Experimental results indicate that Garlic appears to enhance the functioning of the immune system by stimulating certain cell types, such as macrophages, lymphocytes, natural killer cells
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) Health Benefits
A recent study has shown that Beetroot juice protects against chemically induced Liver injury and increases the activity of phase II detox enzymes.
Pumpkin (Cucurbita) Health Benefits
Pumpkin is one of the well-known edible plants and has substantial medicinal properties due to the presence of unique natural edible substances.
Guarana (Paullinia cupana) Herbal Monograph
Guarana’s stimulant properties are usually attributed to its caffeine content which is known to modify cognitive function and mood state and to enhance exercise performance, possibly due to a reduction in perceived exertion.
Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) Herbal Monograph
One study showed results suggesting that piperine possesses potential fat reducing and lipid-lowering effects, without any change in food appetite.
Bitter Orange (Citrus Aurantium) Herbal Monograph
There is a strong body of evidence for the use of Bitter Orange extract in a weight loss program and there seems to be very little concern around safety.
Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa) Herbal Monograph
Wild Yam extracts contain hormonally active compounds such as Diosgenin and 7-Keto DHEA which have proven to support the immune system, balance addictive behaviour, reduce stress and support metabolism and circulation.
White Kidney Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Herbal Monograph
There is a solid rationale behind the use of White Kidney Bean extract and its use in a weight loss program.
Losing Weight Part 3 – Herbs for Weight Management
The secret to long-term results is getting a natural holistic selection of herbs and combining the effects, rather than just using a stimulant or an appetite-suppressant.
How Herbal Medicine Works
Herbal Medicine dates back thousands of years and has been recorded in almost every culture on earth.