Zendesk chat history clean5

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**Question:** heya! is the ultimate slim safe when breast feeding?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** yes fine ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ohhhh thanks!!

**Answer:** you are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hello. I just received the Body iTune 1Kg pot and it came with free capsules. I want to detox and lose weight as fast as it is safe to do. Is there a recommended plan that combines both the powder and the capsules daily?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you could do 14 days on the program by taking two scoops of the protein powder each day and smoothies and breakfast and lunch time
**Answer:** And with a smoothie you could take eight capsules from the boditune capsules and try to eat fresh fruit and vegetables during the 14 days as much as possible
**Question:** Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ so I take the eight capsules all at once?
**Answer:** And yes you have them with the two smoothies โ€“ eight with one smoothie and eight with the other smoothie
**Question:** Ahh I see โ€“ so each day: 2 scoops of powder and 16 capsules?
**Answer:** Itโ€™s actually four scoops per day so two in each smoothie and yes 16 Capsules eight with each smoothie
**Question:** Ah great โ€“ that should get things moving ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks so much
**Answer:** Yes it should ๐Ÿ™‚ please get in touch any time if you need further help. We are here to support you
**Question:** Thank you I appreciate it
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** We are humans and online to answer any queries you may have. If you donโ€™t need us then all good ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi โ€“ I have been taking your detox tablets and notice that I have come out in a psoriasis-type rash on all of the joints of my fingers on my right hand. When I stopped taking the herbs for a few days it mostly went away. DO you know what this means, or what could be causing it? I do have a fatty liver and Hashimotos, so I am not sure if it could be related to this. Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is likely that that is detox symptoms โ€“ your body has to excrete the toxins and bring them out so they can be dealt with. How far were you into the cleanse?
**Question:** It has got progressively worse since day 2. I stopped around day 9
**Answer:** And how long were you planning to do the cleanse for?
**Question:** 2 weeks
**Question:** I have started it again and the rashes are back
**Question:** Thought I would ask ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Ok it is very likely that it was detox symptoms and that your body is reacting to the high dose. Are you able to reduce to the 30 day program which means a lower dose each day?
**Question:** Okay, will do! Also how often can you do the detox? It really was helping with bloating
**Answer:** This would be the dosage On rising in the morning 2 capsules each of Colon-aid, Digezaid, Livafood and Symlax. Repeat at Bedtime
**Answer:** Most people do it every 6 months but it may be that you need to do a couple one after the other to get on top of the bloating and fatty liver.
**Answer:** And the body detoxing symptoms
**Question:** Thatโ€™s what I thought! Will the 30-day detox give me the same results?
**Answer:** Yes it will but it will be more gentle and softer
**Question:** I also purchased your Slim pack. I havenโ€™t started it yet. Can I do it at the same time as the detox?
**Answer:** Good question โ€“ I am actually doing them together at the moment so it must be ok as I checked with Brett beforehand. Just be aware of your body and how it is feeling and responding. It is likely that you will be going to the toilet more than you have so far.
**Question:** Okay! Thank you!!
**Answer:** I will pass our conversation past Brett and get in touch if he has any other advice ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome thank you
**Question:** Thank you โ€“ much appreciated!!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** which is better for a digestive cleanse, the Digezaid or the cleansa?
**Answer:** the cleansa or colonaid are best
**Question:** what would the Digezaid be for then?
**Answer:** calming indigestion, bloating or gas
**Question:** great thanks
**Answer:** youre welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, just have a question, about to start the detox and wondering if I can still drink my kombucha in the morning โ€ฆhomemade
**Answer:** Yes you can thatโ€™s fine
**Question:** Thanks, also I make my own milk and coconut kefir, I expect these are also ok?
**Answer:** Yes they are great to have .
**Question:** Thanks very much for your fast reply, have a lovely day
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to help.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Kiaora Sarah, I have some questions about the detox.
**Answer:** Yes fire away Jo
** Question:** I had diarrhea yesterday and this morning.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m hoping its just a one day thing
**Answer:** perhaps lots of toxins
**Answer:** I had started on the 10 tabs morning and night yesterday so backed off today and went back to 5.
**Answer:** Yes that is quite normal
**Answer:** oh ok
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Kiaora Brett
**Answer:** Should I go back to 10
**Answer:** It is OK if you get a little diarrhoea but not for more than 1 day
**Answer:** ok, I think we disconnected there for a bit. So should I got back to 10?
**Answer:** You can go back to 10 and see what happens, but it is normal to get quite loose and almost liquid bowel movements, but it shouldnโ€™t be running to the loo, or losing control when youโ€™re out
**Answer:** ok, thatโ€™s good to know, no am not running to the loo
**Answer:** A quick walk is normal lol
**Answer:** haha
**Answer:** yes this morning was like that. i went 3 times this morning!
** Question:** Also I got quite itchy yesterday, is this part of the detox too?
**Answer:** and itโ€™s common to get a little liquid at the end
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Yes it can be
**Answer:** lots of little changes can take place, and thatโ€™s to be expected
** Question:** The hives I had when I started have gone but just got itchy yesterday.
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** raw onions, ginger tea and extra turmeric in currys, will all be helpful to prevent that coming up again
** Question:** Ok perfect I had quite a bit of raw onion in my avocado yesterday.
**Answer:** Green smoothies are excellent
**Answer:** I know kumara isnโ€™t protein but its keeping me stable lol I definitely have more energy even at this early stage.
**Answer:** You can also have extra yoghurt, milk and protein powder is oK
** Question:** Ok yep I have protein powder.
**Answer:** I find a green smoothie with added protein powder really helpful, especially the spinach and kale smoothie with lemon
**Answer:** ok thankyou
**Answer:** anytime, keep us posted
**Answer:** will do ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help you?
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Question:** i have bought detox and started stage one
**Answer:** Excellent
**Question:** can i drink milk
**Answer:** Yes you can ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** yeahhh
**Question:** thank uu
**Answer:** Lol
**Question:** im mainly on veges smoothies etc
**Answer:** If you doing the two week detox yes fruit and vegetables is the way to go
**Question:** i am planning one month plan
**Answer:** Okay that means you can have eggs fish and chicken to ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** will that help in weight loss??
**Answer:** And even a little brown rice.
**Question:** im vegeterian
**Question:** im on elimination stage day one
**Answer:** It will help with weight loss But the two week detox gets better results for weight loss
**Question:** oh ok
**Question:** my gall bladder is removed
**Question:** thats why i was thinking of gentle plan
**Answer:** There is no problem with the gallbladder with either of the programs.
**Answer:** You could do the one month all the two week
**Question:** ok thats great
**Question:** i will do 2 weeks one then
**Answer:** Okay great, keep in touch and let us know how you go.
**Question:** Sure thanks
**Answer:** We are here to support you any time ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** I sent you an email at 10am this morning โ€ฆ. didnโ€™t get a reply so just checking you received it as my daughter is hanging out for her next Deotx pack
**Answer:** detox
**Answer:** Not being rude or anythingโ€ฆ. just checking
**Answer:** Hi Jilly,
**Answer:** Yes order received and being processed. We will send out your tracking email tomorrow
**Answer:** Thanks so much
**Answer:** Just checking ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi you just sent me a voucher for the Detox program,which I brought a few days ago.โ€™
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** do you have any vouchers for the Bodtune as I think I will need it
**Answer:** We can give you 15% off with 15NOW โ€“ would that work?
**Answer:** thanks I might wait and get a couple
**Answer:** You can get 20% off if you buy 2 and then you can use the 15% on top
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-20)
**Answer:** sounds a plan thanks.
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** cheers
**Answer:** Hi can i use that voucher for the buy 3?
**Answer:** Yes you can โ€“ you get 30% if you buy 3
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/3-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-30)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I can answer any questions you may have ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Or click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi I just ordered a pack
**Answer:** I didnโ€™t see any shipping costs?
**Answer:** Keep an eye on your spam folder in case our emails pop up there ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks!
**Answer:** You are welcome Hauiti โ€“ if you need any help when it arrives just get in touch here.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I want to purchase X1 Detox kit
**Question:** Where on your site do I find that?
**Answer:** Let me give you a link to the shop
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-store) click here and scroll down to the Ultiamte Herbal Detox program
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get a bit off your program?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** all these herbals can be found in nz?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** No itโ€™s not possible to get them all in nz
**Answer:** We use as many as possible but not all are grown in big enough quantities
**Question:** but how can i get all the herbals
**Question:** which are not found in nz?
**Answer:** They are in the Ultimate Herbal Detox programme
**Answer:** I will give you a link
**Question:** ok cos i like the old way of doing it, just a leaves,bark or root and boil it and drink.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Itโ€™s not possible to do that with many of these items
**Question:** thank you so much really appreciate your help. hope you have a good God Bless.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Question:** can you tell me about the References of this article?
**Question:** โ€œChromium Polynicotinate weight management mineralโ€
**Answer:** Brett writes all the articles โ€“ give me your name and email address and I will ask him to come back to you.
**Question:** My name is Daniel Flores and I am a researcher. I need to find some information about Chromium Polynicotinate related to weight loss. Can you help me about?
**Answer:** Please give me your email address and I will pass it on to Brett
**Question:** %12
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** woops
**Answer:** Hi can we help today?
**Question:** not sure why that went to chat
**Question:** Iโ€™m just trying to sign in, wonโ€™t be a sec
**Answer:** Okay no problem ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** If youโ€™re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Sorry thatโ€™s an automated message
**Question:** Iโ€™m on another computer so I have to remember what my sign in is
**Answer:** If you give us your email address we can reset your password if you like?
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Or [Email]
**Question:** I think itโ€™s the second one
**Question:** wLs1973$%12
**Answer:** Okay it is the second email address and we have reset your password to tito1234
**Question:** ok thankyou
**Question:** got in thanks
**Answer:** Awesome
**Question:** I have some questions about the detox
**Question:** Can I have miso
**Answer:** Yes you can have that ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** oh great!
**Question:** Also my body has started the detox process already even though Iโ€™m leading in to the deep cleanse, so Iโ€™m taking 5 of each morning and night, will start 10 tomorrow. I had quite sore lower back pains in the weekend, is this part of the detox, and niggles in my intestine area here and then. Not painful but can feel things moving.
**Question:** also Iโ€™m drinking decaf coffee, is that ok?
**Answer:** Yes that is all quite normal. Your body will have a few strange things going on while you cleanse. It will all pass.
**Answer:** Yes decaf is ok especially if it is water based
**Question:** yes fair trade decaf
**Question:** ok great thanks
**Question:** I donโ€™t really have a pattern of eating at the moment other than eating when Iโ€™m hungry, having a smoothie in the morning and veges (mainly stir fried) for lunch and dinner. Dinner is normally over my 7 at the latest. Should I be eating at certain times for maximum benefit? I saw the intermittent fasting things somewhere. I am quite hungry in the morning.
**Question:** Also, how much exercise is ok?
**Answer:** Eat as you feel you need to โ€“ if you have s weight loss goal eat within an 8 hour window to kick in ketosis. If youโ€™d like more info on that search Keto on our website.
**Question:** oh yes great thanks
**Answer:** Be very gentle with the exercise itโ€™s a time to give your body a holiday
**Question:** ok
**Question:** I feel like Iโ€™ve been on holiday for a while lol
**Question:** So yoga and walking ok?
**Answer:** Yes fine
**Question:** great thanks, thatโ€™s all the questions i have for now.
**Answer:** Awesome happy to help anytime
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Iโ€™m going to do the Ulimate detox program, what can I take after Ive done it. I donโ€™t need to lose any weight.
**Answer:** The BodiTune drinks or capsules are an ideal follow up, they balance the mayebokism and keep a gentle cleanse going but only lose weight if your body doesnโ€™t need it
**Answer:** great thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** If it is really you, Sarah, then hi, Iโ€™m Gyongyi Ferencz. I like reading Brtettโ€™s articles. Hope all is well in Tauranga!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes it is really me ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Glad you are enjoying them!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Good Morning.
**Answer:** Hi Jilly ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** My friend is on day 4 of the Detoxโ€ฆ..
**Answer:** Last night she was in some discomfort with her gallstones โ€ฆ. can you please advise what to do for this please
**Answer:** Brett is coming on online for you
**Answer:** Okโ€ฆ I will pass this chat over to my friend Kaye
**Answer:** Hi Kaye, Is the gallstones issue and ongoing problem?
**Answer:** Hi Brett , i havent been diagnosed as i dont really go to the drs but have had a couple of attacks where i have been up at night in lots of pain which subsided when i finally vomited. last night i was in mild pain, havent had any for a while as i eat fairly healthily .
**Answer:** lots of bile in my vomit.
**Answer:** OK then itโ€™s possible that the cleanse is shifting whatever is going on there, it should subside as it clears the liver and gall bladder, but you should lower the dosage if it gets painful
**Answer:** Also some clove herbs tea would be a good idea, as that reduce pain and relaxes the digestive system which will help
**Answer:** I usually suggest this recipe [Link](https://www.livestrong.com/article/[Phone]-make-clove-tea/)
**Answer:** You can add some red apple juice 1 litre daily and lots of olive oil up to 100ml daily as they can really help clear the gall bladder also
**Answer:** ok thank you. as Jilly is visiting in Australia with me we did go out yesterday we had a little cooked chicken with salad and a smoothie made on milk so kind of broke the cleanse a little. i havent had meat for a few weeks so feel it may have stirred things up
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Yes the meat would be a factor, as indigestion can come in many different forms of pain also
**Answer:** yes we have been really strict on the cleanse probably not the best choice yesterday
**Answer:** the clove tea is awesome and very quick
**Answer:** thank you so much i will be having some
**Answer:** hopefully it settles down
**Answer:** thanks for your help . have a lovely day
**Answer:** You too
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi trying to use the candidabonus but it wont work
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Did you type it in all capital letters
**Answer:** yes a copied it
**Answer:** let e check it for you one second
**Answer:** It should be active and it looks like this CANDIDABONUS
**Answer:** You would need to remove the colonaid from your cart first
**Answer:** then use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and it should add a free one automatically
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Would this program help someone with a ulcer
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** A stomach ulcer?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Stomach ulcers are usually caused by bacteria called Helicobacter.
**Answer:** And the herbal detox program has herbs in it which help eliminate excess Helicobacter
**Answer:** So the answer is yes ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** great
**Answer:** We recommend doing the two week herbal detox program with lots of coconut curries.
**Question:** would it be a good idea to start the program before Xmas or after
**Answer:** It would be a good idea to do it before Christmas so that you can enjoy the festivities
**Question:** yes good idea. Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** I have been doing the herbal detox and slim for one week now and yesterday was feeling really unwell (achy, temperature, slightly nauseated) today I am fine and I took a day off from it yesterday so am suspecting it is to do with the detox.
**Question:** Any advice around how long you should take a break from the sachets?
**Answer:** Yes those are totally normal detox symptoms and normally pass within 24 to 48 hours.
**Question:** So do you think Inwill be okay to continue with them today/tomorrow?
**Answer:** Yes absolutely what have experienced is totally normal
**Question:** okay great, thankyou for your time
**Answer:** It is your body passing out the toxins
**Answer:** You are welcome anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi Sarah. What is the difference between the Detox and Slim as in what different herbs are in them
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I want to ask, is your supplement can help me detoxify all of my parasites? Or just a preventive?
**Answer:** Yes it clears parasites
**Answer:** It is designed to clear parasites from the body
**Answer:** Do you know which type of parasites you have?
**Question:** Does it includes diphenhydramine so all the parasites will be sleeping and remove from the body via feces?
**Question:** I donโ€™t know but I have had a training that we ate together in one plate etchโ€ฆ
**Question:** I also donโ€™t have a good hygiene since then
**Answer:** No it doesnโ€™t โ€“ it clears the first lot of parasites and then you take the second bottle of capsules to clear the parasites that hatched from the remaining eggs. This is a natural detox cleanse
**Answer:** diphenhydramine is a chemical
**Question:** Therefore I can take it safely? Does all the parasites that will be removed from my body is sleeping?
**Question:** Or dead?
**Question:** Or still alive?
**Answer:** They should be dead
**Answer:** people often see them in the feces
**Question:** Thanks, do you have sales this upcoming Christmas?
**Answer:** We have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club which is running at the moment
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Question:** Is it available in Lazada?
**Answer:** you can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club FANTASTIC40 to get a [Price] discount off the Herbal DETOCX which is the best parasite treatment
**Question:** Or . only?
**Answer:** Only on . or this website and the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club only works in NZD or USD on our website
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi can i have a printed copy or hard copy instead of an e-book?
**Answer:** Hi There,
**Answer:** We do have them available but you would have to cover the cost, whereas the ebook is free
**Question:** But then i have to buy an e-reader
**Answer:** No the ebook is just a PDF you can view it on any device
**Question:** How much will it cist me to buy a hard copy?
**Answer:** We could get it to you for [Price].95
**Question:** If i will buy that slim pack what goes with it ?
**Answer:** Yes you get the printed User guide inside the slim pack for free
**Question:** Those capsules will they react with my present maintenance medications?
**Answer:** The herbs are safe with any medications, we just suggest taking them a hour apart so they are not mixed together in your stomach
**Question:** I am taking metformin at present will it be good if i will stop taking them & replace them with your capsules?
**Answer:** Maybe better to get your blood sugar tested during the program and after you finish and see what your doctor says, the herbs can help to help the pancreas and balance insulin etc.
**Answer:** I wouldnโ€™t stop it right away, but try the program first and see what happens
**Question:** I am taking blood pressure ,metformin & cholesterol tabs at present. I have been diagnosed as a pre-diabetic patient. What do you suggest to take first? Do i have to detox myself before the slin fast kit? My doctor advice me to lose weight
**Answer:** Yes I would suggest the detox first, as that usually gets between 5-7kg weight loss and reduces cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, itโ€™s ideal for all three,
**Answer:** the main reason in the colon and liver cleanse, as the live is central to all three
**Answer:** liver
**Answer:** I would suggest the detox 14 day plan, we give a guarantee on the blood tests for all three, I can give you a great deal on the combo detox and slim together,
**Question:** Have you got a trial pack?
**Answer:** Sorry we donโ€™t do trials, as the results are only obtained by following the full program, it is guaranteed though [Link](https://www.[Website]/terms-service)#guarantee
**Question:** If i will take that detox program should i stop taking my maintenance meds?
**Answer:** No, we suggest keep taking them and get blood tests at the end, as the doctor might say you can reduce them,
**Answer:** Then itโ€™s up to you if you wanted to stop them, and stay on the Slim program
**Question:** How much will it cost me for the combo program?
**Answer:** You can see the combo here, [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim) just click
**Answer:** Plus I can give you [Price] extra discount with this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** The total is $[Phone] for the 6 week course, and you should lose upwards of 10kg
**Question:** Your slim pack is reduced till tomorrow will i get the same price?
**Answer:** Its cheaper to buy the combo, as you would still have to pay [Price] for the detox
**Answer:** If you just wanted the herbal SLIM you could get it for [Price] with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SLIMSTOCK but it sounds like you need the detox first, so the combo would be a better deal
**Question:** Ok does it includes the freight?
**Answer:** Yes, shipping is Free, and if you got the Combo today I will also give you the Hard copy of the paperback book, Cleanse and Cured, which is worth $[Phone] I think that would really help you with food
**Question:** Hoe do you post it? Does it need my signature & how many days will it take?
**Answer:** We send by fastway courier, and usually they like to get a signature, but we can give instructions for them to leave somewhere, to wellington is normally 1-2 days, and it would be shipped on Monday
**Question:** One thing more can i give your email to someone i have been communicating to in the US whose currently searching for a diabetes cure? I just bought online a book from him. Heโ€™s asking me to suggest anyone who can help him as his wife is diabetic
**Answer:** Yes of course, we supply people in America all the time, its also We no longer offer Free shipping to the USA
**Answer:** my email is [Email]
**Question:** Ok i can recommend you to him then. Also to my friend whoโ€™s currently diagnosed with breast cancer is it fine with you?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** About that guy in the US his name is Michael Dempsey
**Answer:** OK great I will look out for him
**Question:** Have you encounter that sort of name?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I will give your email ad to him as i told him i am talking to a well known herbalist here in NZ
**Answer:** OK thatโ€™s great thanks
**Question:** Finally last but not the least question can i pay my order thru my credit card?
**Answer:** Yes you can, if you click this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim)
**Answer:** you can also call us on [Phone]
**Answer:** we can take orders over the phone if thatโ€™s easier
**Question:** Oh i might just call then & i assume you will give me those freebies you mentioned
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I will call right now. Thanks
**Question:** By the way do i get a confirmation in my email about my order?
**Answer:** Yes as soon as the order leaves on Monday you will get the tracking details.
**Question:** Ok thanks โ€“ Iโ€™m calling now but the phone keeps on ringing nobody answers
**Answer:** that is strange I am right next to it
**Question:** Ok Brett hereโ€™s my details :
**Question:** Name: Arnila S Pintor
**Question:** Address : C/- Trustees Execuors Ltd
**Question:** L5/Maritime Building
**Question:** 10 Custom House Quay
**Question:** Wellington Central, Wellington [Phone]
**Question:** Email Ad : [Email]
**Answer:** OK thanks we will get it underway for you now and send a confirmation by email on Monday with the courier tracking details once it has been shipped
**Answer:** I will email you a copy of this chat for your records
**Answer:** Ok then i shall go back to Michael & send him your email
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** No worries
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** how do i purchase the boditune bonus ?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You just add the item to your cart and it will add it automatically
**Question:** pk
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** It works for the sachets or the pots
**Answer:** If you buy the 1kg pot you get 2 for free
**Question:** cant get into my account.Have request for new email twice.. msg gives me instructions to my email, but nothing has been sebt twice
**Answer:** Have you ordered before?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** What is your email address and I will reset your password for you
**Question:** [Email].nz
**Answer:** One moment
**Answer:** Ok please try again using email [Email].nz
**Answer:** it was spelled wrong slinghot
**Answer:** and password brophy123
**Question:** awesome im in
**Answer:** I can correct it to slingshot so it works next time for you
**Question:** yes please
**Answer:** will do that once your done
**Answer:** You can remove the boditune capsules from your cart and you will still get the free bonus
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Good Afternoon / Evening
**Answer:** Hi can I help you?
**Question:** Yes, please
**Question:** I am a long time client of Brett and the Detox Kits based in HK
**Answer:** Yes ok
**Question:** and would like to order a few of the Slim Kits on clearance
**Question:** what is the expiry date?
**Answer:** OK
**Answer:** They have 3 years on them
**Question:** what is the expiry date please?
**Question:** okayโ€ฆ
**Question:** so meaning the ones on clearance (NZ[Price]) expire when?
**Answer:** They expire in 3 years โ€“ I can give you the exact date if you bear with me.
**Question:** please take your time
**Question:** ๐Ÿ˜€
**Answer:** I have just called the warehouse and the only ones we have left are expiring December [Phone]. I apologies for misinforming you.
**Answer:** How many are you looking for?
**Question:** thatโ€™s great!
**Question:** no worries
**Question:** thinking 3 or 4 at this time
**Question:** is there still some stock available?
**Answer:** Ok if you want to order we will need to help you as we will need to disable a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club. You can only use one at a time.
**Answer:** Are you going to order now?
**Answer:** yes, although I am not currently in HK now
**Answer:** when will they ship / can we delay shipping by chance?
**Answer:** Yes we can delay shipping โ€“ it gets sent via DHL so we just let them know when it is ready to leave.
**Answer:** thatโ€™s great! and much appreciated
**Answer:** as I require them in HK
**Answer:** now I am in our Taiwan home
**Answer:** OK if you order now and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code we can hold until you are ready.
**Answer:** we have an account with Brett and even joined the monthly subcription service prior
**Answer:** so you should have our details
**Answer:** what do you need?
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment
**Answer:** please take your time
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ˜‰
**Answer:** Are you able to order online?
**Answer:** yes, and on the site just now
**Answer:** Great I can follow you through.
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Add your slim to the cart and then go to checkout
**Answer:** You can increase the quantity there
**Answer:** okay
**Answer:** I have the 4 in the cart
**Answer:** Did you update the cart to show the price?
**Answer:** Then go to checkout
**Answer:** And add your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code SLIMSTOCK
**Answer:** unfortunately not the savings price still at [Price]
**Answer:** Pleaes empty you cart and start again
**Answer:** Did you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code?
**Answer:** You do this when you go to the checkout
**Answer:** okay
**Answer:** I clicked the link on the reminder email
**Answer:** for the discount code
**Answer:** Ok so you have 4 slim programs in your cart.
**Answer:** yes, and also logged in too
**Answer:** You just need to add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code when you get to the checkout
**Answer:** SLIMSTOCK right?
**Answer:** Yes that is right
**Answer:** Great I see it has worked ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** yes, although have not propagated my addresses
**Answer:** lOl
**Answer:** Ok now you just need to add your address.
**Answer:** Yes sorry about that โ€“ people change their addresses so it is not automated.
**Answer:** itโ€™s okay, although let me verify the HK office address
**Answer:** one moment please
**Answer:** TLC Inspires Worldwide, Ltd.
**Answer:** yes, thats right
**Answer:** Great can you add it please
**Answer:** How are you going? ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** onto the next screen
**Answer:** Great shipping done
**Answer:** yes, although not until the end of December please
**Answer:** once we return
**Answer:** Order # [Phone]
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ˜€
**Answer:** Ok you just let me know the date you are returning and we can send just in advance:)
**Answer:** okay, usually it takes how many days to ship to HK
**Answer:** It is normally 3 to 4
**Answer:** okay, as enJoying our mountainside home in Taiwan just now
**Answer:** and a Detox Kit starting soon here
**Answer:** lOl
**Answer:** Wonderful!
**Answer:** maybe enJoying a bit too much
**Answer:** :p
**Answer:** LOL so you would like your order to be delviered at he end of December? Correct
**Answer:** along with some NZ chocolates
**Answer:** yes, correct
**Answer:** Nice!
**Answer:** I plan to connect with clients there just before the new year
**Answer:** Perfect ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Whittakersโ€ฆ too nice
**Answer:** lOl
**Answer:** and dreaming of Hokey Pokey too
**Answer:** thanks for the support
**Answer:** Really that is awesome! I love their milk chocolate!
**Answer:** as just thought to order and seen the email
**Answer:** yesโ€ฆ
**Answer:** we have 3 kinds
**Answer:** from Halloween
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** even the Pop Rock one my son loves!
**Answer:** lOl
**Answer:** time to donate some kgs
**Answer:** Cool !
**Answer:** Yes definitely!
**Answer:** send our regards to Brett and nice to reconnect today
**Answer:** been awhile, as moving homes
**Answer:** and countries
**Answer:** Will do take care ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** cheers
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ˜€
**Answer:** Exciting times!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah just wondering if this would work for inflammation? and what should I take?
**Answer:** Ok have you had a diagnosis of a condition?
**Question:** yes I have a autoimmune condition
**Answer:** Ok the best thing for the reduction of inflammation is the Ultimate Herbal Detox program. It is severe condition or mild?
**Question:** Iโ€™ve had for about 12 years but its getting worse
**Answer:** Ok which one is it? It woudl help to know for the right program length and recommendations
**Question:** I have lichen sclerosus plus I have a high toxity level
**Answer:** Ok bear with mo
**Answer:** Right so the Ultimate Herbal Detox is the best way to go โ€“ you do it over 14 days as it will help to normalise the immune function.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** If there is improvement Brett suggests repeating it over one month to get the full healing benefit.
**Answer:** It is good to include more
**Answer:** garlic and mushrooms in your diet
**Answer:** They will also help to normalise the immune function too.
**Question:** Thanks I canโ€™t eat mushrooms as I have candida as well but Iโ€™ll try garlic thanks
**Answer:** The Detox program will impact on the candida too
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Question:** great I give it a go
**Question:** can I use the shakes only,as I donโ€™t like taking tablets?
**Answer:** The shakes are 5 times more gentle so wonโ€™t get the results. The Detox is powerful. You can open the capsules from 3 of the bottles and add them to a smoothie but the Colonaid need to be taken as they make the smoothie taste foul! If you take them with a warm drink they go down better ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** ok thanks for your help โ€“ appreciate it
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to help you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I always have headache without standing
**Question:** It is bothering me
**Question:** What I CAN DO FOR THIS
**Question:** Hey
**Question:** No answer?
**Answer:** I donโ€™t understand
**Answer:** What is without standing?
**Answer:** Can you give me more info?
**Question:** Heachdache
**Question:** Like migren
**Question:** And always I have it
**Answer:** Have you been to the Doctor?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Has it been diagnosed?
**Question:** Migren
**Question:** Dr told me
**Answer:** OK well migraines can be a build up of toxins in the body
**Answer:** So a complete body cleanse is the first place to start
**Question:** How?
**Answer:** Please click on this article and read [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/migraine-relief-can-it-treated-naturally)
**Question:** Thank uou
**Question:** You*
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ this article is packed with good info for you.
**Question:** I will use it
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** hi can you have plain unsweetned yoghurt on the detox diet or does it need to be coconut yoghurt as coconut yoghurt goes straight through me.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Question:** thank you
**Question:** most of the smoothies mention the boditune sachets.. are there any smoothie recipies for the 2 week detox without sachets?
**Question:** like the kale and lime smoothie has a banana in it but comes up if i select 2 day detox on the site?
**Answer:** You can do all of them with or without the sachets
**Answer:** Also you can get away with the banana if its just in a smoothie
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I am trying to see where my order is โ€“ [Phone]
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi There, let me check for you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Kiaora Sarah, I just received my detox kit yesterday and have a few questions.
**Answer:** Hi Jo, yes stevia is fine to have.
**Answer:** What about seeds?
**Answer:** And nuts, I think I read that nuts are out
**Answer:** Nuts and seeds are out sorry
**Answer:** ok. Not even chia seeds? I saw Brett put them in a smoothy but maybe that was not for the 14 day programme
**Answer:** Sorry Chia seeds are fine
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Psyllium seeds are ok too
**Answer:** ok cool
**Answer:** and dates are ok too
**Answer:** Dates are ok
**Answer:** what about chickpeas are they a legume? Iโ€™m assuming theyโ€™re out too
**Answer:** Chickpeas are out yes
**Answer:** Can I use coconut yoghurt instead of a dairy yoghurt?
**Answer:** I donโ€™t do well on dairy
**Answer:** Yes that is fine ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ok cool thanks
**Answer:** Also should I stop taking vitamins fish oil etc?
**Answer:** It is fine to keep taking them.
**Answer:** Can I put spirilina in my smoothie and other herbal powders?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome any time ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi there, i was wondering the benefits of tumeric for crohns disease. By reading through the document, Brett doenst seem to write much about it though.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It reduces the inflammation and the negative bacteria that ulcerate the gut. Coconut cream is even better!
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox program has been getting great results for people with Crohns
**Question:** interesting. was unaware of coconut cream. Looks like more curries on the menu soon.
**Question:** I will look into the herbal detox program
**Answer:** Yes go for it!
**Answer:** We are here to support you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** is it okay to have soy milk while on ultimate detox 14 day
**Answer:** Yes thats fine
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Answer:** I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica and take 7mg of Prednisone a day. Can I do the Dertox while taking this?
**Answer:** Yes no problem with that, just keep taking it as usual
**Answer:** Thanks. I also have a friend who will be doing the detox with me. She is on fairly serious depression medication. Is that OK too?
**Answer:** And is it better to do the Herbal Slim program or the Detox?
**Answer:** Yes also fine, keep taking as usual, detox can be a little emotional due to restrictions, so always good to remember that when an argument breaks out
**Answer:** The detox is always better first and the slim is a great follow up if more weight loss is needed, it always works better in that order
**Answer:** OK. Thanks
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Any We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs for the Detox at the moment โ€“ Iโ€™m buying 2?
**Answer:** Yes you can use FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off and better to buy the combo deal also which you can see here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** That We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club will work on any order
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Can i do ultimate detox and boditune at same time?
**Answer:** Yes they work perfectly together
**Question:** Great! What is recommended dose of sachet with 14 day detox plan?
**Answer:** 2 Sachets a day would be perfect, especially if you can have them in smoothies before 3pm
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** The first time I took the Boditune tablets,I lost weight & was able to keep it off for 5 months. I gained it back over the last 2 months due to a slightly more sedimentary time. I am re taking it, but have not achieved the same effects. Is there a reason for this?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Did you do anything else beforehand, as we usually recommend a detox to kickstart the system first
**Question:** No neither times
**Answer:** The colon and liver cleanse can shift any accumulated fats in the digestive system which can be slowing down the metabolism
**Question:** Thanks, I will look at that and give it a try.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** do you have the meal replacement satchets sold separately?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We do them as a pack and they are cheaper if you have them with a program โ€“ ie the Slim program with the sachets.
**Question:** i like the boditune satchets โ€“ do you sell them separately?
**Answer:** No we don;t we only sell the packs or the posts sorry
**Answer:** In packs of 32 or in pots of 32 scoops
**Question:** i have really enjoyed the satchets I won โ€“ it didnโ€™t come with pills and i would consider getting the body tune but i donโ€™t want the pills
**Answer:** Ok well you can get them with [Price] off at the mo.
**Question:** how much are they
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink) [Price] and you can use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off so [Price]
**Answer:** Delivery is free too
**Question:** okay thanks if my flatmate likes them then i think we will order another supply i feel they are making a difference.
**Answer:** cool ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** bye and thanks
**Answer:** you are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** hi Brett nice to hear from u
**Question:** I have order the slim product I did enter the code but Iโ€™ve been charged full amount!
**Answer:** What is your order number?
**Answer:** Or your Name
**Question:** my husband did the order on him name vishal bokhoory order number is [Phone].
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Screen-Shot-[Phone]-at-[Phone]-PM.png
**Answer:** Yes we did a refund and have emailed the receipt, it can take a few days to appear on your credit card
**Answer:** He must have missed the button to apply the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, but should have it back on your card now
**Question:** thank u very much Brett- Am waiting for the product now.
**Answer:** It was sent yesterday, so should arrive tomorrow
**Question:** Very happy What is the best diet for me when using the slim product?
**Answer:** There is one golden rule really, just eat unprocessed foods of any kind
**Answer:** it also helps if you follow the keto approach, you can read about it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** Yes still following that process since I did the detox,
**Answer:** You should do well
**Question:** Thanks Brett for everything. Looking forward to lose a bit more weight before my holiday.
**Answer:** youโ€™re welcome, good luck
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** What should my bmi be
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hey sorry one last questionโ€ฆ my final day tomorrow. Are we allowed pop corn?
**Question:** With light salt and pepper
**Answer:** Sorry no
**Answer:** But you can have corn on the cob ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** sweet thought Iโ€™d try, off to movie tonight. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ great course, been really good
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s great to hear, thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** HI Sarah, I was chatting to Brett yesterday and I canโ€™t find my conversation, is there any way of getting that back? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** It has been emailed to you now at [Email]
**Answer:** awesome thank-you just got it
**Answer:** Youโ€™r welcome
**Answer:** I have a question while youโ€™re here Brett. I was recently at the doctor, I hadnโ€™t been in 4 years but I had hives and they were quite bad I was so frustrated so went to the doctor. They are still there, only just but Iโ€™m sure the detox will sort it out. But I had blood tests and I am anaemic. Is it ok to take an iron formula while Iโ€™m doing the detox, Iโ€™m quite tired at the moment. Or should I just let the detox do itโ€™s thing?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Rick, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Happy to answer any questions you may have ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, We are a family of 4, with 2 teenage daughters. My eldest daughter has had bad acne for several years and would also like to lose some weight. Which programme would you recommend for her? My wife has all sorts of aches and pains and would also like to lose about 10kg. My younger daughter is very slim but is just interested in being healthy. I am a little bit over weight but never have any problems losing weight but I would like to sleep better as I have extremely vivid dreams and always wake up feeling knackered. We are all keen to do this together and would like your advice of what to do.
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Thank you for the info โ€“ we would recommend the two Herbal Detox programme for you and your wife as people normally lose between 5 and 10kg.
**Answer:** It alkalises the body so reduces aches and pains plus encourages good sleep by cleaning the Liver.
**Answer:** Your eldest daighter woud also benefit from the two week programme. It will clear excess hormones from the Liver which causes acne.
**Answer:** Your youngest daughter woudl do well on the BodiTune sachets and it will increase energy and keep her system clean and functioning well.
**Answer:** Does this help? Do you have any questions regarding these suggestions?
**Answer:** So you would need 3 x Herbal Detox and 1 x BodiTune sachets
**Answer:** I can gie you details of the best way to purchase them.
**Question:** Thanks, that is very helpful. If you could advise the best way to purchase that would be great.
**Question:** 3
**Answer:** Please make sure you change the currency at the top of the page to AUD โ€“ Here are the 3 detox programmes [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/3-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-30) and here is the BodiTune [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink) You can alos get another discount by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 at the checkout. It will give you the AUD equivalent of NZD[Price] off. Delivery to Aussie is free.
**Question:** Thanks. We are living in NZ but our company server in in Australia. We live in Hamilton
**Answer:** LOL ok
**Answer:** It is free to Hamilton too ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** What should the total $ come to as when I first clicked on your link 3 detox packs came up at just over [Price] but at check out are now [Price]. Then some free capsules popped up but they have since dropped off.
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It could have been [Price] in Aussie dollars โ€“ should be [Price] in total โ€“ 3 x Detox with 30% off is [Price], plus BodiTune at [Price] minus [Price] = [Price]. The free item comes if you donโ€™t use a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code but you used FANTASTIC40. Iโ€™ve just checked and we can add the free capsules to your order if you complete it.
**Question:** Cool, that is what I am seeing. I will complete the order now.
**Answer:** Awesome โ€“ the capsules wonโ€™t show on your order but we will add them manually when your oder is processed.
**Answer:** Order placed #[Phone]
**Answer:** Great thank you โ€“ I will monitor it and make sure you get the free capsules ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi I can help if you need support. I am able to answer any questions as I am a real person ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Thank you. Iโ€™m ok. Ive just bought the Brett Elliot Ultimate Detox Slim Sachets
**Answer:** Excellent ๐Ÿ™‚ we are here if you have any questions
**Answer:** Yes thnk you. I will start with 2-3 sachets per day and see how i get on
**Answer:** Great โ€“ have you found the recipes on the website?
**Answer:** No. Where do I look
**Answer:** click on the resources on the home page and it brings them up โ€“ I can give you a link though [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) then select the program from the Herbal Program drop down.
**Answer:** Ok Thank you. Are you in NZ?
**Answer:** Yes in Tauranga where our head office is ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Oh cool !!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes Iv just opened my pack and are reading the pamphlet enclosed
**Answer:** Oh just found the website h
**Answer:** Did you click on the link I gave you?
**Answer:** Many thnx Sarah. I will do
**Answer:** You are welcome any time ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** thnx see you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, I saw an offer for the ultimate detox [Price]?
**Question:** Would you know the approximate delivery time to Whangarei if purchased today?
**Answer:** Where did you see that? It takes two days from Tauranga and sometimes over night
**Question:** ok cool, perhaps on facebook page but may have that wrong..just thought id check there werenโ€™t any specials i was missing!
**Answer:** We can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for [Price] off the Detox program
**Question:** ok that sounds great
**Answer:** Use FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** It is only available for a couple of days.
**Question:** ok thank you!
**Answer:** No probs
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, just checking on price. I know Brett is the creator of this detox โ€“ why are some other products cheaper? Such as on the Health House website, even though it is the same detox formula. Or is it?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The differences are that Brett detox is 25% bigger than any others โ€“ it is a heavy metal detox and a parasite cleanse that the others arenโ€™t plus
**Question:** but they are the same product?
**Answer:** You get great online support from us and heaps of recipes
**Question:** Just marketed differently
**Answer:** No they arenโ€™t
**Answer:** They ahve different herbs
**Question:** [Link](https://www.healthhouse.co.nz/product/ultimate-cleanse-kit)
**Question:** So they are created by different people?
**Answer:** The Health Houe one has not changed for nearly 10 years
**Question:** ok so does Brett make that one? It has the same name for the herbs
**Answer:** Brett developed the Health House one 10 years ago and left them. It does not have all the herbs that ours does
**Answer:** There has been a lot of research since that one was done and Brett has developed the detox based on the latest herb research.
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Brett is online if you wish to ask him any questions?
**Question:** ok yes please. I did his detox a few years back and it was the best Iโ€™ve ever done. What makes it different now and how does it affect the detox?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** We have added 10 more herbs to our program
**Answer:** This includes enzymes, Papain and Bromelain, golden seal, milk thistle and globe artichoke for the liver, cloves and black walnut for parasite treatment, plus aloe vera and chia seeds for good prebiotic fibre
**Question:** Kiaora Brett, thanks for getting back. Yes please tell me about them and the affect on the detox.
**Answer:** Our program is also 20% bigger with 120 caps per bottle, and offers 14 days treatment instead of 10 days with the health house program
**Question:** Would you still recommend a 10 day deep cleanse?
**Answer:** Our product also has a much more specific detox diet plan, with much more powerful cleansing food
**Answer:** You can still do 10 days with ours by taking 12 a day of each bottle, but I recommend the 14 days for the best outcome
**Question:** ok. and it comes with the recipes as well? Also for weight loss is a a good stand along option or do you need to take extra supplements?
**Answer:** The other extra thing you get with ours is live support and myself as the creator, whereas, the health house product is actually out of date, as I created that version nearly 20 years ago, and they have diluted the program from my original design ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** oh no!
**Answer:** for weight loss I recommend doing it along with a keto intermittent fasting plan, I will give you a link to look at
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** You can also see our extra recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** And I notice pineapple and papaya introduced to the detox as well
**Question:** I donโ€™t remember this before
**Answer:** yes these are the enzymes actually papain and bromelain
**Answer:** We also offer a paperback with tons of extra support [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** I can also give you a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for get [Price] off the Detox program today
**Question:** That would be great thanks!
**Answer:** FANTASTIC40
**Question:** So is boditune detox different to the detox itself?
**Question:** Thank-you
**Question:** for the [Price] discount
**Question:** Iโ€™m guessing itโ€™s not as deep a cleanse as the detox
**Answer:** Yes that is right โ€“ it is about 5 times more gentle than the detox program.
**Answer:** It is used for maintenance mainly
**Question:** ok. so that would be something to go on after the detox?
**Answer:** Sorry Brett just had to answer a call
**Question:** no worries, that was very helpful
**Question:** I appreciate that
**Answer:** Yes it is perfect between detoxes just to keep on top of your body
**Question:** does it provide you with all your daily vitamins etc
**Answer:** We donโ€™t add synthetic vitamins to our programs but it does contain superfoods and protein so it is very nutricious.
**Question:** ok yes
**Answer:** I just ordered my detox, thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome will be out asap โ€“ get in touch if you have any questions or need support. We are here to help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah! ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, itโ€™s me again. I was just reading about the candida program as I have had candida / fungal problems over the years. I know that the detox will start to help this out. Should I continue on the antiparasitic herbs following detox? Also I have taken horopito tabs in the past but I imagine that the liquid would be more fast acting? I also have a horopito tree here at home, with others of the herbs that are in the detox.
**Answer:** Hi Jo,
**Answer:** Let me help you with that
**Answer:** Yes it would be good to keep going with anti-fungal herbs such as horopito, manuka tea, fresh garlic, acidophilus yoghurt etc on a continuous basis at least until you have seen any symptoms for several months, a combination one or other of the above every day is a good idea
**Answer:** ok thatโ€™s great thanks Brett.
**Answer:** Is drinking kombucha or eating saukraut a good way to get good bacteria.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m worried about the sugar content
**Answer:** They so it helps, but they would not be my first choice, actually just eating a lot of high fibre vegetables, curry and herbs and spices, should do just as a good of a job, green smoothies are also amazing for providing enzymes, fibre and prebiotics.
**Answer:** ok great thanks!
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome, I hope it all goes well, keep us posted
**Answer:** I will, thank-you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, I tried to order 2 of the Ultimate Herbal Slim kits using the SLIMSTOCK We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club but it does not work?
**Answer:** Yes it will only work on the normal price item, then you will need to change the quantity to 2 in the shopping cart to get the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to work
**Answer:** The combo deal wont work wth the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at the same time, as its already discounted
**Answer:** You will need to remove from your cart and add this one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program)
**Answer:** Then change the quantity to 2 items once you get to the shopping cart
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Iโ€™m in the 2 week detox. I am about 10 days in and just wondering if itโ€™s okay to have a coffee!?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes it is ok to have coffee maybe try a water based decaf
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Answer:** I wan to buy the super slim pack with the [Price] discount but cant seem to find the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club in the email?
**Answer:** Ok no problem, the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is SLIMSTOCK all capitals
**Answer:** Ok great, thank you
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** i just want to reconfirmed the code for this month discount?
**Answer:** Which item are you looking to buy?
**Answer:** The slim program
**Answer:** I just finished my detox
**Answer:** OK let me check your emails to see which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you had
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You received our email about he Slim program discount havenโ€™t opened it. Until 1 December you can get [Price] off if you use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code SLIMSTOCK
**Answer:** Where to put the code plz?
**Answer:** You add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code at the checkout
**Answer:** thank you very much for your help. Regards jay
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi therre you havenโ€™t added the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Question:** i did
**Question:** what is the code
**Answer:** It isnโ€™t there as you are still showing [Price]
**Answer:** The code is SLIMSTOCK
**Answer:** You need to do it in capitals
**Question:** i did put this code
**Answer:** I think you computer has got cookies going on. Please open a new browser page and start again.
**Answer:** You don;t have the discount
**Question:** i have already paid
**Answer:** But you didnโ€™t get the discount ๐Ÿ™
**Question:** i bought o
**Answer:** Yes you bought it at [Price]
**Question:** cancelle this transaction plz
**Answer:** I will seee if I can do the discount on the order. It should be ok.
**Question:** cancel this transaction plz
**Answer:** So you don;t wnat me to give you the [Price] back to your card? I can do this for you.
**Answer:** That would make the order [Price]
**Question:** ok do it plz
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** All done for you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** how long it will take to be in mt account
**Question:** My
**Answer:** Is should be back in there now
**Question:** i will wait few minutes more
**Answer:** Why is has been refunded
**Question:** just checking my account refund is not in yet
**Answer:** I have done it โ€“ did you use a credit card or debit card?
**Question:** Debit card
**Answer:** Ok it might take a little longer to go back into your account. It should show in the morning. I can promise you I have refunded [Price].
**Question:** no worries i will check it tomorrow Then i will let you know, Who i have to contact
**Question:** Any email address Plz
**Answer:** You donโ€™t need to email us as we can see it through our system. Your order will go out tomorrow and we will send you the tracking details. Our customer service email address is [Email] ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I have a question re your Affiliate program.
**Answer:** HI There, We are not currently operating the affiliate program, but we can offer you to buy at wholesale as a reseller if you have a business
**Question:** Ok. I am looking at running courses on helping people to get โ€˜cleaned upโ€™ in terms of health, life and general wellbeing. Part of this would be me recommending your products. I have used them and have enjoyed the benefits of them. how does it work to be a reseller?
**Answer:** You just need to order more than 3 packs at a time and provide a GST registered business name and details, I can email you if youโ€™re interested in that option?
**Answer:** I just need your name and email address
**Question:** I am only just starting out and so dont have a gst number yet. I was only going to get one should my business take off like I hope it will. Does this exclude me then? Or is there a way around this for now?
**Answer:** You can get 40% discount automatically if you add 8 packs t your cart, so that you could sell them on to you clients
**Answer:** otherwise you could give me a call on [Phone] and we can organize something that works for your group, like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club just for them, I could then give you a commission when they get used
**Question:** Ah ok, a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club might be the way the go at the start. Would it be your typical 15% +- or more?
**Question:** What do you have as your commision rate for this?
**Answer:** We typically do a [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and give you [Price] as a commission, you can email me at [Email] or call me tomorrow and we can work something out
**Question:** Wow, sounds like that could work. Sure I can give you a call tomorrow on [Phone]? Do you have a preference on time?
**Answer:** Anytime after 10am is good
**Answer:** Whats your name?
**Question:** Great. My name is Laura Fourie. My number if you need is [Phone]. Catch you then. Thanks for the chat.
**Answer:** Talk then
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Is it ok to use raw milk in my smoothies on the 14 day detox rather than rice or almond milk?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes that is fine
**Question:** Great. Was worried I would be doing something wrong but much prefer natural to processed.
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** is it alright to treat high cholesterol through natural way?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes you can follow our program and you should get a good result
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Okay will do.
**Answer:** Awesome thank you
**Question:** I have a great plant based cheesecake if you would like that.
**Answer:** Yes please could you email it to [Email] ? I will get Brett to take a look too.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there. Half way through my detox feeling good.
**Answer:** Excellent glad to hear
**Question:** Just something I found which would be great share. I made the mushroom stroganoff. Got to end of cooking only to discover โ€˜someoneโ€™ had used my fresh cream . So instead is used coconut cream. Delicious. I buy the small cans from countdown and keep in the fridge which makes it thick. So perfect for a dairy free person.
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s really good info we can add it to the recipe on the website thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Black Friday! Get [Price] off using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code BLACK50 until Monday 26 November.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hello, my friend has just started your detox and Iโ€™m quite interested. I have been suffering from heart misbeats for a wee while โ€“ would this be something your detox could help with? Thanks
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes it could potentially help, as a side effect of cleansing your body of irritants and possible triggers
**Question:** what about restless leg and brain fog lol lots of ailments
**Answer:** It reduces allergic reactions, acid, food intolerances and inflammation all of which can trigger arrythmia or palpitations
**Answer:** Yes both of those usually respond well also
**Question:** fantastic โ€“ is this something I need to do every 6 months or 12 months?
**Answer:** we recommend once a year as a minimum and twice a year if you are not the greatest with food in between times
**Question:** sounds great I will go and buy online โ€“ many thanks
**Answer:** youโ€™re welcome, Iโ€™m here to help anytime
**Question:** fantastic โ€“ have a great weekend
**Answer:** you too
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Heyโ€ฆ. I did an ideal weight calculation on here and got a download for my perfect planโ€ฆ. My daughter just tried to do the same and we just get directed to what to buyโ€ฆ. what are we missing?
**Answer:** It all depends on the result
**Answer:** Some of the smaller programs donโ€™t have a guide to download, as it comes inside the individual packs
**Answer:** Oh ok, I see
**Answer:** Did your order arrive all OK?
**Answer:** Still loving this product, your information and your holistic approach
**Answer:** Yes thanksโ€ฆ. havent unpacked it all yet
**Answer:** thanks again ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Also thanks for the leaflets
**Answer:** They are awesome
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Iโ€™m going to The Sunshine Coast on wednesday, hence some of the order and will promote this over there
**Answer:** Hope you have a good trip and thanks for promoting us ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I willโ€ฆ. teaching a couple of ThetaHealing Class
**Answer:** Did you get the information I sent
**Answer:** Yes I did thanks it looks great, I will have a good look
**Answer:** No hurryโ€ฆ. just love that you are on the same track. I was just reading about parasites and how people attract them which is my belief too
**Answer:** Catch up later sometime
**Answer:** You will be busy
**Answer:** Have a great weekend
**Answer:** Yes great, You too
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Is the Ultimate Herbal Slim programme a stand alone programme or do you need to have done a detox (or other) programme first?
**Answer:** It depends on your goals. Lots of people do is as a stand alone programme.
**Question:** Okay, thanks.
**Answer:** How much are you looking to lose?
**Question:** Sorry, I didnโ€™t see your reply until just now. I am looking to lose 60+ kilos over the next 18mths. I am currently doing Dr David Jockers 3 day juice fast to reboot my immune system and clean out my gut and Iโ€™m investigating my next step.
**Answer:** Ok It would be good to look at our weight calculator โ€“ Brett does recommend doing the Detox first when there is a significant weight loss goal. Let me get it for you
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/ideal-weight-calculator) it is likely you would need to do the Detox programme a few times before you more to the Slim programme. Fill out the details and it will recommend the right programme for you.
**Question:** Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** I have done the Ultimate herbal Detox 3 times over the last few years but is that enough? or will I need to do it again prior to doing the slim programme?
**Question:** *immediately prior
**Answer:** YOU might need to do it 2-3 times in a row to get significant results, then you could move onto the slim
**Answer:** I would recommend a combo program like the 10 week plan, let me give you the link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-10-week-program)
**Question:** Yes that is the one the calculator suggested ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** That makes sense
**Answer:** Thank you for your help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome, anytime
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Flora, Do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** will do
**Question:** hi I have contacted herpes and was advised to do a heavy metal detox whilst making use of oregano oil
**Answer:** Ok who gave you the advice?
**Question:** a physician from london
**Answer:** A compromised immune system makes it break out
**Question:** so what do i do?
**Answer:** Doing a herbal detox at least 3 times a year will support that.
**Answer:** Plus some diet and lifestyle changes
**Question:** i see
**Answer:** When you get worn out is when it will show up
**Question:** do you believe herpes virus can be removed from the body permanently
**Answer:** Sadly we have no evidence to say it can
**Answer:** It can be controlled
**Question:** i understand
**Question:** quick question how long are you supposed to do the heavy metal detox for?
**Answer:** I donโ€™t know about your recommendation our detox and be done in two weeks
**Answer:** You need to increase your green vegetable intake
**Answer:** Detox three times per year
**Answer:** Take stress out of your life
**Question:** i understand i want to try it raw as i dont have money to pay for your plan so how much (ounces) raw cilantro or parsley do i need a day
**Question:** thanks so much for you r advice
**Question:** and help
**Answer:** Gosh I canโ€™t be specific as we have a huge dose in our program. If you had it in every meal then you might be able to do it
**Question:** okay thanks once again
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, sorry for the near daily questionsโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve always been slim (5โ€™10 โ€“ 68kgs) but after 8 days of this detox I m now under 65kg and looks like I will continue to drop. Would it be an ok idea to continue on the detox but double the capsule intake (like the 7 day one?) This way maybe re introduce free range chicken sooner (or other protein as recommended) Appreciate any ideas ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Your body wonโ€™t lose any muscle mass during the cleanse unless you starve yourself of energy
**Answer:** All you need to do is eat regular amounts of food and the protein is not an issue
**Question:** ok sounds good
**Answer:** In saying that, yes you can increase the dose if you like and if you feel ok with the effect of the herbs
**Answer:** you can also have protien powder, milk and yoghurt during the program if you think you need extra protein
**Question:** Thanks Brett, enjoying the challenge. Feeling its all going well. Donโ€™t seem to need to eat that much
**Answer:** its important to keep eating regularly all the same
**Question:** ok. Seems like the 14 day detox would be the best approach then?
**Answer:** yes its definitely the ideal time frame to trigger healing
**Question:** thanks mate!
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi I thought Iโ€™d let you know that if you purchase by Monday you can use our Black Friday We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get [Price] off. Please use BLACK50
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi there no im all good,actually in aussie but home in a few weeks for xmas so thought I would get this sent to me while im home for when we return.
**Answer:** Awesome sounds good โ€“ Iโ€™m here to help any time. we ship to Aussie FOC by the way ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** yeh I know had some sent earlier in the year but moving around so easier to get it sent home
**Answer:** Cool you know us well ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** yes sure do โ€ฆthanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I just ordered and it gave me a new account. I realized I already have an account, so what to do.
**Answer:** The new order number is: [Phone]
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It is ok we can let you use either one ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** My old account was under another email [Email]
**Answer:** I can see your order is there and will be able to go out tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Iโ€™d rather use the old one as it has the order history so I can keep track of what I have done and when
**Answer:** can u transfer the order to my old account?
**Answer:** Iโ€™m not sure we can transfer it once it is set up I will need to check with out IT tomorrow morning. Is that OK? I wil come back to you via email.
**Answer:** ok, thank u
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi is there a discount for purchasing 2 of the โ€œUltimate triple combo 3 month programsโ€
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We can give you another 15% off use 15NOW
**Question:** thank you very much โ€“ can I pay via internet banking ?
**Answer:** Yes you can -we can send an invoice with the bank details on it. You will need to give us your name, telephone number, full delivery address and email address. And of course what you wish to order.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** I see youโ€™ve added your shipping details
**Question:** oops pressed enter too soon. My name is Sue Tuffnell โ€“ yes do you need me to send them again: )
**Answer:** No itโ€™s fine I can see your order -and all the info
**Answer:** I can process you an invoice and email it for you to pay online
**Answer:** Great thanks will pay online when I get the bank details ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Excellent will do for you know straightaway
**Answer:** Just emailing it to you now
**Answer:** Iโ€™m not sure we can transfer it once it is set up I will need to check with out IT tomorrow morning. Is that OK? I wil come back to you via email.
**Answer:** Sorry I was speaking with another person and swapped over! I am the only one working tonight and it got very busy quickly. The invoice has gone to you so hopefully it is all received ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi โ€“ I will pay the invoice now then ok ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Great we can send it tomorrow then
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi you need to add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to your order to get the discount
**Answer:** Great you have done it ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Iโ€™m on the 2 weeks detox. Iโ€™m thinking about doing the slim after to shift a few more kgs. Can I got straight from one to the other?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that that. It is the perfect way to do it in fact. How are you going with the Detox?
**Question:** Yeah great. I have been in it one week tomorrow and find it very easy to stick too
**Answer:** That is great to hear ๐Ÿ™‚ Any results yet?
**Question:** I have lost about 1 or 2 kilos and feel Slimmer ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** My main concern is I have a few events coming up where Iโ€™ll be drinking etc and was wondering if having alcohol one night will set me back much?
**Answer:** You can have alcohol just donโ€™t over do it. 1 or 2 glasses wonโ€™t stop it working ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Okay great thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ itโ€™s not for a few weeks so I will stick to it fully untill then
**Answer:** Excellent
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yes I do
**Answer:** How can I help?
**Question:** Can worms spread throughout the body even in my head?
**Answer:** Yes they can
**Question:** Any home remedies to get rid of them? I can feel them in my head and Iโ€™m so scared can they lead to death?
**Answer:** If they are in your head you will need to go to the Doctor and get it looked at. It is unlikey that home remedies will resolve it.
**Question:** But is there any cure?
**Answer:** Yes there is your Doctor will need to look at your issue.
**Question:** OI thanks alot
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** How soon wiil I received this in the USA Austin tx
**Answer:** It normally takes 3 to 5 days maximum. It is sent by DHL so you can track it the whole way.
**Question:** Is there anywhere i can buy it in store?
**Answer:** It is not available in any stores yet in the USA. We have only just launched into America.
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** We have shipped a significant amount since we launched. You can purchase it on . if you wish. And we give complete online support before during and after the program. This is because we want you to be successful ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thanks, i like the program and currently use it , im on holiday in the USa
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s great to hear ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** so was continplating buy more, not sure on the postage time frame thats all
**Answer:** When do you leave America?
**Question:** Will thanksgiving effect postage
**Question:** 13 December
**Answer:** No it shouldnโ€™t as we donโ€™t have Thanksgiving in New Zealand and it will all be over by the time it gets to America.
**Answer:** It will definitely be there next week ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** More than likely Tuesday or Wednesday your time.
**Answer:** You will be able to track it the whole way to.
**Question:** Ok good to know thank i will have a think cheers
**Answer:** All good ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** It is free delivery to America as well.
**Question:** Cool, any discounts on it at the moment
**Answer:** Which program are you looking to purchase?
**Question:** Just the BodiTune drinks, i hhavejust finished the 3 month detox then they slim and now the drinks packets
**Answer:** Ok cool is it just the one?
**Question:** Yes for now, i will probably get more when im home
**Answer:** We have the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW running which will give you 15% off
**Question:** Ok thanks will buy some now cheers
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I have a box of Detox n slim..expiry date01/19. Is this okay to take withe the Detox which I have just ordered today? Is this the same formula as Boditune
**Answer:** Yes that is fine no problem with taking them with your detox.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** do you have a 7 day program or only the 14
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The herbal detox program can be done in seven days or 14 days itโ€™s your choice ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** its the same price for 7 days as 14?
**Question:** i am actually looking for a 3 day cleanse
**Answer:** Yes it is because it is exactly the same program. Take a look at this page by clicking on the link and it will give you all the information you need about the program [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** If you are looking to do a three day cleanse the best way to do it is using our BodiTune Drink and just have smoothies for three days using the drink.
**Answer:** It comes with a superfood Smoothie recipe sheet inside the pack
**Answer:** You can download the recipes here [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/7-ultimate-smoothies-ebook-free-download/)
**Answer:** and use it with this program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink) by taking the smoothies 3 or 4 x daily
**Question:** is bodi itune vegetarian or vegan
**Answer:** vegan
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** hi can you drink coffee on the detox?
**Answer:** Yes you can drink coffee. It is an opportunity to switch to decaffeinated coffee if possible though ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Do you need help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sarahโ€ฆ. I saw the special on Slimโ€ฆ. is the product changing or just the branding??
**Answer:** Hi Jill itโ€™s just the packaging. It was upgraded last year
**Answer:** ah okโ€ฆ. so how would that affect bulk buying? Oh and what it the use by date on that?
**Answer:** Hi Jill
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** The use by date is 3 years
**Answer:** What do you mean by bulk buying?
**Answer:** I usually get a good discount โ€ฆ dont have my invoice here with me but thought I would ask as I saw you are online
**Answer:** You work some long hours
**Answer:** The discount is really good for the slim for 10 days.
**Answer:** If you purchase three detox programs you will get 30% off automatically and then we can give you the [Price] off if you do it in the next few days. Would this help?
**Answer:** Can you check my account for me? Beyond Belief โ€ฆ I think that is what it is under
**Answer:** Ok you would be getting wholesale prices which are better than people can normally get.
**Answer:** Ok so better to stick with that aye
**Answer:** I am so impressed with this
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** My Dogs are so happy too as they are getting the longest walks ever!
**Answer:** I will be putting in another order tomorrow
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** Oh hi
**Answer:** Thought you had gone
**Answer:** Sorry was answering another persons query
**Answer:** what is the best way to order ?
**Answer:** Thats fine
**Answer:** You must get really busy
**Answer:** Via email on [Email] is the best way to order
**Answer:** okโ€ฆ.. thank you
**Answer:** enjoy your evening
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes we do get busy especially at this time as the USA is coming online
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Yes, I know that feeling
**Answer:** I will be taking your Detox and Slim over to Oz next weekโ€ฆ. You also distribute over there ??
**Answer:** Yes we send directly to Aussie
**Answer:** There is a charge as we sent via dhl
**Answer:** Awesomeโ€ฆ. I am teaching over there at teh end of this month but will promote for youโ€ฆ
**Answer:** Awesome thank you
**Answer:** My pleasure. The product and your after sales help is wonderful. Goes really well with what I teach as we recommend many of the herbs in the kits
**Answer:** I returned from my second trip to Europe this year and just couldnโ€™t get my mojo back. Felt so jet lagged for 2 weeks but all good now and loosing weigh which is always a plus
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there I am interested in the detox and slim programme (32 sachets) how do I manage this programme for the week with food?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi dsarah
**Answer:** You take the sachets and eat as clean as you can
**Question:** Sorry Sarah this is Natasha
**Answer:** There is a page I can point you to which will help
**Answer:** Let me get it for you Natasha
**Answer:** This has the plans and the foods on it [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-how-does-it-work)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** Oh thank youโ€ฆwhat are the main benefits you would achieve from this programme? weight loss and increased energy levels?
**Answer:** Is there a local store I can buy this from?
**Answer:** If weight loss is the goal then the capsule detox is the way to go it is 3 to 8kg normally. With the BodiTune you will get about a 1 to 2Kgs loss. Definitely will feel more energised.
**Answer:** Where do you live? You can buy it online and we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for money off. The shops wonโ€™t discount
**Answer:** Oh which is the capsule detox? and how long is the programme? Iโ€™m going away in 2 weeks time and I would like to start in the next day or so?
**Answer:** I live in Tauranga
**Answer:** The detox is 2 weeks
**Answer:** You can get it from health [Phone] or from our home office tomorrow
**Answer:** I will give you the link to the detox
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** What discount would you give? happy to collect from your home officeโ€ฆ.both my husband and I would like to do it
**Answer:** If you get 2 you get 20% off and We can give a [Price] discount on top of that.
**Answer:** So $[Phone] minus [Price] if you do the detox
**Answer:** You could come in and we could explain the options if you like
**Answer:** Oh great! where do I come?
**Answer:** What time? It is 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu
**Answer:** How about 3ish?
**Answer:** Perfect see you then
**Answer:** Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** See you tomorrow
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I couldnโ€™t make it to the green living expo in Wellington last week but I want to get the detox again. I was just wondering if you could extend a discount?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We canโ€™t do the expo discount but we can give you [Price] off
**Question:** What would that make the total?
**Answer:** With the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** 199 minus 40
**Answer:** 159
**Question:** ok thanks, Iโ€™ll have a think about it
**Answer:** Okay cool
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Are the meals for 1 or 2?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Sorry you disappeaared
**Answer:** They are for 2 except the smoothies
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, are the meals in the book for 1 or 2 people?
**Answer:** Most are for two people just not the smoothies.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** And my last question, what do you recommend for smoothie, after workout but before bed time?
**Answer:** Are you doing our Detox program at the moment? ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Yes, 14 day detox
**Question:** currently on day 10
**Answer:** A green smoothie or a berry smoothie is perfect.
**Question:** sounds good
**Answer:** I can gie you a link to couple
**Question:** yes please
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** maria
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/mixed-berry-smoothie) and
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie)
**Answer:** Thanks a lot
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Ho
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** yes, actually had a question later today but didnโ€™t recieve an answer
**Answer:** What did you want to know?
**Answer:** Sorry we missed you
**Question:** No problem
**Question:** I was going to workout and only had 30 minutes before the session to eat something. I am new to the ketosis plan so I was wonderinh if I could have half an avocado as snack instead of fruit? is that a good idea ?
**Answer:** Oh yes I did anwer but you disappeared.
**Question:** Also, now that I have worked out I am hungry, but it is late at night. What do you recommend I should It eat ?
**Question:** No problem.
**Answer:** Yes you can have half an avocado as a snack
**Answer:** Let me give you some snack ideas
**Answer:** Dates, prunes, raisins, mandarins, cherry tomatoes, pickled onions, gherkins, figs, baby carrots, olives are all really good.
**Question:** What a good servicing size for those
**Question:** serving
**Answer:** Just as a snack as you need to feel full. Are you doing our Herbal Detox at the moment?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi, couple of questions please ๐Ÿ™‚ can we have bamboo shoots on the 14 day detox? and canned tomatoes?
**Answer:** Yes they are fine to have
**Question:** cool, and keffir lime leaves?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** even if the are in a jar?
**Answer:** yes fine
**Question:** cool day 8 tomorrowโ€ฆ trying to mix things up on the meals hahaha
**Question:** thanks for your continued help
**Answer:** Nice
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hello โ€“ are you able to help with restless legs. I have tried almost everything ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Have you ever done a detox?
**Question:** No i havent
**Answer:** The herbal detox is the way to go. You could have a build up of toxins which is causing your issue.
**Question:** my issue is only when I am really tired.
**Answer:** Yes that is s definite sign of overload
**Question:** Ok which detox would you recommend and how often?
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox and twice a year
**Question:** ok thankyou
**Question:** Have you had patients that have done the detox twice a year and has sorted their restless leg out?
**Answer:** Yes we have it seems to improve with a cleanse
**Question:** ok thankyou
**Answer:** HI
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I HAVE received We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club โ€œHOT50NOWโ€
**Answer:** BUT NOW IS NOT aviliable
**Answer:** i want to buy two slim programs
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** That We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is out of date you can use FANTASTIC40 instead
**Answer:** IF I BUY THREE
**Answer:** You can buy 3 and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. Add 3 into the cart and it will take 30% off
**Answer:** another We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** i got it
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** Because CHINAโ€™s CUSTOM
**Answer:** NO TAX IS BETTER
**Answer:** Sorry I donโ€™t understand
**Answer:** I MEAN the price is 199$
**Answer:** We put a lower price on the customs invoice
**Answer:** It goes at about [Price] each
**Answer:** right
**Answer:** hahha
**Answer:** you got it
**Question:** I will be working out in around 40 min. I donโ€™t want to have a fruit because I am trying for my bodyโ€™s source of energy to be fat. Could I have half an avocado? And then after working out a smoothie. What smoothie do you recommend? It will be before bed night so i donโ€™t want anything that will slow down or make me gain weight
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Yes that would be perfect the green smoothies are the best or the berry ones.
**Question:** Can I ask for your advice on another thing
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Let us know how you go
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi, Iโ€™m on the 14 day detox on day 10. I have realized thR my vowel movemnez have slowed down considerable since day 5. Although I have followed all recommendations.
**Question:** bowel movements
**Answer:** This is quite normal they will come and go during the cleanse
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi Jacinta, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I did enquire a few weeks ago and was given advice about what to purchase for husband and I as we have one full set of the Ultimate Detox and we need 1 x One Month Gentle and 1 x One Month Power (according to our Weight Calculations). At the time we were advised the best way to purchase these and we were also given a discount code but I canโ€™t remember the details now :/
**Answer:** Ok let me check for you โ€“ I can see the last chat so will copy it for you
**Answer:** The best option would be to purchase the six week program. And also two packets of sachets separately. You could then use our We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 for another [Price] off
**Answer:** Ok great. My recommended programme was the 6 week Super but my haeight measurement was incorrect and with the correct info I have been recommended the 4 week super
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-6-week-program) plus [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-20)
**Answer:** Oh ok โ€“ It must have been one of the one month programmes โ€“ let me check
**Answer:** You result came up with [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-steady-detox-program) and then you would need the extra 2 x BodiTune sachets
**Answer:** Between the two of us we need 1 x One Month Gentle and 1 x One Month Super. We already have one Ulitimate HD pack
**Answer:** 1 month gentle and 1 month steady? (we donโ€™t have a super)
**Answer:** You can still use the FANTASTIC40 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at the moment as the team havenโ€™t shut it off yet ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Sorry I meant 1 x Gentle and 1 x Power so we are lacking 1 x HD plus 4 x BodiTune. So the best price for these?
**Answer:** OK and you have a detox already? so you actually need 4 x BodiTune and 1 x Detox. Just getting it clear so I can give you the best option
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s correct. Thanks.
**Answer:** Perfect let me work it out for you
**Answer:** The cheapest way is to get the Power detox @ [Price] and 1 x BodiTune @[Price] and use the FANTASTIC40 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club so [Price]
**Answer:** Ok thanks. Now Iโ€™m confused. Iโ€™m working in Aus dollars. Isnโ€™t the Power Detox [Price] and the Body Tune [Price]?
**Answer:** I didnโ€™t realise you were working in Aussie dollars.
**Answer:** Power is $[Phone] & the BodiTune [Price] โ€“ the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code will adjust to the currency so the discount wouldnโ€™t be the [Price] โ€“ it would be best to add them to the cart and then go to the checkout and add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club so you can see the discount
**Answer:** Ok so is the [Price] discount in NZ or US dollars?
**Answer:** You need to buy in NZD to get the [Price] โ€“ if you change the currency to USD or AUD it adjusts to give the equivalent
**Answer:** kate hweksby
**Answer:** Ok so discount is [Price] in NZ dollars. Thanks
**Answer:** Yes it is
**Answer:** What about delivery cost and time to Tasmania please?
**Answer:** Delivery is free and it takes about 3 days via DHL
**Answer:** Oh excellent thank you
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Sorry thatโ€™s an auto message
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** Hi, can I have collagen or gelatin on the 2 week cleanse? And also liquid stevia? Thanks!
**Answer:** Yes you can have all of those
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi am on my last day of detox
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** i have lost only 1kg
**Answer:** What was your body weight to start with?
**Answer:** I was 63.5kg am 62.5kg
**Answer:** What is your weight loss goal?
**Answer:** Iโ€™ve been eating only fruits and veg no meat, no sugar no grains but I feel good
**Answer:** 57 to 58kg
**Answer:** Do you think you have more to cleanse from inside or more fat to burn?
**Answer:** Goal weight 57 to 58kg, yes I need to burn some flat around my tummy!
**Answer:** Ok, it likely that you have Cleansed internally and thatโ€™s why you have dropped 1kg. If you need to burn fat then it ideal to follow the herbal detox with the herbal slim program, that is designed to help burn fat
**Answer:** After my detox is that possible to gain weight back again?
**Answer:** Yes definitely if you go back to eating processed food and bad foods.
**Answer:** I eat very clean always, no processed food, but I love rice and bread
**Answer:** The rice and bread could put it back on
**Answer:** after I did my detox my eating habits has changed so happy I just need to find a way to manage my weight now
**Answer:** Brett has done an article that could help you I will give you the link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Answer:** We are also doing a slim special which will give [Price] off the program
**Answer:** Would you like the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code?
**Answer:** thank you very much for that! Yes please I would like to have the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Answer:** Ok click on the link to read Bretts article and the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is SLIMSTOCK it goes to 1 December
**Answer:** Iโ€™ve been doing intermittent fasting for 6month now may be I will follow Brett way now and use the slim product.
**Answer:** I am sure that will give you an extra result
**Answer:** Thanks for your help. Looking forward to start the slim Pdc
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, we are currently on the 14 day cleanse. Just wondering if Pea protein powder is allowed on this?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes that is fine to have
**Answer:** Hi can you see my message?
**Question:** Thank you. I got the welcome message a few times but have just seen your reply now. Thanks
**Answer:** Sorry about that will ask our IT guys to check it in the morning
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, we are currently on the 14 day cleanse. Just wondering if Pea protein powder is allowed on this?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi, im doing the 14 day detox plan currently on day 9. I did experienced more bowel
**Question:** movement at the beginning but not any more
**Question:** any suggestions? I am following all the instructions.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi, can I find this in Germany? Thanks
**Answer:** Not yet but we ship directly to Germany via DHL all the time. It takes about 4 to 5 days maximum and you can track it all the way.
**Question:** and the cost is 199 us dollars? and is shippment fee included? Thnaks
**Answer:** That is in NZD it is USD149 (you change the currency at the top of the page.) It doesnโ€™t include shipping but shipping is very low and you can see that once you ad you shipping details.
**Question:** I just found this info and donโ€™t know much about if, do you recommend it
**Answer:** I have done this detox myself and was very surprised at the results. It is a practitioner programme so the best quality.
**Question:** thank you!
**Question:** is some weight eliminated?
**Answer:** Yes normally 3 to 10kgs over 14 days โ€“ you eat good food alongside it and there are lots of great recipes.
**Answer:** You can see them here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** if I order today, when do I get it? Just to make sure, I would not need to go to customs to pick it up it would arrive to me at home, right?
**Answer:** It wil arrive at your home โ€“ we put the order through DHL at a very low cost so it should not attract customs duty but we canโ€™t guarantee 100%
**Answer:** It will leave us should take about 5 days and you can follow it.
**Answer:** Via the tracking details on the DHL website
**Question:** Thank you Sarah. Have a good night!
**Answer:** You are welcome. Itโ€™s day time here and lovely and sunny
**Question:** ahhhh !
**Question:** Great! Enjoy it! How lovely! Here it is almos 12 night
**Question:** bye
**Answer:** Guten nacht
**Question:** Danke, du acuch!
**Question:** auch
**Question:** typo
**Answer:** Lol
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** HI, I contacted you yesterday but forgot to ask if I can have buffalo mozzarella during my 14 day detox? I am 6 days in ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Sorry no as it is processed ๐Ÿ™
**Question:** ok thanks. When they talk in the recipes about tomato paste are they meaning tomato passata?
**Answer:** Yes that is right
**Question:** cool, and last thing is concentrate tomato paste ok?
**Answer:** That is fine ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** thanks for your help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help any time ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** I am having a problems with high Blood Pressure and what protein I should eat for Breakfast
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi!
**Answer:** This artcile contains some ideas for you [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/good-protein-sources-during-your-program) but to be honest the food is part of the picture. Do you have any other health concerns like cholesterol, or weight gain?
**Question:** and I ate this Morning for Breakfast..Oatmeal with Blueberries and little of Half& Half/ OJ / Glass of water
**Answer:** This article contains some ideas too [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-2-glycemic-index-protein)
**Question:** i Have Vertigo
**Question:** I am only weight 70โ€™s and I am only 4โ€™9โ€
**Answer:** OK and what is your age?
**Question:** 55 yrs old
**Question:** this is first time for me and having problems
**Answer:** Ok and what is your lifestyle like? Do you have a busy job? Stressful lifestyle? How active are you?
**Question:** Doctor told all blood test came out and everything is great
**Question:** i work for nonprofit company working with the Adults with the Mentally Disabilities with Handicaps
**Question:** I work more than 40 plus because itโ€™s not great pay
**Answer:** Have you ever done a Detox program?
**Question:** i am very active and I donโ€™t even drink Cup coffee
**Question:** no
**Answer:** This is the best article for you to read it contains all the informtion we reccomend to do to improve your blood pressure levels naturally. [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/reduce-high-blood-pressure-naturally) click on the link to take a look.
**Question:** i have for detox
**Question:** tea โ€”-oops
**Answer:** Our Detox program carries a guarantee to reduce blood pressure
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Blood pressure reduction naturally rquires a holistic approach that addresses all areas because the increase can be a symptom of other things going on in the body and a build of factors.
**Answer:** It is like servicing your car, if you donโ€™t service it eventually it breaks down.
**Question:** Ok
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Here to help
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sam, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Iโ€™ve completed a one month detox, a slim programme and am part way through having a daily boditune. Iโ€™m experiencing sensitivity to spicy food. Most of my other sensitivity have disappeared.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Iโ€™m wondering if there is anything else which might help
**Answer:** Eg another detox!?
**Answer:** Hi Joy, Let me help
**Answer:** U enjoy eating chilli. But donโ€™t enjoy the gut pain afterwards
**Answer:** Have you been using much coconut oil or coconut cream as that can help?
**Answer:** I do use coconut oil but didnโ€™t have it in yesterdays chilli rich meal
**Answer:** The herbs in the detox definitely help with reducing pain in the gut and encourage gut wall healing, so could be worth having another go at it
**Answer:** Is it best to have at the same time or could having some now assist a day later?
**Answer:** yes itโ€™s always good to have a counter chilli ingredient, yogurt is another one or tzatziki with cucumber
**Answer:** I was planning another detox in autumnโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve got coeliac disease so there may need to be more healing
**Answer:** Great thanks so much much. Iโ€™ll try a balancing ingredient and see if thatโ€™s enough otherwise I might bring forward my next detox.
**Answer:** you can have it at the same time for best effect, but it will still help, especially if you make a smoothie, you can use canned coconut cream and add a couple of cloves which greatly reduces pain
**Answer:** clove tea could also be helpful, you can see more about that here, [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/cloves-syzygium-aromaticum-herbal-monograph)
**Answer:** I saw some friends yesterday who were very impressed with the physical change they see as a result. Iโ€™ve recommended your products
**Answer:** Thats great news
**Answer:** Thanks so much for your help. Iโ€™ll try a smoothie now and see if it helps!
**Answer:** about 6 cloves in a smoothies should help
**Answer:** Great! Thanks for being available for advice along with great products!
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi how many is in a boditune box?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Tere are 32 sachets
**Question:** Thankyou
**Answer:** Sorry typing too fast โ€“ 32 sachets
**Question:** Awesome thanks. We have them just didnโ€™t know how many there were cause the box is at home haha
**Answer:** lol ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, I am interested in doing your cleanse but am concerned about the lack of protein. I understood you need protein for your liver to detox. Can you please explain? Thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Have you read Bretts articles here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program) and here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/good-protein-sources-during-your-program)
**Answer:** Our Detox covers all areas of the body so more than just the Liver. On the 14 day plan Brett reccomends these items: 1) Vegetables โ€“ Most green leafy and root vegetables contain about [Phone]% protein, so you will get most of what you need there if you eat a good volume of vegetables.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, brought the plan at the Wellington green expo. I am 5 days in and going really wellโ€ฆ can you have homemade Kombucha on the detox? Thanks
**Answer:** Hello there ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes you can have homemade kombucha โ€“ enjoy!
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Have you seen our recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) just choose your program from the Herbal Program drop down
**Question:** thanks was just looking through the site for more recipes hahah
**Answer:** awesome glad I can help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah. Waiting for Bretts next big sale for the dertox again. When is the next one due? ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We donโ€™t tend to do big sales sorry only when we have stock to clear. We might be doing something around christmas but you can still get [Price] off at the mo with a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40
**Question:** Is it possible that Brett could stretch it to [Price] each off two as I am a big user of his detox ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for being cheeky but finance is really tight at the moment but live for this detox as it truly helps me to get through.
**Answer:** What is you name please?
**Question:** Deb Lew
**Question:** Now at Rivers Edge was Waimairi Road when first started out with this years ago
**Answer:** Let me chceck your records and ask Brett ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I can see 3 orders is that correct?
**Question:** No there would have been plenty more under Waimairi Road
**Question:** Maybe under previous name Deb Wilson?
**Question:** Or Debbie?
**Question:** Debra?
**Answer:** I can see another one under Debbie Lew on Grabone but no others โ€“ will ask Brett
**Question:** Also brought a couple off your Treat-me or Grab one deal
**Question:** Yes please do as I have been a big advocate of his product to lots of people that I know
**Answer:** You can use 50ONEOFF to get [Price] off
**Question:** Many, many thanks. You guys are a life saver!
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Is that [Price] off each one?
**Answer:** Off a detox program
**Answer:** If you purchase 2 you can add them to your cart and then use the FANTASTIC40 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club brings them down to [Price]
**Question:** Just wondering why does it show that my history is only 1 year and 2 months? Have you changed your system?
**Answer:** Hi Deb, nothing has changed. Did you set up another account perhaps at some stage?
**Question:** I must have. Maybe when I changed my email address to gmail???
**Answer:** Yes that could be it
**Question:** Thank you both. I have placed my order now. It so helps me to keep my sugar cravings at bay. Especially over this Christmas season. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks Deb it will be out today for you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi did you manage to see my message?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, I have done this detox before but it was over 7 days. Can you still do that?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that
**Answer:** It is a lot of capsules but let me point you to the page with the info
**Answer:** Just click on this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** Do I have to buy on line or can I get at health [Phone]? What is the deal I saw on the home page.
**Answer:** If you buy via Health [Phone] they will supply it at the full price โ€“ we can give you [Price] off via a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club if you buy online before Tuesday.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi again am I able to eat wasabi as a condiment
**Answer:** Gene
**Answer:** Yes you are
**Answer:** yay thanks
**Answer:** love this support line!
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Ive had a set of the Herbal detox for many months and now ready to start however have misplaced the repice and insturction booklet form the pack.
**Question:** Is it able to be found online please
**Question:** Thank you
**Question:** Dian
**Answer:** OK I can give you a link to download it
**Answer:** Terrific. Many thanks
**Answer:** You will find it on this page โ€“ you fill out your email address and it will be sent to you โ€“ just keep an eye on you spam folder in case it pops in there [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Answer:** Thats perfect. Saved the day!
**Answer:** Awesome ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I did enter the email address though think that this is for news rather than a copy of the booklet. Great to have the info on -line nonetheless, however a hard copy would save a lot of photocopying if thats possible. Thanks so much.
**Answer:** Its 8 Aramonana Avenue Devonport [Phone]
**Answer:** Dian Dixon
**Answer:** The eBook will be sent to you after the first email. We just have to make sure we have persmission to send it. Will send a hard copy tomorow but it might take a bit of time as the post is slow ๐Ÿ™
**Answer:** haha agreed. thanks again
**Answer:** I can see it has been sent to you so please just check you spam folder in case
**Question:** Thanks!!
**Answer:** Go to here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) and select BodiTune Detox n Slim 7 day smoothies under
**Answer:** Herbal program
**Answer:** Lots to choose from there ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Awesome! Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, I am on the 14 day detox. I had a prunes for snack (maybe too many), but now it is dinner time so I am looking for a smoothie with not much sugar in it. Any recommendations?
**Answer:** Yes let me give you a links to a couple
**Answer:** This is perfet [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie) and so is this one [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/mixed-berry-smoothie)
**Answer:** You could alos take a looka t hte 7 day smoothies under the recipe
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** My husband has been suffering with what we think is crohns. He has had 2 ultra sounds ct scan, endoscope and they have found nothing except lots of inflammation. A biop was taken with the endoscope and everything was normal except for major inflammation. When his gut hurts he is short of breath. He is miserable to say the least Any suggestions
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes the Ultimate Herbal Detox reduces inflammation significantly when done over 14 weeks
**Question:** We feel that we are at the end of our rope
**Answer:** The diet is alkalising so the inflammation will come down and the herbs soothe and heal the gut.
**Answer:** What kind of food does your husband normally eat?
**Question:** We have been on a gaps diet and he is wasting away
**Answer:** He needs to eat the right foods and use herbs.
**Question:** He is using herbal supplements but we have been dealing with this for 2 years
**Answer:** Let me just check something for you
**Answer:** Tell me does he eat red meat?
**Question:** Not often anymore
**Answer:** Does he drink alcohol?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** And what are his bowel movements like?
**Question:** Sometimes major direha other times little marbles other times normal But he has to take pills so that he can go at all
**Answer:** Is he taking any pharmaceutical drugs?
**Question:** No
**Answer:** Has it been diagnosed with Crohnโ€™s disease? Or do the doctors just think it is that?
**Question:** He also gets dizzy after eating
**Answer:** Also which kind of supplements is he taking?
**Question:** He is taking Proargin 9 for severly clogged arteries a probiotic and several supplements from Standard Process
**Answer:** So does he have high cholesterol?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** So what kind of clogged arteries does he have? Have they been diagnosed?
**Question:** His full body ultrasound showed severly clogged arteries but no cause was given
**Answer:** What is his weight like?
**Answer:** For his height and body frame?
**Question:** He weighs around 110 down from at least a 120 His food is not doing what it needs to do
**Answer:** Can you tell me about other lifestyle areas โ€“ is he under stress? At work, Home etc? Does he mediate?
**Answer:** There is a huge link between brain and gut
**Answer:** Hence my questions
**Answer:** Also how long has he been like this?
**Question:** About 2 years and yes he does stress alot because he hasnโ€™t been able to work much so we are broke
**Answer:** Ok what I would like to do is speak with [Name] himself and get back in touch with his advice. If this is ok give me your name and email address and I will email you Bretts suggestions.
**Question:** I must leave for a minute so I will talk when I get back but you can leave any suggestions you have and I will pick this up on my return My name is Chris and my email is [Email] and thank you
**Answer:** Ok just keep an eye on your spam folder in case it pops up there as we havenโ€™t emailed before
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Margaret do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** HI i am at checkout and was given the token โ€œHOT50NOWโ€ but it says its invalid..
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** Sorry that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club ran out in July but I can give you another
**Answer:** Please use FANTASTIC40 instead
**Answer:** thankyou
**Question:** Can I eat Tom yum soup?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** im day 11 of 14 and was wondering if I could eat a Tom yum soup?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Vegetable Tom yum is fine
**Answer:** Just no meat
**Question:** hi Sarah Yay thanks
**Question:** gene
**Answer:** You are welcome Gene have you been enjoying the cleanse?
**Answer:** Itโ€™s been tough but have had lots of benefits
**Answer:** I have my probiotics on standby for the post detox phase
**Answer:** so grateful to your team
**Answer:** Great to hear โ€“ it does get easier the 2nd and 3rd times as your body gets cleaner. What sort of benefits have you had so far?
**Answer:** your chat support is awesome
**Answer:** joint pain relief the most notable
**Answer:** Good to hear your thoughts about the chat support
**Answer:** having great sleeps
**Answer:** dropped over 8kg also
**Answer:** That is a big benefit and good sleeps
**Answer:** Wow 8kg perfect
**Answer:** my first detox I dropped 18kg (5years ago)
**Answer:** Weโ€™d love to share your story to inspire others is that ok?
**Answer:** Iโ€™ve been preaching the detox to many friends and family
**Answer:** what would that involve? Iโ€™m open to the idea
**Answer:** Just an email to Brett with your results and thoughts. We can add it to the website reviews as it will help others
**Answer:** sure no worries
**Answer:** That is great thank you
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi there Iโ€™m a real person here to help you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Can i use the ultimate detox as a maintenance plan
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The best maintenance plan is to use the Herbal BodiTune drink
**Question:** what does that do?
**Answer:** The detox is more of a 1, 2 or 3 times a year thing
**Question:** I need something that moves my bowels tooโ€ฆhave a sluggish oneโ€ฆwhat do you recommend
**Answer:** It contains the herbs from the detox program and also the slim program. So it keeps cleansing the body in all the key areas and keeps on top of sugar cravings and blood sugar levels.
**Answer:** Have you done the herbal detox before?
**Question:** ok that sounds good
**Question:** yes iโ€™ve done the detox times
**Question:** 3 times
**Answer:** Perfect than the BodiTune is exactly what you need In between detox programs. You normally do the detox 1 to 3 times a year and then have some BodiTune sachets in the cupboard for use in between
**Question:** ok perfect
**Question:** so i donโ€™t need a seperate bowel mover?
**Answer:** You shouldnโ€™t as the sachets will do that for you. You can have up to 4 sachets a day if you feel that youโ€™re not getting enough bowel movement and you need some help.
**Answer:** We do have ever recommend continuing with the detox want to 3 times a year if you have a slow bowel movement.
**Question:** ok, great, ill go purchase. thx for your help
**Question:** boditune
**Question:** are they smoothies?
**Answer:** You are welcome here to support you any time
**Answer:** You make the sachets into a drink of your choice
**Question:** ok aweseome tx
**Answer:** You just take the sashay and add it to something like a juice, a smoothie, or even just with water
**Question:** whats the most cost effective way to buy
**Answer:** If youโ€™re planning to use it for the long term if you purchase two boxes you can get 20% off automatically, if you order three boxes you can get 30% off automatically and I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get another 15% off on top
**Question:** yes pls!!
**Answer:** Use 15NOW for the extra 15%
**Question:** youโ€™re awesome thank you!
**Answer:** lol thank you
**Question:** will the 2or 30% be automatically priced?
**Answer:** Just add 1 to your cart and then increase the number to 2 and you will see the discount applied
**Question:** AWESOME, saved [Price]. ok thx so much for your help!
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** end
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** On the 14 day detox can I have any of the folllowing: kombucha, chia seeds or quinoa
**Answer:** Yes you can have those, but quinoa needs to be sprouted thatโ€™s all
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hello Sarah
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Its Chris, just checking out your website and looking forward to sharing some ideas that might help you grow your business to the next level.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Is the detox vegan and are the meals in the book also vegan?
**Answer:** The detox is all herbal except the capsules are gelatin
**Answer:** You can empty them out
**Answer:** The meals are all vegetarian
**Answer:** Not 100% vegan
**Question:** Okay, thank you
**Answer:** The BodiTune products are vegan however
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah,
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Just wondering if you can use brown rice syrup in the recipes instead of stevia?
**Answer:** let me check
**Answer:** Honey is better as that is liquid sugar pretty much
**Question:** I have been trying to cut as much fructose out of my diet as I can which is why I donโ€™t usually use honey or maple syrup. When you say liquid sugar are you referring to the brown rice syrup?
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s right the brown rice sugar is much worse for you than the honey
**Question:** Ok . Thank you for that.
**Question:** Also, can you drink almond milk on the Herbal detox program?
**Answer:** Yes that is ok to have
**Question:** Awesome. Thank you. I am just trying to sort out recipes before I start the detox program next week. Wish me luck!
**Answer:** It is great to plan it out good luck and get in touch if you need support or help.
**Answer:** Hi can we help today?
**Answer:** HI
**Answer:** I WANT TO KNOW MORE about slim program
**Answer:** I have finished Detox program two months befoe
**Answer:** before
**Answer:** OK
**Answer:** The Slim program contains different herbs to the Detox. They are herbs that reduce sugar cravings, balance blood sugar levels and keep the metabolism moving well.
**Question:** how much for one that
**Question:** if I bought two that ,if I can get more discount
**Answer:** Yes if you buy 2 you get 20% discount and you can also use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 and get another [Price] off the price. Total NZD278.40
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is only available for today.
**Question:** and I know for detox program ,we have food restricted
**Question:** for slim program ,we also need food restricted?
**Answer:** The food is easier to do โ€“ You can see the list here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-slim-program)
**Answer:** At the bottom of this page
**Answer:** You can have fish, chicken and eggs ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Just click on the click I gave you
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Or would you like me to give you the list? I can also email you the user guide and it has the list inside
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi, are Brussels sprouts and squash allowed on the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Yes they are ok to have ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Another quick question
**Answer:** Fire away
**Question:** i like exercising in the morning, but I also have most of my cravings at night. I am following the 16:8 rule starting around 12:30/1pm first meal, taking the pills around 7am.
**Question:** My main goal is weight loss.. the fact that I am working out around 6 am and eating my first meal 6 hours later is slowing the process and might make me store fat instead?
**Answer:** Let me ask Brett to come online he can give you specific info to help you
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** Hi Brett
**Answer:** How is your progress so far?
**Answer:** Have you had any weight loss?
**Question:** I am currently on day 5
**Answer:** OK then itโ€™s still early days
**Answer:** What kind of exercise are you doing?
**Question:** havenโ€™t Weight myself yet. Iโ€™m the type of person that doesnโ€™t care that much about weight itself but more how I look and feelโ€ฆ although I do care about my fat%
**Question:** I was an athlete (squash) in school. Itโ€™s been a year since I have been done and now that I am working I like to do a little bit of everything
**Question:** although not as intense as before which is sad
**Question:** I do some weights, plyos, running and elliptical
**Question:** gym stuff basically
**Answer:** OK iโ€™m sure you will get a good result, and yes you could exercise closer to food. but it sounds like you should do well
**Question:** the problem is that it doesnโ€™t fit my schedule. I work long hours
**Question:** my main concerns on changing the 16;8 time are my cravings at night
**Answer:** I understand,
**Answer:** You can have a black cup of coffee or tea, or herbal tea
**Answer:** Also have you tried deep breathing and meditation
**Question:** I thought we should be drinking coffee?
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Question:** Oh really? I didnโ€™t know that.
**Question:** What do you recommend to maximize weight loss without muscle loss during this diet?
**Question:** Anything additional that might not be already shared in the guide?
**Answer:** Not really, but I can say that the green smoothies with extra protein powder are very, very good at keeping you going and reducing hunger
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie)
**Question:** Thanks for the advice.
**Question:** Last 2 questions. 1, why are tofu and nuts not allowed on the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** They are just a little slower to digest, so not ideal when cleansing,
**Answer:** Great for afterwards
**Question:** Makes sense
**Question:** 2. I would like to become a half vegetarian like you are. Is this a good transition? I donโ€™t want to have deficits or lose muscle
**Answer:** I think itโ€™s a great compromise, especially for the health benefits and balance you get from being vegetarian 90% of the time. I have fish once a week, and eggs twice a week, chicken once a month maybe
**Question:** Last one (apologies for the multiple questions)
**Question:** after the detox ends would you recommend an specific herb/ pill I should continue taking on a daily basis?
**Answer:** I usually recommend either the herbal Slim or the BodiTune depending on your needs, either of these can be used ongoing
**Answer:** The Slim is designed for one month 3-5kg and the Boditune 1 month 2-3kg or maintenance
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me
**Question:** this is very helpful
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome, I would love to hear about your results
**Question:** I will chat you on day 14!
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** Anything else I can help with?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi Cameron, I am here to support you if you need help.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Do you need some support?
**Question:** Hi, just wondering if you can eat eggs on the 2 week detox. Also lentils or chickpeas?
**Answer:** So sorry but none of those can be eaten โ€“ the eggs bind you up and the lentils and chickpeas are hard for our body to digest.
**Question:** okay no worries. Thank you
**Question:** Same for chia and quinoa?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** What food and how much can I eat on the detox?
**Answer:** You can eat as much as you like and the food list can be seen here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program) if you do it over 14 days it is fruit and vegetables.
**Answer:** Lots of recipes in the User guide and here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Just choose the programme you are going to do from the drop down
**Answer:** The Herbal Program dropdown
**Answer:** Thanks!
**Answer:** You are welcome Brett makes some awesome recipes ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi again, is cheese okay to eat on the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Sory no cheese on the 14 day plan ๐Ÿ™ it is processed
**Question:** Okay ๐Ÿ™ thanks
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I want to do *
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is perfect to do the Detox with capsues while using the sachets.
**Answer:** It will boost your energy and make you feel amazing
**Answer:** You will lose weight with the combination
**Question:** Would you recommend the slim or the detox? Will the detox help with weight loss? And also how many shakes a day would you recommend? Can you take these with the capsules or shoudl they be taken at different times?
**Answer:** We always suggest the detox first as it gets the first 3 to 10 kgs going and it resets the metabolism and liver function.
**Answer:** The Slim is get afterwards
**Answer:** If you wish to lose more
**Answer:** You can take the sachets with the capsules or drunk over the morning.
**Answer:** You just donโ€™t take the sachets after 3pm as they will kep you awake.
**Answer:** Have you look at our weight calculator?
**Answer:** It will tell you the best programme and then we can advise you of the number of sachets per day to take.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/ideal-weight-calculator)
**Question:** Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** No problem we want to get the right programme for you so it give the results you need.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Sorry about the last message it is automatic!
**Answer:** I can see it has given you the One Month Steady Detox program
**Answer:** One Month Steady detox plan: On this plan you consume
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Kim can you use the link I gave to you?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** Thank again Sarah โ€“ all done!
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there. I was to do a 2 week strict detox and Iโ€™m not sure which is the best option. I have some of the sachets at home that I purchased but havenโ€™t had them yet. Just want to feel healthy and lose weight. Is it possible To do this with just the sachets or would you recommend the tablets too?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Kim here. Just seeing if the Ultimate Detox is on special at all?
**Answer:** Hello Kim what is your last name? I can cehck for you
**Question:** Hubby and myself recently completed it but I cheated so feel I need to do it again. Its Kim Schubert from Taupo
**Answer:** Oh yes hi!
**Question:** Hiโ€ฆ4
**Answer:** You can still get [Price] off orders over [Price] using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 as Brett hasnโ€™t closed it off yet ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Okay โ€“ not sure how much they are selling for but might keep 1 in cupboard
**Answer:** If you buy 2 (just add them to your cart) and you get 20% off and then you can use the [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Great for keeping one in the cupboard
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah โ€“ Iโ€™ll get them ordered now. Have a super afternoon. Thanks for your help ๐Ÿ˜‰
**Answer:** You are welcome Kim ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I can give you a link to use if you are struggling to get the 2 at 20%
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** How long does the Herbal detox program products last?
**Answer:** 3 years
**Question:** how long does the program take to complete the detox?
**Answer:** 14 days of capsules and 3 days prep
**Question:** Thank you and the Herbal slim program is that 14 days as well?
**Answer:** That one is 30 days
**Question:** Thank you
**Question:** Whats the difference between the Detox program and the Slim program
**Question:** What program would be better for a 23 year old woman?
**Answer:** The detox Cleansed all areas of the body and gives weight loss
**Answer:** The slim works on sugar cravings and blood sugar levels.
**Answer:** It is best to do the herbal detox if you have not done it before
**Answer:** If you want more weight loss afterwards then you can do the slim
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes you can use bone broth on this occasion.
**Answer:** Yes the BodiTune can be used with the Detox
**Question:** Great thanks will make it much easier
**Answer:** Great let us know how you go
**Question:** Ok will do. Iโ€™m just in day one of prep and eating as suggested.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I keep trying to download the parasite cleanse free guide but itโ€™s the only one that wonโ€™t work for me??
**Answer:** Oh gosh have you checked your emails?
**Answer:** It sometimes pops into spam folders. I can email it to you if you give me your name and email address.
**Question:** Yes I have. Other emails will send but not that one. For example I have received the herbal detox guide email like 4 times.. and the welcome email a couple times.
**Question:** I also checked the spam folder
**Question:** Arielle Bixby [Email].edu
**Question:** thank you!!
**Answer:** Hi will send through now Arielle (beautiful name by the way!)
**Question:** Thank you so much! It is greatly appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Keep an eye on your spam folder just in case โ€“ will be there in 5 mins
**Question:** Okay!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi Maria, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Happy to help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** im on the 14 day plan and trying to lose as much weight is I can. I was wondering if it is bad for mu stomach to take the pills at 6 am if my first meal would be at 1pm (I. Fasting)
**Answer:** That is fine โ€“ no problem doing that
**Question:** is there anything additional you recommend to lose weight?
**Answer:** If you are fasting and eating the right foods then you should lose weight if your former diet is not just fruit and vegetables. Brett has some articles to look at I will give you links
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-1-dietary-fiber-fat)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-2-glycemic-index-protein)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-3-herbs-weight-management)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-4-next-level)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** This is great. Thanks!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** are you able to offer me the 20% discount if I buy one Detox and one Slim program?
**Answer:** Yes we can I can give you a link to that combo
**Question:** thanks very much!
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, my order [Phone] says completed yet I have yet to recieve this product?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** It shows completed when it has left us
**Question:** Oh right. Is there a way of tracking it?
**Answer:** Did you get our email? it will have the tracking details.
**Answer:** It might be in your spam folder but I can give you it here too
**Answer:** It has left us and is winging its way to you. You can follow it at [Link](http://www.fastway.co.nz/courier-services/track-your-parcel?) using the code FA0036115770
**Question:** Awesome thanks
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** Iโ€™m currently on day 3 of the 14 day detox. I want something sweet, nothing big but I donโ€™t know what I could have
**Answer:** Let me give you a few ideas
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Prunes, Dates, Figs, Raisins are all good
**Answer:** Also you can have fresh fruit, juice and whipped cream with a little powdered stevia added
**Question:** Thanks, this is helpful
**Question:** another question, i havenโ€™t been experiencing as much bowel movement as I thought. Do you think there is something I might not be doing right?
**Answer:** Also if you go to this page and search under time of day, desseert [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** I have followed the guide
**Question:** Great!
**Answer:** It can take a few days to kick in depending on your body, sometimes it can be day 6-8 before it really starts moving
**Answer:** You can speed things up by adding hot curry, chilli, and lots of beetroot and grapefruit, oranges and lemons
**Question:** That is a good advice
**Question:** is there anything extra I should be doing to lose weight? That is my main goal for this detox
**Answer:** Yes you can eat within an 8 hour window to induce ketosis, here is a good article about that approach, it works well with the detox [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Are these safe to do while breastfeeding?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** As long as your baby is 3 months or older in fact it helps with colic and reflux
**Answer:** And wind
**Question:** What about heavy metal detoxing? How does that impact the baby?
**Answer:** The heavy metals go at through the files and not through the breastmilk. So baby will be fine.
**Answer:** Sorry out not at
**Question:** Thanks, I will do some research on the herbs that are used and do some kinesilogy on if they are ok for me and baby and go from there. Thank you for your help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there Iโ€™m on day 6 of the 14 day detox, Iโ€™m having loose bowel motions and was wondering this was normal? Its a dark green colour also. I am doing a lot of green smoothies which I expect is causing this
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** What you are experiencing is very normal ๐Ÿ™‚ it means that your system is getting a good clean out.
**Answer:** If by any chance you get urgent diarrhoea for more than 24 hours you just need to reduce the dosage so your body adjusts and then increase it again.
**Answer:** Yay thanks for clarifying Sarah. Iโ€™m already enjoying benefits, joint inflammation and pain has eased significantly! Please thank Brett again
**Answer:** That is really good to hear. I had a similar experience when I first did the detox. So glad itโ€™s working for you ๐Ÿ™‚ I will pass on your comments to Brett.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** what is the active constituent in dandelion root that helps with najsea
**Question:** nausea*
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** They are called Sesquiterpene lactones
**Answer:** You can see more about it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/dandelion-root-taraxacum-officinale-herbal-monograph)
**Answer:** They are the bitter component, which improves digestion, and will also help reduce nausea
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I am looking to do the 6 week program though i am confused with the instructions i was sent..
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Ok I can help you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** What is your query? ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** on part 1 of the instructions it mentions a 10 week program? i am refering to the 6 week program super combo instructions. what does that mean?
**Question:** specifically under day 3
**Answer:** Oh gosh you have spotted an error in the printing!
**Answer:** It should read 6 week program
**Question:** oh ok.
**Answer:** I will get that amended straight away
**Answer:** So sorry
**Question:** and where it says 6 sachets of the detox and slim making up 500ml per drink every 2-3 hoursโ€ฆ does that mean 6 sachets into one drink?!
**Question:** x 4 drinks a day is like 24 sachets a day? do enough even come with the kit for 14 days??
**Answer:** The 6 week programme is 1 x detox that is done over 14 days and a Slim programme over 4 weeks it also has 3 x 32 sachets of BodiTune. When doing he detox you take 4 sachets in each drink and you take it before 4pm. You can split up the sachets and take them throughout the day until 4pm. When doing the slim programme you take 1 sachet per day around lunchtime.
**Answer:** 4 sachets per day over 14 days is 56 and so you have 40 to take durng the Slim program
**Question:** this is different to the information in the 6 week program guidelines.. it is very confusing! i dont really understand what i am meant to be taking..
**Question:** did i order the wrong pack then can you check for me?
**Question:** as i think i only have one pack of the sachets?
**Answer:** Yes I can what is your name please
**Question:** Courtney Harrison
**Answer:** This is the 6 week programme [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-6-week-program)
**Answer:** Checking now
**Answer:** This is what is says about the 6 week programme Plus take 4 Sachets of Detox โ€˜n Slim protein drink making 500ml each drink. (Take one drink every 2-3 hours and do not have them after 4pm as they have active
**Answer:** You ordered a triple combo which only has one pack of sachets
**Answer:** so it is 6 sachets over the whole day, not per drink.. i see
**Answer:** i dont have enough as i got the wrong pack it seems
**Answer:** It is 4 sachets over the whole day โ€“ I am not sure what you are looking at sorry
**Answer:** i am looking at the 6 week program guide i was sent called super combo 6 week program
**Answer:** it says under part 2 6 sachets
**Answer:** Ok well it is definitely 4 sachets โ€“ I will get our tema ot check the info sheet which you downloaded and see if it has an error..
**Answer:** it seems to have multiple errors!!
**Answer:** not ideal
**Answer:** Yes it seems so ๐Ÿ™
**Answer:** it says 6 on that link you sent me above thought?!
**Answer:** whaat!
**Answer:** i think this needs to be made a lot clearer as there is different info on different channels here
**Answer:** I am checking the whole thing now
**Answer:** It is definitley 4 โ€“ the website is being changed now and the info sheet will be reviewed straight away. My apologies for this I can see why this is so annoying.
**Answer:** Do you wish to look at the extra 2 BodiTune packs?
**Answer:** what would the price be?
**Answer:** it is just very confusing as i have not used this system before and i cant make head nor taill of it!!
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-20) it is [Price] but you can get another [Price] off by using the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 at the checkout.
**Answer:** Ok thanks Sarah
**Answer:** can you send me the updated instructions?
**Answer:** for the 6 week
**Answer:** Sorry Courtney yes I can send you the info straight away.
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Steve. Brett, I got your โ€œwelcome,โ€ but not the wholesale info you were going to send.
**Answer:** Ok Steve, yes will get that to you soon, give it 10 minutes
**Question:** Sure thing!
**Question:** After all, those electrons have quite a way to travel!
**Answer:** The email should have arrived now
**Question:** Got it! Thanks.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi! As a dentist, I have detoxed with chlorella from time to time. More recently, I learned about using cilantro along with chlorella, but never found a protocol for that. That is what brought me to you today, looking for an actual protocol. That is, when and how much of what to take.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Sorry I took a while to get to you
**Question:** Certainly understandable.
**Answer:** Our program has been designed to include the heavy metal detox plus a parasite cleanse, liver, colon, and intestine cleanse. Re the protocol โ€“ let me check with Brett directly and come back will be about 2 minutes
**Question:** That would be great. Thank you!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We use 75mg per capsule of each
**Question:** Hello, Brett.
**Answer:** And we take 10 caps daily
**Question:** All at once, or divided? What relationship with meals?
**Answer:** So thatโ€™s 750mg of cilantro and 75mg of chlorella
**Answer:** Split into two doses, morning and night
**Answer:** Away from food
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s just our protocol
**Answer:** There is no clinical evidence behind it just a little research
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s because our program has 24 herbs in total along with a clean diet plan
**Question:** Understood. I will have to take a look at your products. When Iโ€™ve done this in the past, my wife and I both noticed a difference.
**Answer:** So thereโ€™s synergy involved
**Question:** I will look at your products. I understand.
**Answer:** If youโ€™re running a practice we can supply wholesale if you order three or more
**Question:** I will want to get my own experience so I can have my own story for my patients. Any break in price you can provide would certainly be welcomed.
**Answer:** There is 2 for 20% available here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Question:** Thank you. I am reading your story now. I certainly agree with your philosophy.
**Answer:** You can also use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club FANTASTIC40 to get a [Price] discount
**Question:** Iโ€™m liking you more and more, my new friend!
**Answer:** Great well Iโ€™m all about helping people like yourself and working with like minded professionals around the world to teach more people also
**Answer:** Whatโ€™s your email address and I can send you the wholesale info
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Itโ€™s on the way shortly
**Question:** Iโ€™ll have to look up Tauranga. The US Navy had me in SE Asia, but I never got to go to Australia or your end of the world. I would certainly love to, some day.
**Question:** Ah, and I just got to the end of the page here and found your US ph number! Great!
**Answer:** Itโ€™s got a great beach and beautiful weather
**Answer:** Whatโ€™s your name?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi. Is cacao butter ok?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Thanks. Cacao is ok in all forms?
**Answer:** Except cheap sugary chocolates
**Answer:** Yep. Great. Thanks
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hi, why no eggs?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Just because they are binding and slow things down
**Answer:** ok โ€“ thanks
**Question:** Hello โ€“ can you please help me to repeat my last order (#[Phone]).
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Yes you can follow this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-500g-pot-0)
**Answer:** Add this to your cart and change to qty to 3
**Answer:** Then it should automatically give you the 30% discount
**Question:** Thanks โ€“ Iโ€™ve now done this, but the Order Total remains [Price]?
**Answer:** I see it has given you the bonus instead, let me disable that, one moment
**Answer:** Ok try removing it from your cart adding them again, it should work now
**Question:** magic โ€“ thank you very much!
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there Iโ€™m doing 7 day on day 4 but itโ€™s not making me go where it sais 3-5 times a day Iโ€™m eating veggies everything on list anyway
**Answer:** Are you doing the Detox or the BodiTune?
**Question:** Detox
**Answer:** Have you done the 7 day Detox with capsules before?
**Question:** no not the Brett elliot
**Answer:** So you normally go 3 to 5 times per day or how the cleanse started?
**Question:** No it sais 3-5 times but I normally go twice havnt gone 2 days
**Answer:** do you mean it says rather than sais?
**Question:** Iโ€™m taking 80 caps yes I do mean says
**Answer:** OK Brett is coming on line to help you
**Answer:** Hi There,
**Answer:** Did you get any extra bowel movements in the beginning, first two days
**Question:** Only 1
**Answer:** OK thatโ€™s not what youโ€™d expect, what about food volume, has it been at your usual level?
**Question:** been less just salads veggie curry or veges
**Answer:** OK, that could be part of it, but still would expect the herbs to have kicked in by now
**Answer:** Are you feeling bloated at all
**Question:** Yes thatโ€™s what I though also drinking a lot water
**Answer:** Yes try having an extra large amount of liquid over the next 24 hours, also add in some hot chilli or curry into you dinner, which should help
**Question:** Ok thanks Iโ€™ll do that
**Answer:** I think the clean out is still on the way,
**Answer:** do you think you have any weight to lose to be at your ideal weight, just checking
**Question:** yes quite a bit to loose
**Answer:** OK then 7 days might be a little rapid, so you could half the dose for a couple of days to give a little more time, that could work better
**Question:** ok great Iโ€™ll try that
**Answer:** maybe also try this recipe for breakfast [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/kale-lime-smoothie)
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** eating a full can of beetroot as a lunch is also helpful, to kick thing along ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** and lots of avocado like 1 daily
**Answer:** I hope that helps and please keep us posted
**Answer:** Whatโ€™s your name?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, where do you source your ingredients from?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** They come from all over the world and New Zealand.
**Answer:** It is not possible to get them all here.
**Answer:** There are sourced by our factory and tested on arrival into NZ.
**Question:** Ah I see, do you manufacture your own products or use contract blender/manufacturer?
**Answer:** We design and develop the programs and use a contract manufacturer. The programs are extremely difficult to make and we want them to be at the highest levle of manufacture.
**Question:** Thank you for your information. Looks like a great product. Thanks.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello Sarah, so Ive got three days of my detox to go and I have noticed both my glands under my chin are swollen and sore and my mouth and throat are very swollen and sore do you advise I should continue with the last of my detox program?
**Answer:** The mouth and throat thing has been happening since Friday but hasnโ€™t cleared
**Answer:** Brett is coming online to help you
**Answer:** HI Morgan
**Answer:** Have you had any history of throat and nose or ear problems
**Answer:** No I havenโ€™t had throat or nose but do get blocked ears sometimes
**Answer:** OK, then it could be connected with a healing process related to the detox
**Answer:** Have been eating much garlic, or hot mustard, wasabi etc
**Answer:** I would suggest those a lot, plus raw onions
**Answer:** OK my mouth is extremely red
**Answer:** Yes I have
**Answer:** have you had a history of candida or ulcers
**Answer:** I wonder if itโ€™s oral thrush I had that about 3or 4 years ago
**Answer:** Yes I have an ulcer
**Answer:** your body could be purging and thatโ€™s why your glands are up, ulcers are caused by bacteria and candida by yeast, both which are purged by the cleanse
**Answer:** It will be important to up your garlic intake, I suggest swallowing whole cloves, 6-10 at bedtime and again in the morning
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s what I thought so OK to keep going
**Answer:** you could do that for the next 5-6 days during the cleanse and it should help treat both, so yes keep going would be a good idea
**Answer:** Also eating a lot of plain acidophilus yoghurt, like biofarm would be a good idea 500ml daily
**Answer:** drinking clove tea can also help, see here [Link](https://www.livestrong.com/article/[Phone]-make-clove-tea/)
**Answer:** OK thanks again for the advice
**Answer:** you could potentially see the end of blocked ears and candida, ulcers etc after the program
**Answer:** youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Sounds good!!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Thanks that would be great
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/super-vegetarian-diet) click on this link ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** thank you!
**Question:** One last question, I have 12 days until thanksgiving. That day I will be eating a regular meal ( not thanksgiving style) but is it better to fast the rest of the day and take my capsule in the morning?
**Answer:** Good question
**Answer:** Yes that is a great idea
**Answer:** Also at the end if you feel you have more to go then you might need to consider more cleaning or switching to the Slim program for more weight loss.
**Question:** Makes sense
**Question:** what are your thoughts on intermittent fasting for women? I havenโ€™t seen anything about it in the website
**Answer:** Brett does an article โ€“ we think it is great I will give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-video/how-fasting-can-improve-your-brain-health)
**Question:** awesome
**Question:** thanks!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Oops the auto message popped up sorry!
**Question:** No worries. Thanks for all your help
**Answer:** You are wlecome get in touch any time and keep in touch and let us know how you are going โ€“ we are here to support you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi did you see our message ok?
**Question:** That helps
**Question:** For protein, I can only eat yogurt and protein powder right?
**Answer:** Brett recommends using natural protein sources such as leafy green smoothies, mushrooms, eggplant, and raw yogurt, but plain unflavored, unsweetened protein powders can also be used as an addition to the detox diet. Maybe read the Protein myth article to ease your mind. I can get you the link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/super-vegetarian-diet)
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I need to loose 10 kg. I bought the detox plan and started today with the 14 day cleanse
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I was wondering if this plan is better than the gentle 1 month
**Question:** Iโ€™m a little confused on which one I should choose
**Answer:** If you health is good and you can cope with the diet of Fruit and vegetabels the 14 days is a great program to do. If you have an underlying health concern it is better to do it over one month where you also get a few more food options. Does that help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Just looking at doing an order
**Answer:** Hi hello yes
**Answer:** How can I help?
**Answer:** My daughter and I have nearly finished the detox, where to next?
**Answer:** We both want to loose weight, who doesnt lol
**Answer:** Did you lose some weight on the Detox?
**Answer:** The next stage would be to go to the Slim program.
**Answer:** I spoke to Brett briefly, I think it was on friday but he was travellingโ€ฆ. He said he could do as discount as I am a natural health practitioner and I would like to promote this product
**Answer:** It has the herbs for reducing cravings, balancing blood sugar and speeding up the metabolism.
**Answer:** I think I have lost weigh but my daughters scale are totally crazy so I am going to go and purchase some new ones soon
**Answer:** We can send you the wholesale price list and you would need to set up an account. The minimum orders are 3 items.
**Answer:** OK and the other one is the smoothies yes??
**Answer:** Do you have a business name?
**Answer:** Thats right, that is what Brent Said
**Answer:** Yes it is Beyond Belief
**Answer:** Yes the other one is smoothies but the BodiTune drinks are 5 times softer than the Detox or the Slim capsules.
**Answer:** ah ok
**Answer:** I got ya
**Answer:** I want to loose weight but I get the sense totally of the herbs for detoxing
**Answer:** Have you bought from us directly before or did you purchase from a retailer or pacific health?
**Answer:** Good to hear Brett also has an understanding of energy work
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** a retailer
**Answer:** I am a ThetaHealing and also work with Animals
**Answer:** Ok cool can you give me your business address so we can set you up in our system. Is your email address [Email] ?
**Answer:** ThetaHealing it is a very interesting topic
**Answer:** Yes or I also have [Email]
**Answer:** 26 Claydon Place, Ohope, Whakatane. [Phone]
**Answer:** OK great we will use that one for your business ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ThetaHealing is totally amazing but then I am bias
**Answer:** Great I will get things moving and email you the wholesale price list
**Answer:** But it saved my life after I lost my son in a car crash so thats a great recommendation
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Oh gosh that is so challenging. I can see why it helped you through. Many blessings
**Answer:** I also use Essential oils so your products make sense to me
**Answer:** HOw long does it take to ship orders
**Answer:** Also do you do workshops at all
**Answer:** We ship on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays unless its an emergency. Delivery to Whakatane is overnight.
**Answer:** awesomeโ€ฆ..
**Answer:** and you also ship to Oz?
**Answer:** Yes we do a lot over there
**Answer:** I think most other countries are ahead of NZ when it comes to health
**Answer:** I just got back from teaching training in Switzerland and Europe and the Eastern World are far more open minded
**Answer:** oh you would be surprised! We were in the USA earlier this year and the UK last year and they are not all so forward thinking.
**Answer:** Really
**Answer:** I find a lot of people think they are but they havent got a clue lol
**Answer:** I think it depends on the up bringing of people โ€“ who their doctor was and where the doctor was trained.
**Answer:** I guessโ€ฆ..
**Answer:** But there are great shifts happening
**Answer:** Fingers crossed
**Answer:** So if you send me an email of prices I will try and purchase on line today
**Answer:** Need to keep this detox happening
**Answer:** You will need to do your wholesale order via email โ€“ We will send it on the email you order on ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** I like simple
**Answer:** We pop your credit card on file and then any orders going forward can just fly through.
**Answer:** I am going to Brisbane teaching on 28th and have a ThetaHealing friend there who I am sure will be keen to use your detox too
**Answer:** Perfect
**Answer:** Awesome โ€“ we have a number of practitioners using the programs over there
**Answer:** ThetaHealers??
**Answer:** More Naturopaths and Herbalists
**Answer:** Okโ€ฆ. Iโ€™m going to promote this to my people ๐Ÿ˜‰
**Answer:** Excellent we have found that word of mouth is the best way for building relationships. If you had enough people Brett would come over and do a seminar for you on cleansing โ€“ he published his book in May and it is flying off the shelves at the mo.
**Answer:** Hey what is your telephone number?
**Answer:** I totally agreeโ€ฆ. most of my clients come to me through word of mouth
**Answer:** [Phone]
**Answer:** Awesome thanks
**Answer:** or if its urgent and you cant get hold of me my daughters number is [Phone]
**Answer:** OK great ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** my cell signal at home is not good unless its iphone as I do have internet
**Answer:** I choose to live by water in the bush so not great for cellphone signal
**Answer:** But is great for getting away from people to detox from that kind of energy
**Answer:** I was planning to build a house but Iโ€™m hardly ever home lol
**Answer:** Ok great โ€“ we are also by the water in a very quiet area โ€“ Bretts ofcie is looking at the estuary โ€“ very detoxing
**Answer:** I love water
**Answer:** I bought a creek and some beautiful native treeโ€ฆ.. didnโ€™t manifest a house but did escape a narcissistic relationship so a wonderful place to heal
**Answer:** Beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Tauranga has changed a lot since I lived there
**Answer:** Oh yes it has!
**Answer:** Way to busy for me
**Answer:** I was working there a couple of days a week but left before I went to Switzerlandโ€ฆ.. now looking for a new space over in your area
**Answer:** Have you contacted Wild Herbs on Cameron Road? Brett was there before his clinic was sorted at his house.
**Answer:** Is that up near the hospital?
**Answer:** I could give that a try
**Answer:** I think I know where you meanโ€ฆ.
**Answer:** Its just getting in and out thats not easy
**Answer:** Yes they are close to the hospital and have nice consulting rooms
**Answer:** MIght give them a go
**Answer:** I want to be so famous people come to me lolโ€ฆ. it is a nice easy drive
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thats what I am aiming for
**Answer:** I need a copy of Bretts book tooโ€ฆ. does it have heaps of information?
**Answer:** Yes it does โ€“ it covers the reason for cleansing and all the science behind it as well as info on the herbs and the foods.
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** In you first wholesale order we can send you the Detox Clinical Guide too.
**Answer:** It has lots of info on the way to use it to help heal certain illnesses.
**Answer:** Although I dont use it I have an Animal Science degree from the UKโ€ฆ. Love all the information
**Answer:** Oh that sounds really cool
**Answer:** would like to get my head round herbโ€ฆ. Iโ€™ve more or less got Oils sorted now
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** You should see the people who get on the Amboโ€™sโ€ฆ. they have suitcases full of medsโ€ฆ. seriously its unreal
**Answer:** I liked Ambo workโ€ฆ..
**Answer:** Do you need any more information for my account??
**Answer:** Nope all good I am just sending the info through now so should be there soon ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** I am just reading about Bretts book
**Answer:** Hey, while I was in Switzerland I did an amazing Class โ€œYou and the Earthโ€ which obviously was also about plants
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** 100 students where all rushing round St Gallen with stethoscopes tuning into treeโ€™s etcโ€ฆ because we could
**Answer:** Figuring out negative ions and how they affect us
**Answer:** and interesting Theta Brainwaves and heartbeat are the same frequency
**Answer:** That would have been an incredible class to do ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes it went well with you and Your Inner Circle as it was about letting go of betrayal which is something that effects us more than we realise
**Answer:** It certainly does!
**Answer:** There are 4 new classes and I have taken them allโ€ฆ. You and Your Significant Other, You and Creator, You and Your Inner Circle and You and The Earthโ€ฆ. they are all prerequisites to the new DNA4 Class
**Answer:** I have recieved your email thank you
**Answer:** Excellent ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I have a daughter who just cant take capsules
**Answer:** What would you suggest for her
**Answer:** She can open them and add them into a smoothie ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** oh shitโ€ฆ. my younger daughter tried that yesterday and nearly chucked up her smoothie lol
**Answer:** It will have been the Coloniad ones โ€“ you leave those out and take them with a warm drink
**Answer:** The others are fine ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ah ok
**Answer:** So when I order is it a minimum of 3 for each order??
**Answer:** Yes that is right ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** And what are the rules re selling your products on line?
**Answer:** We donโ€™t encourage it as people can but from us and get special offers directly if they join our mailing list.
**Answer:** Awesome, thats good
**Answer:** what happens if I sell these products. Can the person still use your information?
**Answer:** Yes of course
**Answer:** Can I phone you?
**Answer:** yes call [Phone] and I think Brett is answering today ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Okโ€ฆ I will phone soon
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I cant add the Hot50Now We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to my order?
**Answer:** Hello that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is out of date sorry you can use FANTASTIC40 instead ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** OK but I cant get the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club box to work?
**Answer:** Let me check you order โ€“ bear with me
**Answer:** Oh i see you canโ€™t add the discount as you are getting the free BodiTune capsules โ€“ it is one discount or offer only per order
**Answer:** You can get the discount if you take the free BodiTune capsules ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** OK thanks
**Answer:** Hi Frances, I would suggest you start another order as your computer is using cookies and holding information. You will need to open another browser and start again sorry
**Question:** How do i cure a torn/strained abdominals recrus muscle after a bad flu
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s not something we can help you with sorry. Suggest to visit doctor
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi am quite interested with the product. Weโ€™re can I order pls
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Is it the Herbal Detox you want to try
**Question:** Hi
**Question:** Yes pls
**Answer:** OK you can click the add to cart button on this page and it will guide you to the checkout [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Just click the link
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** Youre welcome
**Question:** How does the product work
**Answer:** The herbs and clean food diet work to cleanse your colon and liver, which resets your bodyโ€™s metabolism and reduces inflammation and acidity in the body, that in turn triggers the healing process
**Answer:** Most people lose between 5-7kg as a side effect of cleansing which is a nice bonus
**Question:** Thanks that really nice.
**Answer:** Youre welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello I am currently taking the ultimate detox currently on day 9 and I have noticed my gums a very red with very rough almost small bumps in my mouth with a slight sore rough throat. Would this be a side effect from anything I have been on a strict veggie /fruit diet
**Answer:** Itโ€™s not likely that it is a reaction to the herbs, Do you have any food allergies?
**Answer:** Hi Brett, no food allergies. I am taking the pills in a smoothie form as I find it hard to swallow the 20 pills. Iโ€™ve noticed the change over the last two days
**Answer:** Ok then perhaps just use some fresh ginger tea daily and eat some raw onion if you can, that will help deactivate any reactions
**Answer:** they are both natural antihistamines
**Answer:** OK thanks for the information. Otherwise feeling good slight fatigue today but it is Friday otherwise good other than mouth thing
**Answer:** Hopefully it will pass as your body clears more irritation from the system
**Answer:** Yes Iโ€™m sure it will perhaps to much of a particular fruit or veggie. I will continue with my pills tonight
**Answer:** OK, keep us posted
**Answer:** OK thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi yerโ€ฆ. great product
**Answer:** Thanks
**Question:** Hi Brett
**Question:** Love thisโ€ฆ my daughter and I are on day 5 of the detox
**Question:** We are recommending to others
**Answer:** I work as a Thetahealing Practitioner and Instructor. I am also aware that negative emotions (stress etc) can cause a toxic build up that is unnatural and unhealthy so I am really interested in all of your natural products that support the physical body in the healing process
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s good to hear my products are all supportive of the healing process. It sounds like we have the same philosophy
**Answer:** Makes perfect sense
**Answer:** Sad when the medical profession makes money out of illness and wont embrace ways that help, on all levelsโ€ฆ.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m with you on that
**Answer:** AS I say to my clients, โ€œtheres no money for the health system in healthy peopleโ€. Its sad but trueโ€ฆ.
**Answer:** It is
**Answer:** Is it ok with you if I recommend my students and clients to your detoxโ€ฆ. just been chatting to a student whoโ€™s husband has been on tramadol for 10 years and now trying to come off it!!!!!!!
**Answer:** and autoimmune disorders are on the increase everywhereโ€ฆ.
**Answer:** Yes of course itโ€™s fine to do that as a practitioner you are able to get wholesale rates too. The minimum order is 3
**Answer:** I see you have a few optionsโ€ฆ.
**Answer:** After the detox, what do you recommend
**Answer:** It depends on the person situation. If weight loss is a goal they can go into the slim. If itโ€™s a health concern they may do the detox again. The BodiTune is great for maintenance. Have you seen the ailments section on the site? It has various ways to do the detox
**Answer:** This might make you smileโ€ฆ. my daughter and I are sending each other poop emojiโ€™s every time we goโ€ฆ. which is pretty often lol
**Answer:** I might get cut off as Iโ€™m traveling so drop me an email on [Email]
**Answer:** If I get cut off
**Answer:** OKโ€ฆ lovely, thanks for the chat
**Answer:** Lol funny with the emojis!
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** This has actually been a very healthy bonding time for my daughter and Iโ€ฆ Finally she can see the sense in dropping the cursed V Drinks and her diet has improved greatly โ€ฆ so that is another plus
**Answer:** Awesome thatโ€™s good to hear. You are a good example
**Answer:** Thank Youโ€ฆ.
**Answer:** I am very excited about your productsโ€ฆ and I am happy to make an investment to help others to try this for themselves
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hello. Can I eat dried seaweed on the ultimate herbal detox?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can as itโ€™s a vegetable
**Question:** Perfect, thank you!
**Answer:** And dried vegetables are ok
**Answer:** And dried vegetables are ok
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Also, what is the difference between the ultimate herbal detox and the ultimate herbal boditune?
**Answer:** The detox is 5 times more powerful than the BodiTune.
**Question:** Is the BodiTune sachets and the herbal detox pills? Do you eat the same foods?
**Answer:** Yes you have it right about capsules and sachets. The food depends on the length of time you do it over
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** 14 days is fruit and vegetables. One month is the same but you can have chicken fish and eggs
**Question:** Thanks again for your help
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Cn i use the ultimate detox kit if i am anemic
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** The foods in the program are good for building up your blood
**Answer:** I can recommend a few things to have during the program to help with iron levels
**Answer:** Beetroot, raisins, grapes and lots of green smoothies made with spinach, kale and red smoothies with frozen berries, blueberries, blackberries and boysenberries
**Answer:** The first day when I started the detox i used 12 capsules in the morning and evening but after that i could not sleep properly at night
**Answer:** You can also use a little spirulina powder in smoothies which is great for iron
**Answer:** Its good to have epsom salt baths at night if you can during the detox, to help you sleep
**Answer:** Is there any reason why the capsules affected my sleep
**Answer:** it can just be your body detoxing and temporary changes in your body chemistry, it can stir things up a little.
**Answer:** Sorry are you brett elliott.
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Hi brett a have candida long time and I sensitive to lots food
**Answer:** What is the best thing to do with
**Answer:** Can you please help me
**Answer:** The 14 day detox program is good for reducing candida and helping to heal the gut, so you are not so sensitive. You can see a good article about that on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** Iโ€™m use now oregano oil and coconut oil
**Answer:** It will be good to eat a lot of garlic in your food and follow the candida program, just follow the link and you will see it
**Answer:** Yes they are both good, so keep using them also
**Answer:** Before 7years ago when I get your detox the help me out candida
**Answer:** Sorry my speling English is not good
**Answer:** Yes it would a good time to do it again perhaps
**Answer:** And Iโ€™m losing weight 9 kilograms for three months
**Answer:** Can I use program detox for 6 weeks
**Answer:** Yes you can just slow it down by taking a lower dose over 6 weeks
**Answer:** that would be a little more gentle
**Answer:** So how manh capsules would i take then
**Answer:** just 3 of each bottle daily and you could take them in the morning
**Answer:** then you should also sleep a little better
**Answer:** Ok thank you very much
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** hi, I am psoriasis patient. I live in Canada. If I order online, can you deliver?
**Answer:** Yes absolutely we can deliver to Canada. We do so on a regular basis via DHL so you can track it all the way.
**Question:** thanks. will i see difference in 14 days?
**Answer:** Most people do especially when they follow the food recommendations in the article page.
**Question:** ok. would it help in psoriatic arthritis too?
**Answer:** You would need to follow the diet recommendations in the user guide and on the article page.
**Answer:** It should help by alkalising the body, reducing inflammation and helping your immune system to function well.
**Answer:** These are all benefits of doing the detox program
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** We also give you online support the whole way through ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** you offer full detox package $[Phone]. id it US dollar?
**Answer:** It is the full detox package, with four bottles inside for you to take. You can switch the currency to US dollars by changing it at the top of the page. 199 is in New Zealand dollars.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** is this for 14 days or 30 days?
**Answer:** You can do the program for either 14 days or 30 days it changes with the dosage of capsules. Let me check what is recommended for your health concern.
**Answer:** Brett actually recommends to detoxes one after each other for psoriasis. He recommends doing a 14 day one first followed by a 30 day one.
**Question:** ok got it
**Question:** Good morning,
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Will detox help me from allergic reactions
**Answer:** Yes it can โ€“ what are you allergic too?
**Question:** I am not sure what allergy I have but since working with dogs, I have been unwell almost everyday.
**Answer:** It could be that you have picked up parasites from the dogs. Our detox will resolve that and help with the allregic reactions if you you are having them.
**Question:** Thanks for the info. I will purchase my detox kit when I am on holidays in NZ in December
**Answer:** OK we do have a special at the mo with [Price] off and Im not sure if there will be anything in December.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** What nuts are allowed if any?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Ok no worries thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there is gluten free bread allowed on the 17 day programme?
**Answer:** Sorry no itโ€™s not
**Answer:** Itโ€™s a processed food which sticks inside the body
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** lol ok
**Question:** thought i was talking to a computer
**Answer:** No I am a real person ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** ok:-)
**Question:** i do get heartburn all the time
**Question:** and it makes me csick
**Answer:** It can be really debilitating
**Answer:** I see you ahve been reading Brettโ€™s article
**Question:** you in the usa?
**Answer:** We are in New Zealand
**Question:** oh
**Answer:** and we sell to lots of countries โ€“ where are you?
**Question:** uk
**Answer:** Ok we ship there all the time โ€“ we send via DHL so you can track everything
**Question:** prices?
**Answer:** You can buy in GBP by changing the currency at the top of the page in the shop [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-store)
**Answer:** Iโ€™m from Worcestershire ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** this a cure for heartburn or just a relafe
**Question:** relief
**Answer:** When looking at acid reflux/heartburn it pays to consider the underlying health of the entire digestive system.
**Answer:** This is the one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** how old are you
**Answer:** Iโ€™m 54 and got rid of acid reflux issues with the detox
**Question:** oh one year younger than me
**Answer:** lol Iโ€™m 55 in December
**Question:** 56 may
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** So you add your item to the cart
**Question:** Ok I have it in shopping cart and a pop up window saying get We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 50 $ is there too but I already have the email one
**Answer:** and then click on go to cart
**Question:** Update cart or checkout?
**Answer:** Please ignore that pop up we have an error which a being fixed as we speak
**Answer:** Checkout please
**Question:** Ok I see We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code now
**Answer:** It will show you the items you have ordered and below it is where you add your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Make sure you have it in capitals
**Question:** Thanks is P.O. box ok.for address?
**Answer:** I see the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has worked
**Answer:** Yes PO Box is fine it is delivered by NZ Post
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** I will watch and make sure you are ok ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Sorry lousy cell reception getting there
**Answer:** that is ok I can see you are almost there ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Have to transfer $ to visa wonโ€™t be long
**Answer:** ok no probs
**Answer:** Sorry backing out of PayPal to visa
**Answer:** Sorry. Husband been bitten before by PayPal so
**Answer:** Its ok
**Answer:** Good?
**Answer:** Yes all done ๐Ÿ™‚ We will get it out this afternoon for you and send the tracking details. If you need any help at any time please get in touch
**Answer:** Cheers
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi I wish to order an ultimate detox kit. My husband tried yesterday afternoon and the site told him out if stock
**Question:** However when I checked this morning it did bit say that
**Answer:** Gosh we arenโ€™t out of stock โ€“ did he look at another site?
**Question:** I couldnโ€™t find where to lodge the discount voucher you emailed to me though
**Answer:** Ok I can help you
**Question:** Yeah he probably did. Doh
**Question:** Ok great
**Answer:** You add the itme to your cart and then go to the checkout
**Answer:** Please do this and I can give you the next step ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Ok I will try again. Is a P.O. box ok for address
**Answer:** Yes tht is fine we send it via NZ Post when it is a PO Box number
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, Iโ€™ve just started my partner on the herbal detox, weโ€™ve done the lead in are now onto day 3 of the detox. Heโ€™s just been to the Dr and has come home with antibiotics, anti histamines etcโ€ฆ.I was hoping he could do the detox to try and help his symptoms without more medicines, but he now wants to take themโ€ฆis there any point he carries on with the detox if he is going to take these things???
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I think I would need to take advice on this from Brett. Can you advise me what he saw the Doctor about? Can you also give me your name and email address so we can respond as soon as Brett is out of his consultation.
**Question:** Thank you, Heโ€™s been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis- last two times he went to the Dr they said it was bronchitis. [Email].nz (heโ€™s come straight home & started the antibiotics & said the Dr said the detox was a waste of time-as I suspected would happen)โ€ฆThanks Dani
**Answer:** Hi Dani, is this a regualr thing he has been getting?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Greaat fire away and I can help
**Question:** Yesterday I received my ultimate herbal detox and was wondering how to use it
**Answer:** Ok have you looked at the User Guide inside the pack?
**Question:** No
**Answer:** Ok well you can either read the guide which has a lot of details or look at this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** You first decide the program you wish to do and then you follow the elimination diet, start your apsules and use the recipes.
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Jirayu do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi how much is th herbal detox would like to do this
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** It is nzd199 but we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to enter to get a discount
**Answer:** You can get [Price] off until 13 November
**Question:** ok that would be great what do I have to do?
**Answer:** You add the detox to your cart and then go to checkout where you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 and it will calculate the item with the discount
**Question:** can I do this tomorrow and will it be valid for a few friends as well we have done it before was brilliant I want to try and fast while on it this time
**Question:** your thoughts
**Answer:** Yes it is valid until 13 November so can be used until then. Great idea to do with friends as you can support each other. Brett has an article on fasting each I will get for you
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** do you have an email address I can contact
**Answer:** Yes you can contact us on [Email]
**Question:** Hi there
**Question:** Im going.to look at buying detox pack..
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Question:** Ive had a colonoscopy and its all clear .. my gp thinks irratable bowel.
**Answer:** Ok
**Question:** Ive had pains cramps and pains from side to side for 8 days and back pain can ibs go on for days ?
**Answer:** Yes it can do that
**Answer:** Have you seen Bretts article on ibs?
**Question:** Oh ok yes i have and its day 1 in the foods he suggests to eat .. while ibs is bad.
**Question:** Will the detox kit be the best thing.. im thinking so
**Answer:** Yes you do the detox as Brett describes in the article and then follow it up with the other bottles of capsules
**Question:** Ok great thankyou so much
**Answer:** This is the one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/irritable-bowel-syndrome-program)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** Omg wo 40 capsules daily
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s right. Itโ€™s a super high dose of herbs that gets the results
**Question:** Oh ok great
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** k
**Question:** Can you send me the link about ibs pls
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Yes bear with me a mo
**Answer:** It is under Ailments on the home page โ€“ here is the link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-natural-solutions)
**Question:** Thankyou
**Question:** Is it ok to eat gluten free sour dough bread if u have ibs
**Answer:** You shouldnโ€™t be eating any processed grain foods at all
**Question:** Oh thankyou so much
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there in the weekend I placed an order for the slim programme but was just looking at my paypal receipt and notice it said detoxโ€ฆ.I just wanted to check I had clicked on the right one?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** What is your name please?
**Question:** Sorry details are Donna Oโ€™Callaghan order [Phone]
**Answer:** Hi Donna, you have ordered a Herbal Slim ๐Ÿ™‚ so it will be out for delivery today.
**Question:** awesome thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Also are the programmes similar health/detox wise? I did the detox last year and it was amazing โ€“ i didnt need to loose weight then but do now so thats why I am trying the slim thsi time as I cant afford to do both at the moment
**Answer:** People normally do the detox followed by the slim for weight loss however you could do the BodiTune with the Slim which will speed things up. You can also focus on triggering ketosis while you are doing it โ€“ eating within an 8 hour window
**Answer:** People normally do the detox followed by the slim for weight loss however you could do the BodiTune with the Slim which will speed things up. You can also focus on triggering ketosis while you are doing it โ€“ eating within an 8 hour window
**Question:** I have a box of the boditune at home that I didnt end up finishing last time so I can take that too. thanks
**Answer:** Yes you can do that
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there did you need any more help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there can you do detox if you have ibs
**Answer:** Hello there.
**Answer:** Yes you absolutely can do the detox. In fact it gets great results if you follow the advice in Bretts article on the topic. I will give you a link
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-natural-solutions)
**Question:** Thankyou. I saw the detox kit at the health shop..
**Question:** And really want to get it
**Answer:** Excellent, you can certainly purchase it from the health shop or you could purchase it online from us and get the two extra bottles of herbs that Brett talks about in the article.
**Question:** How much is it online
**Answer:** The detox itself is 199 but we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get [Price] off. The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is available to use up until 13 November.
**Answer:** If you purchase the specific irritable bowel syndrome program we can also give you the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for [Price] off.
**Question:** The colonaid and dogizaid do i do that after the detox program
**Question:** Capsules
**Answer:** Yes you do it after the detox program โ€“ 4 capsules per day from each of the different bottles
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** I have the boditune DETOX and SLIM protein drink pack
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I wanna use it as follow up after the detox
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s a great plan
**Question:** how would you recommend to take it
**Question:** I mean I eat quite healthy on the diaily basis
**Question:** so do I have to take it every day or maybe couple of times a week
**Answer:** 1 or 2 sachets per day or 2 to 3 times per week. It is a flexible program which you can use as you feel you body needs
**Question:** oh perfect!
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** ๐Ÿ™‚ I am really happy with your produts
**Question:** products
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s great to hear! We try to give the best available
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there if you buy the BodiTune pot at the full price you get the BodiTune capsules free automatically
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah we were given these detox details by a friend last night. I havenโ€™t read much about it yet but i understand there is a 2 week detox option. Is that correct?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]โ€ฆ..also is this ok to do if taking medication for high blood pressure. Thanks, Jo
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Hi Brett
**Answer:** Yes the Herbal Detox program is very safe to do while on medication
**Answer:** It has good results on bringing down blood pressure, in fact it has a guarantee to do that.
**Question:** ok so my husband and i are looking at it for improving general wellbeing, some weightloss and to improve energy levels. Is there a two week option??
**Answer:** Yes there is a two week option
**Answer:** You can download the user guide if you wish? I can give you a link
**Question:** That would be great, thanks
**Answer:** This is also a good page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** Thanks very much
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide) this is the user guide
**Question:** Cheers!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** There are lots of recipes here too [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) just choose the 14 program from the drop down
**Question:** cool thanks
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I donโ€™t no where to get cilantro from. Tried dif shops
**Answer:** Its commonly called corriander and it should be in the fresh herb area in the supermarket
**Question:** Oh OK thanks lol. Good to no. Do u just have the smoothie drink 3 times per day. And no other food
**Answer:** It depends on your goal, but you should also eat at least one meal per day, especially in the evening
**Answer:** you can take up to 5 sachets a day, but itโ€™s best to start with 1 or 2 and see how it goes
**Question:** Oh yes I only have a small blender its same size as that tall glass u use or abit bigger.. Iโ€™ll probably only need 14
**Question:** Only need a quarter grapefruit. And avocado. And one sachet and a little coriamder.. And ginger and dates
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** I have done the weight calculation and the recommended programme for me is the 6 week power cleanse. I have the Ultimate Detox kit already. What is the most affordable way to buy the Slim kit and the Detox N Slim sachets?
**Answer:** Ok let me check for you
**Answer:** If you purchase the one month power detox program which is in the shop we can switch at the detox for a swim program. Would that work?
**Question:** My husband is also doing the Detox and we habve onme half of an Ultimate Detox kit left froma previous failed attempt (ooops). His recommended plan according to the weight Calculator is the 1 Month Steady Detox so we need to purchase another kit or top up pills if available and 2 x Detox n Slim Packs
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-power-detox-program)
**Answer:** We donโ€™t do top pills
**Answer:** Sorry top of pills.
**Answer:** So you want one swim program five packets of sachets and one detox? Is this correct
**Answer:** I can find you the best option
**Answer:** Sorry one slim program
**Answer:** The best option would be to purchase the six week program. And also two packets of sachets separately. You could then use our We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for another [Price] off
**Answer:** We will send you the links to these programs and the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code so bear with me
**Answer:** 6 week combo [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-6-week-program)
**Question:** I think so. Iโ€™m a bit confused with all of the packs. essentially we need the recommended 6 week Power Cleanse and the 1 Month Steady Detox minus 1 x Ultimate Detox
**Answer:** BodiTune x 2 [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-20)
**Answer:** We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is FANTASTIC40 For and extra [Price] discount
**Answer:** That should add up correctly for what you need
**Question:** Ok fantastic thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** If you add both of the programmes to your cart you can then add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code as you checkout
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** hi Sarah, i am having trouble downloading the 6week weight management guide can you help me?
**Answer:** Have you felling in the form?
**Answer:** It is sent fire email. It may pop up in your spam folder. It is worth keeping a look out there.
**Question:** where is the link? just keeps taking me to FAQ no form?
**Answer:** Ok Let me get it for you
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Oh gosh the link is broken. We will resolve that but if you give us your email address we will send it straight to you. Apologies for the error
**Question:** i thought so i couldnt get it!! [Email]
**Answer:** It is on its way now. Keep an eye on your spam folder just in case
**Question:** thanks!
**Answer:** Are you on a mobile device?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there what oils can I use to cook with?
**Answer:** We recommend coconut or olive oil
**Question:** ok thanks
**Question:** are onions ok to eat?
**Answer:** Yes they are excellent
**Answer:** Have you visited the recipe page
**Question:** yes but Iโ€™m at countdown now and forgot whatโ€™s good
**Question:** last question what sauces are allowed in stir fryโ€™s?
**Answer:** This might help
**Answer:** Almond or rice milk
**Question:** awesome thanks
**Answer:** Soy sauce, tomato purรฉe, canned tomato or tomato paste, coconut cream and most curry paste are good
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Your [Price] refund has been done as per my email
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Which plan would be best for me, I am wanting to lose weight quickly and have more energy
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The best plan so that would be the ultimate herbal detox
**Answer:** You can do it over 17 days, you do three days preparation taking certain foods out of your diet and then you start taking the capsules.
**Question:** can I have red meat or alcohol whilst doing this
**Answer:** Most people lose between 3 and 10 Kgs on this program
**Answer:** You canโ€™t have red meat in fact you canโ€™t have any meat at all. But you can have a small amount of alcohol and coffee
**Answer:** If you did the program over a longer time period, 30 days. You can have fish eggs and chicken.
**Question:** Ok thanks there were two events that I have to go too so I just wanted to make sure thank you
**Answer:** This program will boost your energy levels. It will also give you fresh skin, a clear ahead and eyes.
**Question:** Could I take the smoothie satchel on this program too
**Answer:** Yes you can combine them and it gives an even better result
**Answer:** You can buy them as a combo with a discount
**Question:** great thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program)
**Answer:** If you get it before 13 November I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for a bit more off too.
**Question:** How do I buy as a combo
**Answer:** Great youโ€™ve clicked on the link. This is what you add to your cart
**Question:** Would I do option 1 for it to be quick?
**Answer:** Sorry what do you mean by option 1? Just the detox?
**Question:** sorry under the link you gave me it gives you two option on how to take the pills etc
**Question:** if I buy this today do you have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club or was that it
**Answer:** Oh ok the quickest option is to do it over 14 days with the 3 days lead in.
**Answer:** You can have this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 15 NOW this will give you another 15% off the price and delivery is free
**Question:** Thank will buy now
**Answer:** Sorry it should be 15NOW all joined together
**Question:** How long will it take to get to Auckland
**Answer:** Should be there on Tuesday but Wednesday latest
**Answer:** Thanks for you order Kate. Just keep an eye on your spam folder in case our emails put up there.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Iโ€™m currently on the 14 day detox. I started taking the detox tablets on Wednesday morning and am still experiencing stomach pains and diarrhoea. Especially in the evenings and morningsโ€ฆ..Is this normal?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi Iโ€™m currently on the 14 day detox. I started taking the detox tablets on Wednesday morning and am still experiencing stomach pains and diarrhoea. Especially in the evenings and morningsโ€ฆ..Is this normal?
**Answer:** My email is [Email].nz
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Thank you, all good, I am a practitioner and recommending his product for a patient, I was just getting details of it for her.
**Answer:** Excellent good to hear from you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Iam unable to redeem We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club? why?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** unable to redeem [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club FANTASTIC40 why???
**Answer:** Is your order [Price] or above?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** It has a limit of a minimum order of [Price] or above. I can give you a 15% We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club if your order is less that that.
**Question:** yes please
**Answer:** Use 15NOW
**Question:** thank you. What can I use for menopause hot flashes that is non hormonal as I have sister with breastcancers
**Question:** Do you have EstroG-100?
**Answer:** The Livafood is ok to use however the Ultimate Herbal Detox would be much better to start with as it will cleanse everywhere.
**Answer:** No we only have our own developed products
**Question:** Do You have Vit B17 laetrile?
**Question:** That is Apricot Kernel
**Answer:** We only do our own detox and slim programmes developed by [Name]
**Answer:** Made in NZ
**Question:** Ok I understand How much is the ultimate herbal Detox?
**Answer:** It is normally [Price] but we have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get [Price] off so [Price]. It is a liver, intestine, colon cleanse plus heavy metal cleanse and parasite cleanse.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** The last time I got trush by doing detox. What went wrong?
**Answer:** Which detox did you do? And what was the food content?
**Question:** It is a long time ago. Red box Big letter DETOX with a booklet that said what you can and what you canโ€™t eat to follow
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** It was likely to be a result of the cleanse as you clean
**Answer:** the body you can get a break out.
**Question:** Does your detox include pro biotic tablets?
**Answer:** It is best not to have too much fruit which can help the breakout.
**Answer:** No we donโ€™t include probiotics because it is possible to get a simple probiotic like Inner Health plus or have lots of yogurt in smoothies.
**Question:** Ok. Thank you Sarah for your help. I have to go now.
**Answer:** All good happy to help
**Answer:** You can download the user guide too [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Via this page
**Answer:** or this one
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there, i am at the check out and was given a HOT50NOW We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club which iโ€™m being told is not valid?
**Answer:** Yes that has expired, but you can use FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off
**Question:** ok โ€“ weird that it only just gave it to me?
**Answer:** How did you sign up for that?
**Answer:** Just interested as it should have expired
**Question:** It just appearedโ€ฆmaybe a bug? a friendly bugโ€ฆ
**Answer:** OK will check it out
**Answer:** FANTASTIC40 should work fine
**Question:** yep that worked โ€“ thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** hi Iโ€™m a real person ready to help you if you need it ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I just saw on Instagram that your team will be at greenlane expo this weekend.
**Answer:** Yes that is right
**Answer:** I have just purchased a herbal detox combo. When can I expect arrival?
**Answer:** It will be there on Monday latest
**Answer:** Oh wow epic.
**Answer:** I would love to come along to the expo to learn more and meet you guys!
**Answer:** Would be great to meet you too! Brett is presneting his book Cleansed & Cured at 2.15pm
**Answer:** Oh cool seriously thinking of coming along!!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Sorry how long I need to wait for my ordering a come to me
**Answer:** Iโ€™m live in perth wa
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Yes I see that โ€“ it is a nice spot
**Answer:** 3 to 5 days max via DHL
**Answer:** But you will be able to track it all the way ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi Zorica, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Fire away ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** This morning im ordering ultimate herbal kit brett eliott
**Answer:** From you
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s right โ€“ thank you for ordering
**Answer:** I can see your order number [Phone]
**Answer:** Im paid 179$
**Answer:** Yes I can see that [Price] in AUD
**Answer:** When you are sending?
**Answer:** Your order will leave am tomorrow via DHL. It missed the cut off today. We will send trackign details via DHL as soona s it leaves so you can track it.
**Answer:** I have candida long time and im
**Answer:** sorry
**Answer:** My speling is not good
**Answer:** Im thinking im not ordering right herbs
**Answer:** It is fine ๐Ÿ™‚ Brett has done an article on Candida which will help you โ€“ just click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program) โ€“ you will need to use the advice on this page too.
**Answer:** Can you tell me what im ordering
**Answer:** I am use before ultimate detox kit by brett elliott
**Answer:** You ordered the right programme the Ultimate Herbal which you do for 14 days (with 3 days preparation) but you will need the Colonaid for 30 days afterwards.
**Answer:** Can i do for 25 days
**Answer:** You will also need to take fruit out of your diet as much as you can.
**Answer:** What is Colonaid
**Answer:** You need to do the Detox or 17 days in total (3 days prep and 14 days with capsules) then 30 days of the Colonaid.
**Answer:** Colonaid is one of the products in the detox programme โ€“ you just need to take more of it afterwards
**Answer:** How can i bay
**Answer:** And how much cost
**Answer:** I will bay
**Answer:** We will add the Colonaid into your order as it is free if you pay full price for the Detox programme ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Please make sure you take the advice in the article I gave you the link to earlier. It will really help
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/colonaid-anti-parasitic-120-caps) this is the Colonaid
**Answer:** I see now thanks so much
**Answer:** Sorry where you are
**Answer:** From new zeland.
**Answer:** We are based in Tauranga on the east side of the North island ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** A ok
**Answer:** Thank you so much
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ please make sure you follow the food and lifestyle advice in Bretts article โ€“ then you will get a great result! [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** Get in touch any time
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi Danielle, I not sure if you saw my response?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Yep I used fantastic40 discount, I didnโ€™t realise that would effect it
**Answer:** nevermind
**Answer:** Sorry about that. I am going to send you a bottle
**Answer:** We want to keep you happy and you didnโ€™t spot it ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Oh thatโ€™s very kind of you. Thank you
**Answer:** All good ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi there, just received my order but there are two items missing, the free boditune pills that were to come free when purchasing the 1kg tub of boditune? Ref [Phone]. Thanks
**Answer:** Let me check for you.
**Answer:** It is only possible to use one We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code per order and you used the [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** g
**Answer:** Hi Georgia can I help?
**Answer:** Hi there, if I made a purchase should I expect an email confirmation or order number? I made an order about an hour ago and have not received an email, thank you.
**Answer:** Your order has been received, thank you. Could you just check your spam folder in case it has popped in there please.
**Answer:** Found it!
**Answer:** Awesome! Just whitelist us and our emails will come through for you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, can he help with someone who gets constant uti infections?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes the Herbal Detox could help with that
**Answer:** It will help to alkalize your system and flush the kidneys and bladder
**Question:** Have you dealt with this area a lot as i have had them for a long time now and nothing seems to work?
**Answer:** Yes it is quite a common problem, The program will also help you to adjust your diet long term, after you try the recipes, itโ€™s a matter of eating a more alkaline diet as UTI thrive when the system is acidic
**Answer:** So would I need an appointment to come in and see you?
**Answer:** Not really, I could suggest a few things to use along with the Detox program and you should get a good result
**Answer:** Ok so you dont need my medical history when making a plan?
**Answer:** We could see you in a consult if youโ€™re in Tauranga, and go through that process if you like, but I would probably suggest the detox program anyway along with a few dietary changes and things will more than likely clear up
**Answer:** I am in tauranga, and have a few other ailments that I need to make sure will be ok with doing the cleanse?
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s probably worth a consultation then, I could see you next week Tuesday at 1pm or Thursday at 11am
**Answer:** How much would it be please?
**Answer:** [Price] for the consultation which takes 90 minutes, and I give you [Price] discount on the program if you go ahead
**Answer:** Does the consult cover the blood checking? and how much for program please?
**Answer:** yes its included, the detox program is normally [Price]
**Answer:** Ok I will do it then, Tuesday 1pm, where do I come please?
**Answer:** If you give me your email address and phone number I will send you a proper invitation by email
**Answer:** Ok, [Email] and [Phone]
**Answer:** Itโ€™s on the way now, you can just reply accept to confirm the booking, I look forward to meeting you
**Answer:** Sorry I also need your name ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you, I look forward to some relief.
**Answer:** Stephanie
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi . I am on day 5 of the herbal detox program and would like to increase the results . Would you recommend adding in two sachets of the detox and slim also ? Thanks !
**Answer:** Yes that would speed things up a little and they work very well together
**Question:** I know the program is different for everyone but is 1 or two bowel motions in a day โ€œnormalโ€? I expected more and all I feel is bloated โ€ฆ
**Answer:** Yes 2 a day is pretty standard, even a couple of days where nothing happens is normal, as you body gets ahead of schedule
**Answer:** If youโ€™re feeling bloated it is likely there is more a clean out still to come
**Answer:** you can also add in more herbs and spices to your food, like go from mild to medium or medium to hot with the curry etc
**Answer:** donโ€™t have too much raw brocolli, cauli or cabbage, they will definitely cause bloating
**Question:** we have been having our food quite a bit hotter than usual . Cayenne pepper , garlic, curry powder etc . Maybe adding those two sachets might work . Should I drop my normal smoothies and replace with these ? Worried Iโ€™m having too much sugar through fruit
**Question:** Havenโ€™t been having any raw broccoli cabbage or cauliflower
**Answer:** donโ€™t worry about the fruit sugar, you will still be naturally having a lot less carbs than normal
**Answer:** OK it could just be a clean out on the way
**Question:** Thanks for your help .. will keep following the program religiously as I have , add the two sachets and see how I go . Thanks so much for your help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** cant add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** Which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club do yu have? It may have finished and I can give you a new one.
**Question:** HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Oh yes that finished in July. You can use FANTASTIC40 instead ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** sounds great thanks, can i get on the email for the recipes?
**Answer:** Yes I can give you a link to sign up, one moment
**Answer:** You will see an orange button here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/cauliflower-leek-sweet-potato-soup)
**Answer:** There are also many more recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Great thanks Sarah, best i get some work done now.
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there, If I do breast-feeding, can I do detox program?
**Answer:** Yes you can as long as baby is 3 months old
**Answer:** In fact it is great for colic and reflux in babies as the herbs come through the milk.
**Answer:** Oh right. Thanks :)!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there. I am about to start on the detox programme. First thing in the morning I take hypertensive meds. When would I take the detox capsules?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can take the Detox capsules one hour after the meds.
**Question:** Great thanks.
**Answer:** You are most welcome ๐Ÿ™‚ Any time
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, i am currently on the 15 day detox and was just wondering about juices, i have brought an Oscar cold press juicer, is fresh juice ok on the 15 day ultimate detox?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine ๐Ÿ™‚ Juices are awesome on the detox
**Question:** Great thanks. Love the product, i have done it before and it worked really well and this time is no different, i have lost 4 kg already but what is the best part is that i feel so much better and its also day 7 if you include the leadin.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, does Brett live in Tauranga?
**Answer:** That is great to hear! If you feel like giving us a review at the end I am sure Brett would love it! [Link](https://www.[Website]/customer-reviews)
**Answer:** Yes he does โ€“ in Maungatapu
**Question:** I have a fairly large office, 87 people in Cameron Road and each year we do a โ€œwellness weekโ€ during this week we often invite people to come in an speak at some of the sessions we have. In the past we have had F45 and dietitians, help providers all sorts really. Brett would be welcome to come and speak and talk about his products if he wanted as they clearly fit this space
**Answer:** He would love to do that! He does public speaking regularly and loves to help people. He has been doing a lot of speaking engagements this year as his book has been doing very well in the shops. When is your wellness week? And who would he speak with?
**Answer:** About it?
**Question:** I will get the date. The person to speak to would be Debra Payne my PA, Deb number is [Phone], let her know you were chatting to Greg Murphy, I am GM of NZME BOP. Would be great if we could work someting in.
**Answer:** Ok Greg that sounds great!
**Answer:** Hey Greg Brett just told me that Nadya as already asked Brett to speak week commencing 19 November ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** He doesnโ€™t know much about it yet โ€“ is there a space to do a powerpoint or is it more casual than that?
**Answer:** Perfect! she is on to it so that great.
**Answer:** Yes there is we usually use our boardroom and there is a big screen with HDMI so easy to hook into for PPT and has sound if needed. I reckon if he does a deal in the Ultimate Detox we would see a few a couple of my managers are already thinking of giving it a go too
**Answer:** i mean sell a few
**Answer:** Sounds great โ€“ Iโ€™m sure he can give a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for a discount. If a group of people want to do it he has a 14 day programme of emails (tips, recipes, meditations) to go along it. He does it with lots of groups of people and we get great feedback from the support.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Tara, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** have just ordered herbal detox โ€“ can courier please bring down driveway and leave at front door โ€“ as mailbox is small. thanks โ€“ Order number [Phone].
**Answer:** Hi Donnamaree, We will request it from Fastway but canโ€™t guarantee. They are normally pretty good though ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Clicked it on accident, just using this as a resource for homework, thanks!
**Answer:** All good hope your homework goes well!
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Yes Iโ€™ve seen those, theyโ€™re great, but just wondered if you had more of a weekly meal plan as such per plan.
**Answer:** No we donโ€™t really do a detailed plan, sorry, as people like to pick and choose normally,
**Answer:** Ok, thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, just wanted to check if you could eggs on the detox. Also was wondering about butter and hummus! Thanks
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** It all depends which program you are following, is it the 14 day or the 30 days
**Answer:** im going to start the 14 day one and my husband is going to do the 30 dayโ€™s
**Answer:** You can have eggs (about 2 each week), fish about once a week on the 30 day plan
**Answer:** Butter is OK anytime
**Answer:** Hummus just a little bit, like a dessertspoon on a salad, but not as a dip for larger amounts
**Answer:** no eggs on the 14 day plan
**Answer:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Do you have weekly meal plan ideas for both of the programs? I think Iโ€™ll be fine but my husband is a huge meat eater so am trying to rack my brain for ideas!
**Answer:** Yes it comes with a recipe book inside the pack, but we do also have many recipes on the website here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** you can also get Cleansed and Cured which includes food ideas, like a recipe book [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah. How do we get the 20% offered for 2 X Gentle Detox & BodiTune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink in your cart pls ? Tks Ric
**Answer:** Hi Ric,
**Answer:** You need to add them as individual items first and then change the units to 2, it wonโ€™t work on the combo deal, as only one special offer can apply at once,
**Answer:** Try these links [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** and this one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** If you clear your cart, add one each of these, then change the unit number to 2 when you reach your cart
**Answer:** it should then apply 20% discount
**Answer:** The other option would be to use this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off the combo you already have chosen,
**Answer:** It all depends what works out better for you
**Answer:** I think the second option would be about [Price] less
**Answer:** I think you have a good deal there, as you also get the extra 120 capsules of boditune with that combintation
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** aioli
**Answer:** Sorry lol
**Answer:** Did you want to search the website?
**Answer:** If so just use the search box at the top of the website page ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I clicked on the โ€˜to be sent the parasite cleanse ebookโ€™ but I dont appear to have received it? Could you resend it? Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello there โ€“ did you fill in your email details?
**Answer:** Are you by any chance Amanda?
**Question:** yes that is me. Oh dear, what have i done?
**Answer:** lol nothing its all good โ€“ I was just checking to see if yoru automatic email had gone ๐Ÿ™‚ I can see you have received it and opened it so is everything ok now?
**Question:** yes, I was expecting an attachment, when I clicked on her belly the attachement came thru. LOL :}
**Answer:** Awseome glad to hear it has arrived. We are online to answer any questions at any point. Here to help!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Iโ€™m trying to use the โ€œHOT50NOWโ€ We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club but its saying its invalid
**Answer:** Oh yes that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code expired in July. You can use FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** OK thanks Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I see you have placed an order with brett โ€“ can I help you any more?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** HI there, just a quick question, are protein smoothies okay to have on the detox programme?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes they are fine to have
**Answer:** In fact they are perfect!
**Answer:** Thank you! I was also discussing with a friend about hummus, is hummus okay to have on the plan?! Thank you!
**Answer:** Itโ€™s ok for the 30 day programme but not the 14 days
**Answer:** Okay great, thank you so much for your help!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** ?
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** hi
**Question:** How are you today?
**Answer:** Very well thanks, you?
**Question:** Great, thanks!
**Answer:** Awesome I see you have been looking at one of Bretts articles. Do you have a question about it? Or are you interested in our programs?
**Question:** It also says order pending, and i have yet to receive a confirmation of order or delivery
**Answer:** Yes it have been received, and you should have received an email. please check your junk folder also
**Answer:** We will send you the tracking details for the delivery once it has been dispatched.
**Answer:** Youโ€™re speaking with [Name]
**Answer:** I will make sure your order is well looked after
**Question:** Ah right you are there, my junk folder is quite picky, apologies
**Question:** found the confirmation
**Answer:** thatโ€™s great
**Question:** Oh hi Brett! well great to chat to you, we are long time fans here in Spain
**Answer:** Iโ€™m glad it has helped you
**Question:** as you may have noticed we are delivering to a friend in Aukland who is coming this way, do you now deliver directly to EU?
**Question:** Last i checked there were quite strict regulations
**Answer:** Yes we do, but it can be difficult, especially hard to get into Spain, we have had then returned in the past, so Spain has been removed from the options
**Question:** Right, thats what I recall. Big Pharma has a strict control on any sort of alternatives coming in
**Question:** itโ€™s very unfortunate
**Question:** well we hope the detox makes it to our mate in Aukland who is flying this way mid november
**Answer:** Yes it will get there this week for sure, thanks again and hope it all goes well
**Question:** Thanks Brett! appreciate the assistance
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Answer:** IF Youโ€™re having trouble logging in I can reset your password
**Question:** I just made purchase for 2x Herbal Detox (order number [Phone]) and I have yet to receive any confirmation mail with my delivery info
**Question:** also I am trying to login with no avail
**Answer:** We have received the order for delivery to Richard Leggot
**Question:** This is correct!
**Answer:** I have reset your password now
**Answer:** try using detord1234 as the password
**Answer:** It should be delivered by Thursday
**Question:** Ok this seems to have worked. It even tells me Iโ€™ve been a member for 6 years which is about right since I started using Brett Elliot programs
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I have had personal belongings in storage for nearly a year and on recently going through my stuff I found both the ultimate herbal DEtox and Slim packages BUT the expiry date is Feb [Phone]. Will thesebe too far past the use by date? I think probably but I paid alot for themโ€ฆany chance of updating them without paying more?
**Answer:** You can use them. They are safe for over the use by date by
**Answer:** 2 years at least
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Iโ€™m about to start the Herbal Detox, should I stop taking other herbal supplements for the next 2 weeks?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is fine to carry on with your supplements or you can skip them for 2 weeks. It is your choice
**Answer:** Were you able to see my message?
**Question:** How about supplements like DIM?
**Question:** which helps with estrogen hormone balance
**Answer:** Itโ€™s completely to you
**Answer:** It wonโ€™t harm the detox
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** All good happy to help
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** hi am looking for a detox product do you do a powder or something that you take to detox the system and sort hormones?
**Answer:** Hi Anna
**Answer:** Yes we do have a product like that, let me get you a link
**Answer:** thank you, am eating well just wonder if it may fasten the weight loss with that help?
**Answer:** This would be the best one, especially if you take 2 sachets daily, breakfast and lunch times [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** Yes this is designed to detox your liver and balance your hormones, especially helps with food cravings
**Answer:** I donโ€™t really have cravings just feel like I hold a lot of water no matter how much exercise I do and how little I eat
**Answer:** The BodiTune does help your elimination, digestion and fat burning all at the same time so it would be good for your pattern I think
**Answer:** am I better off getting the pot of detox and slim or the packets and which plan do I follow for best results thanks or fastest ha
**Answer:** Actually they are both exactly the same product, just in different packaging for convenience.
**Answer:** I think 2 servings a day would be best to start with
**Answer:** Breakfast and lunch times, and you could have a piece of fruit with each one, like a mandarin, apple or orange
**Answer:** sorry for questions how much will I need to order to be beneficial because one packet wont last long? am I right?
**Answer:** One packet would last for 2 weeks at that dose, so you are right. I would suggest 6 weeks to get a good outcome and see some real measurable results,
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** There is a 30% saving available on three packs here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/3-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-30)
**Answer:** thanks heaps
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome anytime
**Answer:** hi again sorry I was adding a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code hot50now and it wont work?
**Answer:** That one has expired, I will give you another
**Answer:** You can use FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** does the ultimate herbal detox cover the liver is well? Or is that detox different?
**Question:** I was just reading the piece you guys have on your website about NAFLD. And was wondering which detox would be better for sk
**Question:** someone with NAFLD
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox covers the Liver but when it has finished an extra Livafood is required fr the month after to ensure the Liver has had the deep clean it needs for Liver issues.
**Answer:** It is also important to use the right foods as well.
**Question:** Doing the ultimate detox do you get like recipes or something to follow that would help you get the best out of the detox?
**Answer:** Yes you do โ€“ there are recipes in the User guide plus on the website. The foods tht are best for the Liver are detailed on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program)
**Question:** Oh awesome. One other thing is it safe to do this detox whilst breastfeeding?
**Answer:** It is great once baby is 3 months old โ€“ in fact it helps with the babies reflux and colic (those herbs are amazing!)
**Question:** Okay awesome! My daughter is 6 weeks old so Iโ€™ll get myself ready to start when sheโ€™s 3 months. Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcoem โ€“ would you lke to look at the recipes?
**Answer:** I can can give you a link
**Question:** Yes please. And how would I know what would be good for liver etc?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) โ€“ choose the 14 day program from the drop down โ€“ you focus on the foods on the Liver Detox program page from the recipes on offer ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Awesome! Thank you so much
**Answer:** Hey no problem happy to help
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there, Iโ€™m currently doing the Ultimate Detox. I couldnโ€™t remember if Iโ€™m allowed eggs on the 14 day version. Could you please advise?
**Answer:** No eggs on the 14 day program just the 30 day one ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Ok cool thanks!
**Answer:** All good happy to help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Where can i buy slim sachets from
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You can buy the online from us and we deliver next day. Or
**Answer:** if you tell us where you are we can give you the nearest stockist
**Question:** Can i eat other meals if Iโ€™m doing detox smoothies
**Answer:** Yes you can โ€“ we reccomend eating certain foods as it gives you a better result.
**Question:** I live in Bay of plenty Te puke
**Answer:** If you click on this link you can see the foods you can eat here [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-how-does-it-work)
**Question:** I dont have the blender he uses i just have a little ninjas..
**Answer:** We are in Maungatpau, Tauranga ๐Ÿ™‚ We can deliver next day or even today as I cam coming over to Te Puke. You can also get it from Heath [Phone] in Bayfair.
**Question:** Oh yes i will buy at Health [Phone]
**Question:** Can i use cellery instead of that othet stuff he used in the beetroot an grapefruit recipe
**Answer:** Yes you can. By the way Health [Phone] bayfair will charge you the full price of [Price] but we can give you a discount of 15% with a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code.
**Question:** Thats ok il buy at the bayfair
**Answer:** OK
**Question:** I only want the slim sachets for my smoothies detox of my liver
**Answer:** The Detox โ€˜n Slim sachets all come together. You get a gentle cleasne which soothes and heals the Liver plus a small weight loss over the month.
**Question:** Do you have one smoothie per day and then eat 2 other meals like breakfast and Dinner..
**Answer:** There are a number of ways to do it based on the goal you have โ€“ it is best to download the user guide so you can see the options. [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-boditune-detox-n-slim-user-sheet)
**Question:** Ok
**Question:** Can i use cellery instead of that other green he used for the liver detox
**Answer:** If the Liver is the organ you wish to clean it is best use the foods recommended in the Liver program [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program) Celery is fine
**Question:** Thankyou
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** What prep needs to be done diet wise prior to starting with the detox?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I am sorry for the delay
**Answer:** There is 3 days prep where you take certain foods out of your diet
**Answer:** You can see the foods that come out on this page under Stage 1 [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Is the herbal detox gluten free, ie suitable for a Coeliac? Thanks
**Answer:** Yes it is gluten-free and suitable for you.
**Question:** Awesome, thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome, Iโ€™m here to help.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Pauline, Do you need some help?
**Answer:** How Sarah, I can see the tracking number for my last order, can you help me with that?
**Answer:** Canโ€™t*
**Answer:** Yes I can โ€“ Your order was sent via DHL and the number for tracking is [Phone]
**Answer:** thanks!
**Answer:** It says it was delivered on Wednesday and signed for
**Answer:** I can give you the signature
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: POD_5509221351.pdf
**Answer:** The delivery address is my parentโ€™s, I am not home so they might done it for me but they havenโ€™t told me, I just need to check with them to be sure because I canโ€™t recgonize the signature. Thanks for your help, Iโ€™ll call back to you if thereโ€™s something wrong.
**Answer:** Ok thanks for the info
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Otherwise you could reset it to Brettandsarah2014
**Answer:** Iโ€™m home hang in on
**Answer:** Username: [Name]
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hello Sarah
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Yes it brett I canโ€™t login, is my website password on your passwords sheet
**Answer:** Ok you will need to wait until I get home 5 mins away x
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi I have juast ordered the Detox plan. Does it come with any diet suggestions
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Inside the pack that our recipes you can use but I can also point you to the section on the website where you can see more
**Answer:** Choose your program from the herbal program drop down [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Okay thanks Sarah โ€“ is there a diet plan
**Answer:** The diet is any of the recipes for the 14 day program โ€“ itโ€™s a fruit and vegetable diet.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I have about 10kg to lose hopefully in the next 2 months. I am very toxic drink too much so what would be the best program for me
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** I woudl suggest the Detox and the Slim program back to back.
**Answer:** The Detox will cleasne the toxins and help you lose weight and then the Slim program focuses on the weight los.
**Question:** so take the detox for 1 month and then slim for one month
**Answer:** You do the Detox for 14 days (with 3 days prep so total 17 days) and then the Slim for one month.
**Question:** The thought of all these capsules makes me feel sick is it easier to take the powder
**Answer:** The powder is more gentle so you need to take it for a longer time to get the same effects.
**Answer:** You can open the capsules and add them to a smoothie
**Question:** Ok no I will do what you suggested thanks
**Answer:** Have you seen the combo?
**Answer:** Sorry youa re on it now ๐Ÿ™‚ lol
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah can you tell me if the ultra slim program is gluten and dairy free?
**Answer:** Yes it is ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Happy to help any time
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** i returned my pack of slim program. Wanted to be sure if you guys have recieved it. Havent got my refund back
**Answer:** What is your name please?
**Question:** taran bindra
**Answer:** Bear with me please
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** We have received your parcel and the refund will be done later today.
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I am trying to checkout and use a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club but it is saying We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is not valid
**Answer:** Which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club are you using please?
**Question:** I was given on online โ€œHOT50NOWโ€
**Answer:** Ok that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has finished โ€“ you can use FANTASTIC40 instead ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Great thanks โ€“ that worked. Have a great day.
**Answer:** Awesome happy to help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** This is the one ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Good morning. I wanted to know whether your capsules are vegecaps, or gelatine capsules?
**Answer:** Hello it depended on the program
**Answer:** The Detox is gelatine do vegans open them into smoothies
**Question:** The ultimate herbal slim, and the ultimate herbal detox
**Answer:** The BodiTune capsules are vegecaps
**Answer:** The Slim is also gelatine and can be opened into a smoothie
**Question:** Are there any plans to change them into vegecaps, as I am vegetarian. I canโ€™t seem to handle the taste of herbs when taken out of capsules
**Answer:** Not at the present time as they are too expensive and would make the programs unsellable. You could consider the BodiTune capsules which contain the detox and the slim herbs. You just need to buy six packs to get the same power of both programs.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Ok I will tonite.
**Answer:** Try the warm drink like a herbal tea first ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there I have cut down my pills from 5 each twice daily to 3 from yesterday and felt better yesterday. No nausea and diarrhea but today I have the nausea back. Iโ€™ve tried ginger tea with honey. What can I do? Iโ€™m so over feeling sick and off my food and now I feel like Iโ€™m put off of a lot of the veges Iโ€™ve been eating while feeling crappy.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Let me check you records
**Question:** Hi Iโ€™m on day 16
**Answer:** What you are exeriencing is quite normal although it might not feel like it. Your body seems to be doing an intense Detox which is why you are experiencing the strong symptoms. You can cut back again on the capsules to 1 each day to get through this stage and for your body to settle down. Are you having Epsom salt baths which detoxing?
**Question:** Ok no we dont have a bath
**Question:** Iโ€™ve also 3 kgs and had already lost 2kgs before starting as had a bag stomach bug. I dont want to lose anymore weight
**Question:** Iโ€™ve also 3 kgs and had already lost 2kgs before starting as had a bag stomach bug. I dont want to lose anymore weight
**Answer:** Do you have access to hot pools nearby? It will help to settle the symptoms.
**Question:** We have a spa pool
**Answer:** Ok that will help you. Do you meditate? Your body is wanting to go into a deep cleanse which is why you have the symptoms so strongly.
**Question:** How long do I take 1 pill twice a day for?
**Question:** I used to meditate but will try that more
**Answer:** Just until you feel your body is getting on top of it. Once the symptoms have cleared you can increase it if you feel you want to.
**Answer:** Re the weight loss
**Answer:** Herbs will work with your body so if you don;t need to lost more it wonโ€™t happen but if you do it will.
**Question:** Ok rhats good to know re the weight. Ibhavnt been this weight ever as an adult.
**Answer:** Brett has a great meditation process in this article [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/meditation-finding-spiritual-illumination)
**Answer:** Ok so you need to go slowly and gently feeling how your body is at each stage. I am presuming that you havenโ€™t done Brettโ€™s Detox before?
**Question:** No I havnt
**Answer:** Have you done a detox before?
**Question:** Not sure I could handle it again
**Question:** I did do one years ago similar but all the capsules puts me off Iโ€™m gagging everytime I take them and then feel them sitting in my chest afterwards
**Answer:** Your body has to go through the first one and then each one after gets easier ๐Ÿ™‚ it can be a sign of your physical and emotional body.
**Answer:** Have you need opening them up and adding the capsules to a smoothie?
**Answer:** I take them like that and it works ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** I have been drinking half in pineapple juice and I swallow it then bring it back up then swallow it again and quickly eat a piece of pineapple to flush down the horrendous taste.
**Question:** I just cant wait to not have to take anymore capsules
**Answer:** You should also try with a warm drink asn with a cold drink your throat can tighten but the warm drink opens your throat up. I think you should try them in a smoothie or a warm drink ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ here to help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** What will be the useny date for
**Answer:** Sorry do you mean the Use By Date?
**Question:** HiHow long is the use by date on the detox?
**Answer:** Let me check for you as it depends on the batch we have in stock
**Answer:** January [Phone]
**Answer:** So 3 years
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Ric,
**Answer:** I just emailed you the online consulting for to fill out
**Answer:** If you can get that back to me over the next day or so, I will respond over the weekend, Brett
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m here if you need anything
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** My 25 year old son was diagnosed with Crohns disease. I am a nurse, but tend to believe in staying away from most medications. The physician wants him to jump right into the immunosuppressant drugs which they are very dangerous and cause a plethora of side effects, and have potential to cause other diseases.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes we have many people who have used our Herbal Detox program for that very problem with great success
**Question:** In success, do you mean a cure? How long did it take a lot of your customers to realize a positive outcome? Is this something you must stay on for life?
**Answer:** Usually they get symptomatic relief with the 2 week program, and often we recommend repeating it again over one month at the lower dosage to get a good healing effect,
**Answer:** Long term the program can be used at a maintenance dose
**Answer:** which is over 2 months, it all depends on the individual how much is needed and also the diet helps a lot
**Question:** Are your products organic?
**Answer:** Not certified organic as we canโ€™t get all the herbs organic, but they are spray free and tested for pesticides, heavy metals, yeast and mold etc
**Answer:** All the ingredients are 100% herbal
**Answer:** We use GMP manufacturing and have FDA registration and compliance
**Question:** If it does not work, you have a 100% guarantee?
**Answer:** Yes we do, but the pack would have to be returned with a letter of what went wrong. you can see the guarantee here [Link](https://www.[Website]/terms-service)#guarantee
**Answer:** Itโ€™s very hard to guarantee results as there are so many variables, but we do offer it anyway
**Question:** OK. Thank you for the information.
**Answer:** Youre welcome anytime
**Answer:** We deliver by DHL 3-5 days and send you the tracking number
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Are the boditune capsules the same as whatโ€™s in the sachet if I open them? You
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** Just checking. Is Brettโ€™s Personal Online Consultation available at this time ?
**Answer:** Yes it is available
**Answer:** It takes a couple of days for Brett to process it and give his feedback.
**Answer:** Ric Whangarei. Tks
**Answer:** Thanks Ric โ€“ Brett has been notified and will be in touch soon. Please keep an eye on your spam folder as his first email may pop in there.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, my naturopath recommended this detox to me to help with my liver and digestive system, And also wanted me to take Organic spirulina, Probiotics, flax oil and zinc tablets, do you think these would work well together?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there sorry for the delay
**Answer:** Yes they will work really well together. No problems with those
**Answer:** The detox is a liver cleanse, and intestinal cleanse so the whole digestive system. It also has a heavy metal detox and a parasite cleanse The detox goes right down to cell level.
**Question:** Ok great, will it help in rebalancing hormones? or do you know if people often take this detox after coming off birth control pills?
**Answer:** It will definitely help with re-balancing the hormones. And it is definitely used for people coming of birth control pills. Are you looking to get pregnant? Or is it to clean your body and boost your health?
**Question:** to clean my body, rebalance hormones and hopefully avoid my skin from breaking out too much
**Answer:** Okay those are good goals to have. This Detex will certainly help with all of those. The liver is the key organ here as it cleans and therefore helps the functions in the body.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello Sarah I have just placed an order for the ultimate detox which you gave me a code for a discount can you still apply this to my payment? Morgan Penny on [Phone]
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** It appears the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club wasnโ€™t used, so we will have to offer you a refund for the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club amount
**Answer:** OK thanks that would be great
**Answer:** It would be a [Price] refund and appear on your credit card statement, I can do it no for you and email the receipt
**Answer:** Great thank you
**Answer:** It is done ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** You should have an email with the receipt now
**Answer:** Do you have a detox program for someone who is on a hectic therapy human hookworm program that doesnโ€™t kill them?
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Helminthic I mean spell check
**Answer:** Unfortunately there are herbs in the program that are designed to deworm your body, including black walnut, cloves, wormwood and golden seal, so itโ€™s not a good idea to be doing both at the same time, I would do the detox first then the hookworm program
**Answer:** You could do the gentle one month plan as that probably wont kill the worms
**Answer:** thatโ€™s one of the option inside the Detox pack
**Answer:** Thank you I will look into. My friend is currently using the for her auto immune conditions celaic and psoriasis condition but feels it a time for a detox. I will chat with her regards the one month plan.
**Answer:** I think the herbs would really help with those and also I would suggest a mixed mushroom extract which I can get as liquid medicine, something to think about ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** OK that sounds good, we have looked at reshi but interested in options. The worms work when kept at the right levels. Also looking something to help with Alopecia Barbae
**Answer:** There are lots of immune modulators available in the herbal arena, garlic is a great one especially for anything skin related, so that could be worth looking into for the alopecia
**Answer:** Thank you I have read that garlic helps. Iโ€™ve been looking and trying a few aromatherapy options for a while now so im interested in trying things to help . regards Morgan
**Answer:** Keep in touch, Iโ€™m here to help anytime ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Question:** With the Ultimate Herbal Detox, is there a special deal on the cholesterol lowering programme? What is the deal?
**Answer:** The program is the Detox and a free Livafood for following โ€“ If you add the Ultimate Herbal Detox to your cart and then the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code CHOLBONUS it add the Livafood and give it free.
**Answer:** Saving [Price]
**Question:** You were offering [Price] off the price this month. Is this still appicable?
**Answer:** You can use FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off orders of [Price] and over until 13 November. It is not possible to use 2 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club codes though โ€“ so either the Cholesterol code or the Fantastic code.
**Question:** Ok. And just to confirmโ€ฆ.. Does the Ultimate Detox programme contain any spirulina?
**Answer:** No it doesnโ€™t ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Great. thanks for that. I think i will go for the CHOLBONUS. Once I have finished with the 480 capsules, do i simply just continue with the Livafood capsules for a few weeks?
**Answer:** Let me give you the info
**Question:** Can you include it in my order?
**Answer:** Continue with LivaFood Capsules (4 daily) for one month after your 14 Day Detox is complete. This will continue to assist your Liver in controlling Cholesterol for another month. I then recommend completing this program once every year, just like you would service your motor vehicle, to help maintain a healthy Liver and keep Cholesterol under control.
**Answer:** You wil need to put the Detox into your cart and go to checkout where you can add the Livafood code
**Answer:** It wil show up on your order and will be put in the parcel ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thanks so much for that
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Question:** I started the ultimate Detox today. What can I have for snack
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is good to be prepared with some snack ideas such as dates, prunes, mandarins, cherry tomatoes, raisins, gherkins, figs, baby carrots, pickled onions, olives and such like to keep to going in between meals. There will be a point where hunger can drop away and this is a very rewarding experience, so letting your cravings go unrewarded is worth the effort. The Ultimate Herbal Health Program is designed to give us an experience of alternative energy. The kind of energy we never knew was available and we call it Life Force.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** If you remove the Livafood from you cart and then add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code you will get the free Livafood ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Sorry Sarah, the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club still not working
**Answer:** You donโ€™t need to add the Livafood to the cart yourself, the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club will do it automatically
**Answer:** Only add the Detox to your cart then checkout using the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, it will add the other product for you
**Question:** ahhhh, i will try
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club wont work with the twin pack 20% deal either, only with the single detox, you can get the Livafood separately but will have to pay the full price for it
**Answer:** If you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club now it should add the free item
**Question:** i tried all different ways and wasted a lot of time and nothing is working. Not the greatest system to work with, I am afraid ๐Ÿ™
**Answer:** OK, it has been working OK here, we can add it for you in the delivery if you checkout with 1 x Detox at [Price] we will inculde the free item, no problems
**Question:** I think the easiest way is for me to call and order, as someone on the other side should know all the rules you have in place discounting
**Answer:** Whatโ€™s your number, as we can call you now
**Question:** OK, I will process it now.
**Answer:** Thank you Beata โ€“ we will add the Livafood to your order
**Answer:** Tx Sarah ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, I am looking at the different detox options you have available and looking at the best that suits me, a friend recently did a 3 program but I couldnt see that one.
**Question:** 3 week program
**Answer:** It was probably the Ultimate Herbal Detox that you do over 17 days?
**Answer:** This one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** OK thanks I will look into it. He said he lost 15kg which I thought was a lot in 3 weeks.
**Answer:** Yes that is normal on the program โ€“ if you tell me his name I can make sure you are looking at the same one
**Answer:** It is weight loss you are looking for or it is other reasons?
**Question:** A little weight would be good and a good detox cleanse
**Answer:** Ok then the Ultimate Herbal Detox over 14 days (with 3 days prep) is the way to go. It is capsule based and you can open the capsules and add them to a smoothie if you wish.
**Question:** darryl Matthews
**Question:** OK so that was the link you sent me
**Answer:** Ok I think he must have bought it from a shop as he is not on our direct system. Yes that is the one
**Answer:** You can get a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code from us for [Price] off if you buy on line before the end of October.
**Question:** OK great there are two of us wanting to do them, one of us is celiac is it suitable
**Answer:** Yes it is fine โ€“ are you doing it together?
**Question:** Thatโ€™s good yes we are. Looking to order them together
**Answer:** If you add 2 to your cart it will give you 20% off and then you can use your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for another [Price] off โ€“ the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is FANTASTIC40
**Question:** OK great thanks for your help we will order some this evening
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ we are here to help you on your journey ๐Ÿ™‚ Get in touch any time.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** i AM at the checkout and trying to redeem your coupn for CHOLBONUS and HOT50NOW and I am unable to do soโ€ฆplease advise. Kind Regards, Beata
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You can only use one We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at a time
**Answer:** Are you trying 2 at a time?
**Question:** no, only 1 CHOLBONUS
**Answer:** Ok let me check for you
**Answer:** You have in your shopping cart the Liver Detox program then We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club works on the Ultimate Herbal Detox program. Switch to this program and then you will get the free item with the CHOLBONUS We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code.
**Answer:** This is the program you should be ordering [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) to get the free Livafood
**Answer:** Hi are you able to see my messages? ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** yes, just busy on a phone right now
**Answer:** All good ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Is ultimate Herbal detox the same as Liver one? As I am looking for major cholesterol changes.
**Answer:** The one you require for the Cholesterol changes is the Ultiamte Herbal Detox plus the extra Livafood ๐Ÿ™‚ It will certainly make a difference.
**Answer:** This is how you do it
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox program includes almost all of the dietary changes and herbs mentioned in the Cholesterol article and has proven to help lower Cholesterol. The high dosage of herbs in the Ultimate Cholesterol Program includes Aloe Vera, Chia seeds, Dandelion, Globe Artichoke, Milk Thistle, Papaya, Pineapple, Psyllium Husk, Turkish Rhubarb, Ginger, and Cayenne.
**Question:** oke doke, tx for clarification
**Answer:** You are welcome any time ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi can you clear out you cart and add the Detox in first then use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, not sure if your available today as itโ€™s a public holiday but will try. Iโ€™m on day 13 of the cleanse and have 4 days left to go as I did the first week on the monthly dose. For the last 3 days I have been getting nausea from about 2pm onwards until I go to sleep. So I dont feel like eating much. Also I have diarrhea like bowel motions several times a day. Is this all normal? I just feel so tired now.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Those symptoms can happen as you detox, but too much diarrhoea is not good, so you could lower the dosage to 3 of each twice a day and go for a couple of extra days to finish off
**Answer:** Maybe try some ginger tea for the nausea
**Question:** Ok will do but not sure I can last on these pills for another 6 days
**Answer:** Great, you can always use them up as you slowly go back onto your normal food
**Question:** So what dose would I take if I did that?
**Answer:** Maybe 3 of each for the next 4 days then 2 of each for another 4 days, that would be good for your body and slow things down and make it more comfortable at the same time
**Answer:** instead fo 5 each time
**Answer:** instead of
**Question:** So do I start introducing normal foods in 4 days time and then while eating them also take 2 of each pill each day?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Ok so is it better to take those 2 in the mornings or evenings?
**Answer:** Just like you have been until now, taking both morning and night, 2 of each twice daily ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Ok what causes the nausea?
**Answer:** It can just be your body detoxing and cleansing, but sometimes it can be due to emotional energy, if you have been stressed or eating emotionally etc, then the emotions will come us and can cause nausea
**Answer:** come up, due to the restricted food i.e. no comfort foods
**Question:** Ok so itโ€™s not related to not having enough digestive enzymes?
**Answer:** not likely, as the diet is much higher in enzymes than normal food, plus there are enzymes in the digezaid capsules
**Question:** Ok itโ€™s weird as when i ate pumpkin soup the other day my stomach became so bloated and the soup was pretty healthy
**Answer:** Yes it is more likely the cleansing effect is causing the nausea in that case
**Answer:** for example you vomit as a way of cleansing your stomach, itโ€™s your bodyโ€™s way of removing toxins
**Answer:** so you can get that during a cleanse especially if there is detox taking place
**Question:** But I havnt vomited. Itโ€™s so hard to eat when nauseous as have no appetite but then wake up in the night hungry
**Answer:** try the ginger tea, it should help
**Answer:** I was just using that as an example, just get fresh ginger and steep it in hot water with a little honey
**Question:** Ok thanks for all your help
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** hi ,are you online
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes we are here
**Answer:** if the product sent to CHina ,is that tax free
**Answer:** No there may be some taxes when it arrives there. We send the product at a very low invocie value of NZD[Price] so the tax should be very low.
**Answer:** i have bought two DETOx PRODUCTS online a week before
**Answer:** CHina customs need me pay for tax FOR TOTAL PRICE 15%
**Answer:** COULD YOU send me the invoice for my product
**Answer:** That will be very low as the invoice value is NZD[Price]
**Answer:** We do not declare the full price on the DHL paperwork so that you pay a lower tax.
**Answer:** ok i got it
**Answer:** You should pay NZD[Price].75 if it is 15%
**Answer:** so please sent my ordersโ€˜ invoice
**Answer:** i will pay them
**Answer:** You need to pay DHL not us ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** they need our products order invoice
**Answer:** You will need to contact them to do the payment.
**Answer:** i will pay it โ€˜
**Answer:** i know
**Answer:** i just tell them the price of this order
**Answer:** i will pay it
**Answer:** If you do that they will charge you more
**Answer:** Let me see if I can gie you the DHL invoice
**Answer:** if i need tell the order number
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Bear with me and I will attach it to the chat for you.
**Answer:** ok \
**Answer:** thanks a lot
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Mingming-Cao.pdf
**Answer:** This is the invoice with the items
**Answer:** You can see each item is charged at [Price] each so NZD[Price] โ€“ you will need to pay about NZD[Price].50 for the 2 items
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** i got it
**Answer:** Great ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** hiare you still online ,Sarah Jones
**Answer:** Yes I am here
**Answer:** why china customs said it was not available
**Answer:** The invoice would have been attached to the package
**Answer:** i have sent them the invoice you gave me ,but they told me they need personal purchase invoice
**Answer:** Ok we can do that please wait. We will do it with the special price of nzd[Price]
**Answer:** So the tax fees are low
**Answer:** ok anyway thanks a lot
**Answer:** Will be with you soon
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Invoice-INV-[Phone].pdf
**Answer:** Here it is
**Answer:** I have sent it can you see it?
**Answer:** okthanks a lot,i have sent it to China customs ,just wait its reply
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Hope good news
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, I just bought the ultimate herbal detox but did not know it cane with such ridiculously strict diet rules. If I continue a healthy diet but kept eating fish, chicken and brown rice, would i still see benefits? And would there be any worse side effects if i did this? Thanks.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** If you did it over 14 days with that diet you would see little effect.
**Question:** So is the only weight loss i would see simply because im not allowed to eat anything other than fruit and veges?
**Answer:** You could follow the 30 day programme with its diet which is a little more lenient. Chicken fish and eggs are allowed. You can see the food list on page 15 of the user guide.
**Question:** would i see weight loss on that programme?
**Answer:** No if you followed the diet on the 14 day programme you would see a change in your skin, a release of toxins from your body so a clearer head as well.
**Answer:** Normally on the 14 day programme the weight loss is about 3 to 10kgs depending on how your body is.
**Question:** ok so it only works if you eat only veges and fruit? Sounds likr i just paid [Price] for a diet i could have done myself.
**Answer:** No sorry it is much much more than a weight loss diet!
**Answer:** You will get a parasite cleanse
**Answer:** A heavy metal cleanse
**Answer:** A Liver cleanse
**Answer:** A intestine and colon cleanse
**Answer:** Kidneys clean
**Answer:** Head fogginess reeduction
**Answer:** Did you read the info on the programme?
**Question:** yes and it sounds bloody ridiculous
**Question:** i cant eat only fruit and vegetables for 17 days straight.
**Question:** Is roadt kumara and pumpkin allowed? It says pumpkin for soup?
**Answer:** You do 3 days where you take certain items out of your diet so you donโ€™t do 17 days straight.
**Question:** it says you have to continue it
**Answer:** Sorry I dod not know what you mean by continue it
**Answer:** You can eat everything here
**Answer:** Almond or rice milk
**Question:** it says โ€œwhile continuing the pure food dietโ€ for all stages
**Answer:** Where did you get the programme from?
**Answer:** In stage one you reduce your intake of certain foods
**Answer:** DAY 1: (or can be over 2 days) โ€“ Eliminate all grains, sugars and starches, especially wheat products which contain gluten: bread, pasta, pastry, pies, baking, cakes, cookies/biscuits, crackers, snack bars, rice and rice products; any grain product in a package. Eliminate sweets, sweet foods, candy, chocolate.
**Question:** yes and then in the rest of the stages it says to continue that diet. So 17 days i cannot eat anything but fruit and veges? Thats fucking ridiculous.
**Answer:** Ok you donโ€™t need to swear โ€“ I suggest you take the programme back to where you purchased it from as it is not for you. Sorry, it is not what you are looking for โ€“ the herbs and foods are what get the results and it doesnโ€™t appear to be for you.
**Question:** I suggest you read the manual before you try to answer peoples questions.
**Answer:** I know the manual inside out and back to front but it isnโ€™t what you are looking for.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Have you switched your currency to AUD?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** I am in Canada and have an issue pertaining to my Ladyship blender LS658
**Answer:** is this right place toask about it
**Answer:** Sorry no we are not the manufacturer just a retailer. You need to go back to the person you purchased from.
**Answer:** ok thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hello thete
**Answer:** It takes between 3 to 5 days via DHL
**Question:** Excellent โ€“ I have just completed an unsuccessful round of IVF and have been recommended a detox before trying againโ€ฆ Is the 14 day ultimate health detox suitable for this purpose?
**Answer:** And the cost varies depending on the programme. You have to choose an item, add your shipping details and then it tells you the cost,
**Answer:** Yes it is ideal for improving fertility. The 14 day program is a little like weeding the garden before planting the seed.
**Question:** Do you know how much time I would need to leave between finishing the detox and commencing my next round of treatment?
**Answer:** We normally suggest starting the detox at the end of your period. You will then be finishing the detox at day 14 of your cycle. And that is the ideal time to get IVF
**Question:** Ok great, thank you very much for your help Sarah. I will look into it today.
**Answer:** Brett has written an article on fertility. . I can give you a link if you would like to read it?
**Question:** That would be greatโ€ฆ thank you
**Answer:** Here you go [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-detox-can-increase-fertility.) We are happy to help you any time.
**Question:** I canโ€™t seem to get that link to work
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-detox-can-increase-fertility)
**Answer:** Sorry I accident Lee put a. At the end so it wasnโ€™t the correct link.
**Answer:** So Brett popped it in for me ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Great, got it now! Thanks guys. It has been recommended to me by a friend in NZ who did it between IVF cycles. I definitely feel I need to do something to clear the system out before our frozen embryo transfer as I suffered from over stimulation during our first cycle
**Answer:** Happy to help any time. Just come online and we can support you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** so, ive started the boditune today. my starting weight is 106kg. ive had one sachet and am already feeling the difference. im keeping a diary of my daily intake. i feel like this is going to work for me.
**Answer:** We look forward to hearing about your progress
**Question:** I am a student so am sitting alot and putting on alot of weight. apparently this is called study body. well i still have two years to go and fear i wont be fitting through the door by then. so here goesโ€ฆ
**Answer:** Good plan
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi. I have done the detox program and keen to learn more about cholesterol. I have struck a snag downloading the ebook
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Iโ€™m just wondering about quantities of supplements to take. I did a week on 2 of each then after a week I increased to 3 then 4 the next day. Iโ€™m feeling ok so should I take 5 of each twice a day now?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes you can do that if you feel fine
**Answer:** It sounds as though your body is adjusting well
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** thank you i will
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, Iโ€™m interested in buying the Colonaid as well, would it be possible to get the 25% discount?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Our promotion for the 25% finished last month sorry. I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for 15% though.
**Answer:** Awwwโ€ฆ thatโ€™s a bummer.
**Answer:** Yes sorry about that โ€“ our We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs have expiry dates.
**Answer:** You could use 15NOW to get the 15% off
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s okay. Iโ€™ll take the 15% off. ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** do you have newsletters? Where we can be prompted when thereโ€™s a higher discount?
**Answer:** Yes we do โ€“ if you order you automatically get added to the emails.
**Answer:** If you order over [Price] today I can give you the [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ohhhh..
**Answer:** whatโ€™s the 8week super combo?
**Answer:** It is an amzing weight loss programme that cleans the body and stimulates weight loss โ€“ click here to see it [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-8-week-program)
**Answer:** You can lose a substantial amout of weight on it.
**Answer:** whatโ€™s the max that you can lose?
**Answer:** upto 15Kgs
**Answer:** Depending on your body
**Answer:** Thank you!
**Answer:** Will have a think about it.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Nope
**Answer:** All good โ€“ I thought you might be interested in Brettโ€™s free Crohns Book
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like a link to Brettโ€™s free eBook?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah,
**Answer:** Hello can I help today?
**Answer:** Happy to help in any way ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** I have bought about 2 weeks ago the BodiTune bulk supply 1kg from your website. When I purchased this, it said, it comes with 2x 120 capsules of boditune. The powder has arrived, but not the capsules. Would you be able to look into that?
**Answer:** Yes I can do that. Bear with me a moment.
**Question:** The order number was [Phone]
**Answer:** Oh yes I can see โ€“ you used a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for discount. If discount is used the other items canโ€™t be added. Two discounts canโ€™t be used at once sorry.
**Answer:** I see, no problem, thank you very much
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, I am on my 8th day of the 14 day detox. I still have regular cramping and diarrhoea and some bloating after eating. Just wondering if this is normal?
**Answer:** It can be normal if your body still has a build up to clear
**Answer:** are you eating a lot raw food as sometimes that can cause bloating
**Answer:** Especially brocolli, cauli, cabbage
**Question:** ok, yes a lot of broccoli. Green smoothies for breakfast, salads for lunch and normally cooking something for dinner
**Answer:** OK maybe just cook the broccolli well and see if that helps, are you using the herbs and spices like in our recipes?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Great, if the diarrhoea is bad then maybe you should reduce the dose from 5 to 3 each time and see if it becomes more solid, everybody is different with dosage
**Question:** ok, will try that, thanks
**Answer:** alternatively you could have a banana each day as that can firm things up a little without causing any problem
**Question:** oh ok cool. I have been avoiding banana
**Answer:** Normally we do, as it slows things down, but in your case 1 a day might actually help you stabalize
**Question:** perfect, thanks. Will give it a go!
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome, love to hear how you get on
**Question:** thanks, will let you know ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Is it OK to have Nutra-Life Gut Health while taking this detox?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Wondering if it was best to have after the detox is finished or would it compliment it?
**Question:** while taking hit at the same time
**Answer:** It would be a great thing to follow up with, no harm during but probably not getting much effect while the other herbs are working on your gut anyway
**Question:** Am I actually conversing with Brett himself?
**Answer:** Yes it is he
**Question:** I was wondering what your views of Gumdymd were? The plant paradox book
**Question:** Have you heard of him?
**Answer:** No I havenโ€™t read that
**Answer:** Thereโ€™s always some conspiracy
**Question:** He is very interesting โ€“ turning my beliefs on food upside down. But he makes sense.
**Answer:** Water can kill you, and carrots can cause cancer, bit itโ€™s all relative to benefits vs detrimental effect
**Answer:** You get 100x more benefit than any negative effect with most wholefoods regardless, even non organic food is better than not eating veges at all
**Answer:** itโ€™s the processed food that is the problem
**Answer:** I agree with avoiding too many nuts and grains
**Question:** Very true. I donโ€™t eat processed food. The difference between your food choices and his I think are that he does not agree we should eat fruit โ€“ except for green bananas on occasion and blueberries. Also does not believe in eating tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers because of containing lectins which cause leaky gut. Nuts for him are a mo no too. Especially the cashew which is not even a nut. But I am trying to combine your advise and his. ๐Ÿ™‚ Very tricky.
**Answer:** Not eating fruit and worrying about lectins in everything you eat is completely over the top, and this is a major problem with fad diets, they always target a specific irritant rather than realising that your general health will improve eating a range of whole foods, and your reaction to lectins in some foods will be negligible
**Answer:** Itโ€™s just when our diet is over populated with nuts and grains, especially processed, then we become sensitive to lectins, gluten, dairy etc
**Answer:** Meat is the other big irritant, and other acid forming food, like excess alcohol, cheese, sugar etc
**Answer:** You must eat a range of fruits to get good enzymes and your digestion will improve as a result
**Answer:** I hope that helps
**Question:** Yes, thank you so much for your time. I am taking the advise and just watching the intake of fruit, tomatoes, cucumber and peppers as I in the past load these into my salads. So I shall cut back but still enjoy them occasionally. I have really enjoyed taking your detox over the years. Many thanks as this gets me back on track. I love the surge of energy it gives back to me.
**Question:** Just one more thing what do you think of seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, etc
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s great to hear, relax a little bit and you will not react the same to food either, I think we worry too much about details and our body is incredible at working it out, especially if itโ€™s natural food
**Answer:** I think those seeds are good in moderation, not all the time and only a small amount
**Answer:** they are hard to digest, like nuts
**Question:** Many thanks Brett ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hi would you like a link to Brettโ€™s free eBook on Candida?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like a copy of Brettโ€™s Free Crohns Disease eBook? If so please give me your email address and name and we will get it to you.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Iโ€™m ashamed to be a kiwi
**Answer:** Reaaly why is that?
**Question:** Because a charlatan by the name of [Name] was born in the same country.
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s a shame you donโ€™t know him or what he has done for over 100,000 people then.
**Question:** So his research is peer reviewed? he offers a 100% guarantee that it works.
**Question:** Do you know what alternative medicine is? Itโ€™s something that is proven to be effective or has been proven to be ineffective.
**Question:** when itโ€™s proven to be effective we just call it medicine.
**Answer:** Yes 100% guarantee on Cholesterol, blood pressure reduction and blood sugar reduction. Would love to be peer-reviewed here but the nonnatural medical industry is not interested only in other countries.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/research-proves-why-we-need-detox)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/[Phone]-reasons-do-detox)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/scientific-evidence-herbs-ultimate-detox-program)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program)
**Question:** A quick look at his online storeโ€ฆ wow look look at all these exorbitant price. Only $[Phone] for a bottle of his snake oil. Sign me the fuck up!
**Answer:** You should read his book and then decide
**Question:** The guy is a fucking con artist and i hope he dies of colon cancer.
**Question:** you mean i should buy and read his book.
**Answer:** You have no idea and I donโ€™t need you to swear.
**Answer:** I am banning you as you have no idea
**Question:** How much is his book?
**Question:** Is it for discount?
**Answer:** It gives [Price] off
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hello Sarah do you have any promotional code going on?
**Answer:** Yes we do you can use FANTASTIC40
**Question:** Thank you very much
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** hi there I am trying to redeem my [Price] discount codeโ€ฆ.that I got sent for signing up right now, but it wonโ€™t work.
**Question:** it said the code was โ€˜HOT50NOWโ€™ but its saying unable to redeem We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** OK please try this one SPRING25
**Question:** WICKED
**Question:** thank you so much
**Answer:** That should give you the discount
**Question:** yip sorted! wow great service
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Pearly, You can also get [Price] off this program with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** can you get light headed when doing the detox โ€“ only using one sachet a day at moment
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** It is possible if you are sensitive to increased circulation, or blood sugar fluctuations
**Answer:** Make sure you have regular small amounts of food will help avoid that, fruit is good,
**Question:** thanks for that โ€“ am doing so.
**Answer:** it should settle down after a few days as your body adjusts
**Question:** great, thanks my daughter used it extensively under naturopathโ€™s advise and lost weight as well. cheers
**Answer:** Hope it goes well for you
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hello. Is it possible to get free samples?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** No we donโ€™t send out free samples sorry
**Question:** Aight
**Answer:** They are full programs so canโ€™t be broken up.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** Is this suitable for diabetics
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** How much is the herbal detox?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox is normally $[Phone]
**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club this week for a [Price] discount
**Question:** Thanks but im just inquiring
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Do you need some further help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I ordered yesterday #[Phone] how long before I can expect delivery please, thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It should be wth you by the end of the week but that is subject to the courier as you are in Motueka.
**Answer:** ok great thanks for your help ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** We will add the tracking details to your order and email them to you as well.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi does this have any affect on aspirin and blood pressure pills?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It actually reduces blood pressure so most peopel reduce or stop taking them.
**Answer:** It does not affect the pills but it does make your body healthier so you may not need them.
**Question:** ok would like to try the ultimate herbal detox program. will order online thanks you
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ we are here to help you though at any stage.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there. Has this price gone up. It was [Price] now its [Price].
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The detox is [Price]
**Answer:** Not sure where you have [Price] from
**Answer:** Which program are you looking at?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there. Does your Detox have any caffeine it in?
**Answer:** It has no caffeine in it
**Answer:** All natural
**Question:** What is in it that gives you a rush? I also get an elivated heart rate while taking it. Is this a problem? I do however love this detox
**Answer:** There isnโ€™t anything that gives a rush. Itโ€™s likely to be the combination of the foods and herbs โ€“ itโ€™s not a problem to take
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, during the stage 1 of preparation I dont take the capsules do I until stage 2 the lead in stage.?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The info is in the user guide but let me get the details for you.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I just purchased the detox programme at a Womens lifestyle expo on sunday, this is my second day of elimination diet, my understanding that I do not start taking the pills until have done at least 4 days of that. Is that correct.
**Answer:** I am presuming you are doing the 14 day plan โ€“ you do 3 days of elimination and then start on the capsules at the lower dose
**Answer:** You can see the info here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** Thats what I thought, many thanks.
**Answer:** All good get in touch any time
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi. In yr Livafood, how sure are you that the Barleygrass is glutenfree, pls ?
**Answer:** They harvest young grass shoots so itโ€™s only the leaf material that is used
**Answer:** All our products are gluten free
**Question:** Great. Tks
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** Hi I have just placed an order but I canโ€™t log in and requested a pass word reset for [Email] can you send me a password reset link as the website has an error ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes I can do that for you one moment
**Answer:** Try this new password pepsy1234
**Question:** Great thanks that worked ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I can answer any queries you have
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there Iโ€™m on day 6 of the cleanse taking the supplements for a month and are hoping to swap to a week for the second week to finish earlier. Iโ€™m finding yesterday and today and on day 2 Iโ€™m feeling nauseous and a bit bloated. Also really tired. So I dont feel like eating much as always feeling sick. How long does this usually last for?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** It can happen as your body cleanses
**Question:** How long does it last
**Answer:** It shouldnโ€™t last more than a day or two,
**Answer:** Have you taken any herbal tea, like ginger or peppermint
**Answer:** That can help reduce any dicomfort
**Question:** No I will try some when I get home
**Answer:** Also have you had an extra bowel movements?
**Question:** No I will try some when I get home
**Question:** Yes today I have
**Answer:** OK then once that starts to happen things should settle down
**Answer:** Itโ€™s often the discomfort occurs just before your body has a major clean out, then it can be releived
**Question:** Ok that takes a while then as have it since yesterday
**Answer:** You can increase the dose gradually as you feel comfortable with the effect
**Answer:** It should happen quicker as you go along with the program
**Answer:** Be careful not to eat too much raw broccoli, or crunchy cauliflower, cabbage as they can be very gassy
**Answer:** maybe have some soft kumura or pumpkin to calm things down tonight
**Question:** Ibhave and a log if wind from 2ish onwards every day. I had mashed Kumura last night
**Question:** Meant to read a lot of wind
**Answer:** OK maybe the herbal tea will help, too much raw food can give wind, so try 50/50 raw and cooked to keep it balanced, are you using the recipes with herbs and spices, as they help ease the process also
**Question:** Yes and Iโ€™m finishing the recipes have too much spice in them. I worry it will being on my reflux
**Question:** Bring
**Answer:** You can always reduce the amount of chilli, garlic etc, and these recipes can help reduce reflux as your body gets used to them
**Question:** Do I have to eat your recipes or can I do my own
**Answer:** You may find your reflux is solved by this whole process
**Question:** I really hope so
**Answer:** Itโ€™s up to you, but remember that long term results are only achieved by change, a change in habits is the goal
**Answer:** There is often a little discomfort with change but worth it ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Yes Iโ€™m going to cut out meat and chicken permanently just eat fish. If i double the amount of supplements what happens?
**Question:** Iโ€™m a bit scared to try
**Answer:** Yes it will double the effect, so itโ€™s better to add one capsules each day of each product and that way you can adjust over a few days
**Answer:** Fresh pineapple can calm things down a lot also
**Question:** I have in my green smoothie every morning and also at night when swallowing the pills
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Pickles, Gherkins, Olives?
**Answer:** They will help
**Question:** Ok will try them. Is it ok to have LSA in smoothies?
**Answer:** Better not to, as the seeds and nuts can be a bit annoying to your gut during the cleanse
**Question:** Ok thanks for your help
**Answer:** Anytime, I hope it goes well, and love to hear back from you
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** what can i use the fantastic40 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club on as it wonโ€™t accept it at checkout?
**Answer:** Are you typing it in capital letters?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** It should be ok now ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** yes thanks has worked now
**Answer:** Awesome thanks for your patience
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I can answer any questions you may have.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Message: your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is not valid
**Answer:** Which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club are you using?
**Question:** code: โ€œHOT50NOWโ€
**Answer:** Sorry that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has finished. You can use FANTASTIC40 instead
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Great just wanted to share that goji berries are not in our programs
**Answer:** Just a smoothie recipe
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I have heard goji berries contain lectin?
**Answer:** Let me check that for you
**Answer:** Yes they can do as they are from the nightshade family
**Answer:** It is slow affect on humans though
**Answer:** Sorry low affect on humans
**Question:** Thank you. I have been instructed by my natural therapist to avoid nightshades
**Answer:** We only have it in a smoothie recipe or 2
**Answer:** Itโ€™s not in any of our programs
**Answer:** Did you see my message?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** hi, i have the detox slim capsule. it says its 4 caps daily. does that mean i dont have meat for a month? sorry i lost my instructions
**Answer:** also i would like to lose about 8 to 10k..what programme can u recommend pls..i just had the detx last july but gained weight after that coz of bad eating
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can download the user guide
**Answer:** I can give you the link to the ebooks page
**Answer:** yes pls..thanks
**Answer:** would also like to ask for a slimming programms pls
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks) also it is good to use the weight calculator for the best program fir your goal. I will give you s link to that too
**Answer:** okay thank u
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/ideal-weight-calculator)
**Answer:** thank u cheers
**Answer:** You are welcome. This calculator will assist with which will be the best program for your goals
**Answer:** btw for the 1 month power detox
**Answer:** there are 3 packs of protein drink
**Answer:** how do i use it in 1 month
**Answer:** is it protein drink 3 times daily as a meal replacemnt?
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Let me get be you the plan for that program
**Answer:** 4 capsules daily from each of the Detox products. Colonaid, Digezaid, Livafood, and Symlax. Total 16 capsules daily.
**Answer:** so only protein drink for a month? or can i still other foods?
**Answer:** is one drink equivalent to 1 meal?
**Answer:** You can eat during that program. The diet is fruit and vegetables plus chicken, fish and eggs.
**Answer:** You will probably find that you wonโ€™t want to eat as much.
**Answer:** You take the sachets and the capsules and then eat what you feel you need.
**Answer:** oic ..
**Answer:** okay thank u
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hello. I am looking to try the herbal slim. My aim is to lose weight and detoxing my body as well. I just want to ask am i better to go with the slim or try the detox first? Im just abit unsure which 1 is best for me.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The detox is the best one to do first.
**Answer:** It cleanses the body and you will lose weight with it.
**Question:** Okay
**Answer:** After that if you wish to lose more the Slim is perfect
**Question:** That sounds awesome thank you for that
**Question:** So the detox is [Price] is that correct
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get [Price] off that price
**Question:** Now i have seen some on trade me same exact product at a cheaper price. But yes id love the code for [Price] off that be wonderful thank you. Id rather purchase from this site instead of another site
**Question:** I see you have a store in maungatapu. Could i use the code there and purchase or is this for online orders only
**Answer:** We donโ€™t sell on Trade Me. The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is FANTASTIC40 zit is for online orders only
**Question:** Okay thats great. Will do that. Thank you so much
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** When is Brett coming to Auckland?
**Answer:** Hi thete
**Answer:** Sorry there
**Question:** Hello Sarah
**Answer:** He will be in Auckland for the Home and Better Living Expo at the end of October.
**Question:** Awesome thank you
**Question:** will you be promoting this via email โ€“ Just asking so I can get the exact dates & times?
**Answer:** 26, 27 and 28 at the North Shore Events Centre.
**Answer:** It is open from 10am
**Question:** He ran an evening class in Hamilton earlier in the year. Will he be running this class in Auckland? I have already purchased the book
**Answer:** He is doing a talk at the Green Living show at the ASB show grounds in early November. Let me get the date for you
**Answer:** 3 & 4 November. He is presenting at 2.30pm each day
**Answer:** Sorry it is 2.15pm
**Answer:** Not 2.30
**Question:** Awesome Sarah thank you very much โ€“ I would like to go to this so have put it in my calendar
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Iam from India Ravinder Singh Bindra.Today I received a call from your official courier DHL And they asked for import duty Rs1659/- for my order no.[Phone]
**Question:** what I should do
**Answer:** You need to supply them with whatever they ask for. This will get you customs clearance.
**Answer:** We have supplied all of the documents they require. If they need anything else you will need to supply it.
**Question:** No they are asking for more money
**Question:** you havenโ€™t charged this amount at your end
**Answer:** That is out of our control you will need to pay it to have access to the item. It is the import duty.
**Answer:** We declared a very low value for the project. Not the full price that you see on the website so the duty should be very low
**Answer:** We declare the value of NZ[Price]
**Question:** it is About 40$ nz
**Answer:** You need to doublecheck that as we only declared a very low value NZ[Price]
**Question:** you please contact DHL FOR that how they charged 40$against 25$
**Answer:** We can do nothing from this and you need to do it directly with them in India.
**Question:** You should inform us before taking the order from overseas
**Question:** this product is very costly to me
**Answer:** We have no control over local customs law. The rules change all the time and it can depend on who has got the package.
**Answer:** You will have the same issue with any projects that you bring into the country.
**Question:** but it should be born jointly by me you
**Question:** me and you
**Answer:** Sorry we canโ€™t do that as the rules maybe different the next time you bring something into India. It changes all the time. And the import duty and any costs when it arrives in your country is your responsibility.
**Question:** or you should give some special discount for it
**Answer:** We canโ€™t do that as the rules change all the time and we never know what the situation will be. So sorry about this but then put into different countries is incredibly variable.
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** I have a friend who is a young man and he has crohns and I was just checking to see if there is anything natural for him. He has has surgeries and complications from that also. Will not heal correctly. He is a young father and such a good young man.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I see you have been looking at the Crohns Disease page โ€“ there are ways to address the disease and are covered on that page.
**Answer:** We have had many people who have followed the programme and had great success.
**Answer:** Hi did you see our info
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yes my name is mariam I sufer from gerd do you have any herb for it
**Answer:** Hi Mariam
**Answer:** We have a really good article which explains how you can treat GERD naturally.
**Answer:** Let me give you a link to click on
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/acid-reflux-heartburn-indigestion-natural-treatment)
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Brett wrote this article to help people with GERD as it is one of the most common issues in the world.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** The whole point of eliminating meat, bread, eggs, cheese etc is to trigger the healing process in your body. The wholefood, plant based diet is designed to cleanse your system so it can heal
**Answer:** if you eat the wrong foods then the program is really a waste of time
**Question:** Like will it be bad if I eat eggs?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** What is you goal by doing the detox program?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Yes but Iโ€™m not a big fan of the recipes
**Answer:** So what do you normally eat?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there, I am currently on day 4 of the herbal detox but I am really struggling not to eat breads and I am feeling quite hungry a lot of time time as Iโ€™m a bit of a fussy eater. Is there any tips on this
**Question:** like the liquid foods are starting to make me feel a bit sick and not really fulfilled
**Answer:** You should be eating a wide range of fruits and vetgetables on the cleanse. This artcle will help woth ideas on filling foods.
**Question:** Iโ€™m not a big vege and fruit eater normally so am sort of struggling not eating meat etc
**Answer:** This is an opportunity to imporve your intake of these things. Have you tried the recipes?
**Answer:** Like these [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/good-protein-sources-during-your-program)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/cauliflower-curry)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** I canโ€™t get enough of Sarahโ€™s body
**Answer:** And I canโ€™t get enough of Brettโ€™s cock!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Rick, Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there, do you manufacture in NZ?
**Answer:** Yes we do ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Do you use a contract manufacturer?
**Answer:** Yes we do as the programmes are very complex and we have to meet international standards.
**Question:** Okay thanks for that. Do you source your ingredients or does the contract manufacturer?
**Answer:** The manufacturer has a long standing relationship with herb suppliers so they do it for us.
**Question:** Okay, thanks a lot.
**Answer:** May I ask why you wish to know?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there Iโ€™ve just started the cleanse today and this question is unrelated but was hoping for some advice. I have been getting insomnia for the last 3 or so weeks and are worried now about my energy levels on this detox. Is there anything you can recommend to help me get to sleep? Iโ€™m hoping the process will eventually help with my sleeping.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Hiya can you please email me back on [Email]. I have been getting insomnia for the last month and I know its unrelated as Iโ€™m only on day 1 of the detox but was wondering if theres anything you can recommend I do or take to get to sleep. Thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi can you please tell me if the capsules are vegetarian and what excipients they contain thank you
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** They are bovine gelatin
**Answer:** The excipients are Silicon dioxide and Magnesium stearate
**Question:** Ok, thank you for letting me know.
**Answer:** Hello again, what about dried fruits like cranberries, figs, apricots etc
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes all of those are OK
**Answer:** hi Brett
**Answer:** good thanks
**Answer:** Here is a good list on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Brilliant thank you. I will have a look. Iโ€™m vegan so itโ€™s not going to be too hard. Although because the capsules are gelatine it makes things a little tricky.
**Answer:** Yes you would want to empty them into a smoothie or juice
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s what Iโ€™ve decided to do. Thanks for your help.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, I started my detox this morning. Just wondering if seeds are on the allowed foods list? Thank you, Caron
**Answer:** Which seeds are you looking at having?
**Answer:** It depends on the type
**Answer:** Pumpkin, sesame mainly. Also tahini as a dressing
**Answer:** Yes they are fine to have
**Answer:** ok thanks. What seeds would not be allowed?
**Answer:** Hi thre I ahve jsut fdone a double check with Brett as I am new and you canโ€™t have any seeds on the programme. Sorry for misinforming you.
**Answer:** oh ok thatโ€™s a shame. Thanks for you help Mikayla
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Whats the dose rate for the seven day course please? How many pills and how often?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Question:** Whats the dose rate for the seven day course please? How many pills and how often?
**Answer:** Let me get be you the link that gives you all the info you need
**Answer:** The Power Cleanse is detailed here for you [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** if theirs 120 pills in each pack Iโ€™m guessing thatโ€™s 17 pills a day x 4 packs
**Answer:** Power Cleanse
**Answer:** If you have not detoxed before it is better to do the 14 day plan. The seven day plan can be very hard on your body if youโ€™re not used to cleansing.
**Question:** ok thank for information
**Answer:** You can download the user guide as well. Would that be useful? I can give you the link
**Question:** yes please
**Answer:** Just click on this link and choose the herbal detox user guide ๐Ÿ™‚ [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Question:** Regarding My order no. [Phone] weather you have dispatched it or not
**Question:** Myself Ravinder Singh Bindra from INDIA
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** I Have fulfill all the formalities you required even after that your courier service provider taken KYC from me photo of my ADHAR CARD.Afterthat they are quite and they didnโ€™t speak whether my order is dispatched or not .please let me know the fate of my order
**Question:** thank you
**Question:** email Iโ€™d [Email]
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Can I hlpe today?
**Answer:** Help
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m here to help if you need anything, shipping is Free in the USA
**Question:** i am ordering the Ultimate Detox and the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code Fantastico40 is not valid. please advise
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** OK I have reset the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, please refresh the page and try again, it should work now
**Answer:** I had to reset it because it is set to NZD[Price] which is USD[Price]
**Answer:** USD[Price] sorry
**Question:** what do i type under We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** FANTASTIC40 but it should give you [Price] USD discount
**Question:** ok it worked. thanks
**Answer:** Great ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** We ship via DHL 3-5 days
**Answer:** I see the address is:
**Answer:** I guess this should be California, USA
**Answer:** Yes. Sorry I forgot to put the State.
**Answer:** NO problem, will ship it to the right address ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks and have a great day
**Answer:** thank you as well.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Is there an actual detox for sale to help lower blood pressure
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes our detox guarantees to do that
**Answer:** If you use the Herbal Detox program and follow the advice on the page then it will do what is says.
**Answer:** You can also buy our programs on .
**Answer:** This is the guarantee from our Terms & Conditions โ€œ5.9.4 The Ultimate Herbal DETOX offers consumers a Blood Test Guarantee. This guarantee may be offered by us directly or by a retailer/reseller of the Ultimate Herbal DETOX. The consumer must have a registered Doctor order blood tests within a week prior to and within the week after completing the Herbal DETOX 14-day Program. Blood tests should include the following: Total Cholesterol; LDL, HDL and Cholesterol Ratio. HBA1C (for Blood sugar profiling and type 2 diabetes risk), C Reactive protein (for systemic inflammation) and Liver the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST or SGOT) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT). Test results can potentially show all of these tests improving, but we guarantee at least two of these results should improve after the Ultimate Herbal Detox 14-day program. โ€
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Can I help you today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi am from Tauranga and I was wanting to start the slim program where is the best place to purchase today
**Answer:** You can either get it on the website and have it delivered or you could pick it up from us in Maungatapu
**Answer:** We have eftpos and accept credit cards
**Question:** Thanks I will call in today ๐Ÿ™‚ steve Munford
**Answer:** If you can let us know what time, as we are in and out a little, itโ€™s a home business
**Answer:** the address is 26 Fantail Drive
**Question:** Sure I am in Papamoa so is it ok if I head over now?
**Answer:** Yes will see you soon
**Question:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** hello Sarah
**Answer:** HI Itโ€™s Brett
**Answer:** How can I help
**Answer:** Hello Brett, Jirayu here how are you?
**Answer:** Good thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** I am about to order your products but couldnโ€™t find the discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club given to me last time
**Answer:** I am wondering if any chance I could be given a discount?
**Answer:** We have a new one running at the moment
**Answer:** If you use FANTASTIC40 it will give you [Price] off
**Answer:** oh, I am not aware
**Answer:** that is great, thank you ver much I will use that
**Answer:** youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** We spoke 4-5 days back over chat. Iโ€™ currently on slim program and been feeling great since then. You suggested me on different dose plan and keto diet. Not satisfied with the product.. can I send you back?
**Question:** Not feeling great..
**Question:** sorry for the typo error
**Answer:** Did you purchase off our website
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Ok then you can return to 26 Fanta drive Tauranga with a letter explaining what happened and your bank details please
**Answer:** Fantail drive
**Question:** Ok
**Question:** few more questions..
**Answer:** Ok
**Question:** i had taken detox plan before starting sliming.. do you think agrresive detox can contribute to vitamin n mineral deficiency in body?
**Answer:** No because the detox diet is extra high in nutrition
**Question:** Because i have observed my hair getting white.. could be vitamin deficiency.
**Answer:** Not likely
**Question:** And i have purchased two more packs of detox program for my parents. Can they consume multi- vitamins while still on detox?
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s fine
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Did you not lose any weight on the program?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** if you are going to add the detox capsules to a smoothie do you have to break them open? Considering we swallo them whole can we not just put the whole capsule in the blender?
**Answer:** Yes you can throw them in whole
**Question:** great. So they donโ€™t work any differently in a smoothie versus an empty stomach?
**Answer:** Or really
**Answer:** Not
**Question:** Hi there, Do you guys do afterpay?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** We don;t do after pay but you can order here on the Live Chat and pay it off and then we deliver.
**Question:** okay thank you Iโ€™ll think about it
**Answer:** OK ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi I am in the prep stage for starting the Ultimate Herbal Detox and have a few questions. I was thinking of doing it over a month as I have just had a bad stomach bug and havn;t been feeling well over last few months with reflux, aches and pains and I also suffer from psoriasis and have an underactive thyroid, which i take medication for. WOuld this be the best time frame for me or would you recommend the 2 weeks one?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** You could start with the one month plan and see how you feel after the first week
**Answer:** If you are feeling good at that point then you could double the dose and finish off the balance of the herbs within the following 7 days
**Answer:** I think that way you could get the best effect from the herbs
**Question:** Okay it would be more than double though wouldnt it for the second week? So does that mean I can eat the foods that are for the month plan in the first week? Im worried about getting enough protein and iron as I work as a Nanny for 2 toddlers so am busy and its a physical job.
**Answer:** For the second week it would actually be 8 days ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes you could start by still having a little fish and a couple of eggs, perhaps just one or the other twice each during the week
**Answer:** If you just have green smoothies and have yoghurt, milk or even protein powder it works better, so you could try that in the second week if youโ€™re feeling good at that point
**Question:** Okay so just smoothies and no salads, soups or your veg recipes?
**Answer:** Just in the morning itโ€™s good to have a smoothie to get your extra protien, but you can choose any of the other foods during the day
**Question:** Okay can I have almond milk and coconut yoghurt instead of dairy ones
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** I would also recommend trying clove herbal tea to calm your stomach in the first day or two, today and tomorrow, let me send you the recipe now
**Answer:** Clove Tea
**Question:** great thanks Brett
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Will Brett be present at the GO Green Expo in Wellington this weekend?
**Answer:** He will be at Go Green next month in Wellington 11 & 12 November.
**Question:** I thought itโ€™s this weekend?!
**Answer:** Its the 10 & 11th November sorry (I got it wrong)
**Question:** Many thanks for clarifying that. Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi โ€“ does the HOT50NOW We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club work?
**Answer:** Sorry that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club finished in July. You can use FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off this one is on until 13 November.
**Answer:** Great. I am ordering 3 x detox packs but would like to swap one detox for an Ultimate Slim pack please
**Answer:** Yes we can do that Ben
**Answer:** Great.I am order number [Phone]
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Yes thanks oddly they havenโ€™t
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** We will email you in the morning with the details
**Answer:** Hi I ave
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Answer:** i places 2 orders today and my visa charged but have not received an email to confirm the order. Please confirm eta of delivery to Jules Matthews Ponsonby
**Answer:** We have received your two orders today
**Answer:** Great thanks
**Answer:** We will ship them both in one package tomorrow and email you the tracking link
**Answer:** It would pay to check your spam folder in case our emails end up in there
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** What type of service do u provide
**Answer:** We sell detox and slimming programmes. And Brett has an online clinic
**Answer:** We deliver our products worldwide by dhl
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Iโ€™m about to purchase 4 Products is there a
**Question:** discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code on offer?
**Answer:** I can help
**Answer:** You can use FANTASTIC40 to get [Price] off
**Question:** What is the delivery time of I order online or am I better to go via a health store
**Answer:** You can also buy 3 at 30% I can give you a link. And then you just add an extra one and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** If you order today and you are on the North Island it will be delivered on Tuesday. If youโ€™re on the size island it normally takes a couple of days so should be there Wednesday
**Answer:** Ok therefore dessert not good either ๐Ÿ˜‰
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** 1 coffee?
**Answer:** One coffee per day is fine we donโ€™t recommend stopping coffee. If you can switch to decaf coffee that is better for you.
**Answer:** ?
**Answer:** A desert which Is like a fruit salad would be fine ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Are you seeing the messages?
**Answer:** Hello? I think there could be an Internet issue with The answers to the questions.
**Answer:** Hi few questions
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** 1 scoop is 1 sachet
**Answer:** Hi please let me know answer to my earlier question
**Answer:** so to do the 7 day power cleanse using powder instead of capsules whatโ€™s the amount of scoops per day?
**Answer:** Yes you can use it but you do take s lot of the powder to replicate the power of the capsules. The capsules are 5 times as strong as the powder.
**Answer:** will it be as effective doing it with powder
**Answer:** whatโ€™s the equivalent ratio or powder to capsules
**Answer:** Let me check how many scoops you would do per day.
**Answer:** thanks this would be based on 7 day power cleanse also 14 day cleanse as another option
**Answer:** You would need to have 20 scoops for 7 days and 10 scoops for 14 days. You would need to take them all before 3.30 as the powder will keep you awake if taken after that.
**Answer:** Did you see my message? Itโ€™s a lot of powder
**Answer:** How many scoops in a 1 liter tub
**Answer:** There are 64 scoops in the 1kg pot
**Answer:** So
**Answer:** so
**Answer:** more economical to so capsules then for deep cleanse and pier cleanse
**Answer:** Yes better to do the detox
**Answer:** does the same theory apply have all
**Answer:** capsules before 3pm?
**Answer:** They can be taken in the morning and the evening. The reason is they donโ€™t contain the swimming herbs. It is the slimming herbs that can keep people awake.
**Answer:** So if thereโ€™s no slimming herbs in detox capsules would the powder be more effective for weight loss
**Answer:** The detox is very effective for weight loss. As it cleanses everything out and get the food moving really well. The powder is only good as a weight loss if it is done over a longer period of time normally people lose between one and 2Kgs over the month. The powder is mainly used for long-term weight loss and cleansing or as a maintenance program between capsule detoxes.
**Answer:** Great thanks for explaining
**Answer:** No problem it can be confusing sometimes
**Answer:** how strict do you need to be with food on the detox. ie if there was one night near the end of the program that you are out for dinner is that going to void out the week
**Answer:** It wonโ€™t void the week but it might slow things down a little. If you do go to eat out then try to have the vegetarian option and then you will be fine.
**Answer:** Are you still there
**Answer:** Yes Iโ€™m here ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Did you see my message about the food?
**Answer:** Re last question whatโ€™s your advice ? No havenโ€™t see answer re food
**Answer:** The answer is it wonโ€™t fully void the detox but it will slow it down. If you choose a vegetarian option when you go out to dinner the detox will be fine but if you have a meat option this is where the issue of slowing down comes in.
**Answer:** what about seafood
**Answer:** is 1 cup of coffee a day ruin it?
**Answer:** Basically any meat or fish will slow things down as it is a little harder for the body to process
**Answer:** One cup of coffee is fine but we do recommend switching to decaf if you can. As it is a better option
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Good Morning From Israel!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I received your product with no issues and started reading the book.
**Question:** I have another question.
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Does Bill offer a way to can get rid of or reduce a lump in my throat?
**Question:** Similar to this?
**Question:** [Link](http://www.rjwhelan.co.nz/conditions/lump_in_throat.html)
**Answer:** I don;t know what you mean by โ€œBillโ€ โ€“ can you explain?
**Question:** Something like this?
**Answer:** This info you gave is a tension issue โ€“ the person ahs stress in their life and it is creating tension in thier neck whcih restricts the muscles.
**Question:** (Globus Sensation) Some people feel as if they have a lump or mass in their throat when no mass is actually there. If this sensation is unrelated to swallowing, it is termed globus sensation, or globus hystericus (which does not mean the person is hysterica
**Question:** Can any of your programs treat this?
**Answer:** Brett woudl reccomend slowing down and using the artilce on the site โ€“ like the meditation ones. The Detox with capsules will help bit it is a change in the lifestyle to resolve it.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/inner-peace-what-it)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/inner-peace-making-it-your-priority)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/mindful-breathing-healing)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/meditation-finding-spiritual-illumination)
**Question:** Let me try that. Most Drs. will want surgery to remove part of the throid.
**Answer:** If it is a tension issue then taking away part of the thryroid wonโ€™t help โ€“ it is about life changes.
**Question:** Then then Drs. are quarks and will just make things worse. Just relax reading a book for 2 hours a day will do the trick, rather spend time on the computer?
**Question:** What about reading the bible?
**Answer:** Yes that is good for anyone to do. Reading and relaxing, praying, and meditating are all good ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** How log will it take to fix this? Over time? months?
**Question:** I did a Detox in Feb and I am taking bodi tune
**Answer:** It all depends on the person and if they want to make the changes to their lives
**Question:** I do eat health and walk every day.
**Answer:** Yes but Iโ€™m talking about changes I. The mind. Inner peace and the ability to stop and be still with a clear mind. Tension is created by the mind talking to itself and then we try and do too much.
**Question:** How do you go to an inner peace and clear mind?
**Question:** read books?
**Question:** Like your herbal book?
**Answer:** Earlier I gave you some articles, some links to articles that will help if you read those specific things and follow the processes your mind will be clearer. It is actually about stopping doing anything and just being still with a clear mind. Meditation is really good and in the article I shared it explains how to do it.
**Question:** What about antiacid?
**Answer:** Are you being treated for acid reflux?
**Question:** How many articles are there?
**Answer:** I gave you 4 to look at
**Answer:** You need to read them in the order that I wrote them down
**Question:** Thanks!
**Question:** Not being treated, but Dr. wants to see me on Sunday. Not sure what funny ideas they will cook up. I donโ€™t trust them.
**Answer:** If you have acid reflux it can be treated quite easily through using the herbal detox for longer and also changing your diet to certain foods if you look on the website for the search button you should search for acid reflux and it will bring up a really good article to read.
**Question:** I will checked that out. So need need for surgery.
**Question:** Is this article? [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/acid-reflux-heartburn-indigestion-natural-treatment)
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s the one
**Question:** But I am not experiencing any burning sensation in my stomach.
**Answer:** What are your symptoms?
**Question:** Just a physical appearance of a mass in the throat!
**Question:** Like a round lump.
**Question:** The lower part of the throat.
**Question:** Something related to the thryroid.
**Question:** ?
**Question:** Not experiencing any pains.
**Answer:** Check with doctor what it is and come back to us when you know. We can help then
**Question:** Ok!
**Question:** I am sure you will have a sure for most issues except for removing colon Poyips.
**Question:** Could be the canned tuna and too big of meals that is causing this.
**Question:** I will try a med diet and what your book suggests. Cure and cleansed.
**Answer:** At the very least the Mediterranean diet will help your health
**Question:** I eat lots of greens, herb drink with almond milk Bodi Tune.
**Question:** No sugar drinks.
**Question:** May be related to something else?
**Answer:** Until you see the doctor and are diagnosed it is hard to know.
**Question:** Thanks for the feedback!
**Question:** I will give you an update next week.
**Question:** Have a nice weekend!
**Answer:** you are welcome
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, can 2xDetox and 1x slim be packaged up please?
**Answer:** I think itโ€™s [Price] for 3 packs normally?
**Answer:** Hi there if you order three detoxes We can switch one out and put in a slim instead. So you could get it for 415 and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** For [Price] off
**Answer:** Does that work?
**Answer:** yep. Thanks. Do I email you afterwards?
**Answer:** No itโ€™s fine I can see your order and I will write it in the notes as itโ€™s processed so that the warehouse know ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** thanks. Iโ€™ll order now
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, can 2xDetox and 1x slim be packaged up please?
**Answer:** [Price]?
**Answer:** Let me check for you what we can do
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** do you have a 15
**Answer:** Hi Ben can I help?
**Answer:** sorry โ€“ do you have a special? 15%off?
**Answer:** You can get [Price] off if you order over [Price]
**Answer:** You can use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** Ok. Thanks.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi how do I access the Bodittune bonus of 1 x 1kg and get the advertised otehr products included?
**Answer:** You just just order the 1kg and it pops into your cart
**Question:** Ok thought that might be the case. Thank you for your help : )
**Question:** Sorry one more thing. I had a pop up that I gave my details to and it said that I could access the [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club but when I went to enter it it said unable to redeem it?
**Answer:** You canโ€™t get both discounts sorry
**Question:** Oh ok, wonder why it popped up then?
**Answer:** Itโ€™s automatic sorry
**Question:** Ah ok. Thanks.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Iโ€™m writing to say a big thank you! Iโ€™m halfway through the slim programme following on from the herbal detox and I am the most comfortable in my own skin that Iโ€™ve been in years and still have 2 weeks of the slim programme followed by a month of boditune to go. This morning I measured my waist and I have lost 8cm since I began.
**Answer:** Wow thank you for sharing that ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Great to hear you are doing so well!
**Answer:** I will pass it on to Brett ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Iโ€™m expecting to have more good news to report in 6 weeks time. Iโ€™m so grateful because I actually feel that I know how to eat in a way that works for my body.
**Question:** Iโ€™m looking forward to writing a testimonial for the website at that stage.
**Answer:** That is so good to hear โ€“ a change in eating habits is certainly a goal we have for people.
**Answer:** We would love you to do testimonial ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** It is always great to hear how people feel.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Iโ€™m aware of being very sensitive/ allergic to kidney beansโ€ฆconcerned about the extract in Slim
**Answer:** Itโ€™s very unlikely you would react to the kidney bean extract, as itโ€™s a purified extract and does not contain whole kidney bean.
**Question:** Ok so no need to worry about it reactivating leaky gut? Been working very hard to resolve it.
**Answer:** No, there is no risk of that, in-fact there is some Psyllium husk, Fennel seed and Slippery Elm bark which will help heal the gut
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** I have received your email in which you described that you havenโ€™t received the authorisation letter from me.
**Answer:** HI There, I have just received you letter by email Ravinder, and we will ship your order ASAP, Many thanks
**Answer:** You will get DHL tracking details by tomorrow morning
**Answer:** This letter is ok or you want something more
**Answer:** It should be OK thanks
**Answer:** ok bye
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Sha
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** hi hey I have not long finished the slim and detox and it has been a week or two and am not going to the toilet now like I didโ€ฆjust wondering what if I should do the cleanse again or carry on with the slimโ€ฆwill this help?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** i have pcos just wondering if you have any thing for this or does this program help rectify hormones cheers
**Answer:** I was doing so well on the program i felt so good just have finished the program
**Answer:** It is quite good to follow up with a one month gentle detox program to get this under control and yes it does help clear the hormones from the liver where they can build up
**Answer:** Itโ€™s great to keep going
**Answer:** which program should I doโ€ฆ i went from ultimate to slimming and detox cheers
**Answer:** Have you completed two programs now?
**Answer:** yes the ultimate detox 2 2week version and then slim one with the boditone drinks
**Answer:** OK then you could go back to the detox but do it over one moth as the gentle plan, that would get your bowels nice and regular
**Answer:** You could keep up the one drink sachets daily also
**Answer:** Maybe have a look at this combo [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program)
**Answer:** am still keen to lose a bit more weight its always an issue with my bowels its like i hold on to it all no matter how much i exercise..
**Answer:** The SPRING25 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for 25% is still running today also
**Answer:** Yes sometimes exercise is not the issue, it can be stress and tension, adrenal, cortisol hormonal that is behind the weight and detox can actually work more on this
**Answer:** yes they say I have bad adrenals and need to sort that
**Answer:** meditation and sleep can actually do more for you than exercise in this case
**Answer:** salt baths, walks, sunshine and deep breathing as well
**Answer:** so this one will help sort hormones not the slim one
**Answer:** yes it will help keep them moving and clear them from the liver better than the slim, which is more designed to boost and stimulate, which may not be what you need by the sound of it
**Answer:** I think the gentle detox approach would be the best next step, and if that works it could be repeated if needed
**Answer:** thanks heaps
**Answer:** youโ€™re welcome
**Question:** Hello Sarah, I sent you a message earlier..
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** What did you want to know?
**Question:** Is Sarah available?
**Answer:** I am here to help
**Answer:** Sarah is on holiday at the moment can I help?
**Question:** Do you still offer the discount?
**Answer:** It depends on the program you are looking to purchase. Can you tell me what you wish to buy and I can tell you if the discount is still available. Thank you
**Question:** A package of detox โ€“ powder
**Answer:** The BodITune Detox n slim powder?
**Answer:** In the sachets?
**Question:** yes
**Question:** Anita Abbott, 16/04/[Phone] (DOB), 237 Balmoral Drive, Tokoroa (address)
**Answer:** Ok you can still use SPRING25 To get 25% off your order
**Question:** I have to go soon. My email is: [Email]
**Question:** Ok.. thank you very much. If I buy today, when will I receive it?
**Answer:** This is only available until the end of tomorrow
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** It should be with you tomorrow or latest Monday
**Answer:** Sorry no I just realised you have missed the cut-off it will be there with you on Monday
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Anita, can you let me know which programme you wnat so I can tell you if the 25% is still going.
**Answer:** It depends on the programme
**Answer:** Hello can you see my message? I so want to help you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Anita Abbott
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Anita do you need some help?
**Question:** You havenโ€™t answered my question.will I get the discount
**Answer:** Can you tell me which programme you want to get and I can tell you if the discount is still open. Thank you
**Answer:** It depends on the programme you want.
**Question:** Hello Sarah or Brett, we Ve just arrived from Italy. Iโ€™ll be at the hospital this coming Thursday. My body, without proper diet and without your product, is not functioning properly. I really need a pack of detox powder. Will I still get 25 percent d
**Question:** Discountโ€ฆ
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Do you mean the BodiTune Detox n Slim programme?
**Answer:** Hi have you seen our message?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Is it the BodiTune drink you are after? ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I am on my ultimate slim plan and i have not been feeling great after having this. I started my keto diet along this plan but have been vomiting last night.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** What dosage are you taking, 4 of each daily?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** OK can I suggest taking them at specific times, it might help
**Answer:** You can take the XtraFood first thing in the morning
**Answer:** The take the Thermogenik with food around lunch time
**Answer:** the Satisfed 1/2 hour before eating dinner
**Answer:** The Cleansa at bedtime
**Answer:** You could also try only taking two of each daily and see how that feels
**Answer:** It can make you feel nauseous as your body transitions into ketosis also
**Question:** Ok coz i fell so blooted after having it .i talked to u yesterday about the same issue but last night i was up until 4am
**Answer:** Have you been takin them all at once
**Question:** i just finished my ultimate detox and now I started with this i m taking 1 of each in the morning
**Question:** 4time daily
**Answer:** OK, maybe try what I have suggested above and just do two of each for a start until you feel comfortable
**Answer:** if good after the first week, then you could try 3 of each, another week and try 4
**Question:** ok thnks for the help i will start with this plan from today
**Question:** hopefully it works well
**Answer:** OK, good luck, keep us posted
**Question:** thanks for the help
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Good morning, I contacted you yesterday about getting some product wholesale- Nicola Swanson referred me, I am a Yr3 Naturopath. Could you please give me quote inclusive of gst and postage for 3x 1month detox packs and 1x two week detox pack please.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The detox programme is the same whether it is for one month or 14 days.
**Answer:** I will give you the price bear with me a mo
**Question:** Cool thank you!
**Answer:** 4 x detox @[Price] = [Price] plus delivery $[Phone] = $[Phone] plus GST = $[Phone]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Thank you so much for your time love more info my family moved frm Wellington to Brisbane I saw your programme base in Tauranga
**Answer:** We ship to Australia free of charge. If you give me your email address I can send you the detox use a guide which will give you lots of information and be useful for you.
**Question:** I can see how other people get gud result frm detox progra.
**Answer:** We recommend doing our detox program Twice per year so that you can Address the fluctuations in bodyweight
**Answer:** Yes we get some incredibly good results. The program does need to be done regularly to keep things in check. The program also helps to educate the best eating habits
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Question:** Gudmorni I have try a lot of sort dietary n always put back on
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** I been eat healthy
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Our programs are designed to clean your body out. Plus get it working correctly with the food. Quite often there are dietary changes after the program has been done which keeps the weight down.
**Answer:** Addressing weight issues is something that needs to be done on a regular basis because your body can fluctuate depending on the type of food and the environment, emotional situation you are in.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism due to overmedication from hypothyroidism. Looking for help with symptoms of hyper now
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment
**Question:** sure
**Answer:** The herbal slim program would be the best one for you to use. It has herbs for the metabolism and it has kelp for the thyroid
**Question:** ok thank you :o)
**Question:** HI , my husband suffers from reflux and i would like a menu plan to detox him for 3 days, we live on a farm and i have had a look at some of the stuff to eat, we just have not got all the foods the recomend to eat here. so can you send me a menu plan, something simple for breakfast , lunch and supper . thanxz
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email].za
**Answer:** Hi Ravinder
**Answer:** Did you get our emails and text message about your order?
**Answer:** I have sent you my driving licence photo as you required for the purpose of customs clearance by email just now pl confirm
**Answer:** Great thanks let me check
**Answer:** And authorisation letter also.
**Answer:** Ok thanks weโ€™ve got the email, will get it going on DHL this week and you should get it next week
**Answer:** We will email tracking information in the next 48 hours
**Question:** I just received the 500 gram bodyitune. Just wondering if I should take it once or twice a day and when would be the best time to take it. Thank you!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Itโ€™s best to start once daily and see how you feel
**Answer:** Earlier in the day is best and not after 3pm
**Question:** Perfect! Morning it is
**Answer:** Itโ€™s quite stimulating so itโ€™s a bit of test and measure
**Answer:** You can take up to 4 scoops daily if needed
**Question:** So no wheat products, no sugar and keep up the no meat?
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s perfect, lots of raw food also helps
**Question:** No problem. Thanks, I look forward to it!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I just received the 500 gram bodyitune. Just wondering if I should take it once or twice a day and when would be the best time to take it. Thank you!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** What is 5.5 in foot
**Answer:** Do you mean 5.5inches in cms?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** 166
**Question:** Ta
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi i have completed detox program and started sliming program .. its my 4th day . I have been feeling very bloated since i started my slimming program.
**Question:** Can you let me know what could be the reasons
**Answer:** HI There,
**Answer:** Have you changed your food on the slim?
**Question:** hi Brett
**Question:** yes
**Question:** i following the diet
**Answer:** Often you are more aware of what your body likes and dislikes after the detox, so it could be one of the new foods that is causing bloating
**Answer:** Nuts?
**Answer:** Cheese?
**Answer:** Eggs?
**Question:** Yes i have been eggs and chicken after my detox
**Answer:** It could be the chicken or the eggs,
**Answer:** I suggest that you try taking them out again for a couple of days and see how you feel, then you can test one or the other to find the culprit
**Question:** ok.
**Answer:** That should work
**Question:** 2 days back i had gluten free bread.. i guess that gave bloating too
**Answer:** Yes any refined grain whether gluten free or not can cause bloating
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** You really notice things more after detoxing which can help with long term habits
**Question:** detox program worked wonders.. sliming one seems a bit slow process..
**Answer:** Yes it is a little slower, but if you can use the keto approach it helps it happen quicker
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Here is a good article [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** thanks iโ€™ll check
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Good morning, im having trouble login in I have a prac account with you under Melissa Garrity, could you please help. please and thank you!
**Answer:** If youโ€™re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You will need to order via [Email]
**Answer:** The online accounts are for direct customers
**Question:** oh thank you ! could you please advise me on how much the 4 week detox pack is wholesale?
**Answer:** [Price] plus gst and delivery
**Question:** thank you!
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there how often do you have a the protein shakes. Like how many a day ?
**Answer:** It depends on your goals. You can have one, two or more per day.
**Answer:** Have you seen the page with how to do the program? I can give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-how-does-it-work)
**Question:** Iv read a page but it didnโ€™t really tell me how often you have the shakes and how many meals you would have also. I have the ultimate detox already and Iโ€™m thinking of getting the protein drink to go with
**Answer:** If you are doing a detox at the same time you can use one or 2 to supplement your food.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Question:** I think I have parasites.
**Answer:** Yes our programme will help to get rid of them
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Thnak you fro your order Anthony โ€“ we will get it out as soon as possible and send you the tracking details. It will be sent via DHL.
**Answer:** Sorry my spelling is awful!
**Answer:** Once your program arrives please get in touch if you have any questions. We are here to support you through.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, Is the spring25 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club still valid?
**Answer:** Hello there โ€“ yes you can still use it as it hasnโ€™t been closed off yet ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** no thank youโ€ฆjust reading.
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** This is all true, the trick though, is sticking to it.
**Answer:** The programme is designed for you to stick to it. Lots of support
**Question:** okay.
**Answer:** You do it like you service your car โ€“ every 6 months or so
**Question:** okay.
**Answer:** There are lots of recipes and we are here to help
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, are there any receicipe books available?
**Answer:** The recipes are all in the website I can give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** You can also download the detox user guide which has some in it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Morena, very interested in what Brett has outlined in his video, I have two questions. I am happy with my weight but feel my body is too sluggish and needs boosting so dont want to lose weight but detox and subsequently keep away from everything that is pulling my body down โ€ฆ Can I still use this as part of a healthy diet. Second question my partner has a history of diabetes in his family and has recently started taking prescribed drugs to control his glucose. This really concerns me. Can he start a program of detox and how quickly could this help him to get off these drugs? Thank you!
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The detox is excellent for clearing the head and ridding the body of toxins
**Answer:** That cause it.
**Answer:** Your body only loses weight if it needs to. The herbs work this way.
**Answer:** Is your partners diabetes type 2? If so this detox will have a significant impact on this issue.
**Answer:** The Doctors are quite often surprised at the results and people reduce or come off their medication.
**Answer:** Does this make sense?
**Question:** Hi, not sure about what type as of yet the docs have just started him on drugs .. His glucose gets quite high and he struggles to keep it under 10..most days ..I am sending him this link so he can talk to you directly (he lives in the north island, I live on the south!
**Question:** Yep, he has just told me its type 2 ๐Ÿ™
**Answer:** K then this programme is perfect. Brett has written a great article on type 2 let me give you the link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/type-2-diabetes-prevention-healing)
**Answer:** Click on this link and it will take you to the page
**Question:** Thankyou so much! Really want him off those drugs asap and keep him healthy .. Naturally ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes and itโ€™s definitely doable. Does he have high cholesterol or is carrying a bit of weight?
**Question:** Cholesterol is a bit high, and has a bit of weight around his belly but he isnโ€™t too much over, he eats a healthy diet and is conscious of what he eats but I am sure we could change things up and get him off those drugs
**Answer:** Great it sounds like he might have the start of metabolic syndrome so best to get on top of it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/metabolic-reset-metabolic-syndrome-and-insulin-resistance)
**Question:** I think so too, I have sent him the link, thankyou ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** you are welcome
**Question:** With regards to me, what program should I be looking into, just a detox, sorry I havenโ€™t read all, was just keen on helping my partner
**Answer:** Yes the ultimate herbal detox over 14 days would be perfect for you
**Question:** Ok, thankyou, will sit and have a good read, have gone through early menopause a couple of years ago and went through it all pretty easy, dropped caffeine and a lot of carbs out of my diet, had chia seeds etc in shakes. But let it slip and think I need a boost so my thoughts are to help and support my partner we do something similar to get our bodies firing again. Main focus being on him. Thank you so much for your advice, really appreciate your time. ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Sounds like a body reboot is just st what you need. We are here to support you at any time with your questions Brett comes on quite often too so you could speak with the man himself!
**Question:** That would be awesome, will have a good read and take things from there! So pleased I saw your link for the programme, just what I had been looking for, for my partner and me too ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again!
**Answer:** You are welcome have s great afternoon
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** is this safe to take while trying to get pregnant?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes the detox is very good
**Answer:** It helps to clean everything up so the eggs settle well.
**Answer:** is it ok if you are on hormones?
**Answer:** Itโ€™s a bit like hoeing the ground before planting s seed.
**Answer:** Yes itโ€™s fine
**Answer:** ok thanks very much
**Answer:** You are welcome. The 14 day detox is the one to do
**Answer:** Iโ€™ve already done that one, so was considering the slim
**Answer:** The Slim supports the hormones so wonโ€™t interfere
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I understood there is also a 500 gram bodyitune container available, but I donโ€™t see it on the website?
**Answer:** Let me find it for you
**Question:** Could you use it as a meal replacer?
**Answer:** You can follow this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-500g-pot-0)
**Question:** How many calories in one serving?
**Question:** Sorry for all the questions ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Yes you can, but because its got no sugar or fat it has almost no calories (65 per sachet)
**Answer:** It does give you the energy like youโ€™ve had food, but also reduces cravings
**Answer:** At the moment it comes with a free 120 bottle of boditune capsules also
**Question:** Sounds perfect! Thank you! To absorb all the good things, would you recommend to add healthy fats to your diet?
**Answer:** Yes, I recommend olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, handful of mixed nuts, salmon, that kind of thing
**Answer:** coconut cream is also great
**Answer:** avoiding white rice, potato, bread and pasta is also recommended to get the best result
**Question:** One last question. I got your leaflet from Health Herbs in Richmond. The owner, Alana Wilson spoke highly of you! Is the price the same when I order online or get it in her store?
**Answer:** I donโ€™t know her price, and if she stocks the full range. I think we will be cheaper ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** If you didnโ€™t want the free bonus you can use this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for a 25% discount SPRING25
**Answer:** Delivery is free
**Question:** Will order it now ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Thank you so much for your quick reply. Have a great weekend!
**Answer:** You too
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m here if you need any help
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hey i am really wanting to get the herbal detox but i am a poor student ๐Ÿ™ will this go on sale anytime soon?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We only go to 25% off with a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** Would you like one
**Question:** i found one online! thank you though im going to purchase it now ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Ok which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is it? It might have run out
**Question:** spring25?
**Answer:** Yes thatโ€™s ok all capitals
**Question:** perfect thanks
**Answer:** If you need any help at Any time. Just get in touch ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** hi Mikayla, sorry to bother you
**Answer:** i just made my purchase but am having trouble logging in?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** it wonโ€™t let me reset my password or anything and i dont remember making one, only subscribing to the emails
**Answer:** Let me check and reset your password
**Answer:** sweet thank you
**Answer:** Your user name is brianna.collis4
**Answer:** Your password is now brianna1234
**Answer:** You can try logging in then should be able to reset it again if you want
**Answer:** okay thank you, it just says im temporary blocked
**Answer:** because when i tried to reset it earlier it mentioned something about there being an error and waiting 16 seconds
**Answer:** Sorry about that, we seem to have a technical issue with the logins
**Answer:** Your order has been processed and will be shipped on monday, we will email you tracking details then
**Answer:** aw thats a shame about the technical issues! thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** We will look into in on Monday, but your order is underway, thanks again
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Can you tell me if any dairy or egg derived ingredients are in any of these products please? I am also interested in where the gelling agents are sourced.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Can you tell me if any dairy or egg derived ingredients are in any of these products please? Sometimes they are found in the casing of the capsules. I am also interested in where the gelling agents come from โ€“ plant based or gelatin.
**Question:** Please email your responses to [Email].nz
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Question:** Is it good for diabetes type 2
**Answer:** Yes very good, especially the BodiTune Drinks, but the Herbal Detox and Herbal SLIM are excellent also
**Answer:** Blood sugar balance is a major benefit of the programs
**Question:** Is it also good for sleep apnea
**Question:** I am from india my son is in newzeland and he ordered it for me ultimate herbal
**Answer:** Yes it should be good for you, I hope it goes well,
**Question:** thanks
**Question:** Ravinder Singh Bindra
**Question:** my e-mail Iโ€™d [Email]
**Question:** Can you send these products directly to India.
**Answer:** Yes we use DHL express courier
**Question:** Can I pay u in Indian currency
**Answer:** No but we do accept USD on the website, it will automatically convert to rupees
**Question:** ok
**Question:** my son has ordered two packs for me and it will reached here after 10 to 14 days
**Question:** my age is 65 years its ok for me
**Answer:** Yes probably sooner by DHL, I expect it will arrive next week
**Answer:** Yes it will be OK, and you can choose to use the program slower to suit your body, over one month would be best
**Question:** thanks sir
**Question:** what kind of information you required
**Answer:** We have everything we need thanks, it all processed and on the way, we will be emailing tracking details on Monday
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi are you ok there?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Please make sure you refresh your page before you try again
**Answer:** still not working ๐Ÿ™
**Answer:** What does it say now?
**Answer:** Still blocked?
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** If you want to order you can just go ahead and order without logging in. The login is blocked due to the time.
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** We will keep an eye out and make sure everything is okay for you.
**Answer:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** macka123
**Answer:** Hi there do you need help?
**Answer:** hi there, I canโ€™t remeber my password
**Answer:** Ok let us reset it for you
**Answer:** can u please make it Macka123
**Answer:** All done please try now
**Answer:** it says blocked
**Answer:** should i just try it later
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** If youโ€™re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi i have just ordered detox my order num is [Phone] can u plz tell me wat email id i have put i think i put wrong email id coz m still waiting for the email from u .
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Is this correct [Email]
**Answer:** Oh i have put the wrong email
**Answer:** We have definitely received your order, if you can please let us know your correct email
**Answer:** Its [Email]
**Answer:** It is now the weekend here in New Zealand, so your order will be shipped on Monday and we will give you the link to DHL Tracking
**Answer:** can u plz send me the email on this
**Answer:** thnks
**Answer:** OK, it wont send another email because itโ€™s automatic, but we will send you a confirmation manually now
**Answer:** thnks brett have a great weekend
**Answer:** you too
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi do u guys deliver in India?
**Answer:** Hello thete
**Answer:** Do you have DHL in India?
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** Then we can deliver there.
**Answer:** Where are you?
**Answer:** m in new Zealand but i want to send detox to delhi India for my dad
**Answer:** Ok yes that will be fine
**Answer:** any extra charges for delivery?
**Answer:** You could buy it and send it or we can send it directly.
**Answer:** Yes there is a delivery charge. You have to add the detox to the shopping cart Then go to check out. You then need to put in your shipping details the address in India and the system will automatically calculate it for you.
**Answer:** thnks i will do that .thnks for the help
**Answer:** Ok We are here to help at any time.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yes where do I start I can not walk so it going to hard for me to get around because I thought I will just take x amount of pills a day I Wood love it that way Iam hard to have a poo my ma
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You could do a gentle cleanse and take Souls and eat certain foods. This would not have you running backwards and forwards to the bathroom.
**Answer:** Can you tell me do you have a health issue?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** I take milk thistle I have a fatty liver
**Answer:** Hello there yes
**Question:** hello
**Answer:** Hi do you have a problem with your Liver?
**Question:** all I was told that I had a fatty liver
**Question:** polys on my gaulbladder
**Answer:** OK
**Question:** that is near the liver
**Answer:** Yes and are you taking medication?
**Question:** no meds just the milk thistle
**Answer:** You do need to take a lot more to resolve the fatty liver. The Herbal Detox will assist with resolving the Fatty Liver and wonโ€™t affect the polyps
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** ok
**Question:** ty
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yes Iโ€™m trying to checkout with ultimate detox and I put We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code parasitebonus in We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code box and it says unable to redeem
**Answer:** Hello let me check for you
**Answer:** We will check the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** Please try it again in capital letters it should be fine now
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** I will watch and may sure you are ok ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Awesome, so basically j will receive 2 clonaid bottles then correct?
**Answer:** I see it has worked now great!
**Answer:** You will receive the full programme (with a Colonaid bottle in it) which you do over 14 days and then you do the 2nd Colonaid bottle 6 weeks later.
**Answer:** Hope that makes sense?
**Question:** If I have parasites, do I just poop them out?
**Question:** Yes makes sense thanks
**Answer:** Yes that is how they will come out however they can be small so you might not see them. It gets rid of the eggs and any parasites. The 2nd bottle hits any left over.
**Question:** Excellent, thank you for your prompt attentitiveness.
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ we are here to support you through the programme at any time ๐Ÿ™‚
**Question:** Attentiveness*
**Answer:** lol all good
**Question:** Is this a one time charge? I wont keep receiving bottles and be charged for them unless I go o line and order myself right?
**Answer:** Youa re correct โ€“ you only get charged when you order ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Sorry you are correct
**Answer:** Right on
**Answer:** Alright Iโ€™m ordered now, I sure hope this helps me get on a better track and feel better. Thanks again for the help. Goodnight and God bless.
**Answer:** Thanks for your order โ€“ we will get it moving now for you and send you the tracking details. Please get in touch if you have any questions at any time. Good night and God bless you too.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** How many days will a headache a detox headache usually last for?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** hello
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Iโ€™m here if you need any help
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi There, Yesterday I called and asked cancellation for my order.
**Question:** But I canโ€™t get refund and also email.
**Answer:** Yes Is this Flora Song
**Question:** Yeap
**Answer:** Yes your order has been cancelled and the funds have been returned to your credit card. You will need to check with your bank
**Question:** I just checked but there was no refund. I think it should take time. Sorry to bother you ๐Ÿ˜‰
**Question:** Thanks!
**Question:** Thanks:)
**Answer:** I will email you the receipt now to this email [Email]
**Question:** ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks.! Good night Brett.
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Why are you so expensive
**Answer:** Because we are the best and guarantee results
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for some discount
**Answer:** Actually the product is worth every penny
**Question:** But ot not going to be able to help the poor this funny because i only dream of things like this you are great for making it
**Answer:** Thanks
**Question:** U welcome
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** hello have you got any specials?
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** We are doing 25% off with a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** SPRING25
**Answer:** Hi did you see my message?
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** I always forget
**Answer:** Your order is going out today and should be with you tomorrow/Monday
**Answer:** lol ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Can you see where my shipment is?
**Answer:** Okay thanks
**Answer:** You can track it here from later today [Link](https://www.fastway.co.nz/tools/track)
**Answer:** Kool thanks
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah I canโ€™t seem to track my shipment and Iโ€™ve forgotton my password to log in..my shipment number is FA0034771085
**Answer:** Ok bear with me
**Answer:** Hi Mikayla yes please
**Answer:** I have reset your password to Vanessa1234 โ€“ you can go in and swtich it ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Iโ€™m here if you need any help
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Have you got anything that can help my husband with prostate cancer that has gone to bone cancer ?
**Answer:** Thatโ€™s not something we can say we could help,
**Answer:** The Detox program is the best thing for the general health of the body, so it would be recommended
**Answer:** Itโ€™s just not to be done alongside chemotherqpy
**Question:** Is alkanising his body a help
**Answer:** Yes the detox is very good for alkalising, and super high in antioxidants which is also a good idea
**Question:** Can ou prescibe him something for tht
**Answer:** I would suggest the 2 week deep cleanse using this product [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Thanks I will look at this
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** We are here to help any time
**Question:** 2
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Hi trying to add HOT%)NOW couplon to my order โ€“ not accepting it.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi, I think I just paid the product.
**Question:** I donโ€™t want pay now and I donโ€™t have the account on you guys website. So I canโ€™t find the order.
**Question:** How can I cancel the order????
**Question:** Order number was [Phone]
**Question:** Hey????
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi thete
**Answer:** When did you order?
**Answer:** We will need to resolve it tomorrow when the payment settles in the bank
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** hi there, I have hypoglycaemia and typically need animal protein at every meal to keep my blood sugars stable โ€“ am I able to do this detox whilst still eating organic/grass fed meats โ€“ I can avoid grains but do not do well not incorporating animal protein and fat in my diet โ€“ I follow a whole foods organic diet anywayโ€ฆ will this affect detoxing if I continue to eat meat on the program?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The meat will affect the impact of the detox over 14 days. You could do it over a longer time and have chicken, eggs, and fish โ€“ you would need to do the one-month detox plan.
**Answer:** Eating fruit every hour does stabilise blood sugar well
**Question:** Hi there, thanks for that. Unfortunately for me fruit and carbs alone make my insulin super reactive and I get huge blood sugar drops โ€“ but thatโ€™s good news if I can follow the plan over a month instead! Thank you for info!
**Answer:** You are welcome โ€“ have you downloaded the user guide to see the details of the programme?
**Question:** yes I have thank you ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** hi have done the ultimate detox then the slim program.. have just finished what would I go with next if I want to lose a little more.. thank you.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You could carry on with the Slim programme for anotehr month if you feel you have anotehr 5kgs to lose or you could switch to the BodiTune drink which will take a bit longer to lose
**Answer:** It is more gentle
**Answer:** thank you I think I will do the slim then..are there any deals at the moment on the products thank you
**Answer:** Ok sounds good โ€“ we can give you a 25% off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code ๐Ÿ™‚ use SPRING25 at the checkout
**Answer:** thanks heaps for your help
**Answer:** You are welcome Anna
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** My husband is taking high blood pressure medicine which is not working. His levels are consistently between 170/90 and 180/90. What can I do to help him, as he has diabetes also, but his blood sugar levels are now normal due to daily insulin.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Our detox program has a guarantee on blood pressure
**Answer:** He would do the 14 day program and follow the foods
**Answer:** If he has his blood pressure measured before and after the program he will see the drop.
**Answer:** Lots of people come off blood pressure medication after they do the Ultimate Herbal Detox program
**Answer:** You can get the user here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** The program is available for sale on . as well as our website
**Question:** Okay thanks, Iโ€™ll check out this website..
**Answer:** Please also read Brettโ€™s article on blood pressure
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** The info on the detox program is here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** It is the combination of the special herbs and the foods that makes the results on blood pressure
**Answer:** I am presuming that your husband is a type one diabetic as he is taking insulin. Does he take any other medication Besides his blood pressure medication?
**Question:** No, he is type 2
**Question:** no, but he does take a multivitamin and other supplements daily
**Answer:** Oh wow okay. He will also see an impact on his type to diabetes if he does the detox program. Can I ask does he buy any chance have high cholesterol or is carrying a bit of weight?
**Answer:** I am using predictive text so there a few spelling mistakes lol
**Question:** he does not have high cholesterol, but he is carrying a bit of weight. He is 6โ€™4 and weighs around 265.
**Answer:** Okay it sounds to me as though he has metabolic syndrome. You may wish to read this article which explains about this issue. Many doctors are still learning about this problem. Brettโ€™s programs are designed to impact on all of these areas. Let me get you a link to the article
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/metabolic-reset-metabolic-syndrome-and-insulin-resistance)
**Answer:** Do you need any further help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** If i get the slim programme to do would I still need to get the craving curver
**Answer:** Yes it is part of the programme
**Answer:** There are 4 bottles and one of them is the craving cutter
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi. Is there a test that you can have that identifies your levels of minerals & vitamins to see what you may be lacking?
**Answer:** You can get a hair analysis, a few health shops around Auckland can possibly do that for you
**Answer:** You would need to ring around
**Question:** Thanks very much:)
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hello,
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** i just started taking plants based digestive enzymes which helped me a lot not having bloating and indigestion
**Answer:** Great
**Question:** my question is how long should i be taking it for? And should i stick to the 1 cap per meal twice a day?
**Answer:** You can take enzymes as long as you like, there is no limit, but you could reduce the dosage until you feel it stops working then increase it again until it feels good, your body will tell you
**Answer:** Perfect 1 per meal been working mericley for me
**Answer:** after only one week Iโ€™m eating again
**Answer:** The you can keep that up as long as needed
**Answer:** and Iโ€™ve heard that it help detoxify your body . Is that true?
**Answer:** Yes, we suggest a detox at least once a year, just like a service for your car, it reboots everything in the digestive system and metabolism
**Answer:** very nice and is that through the enzyme capsule?
**Answer:** We have the best one in the world, you can see it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Yes it has enzymes as part of the combination
**Answer:** wow thatโ€™s amazing. Thank you so much for your help
**Answer:** God bless you
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome, anytime, God Bless you too ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** sendin my best your way ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** do you guys do any promo discounts or have any coming up as I have been wanting to try this for a really long time but I am a uni student flatting and it is quite hard to come up with all the money to try the detox ๐Ÿ™
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi!
**Answer:** We can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get 25% off
**Question:** no way?!
**Answer:** You can use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code SPRING25 at the checkout before you add your address.
**Question:** thank you so much!!
**Question:** i really appreciate it ๐Ÿ˜€
**Answer:** Glad to help
**Answer:** Weโ€™d love you to try it
**Question:** iโ€™m hoping too try it soon! Does the detox help with some weight loss along with resetting your body?
**Answer:** Yes most people get 4 to 5 kgs over the 14 days and the reset is amazing!
**Question:** perfect thank you so much for your help!
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to support you anytime
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** im wondering if itโ€™s okay to take probiotics ( inner health plus) whilst taking capsules on the slim diet?
**Answer:** Yes that is a perfect combination
**Question:** in your guide you list that rice cakes and crackers are okay to eat, however your video says no processed food? Can we have these?
**Answer:** We are about to remove them from the booklet, so you are correct, no processed foods makes the program work a lot better, and these are also simple carbohydrates, so best to avoid them
**Question:** what about rice with meals
**Answer:** Brown rice is suggested, so you eat less carbs that way
**Answer:** I would also choose pumpkin and kumara over potatoes
**Question:** is there anything else on that list that I shouldnโ€™t eat?
**Answer:** The rest should be OK, of course we are being very strict already so donโ€™t be too hard on yourself, the guidelines are there to give direction and if you break the rules a little and get back on track the next day, you will still make progress. Just do your best and you will get results
**Answer:** Happiness and good sleep are just as important as food and exercise
**Answer:** The herbs are also going to do a lot of the work
**Question:** for sweeteners, honey is okay and sugar is not. What about maple syrup with my morning porridge?
**Answer:** You could get away with a little, 1 teaspoon maybe,
**Answer:** Did you look at the Keto approach along with this program? They work very well together, I will give you a link
**Question:** Also gluten free bread is okay, so I assume all wheat flour is out? Including whole wheat flour?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Answer:** Itโ€™s not so much the gluten, but the processed grains that itโ€™s better to avoid, so any bread that is refined is not helpful, the super heavy grain bread is better, and also toasted is better as it largely destroys the binding effect of the grains
**Answer:** 1 or two pieces of toast a week of a very heavy whole grain and seed loaf wouldnโ€™t hurt
**Question:** Do have have suggestions on what heavy whole grain bread is?
**Answer:** The keto / intermittent fasting article is worth a read, as this can potentially speed up weight loss quite a bit and works very well with the programโ€™
**Answer:** Usually a small baker has something like that, a four seed loaf from countdown, or a small bakery, grain and seed loaf, they are usually very heavy and are full of grains and seeds, you can ask them which is the heaviest in whole grains and they should be able to suggest something
**Question:** Great. Iโ€™ve done 4 of your detox diets so far so Iโ€™m used to it being a little stricter.
**Question:** You have been very informative. Thank you for your time and have a great day
**Answer:** You should do well, Iโ€™d love to hear about your outcome from the Slim
**Answer:** You too ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi just wanted to know if the bottles that are in your packs of the detox or slim are sold individually in health food stores
**Question:** hello
**Answer:** Not many of the stores stock the individual bottles but we do sell them separately on our website.
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Hi there
**Question:** I am curious about the BodiTune product
**Answer:** Hi there what would you like to know about it
**Question:** Iโ€™ve done the Ultimate Herbal Detox several times in the past, and just wondering if this product contains many of the same herbs
**Answer:** Yes it contains all of the herbs in the herbal detox plus most of the herbs from the herbal slim so not only does it give your body a gentle cleanse but it also gives you a metabolic boost and helps control addictive food habits.
**Answer:** It is approximately five times more gentle than the herbal detox program over 14 days.
**Answer:** So, it is a two-week programme?
**Answer:** and are the sachets meant to replace a meal if used in a smoothie, etc?
**Answer:** Are you talking about the sachets or capsules?
**Answer:** Is BodiTune sachets or capsules?
**Answer:** It is both. We do two variations
**Answer:** Oh, I misunderstood
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** I thought BodiTune was a protein drink type thing that came in sachets that you added to water, juice, milk etc
**Answer:** Yes that is right but there is also the BodiTune capsules
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-120-vege-caps)
**Answer:** Ok, thanks
**Answer:** Are the sachets meant to replace meals?
**Answer:** Yes they are But they contain no sugar or fat and that is how they help you with weight loss
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hello I am doing the 4 week slim diet and I normally have a couple of biscuits with afternoon tea as a pick me up. Is there anything that I can have as an alternative which is sweet? Savoury with tea is not something I enjoy too much. Thanks
**Answer:** You can have a piece of fruit โ€“ it will be fine on that programme
**Question:** Would a small wholemeal muffin be okay?
**Answer:** No that is not good on the Slim programme as it is processed.
**Question:** even if it is homemade?
**Answer:** No it is processed food and processed food is not allowed.
**Answer:** Wholemeal is processed
**Question:** What flours are allowed?
**Answer:** No flours are allowed as they are all processed sorry
**Answer:** They are procesed and sticky so stay inside you โ€“ the foods on the list to eat are there to get the food moving and improve the digestion process.
**Question:** So rice is okay to eat? Are rice crackers/cakes not too sticky?
**Question:** Is rice flour bread okay
**Answer:** Sorry no rice crackers are processed too. No rice flour bread is processed too. Best to stay with a piece of fruit.
**Question:** I was reading the list now and it shows that rice crackers/cakes and gluten free bread is allowed. Thatโ€™s why I got a little confused as you mentioned that processed food is not allowed
**Answer:** There is an eror on the food list in the user guide โ€“ the carckers should not be showing.
**Answer:** Nor the gluten free bread ๐Ÿ™
**Question:** Oh okay thanks
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I started gentle detox (30 days) one week after I feel dizzy which is uncommon to me. Can dizziness be one of the symptoms of detox or itโ€™s something else?
**Answer:** Yes it can definitely be a sign of the detox and should only last 24 hours
**Question:** I have it for about 3 days now.
**Answer:** Have you cut back on coffee or reduced your alcohol intake?
**Question:** I dont drink at all
**Answer:** Coffee or tea?
**Question:** No tea no coffee
**Answer:** What do you normally drink and what is your normal diet like?
**Question:** I drink filtered water (to get rid of chlorine) and eat twice a day โ€“ no breakfast, mainly vegetarian diet with fish once a week, lots of yogurt, fruits and veggies
**Question:** My reason for doing detox: I suffer from chronic constipation for many many years.
**Answer:** How you reduced your fruit intake at all while doing the detox?
**Question:** Was I supposed to reduce fruits?
**Answer:** No not at all Iโ€™m just asking it you have had less while on the detox
**Question:** Not really, but the hardest bit is to reduce sugar and bread (even though I use gluten free bread).
**Answer:** I suspect that you might be experiencing a combination of detox symptoms and possibly low blood sugar. Eat a small piece of fruit each hour and assess you dizziness over 24 hours. It should reduce. I should also ask, have you done a detox before?
**Question:** Iโ€™ll do.This is my first detox
**Answer:** Ok so it could be toxins being pulled from your body. Increase your fruit intake and let us know how you go
**Question:** Will do, many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** oup
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and weโ€™ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi do you need help?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Is there any real risk by doing the 7 day detox
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** If you donโ€™t have a good diet you could get a strong reaction to the herbs and be rushing to the toilet a lot. If you are generally a clean eater it will be lighter
**Answer:** Each person responds differently so it hard to say how your own body will react.
**Answer:** Are you mainly a vegetable eater?
**Question:** we eat meat probably 3 times a week
**Answer:** OK your body may respond as you are trying to cram in a lot in short time and your body may not like it. You could start on the 7 day and see how you go as you can always reduce the number of capsules. Most people do the 14 days if they have not done it before.
**Question:** Thank you for your help I will start the 7 days and see how I go.
**Answer:** OK keep in touch
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** sorry, just crsashed my computer and didt see your reply re my message before about increase capsule or not.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Sorry I missed your question
**Answer:** im on day 7 of the 14 day program. my bowel movements were not increasing, so I increase my morning dose to 8 on day 5. still only gettign small bowel movvements after main meals. I dont feel blocked. shoul i increase teh capsules some more?
**Answer:** Itโ€™s Ok to have a couple of slow days in the middle of the program
**Answer:** Your body gets ahead of itโ€™s normal rhythm
**Answer:** should i contiue tking 8 in the morning or go back to 5?
**Answer:** Itโ€™s important to keep eating plenty of food so your bowels are stimulated
**Answer:** I think you could go back to five, and just relax a little bit about the extra bowel movements, they will come if needed, but your body is cleansing on other levels, they donโ€™t always happen right away
**Answer:** ok, that might be the problem โ€“ im only eating the main meals with an apple in between.
**Answer:** Yes itโ€™s important to keep eating plenty, so extra fruit during the day would be a good idea
**Answer:** sometimes the real clean out is right at the end, and it can just be one major dump ๐Ÿ™‚
**Answer:** It all depends on your body
**Answer:** im trying to lose maximum fat at teh same time, so trying not eat to many carbs through fruti
**Answer:** HI Julian, sorry had to leave desk
**Answer:** The best way to lose fat is to focus on the keto plan during your cleanse. You can find out more about this here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Answer:** what foods can I use for a source of fat that are still suitable for detox?
**Answer:** about from oit and avocado
**Answer:** I will give you a quick list
**Answer:** Yes avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, full fat yoghurt, normal cream, a little butter and full fat milk
**Answer:** coconut cream is a also good in a curry
**Answer:** If you combine these with lots of low starch vegetable and follow the 8 hour eating window you should get great results.
**Answer:** Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit, and a few apples will be good in between
**Answer:** is galangal ok โ€“ you dont eat it, but put it in thai soup
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** last thing, can you drink herbal tea outside of the 8 hour fasting window?
**Answer:** Yes and drink water
**Answer:** cheers
**Answer:** Youโ€™re welcome, keep us posted
**Answer:** yip
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** hi im on day 7 of the 14 day program. I wasnโ€™t have alot of bowel movements, so based on the recommendation of this live chat, I increased my morning dosage to 8 of each capsule โ€“ still doing 5ea at night. bowel movements havenโ€™t really increased โ€“ just small ones half an hour or so after main meals. My question is should I increase the dosage of either the morning or night, or should I just be patient
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** If youโ€™re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** I was just reading a article where Coconut oil is pure poison,โ€ claims Karin Michels, PhD
**Answer:** OK thanks, Is it possible you can give me the link to that article
**Question:** What makes Dr. Michels an authority on coconut oil? She is not a physician, or a nutritionist, or
**Question:** [Link](http://coconutresearchcenter.org/hwnl_15-4.htm)
**Answer:** I will check it out anyway, I have seen great healing results with coconut oil, and donโ€™t see how a simple traditional food like this could be harmful
**Answer:** Thanks for that, I see the last statement probably sums it up โ€œOne group of Harvard researchers that includes George L. Blackburn, MD, PhD, Edward Mascioli, MD, and Vigan K. Babyan, PhD state, โ€œCoconut oil has an important medical role to play in nutrition, metabolism, and health care. Indeed, properly formulated and utilized, coconut oil may be the preferred vegetable oil in our diet and the special hospital foods used promoting patient recovery.โ€ These researchers made this statement after having spent years studying the health effects of coconut oil and other fats. Their comments hold far more authority than a biostatistician who apparently has never even bothered to do even an internet search on the subject.โ€
**Answer:** I think I will add a link to that article on my page, thankyou
**Question:** My question so has this strange person claiming to be a expert on coconut oil done anything on refined table salt or refined sugar โ€ฆ. and has she read the book Pure White and Deadly by Dr. John Yudkin. (how sugar is killing us)
**Answer:** I agree, they are actually harmful, yet coconut oil is proving to be a great health product with many benefits
**Question:** NZ consumer magazine made a claim a couple of years ago that refined salt was the way to go and healthy salts was just a waste of money, clear evidence that their magazine is lacking in their research department Healthy salts is a more suitable replacement to replace sweat, I would never buy their magazine again unless they confused to their misleading error. just lately heard coconut water is another good replacement for sweat.
**Answer:** Yes we generally get far to much salt in our diets anyway, so sweating is a good way to detox, CMD drops (from salt lake), mineral pools and epsom salt baths are better ways to stabilise your salts. A little Himalayan salt is also good.
**Question:** They need a good education from Barbara Oโ€™Neil watch โ€œDiscovering Good Healthโ€ on Firstlight TV Barbara & husband have health retreat in
**Question:** Australia
**Answer:** Thanks will check it out
**Question:** OK I think I said most of it catch you another time
**Answer:** Have a great day
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Any discounts like that previously offered on grabone?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for 25% off
**Answer:** If you use SPRING25 at checkout it will deduct the discount
**Question:** What if I want to buy 2?
**Answer:** Then you can get the 20% off for two buy adding this combo to your cart [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** Then you can still apply the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Question:** OK. Will check it out thanks. I trained for Chicago marathon and wrote about for NZ triathlon sports mag. Looking to do detox and train. Subject to how I go would you be open to sponsor for printi
**Question:** Promoting
**Answer:** Perhaps, it all depends on your following etc
**Question:** Looking more at articles for mags.
**Answer:** You can email me about it on [Email] and we can talk further
**Question:** Iโ€™ll get started and as something evolves I will come back to you.
**Answer:** Sounds good
**Question:** OK thank you. Iโ€™ll send you what Iโ€™ve achieved in past. Looking forward egg inspiration and in think sponsorship is a good way also for that.
**Answer:** OK Iโ€™ll look out for your email, Cheers
**Question:** Thanks!
**Answer:** Just click this link for the discount [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on . as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** It has been suggested that I might have paricites
**Question:** Due to constipation etc
**Answer:** Ok that makes sense
**Answer:** Our detox Cleansed the body and resolves constipation.
**Answer:** I see that you have been looking at Bretts article.
**Answer:** It has lots of good info on clearing parasites from the body.
**Answer:** The detox programme and certain foods resolve the issue
**Question:** Cost?
**Answer:** The program is [Price] however we do have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get 15% off if you wished to do it.
**Answer:** It is available on . too but they donโ€™t do the discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Question:** Oh ok
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Question:** Is this product effective for THC?
**Answer:** Yes we do a 100% guarantee if you do the Ultimate Herbal Detox over 14 days.
**Answer:** Have a look at this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/managing-detox-headaches-and-withdrawal)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book โ€œCleansed & Curedโ€. His programs are Practitioner quality. .
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi there..yes i do
**Answer:** Great how can I help?
**Question:** i have done 2 days of 20 capsules each morning. i started on saturday. i checked on here to see if i could add the bedtime dose in after 2 daysโ€ฆwhich was told that was fine
**Question:** so am into my 2nd day of 40โ€ฆand feel fine. i have this week off work due to being a physical job and toilet is miles away lol
**Answer:** Yes all good so far
**Question:** my next questionโ€ฆthis is the 3rd time i have done this detoxโ€ฆlast time was nearly 2 years ago. and had great results each time. it says in the book u can alter capsule intake depending how body copingโ€ฆi havent done many toilet trips so farโ€ฆbut was wondering if i could add xtra capsules?
**Question:** i am sure in the past i have done the 7 daysโ€ฆbut wouldnt say im super healthy lkke it recomendsโ€ฆ
**Question:** so went to the 14 days. but just thinking of how it will be when i go back to work monday
**Question:** hope u understand what im saying with this long story lol
**Answer:** Yes you can add extra capsules but donโ€™t panic if you arenโ€™t running to the bathroom. It normally means you body is quite clean. Remember the detox goes down to cell level so itโ€™s not just about going to the loo. Detoxing occurs in many levels.
**Answer:** You can certainly increase the dosage and see how you feel.
**Answer:** But please remember your body will respond differently each time you detox so the loo visits may increase at the end this time.
**Question:** oh ok. so maybe add xtra 2 of each capsule? or do the 40? lol whats your thoughts? or maybe add a couple xtra of each day by day??
**Question:** yea thats what im worried that the loo visits will increase at endโ€ฆby that time i am back at workโ€ฆ.scarey! lol
**Answer:** I think add a couple each day until you are at the full 7 day dose.
**Question:** thanks for thatโ€ฆone last question..
**Answer:** You will know how your body reacts in about 48 hours
**Question:** the night time ones they say take at bedtime?? do they mean as in right b4 going to bed . as in sleep or can it be 2 or 3 hours b4 getting into bed
**Answer:** It can be either way as itโ€™s not important timing wise in the evening.
**Question:** cool. thanks for your help mikayla. feel better now got that sorted.you have a good day
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello :.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I have a serious amount of weight to loose, can you please recommend the best program>


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