headaches. It is a medicinal plant traditionally used for the treatment of fevers, migraine headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, stomach aches, toothaches, insect bites, infertility, and problems with menstruation and labor during childbirth.
145,000 Reasons to do a DETOX
There are over 145,000 Chemicals in our household cleaners, devices, cars, textiles, packaging and processed food industry and 60 million other chemicals worldwide
Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) Monograph
Peppermint leaves are a very well known herbal medicinal product, widely used traditionally, being a popular remedy inside and outside.
Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally
A very common diagnosis received at your Doctors visit is High Blood Pressure but what causes it and how can we reverse it without using drugs with all their nasty side effects?
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Herbal Monograph
The Incas considered it the drink of gods, an association that gave rise to the scientific name of the cocoa tree, Theobroma cacao, from the Greek words theo (god) and broma (drink).