Zendesk chat history clean7

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**Question:** Yes please < years ago I looked and the referral system you had and then I couldn’t find it.Today I found your Wholesale info
**Answer:** Kia ora, We consider that the supply of goods for your health and wellbeing is essential. During the lock down, we will continue to operate our dispatch facility unless otherwise instructed by the government. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help. Kia Kaha
**Answer:** OK, yes we do offer wholesale direct off the website.
**Answer:** The minimum order requirement to get wholesale prices is $250.00 and you would need to buy a minimum of three per any item.
**Question:** OK, How can I access that please ? Is there a minimum order etc
**Answer:** I just need your trading name, are you running a small business or partnership?
**Question:** also when I share your products with others – is there something different I do is there an affiliate
**Question:** Small Biz ; Jodie O’Neill ~ Thirve
**Answer:** I just give you a login for the website that allows you into a wholesale store, where all the products are half price.
**Answer:** OK give me a couple of minutes and I will send a login username and password
**Question:** oh- wow : fabulous : thank you so much,
**Answer:** I have set up your account, so you should get an email shortly.
**Question:** Thank you Brett
**Question:** Brett, For some reason I can not log in with that info you sent me ??
**Question:** Im in now ; thank you
**Answer:** Great, Im here if you need any help
**Question:** NO, sorry i can t get in with that user name or password … not sure what is going on
**Answer:** We had to change your user name to just Thrive2020 without the ! so you should be OK to login now with username Thrive2020 and password Jodie1234!
**Question:** No maybe its the !
**Question:** with the password as well
**Answer:** OK, just bear with me, tech guys are double checking it now
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** OK try it again now Thrive2020 and Jodie1234
**Question:** perfect: i’m in : many thanks
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Screen-Shot-2020-03-25-at-5.22.47-PM.png
**Answer:** Remember to click on this link to get to the wholesale store
**Question:** done 🙂
**Question:** NO I am getting this : Failed to add Ultimate Herbal DETOX Body Cleanse Program (Eco Freindly Options: Herbal Detox Kit Complete) to cart.
**Question:** ” Now”
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Oh do I need a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club ? I was just trying to add a few things to the cart
**Answer:** I see, sorry, the Eco Options are not available for wholesale as we must supply them in the box to retailers.
**Answer:** Not all of our products are available at wholesale either, only our core range
**Question:** OK Thank you
**Answer:** Kia ora, We consider that the supply of goods for your health and wellbeing is essential. During the lock down, we will continue to operate our dispatch facility unless otherwise instructed by the government. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help. Kia Kaha
**Answer:** hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi Jodie, It’s Brett Elliott
**Answer:** We’re you enquiring about wholesale ordering?
**Answer:** Kia ora, We consider that the supply of goods for your health and wellbeing is essential. During the lock down, we will continue to operate our dispatch facility unless otherwise instructed by the government. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help. Kia Kaha
**Question:** Hi, Is the Ultimate Herbal DETOX Body Cleanse Program different or better than the ” BodiTune DETOX ‘n SLIM Protein Drink”
**Question:** not sure what to get
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** The Detox is much stronger
**Answer:** About 6 times
**Answer:** So it gives a deep cleanse over 14 days
**Question:** OK: so good t start there
**Question:** and then onto the Slim or the BodiTune DETOX ‘n SLIM Protein Drink
**Answer:** The BodiTune is great for a long term result or for maintenance between cleanse.
**Answer:** Is weight loss your goal?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Ok you can do the detox first them the Slim to get a great result. The BodiTune can be done alongside both of them or after as maintenance. If you do it with the other programmes it helps create a better result.
**Question:** ok grest
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Have you tired the weight calculator?
**Answer:** It will give you the programme for your goal
**Question:** no
**Question:** i havent
**Answer:** Let me give you a link to click on
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/ideal-weight-calculator/)
**Answer:** There you go
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome – happy to help any time
**Answer:** Kia ora, We consider that the supply of goods for your health and wellbeing is essential. During the lock down, we will continue to operate our dispatch facility unless otherwise instructed by the government. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help. Kia Kaha
**Question:** Kiaora Brett, I received my parcel today, thankyou! What is the dose for aloe vera gel? I didn’t see it on the bottle
**Question:** And the colloidal silver?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Kiaora Sarah
**Answer:** The Collodail silver is 10ml per day and to be taken from a plastic container not metal.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** is that for adults? Can children take it as well
**Answer:** let me check on the aloe vera
**Question:** thankyou
**Answer:** yes for adults
**Answer:** 5ml for children 🙂
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** the aloe vera is a 30ml shot glass size
**Answer:** 15ml for children
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** best to take in the morning
**Question:** ok both of them? And our child is 20 months old is that ok? He is taking a Malcolm Harker nose, ear throat remedy as well
**Answer:** yes thats fine
**Answer:** Kia ora, We are still taking and delivering orders during the Coronavirus shutdown. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Kia ora, We are still taking and delivering orders during the Coronavirus shutdown. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Kia ora, We are still taking and delivering orders during the Coronavirus shutdown. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi are you still delivering during the lockdown?? Or are you a ‘non essential’ business?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Sorry just seen the above message which answered my question 🙂
**Answer:** We are still delivering as essential for health
**Answer:** All good
**Question:** Excellent I will place my order, thanks 🙂
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Kia ora, We are still taking and delivering orders during the Coronavirus shutdown. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Kia ora, We are still taking and delivering orders during the Coronavirus shutdown. We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** order made thankyou
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Thanks, it’s on the way today, hope it goes well
**Question:** thanks Brett!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** haha I was doing just that lol
**Question:** hot50NOW ? I also have a 25% off voucher, just trying to find that
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** OK, you can use one or the other, which ever works best for your order, but you can’t use both at the same time
**Question:** yes thankyou
**Answer:** the 25% We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is 252525
**Question:** thankyou
**Question:** are you still delivering?
**Answer:** Yes we are
**Question:** Kiaora Brett, thankyou. Ok I’ll put in an order on the website.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** We can get that shipped today. Keep well.
**Question:** thankyou, and yes you too.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** No just trying to change address, for some reason it’s showing a very old address
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Are you still open for orders due to Status 3 and 4.?
**Answer:** Yes we are, and deliveries will still be sent out by courier
**Answer:** Thank you 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, with the one month ultimate detox can you take along side the body shake cleanse ?? Or best to keep them seperate, Thanks 🙂
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email] , no rush on reply, thank you !
**Answer:** hi there, are you still doing online delivery during lock down?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi there, are you still doing online delivery during lock down?
**Answer:** are you there?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** SO it will be business as usual?
**Answer:** We are still doing deliveries as far as I know
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** lovely thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi I just watched your video on how to keep our immune system strong, so can you tell me how much your herbs are to do the same thing.
**Answer:** Hi Catrina,
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** We have a combo program which you can see here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/immunity-triple-combo-deal/)
**Answer:** I can also suggest a 500ml mixture that I can make from my dispensary, with amny of the herbs I talked about but that’s not on the website. They are $129.00 for 500ml bottle of liquid.
**Answer:** Oh ok, can I also pay that off as well?
**Answer:** Unfortunately, That one is by invoice, I send by email, but that combo deal is a great place to start
**Answer:** Ok thankyou
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** h
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Brett, couple of questions. We have started the Cleanse (day5) and I just wonder if it’s ok to carry on with the intermittent fasting we do? I’m pretty sure it will be, we basically just skip breakfast. We usually also do a water fast one day/week, what’s your thought about that? I don’t think I will do it during the Cleanse but Nelson probably would. Also wondering if it would be ok to have “Eco Organic’s” Mung Bean Fettucine? The ingredients are: Edamame (90%) and Mung beans(10%) Cheers, Monica
**Answer:** Yes intermittent fasting and the water fasting is great with the program. I would however avoid the fettucine. Basically it’s a processed food.
**Answer:** Ok, thanks. What about Hummus, have a feeling that was allowed in the past….? Would be so nice to be able to dip the veggie sticks in….;-)
**Answer:** You can get away with a little
**Answer:** Guacamole is better
**Answer:** Yes I know and we eat a LOT of Avo’s and so would be nice with some variety. We’ll only have a little, I promise! XX
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/bioagaia-l-reuteri/)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** sorry one last question, are chia seeds allowed on the 14 day herbal detox plan?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Large seeds are not allowed, like pumpkin and sunflower seeds, but fennel, linseed, cumin, chia etc are OK
**Question:** Thank you for clarifying.
**Question:** It’s quite a high carb detox. So pumpkins, potatoes and banana’s are all good?
**Answer:** You’re welcome, it’s a bit much to put in the user guide, and it can get a little confusing, anytime
**Answer:** Potatoes and bananas are excluded, let me give you a link to follow which might help
**Question:** Oh right.
**Answer:** This might help [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** this can also be useful [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-diet-plan-made-easy/)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Are almonds allowed on the 14 Day Herbal detox?
**Answer:** Nuts are not recommended
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** They’re hard to digest and slow down the cleanse
**Question:** I do not eat dairy. Can I replace milk or cream recommendations with almond milk? Or coconut milk and yoghurt?
**Answer:** Yes that’s perfect
**Question:** Is tofu allowed?
**Answer:** Not on the 14 day detox
**Question:** Thanks!
**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’ve purchased the detox kit. I’m looking for more recipes than what is provided in the booklet. Where can I go to find them?
**Question:** Also, seeking clarification that eggs and dairy are allowed on the the herbal detox? The recipes have these included.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I will get the link to the recipes for you there with me
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** You choose the program that you were doing at the top and it will bring up all the relevant recipes. It isn’t possible to get them all into the recipe book and user guide
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** Eggs are only available to have on the 30 day plan. The dairy is fine on all programs.
**Answer:** Some people choose to switch at the dairy for things like coconut, Almond or soy.
**Answer:** You need to change the selection box at the top called program type.
**Question:** Great, thanks for clarifying
**Question:** I will go for the coconut and almond alternatives
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good read, I pass bowels regularly,eat once and snack once which will be aiding the cause.
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Will join this detox program this week.
**Answer:** Ok there is heaps of info under resources. The recipes are there
**Question:** I can’t wait
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi just looking in.
**Answer:** Ok cool
**Answer:** Happy to help if you need anything
**Question:** Just noticed this week I have had a bloat like feeling.
**Question:** Just wondering if its autumn kicking in.
**Answer:** It can be caused by a wide range of things. Brett has done a good article on it. I will give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-help-bloating-gas/)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** Thank you.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Brett gave me the link to the pot herbal powder for 3 months but it does not seem to work
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** I found it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/3-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot-save-30/) and [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/3-x-boditune-500g-pot-save-30/)
**Answer:** Just click on the links
**Question:** Oh ok. Thank you.
**Answer:** You re welcome 🙂
**Answer:** sorry are no re!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hello, is your aloe vera gel suitable to make hand sanitizer do you know?
**Answer:** Yes it could be used as an ingredient
**Answer:** It is 100% pure
**Answer:** It is a drinkable liquid and not a solid gel
**Question:** OH buts its called pure gel
**Answer:** It’s a thick liquid which is a pure gel
**Question:** thank you.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi sarah
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Nick, Please make it as short looking a list as possible, without images if you can, so it’s just a quick scroll through, is the diea
**Answer:** idea
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Hi can I combine the “hot50now” code and the “parasitebonus” codes in one order for the herbal detox?
**Answer:** Good idea, but the system will only take one We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club as a time, so it’s probably best to see which one works better for you
**Answer:** You can get the colonaid at $38.50 at the moment
**Answer:** click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/colonaid-anti-parasitic-120-capsules/)
**Answer:** Then you could still use the hot 50 now with the Ultimate Herbal Detox
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi guys I started the herbal detox this morning.But due to high diabetes Dr has started me on insulin and metformin as from tomorrow is it still ok to take the detox
**Answer:** Yes it is, and it can actually help lower blood sugars and get them under control. It might be a good idea to hold off on the meds and get tested again in 2 weeks time if you can
**Answer:** Nice ok.im doing the 14 day detox do I take pills before or after meal
**Answer:** Your body can heal itself, and doctors generally don’t understand what effect food and herbs can have on diabetes
**Answer:** Before breakfast and last thing before bed
**Answer:** It’s fantastic to no we have support.and always get our questions answered sooo pleased I found this site.wnd I will be reccomending Brett Elliot and his team
**Answer:** Thats what were here for, anytime. I hope it goes well.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you get stuck
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Can u please send me the list of food
**Question:** I had it now I can’t find it
**Answer:** Hi there which program are you doing?
**Answer:** There all have slightly different food options
**Answer:** so I want to give you the right one
**Question:** Boditune
**Answer:** OK bear with me a mo
**Question:** ultimate herbal. I think it’s the detox
**Answer:** If it is BodiTune it is at the bottom of this page [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-how-does-it-work-2/)
**Question:** Thankd
**Question:** Can u please send me a link to all the food list
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which programme are you doing? The food varies a little on each one 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** How much can I make soup with coconut oil and use coconut milk?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** As often as you like
**Question:** Even Kumara
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I think I’ve got mixed up with the 14 day plan and the detox
**Answer:** Have a look at this page, it might help [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** you can also get the full user guide here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Unsure if I have a slim drink. I brought the 32 sachets which are the Ultimate Herbal Boditune. I thought it was for detoxing.
**Question:** Is it only to be taken Ken in the morning
**Question:** where does the 14 day plan come in with these sachets
**Answer:** If you bought BodiTune it can be used for both depending on the state of your body.
**Question:** Yes well I do need to lose weight and detox
**Answer:** The BodiTue is for a gentle cleanse so you will have a detox.
**Question:** whwre does the 14 day come in
**Answer:** You can take it any time before 3pm – most people have it in the morning.
**Question:** if twice a day. Would that be morning and before 3 pm
**Answer:** You take 2 sachets per day and the final one on the 15th day
**Question:** do I have 32 sachets
**Answer:** You can take them together or split them up
**Question:** otherwise I can take one per day
**Question:** for a minth
**Question:** Month
**Answer:** 14 days taking 2 sachets per day and 1 day taking 1 sachet or the last day take 3.
**Answer:** Yes you can take one per day for a month
**Question:** okay
**Question:** wjats the 14 day plan for
**Answer:** This page has heaps of info [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-how-does-it-work-2/) – 14 days is for people who wish to do the detox quicker
**Answer:** We do have a $50 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club this month, its hot50now
**Question:** What’s that for
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** It for a $50 We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club on any order over $120
**Question:** can u eat before u have the boditune sachet
**Question:** can u eat eggs
**Answer:** Yes on the BodiTune drinks but not during the 14 day detox
**Question:** I’m lost
**Answer:** It’s best to eat just fruit in the morning when having the boditune drinks
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** You can not eat eggs during the 14 day detox
**Question:** oso what does a week look like on the 14 fay
**Question:** s
**Answer:** this page might help [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Question:** this moening I’ve had a pure orange celery and carrot juice with collagen.
**Question:** Ive also eaten some grapes.
**Question:** Can I now have my boditune drink?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** How long with the sachet keep me full foe
**Answer:** 3-4 hours
**Question:** mean
**Question:** ia almond milk good with the sachet
**Question:** tomorrow I’ll have orange juice fresh
**Question:** have a lovely fay
**Question:** day
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Does the Slim programme work during perimenopause/menopause??
**Answer:** Yes it can still work, it all depends on your body type, and getting the foods right as well,
**Question:** How would I know my body type?
**Answer:** this might be helpful [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/eating-for-your-metabolic-body-type/)
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** it also helps to eat a few more spices and herbs in food in general as that combines in really well with the herbal products. In other words, check out my suggested recipes here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** It actually pays to do the detox first if you have not already completed it, it helps clear the liver of any excess estrogens, and resets the digestive system, most people lose 4-5 kg on the 14 day plan [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Just click the links to see more information
**Answer:** We do have a $50 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club this month, its hot50now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Morning. What is the best time to start taking the ultimate herbal body tune sachet?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** It’s ideal taken in the morning, or middle of the day
**Answer:** Not good to take in late afternoon or evening, as it can keep you awake
**Answer:** It’s a great product to follow the Detox or Slim programs, but can also be used alongside either of them
**Question:** Thank u. So with this detox do I need to exclude lean meat?
**Answer:** Yes if you follow the 14 day plan there is not meat at all
**Question:** Where do I find the follow the detox or sim plan
**Question:** okay so do 14 days no meat. How about fish and chicken?
**Answer:** You can do it over one month and have a little fish or chicken breast 1-2 times a week, but it’s not quite as effective as the 14 day plan
**Answer:** you can see the detox plan here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Question:** once I’ve completed the 14 day plan. What happens with the other 18 sachets
**Answer:** You can see the Slim program here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-body-slim-program/)
**Question:** thanks for the link
**Answer:** You can use them to keep the ball rolling after the detox
**Question:** So then with the 18 other can I have meat
**Answer:** Yes, but I would bring it back slowly, as you will better afterwards
**Question:** Okay that’s great to know. Thank u
**Answer:** Anytime, I’m here to help
**Question:** Do u offer good free diet recipes
**Question:** if so where do I go too plz
**Answer:** Yes, you can see them here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Question:** whats the best additive ie: almond milk for the sachet and how long does it keep u full foe
**Answer:** Yes almond or coconut milk is great, it normally keeps you going for 3-4 hours, and it helps reduce your hunger
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can you spray into the mouth
**Answer:** Yes that’s a great idea, you can definitely do that?
**Question:** I’ve only just found your site
**Question:** I got the Sutton double strength but no instructions so won’t be buying that brand again
**Answer:** Ours comes with an instruction booklet
**Question:** so double strength is ok to spray into mouth ?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I will definitely finish this bottle off and try yours next
**Question:** I love that you can chat and help
**Question:** thank you so much
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** We deliver free by DHL and if you spend over $120 you can use a $50 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club this month
**Question:** Thank you I’m going back to look some more
**Question:** the world has gone mad I’ll be sharing my knowledge on your site
**Answer:** you might find this page interesting [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/ultimate-immune-boosting-program-using-herbs-and-food/)
**Question:** Are you on Instagram or face book
**Answer:** yes both, links are at the bottom of the page
**Question:** Thank you so much
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m not sure whether to do the detox or the slim programme with obviously diet and exercise. Main goal is weight loss?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Have you done a detox before?
**Question:** Yes I did your detox programme years ago & have done other detox’s
**Answer:** It’s the best place to start, as it sorts out the digestive system, and most people lose between 4-6kg on this in only two weeks
**Answer:** if you need to lose more than that, then the combo is ideal, [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim/)
**Answer:** that’s good for more like 5-7kg depending on your body
**Question:** I’m thinking about trying out the shakes also. & so what is the slim programme best for?
**Answer:** the slim is for metabolic balance and fat burning, but it seems to work best directly after the detox
**Answer:** The sachets are good for a more gradual long-term weight loss, like 2-3kg per month, so good after the other two, or even alongside to boost the effects of either the detox or the slim
**Question:** Thank you, I will have a look
**Answer:** this is the perfect combo for 10-12kg
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/super-combo-6-week-program/)
**Answer:** I can also give you a $50 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** just apply hot50now at checkout
**Answer:** the ideal plan is to combine these with some intermittent fasting and HIIT exercise
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Last 2 days to avail 15 days free try of our Live Chat Agents Service. We will learn your business, chat with your clients and cover it 24/7. We have increased response rate of our clients to 300% and 3 times more customers. Click here to Chat Now [Link](https://open247.chat/nowz/) To Unsubscribe [Link](https://open247.chat/u/)
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** What’s the normal monthly cost?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** The info about wormwood came from aviva health [Link](https://www.avivahealth.com/blogs/articles/silent-enemy-birth-control-pill)
**Question:** Fennel from drugs.com [Link](https://www.drugs.com/mtm/fennel.html)
**Question:** and alfalfa [Link](https://www.rxlist.com/alfalfa/supplements.htm)#
**Question:** I realise these aren’t studies, but like I said, I’m bleeding and have been for 4 weeks and I started the slim programme a week prior
**Question:** It would be a heck of a coincidence if it didn’t have something to do with it
**Answer:** OK yes I wouldn’t draw any conclusions from those studies, as they provide no evidence for their statements.
**Answer:** Bleeding does not indicate that you are going to get pregnant but it can indicate a menstrual irregularity. The herbs can sometimes cause a clean out to take place through the entire body
**Answer:** that does not mean your contraceptive is not going to be effective
**Question:** That’s an interesting explanation
**Question:** I think I’ll take extra precautions just in case
**Answer:** the contraceptive pill does terrible things to the hormonal and reproductive systems, and herbs generally try to normalize things, so it could be your body attempting to function properly against the pill, maybe just try to avoid sex at that time of the month if you know when ovulation is.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, will taking the herbal slim programme interfere with my contraceptive pill?
**Answer:** Not at all, it’s perfectly OK with that
**Question:** the xtrafood capsules contain alfalfa and the cleansa capsules contain wormwood and fennel. All three of these herbs can affect the contraceptive pill. I had to look it up because I’m taking the programme now and I haven’t stopped bleeding – which means my pill is not working properly anymore
**Question:** slippery elm can also affect it as well because it can stop medications being absorbed especially if taken within 2 hours
**Question:** so I’m very concerned that you’ve just told me it’s perfectly ok…..
**Answer:** Can you give me links to those studies please as I don’t have that information.
**Answer:** I don’t believe any of the herbs will interfere with contraception, so I need to see that evidence please
**Answer:** I only go by scientific evidence i.e. clinical trials or studies. No other information is valid.
**Answer:** Did you need some help today
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** is food the major cause of psoriasis? or any skin condition?
**Answer:** Yes it can contribute a lot, especially gluten
**Answer:** We have found people who complete the detox program get a lot of relief
**Question:** what kind of detox program
**Answer:** let me give you the link
**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Is it the combination of diet and liver herbs which help psoriasis
**Question:** i got rashes and flaky dry skin around my lip
**Answer:** it can also be a deficiency of zinc and b Vitamins, so a good dose on a multivitamin can sometime help with that as well, but the detox program is excellent for addressing skin issues
**Question:** let me see your detox program, a moment please
**Answer:** You can see the plans here also, and I would suggest the one month gentle plan for that issue [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Question:** How long is the program? all organic ingredients?
**Answer:** All 100% herbal ingredients, plant-based diet as well, you would do it over one month
**Question:** are they organic?
**Answer:** Not organic, herbal medicines dont normally come like that as they are tested for all contaminants before production
**Answer:** a bit different to food
**Answer:** You will see quality assurance next to the product on a tab, it outlines the manufacturing standards etc
**Question:** what should I feel after the detox
**Answer:** most people lose weight 4-5kg, have better digestion and feel more energy and connectedness, mental clarity, but skin is always a lot better
**Answer:** there are some good reviews here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-reviews-and-testimonials/)
**Question:** are you in USA?
**Answer:** We are based in New Zealand but deliver to USA for free by DHL express
**Answer:** 3-4 days delivery
**Question:** how about to Indonesia?
**Answer:** That would cost to ship, probably around $30
**Question:** USA is farther than Indonesia?
**Answer:** Yes but we have a lot of customers in the USA DHL actually charge less to USA
**Question:** oh ok
**Question:** $30 flat rate?
**Answer:** Not exactly, but you would find out once you get to checkout, as it should calculate based on your address, I can also give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get $50 off your order which might help
**Answer:** the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is hot50now
**Question:** I just red your elimination diet what’s woring with banana? why ?
**Answer:** Nothing wrong, it just slows down the bowels a little, so not good during the detox, the same applies with potatoes
**Answer:** in saying that, you could sneak one into your smoothie, but an apple works even better
**Question:** I have been having skin rashes around my lips, it’s itchy, burning, swollen, flaky, painful for many years and it comes and go. Sometime weeks and sometime months. Which detox I should do 1st. I tried many different things and so far not really help unless I fast
**Question:** many different herbal, holistic doctors, you name it:)
**Answer:** Yes the Ultimate Herbal Detox over one month would be the best place to start along with the recommendations on our Psoriasis page. I would also suggest aloe vera juice for up to six months, and gluten free diet. [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/aloe-vera-pure-gel-forever-living-1-litre-bottle/)
**Question:** I am reading the Ultimate Herbal Detox now, I start from 40 caps to 80 caps?? wow
**Answer:** If it has been a long-term issue, then you could follow the detox with the boditune herbal drink for 2-3 months, [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-500g-pot-2/)
**Answer:** For one month you take just 16 daily for the entire month, 4 from each bottle
**Question:** Thank you so much for all the information I will read more and decide what’s best. But I am not the only that has issue, I have friends that also having skin breakdown or rashes issue. Is there anyway I can get your email address and send you the pictures of my skin rashes and my friend skin condition?
**Answer:** Yes you can email me on [Email] I’m happy to help
**Question:** I saw eggplant and tomatoes in the shopping list, however the natural doctor told me they are nightshade family and can cause inflammation.
**Answer:** Hi there. That is generally not an issue during the detox.
**Answer:** Because everything is reducing the information and they are counteracting those few foods
**Answer:** Inflammation not information sorry
**Question:** even for someone that has skin inflammation throughout his body?
**Answer:** Yes that is correct.
**Answer:** Over the program you eat so many foods that reduce inflammation. Having then cooked also reduces inflammation caused by those foods
**Question:** are you familiar with potassium broth?
**Answer:** Not really but that should be alkalising. It would be helpful
**Question:** Ok, thanks for your help and I will send the pictures to Brett
**Question:** Are you in New Zealand?
**Answer:** Yes we are based in New Zealand but we ship all over the world 🙂
**Answer:** I am in New Zealand 🙂
**Question:** I will contact your company again after reading more information about your detox product. Have a good day
**Answer:** Okay and you 🙂
**Question:** wait
**Question:** what is the wholesale deal?
**Answer:** That is for wholesale customers who purchased to sell on to their friends and family all businesses.
**Question:** I would like to know more about it
**Answer:** If you email Brett all your details he can get back to you on the wholesale operation.
**Question:** ok, thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Lost last chat
**Answer:** How much is ultimate detox
**Answer:** Hi Jackie
**Answer:** It is normally 199 but
**Answer:** We have $50 off
**Answer:** with We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code hot50now
**Answer:** Lovely I will go ahead and order one
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah how much is the ultimate detox please
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi there, I have just bought 10 of Bretts books Cleansed and Cured to on-sell at a Yoga Teacher Training in Motueka. I am wondering if you can give me a guide as to what you expect these books to sell for retail? We do not want to undercut your pricing.
**Question:** Thanks, Sue
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** They usually sell in shops for $39.00 but you could pas them on at $30-35 quite safely
**Question:** Thats great to know. $39 seemed a bit much considering the We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you gave. Thanks for your advice!
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi I was just wondering while doing the Elliot detox
**Question:** what other supplements can you take? Norma vitamins and glutamine?
**Question:** Hi I was just wondering while doing the Elliot detox
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I was just wondering while doing the Elliot detox
**Question:** what other supplements can you take? Norma vitamins and glutamine?
**Question:** Hi I was just wondering while doing the Elliot detox
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** how much weight can be lost on the ultimate herbal detox
**Answer:** The average is 4-5kg but some people lose less and some lose more
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** It all depends on what you body is holding onto
**Question:** makes sense
**Answer:** We do have $50 off at the moment if you want a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Question:** I have just purchased
**Question:** cheers
**Answer:** thanks, I hope it goes well
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** i have purchased the ultimate detox,can i do over 10 days and if so how many pills to take please. will i still expect to lose some weight if so what is the average THANK YOU
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** you can text me here as i am still here
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Bear with me while I check the number of capsules on the 10 day version.
**Answer:** Most people do 14 days
**Answer:** 12 per day of each
**Answer:** Possibly 4 to 4 kgs
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Question:** HI Brett, Sue here from Motueka. I talked to you about your book Cleansed and Cured and purchasing some off you to on-sell to our students. I would be happy to start with 10 books and see how we go. You also offered us a We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club price which would be really appreciated. Is this still available.
**Question:** My email is [Email]
**Answer:** Yes I remember, I can do wholesale for that qty, which is $23.99+gst each. If you can give me your address and phone number I can email you an invoice to pay online, or you could send a debit/credit card number?
**Answer:** Awesome. My address is 2090 Moutere Highway, RD 2 Upper Moutere 7175
**Answer:** My ph 021 543102 and if you could please address it to Dru Yoga, C/o Sue Cleaver Ta
**Answer:** Rather pay online if that is ok
**Answer:** OK, I will email it shortly. Thanks for supporting the cause
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** We can answer any questions you may have on the combo
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there I bought the ultimate herbal detox pack. What sort of foods can I eat with this question mark is there an app I can download to help me? And how do I know if I’m doing the 14-day detox or 30-day?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Let me give you a page which might help
**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** I read something about a blood test we need to have one of these done and what for?
**Answer:** That’s only if you are part of our human study program, or for your own satisfaction of results
**Answer:** Does the pack come with a blood test?
**Answer:** Or do I have to go to the doctor?
**Answer:** No, you would get that from a Doctor
**Answer:** usually, the tests would involve blood sugar, liver enzymes, CRP, cholesterol, and kidney function, but that’s not required for normal use
**Answer:** Did you have a particular goal in mind
**Answer:** My goal is to loose about 8kg and clear my headaches and give me more energy
**Answer:** OK then you won’t need any tests, as you can measure those at home
**Answer:** You can see the foods and the dose plans here, I would go with the 14 day plan [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** Just click the link
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** I am searching for a answer concerning my granddaughter….no doctor has a answer and I feel she has a parasite
**Answer:** Yes it can be hard to prove what they are
**Question:** only at night she feels it moving and it chooses a place it seem to feed and the area turn purple and she screams that it hurts, always at night
**Question:** They have did blood work and biopsy and nothi is showing up
**Answer:** Thats not the kind of thing that our program can help with unless it has been found it the gut
**Question:** any suggestions
**Answer:** it would need to be something visible that you can show the doctor or they generally dismiss it, so it’s often very hard to get help
**Answer:** can you see it under the skin
**Question:** we have been to servers and they dismiss even tho the areas that it attacked every night is there…strange thing we rubbed her down with coconut oil and it will not got to that area
**Answer:** You could complete our parasite program and also rub neem oil into the skin daily along with epsom salt baths at night.
**Answer:** you can get that program here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Question:** I have some neem oil…I will try that.thank you
**Answer:** It’s best to attack it from all angles simultaneously
**Answer:** from within and on the skin, that’s the idea behind the program
**Question:** ok
**Question:** sounds good and I will give it a try
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I attended Brett’s presentation last night here in Motueka and have purchased his Detox program. I am careful about the foods I eat so this program should not be too differecult for me but I am concerned that I won’t be consuming any kind of protein for 4 weeks! Correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t our bodies need some protein to heal and rebuild healthy cells? Please explain this for me. Many thanks, Shelley
**Answer:** Hi Shelly, it’s Brett
**Answer:** If you’re doing the four week program you can still have protein
**Answer:** Are you one of the human study applicants?
**Answer:** Normally on the four week plan you can have a little bit of fish, eggs or chicken but not more than once a week each
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi our cbd oil is only available via email as Brett uses it in his clinic
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You can take another $50 off by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code hot50now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** hi there just looking at the boditune special says 30% off at $165.38 how do i get that ?
**Question:** sorry i see that is the We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club off the other price .. all good cheers
**Answer:** Great I was just wondering where you had seen it 🙂
**Answer:** If you order before 11.30am it will go out today.
**Question:** its changed now to $262.50 hmmm
**Answer:** You can take another $50 off by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code hot50now
**Answer:** I think you may have been seeing it it another currency
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** I’ve been at an evening tonight in motueka and have learnt so much and can’t wait to start my detox. Tried a sample of bodi tune and brought some. Just wondering what Brett mixed with. Thanks again for an informative evening viv
**Answer:** Hi Viv, glad you enjoyed it! I can find out what Brett mixed it with if you bear with me a moment.
**Question:** Thank you.
**Answer:** He mixed it with a natural orange juice. It was unsweetened Keri Orange juice
**Answer:** It can be mixed with almost anything except alcohol lol
**Question:** That’s why it tasted so good, I had one with water when I got home not so good, thank you.
**Answer:** No problem. It also taste really nice with coconut milk and Almond milk. I have mine in a smoothie in the morning and I can’t taste it at all.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I cant find the cbd oil that Brett has added to his stock
**Answer:** hi there
**Answer:** It is only available via telephone ordering
**Answer:** Available fro 9am tomorrow on 0800 555 556
**Question:** Isit not on the website so i can read about it?
**Answer:** Give me your email address and I can sen you the info.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Great will be in touch soon
**Question:** Thanks Sarah, Im already a customer of Bretts
**Answer:** awesome 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah is the boditune sachets a meal replacement?
**Answer:** Hi Jackie,
**Answer:** They can be used a meal replacement 🙂 Just make sure you have some natural sugar and fat during he day
**Answer:** I can still take my ultimate herbal slim pills?
**Answer:** Yes you can do them both together 🙂
**Answer:** Ok when is best to have them at present I’m taking the pills one 4 times s day.ehat best for faster results.
**Answer:** It is best to have them in the morning. Before 12pm. Most people use them for breakfast.
**Answer:** Ok I’m having them four times in a day
**Answer:** Ok yes that is fine just try and have them before 3.30pm then
**Answer:** I thought you were just taking one lol
**Answer:** per day
**Answer:** Great many thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah. I have just received my parcel of BodiTune and look forward to getting started , but I didn’t know what time of day was best to take it. I have just found it on the website. Thanks to you and Brett.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** If you need any help just ask any time
**Answer:** Wonderful. Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I want to heal the gut from dairy and gluten intolerance. I can’t afford to throw money at this, so please could you do me a kindness and recommend me a book to follow that I could get from the library perhaps. I don’t want to waste energy on trial and error, because without results one just gives up.
**Question:** Never mind. Forgive my ignorance. I sent that before realizing Brett even had a book.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Bretts book is n the library
**Answer:** Cleansed & Cured
**Answer:** Just pop in and ask
**Question:** Yes I see that. I’ve just put a hold on it. Feeling foolish. Sorry for bothering you.
**Answer:** No problem happy to help any time 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** cheers trying to sort shipping address
**Answer:** All good, you’re getting some automated messages as well,
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Just let me know if you’re having trouble logging in and I can reset your password
**Answer:** cheers password sorted, hunting for my wallet sorry
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, i am a returning customer, been off the rails for a couple of years with life changes. looking at getting a boditune protein. Live in whakatane and work in tauranga. would it be ok to order and collect? cheers al keeber
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes it is fine to collect, we just to know in advance to make sure we around, as it’s home-based
**Answer:** We’re available today, or Friday afternoon
**Question:** Hi Brett is around 5pm friday ok if I can get from the mount fire station to you through traffic. otherwise next week. cheers
**Answer:** Yes that should be fine, you can order online and then pick up on Friday, you can message to confirm timing
**Answer:** awesome many thanks cheers al
**Question:** Hi there, i have purchase several detox plans. i dont seem to be able to log in any more
**Question:** it says it doesnt regconise outlook.com email address
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** What is your name I can reset your login it you like
**Question:** Leilani Payne
**Question:** just trying to purchase more boditune
**Answer:** One moment, let me check your account
**Answer:** Yes we have an account under [Email] and I have reset the password to LeilaniP2020!
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** I will stay here in case you need any further help
**Question:** i am not able to log in. i will just purchase as a casual user
**Answer:** That works fine, sorry about that
**Answer:** Done 🙂
**Answer:** Thanks again, we will get it shipped ASAP
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. I saw there was a 20% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club if I ordered 2 of the herbal detox kits. When I went to check out it didnt add the 20% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.. is there something else I was meant to do?
**Answer:** Let me give a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20/)
**Answer:** Use this link please and it should be fine
**Question:** Thank you. I will try that
**Answer:** You can change the currency at the top if you wish
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi Jackie, is everything ok?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** No I can’t get it lol
**Answer:** Would you like me to call and do it over the phone?
**Answer:** That be great
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi I’m trying to place an order for Body tune detox I put We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code in but I still gotta pay full price ?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which code are you trying to use?
**Answer:** I can help
**Answer:** Hot50now
**Answer:** Which product are looking to buy? Is it over $120?
**Answer:** Yes it’s $125
**Answer:** Let us check for you
**Answer:** Please try again now
**Answer:** Please refresh your browser
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** I just emailed the invoice now Rosie
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there Sarah. I just left a message on the phone as I wondered if the Detox & Slim Sachets would be suitable for me. I am taking various natural supplements to help my liver, kidneys, heart and thyroid (Yes, I am functioning ok mostly), so my query? I have done the Detox course a few years ago. Look forward to discussing this.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** They are very safe
**Answer:** The only issue is if you are taking blood thinners
**Question:** No blood thinners
**Answer:** Perfect then the program will be fine. It does not mix with any other supplements or medicine
**Answer:** Which natural supplements are you taking?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot/)
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I’m doing the 14 days ultimate herbal detox at the moment. Can I have peas and chickpeas?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Peas are ok but not chickpeas as the are a bit tough for the body to digest.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** I’m desperate to loose some weight as part of the detox. Any suggestions ?
**Answer:** How far in are you?
**Question:** I started the detox on monday
**Question:** I’ve done the one month one in the past . This itme doing the 14 days one
**Question:** I guess I need special tips for lossing weight as I’m menopausal at the moent
**Answer:** Ok make sure you follow up fruit and veg only program and keep some fruit handy in case you need something.
**Answer:** Gentle exercise too.
**Answer:** If you can take Epsom salts baths every few days.
**Question:** Okay
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi I am on ultimate herbal slim.i feel I need to fo ultimate detox what is the price for detox pls
**Answer:** Hi Jackie,
**Answer:** I can give you a $50 We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club on the Herbal Detox
**Answer:** just enter hot50now into the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club area at checkout
**Answer:** I feel I haven’t lost anything on herbal slim.i do feel more alert tho.am I guaranteed to lose weight on this detox.
**Answer:** The average is 4-5kg but we can’t guarantee a certain amount, as everyone is different, we do have some people lose 10kg on it and others only 2kg, it all depends on the food choices, but if you go mostly raw, it works better
**Answer:** I you’re are having more energy on the slim, that’s a good start, it’s just a matter of time, and refining the diet as you go. The detox would definitely be a good kickstart and you could also look at the BodiTune as a follow-up
**Answer:** Many thanks for your help
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Brett, can you please email an invoice through. That will be great. Brent.
**Answer:** OK, will send it now, it should have been on the package as well
**Question:** Ok, will go check and see if i missed it.Thanks.
**Question:** Hi Brett, Brent at Marshall’s/ Just to let you know the eagle has just landed.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Good to know
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi Ive tried the detox programm before but didnt see it througfh and now Im wondering do I try again or what is the best thing to do – Im 54 slightly overweight struggling with alcohol and have no energy -my body and mind are very tired I need help to get my life back on track urgently
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The detox is the way to go. And do it over 14 days
**Question:** ok so what exactly do I add to the cart?
**Answer:** You could do the BodiTune sachets with the detox to give you a really good boost
**Answer:** Just add the Ultimate Herbal Detox program
**Answer:** We do a combo if you’d like to do both
**Question:** ok thanks is that the one for $125.00 ?
**Answer:** Click [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program/)
**Question:** boditue detox n slim protein drink?
**Question:** Ok got it thanks Sarah – god I hope this works
**Answer:** You do need to do the Ultimate Herbal Detox and the BodiTune together
**Answer:** It will help with energy and your mind. Our minds can drive us in directions that upset our physical body
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Ill say – so hard to focus and steer it where I need to go
**Question:** I saw a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club I think it said 20/20 vision but cannot find where to type it in
**Answer:** Keep support foods like fruit nearby and take them when you feel the mind taking over
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is 2020vision altogether
**Answer:** Just like I’ve typed it
**Question:** Thanks heap Sarah
**Answer:** No orbs here to help
**Question:** it said the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has expired
**Question:** it doesnt matter Ill do the fortnightly payment thing as Im getting a blender etc as well
**Answer:** Ok use HOT50NOW
**Question:** tHAT WORKED !Cheers 🙂
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** just spent approx $580 with you – you should get a bonus – thanks Ill do the programme as soon as the stuff arrives I gotta change my life urgently so it feels like Im grasping at straws a bit but as long as I can stay disciplined and off the booze it should be fine and Ill be sure to keep the fruit nearby thanks again – bye Sarah x
**Answer:** You are welcome. Take a look around the resources for inspiration the videos and articles can really help
**Answer:** Thanks for ordering
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** what are the benefits
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Hi I have a question about it candida please? Can it be passed from mother to baby in the womb?
**Answer:** I dont think so
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Why does he not get someone to proof read his poor grammar ?-he loses credibility….. Already some claims seem unbelievable to me as a science teacher who believes in naturopathic health- thanks,pmcl
**Answer:** Can you be more specific
**Question:** I have a little time but…..”There has been animal experiments ……It has been found that after eating a chlorophyll rich diet, breakdown chlorophyll products attached to the mitochondria in the body….. All I have time for right now is to suggest that we might produce more energy from his claims but I don’t think you can say it is by photosynthesis….”In other words, when eating a lot of green food your body starts to photosynthesize ….. You won’t want to believe me I imagine, but when one struggles with grammar and I think it is called sentence building as well as credibility it is very tempting to just give up You won’t want to believe me I imagine, but when one struggles with grammar and I think it is called sentence building as well as credibility it is very tempting to just give up….pmcl
**Answer:** It suggests that the synthesis of ATP is increased when exposed to light, which is a form of photosynthesis, similar to pineal triggers of seretonin synthesis. I know it’s not conventional photsynthsesis but it is thought provoking
**Answer:** It is a tangible effect when you test a green food diet, and once you have the experience it is undeniable
**Question:** Hi Brett, sorry I disconnected
**Question:** i was asking why you thought parasites outside the gut were more difficult to deal with
**Answer:** Not so much, many of the herbs work directly on contact within the gut, and only a few constituents enter circulation intact, the parasite can be at a remote site in the body where the herbal components may not reach
**Question:** oh I see
**Answer:** You could do a double length program and increase the dietary compnents to double also, plus soak in salt baths or mineral pools, which will all help
**Answer:** neem oil and tea tree oil on the skin can also be helpful
**Question:** Do you think doing that could potentially help drive parasites out of those trouble areas like the brain?
**Answer:** It could all help, but sugar starvation may also be required, like ending the program with a 4-5 day water fast
**Answer:** I would follow a double dose herbal program, use the suggested foods, combine oils on the skin, baths and and with a fast after 3 weeks, then repeat this again in 6 weeks time to cover the incubation period
**Question:** Thanks for the suggestion Brett. I might in fact just go with your advice. Would you mind if I came back here in the near future and asked you more questions related to your program and whatnot?
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** Awesome. My name is Leo, by the way. That way we both know who one another are. Have a good night.
**Answer:** Thanks Leo, talk again
**Question:** Hello. I have question after watching one of your YouTube videos
**Answer:** OK Ask away
**Question:** Do you have any suggested methods for eliminating bodily parasites that don’t reside in the gut?
**Answer:** Thats a bit more difficult, and I can’t make any claims regarding that
**Question:** do you think it’s possible to treat parasites in the whole body the same way they can be treated if they’re just in the gut?
**Answer:** that would be the best approach, and I can give our program or that, just click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies/)
**Answer:** It’s a combination of high dose herbs and specific foods
**Question:** Thanks, I’ll check that out. Your resources seem very promising to me; it’s hard for me to find someone who seems to truly know what they’re talking about when it comes to parasite removal
**Question:** out of curiosity: what exactly is it that makes parasites outside of the gut more tricky? Wouldn’t the herbs etc that are ingested be spread to the whole body via circulation and work to eliminate parasites in other areas?
**Answer:** Not so much, many of the herbs work directly on contact within the gut, and only a few constituents enter circulation intact, the parasite can be at a remote site in the body where the herbal components may not reach
**Answer:** The liver is one area where they can help, but under the skin, eyes or brain is another story
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** can we use soy sauce? lol Honey?
**Answer:** Yes both are OK
**Answer:** Cool. thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Brett, it’s time for another cleanse! What’s your best price for two kits today please? Cheers, Monica Walker
**Answer:** HI Monika, Let me give you a link
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get a We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club off this deal [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20/)
**Answer:** if you apply hot50now at checkout it should drop by another $50 over and above the 20%
**Question:** Thanks Brett, I see Health House has an Ultimate Cleanse for $105, is that the same and if not, what’s the difference?
**Answer:** It is not the same thing at all
**Answer:** I designed that cleanse original kit 20 years ago, but ours has been updated and is 20% bigger with 480 caps
**Answer:** It also has 24 herbs compared to their 14
**Answer:** The extra herbs in ours are the parasite herbs, cloves, balck walnut and golden seal
**Answer:** The eznymes papain and bromelain
**Answer:** and the liver herbs milk thistle, globe artichoke and turkish rhubarb
**Answer:** we also have aloe vera and chia seeds as prebiotics, not to mention the proper detox diet and my personal support
**Question:** Sounds great Brett, thanks! I’ll go in and order now! 🙂
**Answer:** Good choice
**Question:** We like the best!
**Answer:** hello
**Question:** How do you purchase the colonaid
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/colonaid-anti-parasitic-120-capsules/)
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, we are dpoing the ultimate detox and have some food questions..
**Answer:** OK, ask away
**Answer:** Can we eat….. Popcorn with himalayan salt? What about dried fruit?
**Answer:** Popcorn is not allowed, but dried fruit is OK, just not too much o te sugary stuff, dates, prunes, aprciots, raisins and figs are OK, but I would avoid the others
**Answer:** Also we brought a Homegrown Raw cold pressed spirulina drink but see it has wheat and barley grass in it. Can we drink this?
**Answer:** Thats fine, it’s only the grain we are worried about
**Answer:** cool thanks
**Answer:** also have you got a green smoothie receipe without the BodiTune DETOX n SLIM Protein sachet in it? I googled it and tried one but it was horrible
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** try this [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie/)
**Answer:** It does still the sachet in the recipe but it should be OK without it
**Answer:** cool thanks ill give it a go
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** in am from shop
**Answer:** i am from shop
**Answer:** Hi THere
**Answer:** How is it going?
**Answer:** sir
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** going goodis this alright if take medicine 5 pm and after that eat something
**Answer:** yes that’s fine
**Answer:** i just taking only milk and resion figa walnut before sleeping
**Answer:** I don’t know resion figa walnut
**Answer:** Is that nuts?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** What’s better for weight loss the ultimate herbal detox or the ultimate slim ?
**Answer:** Actually the detox is better first
**Answer:** It’s good for 4-5 kg on average
**Answer:** If you need more after that then the herbal slim or boditune are good to continue
**Question:** Awesome thanks !! I’ve done the detox about 5 years ago and had great results with it but now after my second baby I cant shift this weight
**Answer:** Yes the detox sounds ideal then
**Question:** Great thank you for your help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Are you able to make a combination of;
**Question:** Visitor uploaded: 6F8FD9A7-1638-4428-9AC7-F525AB77FFB1.jpeg
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** Please reply to; [Email]
**Answer:** I think you will need to see a Chinese Herbalist to make this up.
**Answer:** I don’t stock those herbs, sorry about that.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** yeah the 40% off one
**Answer:** Sorry that ones finished
**Answer:** There is a $40 one at the moment
**Answer:** It’s 2020vision
**Question:** oh i see…bummer, ok
**Answer:** The only slightly better We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club might be the 25% depending on what you’re after
**Answer:** That’s 252525
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** wondering if this cleanse is effective against toxoplasmosis in the brain and eyes?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** That’s not something we can say, sorry
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there. Unfortunately I can’t make the talk on Thursday the 5th at Motueka. Is there another talk in the area on a different night?
**Answer:** That’s a shame, no we’re only there for one night, but we will be back next year. The only other one we’re doing is in Christchurch
**Answer:** Hi Sandy
**Answer:** The detox is the full cleanse, metabolic reboot, liver and colon health etc
**Answer:** The Slim is really for triggering fat burning and craving control
**Answer:** In saying that the Detox is actually the best place to start fro weight loss, because most people get 4-5kg just from the cleanse
**Answer:** thx!
**Answer:** Anytime, we do have $40 of both programs this month
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is 2020vision which you can apply at checkout
**Answer:** Delivery in Australia is free by DHL express
**Answer:** great. thx~
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** thank you I bought the detox program tonight
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Brett. Just wondering if you’re receiving my messages? Regards, Brent at Marshall’s
**Answer:** Hi Brent, Yes I have booked in the 10th of August and will be in touch
**Answer:** Your order is on the way already
**Question:** Ok, I just hadn’t had a response, as it said you were offline. all good, will wait for further instructions.
**Answer:** Thanks, keep in touch
**Question:** I had a severe parasitic infestation years ago and completed a comprehensive parasite elimination program. The owner died and that company is no longer in business. I have now picked up parasites again (believe me I can tell from experience) and am looking for a program that works. I am reading Brett Elliots’s website. Where do I start? With Colonaid Anti-Parasitic? I put in for the ebook and am waiting for second email.
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** Hello from Pennsylvania
**Answer:** The best program is the Ultimate Herbal Detox with the parasite diet. let me get the links for you to follow
**Question:** Okay so the anti-parasitic program is all incorporated in the Ultimate Herbal Detox… okay..
**Answer:** Yes, you can see the diet plan on this page [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies/)
**Answer:** You can get this product and apply the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club ‘parasitebonus’ to get the extra bottle of colonaid antiparasitic
**Question:** Thank you. It is amazing… I read what you wrote about being around negative people who take energy from you… I have lived with this and have 2 close family members bringing me down…especially my mother
**Answer:** Yes it’s funny how often that is connected,
**Answer:** This program works very well and we have many people testify of the results. We also ship by DHL tracked, and it gets delivered within 5-7 days
**Question:** I’ll be ordering it. Meanwhile, what do you think of Diatomatous Earth to cut them up, and consuming frozen castor oil capsules to smother them. That was part of the 1st program I took which worked (among many other elements within that program).
**Answer:** Yes that could be helpful also, it would combine perfectly with the herbal and dietary approach
**Question:** Okay, thank you.
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** The bonus doesn’t apply on amazon, which is the link to buy. What site can I apply the bonus on?
**Answer:** Yes the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club only works on this site click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** I’m in process of checking out and applied parasitebonus for the extra colonaid.
**Answer:** Great, it should be added for Free
**Question:** Thanks, I can’t wait to start!
**Question:** One more question. do you believe in doing enemas, including coffee enemas in helping things along
**Answer:** yes they are a good idea
**Question:** okay, thanks again!
**Answer:** You’re welcome, well done and good luck
**Answer:** HI Brent
**Answer:** I’ve booked in your date or August 10th and will keep in touch about promotion etc
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Brett, trust you did get my last message? Will wait to hear back from you re the workshop/s.
**Answer:** No, I didn’t hear back about that.
**Answer:** I did get your order, so will wait to hear from you about the dates
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello Brett, Brent at Marshall’s Health. Just had a chat with Julian and we would like to lock in the Monday night of 10th August 2020. If we can do the same as last time if you send us the promotional paper work and we can push it on our facebook page. We recently did an editorial on the detox and have sold a lot of kits. We are in the process of doing our order as I write this request to you. Trust you are well and firing on all 12 cylinders. Let me know so we can start promoting this event. If all goes to plan and we need to book another date we could look at running another in September. Cheers, and hear from you soon. regards. Brent.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** I purchased Detox and heal your self program Primarily for parasitic cleanse, lost 45lbs in 4 weeks have not gained a lb, I lost the little book that tells you how to use the program. could you send or email me the booklet.
**Question:** E mail [Email]
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** I need the detox manual can you email mail me or send me the booklet [Email]
**Answer:** I will give you a link to download it now if that works
**Answer:** Just click here [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3b91HS9bgiXajk1ZW1wOWpjS3c/view?usp=sharing)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi can we eat falafel on the 2 week detox?
**Answer:** Hi Bronnie, it is too hard to digest so sory no 🙁
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey there Brett. Is it ok to do the detox with leaky gut syndrome
**Answer:** Yes it is ideal for that
**Answer:** the herbs golden seal, slippery elm, aloe vera are all in the program which are great for leaky gut
**Answer:** Thanks Brett, the customer says its quite advanced leaky gut syndrome
**Answer:** then I would suggest aloe vera juice and zinc alongside the detox program, plus lots of raspberry herbal tea
**Answer:** any preferance for the zinc
**Answer:** Oh and thanks for this support. We just did some more advertising
**Answer:** zinc sulphate [Link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11383597)
**Answer:** Be pure do a good one
**Answer:** Thanks Brett. Have no zinc sulphate, would picolinate be ok
**Answer:** I’m sure it will still help
**Answer:** Thanks. Over and out.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Hire Live Chat Agents. Never Leave Your Website Unstaffed. Let Our Custom Trained In-House Agents Take Care of It. 40+ Full-Time Agents & Experts. We can work with your existing Live chat software and your team. 15 days Free Trial. Get Agents Live in 48 Hrs. Click here [Link](https://open247.chat/cf/cfz.php)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** We use a live chat with real people thank you very much
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi can I use this during period? I bought this instead of detox herbal program. What’s the email difference of the two products?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which Program did you purchase?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have breast cancer. How can this help with this condition?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** The Herbal Detox program can help in the background by alkalizing your body and helping reduce inflammation. It may also help improve the function of your immune system.
**Question:** Ok. I am very reluctant to have chemo so this may be a much better alternative.
**Answer:** We have lots of cancer patients over the years use it as support before and after conventional medical treatments. It can help reduce negative side effetcs
**Answer:** Has any surgery been done yet?
**Question:** Yes I have had 2 surgeries. Next step is radiation and hormone therapy. I also have suffered for years with heartburn, reflux and general digestion issues. I see that your treatment is especially good for these conditions.
**Answer:** Yes, if your digestive system has been playing up then acid could have accumulated in your tissues which is an underlying cause o chronic inflammation. A contributing factor. Yes the Herbal Detox over 2 week is ideal for most digestive issues. You can see it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Question:** Is that what you would recommend for the cancer as well?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Ok thanks very much Brett. I’m just on the calculation thingy
**Answer:** There are other things you could do but for that it would require a consultation,
**Answer:** The detox program is best place to start
**Question:** Ok will do that. Thanks for your help.
**Question:** Just saw prices. Sorry but too expensive for a pensioner.
**Answer:** There is a 30% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club available
**Answer:** You can use a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club loyal30 to get that at checkout
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, for the two weeks detox programme, can we use a can of coconut cream? Your book says to eliminate can foods but your recpie has canned coconut cream in it.
**Answer:** Yes that’s an exception
**Answer:** cool. Thanks
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** What about tomato paste???? So if something is in one of your recipes then we can use it ah??
**Answer:** That’s correct, we have a few exceptions, as they are just the extra healthy canned foods we have added.
**Answer:** Cool. I`ll simply follow your recipes then LOL
**Answer:** Love to hear about how you go
**Answer:** Yip. Just starting
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** Can this cleanse major viruses
**Answer:** NOt specifically but it can help you immune system function better in general
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi, attended the preso last night at Tonic and was wondering where seeds and nuts fit into the DETOX and SLIM plans?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry an automated message!
**Question:** All good
**Answer:** They aren’t available on the Herbal Detox program but ok on the slim program 🙂
**Question:** And things like Paleo bread?
**Answer:** They are pretty hard to digest so slow the process down
**Answer:** Paleo bread is processed so it’s off the cards too sorry
**Question:** OK, thanks just wanted to check.
**Answer:** Really hard on the bodies digestive system
**Answer:** Great 🙂 happy to help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I can’t wait for my detox and slim protein shake .have a beautiful blessed day.
**Answer:** Thanks, We will ship it ASAP
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah,dose the 40% applies to the 1kg detox and slim protein shake?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Its just Bronnie here. I messaged you last night about our wanting a third ultimate Detox. The link you sent me was for three detox. We already have purchased two so we only want one more
**Answer:** OK I understand
**Answer:** I can give you 30% on one kit
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club Loyal30 at checkout to get the We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** Yes, that will be helpful
**Answer:** cool. Thanks
**Answer:** A question…Today we have started Day 1 of preparation. We dont take any capsules doring the prep stage do we?
**Answer:** That’s correct, you have 3 days of elimination diet before you start taking the herbs
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Goodmorning I changed my eating habits 13 days go today, started bherbalife
**Answer:** Hi Catrina, not sure what you are asking?
**Answer:** Sorry hit wrong key. I changed my eating habits 13 days ago today, no meat, no sugar and no dairy products. I started herbalife liver cleanse yesterday and tummy abit grumbly should I reduce to 20 herbal Tabs a day instead of 40
**Answer:** Are you doing the Ultimate Herbal Detox program?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** It is normal to have a grumbly tummy but you are doing a liver cleanse with the ultimate Herbal Detox so the Herbalife one as well could be causing it. May I ask is there a reason for doing the Herbalife liver cleanse at the same time?
**Answer:** No. just want to loose weight and eat healthy, in saying this I felt I needed a liver cleanse and bowel wasnt moving properly at all.
**Answer:** It would be better for you to do the Ultimate Herbal Detox and then the Herbalife program afterward as it is not as strong.
**Answer:** Two programs will give you a grumbling tummy
**Answer:** Please drink more water and eat more fruit to get you bowel moving 🙂
**Answer:** I eat lots of fruit and drink lots of water,am on the ultimate herbal detox now.
**Answer:** It might not be enough or your body is clean so the bowel does not need to clear so much.
**Answer:** Do you mean not enough water.
**Answer:** Water or/and fruit.
**Answer:** Ok see how I go thankyou.
**Answer:** You could increase the herbs and spices in your food too as that helps with the bowel if you think it needs moving more
**Answer:** Ok I will do that.
**Answer:** 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Answer:** i am from maungatpu dairy shop
**Answer:** Yes I remember
**Answer:** i want to be lose weaght again
**Answer:** OK, do you want another Detox pack like last time?
**Answer:** yes i want
**Answer:** OK, I can do it for 1/2 price $100.00 instead of full price $199.00
**Answer:** Just let me know when to bring it
**Answer:** thats good if you can give me this stuff in $100
**Answer:** you can give me today if you have time
**Answer:** Yes I bring it around 1pm
**Answer:** sure sir
**Answer:** OK, see you then
**Answer:** Hi Rob, You could try the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club loyal30 I think that will knock 30% off the combo, but that’s the best I can offer, as that’s actually below wholesale rates,
**Answer:** I basically means the 6 boxes of sachets are free
**Answer:** Ok I’ve purchased 1 as that’s all we have. Look forward to getting on to it
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Rob, I see your question from before
**Answer:** I you want to buy 2 x 6 week programs, I can give a 25% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club of the 6 week program which is already over 30% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubed. That would make then over 50% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Answer:** Just use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 252525 at checkout and that will do it
**Answer:** Just click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/super-combo-6-week-program/)
**Answer:** That would make them $396 each, plus you can use afterpay and split it over 8 weeks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** please tell me 240mg = how many mls of 3:2 tincture should I take
**Question:** Ginkgo Biloba
**Answer:** it all depends on the concentration of the tincture. It is 1:2 or 1:5
**Question:** 3:2 55% Gingko leaf
**Answer:** I would say 1ml = 55mg so a 5ml dose should give you 240mg
**Answer:** It’s really hard to know with tinctures exactly what you will get
**Question:** Thank you I am concerned re dementia but I also have someone concerned re prevention of non malignant tumor recurrence Would the same dose be ok
**Answer:** You really can’t overdose with ginkgo
**Answer:** it’s very safe
**Question:** OK Thank you I have a family history of dementia/ alzheimers so trying to prevent it
**Answer:** We are developing a brain tonic for that very problem, which should be available later this year
**Answer:** If you sign up here, we will let you know when it’s ready [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/leadbox/147ee8b73f72a2%3A114bbf0d1746dc/[Credit Card]/)
**Question:** I will be interested having seen the loss of a persons whole life
**Answer:** Yes it’s tragic to see
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Was this Ultimate Herbal Detox suppose to include the body tune sachets
**Answer:** They are two separate products
**Question:** Catrina Hadfield
**Answer:** The Herbal Detox is capsules and the BodiTune are the Sachets
**Answer:** Ok, sorry I thought it was a bonus with the detox.
**Answer:** Recieved mine today, thankyou
**Answer:** Great, I hope it goes well, and I’m here to help if you have questions
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You can get $40 off this program this week with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 2020vision
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Kim from Taupo here, do you ever have more than 20% off products? Can’t remember
**Answer:** Yes sometimes, but I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for 25% off any order today
**Question:** Hi Brett, wow yes that’d be awesome.
**Answer:** If you apply this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club ‘252525’ at checkout it will give you the 25% We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** just the numbers
**Question:** Fantastic ! I’ll do it now. Thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** Do you still do the 1x detox and 1 x slim tablets as a combo?
**Answer:** Yes, let me give you the link
**Answer:** try this [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim/)
**Question:** all done – thanks heaps
**Answer:** Will get it shipped today or you
**Answer:** for you
**Answer:** Best service !
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** What’s the ideal crackers to have
**Answer:** We dont recommend any crackers during the programs, you can use cucumber ring slices instead
**Question:** I’m starting the slim products when they arrive hopefully tomorrow.8 in morning and 8 at night do I take them before meal at night time or bed
**Answer:** They are best taken twice daily, once with breakfast and then again 20 minutes before dinner
**Question:** Perfect thank you so much looking forward to your product.
**Answer:** Youre welcome, hope it goes well
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Yes please, that would be great!
**Answer:** OK, which product are you looking at, and I can give you the best We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Question:** The ultimate herbal detox please! I did it a while ago and really look forward to doing it again
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 2020vision to get $40 off that product
**Question:** Oh wonderful – thanks so much Brett. Best wishes for this exciting 2020. Moira
**Answer:** You’re welcome, you too
**Answer:** The capsules are size 00, which are not the smallest size but not as big as fish oil capsules
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** There is up to 40 capsules a day during the detox but you can blend them into a smoothie,
**Answer:** The other option is to use the BodiTune drinks which taste great
**Answer:** You can see them here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink/)
**Question:** Thank you very helpful
**Answer:** If you use the drinks you could do 3 drinks daily for 10 days and follow the detox diet plan to get a good cleanse
**Answer:** You can see that diet plan here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-diet-plan-made-easy/)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** How big are the capsules as I have difficulty swallowing capsules and how many capsules per day need to be swallowed ?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** The capsules are size 00, which are not the smallest size but not as big as fish oil capsules
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** im wondering if taking 8 thermogenik caps a day is too much or ok or?
**Question:** im taking 6 at the mo, alongside some colonaid…
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** but perhaps wanting more results ont eh fatloss segment?
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** You can take 8 a day just try and split them up and take 2 at a time. Also have a look at Brett’s article in the best foods
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/top-12-metabolic-foods-and-herbs-for-detox-and-slim/)
**Question:** ok great thanks
**Question:** and is 8 maximum? im aware weight losss is a process and im happy with resetting metabolsim as priotity etc….
**Answer:** You could go to 10 but that would be it
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can you take the thermogenic if on blood pressure tablets
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Are they beta blockers?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** You can’t take it with those. The Ultimate Herbal Detox would be the best way to go for weight loss and it will improve your high blood pressure
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there we returned a detox kid to you and we where just wondering if u already received it. Sender was jayde Harding
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Was it a web order from us, and when did you ship it back
**Question:** We asked for consultation beforehand and you told us to send it back to get a refund
**Question:** it was a web order
**Answer:** OK, yes I see it here,
**Answer:** I can do the refund today for you
**Question:** Ok awesome. I have the bank details right?
**Question:** you have
**Answer:** The confusion wss that the letter had the name on it for Laura Todani
**Question:** I’ll give u the details again just I. Case
**Question:** 12 3040 0838450 00
**Question:** its with asb
**Answer:** I have that account number here. What name is the payment going to
**Question:** jayde Harding
**Answer:** OK, I will do it now, thanks for your patience
**Question:** can u please put it into the account provided since I changed banks
**Question:** Thank you!
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can teenagers use this product ultimate hewrbal detox
**Answer:** Yes it’s ideal
**Answer:** great for improving eating habits, resolving teenage acne, mood and hormonal balance
**Question:** Hello Brett its Brent at Marshalls
**Answer:** Hi Brent
**Answer:** Thanks Brett for a speedy answer for my customer
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** I’ll drop you an email about potential seminar dates later this year.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Thank you I just wanted to top on Slim and BodiTune
**Answer:** You can get 25% off your order with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 252525
**Answer:** that will work on any product or combo
**Question:** Awesome thanks – just started he BodiTune… no idea why I left it so long, it is yummy
**Answer:** Well done, thanks for the feedback
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. Can you have seeds on the ultimate detox? I saw that you can’t have nuts.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Nuts and seeds are both off the menu
**Answer:** Mainly because they are very hard to digest and can be inflammatory and acid forming
**Answer:** They just slow down the cleanse and so it’s better to knock them off during the program, you can bring them back afterwards, but it’s good to do that slowly and see if they are affecting you
**Question:** Ok. Thanks for this!
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello a question for you, as I was told but wasn’t sure to believe this..When we eat bread does it actually turn back into dough once you have eaten and goes thru to your stomach lining…
**Answer:** no, it is broken down into simple sugars
**Answer:** but it can stick to the gut wall and cause inflammation and pain
**Question:** so that’s how it becomes no good for you to eat…
**Answer:** correct
**Question:** thanku..
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hello was wondering if this is safe for a four years old
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** yes i do need help
**Answer:** Great ask away
**Question:** i have been bleeding from the ass had surgery in the area, been mad at eating the wrong types of food been staying way from alcoholic beverages while parents are drinking away, been having no fun with friends nor any girlfriends, i have no life, my younger brother has a lilfe of his own and I look down upon myself.
**Question:** i have chrons diseaase they believe but no one knows how to cure it.
**Question:** doctors beeen prescribing me the medications that I took which are often making me worse.
**Answer:** It’s a very complex situation for Brett to resolve online. The Crohns program will help but it sounds like you need a consultation which is hard when you are in the USA
**Answer:** Have you read Bretts article on crohns?
**Question:** been trying to before i replied
**Answer:** Probiotics would be good during or after the Crohn’s program
**Answer:** Ok have a good read, he has heaps of great info there
**Question:** just started taking them today by drinking them, I had been on probiotic pills for about three months
**Question:** i have drains inside of me
**Question:** had a ileostomy bag reversed
**Question:** thank you for the probiotic info
**Answer:** Check this article on Crohns [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-crohns-disease-treatment-program/)
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** If you go to the bottom of this page you will see the program that Brett recommends
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** 🙂
**Question:** Im reading it and am starting to calm down my research which probaably and most likely will be able to help me, thank you for it.:)
**Answer:** Great glad it is helping you can certainly improve it
**Question:** didnt know its been getting worse over time but research has helped very little bit in the past which might work out again in the future.:)
**Question:** need to document a lot of it which I havent been
**Answer:** Doctors will just mask the issue but there are natural ways to improve it
**Question:** yes most likely they took out my larger intestines and put in drains in my bottom
**Answer:** That’s a very challenging situation
**Question:** I do trust alternative medicines but haven’t been able to find that much until now
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You could do the program very gently and utilise Bretts energy healing videos
**Question:** how much does it cost?
**Answer:** It’s about 149 usd and you use Crohnsbonus for the free extra bottle of Colonaid
**Question:** thank you
**Question:** its great information
**Question:** less for his program than doctors n hospitalizations and wish i started with a program to begin with.
**Answer:** It’s tough when doctors are involved
**Question:** yes surely is
**Question:** i actuallly cured wart by myself
**Question:** by finding home remedies
**Question:** thank you yep just pop the wart and put garlic on it
**Question:** it worked and cured it
**Question:** thank you for the info.
**Question:** ill use it and tell more folks about his site and possibly buy it.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** 🙂
**Answer:** Brett has been doing this for over 20 years he knows what he is doing
**Question:** definitely looks like it
**Question:** i do know a lot of stuff especially researching things for years but not staying to one game plan
**Question:** belong to the chrons and colitis foundation
**Answer:** Very wise
**Question:** thank you yep lost them as well once i moved from new york to floridA
**Answer:** If you do decide to order we will send you a copy of Bretts book. Cleansed and cured, how detoxing heals the body.
**Question:** thank you sounds great and excellent wondering if you can please give me a email at [Email]
**Question:** about product and price
**Answer:** Yes we can do that Sean – Just keep an eye on your spam folder as the email might end up in there because we haven’t communicated before.
**Question:** thank you i certainly will and ill bookmark this page for then i dont forget
**Question:** thank you it is excellent
**Question:** wish you a good night
**Answer:** Night night
**Question:** thank you.:)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi i have tried this years ago, so confused now as i have been on keto and out on sooo much weight! not sure what to do. which would be the best one to buy to sherd the 12kgs i have now gained. frighted to eat fruit again.
**Question:** shed
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** If you have any questions. I’m here to help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Did you need me?
**Answer:** I think we got cut off
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** We have $40 off orders over $100 with our We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club. Would you like it?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I am a real person who can answer your questions 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi! I am currently half way through the two week cleanse but have lost 2 kgs and I am already very tiny. Am I able to eat a small amount of brown rice?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Unfortunately brown rice is not on the list of allowed foods
**Answer:** Your weight should settle down as you get into the 2nd week 🙂
**Answer:** Why dont they just leave it at the door like last time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** 04 576 0296 They don’t work on Waitangi Day so you will need to call them in the morning.
**Answer:** They may have a new driver who is unsure whether they can leave the parcel and so it’s best to call
**Answer:** Annoying
**Answer:** I understand that you’ve had issues before with the delivery. Please put a note on your order next time and request a New Zealand post delivery and we will send it that way.
**Answer:** Totally understand it’s annoying and I do apologise
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Can you check out my order. Ian Green 118 milne drive paraparaumu
**Answer:** Hi Ian, let me see what I can do for you.
**Answer:** Hi Ian, you will need to contact the Wellington depot, I can give you the number. They want to know when they can deliver. There with me
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi . Angela here . Didnt realise you were in Maunatapu , school is Bethleham collage , we may be 15mins late with traffic , is that a problem ?
**Answer:** That’s OK, but I have to leave at 4.30 so we will have to move fairly quickly. The other option is we go for Monday, which has completely no time limit.
**Question:** yeah it think the traffic could be an issue , Monday would be perfect even if i have to take avana out of school early
**Question:** Sorry about that i for some reason thought you were in frazer street
**Answer:** I can wait for you on Monday, no problem. Let’s go with that, thanks for letting me know. See you after 3.30pm Monday then.
**Question:** perfect thanks i will just take Avana out early Monday and be on time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** Hi brett . i have an appoimtment at 3.30 is this the address ,26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu,
**Answer:** Yes thats correct
**Question:** Perfect , see you then . thanks angela
**Answer:** You will see a white MPV with Detox written on the number plate, you can come down the left side of the house
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** Hi how does your pay later sysrem work
**Answer:** Hi There,
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You simply choose Afterpay as your payment option at chekcout
**Answer:** Your card will then be charged over 8 weeks, in four fortnightly instalments
**Question:** Ok, do you spread the amount over a month .or would i have to pay the full amount next week say.
**Question:** Ok thankyou
**Answer:** It is spread over 8 weeks, and the payments are every two weeks, if you place a product in the shopping cart it should automatically give you the breakdown of how it looks on afterpay
**Answer:** it should pop up next to the price once you look at the products, or put them in your cart so you can see hwo it works out
**Question:** Cool thankyou
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI there, What is your name and I can give you the tracking link now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi waiting for a delivery in Auckland 1coyle st
**Answer:** HI there, What is your name I can give you the tracking link now
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have just read the book and was wondering if anywhere there was a day by day planner for the 2 weeks detox plan? I can read the recipes and see ads for the products online but I only want to try detox via food choice at the moment. Is there a plan for this anywhere?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We have the detox recipes under the resources tab. We don’t stipulate the food each day as each person likes different things. The food is 50% and the herbs 50%.
**Answer:** Here is the link you can just click on it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Question:** Thanks. I will make up my own programme then from the recipes given.
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** But as I say the herbs are a critical part if you wish to cleanse
**Question:** wish i could afford them. Will grow some.
**Answer:** We do after pay to spread the cost and have $40 off with a special We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code I can give you
**Question:** Thanks but still can’t afford it.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi can I help you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Is Colonaid effective against parasites and how much is it including shipping to Australia
**Answer:** Hi There, Yes it’s pretty good, especially if you take 10 caps daily for 12 days and repeat in 6 weeks time
**Answer:** Shipping to Aus is free
**Answer:** It works best if the diet plan is followed as well
**Question:** How much is cost ?
**Answer:** Let me give you the link
**Answer:** try this [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/colonaid-anti-parasitic-120-capsules/)
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Brett, I see the price has changed to $190?
**Answer:** OK yes, it must have been the currency was switched to USD before somehow
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** there is a $40 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club available
**Answer:** just type in 2020vision at checkout
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi please clarify price of the 1kg bodi tune. Price says $127 in shop and then at check out $190?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** The nz price is $190. Do you have the right currency in the shop?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi , how much is a consult to see Brett in tauranga thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The cost is $150 for 1.5 hours
**Question:** says on website 90 mins is $120 ?
**Question:** sorry i just saw it
**Question:** and what is the follow up consut cost ? same
**Answer:** The website needs to be updated so I will make the request to our IT team. Brett tends to do 2 hours in the first session which is why it has gone up. The follow ups are $80.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** no thank you
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** got one thanks
**Answer:** Perfect
**Answer:** how long for the order to arrive normally
**Answer:** To auckland it is usually the next day,
**Answer:** we will ship it tomorrow, but because the courier doesn’t work on the weekend, it should be Monday delivery
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello, how many carbs per sachet of boditune?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** They are 65 calories each
**Answer:** Also 7.5g of protein
**Answer:** you can see the nutritional info here if you scroll the images around [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink/)
**Question:** Thanks!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi team. I am on day 2 of my detox and just have 2 quick questions. Am i able to have organic coconut yoghurt on this detox? And also i see i can have coconut milk but can i have soy milk?
**Question:** Thanks so much for your time!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I have been taking the herbs for 2days I am hungry. And I have only been to the toilet once.
**Answer:** HI there
**Answer:** It is normal for the bowel movements to change as the days go by, sometimes nothing can happen for a couple of days and other times it can increase, it all depends on your body
**Answer:** are you snacking on fruit during the day? That can help
**Question:** Yes iam
**Answer:** Also you can eat dates raisins, mandarins, grapes, pickled onions, olives and gherkins which can curb cravings
**Answer:** The hunger usually settles down after day 4
**Question:** I have been getting headaches
**Answer:** That’s often a detox effect, it’s important to drink more water and breathe more deeply than normal
**Question:** I will try some of that too.
**Answer:** This page could be worth reading also [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-faqs/)
**Question:** Will try that too.thanks Brett.
**Answer:** Anytime, please let me know how it progresses in the next few days
**Question:** It is good to be able to communicate .
**Answer:** Yes, we are here to help
**Answer:** This link might be helpful also [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/youtube/)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi a Brett, I just wanted to say thank you for the complementary BodiTune with my order last month. I love it and will definitely be ordering that on a more regular basis. I just want to check with you, if I did the ultimate herbal cleanse 14 day detox from 29 December – 10 January can I do it again starting today?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I will let Brett know for you.
**Answer:** Yes you can do the herbal detox again no problem there
**Question:** The reason I ask is because I live with terrible chronic pain every day and when I did the detox my pain levels increased about 20%.
**Question:** Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day.
**Answer:** Ok have a great evening yourself
**Question:** Oh just one other thing, the tzatziki recipe in the booklet turned out to be extremely runny then I checked for other recipes an noticed that they drained the juice from the cucumber before adding it. Is there a reason why your recipe doesn’t?
**Answer:** I will pass that on to Brett as he designs and makes all the recipes. It might have been the type of cucumber – he grows his own. I’m sure he will investigate thank you
**Question:** That’s great. Thank you Sarah. He has turned me into a vegan now.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** I cannot seem to purchase the 1 kg boditune on your website. Is it still available in this size
**Answer:** Yes let me get the link for you
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot/)
**Answer:** Just click on the link 🙂
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** No I am all sorted thank you. I just couldn’t find the large size on the site but have purchased now using the link
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m using my phone and trying to buy the herbal detox, but can’t access my cart, or log on as previous buyer
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It could be a technical issue with the site, could you try a computer or iPad and see what happens
**Question:** Will
**Question:** do
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** I am doing the 14 day detox at the moment and haven’t noticed any change of bowel. movements is this normal ?
**Question:** although feeling good and notice weightloss
**Answer:** It all depends on your body, are you normally fairly clean with your diet?
**Answer:** Do you eat lots of veggies and fruit normally
**Question:** I eat healthy meals, no gluten low dairy but sugary snacks
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** OK, it can be quite a gentle effect on your bowels if they are already in quite good shape
**Answer:** You will probably get more of a metabolic reset, liver cleanse and cellular detox
**Question:** ok that’s good then
**Question:** I am nearly finish and thinking’s g to do the slimming one next do you need a break in-between the too ?
**Answer:** actually if you follow them back to back you will get the best result
**Question:** oh that’s great thank you! 🙂
**Answer:** Anytime, did you want a We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club or that?
**Question:** oh that would be great thanks so much
**Question:** also I read its good to take probiotics after detox – do I take that at same time as slimming one or at the end ?
**Answer:** You can take the probiotics after the detox and during the herbal slim
**Question:** I don’t need a We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club thank you for offer tho 🙂
**Question:** ok great I will get some probiotics now
**Question:** thank you for your help 🙂 I am feeling great after detox – first few days were hard tho 🙂
**Answer:** these are the probiotics I recommend [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/bioagaia-l-reuteri/)
**Question:** thank you for your help
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there would you like a voucher for $40 off?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Denise,
**Answer:** I could organize one. More pack by phone if you call me with your credit card
**Answer:** You can phone me on 0800 555 556
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** I was wanting to add to an order I placed yesterday before processing? Is that possible?
**Answer:** You would need to call 0800 555 556 although the orders were processed last night so you may struggle.
**Question:** it was placed at 11.30pm but shall give them a call. thank you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I’m here to answer any questions you may have and I am a real person 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Maria
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** yesc
**Answer:** Please ask away and I can help 🙂
**Answer:** recently bought the ultimate detox pack, however was after some recipees to also balance the fiod and was wondering where the find ideas from
**Answer:** Yes let me help you
**Answer:** All of the recipes can be found here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/) just choose the 14-day detox from the program type and it will give you heaps of choice.
**Answer:** thanks
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** I have some questions about the Detox
**Answer:** OK
**Question:** I’m doing the Herbal Detox and want to do the Slim program as well. How do I do it? Do I have to wait or can start the next day?
**Answer:** Yes you can start it the day after you finish the detox
**Question:** Aslo, can I take the Body Tune Powder with the Slim program?
**Answer:** Yes you can take the BodiTune along with any of the other programs
**Question:** Ok. Thank you
**Question:** And with the Herbal Detox, can I eat jocoque?
**Question:** with tabbouleh?
**Answer:** Yes both of these are fine
**Question:** Perfect. Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi is the Combo on Sale for $270 contains the same amount of pills than the Ultimate Herbal Detox pack and the Herbal Boditune combined ? or are they slightly smaller packs ? cheers
**Answer:** They are the full size packs
**Question:** Great, thanks…. I am definitely buying the Ultimate DEtox pack but just saw the Sale and am thinking I might benefit from having the Boditune pack as well (keen on losing a bit of weight….) Did the detox about 9 years ago and it was fantastic….
**Question:** How long would it take to arrive through the mail if I order through your site ?
**Answer:** Usually overnight in the north island, we would ship it this afternoon
**Question:** ok, am in the South Island though…
**Answer:** The combo definitely give a quicker result for weight loss
**Answer:** OK, well you would need to add a couple of days, so it should arrive by Tuesday
**Question:** great no problem, placing the order now… cheers
**Answer:** Will get it underway ASAP
**Question:** one more thing, can I do it as a 10 days detox and then move on to the Slim pack of just follow the one month program ?
**Answer:** Yes you can do it either way, one after the other gives you longer commitment, so could get a better outcome
**Question:** good thanks..
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** yes, I was thinking I might have seen something with Health2000, I wanted to buy the kit from them but they were not stocking it in Nelson… do you have a code We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club I could use ?
**Answer:** Yes we have $40 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at the moment, it’s called 2020vision
**Answer:** Just put it in at checkout
**Question:** Fantastic ! thanks…
**Question:** All done….
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** Starting Boditune. Have read the info on your web site. How many scoops per serving and how many times a day do you recommend.
**Answer:** One scoop in the morning smoothie is a great place to start, and see how you feel with that for a week or so. Did you have a specific goal in mind
**Question:** Can you eat anything from the food list as well? Would like to loose 10kg in a month.
**Answer:** Ok, one scoop a day is good for around 2-3kg
**Answer:** if you want to lose 10kg in a month you would want to replace at least two meals a day with then green smoothies and use up to 4 scoops a day
**Answer:** I would use this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie/)
**Answer:** I would also suggest going 100% unprocessed with your foods, and eating more of the salads, curries and stir fry’s for dinner. you can find them all here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Question:** Great will give it a shot. Cheers
**Answer:** You’re welcome keep me posted, I would love to hear how it goes
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hello
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi there we are on day 9 on our 14 day detox we feel fine with very little change to our normal bowel motions.. can we increase our take to 30 capsules in stead of 30
**Question:** instead of 20
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine. You must have a pretty good system
**Answer:** Do you eat mostly vegetables normally?
**Question:** Hi Brett, we haven’t eaten meat for 2 years, we probably have 4 glasses of wine a week and make most things from scratch
**Answer:** Ah yes, that makes sense. It usually a sign of good gut health if not much happens on the bowel movement front
**Answer:** You will still get the extra gut health, liver and cellular detox benefits
**Question:** we also make our own kombucha. yes, we both feel great.
**Answer:** You might benefit from a couple of fasting days towards the end.
**Answer:** You might find this interesting [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting/)
**Answer:** A 3 day fast can reset the DNA and immune systems
**Question:** one thing steve feels less tired and no need for a 3pm nap, so there have been benefits for both of us. we are thinking of following this diet at least 2 days a week.
**Answer:** Sounds good
**Question:** have a great night
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I ordered a 1kg tin about 4 days ago. How long does delivery normally take?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you had your tracking details? The email could be in your spam folder. It normally takes 1 to 3 days depending where you are but the tracking will tell you. What is your name?
**Question:** Ian Green address 118 milne drive Paraparaumu. Will have a look but dont think I got the tracking detail email
**Answer:** Hi Ian, I will check for you too
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.fastway.co.nz/tools/track?l=FA0036812582)
**Answer:** The courier has misdirected your order – it was going to Auckland but has been turned around.
**Answer:** I will keep an eye on it tomorrow and watch it.
**Question:** Oh dear….thanks
**Answer:** I am so sorry about that – you can click on the link above to see where it is
**Answer:** This happens rarely so I am so sorry it has happened to you.
**Question:** Looks like it is going to Hawkes Bay
**Answer:** I think that is a mistake – I will call Fastway in the morning.
**Question:** Cheers Sarah
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** I am doing the 28 day Detox, Is it okay to have Hummus?
**Answer:** Yes it is fine 🙂
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** No probs happy to help 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarahi tried to login to order the blender, but couldn”t get through, I couldnt remember if I had a password with me
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Have you ordered from us before, I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Just need your email to look up your account
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Dixian Teng
**Answer:** Ok one moment
**Answer:** You should be able to login with that email address and this passoword DixianT2020!
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** I will stay online if you need any help
**Question:** I just want to order the small size blender, do I need to login before that ?
**Answer:** you don’t really need to login, you can just order as a guest
**Answer:** You can find it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ladyship-high-speed-blender-ls-588f/)
**Question:** ok thank you
**Question:** failed, when I came to the last step it was said I have already had an account, should log in, but when I did log in, seemed the password you just sent to me was wrong
**Answer:** Oh Dear, let me reset it again
**Answer:** try this user name [Phone] and this password dixianT2020!
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Sorry that was automated message, we don’t offer a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for the blender because it’s not our brand
**Question:** no problem, I understand
**Question:** Done, thank you
**Answer:** Awesome, I will get in on the way for you, thanks again and enjoy the blender
**Answer:** thank you!
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I’m here to help iff you need anything
**Answer:** We do have a $40 We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club available for the Herbal Detox today
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I am on my third day of 40 pills and haven’t had any major bowel motions. In fact, I have been going several days without passing a motion. I usually pass a motion every day. Do you know why this might be happening?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** There’s a couple of things that might be going on. You may not be eating enough and therefore not creating enough volume to go through your body so make sure you have good size servings. It’s also often the case that when you’re not eating the same foods your body is breaking down a lot more so you don’t get quite as much coming out in a bow movement. Also if you get a couple of bowel movements extra early on in the program then your body is gone ahead of itself and needs to catch up. It’s quite common to have 2 to 3 days when nothing happens during the program anyway
**Question:** I am having plenty to eat, but all fruit, vegetables and yoghurt, so maybe there is not much waste. I don’t eat meat anyway and make most of my food from scratch, so maybe I haven’t got a huge build up.??
**Answer:** Yes that is more likely to be the situation.
**Answer:** You will still get all the other wonderful benefits 🙂
**Question:** We have been on the programme for 6 days plus lead in of 2 days. My partner is eating same as me and he is going frequently and passing dark motions.
**Answer:** That shows you how different individuals can be. Even if you are eating similar or the same foods.
**Question:** I feel fantastic. I am sleeping well and have energy, but was confused by lack of number 2s. I am really annoyed because I had a glass of KiwiCrush about half an hour ago, believing it was natural and just read that it has fructose and Xylatol in it 🙁 Otherwise we have been totally sticking to everything.
**Answer:** Don’t worry about the number twos it sounds like you are getting really good benefits in other areas.The energy and good sleep is a sign that the detox is getting down to sound level. It is amazing how many things are advertised as being natural but then contain lots of other things which aren’t good for you. It makes it very confusing for people when they purchased food and drinks. You are doing awesome!
**Question:** Thanks Sarah. Do you think its likely that I will finish the programme without major tummy upsets or urgent need of toilet?
**Answer:** It sounds like you’re not going to be rushing to the bathroom during this detox which is fine.
**Answer:** The symptoms you have at the moment and the way you’re feeling is a sign that you are in really good health which is excellent 🙂
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there again. I’m going to have to charge for the editing of your recipes! 🙂
**Answer:** What have you spotted now? lol
**Question:** The Mushroom Stroganoff calls for Fresh cream in the ingredients list but then in the preparation it states stir in the Sour cream – so what is it Fresh or Sour ??? The Mung Bean Coleslaw Method starts off by throw in the salad Bowel. It only gets into the bowel once it has gone through your gut !!
**Answer:** It’s fresh cream so we will sort that and Brett isn’t very good at spelling so we will change the Mung Bean coleslaw
**Question:** Thanks – tell him to leave the recipe writing to you (lol)
**Answer:** It sound like we need to get the team onto a full review
**Answer:** I will! lol
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** He gets enthusiastic and wants to get them up straight away when he’s made them
**Answer:** Thanks Bye for now
**Answer:** Bye
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** On the Sweet Potato, Leek and Salsa you show the following in the Salsa “Gently blend in 1 Tsbp honey, 1 Tsbp vinegar, and 1 Tbsp soya sauce” what is Tsbp ??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It’s a tablespoon
**Question:** OK thanks – need to do some editing 🙂
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I am struggling with high blood pressure and been over weight. Do you have something to help with these issues
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes we do the ultimate herbal detox can help with both of those issues.
**Question:** How does it work
**Answer:** The average is 4 to 5KG weight loss and a drop in 10 to 20 points of BP
**Question:** Ok that’s pretty good results
**Answer:** Let me give you a page to look at. You basically follow a diet of fruit and vegetables for two weeks and take capsules in the morning and capsules in the evening.
**Question:** What is the cost for this
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-does-the-herbal-detox-work/)
**Question:** Ok that sounds good
**Answer:** It is $199 but we do have $40 off at the moment with the coop and I can give you
**Question:** What do you get with this package
**Answer:** If you click on the link I gave you it will explain what’s in the package. It will also explain how it works
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/) You can see the details of the actual program here
**Question:** I’m going to need time to read this. If I do decide to go ahead with this I can call back right
**Question:** It does look good but just want sometime to read it
**Answer:** Yes of course we cover the live chat until 10pm every day
**Answer:** You can download the user guide too
**Question:** Ok do you have a local store
**Answer:** Would you like the link?
**Answer:** We sell online and in certain natural health stores around the country. Where are you based
**Question:** Ok that’s good could I get you to send those links to my email address [Email]
**Question:** I live in Tauranga
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** You can get the program at Health 2000 in Bay fair, the Mount or the crossing. We are based in Tauranga our self so you could also pick it up if you wanted to and Brett could do a brief consult with you. He does a free 20 minutes for people who pick up.
**Answer:** I can send you an email of this chat afterwards as well
**Question:** Hey that would be brillant
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** Lloyd davy
**Answer:** Thanks Lloyd Have a read and come back to us when you’re ready 🙂
**Answer:** Ok thanks Sarah I will the consultation I think would work for me. I heard your ad on rhema
**Answer:** Awesome let me email the details to you
**Answer:** Just in case your wondering how I found out about you
**Answer:** It’s good to know
**Answer:** Many thanks have a nice day
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, I was talking to you yesterday evening and you gave me a code so I could get 40% off your detox. (sorted2020) You told me today would be the last day for We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, so I put code in this morning and it has told me the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has expired. I have to go to work now, and not sure if I will be able to get to a computer until tonight. Are you able to look into this? Cheers, Bronnie
**Answer:** Hi, Thanks Brett. Yes please, if its possible
**Answer:** Let me just check for you
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is working now if you want to use it it was closed off early but now it is open until tomorrow morning so that you can place your order.
**Answer:** K. I will give it another go.
**Answer:** It can be used on any full priced items.
**Answer:** Cool. It worked. Thanks
**Answer:** Awesome
**Question:** on the detox plan what binding agent can i use say for a fritter
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Do you need any help?
**Question:** on the detox plan what binding agent can i use say for a fritter
**Answer:** You could pureed some corn on the cob. Or great some Coomera and use either of those.
**Answer:** Sorry kumara
**Answer:** Not Coomera
**Question:** are u allowed to use chick pea flower
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It is actually a legume so it’s not allowed.
**Question:** We are on our third day of 20 capsules and are feeling fine. Would it be ok to start the 40 capsules tomorrow?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that if you wish.
**Question:** Would tonight be too soon? We haven’t had any discomfort or other symptoms. We have a pretty healthy diet in general. We don’t eat meet and eat very little processed food.
**Answer:** If you want to start tonight that will be fine, your capsules were just run out a little bit earlier
**Question:** Excellent. Thank you. The results will be the same, won’t they? 🙂
**Question:** Meat not meet ha ha
**Answer:** Yes they will be the same
**Answer:** lol your spelling like mine
**Question:** Thanks for your help Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Can we add a bit of honey to yoghurt?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that that is fine
**Question:** We can’t eat edamame beans, can we?
**Answer:** Sorry no. Nuts beans and legumes are off the menu
**Question:** I ate about 6 today before i thought about it. Whoops!
**Answer:** No probs you will be ok
**Question:** Great. I am feeling fantastic and sleeping really well. hope it continues when we double the capsules
**Answer:** Excellent that’s great, I’m sure you will continue to feel wonderful
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Oh thanks, actually I was wondering if you send the product to Mexico?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Thanks, can you please tell me if you send the product to Mexico? My email address is [Email]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there – Elaine again. My partner are just finishing day 3 of our detox and feeling great. Would it be ok for us to start on the 40 capsules tomorrow, or should we wait until the next day?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** No problem. my email address is [Email] and my question is: My partner are just finishing day 3 of our detox and feeling great. Would it be ok for us to start on the 40 capsules tomorrow, or should we wait until the next day?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Live Chat Agents for Hire. We promise you top notch quality, Affordable and 24/7 support and will ensure no lead/ customer request is missed. Give us a chance, we wont let you down. We will work hard to increase your revenue and responsiveness to your customers. Click here [Link](https://open247.chat/cf/cfz.php)
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I was just watching some of your promo videos and one said if I register on this site i can get detox and slim for free. Is this true?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Question:** I was just watching some of your promo videos and one said if I register on this site i can get detox and slim for free. Is this true?
**Answer:** I’m sorry we don’t do that any more we haven’t done it for quite a few years could you tell me where the site was?
**Answer:** If you can tell me where it is we can get it removed.
**Question:** Youtube. There was a number of videos
**Answer:** They are extremely old promotional videos. Things have changed a lot since those videos.
**Answer:** I will request a review and removal of them thank you for letting us know.
**Question:** Detox truth explained by Brett Elliott
**Answer:** I think that one of our team has forgotten they’re there, so I’m grateful that you have reminded us.
**Question:** If weight is not an issue. Mostly energy and a little bit of blotting and health. Do I need to do the slim after detox?
**Question:** *bloating
**Answer:** It is best just to do the ultimate herbal detox if those are your goals. You probably won’t need to do the swim program after that.
**Answer:** Would you like me to give you a link to the program so you can take a look?
**Answer:** You do the program alongside a special diet. It just takes two weeks.
**Question:** Sure. Is there anyway I can get it cheaper LOL. I dont think my husband is going to let me spend 200
**Answer:** It cleanses the body in all the key areas including the colon liver, intestine’s and kidneys. It boosts energy and cleanses to cell level so there are areas of health improvement
**Question:** Also, can you do the detox while you are training?
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get some We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you would get 40% off. But the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is only available until the end of business tomorrow because it is our final Christmas New Year sale.
**Answer:** The code is sorted2020
**Answer:** You can train but we do recommend not doing hard cardiovascular exercise. As it’s better to be a little bit more gentle with your body.
**Question:** I believe you but one hears so many of these programmes and half of them dont do what they claim so it is extremely hard to convince him
**Answer:** The 40% comes down to about 120
**Question:** Do they expire? I have an adventure race in march so need to keep training
**Answer:** Well everyone is different and it all depends on your diet and your current state of health as to what Impax you get. If your diet isn’t particularly good then you can have some really good in-depth results including things like less brain fuzz.
**Answer:** The expiry date on the detox at the moment is August 2021
**Question:** My diet is not the greatest as lots of Stress at work, and Im finding I cant seem to get fitter. However I finished my job up last month and hoping to look for part time in the field instead
**Answer:** Doing the ultimate herbal detox is like servicing your car if you don’t service your car eventually It grinds to a halt. It is a complete reset for the body.
**Answer:** You sound very much like many of the people that contact us. Stress can have a huge impact on your gut and therefore can change the way you handle food.
**Question:** Can you give me the link to find out more please
**Answer:** Yes I can I can also give you access to the free download of the user guide and a couple of other pages that are quite useful including the recipes
**Question:** Yes please, thanks. And then if I decide to buy, do I do that on this site with the code you have given me?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Yes you do. The shops won’t give you the same We no longer offer discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club that we do they will only sell it at full retail price.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-does-the-herbal-detox-work/)
**Question:** Cool. Thanks. You have been very helpful
**Answer:** No problem take a look at the how does Herbal Detox work Page first
**Answer:** Here to answer any questions you have
**Answer:** By the way you just click on the link 🙂
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there i have just started your detox programme, can i have yest with my yoghurt
**Question:** yest
**Answer:** Sorry I don’t know what yest is, Can you fill me in?
**Question:** yest flakes
**Answer:** Do you mean yeast flakes?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** If so then no sorry not on the programme
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You could add some fruit 🙂
**Question:** will do
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, maybe I can help?
**Question:** 2020vision Is not working
**Answer:** let me check for you
**Answer:** Gosh parcel just arrived!!
**Answer:** Wow, that’s great. Enjoy your program !
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Brett Elliott is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask. *



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