When considering the environmental impact of mobilized metals, the “big three”, mercury, lead, and cadmium, are in the limelight.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Natural Solutions
Multiple factors appear to have a role in IBS, including the composition of the gut microflora, intestinal permeability, immune response and the gut-brain connection.
Dandelion root (Taraxacum Officinale) Herbal Monograph
In the past, dandelion roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems. Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach.
Unconditional Energy Healing – Part 8 – The Simplicity Principle
Complexity invites dis-ease while simplicity brings peace and health to the body and mind
Brett’s Healing Secret – The Parts That Make You
What you are is a sum of the parts that make you. If those parts are pure, clean, colorful and alive, then so will you be.
Herbal Medicines Gaining Popularity Worldwide
Traditional and Complementary medicine (T&CM) is an important and often underestimated part of health care.
Pineapple (ananas comosus) Extract Bromelain Monograph
The common Pineapple is anything but common. Apart from being a popular fruit, it has wide use in the supplements industry and the source of the digestive enzyme Bromelain.
Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) Rhizome Herbal Monograph
Ginger has a long history of medicinal use dating back 2,500 years in China and India for conditions such as headaches, nausea, rheumatism, and colds.
Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra) Herbal Monograph
Black walnut is used to treat parasitic worm infections and certain other infections including diphtheria and syphilis. It is also used for leukemia.
Caralluma (Caralluma Fimbriata) Herbal Monograph
Statistically significant reductions were recorded in all key indicators of weight loss. Caralluma Fimbriata extract was well tolerated and showed minimal adverse effects.