Zendesk Chat History Clean2

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Great, thanks…. I am definitely buying the Ultimate DEtox pack but just saw the Sale and am thinking I might benefit from having the Boditune pack as well (keen on losing a bit of weight….) Did the detox about 9 years ago and it was fantastic….

**Question:** How long would it take to arrive through the mail if I order through your site ?

**Answer:** Usually overnight in the north island, we would ship it this afternoon

**Question:** ok, am in the [name] though…

**Answer:** The combo definitely give a quicker result for weight loss
**Answer:** OK, well you would need to add a couple of days, so it should arrive by Tuesday
**Question:** great no problem, placing the order now… cheers
**Answer:** Will get it underway ASAP
**Question:** one more thing, can I do it as a 10 days detox and then move on to the Slim pack of just follow the one month program ?
**Answer:** Yes you can do it either way, one after the other gives you longer commitment, so could get a better outcome
**Question:** good thanks..
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** yes, I was thinking I might have seen something with Health2000, I wanted to buy the kit from them but they were not stocking it in Nelson… do you have a code we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s I could use ?
**Answer:** Yes we have [price] we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s at the moment, it’s called 2020vision
**Answer:** Just put it in at checkout
**Question:** Fantastic ! thanks…
**Question:** All done….
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** [name]. Have read the info on your web site. How many scoops per serving and how many times a day do you recommend.
**Answer:** One scoop in the morning smoothie is a great place to start, and see how you feel with that for a week or so. Did you have a specific goal in mind
**Question:** Can you eat anything from the food list as well? Would like to loose 10kg in a month.
**Answer:** Ok, one scoop a day is good for around 2-3kg
**Answer:** if you want to lose 10kg in a month you would want to replace at least two meals a day with then green smoothies and use up to 4 scoops a day
**Answer:** I would use this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie/)
**Answer:** I would also suggest going 100% unprocessed with your foods, and eating more of the salads, curries and stir fry’s for dinner. you can find them all here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Question:** Great will give it a shot. Cheers
**Answer:** You’re welcome keep me posted, I would love to hear how it goes
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi there we are on day 9 on our 14 day detox we feel fine with very little change to our normal bowel motions.. can we increase our take to 30 capsules in stead of 30
**Question:** instead of 20
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine. You must have a pretty good system
**Answer:** Do you eat mostly vegetables normally?
**Question:** [name], we haven’t eaten meat for 2 years, we probably have 4 glasses of wine a week and make most things from scratch
**Answer:** Ah yes, that makes sense. It usually a sign of good gut health if not much happens on the bowel movement front
**Answer:** You will still get the extra gut health, liver and cellular detox benefits
**Question:** we also make our own kombucha. yes, we both feel great.
**Answer:** You might benefit from a couple of fasting days towards the end.
**Answer:** You might find this interesting [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting/)
**Answer:** A 3 day fast can reset the DNA and immune systems
**Question:** one thing steve feels less tired and no need for a 3pm nap, so there have been benefits for both of us. we are thinking of following this diet at least 2 days a week.
**Answer:** Sounds good
**Question:** have a great night
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I ordered a 1kg tin about 4 days ago. How long does delivery normally take?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you had your tracking details? The email could be in your spam folder. It normally takes 1 to 3 days depending where you are but the tracking will tell you. What is your name?
**Question:** [name] address 118 milne drive Paraparaumu. Will have a look but dont think I got the tracking detail email
**Answer:** [name], I will check for you too
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.fastway.co.nz/tools/track?l=FA0036812582)
**Answer:** The courier has misdirected your order – it was going to Auckland but has been turned around.
**Answer:** I will keep an eye on it tomorrow and watch it.
**Question:** Oh dear….thanks
**Answer:** I am so sorry about that – you can click on the link above to see where it is
**Answer:** This happens rarely so I am so sorry it has happened to you.
**Question:** Looks like it is going to [name]
**Answer:** I think that is a mistake – I will call Fastway in the morning.
**Question:** [name]
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** [name]
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** I am doing the 28 day Detox, Is it okay to have Hummus?
**Answer:** Yes it is fine 🙂
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** No probs happy to help 🙂

**Question:** ok thank you
**Question:** failed, when I came to the last step it was said I have already had an account, should log in, but when I did log in, seemed the password you just sent to me was wrong

**Question:** ok
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Sorry that was automated message, we don’t offer a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for the blender because it’s not our brand
**Question:** no problem, I understand
**Question:** Done, thank you
**Answer:** Awesome, I will get in on the way for you, thanks again and enjoy the blender
**Answer:** thank you!
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I’m here to help iff you need anything
**Answer:** We do have a [price] we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s available for the [name] today
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, I am on my third day of 40 pills and haven’t had any major bowel motions. In fact, I have been going several days without passing a motion. I usually pass a motion every day. Do you know why this might be happening?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** [name]
**Answer:** There’s a couple of things that might be going on. You may not be eating enough and therefore not creating enough volume to go through your body so make sure you have good size servings. It’s also often the case that when you’re not eating the same foods your body is breaking down a lot more so you don’t get quite as much coming out in a bow movement. Also if you get a couple of bowel movements extra early on in the program then your body is gone ahead of itself and needs to catch up. It’s quite common to have 2 to 3 days when nothing happens during the program anyway
**Question:** I am having plenty to eat, but all fruit, vegetables and yoghurt, so maybe there is not much waste. I don’t eat meat anyway and make most of my food from scratch, so maybe I haven’t got a huge build up.??
**Answer:** Yes that is more likely to be the situation.
**Answer:** You will still get all the other wonderful benefits 🙂
**Question:** We have been on the programme for 6 days plus lead in of 2 days. My partner is eating same as me and he is going frequently and passing dark motions.
**Answer:** That shows you how different individuals can be. Even if you are eating similar or the same foods.
**Question:** I feel fantastic. I am sleeping well and have energy, but was confused by lack of number 2s. I am really annoyed because I had a glass of KiwiCrush about half an hour ago, believing it was natural and just read that it has fructose and Xylatol in it 🙁 Otherwise we have been totally sticking to everything.
**Answer:** Don’t worry about the number twos it sounds like you are getting really good benefits in other areas.The energy and good sleep is a sign that the detox is getting down to sound level. It is amazing how many things are advertised as being natural but then contain lots of other things which aren’t good for you. It makes it very confusing for people when they purchased food and drinks. You are doing awesome!
**Question:** [name]. Do you think its likely that I will finish the programme without major tummy upsets or urgent need of toilet?
**Answer:** It sounds like you’re not going to be rushing to the bathroom during this detox which is fine.
**Answer:** The symptoms you have at the moment and the way you’re feeling is a sign that you are in really good health which is excellent 🙂
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there again. I’m going to have to charge for the editing of your recipes! 🙂
**Answer:** What have you spotted now? lol
**Question:** [name] Stroganoff calls for Fresh cream in the ingredients list but then in the preparation it states stir in the Sour cream – so what is it Fresh or Sour ??? [name] [name] Method starts off by throw in the salad Bowel. It only gets into the bowel once it has gone through your gut !!
**Answer:** It’s fresh cream so we will sort that and Brett isn’t very good at spelling so we will change the [name] coleslaw
**Question:** Thanks – tell him to leave the recipe writing to you (lol)
**Answer:** It sound like we need to get the team onto a full review
**Answer:** I will! lol
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** He gets enthusiastic and wants to get them up straight away when he’s made them
**Answer:** [name] for now
**Answer:** Bye
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** On the [name], Leek and Salsa you show the following in the Salsa “Gently blend in 1 Tsbp honey, 1 Tsbp vinegar, and 1 Tbsp soya sauce” what is Tsbp ??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It’s a tablespoon
**Question:** OK thanks – need to do some editing 🙂
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I am struggling with high blood pressure and been over weight. Do you have something to help with these issues
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes we do the ultimate herbal detox can help with both of those issues.
**Question:** How does it work
**Answer:** The average is 4 to 5KG weight loss and a drop in 10 to 20 points of BP
**Question:** Ok that’s pretty good results
**Answer:** Let me give you a page to look at. You basically follow a diet of fruit and vegetables for two weeks and take capsules in the morning and capsules in the evening.
**Question:** What is the cost for this
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-does-the-herbal-detox-work/)
**Question:** Ok that sounds good
**Answer:** It is [price] but we do have [price] off at the moment with the coop and I can give you
**Question:** What do you get with this package
**Answer:** If you click on the link I gave you it will explain what’s in the package. It will also explain how it works
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/) You can see the details of the actual program here
**Question:** I’m going to need time to read this. If I do decide to go ahead with this I can call back right
**Question:** It does look good but just want sometime to read it
**Answer:** Yes of course we cover the live chat until 10pm every day
**Answer:** You can download the user guide too
**Question:** Ok do you have a local store
**Answer:** Would you like the link?
**Answer:** We sell online and in certain natural health stores around the country. Where are you based
**Question:** Ok that’s good could I get you to send those links to my email address mediafan1963..com
**Question:** I live in Tauranga
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** You can get the program at Health 2000 in Bay fair, the Mount or the crossing. We are based in Tauranga our self so you could also pick it up if you wanted to and Brett could do a brief consult with you. He does a free 20 minutes for people who pick up.
**Answer:** I can send you an email of this chat afterwards as well
**Question:** Hey that would be brillant
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** Lloyd davy
**Answer:** [name] Have a read and come back to us when you’re ready 🙂
**Answer:** Ok thanks Sarah I will the consultation I think would work for me. I heard your ad on rhema
**Answer:** Awesome let me email the details to you
**Answer:** Just in case your wondering how I found out about you
**Answer:** It’s good to know
**Answer:** Many thanks have a nice day
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, I was talking to you yesterday evening and you gave me a code so I could get 40% off your detox. (sorted2020) You told me today would be the last day for we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, so I put code in this morning and it has told me the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s has expired. I have to go to work now, and not sure if I will be able to get to a computer until tonight. Are you able to look into this? Cheers, Bronnie
**Answer:** Hi, [name]. Yes please, if its possible
**Answer:** Let me just check for you
**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code is working now if you want to use it it was closed off early but now it is open until tomorrow morning so that you can place your order.
**Answer:** K. I will give it another go.
**Answer:** It can be used on any full priced items.
**Answer:** Cool. It worked. Thanks
**Answer:** Awesome
**Question:** on the detox plan what binding agent can i use say for a fritter
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Do you need any help?
**Question:** on the detox plan what binding agent can i use say for a fritter
**Answer:** You could pureed some corn on the cob. Or great some Coomera and use either of those.
**Answer:** Sorry kumara
**Answer:** [name]
**Question:** are u allowed to use chick pea flower
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It is actually a legume so it’s not allowed.
**Question:** We are on our third day of 20 capsules and are feeling fine. Would it be ok to start the 40 capsules tomorrow?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that if you wish.
**Question:** Would tonight be too soon? We haven’t had any discomfort or other symptoms. We have a pretty healthy diet in general. We don’t eat meet and eat very little processed food.
**Answer:** If you want to start tonight that will be fine, your capsules were just run out a little bit earlier
**Question:** Excellent. Thank you. The results will be the same, won’t they? 🙂
**Question:** Meat not meet ha ha
**Answer:** Yes they will be the same
**Answer:** lol your spelling like mine
**Question:** Thanks for your help Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Can we add a bit of honey to yoghurt?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that that is fine
**Question:** We can’t eat edamame beans, can we?
**Answer:** Sorry no. Nuts beans and legumes are off the menu
**Question:** I ate about 6 today before i thought about it. Whoops!
**Answer:** No probs you will be ok
**Question:** Great. I am feeling fantastic and sleeping really well. hope it continues when we double the capsules
**Answer:** Excellent that’s great, I’m sure you will continue to feel wonderful
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Oh thanks, actually I was wondering if you send the product to Mexico?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Thanks, can you please tell me if you send the product to Mexico? My email address is adriana_lazcano..com
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there – Elaine again. My partner are just finishing day 3 of our detox and feeling great. Would it be ok for us to start on the 40 capsules tomorrow, or should we wait until the next day?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** No problem. my email address is elainyjames..com and my question is: My partner are just finishing day 3 of our detox and feeling great. Would it be ok for us to start on the 40 capsules tomorrow, or should we wait until the next day?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** [name] Agents for Hire. We promise you top notch quality, Affordable and 24/7 support and will ensure no lead/ customer request is missed. Give us a chance, we wont let you down. We will work hard to increase your revenue and responsiveness to your customers. Click here [Link](https://open247.chat/cf/cfz.php)
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I was just watching some of your promo videos and one said if I register on this site i can get detox and slim for free. Is this true?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Question:** I was just watching some of your promo videos and one said if I register on this site i can get detox and slim for free. Is this true?
**Answer:** I’m sorry we don’t do that any more we haven’t done it for quite a few years could you tell me where the site was?
**Answer:** If you can tell me where it is we can get it removed.
**Question:** Youtube. There was a number of videos
**Answer:** They are extremely old promotional videos. Things have changed a lot since those videos.
**Answer:** I will request a review and removal of them thank you for letting us know.
**Question:** Detox truth explained by [name]
**Answer:** I think that one of our team has forgotten they’re there, so I’m grateful that you have reminded us.
**Question:** If weight is not an issue. Mostly energy and a little bit of blotting and health. Do I need to do the slim after detox?
**Question:** *bloating
**Answer:** It is best just to do the ultimate herbal detox if those are your goals. You probably won’t need to do the swim program after that.
**Answer:** Would you like me to give you a link to the program so you can take a look?
**Answer:** You do the program alongside a special diet. It just takes two weeks.
**Question:** Sure. Is there anyway I can get it cheaper LOL. I dont think my husband is going to let me spend 200
**Answer:** It cleanses the body in all the key areas including the colon liver, intestine’s and kidneys. It boosts energy and cleanses to cell level so there are areas of health improvement
**Question:** Also, can you do the detox while you are training?
**Answer:** I can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code to get some we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s you would get 40% off. But the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is only available until the end of business tomorrow because it is our final [name] Year sale.
**Answer:** The code is sorted2020
**Answer:** You can train but we do recommend not doing hard cardiovascular exercise. As it’s better to be a little bit more gentle with your body.
**Question:** I believe you but one hears so many of these programmes and half of them dont do what they claim so it is extremely hard to convince him
**Answer:** The 40% comes down to about 120
**Question:** Do they expire? I have an adventure race in march so need to keep training
**Answer:** Well everyone is different and it all depends on your diet and your current state of health as to what Impax you get. If your diet isn’t particularly good then you can have some really good in-depth results including things like less brain fuzz.
**Answer:** The expiry date on the detox at the moment is August 2021
**Question:** My diet is not the greatest as lots of Stress at work, and Im finding I cant seem to get fitter. However I finished my job up last month and hoping to look for part time in the field instead
**Answer:** Doing the ultimate herbal detox is like servicing your car if you don’t service your car eventually It grinds to a halt. It is a complete reset for the body.
**Answer:** You sound very much like many of the people that contact us. Stress can have a huge impact on your gut and therefore can change the way you handle food.
**Question:** Can you give me the link to find out more please
**Answer:** Yes I can I can also give you access to the free download of the user guide and a couple of other pages that are quite useful including the recipes
**Question:** Yes please, thanks. And then if I decide to buy, do I do that on this site with the code you have given me?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Yes you do. The shops won’t give you the same we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s that we do they will only sell it at full retail price.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-does-the-herbal-detox-work/)
**Question:** Cool. Thanks. You have been very helpful
**Answer:** No problem take a look at the how does [name] work Page first
**Answer:** Here to answer any questions you have
**Answer:** By the way you just click on the link 🙂
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there i have just started your detox programme, can i have yest with my yoghurt
**Question:** yest
**Answer:** Sorry I don’t know what yest is, Can you fill me in?
**Question:** yest flakes
**Answer:** Do you mean yeast flakes?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** If so then no sorry not on the programme
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You could add some fruit 🙂
**Question:** will do
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** 2020vision Is not working
**Answer:** let me check for you
**Answer:** Gosh parcel just arrived!!
**Answer:** Wow, that’s great. Enjoy your program !
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Good morning. Did you receive an order from me yesterday afternoon. [name]. Bodi tune capsules. I just didn’t get the usual confirmation. Annjarden..com.
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Yes we did and your order was shipped. You may need to check your spam folder for the email, as it sometimes ends up in there
**Answer:** You can track it here [Link](https://www.fastway.co.nz/tools/track?l=FA0036812577)
**Answer:** [name]. I would have come to your [name] talk but will be offshore then!
**Answer:** It’s a shame I will miss you, maybe next time
**Answer:** HI Jacob
**Answer:** Your system is broken and I can’t place this order???
**Answer:** Its not accepting the same address I have always used in the past?
**Answer:** OK if you can change your shipping country to Egypt and see what it says. Our system is set up for Israel, so I don’t knowe whats going on. Please try Egypt and see what it says. I will make sure it goes to the right place
**Answer:** Ok,
**Answer:** Iet me try that.
**Answer:** Still not working.
**Answer:** Also asking for company name.
**Answer:** Still bouncing back to billing details.
**Answer:** There is something wrong with your ordering system?
**Answer:** Is your billing address the same as shipping?
**Answer:** yes, and still not working.
**Answer:** All the boxes are filled with the red stars as well.
**Answer:** OK, I will have to get it looked into. Can you message me your delivery address and I will email you an invoice with a link to paypal so you can pay by credit card. Also, we dont do [name] Offer . to Israel, so it would cost [price] to ship.
**Answer:** This is a whole new website, so It may also be worth trying to order on a different device
**Answer:** I only have a laptop right now.
**Answer:** My delivery address is
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** 49 [name]
**Answer:** Flat 3
**Answer:** [name], Israel 63341
**Answer:** So the 35 is added to the 71.40?
**Answer:** Just ship with NZ post.
**Answer:** Yes so the total would be NZD[price].40
**Answer:** Thanks.
**Answer:** my email is jacobgolan..com
**Answer:** OK, I will email you a payment request now
**Answer:** Thanks.
**Answer:** I hope the issue gets fixed soon.
**Answer:** I will get it looked at today, thanks again
**Answer:** You should get an email now
**Answer:** If you don’t have a PayPal account you should see the option to pay with your credit card
**Answer:** Thanks.
**Question:** Hi again – can we start our detox in the evening, or do we have to start it in the morning? We are keen to get started.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** You can start in the evening if you wish. Have you done the lead-in?
**Question:** Yes, we have done the lead in. We don’t eat meat or many processed foods anyway, so lead in was pretty easy for us. If we start tonight, shall we take capsules in morning as well and then take them every morning, or shall we stick to evenings until stage 3?
**Answer:** Yes you can take them tonight and then in the morning.
**Answer:** Before breakfast and last thing at night 🙂
**Question:** [name]. The support you offer on the chat is so helpful. I hope you don’t mind all the questions 🙂 I will let you know how we are going 🙂
**Answer:** Yes please get in touch any time we are here to help and support you on your journey 🙂 We love questions!
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Can you give me the link for the 1kg tin
**Answer:** Yes bear with me a moment
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot/)
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome 🙂
**Answer:** Do you need any more help?
**Question:** I am going to try the plan out. Do I need to sign up
**Answer:** You can just order and it sets up an account for you to access any time 🙂
**Question:** Cool
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi following my 14 day DETOX I was going to book a colon cleanse, any issues re doing this following my DETOX , please advise.
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** Thats a great idea
**Answer:** Its a good way to give yourself a final rinse
**Answer:** Excellent my thoughts as well just thought id check prior to proceeding
**Answer:** Excellent, I hope it goes well
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** [name], this is Elaine. I’m am on my second day of prep for the detox programme. Is it ok to drink sparkling water?
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine
**Answer:** It can help reduce cravings
**Question:** Excellent – I have just invested in the soda stream with glass bottles and enjoy a sparkling water.
**Answer:** Just try and drink some plain water as well, to keep your body pH neutral
**Question:** Will do – thank you 🙂
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Can you buy Bodyrune powder in a larger amount than just sachets
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** You can get it in a 500g and also in a 1kg pot, I can give you a link
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Here is the 500g [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-500g-pot-2/)
**Answer:** Here is the 1kg pot [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot/)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** [name] we can’t eat seeds (apart from chia) while detoxing, can we?
**Answer:** That’s correct
**Question:** Thanks. Will try to keep questions to minimum now 🙂
**Answer:** No worries
**Answer:** Start slowly so your gums dont bleed, but build it up over time and your gums will become harder and harder
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** eventually, you can use a harder brush and your gums will become bulletproof. it’s not something the dentists recommend, as they tend to scrape your teeth and use floss. But I believe its actually tough gums that make them healthy and it’s worked for me
**Question:** My gums don’t bleed at all.Even when flossing. I haven’t got any symptoms at all. Periodontist said it’s because I have strong immune system
**Answer:** also eating hard raw foods like carrots and apples helps make them stronger
**Question:** I have started oil pulling. I will make sure I eat raw carrot regularly. I hope they get better.
**Answer:** Yes, try the brushing too if you can, I hope that helps
**Question:** I brush twice a day. Trying a xylatol tooth paste with neem but reading about xylitol is a bit of a concern
**Answer:** I mean trying the upward gum technique
**Question:** Thanks for all advice I will let you know how it goes with detox.
**Answer:** I would love to hear
**Question:** Hi, can I eat nuts while detoxing? Thanks in advance 🙂
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** We recommend avoiding nuts, seeds, legumes while detoxing as a general rule
**Question:** [name],
**Answer:** The reason is that they are high in protien (therefore acid forming) hard to digest and inflammatory
**Question:** I thought it said that when I was reading but then I read a recipe with walnuts in it
**Answer:** Oh, which recipe is that?
**Question:** Was a bliss ball one. Perhaps it was most detox. Is an occasional black decaf coffee ok?
**Question:** Post detox
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** The bliss ball is a treat, but would only recommend one or two of those at the end of the day
**Answer:** You can get away with that
**Question:** Thanks in advance for sharing all your knowledge to put together the detox. I am looking forward to seeing the results. Day 1 prep. We eat mainly whole food and are pescatarian, so might just do one day prep. Do you think that would be ok? Do you have to start in morning or can you start in evening?
**Question:** They sound delicious. I will make them to curb evening chocolate craving.
**Answer:** That’s the idea. Yes one day should be fine in that case, also you probably won’t have a major amount of build up, you will still get all the metabolic and healing benefits
**Question:** Feels good to think of cleaning out. Also have gum disease so hoping it will help to get rid of that. Thanks for chatting. Elaine
**Answer:** Did you message me yesterday about your gums?
**Question:** Yes, I emailed this morning
**Answer:** OK, then I can give you a couple of tips now
**Question:** I hgot ome neem powder before I decided use your detox. Decided not to to take it in case it interferes 🙂
**Answer:** I find the secret to healthy gums is brushing the gums with your toothbrush more than you brush your teeth, and brush them upwards not downwards
**Answer:** Hi sarah,
**Answer:** [name], we sell the products from our home in Maungatapu. I will be there after 12 noon, it’s 26 [name]. Brett
**Answer:** ok… how much would that be, Brett? I use powder not in tablet. I really need it today…
**Answer:** The BodiTune powder pot is [price] for 1kg or [price] for 500g but I can give you 30% off those prices
**Answer:** You can come anytime after noon today and I have eftpos
**Answer:** ok. 1 kg
**Answer:** I will have it waiting for you
**Answer:** See you after 12…. we are in [name] library now… will be there after 12.
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi i bought a ultimate detox program a while ago and it expires this month. Will that still be fine to use?
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** Yes they actually last for many years, so no problem, if it’s nice and dry then you’re good to go
**Question:** Thank you
**Question:** Am I allowed corn while on the detox?
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Awesome, thank you.
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** Hi i want to ask about the high speed blender
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi I am looking at getting a blender. what is the difference between the ladyship high speed blender and a nutribullet?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** yes please. I tried 252525 which your colleague suggested but it didn’t work
**Answer:** One moment I will check the settings on that
**Answer:** OK please refresh your page and try again, it should work now
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Brett is here for you Dixian
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** but my typing is slow
**Answer:** And I might have problems with some special words which I don’t know
**Answer:** No problem
**Answer:** I want to order the detox body cleanse program, for me and for my sister
**Answer:** Ok I can help with that, is it just the two programs you need?
**Answer:** do you have voice chat there
**Answer:** I only need body cleanse, not slim program
**Answer:** this is the best one to use for that [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** just click the link
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** if you click add to cart, then go to cart you can change the quantity to 2
**Answer:** Is that for one person or two?
**Answer:** That is for one person for 14 days cleansing, which is the best program
**Answer:** my sister had a breast cancer, is it ok for her to take it also?
**Answer:** yes, but not during chemotherapy, you need wait 6 weeks after chemotherapy, or you can do it before chemotherapy starts
**Answer:** Ok, I think she has finished that some years ago
**Answer:** then it would be perfect
**Answer:** so now maybe I order 4, for her and me?
**Answer:** I mean, 2 for each of us
**Answer:** OK, I can work out the best deal for you
**Answer:** thank you very much
**Answer:** actually today is the last day for our 40% new year specail
**Answer:** You can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s sorted2020 after adding the product to your cart
**Answer:** I only stay in Auckland about 4 month each year, so I am wondering do you also do shipping
**Answer:** yes shipping to Auckland is free
**Answer:** ok, I feel so lucky
**Answer:** How about China, not this time, if in the near future I would order again normally can you do shipping to China?
**Answer:** Yes we ship to china by DHL, but it does cost a little
**Answer:** Sure,
**Answer:** I can usually offer a good we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s if you come on live chat
**Answer:** Ok I’ll contact you next time when I order again
**Answer:** I got very good results after I took your products which I purchased in 2016
**Answer:** great
**Answer:** Anything else I can help with?
**Answer:** My liver blood test was positive before but now it became negative, I just couldn’t believed that. I also took Leganon sometimes
**Answer:** Yes the detox is very good for liver tests
**Answer:** ok, if I went to check out, the price will do itself?
**Answer:** you will need to type in the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s sorted2020 when you are in the cart and then click the button ‘apply we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s’
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Screen-Shot-2020-01-12-at-5.24.17-PM.png
**Answer:** You should see this
**Answer:** ok I got it, thank you for help and bye for now
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Visitor uploaded: 0083F611-C343-4EEB-BDB3-811ABF18E09F.png
**Answer:** try typin in “sorted2020”
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** That’s just an automated message, sorry
**Answer:** Visitor uploaded: 3F55309E-CF7B-4029-BAE6-E9522847432C.png
**Answer:** It let me log in, but don’t how
**Answer:** OK then I can reset your password if you need to login
**Answer:** where can I log in
**Answer:** are you on a mobile phone or computer?
**Answer:** ipad
**Answer:** and computer as well
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Screen-Shot-2020-01-12-at-5.43.17-PM.png
**Answer:** OK you should see a login at the top of the screen like this
**Answer:** ok I signed in from computer
**Answer:** great
**Answer:** Done! Thanks for help!
**Answer:** Thanks for the order, we will ship it out tomorrow and email you the tracking details
**Answer:** [name] might be happened that I would order more tonight, since I will ask my a son to do the cleansing as well. He is working at the moment
**Answer:** Bye for now thank you!
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi do yous do layby?
**Answer:** Hi there, we don’t do layby is but we do do after pay.
**Answer:** With after pay you do 4 Fortnightly payments which is eight weeks.
**Question:** I did a layby years ago with yous, that’s why I wondered if there was still layby
**Answer:** The only way you could do it is if we sent you an invoice and you paid it off. Is that how you did it last time?
**Question:** Yeah
**Answer:** Okay what is your name and I will look for your cunt
**Question:** [name]
**Answer:** Bear with me Eve
**Question:** I think il just do it afterpay that would be easier
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** It is much easier to be honest 🙂
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Good morning, is it 40% off entire order or only only on 1 item?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is off a whole order if the products are added to the cart at full price
**Question:** thanks. I’ve added at full price which came up to [price] but we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s only gives me [price].60 off?
**Answer:** What are you looking to order?
**Question:** 12 x Biogaia L-Reuteri (3 month supply for my family of 4), 1 x digezaid capsules, 1 x satisfied craving cutter and 1 x ultimate herbal slim. Total is [price] and we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s applied says [price].60 off
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It might be that the Biogaia isn’t we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sed
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** As I thought the Biogaia isn’t we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sed as it’s not our brand so it can’t be we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sed. The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is coming off all the other produces.
**Answer:** If you use 252525 you can get 25% off everything which might work better
**Answer:** Hi are you there?
**Question:** sorry
**Question:** kids were screaming!
**Question:** can you do 2 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s codes?
**Question:** or should i order separately?
**Answer:** Sorry no only one code per order
**Question:** so apply the 252525 code to the Biogaia in a separate order?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** [name]. I have had a complete microbiome test – results: no parasites, have imbalance of gut bacteria and have [name] causing gut / brain inflammation. Have taken Mastic gum along with other herb combos for a couple of month now with no improvement.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I would suggest having a look at our [name] Detox
**Question:** Desperately want to loose some weight and time again for a detox.
**Answer:** It contains a blend of herbs to treat gut microbiome, but also you can lose between 4-5kg with that program over 14 days
**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Question:** [name], what about your detox and slim combo?
**Answer:** That is the two packs a 14-day detox followed by a 30 day herbal slim. It’s usually good for 5-7kg
**Question:** Kay here I’ll be 60 this year – I also suffer from adrenal burnout and metabolic syndrome. Did your detox last year and maybe lost 2 kilos.
**Answer:** Did you mean this combo [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim/)
**Answer:** You can increase the effect by having more of our spicy recipes and skipping one meal a day, usually breakfast
**Answer:** Yes, would that be good for me?
**Answer:** Also, the triple combo works even better, as you get the protein drinks included
**Answer:** Okay thanks, will put my order in.
**Answer:** This one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-triple-combo-3-month-program/)
**Answer:** Thanks and happy new year to you!
**Question:** Ok thanks Sarah!
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, do you recommend taking the herbal detox and slim powder in conjunction with the detox pack?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes that works very well together
**Answer:** Many people do that
**Answer:** We do sell that as a program
**Question:** ok, thanks
**Question:** I just read about E-California poppy for sleep aid but I don’t see it on the product list. Is this available for purchase?
**Answer:** We don’t have that at the moment, it’s coming out in a new product later this year.
**Question:** ok, thanks.
**Question:** I have just started the detox programme and wonder what I can do to help maintain my brain energy during this as I survived a grade 5 aneurysm 20 years ago. I work full-time at a fairly high cognitive level and am concerned I will be tempted to eat things not allowed during the 2 week detox process. What can I do to take care of myself so that I can still function well. The fatigue i do is minor but can spike in response to anything that could cause me to significantly lower nutritional consumption.
**Answer:** Yes it would be perfect for you, no concerns about using it with your previous issue
**Answer:** The diet on the detox shouldn’t have any effect on your cognitive function. It should actually improve it if anything.
**Answer:** As far as energy levels are concerned just make sure you are having plenty of fruit during the day.
**Answer:** The detox diet is a nutrient dense diet.
**Answer:** If anything it should put your nutrient levels up.
**Question:** ok, thank you it will be interesting to see how I respond
**Question:** Hi there, I made an order about 30 min ago for [name] or [name]. I haven’t received a confirmationemail yet. Can you check that the order went through? Thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi there yes I can see it came through
**Answer:** Pls check your spam
**Answer:** It might have popped in there
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?
**Answer:** No all good, just reading the article on gut health
**Answer:** [name] did an podcast this week with [name] on the same subject. Look out fir the link next week
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** stephanie here again. I don’t see the pot of boditune in the shop. it only shows the packets?
**Answer:** [name] do you want the 500 g pot all the 1KG pot I can give you the link 🙂
**Question:** how much are they each please. probably the 1 kg would be best and could i get 2 1kg pots for 40 percent of both?
**Answer:** [name] I will give you a link to both
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot/)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-500g-pot-2/)
**Question:** thanks can i get 40 percent of 2 pots
**Answer:** Yes you can you just add them in at full price then go to the checkout where you can add your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s to get the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s.
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Sorry that is an automated message
**Question:** how can i get the 4 payments. i am ordering now.
**Question:** just found it in after pay thanks
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** which is better the boditune pot or sachets – are they the same
**Answer:** They are the same herbal combination just in different containers.
**Answer:** The sachets are good fir travelling
**Answer:** And the pot good to have by your blender
**Question:** does the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s apply to 1 or 2 packets of sachetsd – is there more in the pot or just the same as 1 packet of sachets
**Answer:** It is the same amount in both except double the amount in the 1kg pot.
**Answer:** You add the products that you want to buy in at the full price so you add them to your cart at full price and then you add the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s which takes the 40% off.
**Question:** i prefer the pot i see you have that at 30 percent off for 2. not sure how to make that 40 percent off.
**Answer:** It is quite easy to get the 40% what you do is go to the page of the product that you want to buy you will find this in the shop then add it to the cart at the full price then add a second one at the full price go to the checkout and add this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020
**Answer:** This will give you 40% off
**Answer:** This we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code is only available for three days
**Answer:** A normal pricing is two products with 20% off, three products with 30% off. So the 40% is a very special offer for January.
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome, I am here to help any time.
**Question:** do i have to sign up first or just order this is my first time as i got a pot at a show
**Answer:** If you just order you will automatically have an account set up 🙂
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi there if you want to use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for 40% off just add the items at full price and then add the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi there you can use the 40% off we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s by adding full price items to your cart and then adding the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code 🙂
**Question:** [name] Thanks for your help. I have the code from an email already. Just deciding how long I need my detox to go for
**Answer:** OK awesome if you need any advice Brett and the team are here to help 🙂
**Question:** Thanks. I can’t remember if I asked this before but body tune is not a meal replacement product is it?
**Answer:** It can be used like that and many people use it like that. You just need to make sure you have some fats (like in avocados) and natural sugars (as in fruits) in your diet for the rest of the day as the BodiTune does not have any.
**Question:** oh perfect. Thanks for the info
**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂
**Answer:** Is there something you want to achieve?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** If you’d like to get the 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s just had two programs in at full price and then apply your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** HI Darren
**Answer:** Did you need some help
**Answer:** Here’s that product again [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/bioagaia-l-reuteri/)
**Answer:** did you have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for this item?
**Answer:** Not for that one, because it’s not our brand, we get it in from another supplier
**Answer:** okay thanks, how long should I take these for following my detox?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi im currently on the 2 week herbal detox now, following this course if i wanted to continue a course of prebiotics how many capsules I need to take daily?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** It’s good to double the dose of prebiotics according to the instructions on the bottle for at least a couple fo weeks.
**Answer:** I suggest the product Biogaia L-Reuteri which is a powerful [name] Strain. I supply these for [price] for 30 tablets.
**Answer:** We don’t have it listed on the site at the moment, but I can put it up for you
**Question:** Hahaha I was just searching for it, please do.
**Answer:** one moment
**Question:** online they are a probiotic and not a prebiotic, is your product a combination of both?
**Answer:** This one is a probiotic, but the prebiotics are already in the program you are taking, so you only really need probiotics after completion
**Answer:** You can see them here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/bioagaia-l-reuteri/)
**Question:** My plan was to eat more probiotic type foods and support the bacteria growth buy taking prebiotics?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that also, but the L-Reuteri is a great and powerful bacteria that takes control for long-term effect. I suggest people use that as well, if there is any concern about gut bacteria health.
**Question:** Excellent, thank you for your valuable feedback.
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** yes please
**Question:** How long should I take these for?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** how much of each ingredient is in the Thermogenik tablets? Im just starting taking them. Susan
**Answer:** [name],
**Answer:** We keep the formula a secret, but I can tell you a few things,
**Answer:** [name] is equal to 8,000mg
**Question:** for added energy i often take guarana and ginseng but if there’s a reasonably high amount of caffeine already in your one’s I won’t need extra.
**Answer:** [name] is Equal to 1,500mg
**Answer:** Gurana is 5,000mg equivalent
**Answer:** I would estimate that it’s only about 75mg of Guranine which is similar to caffiene
**Question:** Perfect! that’s what I wanted to know, I did feel like I had added energy today 🙂
**Answer:** Yes also the [name] contains Synephrine 9mg
**Answer:** It is designed to give energy, so you should feel a little boost
**Question:** this is the second time ive bought your herbal slim, but didn’t try hard enough with my diet the first time, hopefully this time I’ll cut out most of my sugar
**Answer:** Did you try HIIT exercise as well?
**Question:** My exercise is always good so its my eating crap food lol that let’s me down
**Answer:** Green smoothies? They really help curb cravings
**Question:** Mmm maybe I should try them, the sugar is one of those cravings that’s kind of crept up on me!
**Question:** OK thanks, I’ll let you know how I go 🙂
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Has my order for 1kg detox protein drink been received? Will I receive an email to confirm my payment? How long will delivery take?
**Answer:** Are you [name]
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Then yes, we have your order, and it will go out on the courier tomorrow and should arrive on Monday, there should be a confirmation email in your inbox, but you might need to check your spam folder. The tracking details will also be emailed once it is shipped
**Answer:** Thankyou very much for your quick response. I have been using the Boditune detox for a few months now. Just gone onto the 1kg 2 monthly purchase. I have colitis and replacing my lunch daily with this is great. Thanks again
**Answer:** That’s great to hear about, and I hope it continues to help you. Thanks again
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Hello,
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** I am doing a detox (BodiTune) I am just wondering if you recommend stopping taking my usual multivitamin while on the detox and also does the detox interfere with iron absorption?
**Answer:** you can keep taking whatever supplements you have, and no the detox will not interfere with absorption
**Question:** thankyou
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi we’re about to start the 14 day detox and I was just wanting to download some more recipes please!
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Question:** Hi there, I bought my pack two years ago and due to one thing or another I haven’t been able to do it. I am now starting the detox and realized the pack expired January 2019 so is a year out. Would it be safe to use or safer to purchase a new pack? Thanks.
**Answer:** It should be safe to use if it has not been opened and kept dry and out of sunshine
**Answer:** We are doing 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s at the moment all the same, with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s sorted2020
**Answer:** [name] if you are looking to lose weight have you looked at our weight calculator? It advises which program will work best for you.
**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/ideal-weight-calculator/)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Arrghhhh! I messaged earlier and accidentally deleted the tab before I read the response!
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** do you mean coconut cream?
**Question:** Yes.
**Answer:** yes they are both OK
**Question:** Perfect thanks. Just wanted to double check as also said to eliminate canned goods.
**Answer:** Yes most canned foods are out, but you can have canned vegetables and pickles, coconut cream and tomatoes, beetroot etc are all good
**Question:** I am also a little confused about dairy. So we can have cream with the ultimate detox – but not milk?
**Answer:** cream and milk are both ok
**Question:** ok. Just not the coffee to put it in!!!!!
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** coffee is actually OK too
**Question:** Really – I assumed was automatically out .Just limit it?
**Answer:** Yes just limit to once a day if possible
**Question:** Perfect. Thanks for the tip. Cheers
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi guys, I am doing the 14 day detox. I am on day three of my prep now and excited the kick off.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can use frozen veg and fruit
**Question:** Thanks. And double checking, it said no processed, but canned coconut and jars of olives and sundried tomatoes ok?
**Answer:** Yes you have it spot on
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hey there
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I would like to request a refund for 27th ultimate slim cleanse
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you had the programme delivered?
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** I wasn’t happy with the results and also a week after I started taking it I was having a lot of hair fall out and a week after I finished it my hair stopped falling out
**Question:** Yes
**Question:** It was my sister who ordered it
**Question:** Sheree young
**Answer:** mmm that is not normal. Which programme did you do?
**Question:** Slim one
**Question:** Also didnt loose weight
**Question:** Love the ultimate clease
**Question:** That’s great
**Answer:** It sounds like there is something else going on in your body. Do you know when it was ordered?
**Question:** It was ordered ages ago like maybe 6 months ago
**Question:** I just did it well didn’t quite finishas I was concerned about my hair
**Question:** And a week after I stopped taking it my hair isn’t fall in out anymore
**Question:** Is it easier to call u
**Answer:** How long did you take it for? Hair loss is not something that happens with the Slim program. Your sister will need to write in and say what happened and make the request. She will need to write to [email]
**Answer:** Brett reviews the requests personally as we don’t get many.
**Question:** Ok I Wil l get her to do that. Do I have to Sen back whats remaining
**Answer:** OK I will let Brett know it is on its way. I would suggest your sister gives us your contact details as Brett will need to talk to you.
**Question:** Ok sure
**Answer:** We have never had anyone have hairloss on the Slim program and it has been around for 15 years.
**Question:** Strange
**Answer:** There will be something else going on for you and Brett will wish to ask a few questions.
**Question:** That’s totally cool
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** Can I just call him
**Answer:** Hey we have not orders from Sherree for the Slim program
**Answer:** Only the Detox
**Question:** Sheree young
**Question:** I think she was the one who ordered it. I’ll check with her
**Answer:** Yes I have checked – invoice number 8685 dated 17 June 2019
**Question:** Ok so u found it
**Answer:** She bought 10 detoxes
**Question:** She ordered 2 slim
**Answer:** No slims on the invoice
**Question:** She def ordered them
**Question:** I’ll talk to her and get back to you
**Answer:** We can go back and check the dispatch note
**Answer:** All good 🙂
**Question:** Ok
**Question:** Thanks sarah
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** Elly young
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** [name], can I help you?
**Answer:** Hi I was just looking at your site and the blender i added to the cart said it was 300.83 and the combo of 8x boditune, 1 x slim pack and 3 x herbal Detox was 669.33 – when I went through to check my cart these amounts had changed ? Just wondering why?
**Answer:** I think you may have it in USD instead for NZD. Sometimes the IP address comes through as from the USA so it shows USD pricing. You can change the currency at the top of the page.
**Answer:** Let me know if you have any issues and I can help.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** hi
**Question:** can you do 2 for price of 1 herbal detox
**Answer:** Hello,
**Answer:** Yes I can help
**Answer:** You can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s sorted2020 and this will give you 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s on the detox program normal price
**Answer:** Just add to cart and you will see where to apply the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi would you like to get the 2 detoxes at a better price? We have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Heya, would this be suitable to take when doing restricted time feeding. I am eating between 12pm and 8pm. Thanks
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes it would be perfect for that.
**Answer:** We suggest it with any of our programs.
**Question:** Brilliant. Thank you!
**Answer:** You are welcome / do you have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s? We have 40% off at the moment
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** If you have any queries I can help
**Question:** Can quinoa be eaten during the detox program
**Answer:** Yes it can
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Not every day but just a little
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi …I have just seen this in the HEalth 2000 onine site …and wondering whether best to detox or do the slim …as my aim is for some weight loss
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** It is always best to do the detox first as it will give you between three and 6KG weight loss
**Question:** ok great ..thought that may have been the case
**Answer:** The slim program works on reducing sugar cravings and balancing blood sugar. It works really well once the detox has cleaned the body internally and got all the systems moving really well. It is like a reset for the body.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** I am just having a look at the information on your site now ….ok I think I will go ahead ans start with this
**Question:** thank you
**Question:** Have you tried the detox yourself?
**Answer:** Absolutely. I’m planning to do it again in a few days time
**Question:** and hints ?
**Question:** does it help with sugar cravings too
**Answer:** Make sure you have day 3 to 5 as a weekend because you can feel a little grumpy over this stage.
**Answer:** It is the detox symptoms that are occurring at that point.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Question:** good advice
**Question:** lots of water too
**Answer:** Yes it helps with sugar cravings especially any of the green foods. I do particularly well with green smoothies as they reduce cravings for me personally. The other thing that I found was called onions believe it or not.
**Answer:** Yes lots of water and also make sure you keep your protein up. You can get protein from all green foods but having protein smoothies is also good.
**Question:** ok I like green smoothies that is good to know
**Question:** ok…and onions? what did they help wth?
**Answer:** There are heaps of awesome recipes to have as well. If you click on the resources tab it will show you the recipe tab and you can select the page from there.
**Question:** OK GREAT
**Answer:** Pickled onions helps reduce my sugar cravings 🙂
**Answer:** The user guide also comes with great recipes 🙂
**Question:** oh perfect love those….pickled gherkins not the sweet ones too ??
**Answer:** Yes pickled gherkins are okay too!
**Question:** These recipes look good and easy too
**Question:** nice variety
**Question:** low carbs too I am guessing?
**Answer:** Yes lots of variations to have. And even if you go out to eat as long as you have the vegetarian option with no nuts you can eat out to 🙂
**Question:** ok ..perfect
**Answer:** It’s not necessarily a low carb diet.
**Answer:** It is more about clean eating 🙂
**Question:** ok…got it
**Question:** Thank you…I will have a bit more of a read on the site and get ordering my pack……will let you know how it goes ! thank you …enjoy your afternoon Sarah 🙂
**Answer:** Happy to help any time. Have you seen a special offer with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code?
**Question:** no …I haven’t
**Answer:** If you buy a full price detox or any other item you can get 40% off using we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020
**Question:** ok got it …thank you
**Question:** [name] – have just completed my order and what a great intro with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s too !!! 🙂
**Answer:** Excellent will leave us on Monday and we send tracking details. Please get in touch if you have questions at any time. We are here to support you on your journey.
**Question:** OK great !
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, how much protein is in each scoop of body tune
**Answer:** 7.5 g per scoop
**Question:** Hi there I’m doing the ultimate herbal cleanse and I’m going to a pub with friends is there anything I can eat
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Anything vegetarian
**Answer:** Just choose a vegetarian option
**Question:** [name] Agents for Hire. We promise you top notch quality, Affordable and 24/7 support and will ensure no lead/ customer request is missed. Give us a chance, we wont let you down. We will work hard to increase your revenue and responsiveness to your customers. Click here [Link](https://open247.chat/cf/cf.php)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi, I am looking at getting some products – but The sorted2020 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is not applying the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Question:** I have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s , just not adjusting the price ?
**Answer:** What are looking to buy?
**Question:** 3 x BodiTune DETOX ‘n SLIM – Save 30% and [name] [name]
**Answer:** Ok if you want to buy 3 you have to add 3 into your cart at full price then apply the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code
**Answer:** It is only fir non we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sed items
**Question:** Oh , OK Cool
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help
**Answer:** Using the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s will give you 40% off
**Question:** Also instead of doing the Detox with the Liver tonic can I do the BodiTune with the liver tonic ? I want the best Detox for fatty liver please
**Answer:** Brett is going to answer you
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** [name]
**Answer:** It’s better to do the detox with the extra liver tonic, especially if you want to reduce fatty liver, the boditune won’t have enough of the liver herbs
**Question:** Ok great Thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** 🙂
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Any questions just ask
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** You are welcome I’m here to help
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi am wanting to lose 10kg I have done the ultimate detox diet before which would be better that or slim program…thank you
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is always best to do the detox first as you can lose between three and 6Kgs.
**Answer:** Once the body is functioning well with the food going through easily then the slim program works on reducing sugar cravings and balancing blood sugar.
**Answer:** Most people do the detox first followed by the swim program if they want to lose more weight.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there Ive just gone on to purchase a detox…. the page says [price].33 and then I added it to cart to add the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code I got via email, and it says 199?
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** That will be showing the price in USD for some reason
**Answer:** If you look to the top right of your screen you should see a currency selector which you can change to NZD
**Question:** oh okay thank you
**Answer:** Maybe you computer has been traveling
**Question:** Haha I wish
**Question:** i did a detox in dec… the start of dec… can I do another one now? or is it too soon
**Answer:** It should be fine, if your body is telling you, then you can go ahead.
**Answer:** Some people have actually done 2 or 3 cleanses in a row, it’s not harmful at all
**Question:** Awesome thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** [name] does ur cleansing g help poor urine flow in males
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It can help
**Answer:** As the whole diet is alkalising
**Answer:** This increases urine flow
**Question:** Do u still eat normal with cleansing or do u recomend diet choices
**Answer:** The 14 day detox is a diet of fruit and vegetables I can give you a page that explains how it works. You do this detox over 14 days.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** Can u please email me the explanation and can u do the detox in 7 days?
**Question:** Email [email]
**Answer:** You just need to click on the link I’ve given you and it will give you all the details. You would need to do the detox over 14 days. Seven days would be too difficult if you’ve never cleans before.
**Answer:** You can also request the user guide by clicking here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** It will give you extra information.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** We’ve extended the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s codes
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** what do you haver for diverticulosis and churn’s disease
**Question:** Crohn”s disease
**Question:** Are you there?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi are you there
**Answer:** I am online and can’t help you
**Answer:** Can help you
**Answer:** [name] herbal detox over one month is the best option for both issues.
**Answer:** You could look up the extra advice on the Crohn’s disease page
**Answer:** I can give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-crohns-disease-treatment-program/)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** [name], do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi. I have just done the [name] and some way into the slim program …although had some fails over Christmas …of course… but want to keep on with slimming progam… am I better to get another box of [name] or get the BodiTune if I want to loose weight?
**Answer:** It is best to continue with the [name] and when you are at a happy weight then the BodiTune every now and again to maintain.
**Answer:** Christmas is a challenging time!
**Answer:** ok thanks, I will order it now while there is the sorted 2020 special. Thank you
**Answer:** Yes sorted2020 is still on 🙂
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Can I help you at all?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** [name] and yourself taken these products, all of them? and completed the course in its entirety? Some of the herbs in particular the Caralluma sound very strong.
**Answer:** Yes we all do them
**Answer:** And yes we do the full courses
**Answer:** Brett developed them to get results and they do
**Answer:** They have been available for 20 years
**Answer:** So very successful
**Answer:** Brett developed them through his clinic
**Answer:** Caralluma is an appetite supressent so not strong.
**Question:** Thank you. I just completed a 30 day gut cleanse with a local Tauranga homeopathic which cost almost [price] and did nothing. Not ready to do another one right now but in the new year definitely.
**Question:** Maybe
**Answer:** Ok not sure what the cleanse was you did sounds like the dose was too low
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** does the bodi19 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s work with the 3 x500 boditune pots with the 30% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check Paul
**Answer:** It should work ok as you are using only one we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code
**Answer:** cool its just the sorted2020 didint work with it
**Answer:** Yes sorted is for full priced items.
**Answer:** We will send it via NZ Post again for you instead of Fastway
**Answer:** All sorted thank you for your patience
**Answer:** thanks everything is done
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** I can’t checkout ,saying no shipping method
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which country are you shipping to?
**Question:** singapore
**Answer:** Ok beat with us we are checking for you
**Answer:** It is a physical address you are sending to or a post box?
**Question:** yes have been ordering for a few years
**Answer:** Please open a new browser and try again it appears to be working ok
**Question:** did not have problems before
**Answer:** Yes we haven’t had any problems before either
**Answer:** If it continues to be an issue I call you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Hi yes was just trying to enter sorted2020 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s but it says it doesnt apply to the items?
**Answer:** Hi there what are you looking to buy?
**Answer:** It is only used on full priced items.
**Answer:** You could use 252525 On a combo and get an extra 25% off.
**Question:** I was wanting the three boditune 500g pots
**Question:** will try that with the 252525 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s:)
**Answer:** Okay you could definitely use the 252525 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Question:** Awesome thank you!
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Could you please advise the expiry date of the [name] Detox if I buy it today? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Our current expiry date on the ultimate herbal detox program is 2021 September
**Question:** Thank you very much!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** [name] looking at the detox program. Im presuming there’s some guidance somewhere on a diet change to follow while on the progam (and probably afetr too)?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes it’s best to download the user guide or click this link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Answer:** User guide is here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)
**Answer:** The 14 day plan which most people do is fruit and vegetables with great recipes
**Answer:** Choose the 14 day detox from the program type to see the recipes [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** If you try and introduce some of the recipes into your diet after you’ve finished the detox then you will be able to continue the good work 🙂
**Question:** Gosh it certainly is drastic from the diet aspect
**Answer:** You would be surprised how easy it is to do. I thought that until I did it five years ago and it changed my life.
**Answer:** There are heaps of really good recipes and you will be surprised how quickly your body adjusts. Quite often it is our head that tells us what we need not our body.
**Question:** I’ll do some more reading over the next few days. Probably not a good time of the year to try the new diet when there’s guests to accommodate!!
**Answer:** Yes best to do it when you have two weeks to give your body a rest. Most people do it in the first two weeks of the year as it really helps to reset and get the body in a good position. [name] Year!
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Just looking at your 500gm tubs. There was also a review re tabs that tak
**Question:** Oops that talked about weight loss and reduced bloating. What were they? Also whats post to rural ChCh? Thanks
**Answer:** Delivery is free in nz
**Answer:** [name] Detox is the one which gives the best weight loss and resolves bloating.
**Question:** Can we use more than one we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s? Ie 2x orders?
**Answer:** You do it over 14 days and follow a great fruit and vegetable diet
**Question:** No meat?
**Answer:** If you put 2 items in at full price you can use the sorted2020 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s to get 40% off
**Answer:** No meat for the 2 week detox. It gets stuck in the body and slows everything
**Answer:** You can get plenty of protein from green veggies
**Question:** Can i use one code on one order to get free tub and the other code on full priced items in a separate order?
**Answer:** With the 500gm pots you can have chicken fish and eggs
**Answer:** Yes you can do that as it’s one we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s per order
**Question:** do you know which tabs review was talking about? Thanks for your help
**Answer:** Tabs review? Not sure what you mean
**Answer:** You can see most info recipes, reviews etc under the resources tab
**Question:** In the reviews it says these tabs worked their magic. Do you know which tabs?
**Answer:** It is the [name] Detox. I will give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Can I help any further?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Just looking to see what we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s the 1 month supply of the slim shakes come to
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Do you mean the BodiTune drinks?
**Answer:** They can be made into smoothies
**Question:** Oh yes I remember I use to get the shakes are they the same thing
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink/)
**Answer:** This one?
**Answer:** You can but them with a 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s with we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi all! With a little delay I’m ready to do the ultimate herbal detox I bought. I was wondering, could I combine that with boditune? I have used this before as meal replacements. If yes, I know there was a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s in the email but cannot find the code anymore. Thank you
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can do it with the detox. The code is sorted2020 until 30 December
**Question:** Would you recommend the one or the two week plan?
**Answer:** The detox works best over 2 weeks
**Question:** Great! Thanks so much for your advice!
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Sorry, that is an automated message 🙂
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I have done detox for many years and its time to do it again. When i lived in Dunedin I got it from Health 2000 but now I live in [name] and its not available at Health 2000 in Wanaka.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can order it online and we can deliver it to your door.
**Answer:** You can use we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020 and get 40% off
**Answer:** It is upto each Health 2000 to order themselves for their store. Most people around your area order on line
**Answer:** It takes 2 to 3 days
**Answer:** And you can follow it via the tracking number
**Answer:** Can I help you through the process?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** thanks all good just placed an order cheers simon
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** I thought I had a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s I was sent?
**Answer:** Yes do you have it with you?
**Question:** When I signed up to email
**Question:** No – I cannot find it!
**Answer:** What are you looking to buy as there are a few options
**Answer:** Depending on the program
**Question:** The ultimate detox
**Question:** the 14 day one
**Answer:** Ok if you add it at full price and use we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020 you can get 40% off
**Question:** [name].
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Do you know how long delivery usually takes?
**Answer:** Where do you live?
**Question:** Queenstown
**Answer:** It normally takes 48 hours but it might take a bit longer due to holidays. If you order now it will leave today
**Answer:** And we send tracking details so you can follow it
**Answer:** Cheers.
**Answer:** Great all received Louise keep an eye on your spam folder in case the tracking details pop up there
**Answer:** OK doke. Looking forward to getting stuck in.
**Answer:** Great let us know how you go. We are here each day
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** [name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi found out im pregnant been taking vitex, as I have PCOS afraid of stopping it and miscarrying
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** That shouldn’t happen
**Answer:** As your hormones will have stopped cycling anyway
**Answer:** im afraid my progesterone might go low if i stop taking it wondering if i should take it untill im 12 weeks or slowly go off it
**Answer:** That should be fine
**Answer:** Wait till your 12 weeks
**Answer:** ok cool thanks, sorry to be bugging you on boxing day
**Answer:** it’s [name]
**Answer:** lol sorry i mean christmas day my brain been weird
**Answer:** Drinking a little raspberry tea is a good idea to prevent miscarriage also
**Answer:** ok cool ill go and buy some, thank you so much you put me at ease about everything
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Have a merry christmas
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Thank you for coming to see our real full body cleanse
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** H
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** [name],
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Do you mean to do the program? Or the expiry date?
**Question:** The programme.
**Answer:** Most people do it over 14 days I can give you a link to click which will help
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)
**Question:** [name]. Will have a nosey.
**Answer:** Click on here and it will show you the options. The 7 day is very hard and not recommended unless you have gone lots of detoxing before
**Question:** I am probably more the 14 day one. Does the programme suggest meal plans too?
**Answer:** Yes it comes with the user guide which has recipes and also a shopping list. You can see more recipes here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)
**Answer:** Choose the 14 program to view options
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** [name] I tried the ultimate detox and got over half way through when I had a family death which in I stopped. That was early Nov. Anyway I have been eating terribly and its getting worse with xmas holidays etc.. I am wanting something to tie me over this period to help me with bowel movements, I am looking at cleansa bowel atm. I can’t fathom doing a detox within this month, maybe later next?
**Answer:** Hi
**Question:** WHat would your suggestion be to help me through this festive period
**Answer:** We would suggest that the Colonaid would be the best option. You could take for daily and it will keep everything regular.
**Question:** And I can just start taking it without doing the lead in diet change etc..
**Answer:** You wouldn’t need to do the lead in. Another option would be to take two capsules per day from each bottle until you finish the detox program.
**Question:** even though my eating is terrible?
**Answer:** Doesn’t really matter you could carry on with a normal diet while you’re doing this. Just try and focus on the fruit and vegetables some chicken fish and eggs.
**Answer:** If you are naughty over the holiday period the program will just keep you regular which is what you were looking for.
**Question:** Thank you for your help
**Answer:** You are welcome. So sorry for your loss
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Here to help if you need us
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** I need a recommendation as to how I can rid myself of liver fluke naturally.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** We recommend doing the herbal detox followed by Colinade
**Answer:** Let me give you the link to the page that talks about it
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies/) It is important to do a complete detox when you suspect you have a parasite. The parasite can affect all areas of your body so doing the liver in isolation we don’t recommend.
**Question:** Yes I am very ill due to this parasite. I have got to get rid of it.
**Answer:** [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/leadbox/14132c273f72a2%3A114bbf0d1746dc/[phone]/?lp-in-iframe=0&__fromjs=0) Click on this link to download the parasite e-book it will help you understand how you can get rid of it to yourself and also the best foods to use.
**Answer:** How did you get the parasite? Do you know
**Question:** Again thank you. I believe it was a result from [name] last October. We were in bad shape and had a lot of unsanitary conditions
**Answer:** Okay please sign up and get the e-book it will help you understand what is going on with your body. It is completely free.
**Question:** Also had food brought in from places as well as water. So I blame it on the hurricane. My husband has it and our great dane does too
**Answer:** [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/leadbox/14132c273f72a2%3A114bbf0d1746dc/[phone]/?lp-in-iframe=0&__fromjs=0) please click on this link
**Answer:** It will give you the free ebook
**Question:** I am downloading as we chat
**Answer:** Ok great. It will be emailed to you. Keep an eye on your spam folder as it might pop in there. Have a good read and get in touch if you have questions
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** [name], I have phased into the detox and have enough herbs for 2.5 days this weekend and Mon of 10 x herbs am, pm. I also have a lot of the boditune sachets. i have 24 days of the slim programme herbs @ 4 per day. would this work as a programme over the holidays? or should i do a few more days of 4-6 sachets of bodtune before i take the herbs? I am just doing smoothies and salad over the detox weekend to aide the detox but also use up my veggies in the fridge before i go on holiday. thanks
**Answer:** i meant before i take the slim herbs? start mon pm, or do a few more boditune days first.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** message above. email katie_beale..co.nz
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** ps i think your weight calculator might be stuck on -17kg
**Answer:** [name] I’m just reading your messages bear with me
**Answer:** The best way to approach it would be to continue with your detox herbs until finished then to start the slim and combine it with 1 to 2 sachets of body tuna day. Until it’s finished
**Answer:** yes but i only
**Answer:** i don’t have a full pack of detox. only 2.5 days x 10 herbs am / pm.
**Answer:** That’s okay still finish that and then move on to the slim with the BodiTune
**Answer:** The herbs will give you a little kick into the slim program
**Answer:** awesome thanks!
**Answer:** You could actually do the sachets with the detox herbs it wouldn’t do any harm at all and would give you a great start.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Trying to bring my blood pressure down and control it naturally…doing a vitamin c flush to start a water fast…any thoughts?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** That is quite a dramatic and short-term solution
**Question:** HI
**Answer:** To reduce blood pressure we recommend a combination of foods and herbs to educate your body to eat differently and work differently.
**Question:** yeah it is but I’m looking at an immediate fast fix to go into a blood pressure healthy lifestyle
**Answer:** You will probably get a pretty strong back from doing that. So you will see it improve and then it will go back.
**Question:** really
**Question:** so what do you suggest
**Answer:** Brett has been incredibly successful with people who do the two week ultimate herbal detox combining the herbs with fruit and vegetables. In fact it has a 100% guarantee. It is a complete reset for the body and there’s a little bit like servicing your car. It does every area of the body so other health improvements can occur to. After the detox is completed it is recommended to introduce the recipes into your normal life and do the detox twice a year to keep things steady exactly the same as you would service your car.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** ill check it out
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I have analysis overload can you help?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi… I a bit lost was to what would be the right product for me can you help?
**Answer:** Yes I can do that. What are you looking to achieve?
**Answer:** Do you have a health issue, or a weight loss issue?
**Question:** both – celiac and over weight. combined with shifter worker and now in my 40s
**Answer:** The best place to start is the two week herbal detox. It resets the body and stimulate some weight loss normally between 3 to7Kgs
**Answer:** With planning it can fit into shiftwork.
**Question:** so is that a good kickstart to the slim package?
**Question:** I try to keep my meals as normal as best as I can but the between NITEs are a mix bag
**Answer:** It is definitely the best way to start. The reason is it cleanses the body inside of any buildup and this gives the weight loss, it also boost energy levels and helps to clear the head so moving onto the next stage if a long-term weight loss goal is what you want to achieve becomes much easier.
**Question:** Awesome – thanks for your help 🙂
**Answer:** The food on this program is purely fruit and vegetables. So things like smoothies can be taken with you as can salads and of course fruit.
**Answer:** We do do a combination product you can purchase the detox and then purchased the slim at the same time and if you put them into your card at the full price you can use a special we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s to get 40% off. We also do after pay
**Answer:** The slim program is normally done immediately after the detox and is for one month. The slim program works on reducing craving and balances the blood sugar. It is perfect to use after the body is clean.
**Answer:** And working well
**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code is sorted2020
**Answer:** We are here to support you the whole way through your program 🙂
**Answer:** There are heaps of recipes on the website to 🙂
**Question:** Nice! … is the best package called Ultimate twin combo – detox + slim? and if I order it do I still get the 40% off or does it not aply
**Answer:** If you order that, you get 30% off. If you put the herbal detox in your cart at full price and then add the ultimate herbal slim at its full price you can add the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Question:** thanks for your help
**Answer:** No problem would you like me to give you the links to the two individual items?
**Question:** I have the page up and scrolling as we have been chatting
**Answer:** Perfect 🙂
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Sorry that’s an automated message 🙂
**Question:** lol – trap for young players
**Answer:** 🙂 You would be amazed how many people are too frightened to click on the live chat button and ask a question 🙂
**Question:** I get that one! but you have to take a plunge every once and while eh…Last question – the combo wont get any further we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s which I get and understand… am I still able to use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bodi19?
**Question:** stand down I worked it out myself lol … remember take the plunge!
**Answer:** You can only use one we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s at a time. I have just been reminded that if you did buy the combo which you identified earlier you can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code 252525 And get 25% of that combination. So that would be the best way to buy it
**Answer:** In fact if you wanted to have the body tune as well you could purchase the triple combo which would give you the detox the slim and the body tune and then you could use your 252525 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Question:** I love your work! … may you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe [name].
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to support you any time 🙂 have a great Christmas too.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** is there a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for the 2x ultimate packs.
**Answer:** Hi there just pop 2 packs in the cart at full price then
**Answer:** Add we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020
**Answer:** For 40% off
**Answer:** I will give you the link to the detox at full price
**Question:** awesome thank you
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)
**Answer:** Just click the click
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Happy to answer any questions you may have.
**Question:** when i look at your site on my mobile it says you have afterpay, but that’s not shown as a payment option on my pc at checkout
**Answer:** It should show up at the bottom of the page
**Answer:** Afterpay is available for Australia and [name]
**Answer:** You have to go to the second check out page to see the payment types
**Question:** i just have credit card or paypal as an option
**Answer:** Where are you having it delivered to? [name] or Australia
**Question:** australia
**Answer:** Bear with us we are just checking.
**Answer:** Can you advise the value of your order pls. Is your order total under [price].
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Can you back up, empty your cart, and try again, it’s working fine at our end
**Question:** I’m going to try doing the order on my ipad
**Answer:** good idea, we will be here
**Question:** no afterpay on ipad either. is there a minimum spend?
**Answer:** It must be a technical issue with afterpay, as we do offer it for Australian customers, but unfortunately, we will have to talk to them about it on Monday
**Question:** OK. Will the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code I was given still work on monday?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Just checking that you had chosen AUS or NZ currency
**Answer:** Maybe going to your cart and changing the currency to NZD, that might activate it
**Answer:** I think it should work if you do that
**Question:** That works, will afterpay do the conversion?
**Answer:** Yes it will
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** thanks that worked, can’t wait to receive my packs. This will be my 3rd ultimate detox.
**Answer:** Thanks for your order, We will get it shipped on Monday, [name]
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/terms-of-service/)
**Answer:** Click here
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** Hi, I would like to add the bodi19 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s to my order but I can’t see where to add it. Can you help me please?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Go to your cart and you will enter your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Question:** Can you please tell me where to add the bodi19 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s
**Answer:** Have you gone to your shopping cart?
**Question:** yes I did, should I go to checkout?
**Answer:** Under your product there is a grey box click on that
**Answer:** You type it in and press the apply button
**Answer:** You have to add the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s in the cart
**Question:** There’s no grey box under my product
**Question:** Is it before I go to my billing address or after?
**Answer:** It is before the checkout and before you put in any of your details,
**Answer:** go back to the shopping cart page
**Answer:** Look for a grey box which says we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code, with a button next to it that says ‘apply we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s’
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Screen-Shot-2019-12-19-at-10.33.59-PM.png
**Answer:** see the picture I just sent attached
**Question:** Ok I will try again
**Answer:** You might need to scroll down if you’re on a phone to see the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s field and button
**Answer:** Once you are on the cart page
**Question:** Oh ok I, I can’t find it. I’ll go do it on my laptop. Thanks for your help.
**Answer:** I think that would be a good idea, it must be your phone screen size is causing a viewing problem
**Question:** Yes I think so. Thanks again and have a good night.
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** if you’re looking for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, maybe I can help?
**Question:** i have a card from the last time i purchased with you for 25% off but its not working?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Is it 252525?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Bear with me we will check it
**Question:** hang on it looks like its working…
**Answer:** Ok great the only thing it won’t work on is the blenders
**Question:** if i order this now, will it get sent out tommorrow?
**Question:** hopin git will get to me before christmas?
**Answer:** Yes it will be sent tomorrow
**Answer:** Where are you?
**Question:** does it go normal post or courier?
**Question:** i live ruralish…can bea bit longer than main centres
**Question:** golden bay
**Answer:** It is unlikely to be there before Xmas. There is an inter island freight backlog due to the bad weather this last week. It is sent by Fastway courier and then goes into the nz post system fir the rural delivery
**Question:** oh dear….
**Answer:** You will be able to track it
**Answer:** It will be there between Xmas and the new year
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** i
**Answer:** Hello, How can I help today?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Don’t spam people with your comments
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** [name]
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** I would like to order BodiTune DETOX ‘n SLIM [name] × 3 using the sorted2020 code but paying by Bartercard is this possible?
**Answer:** We don’t offer our specials on Bartercard unfortunately, only standard pricing. But I can organize that over live chat if you wanted to order with your bartercard
**Question:** Yes please
**Answer:** OK, first, what is your name?
**Question:** [name] (Tony)
**Answer:** OK, then [name] or name on Bartercard, Delivery address and finally Bartercard number end expiry please.
**Answer:** [name],74 [name],Redwood,Christchurch,[name] [phone] 02/20
**Answer:** Ok. also a phone and email please
**Answer:** oops 8 051 is postal address card # starts 6009
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Being cheeky here, I have some online banner advertising nationwide available at the moment – we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sed AND on full Bartercard – interested? if so just give me an email address to throw some info through too 🙂
**Answer:** OK, send to [email] we’re pretty committed and the moment, but I’ll have a look, cheers
**Answer:** Just need your phone and email please to process your order
**Answer:** Great will do it’s for 12 months and can start whenever – just a good way to convert Bartercard $ into cash sales – I’ll email now but won’t follow up so you just get back to me if it suits PS lost 19kg on Boditune for 4 weeks so you have a fan in me !
**Answer:** wow that’s a great result, please feel free to write us a testimony so we can share
**Answer:** Just need your phone and email please
**Answer:** got it in the email thanks. your order is underway
**Answer:** Thanks – hope you get a break over the holiday period
**Answer:** You too, cheers
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** Can we pay with a digital card?
**Answer:** We accept Credit card Paypal only
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi, so im nearly complete 2 months of the slim regime, it hasnt been as effective as i had hoped
**Question:** i dont know wether to do another one, or get some of the thermogenik on its own as i dont know if i need the other things?
**Question:** i also havea couple bottles of hte boditune capsules, i could just continue on with htose,,,,,it says 4 a day, could i up that if i want to lose more weight?>>>>

**Question:** i do feel a gradual shift though across time….

**Answer:** Ok what has been your result so far? It may be that the BodiTune drinks could be a better choice going forward as they also fill you up and support more digestive health

**Question:** ive lost maybe 4 kgs?

**Question:** its a slow process but heading int eh right direction

**Question:** the drinks you mention have protein right ? as hte differnece between them and the caps?

**Answer:** Yes the herbs can work better over time and can easily increase the dose to double to get quicker results

**Question:** im not really able to afford too much rightnow and perhspa should use what i have already?>>>

**Question:** ok right, i tend to have quite loose bowels on these herbs, very loose some days! so didnt want to up it too much? sometimes its rather urgent

**Answer:** That sounds like a good plan, are you making any green smoothies ? They can greatly increase your results along with the herbs

**Question:** im making some that invoolve chlorella yes

**Question:** some days more organised than others

**Question:** do you think if i conintued on with 8caps a day of the boditune id be ona similar path?

**Answer:** Ok then I think it’s just a matter of perververance, a little loose bowels are ok, so long as you still get to the loo on time

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** hahahahha yep im ok with that, i once had issues post india so nothing will ever compare!!!

**Question:** ok cool 8caps boditune a day

**Question:** will it still work as strongly with my metabolism?

**Question:** im definately ok with longerterm transition rahter than quick fix

**Question:** i understand the sustainability of that, also wanting to take advantage of the warm summer months to support movement of old stuck energy

**Answer:** Nearly, you could need some extra thermogenik like an extra 2-3 caps to be equal with the [name], but you could try that until you run out at least

**Question:** ah ok, i was thinking that…maybe ill do a separate order of just that and top up

**Question:** so 8 boditune plus 2-3 thermo?

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** ok thankyou

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hey, random question. I use your products, love them, I just discovered a couple of sachets unused, the expiration date was August 2019. Can I still use it?

**Question:** be a shame to turf it away

**Answer:** Yes they actually keep for years after expiry, so they should be good

**Question:** oah mean, great

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I have an Iron deficiency, are any of the plants used in your products good for my problem?

**Question:** I get dizzy and my neck gets stiff, thought I might try your products out.

**Answer:** The detox program is great or resetting gut health in general

**Answer:** That can help your body better absorb and hold onto iron stores

**Answer:** I recommend a lot of green and berry smoothies on the program which are great for iron

**Answer:** the big thing is also the vitamin C content in the diet as your body needs vit C to pick up iron from the gut

**Question:** Oah wow, I didn’t know that about vitam C

**Answer:** Yes, so I think the detox program could help get you back on track

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I have a question regarding lactating please. I have read in the brochure to avoid taking Detox within 6months of lactation, I was hoping If I was to do the mild detox I could start before my child is half a year old? What do you suggest?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes you can do it if they’re over 3 months and ffeding OK

**Answer:** feeding OK

**Answer:** In-fact it can help reduce colic and wind in baby

**Question:** So is that just the mild option the maintenance plan?

**Question:** which Detox plan would you suggest? 14 days through to the maintenance plan?

**Answer:** The 14 days is the best for results, as it resets the whole metabolism and liver with the ideal dosage of the herbs, it’s also a good time frame to follow the clean diet plan without being too long

**Answer:** That should be fine even if you’re breastfeeding

**Question:** Ok I just wanted to make sure that my baby won’t be in pain from any particular herb overload.

**Answer:** No in-fact the opposite if any herbs get through the milk it will relax and comfort baby, the fennel, ginger and peppermint are the ones that usually get through and help reduce wind and colic in baby

**Answer:** Did you have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Question:** I appreciate your time, thank-you for answering my questions.

**Answer:** You’re welcome, anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hi, How can I help today?

**Question:** I started with the detox programme a week ago – i have been very good and strict with my diet. Although I have been feeling very bloated every day..Little bit uncomfortable too in particular in the morning? Is this normal?

**Answer:** It can happen, especially if you eat lots of raw food, in particular, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage. It might pay to have more of the cooked meals at night and more fruit during the day.

**Question:** Secondly, today we had out Christmas lunch and i listened to my body and ate foods that are not allowed on detox. I honestly felt my body was craving for something a little bit different…

**Answer:** Also as your body’s gut microbes are rebalancing you can get a bit of gas and bloating, ginger and fennel herbal teas are great for recuding that

**Question:** Will that impact on the overall programme I am doing

**Answer:** If you have had a cheat day, you can make up for it by going super clean the following day, even juice fasting for 24 hours to get bac on track, you should be fine

**Answer:** just try not to do that more than once or twice, and definitely no meat if you can avoid it

**Question:** no meat – i had vegeterian gluten free dish but there was some dairy. I am PMSing too which is probably why I feel a little off

**Question:** I also have a very low iron levels. I do take the supplements. Is there anything else you can advise to take?

**Answer:** Yes dark grape juice, beetroot, raisins and other berries are all good for iron, the green smoothies are also great

**Answer:** Try using some dark organic cacao powder or suck 3-4 pieces of Whittaker’s dark ghana at night, (you can sneak that in if you’re good the rest of the time). Lots of good fats will help craving too, plenty of avocado, coconut oil, yoghurt etc

**Answer:** prunes are high in iron also and allowed on the detox

**Question:** Yes I am eating a lot of avo, coconut oil, coconut yoghurt and have mixed coconut yoghurt with raw cacao -its super amazing and no sugar needed

**Question:** how about Dates>

**Answer:** yes dates are good, not especially high in iron, but good for cravings

**Question:** where can I buy dark grape juice? and is it very sweet

**Answer:** McCoy do a good one which is available at Countdown, in the tall cardboard 1lt carton, yes it’s a little sweet, but natural sugar which is ok

**Question:** Ok thank you

**Question:** I dont want to consume too much sugar

**Question:** thank you and have a lovey day

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is it safe to breast feed my baby whilst taking these products?

**Answer:** Yes if baby is over 3 months

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** [name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** kia ora 🙂 Id met Brett previously at an expo and id love to get some of his products to use as wholesale 🙂

**Answer:** Ok you will need to call Brett on 0800 555 556 to discuss this 🙂

**Answer:** He is free now until 10.45 and then for the afternoon from 2pm

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I’ve been purchasing the Detox n Slim for 3yrs and noticed theis last time the 1kg option which I bought. However I find the taste has changed and quite unpleasant! What’s the change been please

**Answer:** HI There,

**Answer:** There has been no change to the formulation

**Answer:** However, herbs to vary from season to season, so there could be a little difference each year

**Question:** As a consumer though I have never over this period noticed a difference and can have a couple a day so I really know when something’s off. Disappointed. Can you also please tell me if the scoop equates to the satchet size, thanks

**Answer:** Yes, it is the same amount in the scoop. Interesting that we haven’t noticed any difference in the taste, and neither has anyone else. Are you sure you’re using the same recipe and liquids for your drinks?

**Question:** Absolutely! Nothing has changed at all there.

**Answer:** Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely ask around if anybody else notices any difference.

**Question:** As mentioned, this is from the 1kg container. I still have boxes of satchets I was leaving for travelling etc but are you using those up instead. Thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Good afternoon I have purchased twice previously and wish to purchase boditune again while taking advantage of the “sorted2020” special. Can I have 2 boxes again please?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I am interested in purchasing the juice machine

**Answer:** Ok, how can I help with that?

**Question:** [name] I have purchased your book and detox program…ready to start after Xmas but thinking about purchasing your juice machine

**Answer:** Yes it’s an excellent Machine for making the smoothies, I’ve had mine for over 10 years and it’s still going strong

**Answer:** There is two sizes

**Answer:** This smaller one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ladyship-high-speed-blender-ls-588f/)

**Question:** How long does it take to ship?

**Answer:** and this bigger one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ladyship-high-speed-blender-ls-658/)

**Answer:** It can take up to two weeks, so if you ordered now it would possibly be with you first week of Jan, allowing for Christmas delays

**Answer:** They ship from the importer in Australia

**Question:** ok will look at ordering one then. Thank you

**Answer:** You’re welcome, I’m here to help

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/conquering-sugar-addiction-to-lose-weight/)

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/conquering-sugar-addiction-to-lose-weight/)

**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name], Let me check the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for you, one moment

**Answer:** Please try it again now, it should wortk

**Answer:** [name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** With your diagnosis, we would recommend the [name] Detox program

**Answer:** rather than the IBS program

**Answer:** We would recommend doing it over one month to allow the body to heal itself

**Question:** Would this help et weight off too?

**Answer:** This is the program [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** People normally lose about 5 to 6 kgs on this program

**Answer:** They can lose more depending on their body situation and regular diet

**Question:** TY, read more in the morning, 3 am here don’t always sleep well

**Answer:** The detox will help with that too as it clears the liver

**Answer:** [name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.

**Question:** Do you ship to Canada?

**Answer:** Yes we ship a lot to Canada

**Answer:** We send via DHL to your door

**Question:** OK, just [price] for IBS Detox sees a lot

**Question:** Is it available o [name] site?

**Answer:** The IBS program is only available on our website site sorry. It has 24 of the best herbs for resolving health conditions in 480 capsules.

**Answer:** It is has two extra bottles of 12o capsules each so 720 in total

**Answer:** It is one of the most comprehensive programs in the world

**Question:** I had a perforated colon due to diverticulitis ast December and still have issues @ times after reversal surgery with muscle twinges and diarrhea and a lot of noise in abdominal area especially @ night

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ladyship-high-speed-blender-ls-588f/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ladyship-high-speed-blender-ls-588f/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hi

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is it safe to take these products whilst breastfeeding?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes it is safe after 3 months of breatsfeeding

**Answer:** In fact the Detox herbs, such as peppermint, ginger and fennel can often help with reducing wind and colic in baby when used by mum

**Question:** oah wow cool.

**Question:** I have currently had a sore ankle, when I curl my toes up it hurts. I feel like the nutritrient’s from my body are all going to my baby while breastfeeding. Will these products help restore my body overall? I feel so tired and I’m putting on weight.

**Answer:** Yes the detox will reset your liver and help to balance your body’s acid levels, this can help reduce swelling and pain, plus improve the quality of breastmilk

**Answer:** It’s a cleanse but also super nourishing and healing for the whole body

**Question:** thankyou for your help.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hi how long between cleanses should you 3wait

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** You can do them as close as 3 months

**Question:** awesome thank you

**Question:** am looking at doing another detox but thinking maybe the slim would be better?

**Answer:** It’s more common to do a detox twice a year, but you can actually do the slim anytime, and it’s great in between detoxes

**Question:** oh awesome thank you, ill save up to buy one

**Answer:** We do offer afterpay if that helps

**Question:** thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** How can I help

**Question:** I started with the 14 day detox plan yesterday ( today is my second day). Is it normal to feel a little bit fatigue ? today I almost had like flu symptoms

**Answer:** Yes it’s normal to experience a few detox symptoms in the first 3-4 days

**Question:** secondly, i find it so difficult to swallow the tablets… can I half these and add to my smoothie?

**Question:** can i do that with all the tablets?

**Answer:** Ye syou can, This page can be helpful [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-faqs/)

**Question:** Ok thank you..is tomato ketchup allowed on detox with no additional sugar?

**Answer:** NOt ideal, but You can get away with a little bit of it 🙂

**Question:** 🙂 I thought so thank you

**Question:** I will be travelling to [name] in a week…how should I transition following the detox? Should I continue consuming plenty of fruit and veg

**Answer:** Yes just continue to be as good as you can with the diet, and introduce the new foods again slowly

**Question:** are there any dairy free protein powders I can consume?

**Question:** the link on the page does now work..[Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/juice-detox-capsules-easy-way-take-capsules)

**Answer:** Yes, I recommend pea and rice protein, we do supply one also which you can see here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-500g-pot-2/)

**Answer:** let me check that link one second

**Answer:** try that link again now it should work

**Question:** awesome works now thank you

**Question:** So need to exclude colonaid ?

**Answer:** It just tastes a little bitter, that’s all, so people prefer to leave that one out, you could try it if you are brave

**Question:** ahh I probably should not 🙂 but thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** BodiTune DETOX ‘n SLIM Drink

**Answer:** [name], How can I help today?

**Question:** hello im on the keto foodway and have had a couple surgeries with cancer showing so im staying away from carbs and sugars. would the boditune be good for food and cleansing during radiation treatmernt do you know?

**Question:** or just best to cleanse after with the detox? ive done this cleanse before

**Answer:** Yes it would be safe as it has no sugars or sugar substitutes, and has herbs to help reduce the negative effects of radiation, such as spirulina and barley grass. Yes you could do the gentle detox, and probably best to start with that actually.

**Answer:** [name] does have a couple of stimulants which you probably wouldn’t want if its a hormone-related tumor, but if it’s digestive related it would be fine

**Question:** im not having fruit ir root veg for now…still ok to use?

**Answer:** yes ideal with leafy greens, or other vegetable. You can also use it with coconut milk.

**Question:** yes it was a hormone related tumor

**Answer:** Ok, then I would stick to the detox instead of the drinks, just to be on the safe side. You don’t to boost your hormones right now

**Question:** so stay away from thr boditune then?

**Question:** ok greatwill order

**Question:** soon

**Answer:** just for now,

**Question:** thanks for your time brett! its amy matarese we met a ways back

**Answer:** Oh yes, hello, Did you have a disocunt we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Question:** ive got a pacific health we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sso will get through my acc yet needed to check your thoughtsre exact ingredients

**Answer:** Ok, You’re welcome

**Answer:** I can also give you a wholesale login to buy direct off our site

**Answer:** cheers cheers and happy holidays!

**Answer:** that would be great….id appreciate it!

**Answer:** Is this your correct email [email]

**Answer:** yep

**Answer:** OK, I will email login details shortly

**Answer:** thanks so much!

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I’ve used the Detox a few months ago and was very happy with it. My husband wanted to try it, we ordered a kit (and 3 slimming kits) from Grabone. The detox kit has 2 Colonaid bottles, and there is no Symtax.

**Answer:** HI There

**Question:** He’s disappointed because it’s day 1 and we did all our shopping and prep over the weekend. How can I exchange the colonaid for symtax?

**Answer:** Yes that was the Grabone deal, with factory seconds which were packed with 2 x Colonaid

**Answer:** [name] is much stronger than the Symlax, so the results will be even better than normal

**Answer:** The symlax is mostly Psyllium husk, whereas the colonaid has the extra stimulants and anitparasitic herbs as well

**Question:** OK. so he still takes 5 of everything each morning (so 10 colonaid) and the same at night>

**Answer:** Yes, and it should be a little stronger than normal as far as the cleansing effects

**Question:** That’s fine, thank you. We’re both on a fitness kick and he was disappointed that he might not be able to start. I’ve just told him and he’s quite happy – thank you for your time. Have a good evening.

**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** If you try the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s sorted2020 it should work now, you may need to refresh your page

**Answer:** Thank you, yes that has done it 🙂

**Answer:** Awesome, I can drop that order off to you this afternoon

**Answer:** Thank you, I am doing the Detox so will have it to follow on.

**Answer:** Great plan

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi wondering if you got my questions re GBM patient and suitability for the detox ? Thanks. Pauline

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Hello it’s Brett

**Answer:** How can I help

**Answer:** hi Brett i was wondering about the preparation leading into the detox. I remember Sarah once told me that I could do this over a day or two?

**Answer:** Yes you could if were very good

**Answer:** In other words, just had raw food and juice for 24 hours and you could start

**Answer:** yes that is exactly what I meant 🙂 Can i add MCT oil into my coffee in the morning while doing detox?

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** i am using MCT with Collagen, is that still ok>

**Answer:** Yes that’s fine

**Answer:** i am seeing that butter is ok in detox?

**Answer:** Yes also OK, although I tend to recommend more coconut oil or olive oil where possible

**Answer:** Ok. [name]

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I have a cleanse that expires jan 2020 I wil lbe doing it last week of dec 2019 and 1st week of jan 2020 will it still be effective and potent ?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** hi

**Answer:** Yes it will be fine

**Question:** oh good stiil effective ?

**Answer:** The detoxes last for about two years after the use by date. It is because it is made of herbs and the herbs last a lot longer than the date we are allowed to put on the pack.

**Answer:** Yes still incredibly effective

**Question:** oh great news so I could actually do it later because that would suit me much better than over xmas so its still effective till 2020

**Question:** 2022?

**Answer:** Yes it will be ok but it is good to do the detox once a year so try to do it early in the new year

**Question:** ok thanks but to clarify this one will be ok and effective until jan 2022 when use by jan 2020

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** great also im vegan so dont want to eat the capsules you can just break them open and whizz them up in a blender to have them that way is that right ?

**Answer:** Yes you can do that

**Question:** if I did this while I was working what could I expect sicknees fellings wise and bowel mvements both amount and smell ?

**Answer:** It should be gentle if you are vegan.

**Answer:** Normally any detox symptoms happened around day 3 to 6

**Answer:** We try to get people to be around home at that time because sometimes you can feel a little bit grumpy or slightly nauseous or headachy.

**Answer:** They shouldn’t be too much change to the smell

**Answer:** You might find you go to the bathroom a little more but that depends on the internal state of your body.

**Question:** thanks for that info realy helpful asI might have to do it while working and helps if you can . Why is i gentler if vegan ? is there less to detox

**Answer:** The cleaner food you eat the cleaner your body can be. Even though you might not have a big build up though the detox will get down to sell level which is why you will notice your skin may change and also your head might be clearer.

**Question:** oh wow what skin changes will I get . head clearer great !!!

**Answer:** I do my detox while working 🙂

**Question:** oh so good to know thanks for sharing

**Answer:** No problem we are always happy to help any time

**Question:** are you vegan too

**Answer:** I am vegetarian for about 90% of the time.

**Answer:** I have the odd occasional piece of chicken or some fish

**Question:** oh great wjhat skin changes may I see from this

**Answer:** You could see your skin becomes clearer and softer. Sometimes people notice the difference in your skin before you do.

**Question:** I think the main thing im worried about sorry to be nitty gritty is the bowel movements at work I work 9-3 how many do you think the clense will bring over that time I knwo all different but how many do you get for example at work ont he cleanse. ZWow great re skin need that !

**Answer:** A couple of extra ones maybe but nothing dramatic.

**Question:** ok so good to know that was holding me back really appreciate the advice. can you please email me a copy of this so I can keep it ? email is [email]

**Answer:** Yes I can do that for you now

**Question:** Thanks so much sarah thats all I need to know. Youve been great ! thanks !

**Answer:** Excellent glad I can help 🙂 get in touch any time if you need us we are here to help.

**Question:** thanks so much!

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Fruits are high in many compounds that are powerfully anti-cancer and immune building and are perfectly OK during cancer treatment protocols.

**Answer:** I think you should, however, avoid too much processed juice as they almost always include added sugar

**Answer:** I always recommend the detox program to cancer patients, but just not during chemotherapy

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Sorry. Pushed wrong button. One of our concerns in following detox protocol is emphasis on fruit. There is a strong recommendation we’ve been following to avoid any processed and other sugars ie carbs eithva more keto focus. Super feeds cancer. We wonder if the detox then is self defeating. Thanks for your help. Pauline

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hi there Brett covering the conversations at the moment so I’m going to pass your query onto him.

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. My husband has GBM. HE is under the care of [name] oncology naturopath though completed chemo and RT back in September this year. David has recommended the 2 week intense detox programme before Xmas.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. I have ordered the detox program I read that Brett suggests 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salts for prep. Is there Epsom salts specifically for internal use iris it thesame that youbathin thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It doesn’t really matter which one

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** Hi

**Answer:** Hi there can I help?

**Question:** Yes just come accross your website as I am looking for a supplier for Liver, colon, Kidney cleanse

**Question:** can I ask a few questions

**Answer:** Yes of course you can ask any questions you like 🙂

**Question:** Do you sell your products on Amazon just need to clarify this

**Answer:** Our program does all of the areas of the body. Liver: intestine’s kidneys it goes right down to cell level.

**Answer:** Yes we do sell them on Amazon

**Answer:** For example if you go to the herbal detox program you will see the Amazon logo and you can click on it to go to our Amazon shop

**Question:** Okay and does your colon cleanse pulll out the mucoid in the intestines like I have seen in some photos

**Answer:** It does if your body is in a bad state. It all depends on your diet and your body function.

**Answer:** The pictures are from real clients that have sent them to us.

**Question:** I havent seem your pictures but if you can give me a link

**Question:** Does the liver cleanse break up the Gallbladder stones in the liver and gallbladder

**Answer:** There is a really good picture here. Unfortunately this picture has been taken and used on other websites and we are trying to close it down. This picture is a genuine ultimate herbal health customer [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-does-the-herbal-detox-work/)

**Question:** thanks much for the link

**Question:** Does the liver cleanse break up the Gallbladder stones in the liver and gallbladder

**Answer:** It can potentially soften them by improving the function of the liver and gallbladder.

**Answer:** It is good to drink lots of red apple juice and take olive oil in your food

**Question:** oh exellent you are in new zealnd is that correct

**Answer:** Yes we are in [name] all of our programs are made here and we shipped over 40 different countries. We also gave online support at any time so you can contact us with any questions you have.

**Answer:** It is wonderful and sunny here at the moment

**Question:** Ok I am in Australia can I give you a call

**Answer:** Yes of course you can the number is006475442863

**Question:** Ok will call in a minute

**Question:** sorry the phone cut out

**Answer:** Ok you can call again Breet is here

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** ok

**Answer:** [name]’s Brett

**Answer:** If you’re interested in using our program in your clinic, then I can set you up as a wholesale customer.

**Question:** my email is [email]

**Answer:** [name], I will send the login details shortly

**Question:** ok

**Answer:** Just emailed them through now, feel free to ask any further questions anytime, thanks for your inquiry Luke

**Answer:** Have you got into the wholesale prices OK?

**Question:** just trying at the moment as couldnt get in so I added my name to the account details see if that will make a difference

**Question:** I go to the Shop now/ wholesale ordering and this is what it says when I click on the link Hello healingenergetics (not healingenergetics? Log out)

**Answer:** Just checking your account now

**Question:** just looking at your books as well I have a lot of reading to do

**Answer:** OK I just changed your status, maybe try this login again now Username, healingenergetics Password, Healingenergy2019!

**Question:** ok will do now

**Question:** thank you it is working now

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Question:** this is very kind of you to let me in to your business much appreciated

**Answer:** We’re here to help

**Question:** Will I be allowed with your permission to put your products on to my website

**Answer:** [name] could and I could ship to you for supplying your customers

**Question:** Okay sounds terrific I will have to order some in to try myself as well to make sure it is strong enough which probably already is because some companies do not make it strong enough through my research

**Answer:** You will see minimum is three units for wholesale but shipping is only 11.50 so makes it very cost effective

**Question:** Ok I presume you have had no problems shipping to Australia

**Answer:** no problem with cartons which hold up to 9 units, I wouldn’t want to go higher than that per order, or they might start looking at sales tax

**Answer:** I know I have done much importing from other business in the past

**Answer:** We shipped into Aus often with no issues

**Answer:** ok cool

**Answer:** We use DHL so it’s very quick

**Answer:** I am just gathering my friends to do the colon cleanse all at the same time.

**Answer:** sounds good, makes it a lot better when sharing

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi are you after the detox program?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Where can I find the booklet for unltimate detox

**Question:** I lost the book

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** I can give you a link where you can download it

**Question:** Please if you can

**Question:** thank you

**Answer:** All support info is under the resources tab but here is the link to the detox user guide

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello,

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** i was just wondering if the 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sorted2020 works for the ultimate herbal detox diet program. Thanks 🙂

**Answer:** It certainly works for the [name] Detox or the [name] Slim programme.

**Answer:** What are you after?

**Question:** Oh that’s strange, I got to the checkout and it said the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code won’t work for me.

**Answer:** Which product are you looking to buy? Was it a combo?

**Question:** just the ultimate herbal detox

**Question:** it’s the [price] program

**Answer:** Did you add the product to your cart and go to checkout to add your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code

**Answer:** Have you put this item in your cart [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Question:** Yes

**Answer:** Ok we will check it

**Question:** Yup il try again

**Answer:** We are just checking bear with us

**Question:** No problem, I just tried again and it said “this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is not valid for you”

**Answer:** It has just been updated. Please refresh the page and it should work now 🙂

**Question:** Ok thank you

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi just wondering if I can eat sweeteners during detox

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** It’s better to use honey, but still OK to use a sweetener if you don’t want to use sugar

**Question:** Hmm..why would you say it’s better to use honey instead ?

**Answer:** Honey is more natural than most sweeteners which are usually artificial, and can still cause blood sugar, insulin resistance problems etc. Honey is actually a superfood, not just pure sugar.

**Question:** Yes I agree with that…honey has so many amazing healing properties too

**Question:** Thank you

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hi again sarah

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** can I remove the capsule when I take them

**Answer:** hi brwrr

**Answer:** Yes you can

**Answer:** they are OK blended into a smoothie

**Answer:** ok thank u il do that bretr

**Answer:** cheers

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hi guys what are those that I will avoid to eat prior to taking my detox kit

**Answer:** do u have that online booklet?

**Answer:** [name], let me give you a link to some information

**Answer:** ok thank u brett

**Answer:** You can find it on this page [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)

**Answer:** thank u so much. have a good day ahead

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is sorted2020

**Answer:** Thank you …just placed order

**Answer:** You’re welcome, will get it shipped tomorrow morning and email you tracking details

**Answer:** Thank you. I’ve put my brothers address in Auckland. He’ll bring it to me at Christmas

**Answer:** Perfect

**Answer:** I see the shipping address does not specifically say [name] but it is [name]

**Answer:** No worries, we will get it right

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] Tune on sale for one box? (as opposed to 3) Thanks

**Answer:** Yes I can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** if you apply sorted2020 at checkout it will give you the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Question:** WOW..that is very generous. Thank you

**Question:** Are you “the” Brett?

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** do you have a pain cream

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Unfortunately, we don’t do any creams, sorry about that

**Question:** no problem thank you

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name]. Anna said you were interested in grounding mats. See the link for a short movie on this page

**Question:** [Link](https://www.ultimatelongevity.com/)

**Answer:** Thanks I will let Brett know

**Question:** Can only find parts 4 and 6 of the energy healing videos on the website……where can we find the rest?

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Let me check for you Kerry

**Answer:** They are all on Brett’s YouTube channel. Search for him under [name] on YouTube. There is a self healing playlist

**Question:** Awesome thanks. Looking forte meeting [name]

**Question:** Forward

**Answer:** Great will let him know

**Question:** Hello

**Question:** i want to do the month long programme but am a little worried about getting enough protein

**Answer:** HI THere

**Answer:** You can have eggs, fish and a little chicken on the one month program

**Question:** I tend to get very dizzy when not having any. To give a background I have some liver problems, inflammation in the gut and joints too

**Answer:** You can also have protein powder, milk and yoghurt which are good protein sources

**Question:** Would your protein detox and slim satches work well with the month programme?

**Answer:** Yes they are the perfect companion

**Question:** Ok thank you. I’ve done your two week detox before about 8 years ago so wanting to do it again and hopefully find some relief with the joint issues

**Answer:** I’m sure it will help with that, the less protein you have the and the more fresh fruit and veegtables, the better it will help with that

**Answer:** That’s because it is alkaline

**Question:** Yes, I try not to eat meat much and keep healthy. I will be adding some of the tips yougive for parasites too as I have major bloating and have travelled a lot in 3rd world countries.

**Answer:** That sounds like a good plan

**Question:** Thanks for your help!

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Tried to submit my client questioner. Keep getting ‘error ###’ on page 3?

**Answer:** You must be missing a box somewhere, I think you need to comment in every box, even if just a single letter

**Answer:** I thought i did….will check again

**Answer:** Oh….have to start over…….will complete later, thanks

**Answer:** That’s OK Ian, I’ve got the first two pages through, just leave it and we can talk when you come

**Answer:** It’s Kerry…

**Answer:** Sorry, on two calls at once

**Answer:** Multi tasking……i’m not flash at that either. See you Wednesday thanks.

**Answer:** Will do

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. I would like to book a personal consultation with Brett. What times/hours are available for appointments.

**Answer:** HI There

**Answer:** [name] or Wednesday is available at 11am or 1pm

**Question:** [name]. Kerry here – Annas partner. Just spent half an hour chatting to her about her consultation and I would like one to

**Answer:** Sure thing, do either of those times work for you?

**Answer:** Not really……very busy time at work. Do you take appointments evenings or Saturdays? If not at the start or end of a week day would work best. We live in Maungatapu

**Answer:** OK, I could do a 9am or a 4pm on either of those days

**Answer:** Wednesday at 4pm would work well.

**Answer:** e. kerry.j.jervis..com

**Answer:** m. 021 [phone]

**Answer:** Great, I will send you an invitation by email now

**Answer:** Thanks…..looking forward to meeting you

**Answer:** You too, see you then

**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program)

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** I tried to apply for we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code but does not work

**Answer:** I want [name] [name] combo, and BodiTune [name] Multipack

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** I used sorted2020 for 40%

**Answer:** it does say it does not available for me

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there I recently did the 6 week combo with ok results and would like to do another but would like a large we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s. What’s the best we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s you can do?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hey there , I’ve already purchased the ultimate herbal detox ( which I have done a few times before and love ) I’m thinking about doing the herbal slim after I’m done – do you start this program straight after finishing the detox ? And it says to take probiotics After the detox would you take them while doing the herbal slim or wait and do a course after . Thanks for you help 🙂

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It is best to start the Slim program immediately after the detox.

**Answer:** You can take probiotics during the slim you don’t have to wait to the end of it.

**Question:** Ok sounds good , Thanks for your help

**Answer:** No problem you are welcome any time

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. I was chatting last night to you. I am wanting to do the slimming program &you suggested that I do the detox first. I am happy to do detox andthen would I follow immediately with the slimming one? If so, I would probably need to order both together. Is it usual to follow immediately to keep momentum? want to start asap to really get under control before Christmas… thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes it’s normal to follow the Slim immediately after the detox.

**Question:** ok I will get both now then. How long before order arrives?

**Answer:** Where do you live?

**Question:** Ohauiti, Tauranga

**Answer:** If you order tonight we can drop it off tomorrow

**Question:** Awesome….I am also happy to pick up if that is easier for you as I believe you are at Mangatapu…only a hop from my place… anyway I will order now and go from there. Thanks

**Answer:** The clinic is super busy tomorrow so best for us to drop off

**Question:** oh another thing…I have just seen the BodiTune detoxn slim pot. Is it best that I get the Ultimate detox and also then the slim program or do the detoxboditune??

**Answer:** [name] Slim is about 5 times more powerful than the BodiTune so if weight is the goal then the slim is the one.

**Answer:** Have you seen you can get the detox and the Slim programme as a combo?

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim/?v=8e3eb2c69a18)

**Question:** ok …no I haven’t seen that combo. I am working off an email I got yesterday offering 40% off. Does the detox & slim combo offer the 40% off as well? Thank you

**Answer:** Ok it is better to use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/ss on the individual items then as you will get more off

**Answer:** This one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-store/?v=8e3eb2c69a18)

**Answer:** And this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-store/?v=8e3eb2c69a18)

**Question:** thank you…oh gosh, so many options.lol. So, I will get the detox plus the ultimate slim both at 40% on ‘sorted 2020’ offer. Then you are saying that I can also use the Bodi 19 code to get the christmas bonus free 500g tub of detox’n slim to try?

**Answer:** Unfortunately you can only use one we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code so either one or the other.

**Question:** ok

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hey Sarah

**Answer:** out of curiosity have you guys completed the 7 days detox with Brett?:)

**Answer:** [name], how can I help?

**Answer:** Yes we have and in fact we are continuing on with it 🙂

**Answer:** i was thinking about the 7 days detox rather than 14 days

**Answer:** so you have done the 7 days aleady

**Answer:** already and now going to continue for how many days?

**Answer:** Yes we finished the 7 days on Monday

**Answer:** have you done the 7 days before

**Answer:** or was this the first time for you

**Answer:** just curious to understand how you were feeling etc

**Answer:** I am continuing up to Christmas. It was my first time

**Answer:** I found it pretty tough with the capsules

**Answer:** was this your first time doing the detox ?

**Answer:** I found I wasn’t hungry as the capsules were filling me up with the green smoothie

**Answer:** I have done the 14 day detox before and I think, to be honest, I will stay at that level

**Answer:** I am continuing the 14 day number of capsules until we get close to Christmas.

**Answer:** I have been up and down a bit with my energy levels but they seem to have stabilized.

**Answer:** I was thinking to do the same….I can start after my Xmas party 🙂 and that will take me to my holidays which I can continue then for another few days…

**Answer:** thats good to know

**Answer:** maybe 7 days was too intense

**Answer:** It is pretty tough !

**Answer:** I was in the loo a bit

**Answer:** but lucky I am near the bathroom

**Answer:** yeah I can imagine..I am trying to combine this before I go on holidays

**Answer:** yup 🙂 lucky!

**Answer:** I think my body wasn’t ready for the 7 days one

**Answer:** I actually feel the same way tbh

**Answer:** I think it takes a while to get your body in good shape and mine was pretty bad after being sick a lot during the winter.

**Answer:** I must say the green foods have been incredible.

**Answer:** Brett talked to me about it and I thought I would try it with the team and I have been really surprised.

**Answer:** interesting..this winter for the first time I wasnt sick ..for a change. I have been following moderate LCHF diet and this has helped a lot

**Answer:** Thats good results for you then

**Answer:** My skin has improved and my cough has disappeared.

**Answer:** I love green smoothies but I think i would miss the texture and consistency from banana..have you found something to replace ?

**Answer:** I wasn’t volunteering in a shelter and the people were carrying all sorts of buys and I picked one up – bad cough and permanent runny nose! I was ready to detox

**Answer:** Brett added apples and lime juice which actually thickened them up a bit

**Answer:** apples dont really work for me..they make me very bloated

**Answer:** i think maybe avocado would be great addition

**Answer:** If that happens it is worth having some apple cider vinegar before – it increases the hydrochloric acid in your stomach and can help with bloating

**Answer:** nice..i love apple cider vinegar

**Answer:** Try it out I am sure it will help 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], we went to the seminar last night Gut – Brain connection. Pretty sure we saw you there too.

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** Had gut issues for a while now & following seminar pretty sure it’s leaky gut. Couldn’t taste a thing re Zinc test.

**Question:** annamoores..com

**Answer:** [name], Sarah told me didn’t sleep too well after it either

**Question:** Would be great if I could get someone local to help me out

**Answer:** You could come along and see Brett at his clinic

**Question:** That might be perfect. I live in Maungatapu too

**Answer:** Wow great

**Question:** Possible tomorrow around midday?

**Answer:** Let me check I know he had a cancellation

**Question:** I’m off to the Dr to ask for blood tests at 2pm. Would be great to talk to Brett 1st

**Question:** How much for a consult with Brett?

**Answer:** It’s [price] for an hour and a half consult

**Answer:** He can do 12 tomorrow as his 11am appointment has been postponed

**Question:** Awesome – let’s do it!

**Answer:** Ok great. I will book you in and send the invite via email. There is a link to the questionnaire for the consult.

**Question:** Thanks a lot. I’ll be there at 12 tomorrow

**Answer:** Great

**Question:** annamoores..com

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. Just looking at the 40% offer off Herbal slim. I am needing to drop 5 to 10kilos. Do you think this is the best way to go? I already have a chemical free diet but am post menopausal & have put weight on. Thanks

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes it should work well if you think your gut is healthy already

**Answer:** The average result with the herbal slim is between 5-7kg

**Answer:** It does depend on your diet and exercise as well, but you could do the first week on the detox clean/raw diet to kickstart the slim program

**Question:** yes pretty good gut health. I pretty much stay away from any lectin foods, and basically dairy free as well. Exercise not too flash tbh. ok you think the detox first then herbal slim?

**Answer:** the Slim always seems to work better after the Detox, and to be honest most people lose a little bit more weight on the detox as well, you can’t go wrong starting there.

**Question:** ok. the 40% offer is a good incentive as well. Thanks for your advice. I met you once at a show in Tauranga about a year ago…food show I think.

**Answer:** The more green/chlorophyll foods you eat, the less hungry you feel, and that’s a great way to start either program, the Slim is slightly more hormonally supportive and is certainly worth trying. I think if you did both back to back you should get the 7kg you’re after

**Answer:** The speical is running until the 20th December, so if you started the detox now you would still have time to follow up with the Slim later

**Question:** Yes, thank you. I would want to be on it through the Christmas period to keep in control . Will order tomorrow How long for delivery? And is it shipped out from Tauranga? I live Ohauiti..

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I just did!!

**Answer:** Lol excellent

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name].

**Answer:** Hi

**Answer:** Can I help?

**Question:** BeeChoo here. I’ve been contemplating the detox … just a bit concerned whether it would suit someone on the low-FODMAP regime for IBS. Don’t want to aggravate haemorrhoids as they will bleed profusely if there’s too much wind.

**Answer:** Yes you can do it with that approach, it’s just a matter of choosing appropriate recipes from our website during your program

**Answer:** The herbs in the pack are excellent for reducing any gut inflammation as well

**Question:** What about the ingredients in the detox though … like dandelion … which is high-FODMAP?

**Answer:** We use dandelion root which is more of a medicine than the leaves which are the food

**Question:** Okay … so the leaves are high-FODMAP?

**Answer:** What’s the reason for you low Fodmap diet

**Question:** IBS

**Question:** The low-FODMAP foods do not give me gas.

**Answer:** Yes people don’t usually eat the roots

**Answer:** [name] Detox has a very high success rate with IBS so you should be fine

**Question:** If I didn’t also have haemorrhoids, I wouldn’t be so concerned. They’re very sensitive to wind and burst from the extra pressure and bleed (a lot)!

**Question:** However, Brett’s approach with energy, etc. really resonates with me.

**Question:** That’s why I keep coming back to his website.

**Answer:** Yes the combination of the foods, herbs and energy work is fantastic

**Answer:** We do have a 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s available this week

**Question:** If the detox causes me grief, how can I mitigate the effects?

**Question:** Yes … and the X’mas bonus too!!

**Answer:** Actually it’s only one deal or the other

**Answer:** It’s really just adjusting the dosage to suit

**Question:** I realise that. Weighing up which one to use.

**Answer:** You can start slow and build it up day by day

**Question:** Okay … that sounds like a plan. Test to see how much I can tolerate by building it up.

**Question:** Slowly.

**Question:** Thanks for your help, Sarah. Glad you’re not a bot!

**Answer:** Yes you could start on the maintenance plan then increase to the one month plan after 3 days

**Answer:** Then move to the 2 week plan if you are feeling good

**Question:** Okay. I’ll figure out which deal to go with … BodiTune is attractive. Would like to give up 3 kg … to get to 48 kg. 🙂

**Question:** Thanks again! Have a great evening (what’s left of it).

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** I have had a gastric sleeve operation, losing 20kg, but I still have 5-10kg to lose. I am losing motivation, and really want a boost! Would the [name] Program be suitable? PS I still need to have a high protein diet post sleeve gastrectomy (so I could use protein powder, perhaps?) Thanks, Carmel.

**Question:** My email address is: marshall.carmelm..com

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], can you tell me is the Boditune 1 kg pot the same as the sachet Boditune detox and slim sachets. Julie

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** The 1kg pot is twice the size of the sachets, as the sachets only contain 500g per pack

**Answer:** It is exactly the same ingredients in the product

**Question:** Thank you Brett, I assume the amount to be taken is on the pot.

**Answer:** Yes, it has a 15g scoop inside

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], Any chance there will be a [name] Special? this week? Many thanks, Rachel

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** We are doing a special which is being emailed out tomorrow, but I can give you the code now

**Answer:** you can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s sorted2020 to get 40% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s on any standard priced item

**Answer:** Thank you Brett! Very much appreciated, I’ve used your product previously, (end of 2017), really felt a positive effect so looking forward to doing one of your detoxes again. Thank you!

**Answer:** You’re welcome, anytime, I hope it goes well again

**Answer:** Thank you!

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Okay that sounds good, will have a hot curry tonight! Thankyou very much for the help, i do feel really good aside from the bloating!

**Answer:** You’re welcome, I’m sure things will sort themselves out in coming days. Keep us posted

**Question:** Hi there, i’m currently about half way through the 14 day herbal detox. I have been completing everything (taking herbs in smoothie, eating from food list etc) as per the instructions. However, i’m experiencing lower abdominal pain and bloating and i’m only going toilet every second day or so still (when i do go it releives abit of the bloating and pain). Any idea why this is still occuring at this stage in detox and anything i could do to get things going? Thanks!

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, i’m currently about half way through the 14 day herbal detox. I have been completing everything (taking herbs in smoothie, eating from food list etc) as per the instructions. However, i’m experiencing lower abdominal pain and bloating and i’m only going toilet every second day or so still (when i do go it releives abit of the bloating and pain). Any idea why this is still occuring at this stage in detox and anything i could do to get things going? Thanks!

**Answer:** Are you eating a lot of raw food?

**Question:** Not really actually. Most days consist of two green smoothies with the herb caps and then a few bits of fruits (prunes, mandarins, grapes etc) then a few raw veges like carrot and salads/avocado. Then later in day have been having a vege soup or baked brocolli/cauli asparagus etc. so not a huge amount of raw stuff

**Question:** also have abit of coco yogurt/vegan protein powder

**Answer:** OK then just try reducing the carrots, brocolli and cauli, as they are the most likely culprits. Have you tried any of the curries, as they can really help. It is normal for things to go a little haywire in the middle of the clenase also, as things are taking a radical shift.

**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/?s=curry&post_types=post%2Cpage%2Cproduct%2Cdetox-recipe&v=8e3eb2c69a18)

**Question:** Okay will try that no worries. I have ingredients for a hot vegan thai curry. Is that okay to have?

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** You can substitute the broccoli and cauli for zucchini, capsicum, green beans in the curries

**Question:** Okay sounds great thankyou. I also have a product called “the poo brew” at home. Is this okay to take during the detox to help things along? You may have heard of it before but the ingredients are phsyllium husk power, l-glutamine and a little barley grass powder

**Answer:** It should be OK so long as you drink plenty of water with it. Psyllium can sometimes cause constipation if taken without a lot of water, like 2 glasses, 500ml per teaspoon

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, i’m currently about half way through the 14 day herbal detox. I have been completing everything (taking herbs in smoothie, eating from food list etc) as per the instructions. However, i’m experiencing lower abdominal pain and bloating and i’m only going toilet every second day or so still (when i do go it releives abit of the bloating and pain). Any idea why this is still occuring at this stage in detox and anything i could do to get things going? Thanks!

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Are you eating a lot of raw food?

**Answer:** That can cause bloating if you’re not used to it.

**Answer:** Also too much raw food, especially vegetables have a lot of fibre so you may get a little backed up with that,

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** hi sorry my after pay did not work

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** how will I pay it?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** hi Brett

**Answer:** You can pay online with Credit card or Paypal. It must be an issue with your afterpay account as we accept afterpay on all our products

**Answer:** ah ok thank u

**Answer:** il do that now

**Answer:** you’re welcome

**Question:** I just finished the 14 day ultimate cleanse

**Answer:** Well done!

**Question:** Now I am on the skinny cleanse

**Question:** Do I take orobiotics now or when I finish skinny cleanse

**Answer:** You can take them now

**Question:** OK thanks

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Maybe try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi -if I order the 3 pack Slim programme will that Bev in Cambridge by Wednesday?

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** It should be if you order today

**Answer:** [name] would ship out today and get to you by Wednesday, no problem

**Question:** Awesome – I will order now. Thanks ilonca

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi can we be able to book for consultation with Brett on Wednesday? 27/11/19?

**Answer:** Yes that’s fine. What’s your name and would you like 11am or 1pm?

**Question:** [name] 11am please. [name]

**Answer:** Great , what is your phone number and email address?

**Answer:** We can send you an invite via email with a questionnaire so we know a little about you.

**Question:** [phone]; email: efalandar..com

**Answer:** Excellent will be in touch soon

**Question:** thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I ordered another detox on Friday, I think. Could I please exchange that for a Slim as my daughter and I are doing this together, I thought I would get the 3 box deal? Thank you ilonca

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** I just dropped off your order

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I am using the sachets and I have just put the barcode in to myFitness [name] and it has come up that it contains 86 grams of fat. It says 0.86 grams on the packet. Is that correct. Thank you. Karen

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** 0.86g is correct

**Question:** thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Ok super thank you very much for helping Sarah and Brett, I really appreciate it

**Answer:** Youre welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name], any luck with this?

**Answer:** Thanks for your patience. It looks like we have a technical issue on the website which we are looking into.

**Answer:** We will still ship to your correct address

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there, can you tell us which products you are looking for?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there, I’m having trouble shopping to UK. I emailed about this and was told it should work. I’ve checked shipping country and I have it set to UK…are you able to help please?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Bear with me

**Answer:** Can you advise this what you are not seeing? Are you looking for express or another type of delivery?

**Answer:** All orders go to the UK via DHL

**Answer:** [name], I’m just wanting normal delivery. If says that there are no shipping options for the address I’ve entered.

**Answer:** Can you just copy your address into this live chat and we can check thank you

**Answer:** Sure thing.

**Answer:** 13 [name], [name], London, W130JG

**Answer:** Bear with me

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hi

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Question:** looking for detox at a cellular level

**Answer:** Yes, OK

**Answer:** [name] Detox program does allow the body to detox at a cellular level

**Answer:** It does that by clearing the colon, liver and kidneys first, then you have a clean diet and you can follow this for up to one month

**Answer:** The herbs work on removing heavy metals and phase 2 liver detox pathways, which gets chemical residues out as well

**Answer:** You can see the one month plan here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)

**Question:** are the herbs safe for a diabetic and with kidney stones?

**Answer:** Yes, perfectly safe for that, it’s also an alkaline diet, so takes a load off the kidneys

**Answer:** Also no simple carbs on the diet like sugar or starches

**Question:** ok

**Answer:** so great for diabetes

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hello, i’m starting a 14 day detox today. Is it okay to have a little coconut yogurt and vegan protein added to smoothies?

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** You can use any yoghurt and plain protein powder is best

**Answer:** sorry unsweetened yoghurt is better

**Answer:** okay no worries thankyou!

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** sorry one more thing, can all the capsules be put into a smoothie? or should some be not

**Answer:** Yes but best not the Colonaid ones

**Answer:** They make the smoothie taste awful

**Answer:** okay no worries thankyou!

**Answer:** The others will be fine I’m doing that at the mo!

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello I have just purchased the Boditune sachets and have just mixed a glass with water and it is so sweet I cannot drink it. As part on my healthy eating plan I have cut out sugar from my diet as Im sure most people would. Why is it so sweet? Karen

**Answer:** HI Karen,

**Answer:** It contains a little stevia because the herbs are very, very bitter and nobody could take it with the stevia

**Answer:** Are you taking it with water?

**Question:** Yes but I cannot finish it

**Answer:** It can be taken with any kind of liqiud, including milk, juice or any type fo smoothie

**Answer:** Do you make any smoothies

**Answer:** The other option is if you have just started the pack is to send it back and exchange it for one of the capsules products

**Question:** No I don’t drink smoothies or fruit juice. I imagine it will still be sweet with sugar. Thank you for the second option. Would it just be one tablet replacing one sachet?

**Question:** sorry that was meant to be milk not sugar

**Answer:** Actually the sachets contain 8 capsules worth of herbs, that’s why they are so very bitter

**Answer:** Did you have a specific goal in mind

**Question:** It must be difficult to get the balance right to suit everybodies taste buds 🙂

**Answer:** Yes we try to please the majority, but it is hard to please everyone

**Answer:** Do you eat yoghurt

**Question:** Yes I want to lose about 6 kilos. Yes I have yogurt with oats for breakfast

**Answer:** OK, then you could try mixing the powder into 1/2-1 cup of yoghurt with a fork or whisk, that would cover the sweetness quite well, except you would have green yoghurt

**Answer:** super health green yoghurt

**Question:** ok thank you I will try that tomorrow morning.

**Question:** Thank you for your help

**Answer:** Anytime, I hope it works for you

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, do you have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code I could please use for the 2xultimate herbal detox? Thanks 🙂

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** You can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s newhabit for 30% off

**Question:** amazing! Thank you!!

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello…I do hope you got my message re my cancelled appointment on Friday due to work commitments.. Thankyou

**Answer:** [name], yes we did thank you. I thought Brett had emailed you but it might have slipped his mind as he has been super busy. Please let us know when you wish to rebook 🙂

**Answer:** Yes I will Sarah, but will be in the [name] now.. take care & Regards

**Answer:** Yes all good – have a lovely break 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello sexy xx

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there,

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** Oops. I have purchased the detox package but I have misplaced the white booklet, is there somewhere I can get the same info or is it possible to get another one sent our?

**Question:** Out

**Answer:** Yes I can give you a link and you can request it to be emailed to you bear with me a mo

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)

**Answer:** Just click on the link and fill out the form

**Question:** Thank you!

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** How to loose weight

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** [name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.

**Question:** Yo

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Try this page or what you are looking for [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** There is little mention of seeds & nuts other than almonds. Are they to largely be avoided?

**Answer:** Yes, especially during the detox programs, but are very hard to digest and quite inflammatory, so best to avoid them completely on the detox

**Answer:** You can have a few on the Herbal slim, but even then no more than a handful every other day

**Question:** Okay, good to know, thanks. I love walnuts and go through phases of eating them but will def avoid while detoxing 🙂

**Question:** This is [name], by the way. I spoke to you on the phone while you were in Mitre 10 on Saturday :).

**Answer:** they are not so bad if soaked and even sprouted, or even made into a milk, just very hard to digest otherwise

**Answer:** [name] I remember

**Answer:** Are you underway yet?

**Answer:** Yes, purchased 3 packs from Sheryl in Motueka. My hubby & I are doing together but it is mainly for me to see if can overcome the hives which are driving me nuts (excuse the pun lol). Sheryl thought maybe leaky gut??

**Answer:** It can be an immune response, so taking out the nuts, seeds, legumes will be a big help and the herbs are very anti-inflammatory so I’m sure it will help.

**Answer:** Yes, fingers crossed. Do you recommend using probiotics during detox or after?

**Answer:** During and after are both good, so you could start anytime

**Answer:** ok great

**Answer:** Sheryl also suggested a hot bath to aid detox but with the hives I’m wondering if too hot will only aggravate them? To relieve itching temporarily I’m soaking in warm oat bath.

**Answer:** That sounds like a good idea

**Answer:** So do you think I’d be better to avoid super hot detox bath?

**Answer:** yes not too hot

**Answer:** Cheers. I’ll let you know how things progress.

**Answer:** Please do

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** How can I help?

**Question:** I was chatting earlier with you about the detox kit and you were very kind and gave me the 30% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s… I popped into tonic health at centre place hamilton to get some new things I needed, and the lady and I got talking about your awesome programme. I told her I was buying online and she showed me the price of their detox kit of yours in store, it was [price] RRP, and on sale for [price]… it says on your website [price] without the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s, so she said to check as she isnt sure why it is 200 online but instore only 169?

**Answer:** They already have it we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/sed at [price] from the full price of [price] I think that’s a long running deal in that store

**Question:** Oh she said that was the full price and they are having a sale now and she didnt know why if I brought online it would be 200 haha so she said to message on here

**Answer:** We keep our listed prices at full price online so we don’t upset any of our outlets, no they have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s on top of their standard we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s if that makes sense. I know the owner of that store as he buys from me. He gets a very good price.

**Question:** Okay thanks.

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s ‘newhabit’ should make the price [price]

**Question:** awesome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I am wanting to lose about only 2-5kg.I am confused as to which pack to obtain. I see the [name] slim with detox is good for wt loss, but I need the wild yam for menopause wt gain. Would the multi pack of Boditune tabs and drink work best?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** Email address is kiwibird21..com.

**Question:** Question is :

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** I think the herbal detox would be the best place to start because We often find that woman with menopausal symptoms get good results. It’s probably because the detox program clears the liver up all the excess of estrogen

**Answer:** You should comfortably lose 2 to 3 kg at least on the two-week detox program, and you could always follow that with the herbal slim if you wanted to get another two or three KG after that

**Question:** Unfortunately too much estrogen is not my problem 🙁 Do you mean the Ultimate herbal slim even though it does not contain the wild Yam?

**Answer:** Have you had your hormones tested? It’s usually the liver that backs up with estrogen during menopause that causes abdominal weight gain, that’s why I would recommend starting with the Detox.

**Answer:** this article explains what I mean [Link](https://www.zrtlab.com/blog/archive/the-hidden-truth-about-weight-gain-your-top-10-burning-questions/)

**Question:** Yes an under medical advice for that. Am needing estrogen to counteract the side effects of minimal hormone production. had total hysterectomy 17yrs ago. Tried getting off hormones but too many side effects.

**Answer:** OK that makes sense, then yes the herbal SLIM will be better as it supports the system by providing hormonal substances from the herbs [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/what-do-i-get-in-the-ultimate-herbal-slim-program/)

**Answer:** I can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for that product

**Question:** Cool. That sounds great!

**Answer:** if you apply ‘newhabit’ at checkout you should get 30% in savings

**Question:** Thanks. Here’s to some weight loss! 🙂

**Answer:** Yes I hope so, also good to consider keeping the good fats up while doing this program, as that will feed that system also. Avocado, coconut oil, olive oil and even some butter and cream is a good idea. Avoid sugar and other processed foods and you should do well.

**Question:** That will be easy as I like avocados, use coconut oil & butter already.


**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** i was in the middle of a chat? 🙂

**Answer:** Yes it must have dropped out

**Question:** oh no probs at all 🙂 🙂

**Answer:** Did you have further questions

**Question:** should i do the detox and then cotinue with the powder?

**Question:** will my tummy be less sore and sensitive maybe after the detox?

**Answer:** Yes that would be perfect, as the detox will give you a fresh start

**Answer:** There are herbs in the detox which help soothe and heal the gut

**Question:** awesome, you wouldnt happen to know if it will be having a sale or we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s anytime soon? just as i have brought 2 detox kits and the powder now so am low in cash hahaha

**Answer:** I would suggest having more of the cooked food during the detox and not too much raw food, as that could upset your system a little more

**Answer:** Yes I can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for 30% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Question:** oh amazing thank you so much

**Answer:** if you apply this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s ‘newhabit’ at checkout it will give you the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Question:** thank you so much i really appreciate it

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Would you like a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Question:** Hi there

**Answer:** hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** how can I help

**Question:** I was just wondering, how many detoxes can you do per year?

**Question:** I have done 2 (one start of year and one mid of year) .. can I do one now before xmas?

**Question:** or is thta too much?

**Answer:** no that’s fine

**Question:** oh cool

**Question:** i got the powder in that huge tub but it makes my tummy feel sick when i drink it

**Answer:** have you tried it with a smoothie

**Question:** yeah whenever i have it with juice or a smoothie it hurts my stomach and makes me really nasesou

**Question:** naseous

**Answer:** maybe try starting with a smaller amount until your system gets used to the herbs, like 1 small teaspoon instead of the scoop

**Answer:** One your system gets used to it you will start to get the real benefits

**Question:** Okay cool

**Question:** I was quite shocked that it also had banana flabour

**Question:** as i asked on here if there was any banaa in it and sarah said no

**Answer:** Yes banana cancels out the bitter herbs

**Question:** ah i always get a sore stomach woth banana so maybe thats why

**Answer:** it is actually a banana flavouring and not the banana itself

**Question:** oh so that cant be the sore stomach then haha

**Answer:** some people mix it into yoghurt

**Question:** oh thats a good idea

**Question:** should i do a detox thencontinue with that?

**Answer:** yes

**Answer:** The detox should give you a fresh start

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Can this Herbal slim help with the menopausal abdominal weight gain?

**Answer:** Yes it should help

**Answer:** It has a couple of extra herbs in it for the hormonal boost

**Answer:** Wild yam (DHEA) and [name] (syneprhine) they are excellent for boosting the hormonal system

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** Which of the slim packets do you recommend? The detox tablets or the shakes?

**Answer:** [name] are about 4 times more potent with the active ingredients, but the shakes are more filling. If you were to choose one I would give the capsules a go first. You can always combine them with the shakes later on.

**Question:** Thank you for your help

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** You can get 30% off this month with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s ‘newhabit’

**Question:** Cool thanks 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** What is good for a person detoxing from cigarette smoking?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** The best thing is the [name] Detox over 14 days

**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** [name], how can I help?

**Answer:** Can I eat Chinese vegetable takeaway if it doesn’t contain msg?

**Answer:** As long as it is vegetable chop Suey with no rice or noodles you absolutely can.

**Answer:** awesome thank you!

**Answer:** You’re welcome 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Can I eat quinoa and natural yoghurt on the 10 week programme?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Once you get past the first six weeks of detoxing you can start having those.The yoghurt you can have any time.

**Answer:** Thank you

**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hi i am trying to use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s ‘new herbalist’ but the website says it doesn’t exist

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code is newhabit

**Answer:** okay thats different to the email one

**Answer:** email i just got at 5.30pm today

**Answer:** I am just checking for you

**Answer:** Yes I see the error at the bottom of the email and is correct at the top.

**Answer:** new habit isn’t working eithr

**Answer:** We will stay online and help people

**Answer:** i might start order all over again

**Answer:** It is all one word

**Answer:** newhabit

**Answer:** its still telling me the code doesn’t exist.

**Answer:** Let me get it checked for you

**Answer:** might have been retained from the first time with space in-between. now working

**Answer:** Which program are you looking to buy?

**Answer:** th

**Answer:** OK great 🙂

**Answer:** one month power detox. it works now thx. even though i retyped it in without a space it kept ‘remembering’ the first time i typed it in

**Answer:** oh ok and least you are sorted now 🙂

**Answer:** thank you for your help – the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s makes a BIG difference 🙂

**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂 Have a great weekend!

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the [name] Crohn’s [name]? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi can you use [name] n Slim sachets instead of just the Slim 4 week capsules?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes but would need to take 2 sachets daily to get the same effect as the one month [name] capsules

**Question:** Thankd

**Answer:** In saying that you will also be getting the extra protein and detoxing herbs in the sachets which can help give extra benefits

**Question:** THanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Good to see you at green expo. You mentioned you were going on a detox starting Monday. Is that next Monday? I would like to to start mine at same time.

**Answer:** Yes it’s next Monday

**Answer:** You can follow us on facebook if you want to join the group [Link](https://www.facebook.com/groups/[phone])

**Question:** Can I follow progress online. I did the 14 day last year and it was awesome

**Answer:** Yes we will be posting on the facebook group daily

**Question:** I can reckon, that you are using a [name] software for your website to gather leads and support your existing customers. Do you really cover it all through the day/ night ? If you cannot able to do it, We can help at [price] per month, round the clock with unlimited chats. Click here [Link](https://open247.chat/landing/cf.php)

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Cheers that answers my question – I was wondering for a while

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] Steph again. Just looking to purchase my 6 monthly cleanse for two. How much for cash and pick up from you?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It’s [price] for 32 if you pick up

**Answer:** For 2 sorry

**Question:** Cool but what’s 32? Is that the ultimate cleanse?

**Answer:** Sorry no I meant 130 each for 2 detoxes

**Answer:** [name] herbal detox

**Question:** Sweet and that’s the full ultimate cleanse product?

**Answer:** Yes that’s it

**Question:** Could we pick up from you tomorrow morning sometime that suits?

**Question:** And pay cash 260

**Answer:** Sorry we can’t have a pick up tomorrow it would need to be on Monday and yes it would be [price]

**Question:** [name] fine what time? And 230? Not 260?

**Answer:** Yes sorry 260 I can’t count

**Answer:** You could collect at 11am

**Answer:** Is that ok?

**Question:** 11 30 ?

**Answer:** Yes that’s ok

**Question:** Great see you then

**Answer:** Excellent see you then

**Answer:** What’s your name by the way?

**Question:** Could you just advise number of tabs to take over 10 days like your original program. Seems to be best for me still rather than 7 or 14 days

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** 12 from each bottle daily

**Question:** Just once a day? Or 6 in morn and 6 at night

**Answer:** Twice daily is a little better

**Question:** Do the bottles have 180 in each still?

**Answer:** 120 in each bottle

**Question:** Is that the same as when it first came out in the 2000’s when you were in Cameron rd? Seems less ?

**Question:** I can’t remember, but the first cleanse I did still seems by far the most intense. Just wondered if that was why it hasn’t been so hard out ever since.

**Answer:** [name], the first detox came out ahead 400 capsules and so you took five of each twice a day for 10 days. We have actually increased the pack now to 480 capsules so you are actually taking more. The reason you won’t experience such a massive cleaning out when you do the detox is because you’ve done it previously and your body has adapted a little bit to the herbs and also because you’re probably eating better and you don’t have the same amount of build up as you did the first time around. I hope that helps

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Question:** The detox food list on your website is that a comprehensive list or can there be any other veggies which you haven’t mentioned ?

**Answer:** You can have other veggies but it’s important to avoid the things mentioned

**Question:** Such as the starchy veggies and fruits m

**Answer:** That means, no meat, eggs, nuts, beans, legumes, or any processed foods

**Question:** ?

**Question:** Oh yeah of course

**Answer:** Only potatoes, rice and bananas are not allowed

**Question:** I was planning to do a two week preparation..and only consume the foods that you have listed

**Question:** I don’t actually eat potatoes

**Answer:** Great

**Question:** thanks Brett

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** sweet as, all paid

**Answer:** thankyou


**Answer:** [name], how are you?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name], just looking for the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code, LOL

**Answer:** You can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s newhabit for 30% off at the moment

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hiya – I’m into Day 3 of [name] DETOX and just wondering if I can use sesame oil on my salad for lunch?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes you can

**Answer:** Use sesame oil

**Question:** [name] – that’s great, thanks. Sesame oil is super tasty

**Answer:** It is

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Do you have a price to pick up for local Tauranga residents. I use this product every 8 to 10 months. Cheers, Steve

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** We don’t have a special price but we do give a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s. Is it the detox you do?

**Question:** Yes it is the [name] body cleanse

**Answer:** Our detox program so the [name] Detox. The current price is [price] until the end of November

**Question:** Sounds good, where do I pick the product up from, a couple of years ago I picked up from Brett’s place in Maungatapu, is this still the right location?

**Answer:** Yes that is correct. 26 [name], Maungatapu. We will need to sort a day and time as Brett has his clinic so we don’t have pick ups then. When are you thinking of?

**Question:** Today would be good if possible

**Answer:** What time are you thinking?

**Answer:** We will need to confirm the time

**Answer:** How would 1pm sound?

**Answer:** Bear with me a mo

**Answer:** Yes that is fine Brett will be there at that time

**Answer:** Cheers thanks Sarah

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)

**Answer:** Click here to see our recipes 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hi I would like to ask about cellulite

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** do u have a product to get rid of it

**Answer:** We don’t as far as I know sorry

**Answer:** OK thank u

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** I see we missed a question earlier about your offers this month

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** hi do u have a promotion with detox powder

**Answer:** Yes you can get [price] off with this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50

**Question:** OK thank u

**Answer:** youre welcome, just put the code in at checkout for your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Question:** can I still use that code.. I just ordered last month I think I used that code

**Question:** also I had my detox capsule and had my detox drink 15 mins after I took the capsules.. hope that’s okay

**Answer:** Yes that’s fine, they work alongside each other well, you can even take them together if you want

**Question:** OK thank u heaps

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** hi yes pls

**Answer:** Great fire away 🙂

**Answer:** how many minutes can I eat after taking the capsules

**Answer:** 30 minutes will be fine

**Answer:** You may wish to leave it longer it is up to you.

**Answer:** but can I drink the detox drink after that? lol sorry I was hungry

**Answer:** Yes of course you can 🙂

**Answer:** hi how many minutes can we eat after taking the capsules

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** and do u have promotions at the moment?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I finished the detox capsules yesterday. How long should I wait until I start the herbal Slim

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** You can start straight a way if you wish 🙂

**Answer:** It is the best way to go

**Question:** awesome thank you

**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** I would like to do the 7 day detox but would like to ask if it was something you would reccomend ?

**Answer:** The seven day detox is okay for people who have relatively good diets based around fruit and vegetables. It is a lot of capsules so some people find those hard to do. There is no problem with doing the seven day detox. It is really your choice 🙂

**Question:** My diet is good, I am LCHF but do eat some meat so not only fruit and veggies..I would like a good deal cleanse but 14 days seems too long..

**Answer:** It is really your choice. The 14 days certainly gives your body a longer time to cleanse so it would be deeper but if you want to do it quicker than that is okay too. You could always start doing either the seven days and extend it if it becomes too hard or do the 14 days and then increase the capsules if you’re comfortable with it.

**Question:** I was thinking about it actually…but do I need to do the proper 3 day preparation

**Answer:** Your body will adjust better if you do it but you can get away with one day if you have a lot of liquids and fruit.

**Question:** Ok that does sound better…in teams of drinking coffee with coconut oil, is that ok

**Answer:** It is okay but if you can switch to decaf coffee that is better

**Question:** Why would it be better ?

**Answer:** Because decaf coffee does not create the spike then crash cycle

**Question:** Hmm ok I could try that..I never had any decaf coffee in my life

**Question:** I just live the flavour

**Answer:** There are some really good decaf coffee so I’m sure you won’t find it too hard to switch

**Question:** Is the list complete on your website ?of all the goods I can eat during the detox

**Question:** Foods

**Answer:** Yes it’s a pretty comprehensive list. It has everything.

**Question:** Do you have any favourite dinner recipes?aside from salads

**Question:** Just trying to get some inspiration

**Question:** Just trying to get some inspiration

**Answer:** Have you taken a look at the recipe page and chose the detox program in the drop down? It will give you quite a lot of options for dinner. I can give you the recipe page.

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)

**Question:** Yes

**Answer:** The mushroom stroganoff and the soups are very popular 🙂

**Question:** Will look again

**Question:** Thank you

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi is this safe for breastfeeding mothers

**Answer:** Yes if bAby is over 3 months and feeding well

**Question:** I am breastfeeding my two year old plus old boy

**Question:** what is the program

**Answer:** Then you will be fine

**Question:** what is the program

**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I have been through one detox and it all worked well. My main reason was to get rid of an amoeba parasite. I am thinking I should go again. Do you have any specific suggestions for this type of parasite. I am seeing the doctor this week to see if it has actually gone or I just knocked it around. Richard McArtney

**Answer:** HI There

**Answer:** Yes you can do the detox again if it has been over three months, we don’t suggest doing it more often than that

**Answer:** You could use the general anti-parasite advice from this page along with the program [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies/)

**Question:** [name]. I only finished 2 weeks ago. I was able to up the dosage to 80 tablets a day with no dramatic effects. I bought the kit from Health2000 in Napier. The manager there was extremely helpful so give her a pat on the back for me. I live in Australia.

**Answer:** OK, in the case of parasites, it’s generally good to give it six weeks and go another round, that’s because most parasites have a six-week life cycle. You could repeat that once a year to keep on top of things.

**Answer:** I do also have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s which gives you [price] off at the moment, also [name] [name] Shipping to Australia if that helps

**Question:** That’s great. I’ll register on your website.

**Answer:** I’m here to help anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi I just want to understand what is the purpose of the 7 day detox as opposed to 14 days ?

**Answer:** Ig is just to get it over with a bit quicker.

**Answer:** It is also fo the enthusiast who is used to cleansing.

**Answer:** They go ultra hard core

**Question:** I have done the detox once for 10days and it felt too long for me….

**Answer:** Raw food and smoothies, meditation and self healing etc

**Answer:** Well then you could try the 7 days although most people do the 14 days. Your choice 🙂

**Question:** Sure thing.how important it is to do the preparation prior to starting the detox ..

**Question:** I dont think I did the elimination last time..

**Answer:** If your diet is not good it is important to do. If you mainly eat vegetarian then the elimination diet can be left out. When did you do the 10 day detox? It has been different for quite a while.

**Question:** I did it around 7 months ago…

**Answer:** Ok I’m surprised as most people do the 14 day plan

**Question:** I do consume meat but in moderation…actually lesser every day and more veggies than ever before. I am also LCHF

**Question:** Oh sorry.. j adjusted it for 10 days

**Question:** I couldn’t any more sweet potatoes and I was craving for eggs…that’s how I felt when I did it last time

**Answer:** Ok protein powder and more green vegs would have helped with that

**Question:** Hmm…so do you still suggest doing the 2 week detox

**Answer:** It is your choice – you could start with the 14 day and increase it if you feel you want to.

**Answer:** So move to the 7 days

**Question:** Do I get the same detoxing benefits from 7 days ?

**Answer:** If you do a raw food and smoothie detox you will get a great detox. The 14 day plan will go deeper in the Liver, metabolism, and cellular healing. This is because you have more time to go deeper.

**Answer:** Can I help any further at this stage?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi is there a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for the 2xBoditone 500gm pot

**Answer:** Yes I can give you a great deal them

**Answer:** You can get 20% off here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/2-x-boditune-500g-pot-save-20/)

**Answer:** You can also use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50 to get another [price] we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** Awesome thanks

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** You can get [price] off your order by using the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program/)

**Answer:** Are you able to login OK, or do you need me to reset your password for you?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi

**Question:** hi I’ve tried twice to reset my password but it still won’t allow me to login. Keeps saying invalid!

**Answer:** OK I can do it for you at my end, what’s the email address you’re using?

**Question:** Jean_jensen..com thanks

**Answer:** [name] me a minute and I’ll reset it for you

**Answer:** Try using this password jean2019jensen! with that email address

**Question:** got it. Thanks for your help

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Unfortunately it still won’t let me login!!

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I’ve tried to log in but it says password not valid. I asked to reset password an hour ago and still haven’t received anything!! My email is jean_jensen..com so can you please reset for me? Thank yiu

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Could you just check your spam folder as sometimes the emails can pop in there. Then let me know thank you

**Question:** Yes it’s there. Thank you

**Answer:** Excellent glad to hear that thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name]…can you please remind me again, what is the benefit of doing the detox for one week ? 7 days

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I want to know what is the better product…the ulitmate cleanse or herbal detox program (I have leaky gut and other issues)

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi my Aunty is taking cbd oil for metastatic breast cancer, she has been so far having good results with her tumour markers dropping consistently. However her past few readings were increasing & showing her liver function wasn’t good now. She does a lot of research & has read that cbd can cause liver problems. Can you advise of a good support she could be taking that may help balance out her liver? Many thanks

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** My email

**Question:** [email]

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hi Sarah, I have brought the detox programme and looking to start shortly. I want to know more about the food. In his book Brett has recipes which include orange juice and also honey and stevia is apparently ok?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** hi Sarah, I have brought the detox programme and looking to start shortly. I want to know more about the food. In his book Brett has recipes which include orange juice and also honey and stevia is apparently ok? My email address is: erinmshore..com

**Question:** Im

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hello im doing my second detox, had great results first time

**Answer:** Thats great

**Question:** I had a positive smear test with abnormal cells. High risk they said. [name] done cleanse.

**Question:** I unfortunately had surgery done but it came back clear

**Answer:** Sometimes the detox it can help that system to clear, so it’s good for the uterus, cervix etc

**Question:** It was unnecessary. I should have trusted myself and asked for second test, but doctors recommended surgery . Anyway, learned a lesson and im

**Question:** doing second Detox to get rid of some unhealthy habits

**Question:** [name] for this awesome product

**Answer:** well done, good on you and yes your body can heal most things, it has incredible healing power

**Question:** True that.

**Question:** Have a good evening

**Answer:** You too, thanks for the feedback

**Question:** Your welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there i am doing the deep cleanse with the boditune, What juices can I use with the boditune?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** You can use any juice

**Answer:** orange apple tomato etc

**Answer:** It is up to you 🙂

**Question:** okay so any just juice with low carbs<

**Answer:** Just any juice it doesn’t have to be low carbs just as natural as possible with no added sugars.

**Question:** Thank you for that 🙂

**Answer:** You are welcome any time 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi I’ve got the boditune sachets and just got the pills too. I usually take one sachet every morning, just wondering when I should take pills as it only says on side 4 a day.

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** You can take the capsules anytime before 3pm to get the best effect

**Answer:** Two at morning tea and two at lunch ?

**Answer:** Yes that would be perfect, and best taken just before food

**Answer:** Ok thanks

**Answer:** [name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.

**Answer:** [name], Did you get my message about the currency OK?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I am my fourth day of taking 40 capsules. I am having wind issues and my stomach is gurgling alot!!! Is that normal?

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** Yes it is normal for things to get a little disturbed in the first few days, as you will be expecting a bit of a clean out

**Answer:** It’s all part of the process

**Answer:** This page can be worth a read [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-faqs/)

**Question:** Thank you. Will carry on.

**Answer:** Please keep in touch and let us know how it goes

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there, did u receive me earlier query? I exited out of the screen sorry.

**Answer:** Sorry just saw u emailed me. Thanns

**Answer:** [name] emailed you

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is it possible to get 4 x [name] DETOX with the 30% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s? Also is that product different from the [name] DETOX body [name], priced at [price]

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** Hi

**Answer:** You would need to buy two ultimate herbal detox is so you add one times to detoxes into your cart and then do the same again. Then you can deduct another 25% with this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s 252525

**Answer:** It is the same product

**Answer:** This is the [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20/)

**Answer:** It actually will give you slightly more than 30%

**Question:** Great I hadn’t seen that one. Will do that. Thanks.

**Answer:** You are welcome, here to help any time.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** the bodi19we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s offer, what do I order with this to make it apply

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It works on the [name] Slim

**Question:** [name], I’ll check it out, was going to just by more boditune tubs

**Question:** Liked the idea of an extra one for free haha

**Answer:** You can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s Spring50 to get [price] off your order

**Question:** ah great, thankyou

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hi Sarah we are wanting sup meal ideas

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Which program are you doing?

**Question:** 14 day detox

**Answer:** Okay have you looked at the recipe page and selected the 14 day program?

**Question:** where is the recipe page?

**Answer:** Great let me give you a link hold on a moment

**Answer:** Click on this page and choose the 14 day program from the program selector [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)

**Answer:** Just a little tip the mushroom stroganoff is amazing! So is the Thai pumpkin soup and the

**Answer:** Curries are great too!

**Question:** we aren’t a big fan of mushroom but maybes worth try

**Answer:** I thought that too and was pleasantly surprise 🙂

**Question:** we want meals we can sustain while still work

**Answer:** If you make a larger quantity you can reheat it the next day. I do this regularly when I’m detoxing.

**Answer:** It helps to take the pressure off

**Answer:** You can also double the recipe is of the salads and have those for lunch too.

**Answer:** Don’t forget you can have a vegetarian takeaway as well 🙂

**Question:** yea. we are going to try and make huge portions and have the for lunch next days

**Question:** weird question but we are worried about the bowl movements and still having to be in offices

**Answer:** Not a weird question at all 🙂 I get that one all the time. It’s usually not a problem unless you have a massive build up inside. Even if that is the case you will still have enough time to get to the bathroom.

**Question:** oh good, as I personally don’t usually go to the toilet at work

**Question:** are we aloud feta

**Answer:** Sorry no no feta

**Question:** any good tofu tips?

**Answer:** Yeah no tofu allowed sorry

**Question:** oh it says tofu in the book?

**Answer:** Yes, but only on the one month plan

**Question:** what about snack food for work what would you recommend

**Answer:** I recommend trying mandarins, grapes, or you can use pickled onions, gherkins, olives, and also you can use things like dates, raisins, or prunes.

**Question:** we are also confused about the banana witch…. are we aloud them or not aloud them? as the smoothies say bananas but then the start of the book says no bananas or potatoes

**Answer:** Yes we recommend not eating bananas or potatoes as a food during your cleanse but if you sneak a banana into a smoothie here and that will be fine. It’s the same with chickpeas we recommend not eating them either, but a spoonful of hummus on your salad you can get away with. It’s hard to cover all of these things off without confusing people. I hope that helps

**Question:** okay thanks somuch

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. Just wondering how best to use BodiTune Detox ‘N Slim 120 [name] & BodiTune powder/drink together?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Just take 4 a day of the capsules in the morning

**Answer:** And one sachet a day of the BodiTune in a smoothie in the morning

**Question:** Great thanks

**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help any time

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Does this really help with weight loss

**Answer:** All our programs give some weight loss

**Answer:** Have you tried the program calculator?

**Answer:** You can see what works best here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/ideal-weight-calculator/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I got a slim kit a few months ago but have yet to use it am going to after I finish detox but I did notice it expires this dec will it still be effective?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes you won’t have any problem with it. The herbs are very active for many years after the expiry date.



**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is hummus allow on the 14 day detox?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** One spoonful on a salad is okay but don’t use it as a dip

**Answer:** If you eat too much of it it will slow the process of detoxing down

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I have just done the 6 week combo and had mixed results. I would like to try again the one month detox programme but need more than 30%. Do you have a 50% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code?

**Answer:** Hello there

**Answer:** Could you advise me of your name and I can see if we can help

**Question:** Rob buckman

**Answer:** [name] bear with me a moment

**Answer:** I will see if we have any better we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/ss for you

**Answer:** If you purchased one detox to do over the month today I could give you the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code. It actually runs out tomorrow so you would need to purchase quickly. Is that okay?

**Question:** Yes

**Answer:** The code is ud19

**Question:** Cool thanks!

**Answer:** You are welcome – what were your results from the 6 week program?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** herbal slim nz

**Answer:** Hello do you have any questions I can help with?

**Answer:** I see you typed in herbal slim NZ

**Answer:** Did you have a question about it?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I am day one on taking the pills having done the prep stage and am finding that there isn’t enough information about what I should be eating, is it as much fruit and vegetables as you want in a day? How much yoghurt? How many smoothies? Is it any smoothie? I guess I am just feeling that I have eliminated everything except fruit and vegetables which is a smoothie for breakfast, a fruit salad for lunch and a salad for dinner and with no protein in my diet am tired and hungry – as a note, I am unable to eat garlic or onions so that also limits the 3 suggested dressings as well.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** It would be helpful if once you purchased this program there was a long-in where you could get additional information/recipes as the ones in the book are very limited.

**Answer:** You can eat as much as you wish from the list on page 15

**Answer:** You can eat as much natural yogurt and smoothies as you wish.

**Answer:** Let me give you the link to the recipes

**Question:** I tried that, they are the same as the ones in the book.

**Answer:** There are lots of others though

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/)

**Answer:** You can also create your own recipes using the shopping list

**Answer:** You can add protein to your smoothies plus every green vegetable has protein in it so they can be eaten at any time

**Answer:** Why can’t you have garlic or onions?

**Answer:** Try the [name]

**Question:** okay thanks.

**Answer:** Your body uses fat and carbohydrates for energy and not protein. The reason you are feeling tired is because the detox diet is low in sugar and fat

**Answer:** You just need to eat a little more

**Answer:** What you are experiencing is quite normal

**Question:** yes I think so, I have been limiting it to 3 meals a day, I am also going to try the pumpkin soup but wasnt sure if that was one bowl a day. Thanks for clarifying

**Answer:** You can eat as much as you need – your body will naturally regulate itself with the whole foods.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is this good for diabetics and people with heart issues?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes it is good for both diabetics and heart health

**Answer:** No problems with any of the medications except for Warfarin, which needs to be managed by a doctor

**Question:** Ok I’ve had two heart attacks so far. I might discuss with my doctor first?

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** hi my products got expired last aug

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** can I skrll use them?

**Answer:** Hello there

**Answer:** They should be okay as long as you use them very quickly

**Answer:** okay il use them

**Answer:** I can eat rice and fish for the 1month slim program aye?

**Answer:** Yes all good to use in the next month or so

**Answer:** OK thanks

**Answer:** Yes you can have fish but try brown rice instead of white

**Answer:** OK thank u

**Answer:** im plannibg to buy the 3 detox kit and powder

**Answer:** what is your special at the moment

**Answer:** and do u have special at the moment?

**Answer:** Yes you can use a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for [price] off if you buy over [price]

**Answer:** I will get the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for you

**Answer:** OK thank u

**Answer:** Use Spring50

**Answer:** At the checkout

**Answer:** OK thanks Sarah. I will do it tonight

**Answer:** Great thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hey just wanting to understand what is the difference between the 7 day power cleanse and 14 day deep cleanse? are they both effective for weight loss

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello there

**Answer:** The 14 day cleanse is better for weight loss.

**Answer:** The seven day cleanse is very intense and suitable for people who are used to detoxing.

**Answer:** hmm ok

**Answer:** If you have never done our cleanse before definitely do the 14 days

**Answer:** i have done it once

**Answer:** for 14 days

**Answer:** And how did you get on?

**Answer:** i found it difficult with the choices of food…

**Answer:** The reason the 14 days is better for weight loss is because It gives you more time for weight loss and to cleanse the body.

**Answer:** yes I agree

**Answer:** but now that avos are in season, maybe easier

**Answer:** It is definitely harder to do the detox during the winter time as the foods are not as prevalent. But there are lots of snacking foods and salads available in spring and summer.

**Answer:** yes i agree so many more options

**Answer:** I always keep mandarins and grapes nearby to cope with any food cravings.

**Answer:** Plus pickled onions believe it or not

**Answer:** that will help for sure…how about the extreme spike in sugar levels? arent that bad ..

**Answer:** glycose levels would spike whilst eating that amount of fruit and veggies?

**Answer:** If you have a little bit at a time you won’t get a sugar spike. That can happen if you have too much and then you can crash

**Answer:** yes

**Answer:** What happens when you eat fruit and vegetables is your body gets more fibre and it is unlikely to have those spikes.

**Answer:** Sugar spikes can only really happen if you binge on lots of fruit. Lots and lots of fruit

**Answer:** sure….how about making coffee with coconut oil? aka bullet proof coffee? some mornings I dont have time for brekfast and that is all I make..

**Answer:** true that one Sarah

**Answer:** It is okay to have coffee on the two week detox. In fact we recommend not stopping coffee while doing it. The reason is you can get a withdrawal and this is not very pleasant sometimes.

**Answer:** not at all…i love coffee.

**Answer:** Keep having it maybe just switch to decaf as it is a little better for you if it is water-based. But your choice. It is the same with alcohol by the way

**Answer:** Ok, i will keep that in mind and see how I get on 🙂

**Answer:** maybe reduce the amount of coffee I currently drink


**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hey Sarah can you eat stevia on detox 14 days?

**Answer:** Yes that’s OK

**Question:** do I need to weight any of the ingredients/ or follow the portion size for the foods I eat during the 2 week period

**Answer:** no, you can eat as much as you like

**Answer:** you will naturally eat less on the clean food anyway

**Question:** I am seeing that the testimonials and reviews are not that recent…are there any reviews from more recent times?

**Answer:** The most recent ones are at the top, and yes, they have come in over the last 20 years to be honest, people aren’t that forthcoming with reviews in recent times. I think facebook has taken over a little

**Question:** Ok, thank you

**Answer:** Anytime, did you have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s today?

**Question:** i just found one from my emails 🙂

**Answer:** Great

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello…am trying to pay for the seminar on Thursday night but can’t seem to do it ??!!

**Answer:** [name], it’s a free one this Thursday,

**Answer:** Are you coming alone or bringing a friend? We can put your name down

**Answer:** Great, thanks Brett, just me coming alone..see you then.. have a great afternoon / evening

**Answer:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi im trying to shop online and what I want is on special but the special doesn’t come up when the product is saved to cart

**Answer:** OK which product did you want and what was the special? I can check for you

**Answer:** It may be that you need a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code, which I can help with

**Question:** The slim and detox combo

**Question:** Six week one

**Answer:** Ah yes the combo is on special let me get the link

**Answer:** If you click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/super-combo-6-week-program/)

**Answer:** add to cart it should be only [price].00 down from [price].00

**Question:** I’ll check again but think it was similar but a cheaper one

**Answer:** You could also get it [price] less by using the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50 at checkout

**Answer:** There is also an Afterpay option which splits it over 8 weeks

**Question:** What I looked at was down from 517 to 354 I think

**Answer:** That could have looking at it in USD currency

**Question:** Oh right, silly question why’s it in usd

**Answer:** Sometimes it will change if it thinks your computer is in the USA, and that can happen on a work computer sometimes

**Question:** I’m on a kiwi phone, the main site comes up in $. I love your products but it shouldn’t be difficult or confusing to purchase them

**Answer:** We designed the currency to auto switch for different countries to make it easier for people, but on occasion, mobile devices can confuse the system somehow, sorry about that.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I am on the 3 days prep stage and have had a smoothie for breakfast and a fruit salad for lunch but am feeling very tired, am I am to take berrocca?

**Answer:** Yes that’s fine, that can happen in the first 2-3 days as your body chemistry is changing

**Question:** okay great, and once I take the pills am I also able to have berrocca?

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** thank you 🙂

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Are these conversations private

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Can you use the detox plan with type 2 diabetes

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes we recommend it for that condition, although it is better to choose more vegetable recipes and not have a lot of fruits during the program

**Answer:** this page might be helpful also

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/type-2-diabetes-prevention-healing/)

**Question:** Is this OK if you take metforman

**Answer:** Yes that is ok to take during the detox

**Answer:** Brett has had to pop on another chat

**Question:** As well as gopaside

**Answer:** Yes thats fine too

**Answer:** Only warfarin is an issue

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I went to allergy show in ChCh last weekend and was impressed by this detox programme. The sales lady gave me a voucher code and suggested the programme best for IBS which was a green set [price] down to [price] – but the voucher page is on green paper so I am unsure which one to order? Can you help?

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** The best program is the [name] Detox

**Answer:** The ud19 we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s will reduce it from [price] to [price] when used at checkout

**Question:** so can I still use my show code ud19?

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** ok I’ll go and do that now thanks

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is the ultimate herbal detox on sale?

**Answer:** Yes you can get [price] off at the moment with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50 which you can use at checkout

**Question:** Is this just online or at health stores as well?

**Answer:** Just online

**Question:** thankyou

**Answer:** Anytime

**Question:** One more question…I talked to my boyfriend about the détox and he wants me to order one for him. He asked me if one détox is enough for him. He is almost 2 meters tall. I think the détox fits to all sises, I am right?

**Answer:** Yes it will work for him as well, it fits all sizes

**Question:** Cool

**Question:** So, do you recomend me to buy the 2 x ultima herbal detox pack ?

**Answer:** Yes and you can get 20% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for that if you click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20/)

**Question:** Cool

**Question:** is the one detox pack enough to get “clean”? 😉

**Answer:** Yes if you follow the instructions, following the food plan is half the job, and if you do the 14 day program it should get you clean

**Question:** the 14 day pan is different from the [name] DETOX??

**Answer:** It is the [name] DETOX, and you use the complete pack over 14 days.

**Question:** Ok, so it is the same, but I just need to complete it for 14 days

**Question:** right?

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** I just need to confirm with a third friend if she wants one too. In that case, I Will order a 3 pack

**Answer:** You can get 30% for three packs here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/3-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-30/)

**Question:** Do you happen to know the weight of each pack? So I can be prepare for the weight in my suitcase when I travel back to Mexico?

**Answer:** They are 26 Ounces each

**Answer:** 750 grams

**Question:** Perfect!

**Answer:** Yes, if you order today it should be with you by the end of this week, it will go by DHL and should only take 3-4 days to arrive. It is important that somebody is around to sign for the package when it arrives.

**Question:** [name] Yes, I Will try with PayPal then. If I order it today, do you think it Will be deliver in Chicago US before [name] 21?

**Answer:** Yes if you order today it should be with you by the end of this week, it will go by DHL and should only take 3-4 days to arrive. It is important that somebody is around to sign for the package when it arrives.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** I had to stop the detox i actually struggled to have 40 capsules a day its more then alot

**Answer:** OK, You can take reduce the dose and just take 4 of each and split them up into 4 at a time throughout the day if its too many for you

**Answer:** How far did you get through?

**Answer:** I got to day 5

**Answer:** And when did you stop, yesterday or earlier?

**Answer:** yesterday i just couldnt do it i was weak from eating barely anything i struggled taking 20 in the morning it was making me gag after half of them

**Answer:** You can eat as much food as you like, so no need to restrict your food, for example you can have as much fruit as you want

**Answer:** The best way to get around it is to have only 5 capsules at a time and wait for an hour or two then take the next five

**Answer:** You could always give it a rest and do another 5 days at a later date when you think you can make the commitment

**Answer:** Yeah i know you can eat as much fruit but i dont get full on fruit and i dont eat veges at all on there own so i was pretty much living on fruit water and tea which still made me weak and feel faint everyday I didnt realise how hard it would be

**Answer:** Why don’t you eat veggies? That’s something you could change, as that’s not healthy, and maybe the detox is a good opportunity to start a new good habit. 27% of the population are actually vegetarian, and there is nothing wrong with eating veggies. For example what’s wrong with a good salad?

**Answer:** Check out this recipe [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/roast-vegetable-salad/)

**Answer:** And this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/mediterranean-summer-salad/)

**Answer:** You don’t know until you try these recipes?

**Answer:** The whole point of the program is to change your habits and therefore improve your health

**Answer:** aww i wish i could eat that my body doesnt even let me i made the recipe you sent and just couldnt get myself to swollow the veges on there own the minute i added fish i could i might just go to the month plan its better then nothing and il have fish and quinoa

**Answer:** That sounds like a good idea, and yes you can take half the amount of capsules also

**Answer:** Okay perfect I will do that thank you

**Answer:** You’re welcome, please let me know how it goes

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** hi there i went to the allergy free and healthy living expo yesterday and I wanted to buy the green pack that was [price] down to [price] for the show. She said I could order online with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s ud19 but it won’t let me apply the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Answer:** let me check for you

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s will only make it [price] but I will test it now, one second

**Answer:** It should work on this product [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** and will drop the price to [price], please try and let me know if you get stuck again

**Answer:** You can also use afterpay at checkout

**Answer:** Did you need some help today

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** I have acquired some type of parasite it does get into my anus but really effects my skin. I beleive its fungal because it lives in my feet and then sends the little worm like organisms in my skin on my legs. They will reenter into my skin and make sores. They are also on my back. They will infect the stuffing in my couches and chairs and can enter my body by sticking me and burrow into my skin. I’ve been to many doctors and they dont know what they are. Can you help me?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** when is your next expo ?

**Answer:** i want to get a good deal price

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Where do you live and I can let you know if we would be nearby.

**Answer:** Hi can you see my message ?

**Answer:** im in nz but i want it for my sister in brisbane

**Answer:** Ok if you order online delivery is free to Aussie. I can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for [price] off.

**Answer:** Our next expo is Christchurch this weekend

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hiya, we have been doing a yearly cleanse with Brett’s ultimate herbal detox and its time to do it again :-). You used to offer a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s when ordering two packs, is that something you can still offer? If I recall correctly last time we ordered we had a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code of get25 for 25% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s. Thanks!

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes let me give you a link for the best deal

**Answer:** You can get 20% off 2 pack here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20/)

**Answer:** You can also use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50 for a further [price] we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** just type in spring50 in the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s area at checkout

**Question:** awesome Brett – thanks a lot! Will be putting the order through shortly. Mark

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Question:** Hi again Brett – spring50 didn’t seem to have any effect … ?

**Answer:** let me check for you, one second

**Answer:** can you refresh your page and try again?

**Question:** yep – worked that time. Thanks again. My partner and I think you have a great product. We are deep into meditation practice at the moment via [name]’s – having attended his week long events overseas. He is a great teacher. So much progress in lightening our bodies up! My partner is having some amazing mystical experiences – Can’t wait to do the detox and help release more density and blockages from the body. Mark

**Answer:** The perfect combination, hope it goes well


**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** do you have any studies to back up your plans

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** We have a human study underway at the moment

**Question:** what animAl studies do you have

**Question:** is the human trial external

**Answer:** There are studies on every herb – take a look at the herb pages and see the references. I can give you link to one.

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/wormwood-artemisia-absinthium-herbal-monograph/)

**Answer:** Internal at the moment as we need to prove the protocol before we go external.

**Answer:** Doctors are overseeing the results though.

**Question:** I will have a look thanks

**Answer:** On the wormwood article the references are at the bottom

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi sarah, do you have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for the ultimate detox? I’ve just referred a couple of friends to the detox but they’re apprehensive about the price tag. Worth asking the question 🙂

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes we do have a special for spring

**Answer:** you can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code spring50 to get [price] off

**Answer:** amazing! thank you x

**Answer:** That can also be used on this combo [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/3-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-30/) making them [price] each

**Answer:** Did you get my email about using Paypal for the AMEX card

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Question:** I wrote last week, I’m having issues using the. Bathroom and I’ve been detoxing for 9 days. IM bloated and retaining water in my mid section

**Question:** and I’m swollen

**Answer:** Yes, did you go onto more cooked foods, and spice it up?

**Question:** yes, with stir fries and soups

**Answer:** Great, Do you a history of irregular bowels?

**Question:** i would say yes tho not diagnosed

**Answer:** OK, it may be that the program will give you some long term correction, but you are going through a process of change, The other thing you could try is some ginger in a herbal tea along with some hot Epsom salt baths

**Question:** I’ve been using dairy yogurt, maybe I should stop?

**Question:** And I will try those’ thank you

**Question:** I’m not sure if My body can handle casein

**Answer:** It is possible that you had a yeast or bacterial overgrowth and your gut bacteria is rebalancing, so the yoghurt could be causing a battle to0 take place. You could give it a rest. You would want to get some fresh ginger, not use the tea bags, and make a teapot so you can drink 3-4 cups during the day and another teapot for the evening,

**Answer:** The stronge the ginger tea the better, and you can add a little honey to that.

**Answer:** [name] salt bath needs to be done for 2-3 nights in a row with 3-4 cups of epsom salt, bathing for 30 minutes extra hot.

**Answer:** I think you can also lower the dose of herbs to 3 of each twice daily to extend your program by a couple of days, that should get you a better result also

**Question:** that’s great advice! I will def try! Should I take the pills as normal for the 2 week cleans

**Question:** ok oops you just gave me my answer. I will try all of those thank you so very much’

**Answer:** If you feel better within 24-48 hours then yes, otherwise you can also lower the dose of herbs to 3 of each twice daily to extend your program by a couple of days

**Answer:** Please let me know how you get on, I am thinking it could be a good result for the weeks/months afterwards

**Question:** bless you Brett, I believe so much into your program! Its so necessary for everyone to do so!

**Question:** I’m very grateful to have come across it

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Question:** I’ve been using the sauna, should I stop?

**Answer:** Yes, that be counterproductive if your bowels are not moving, as you could be losing salts, the epsom salt bath would be better

**Question:** Thanks! Will do! I will check back soon! Have a wonderful day!

**Answer:** You too

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I read with interest some of the [name] on your site. After some paragraphs, there are numbers between brackets. I suppose they refer to sources. I could not find them. Where can I see the sources? Thank you and kind regards. Philippe

**Answer:** Hi there, you will find them at the bottom of the articles or on a tab at the top.

**Answer:** They are the references for the articles

**Answer:** Are you looking at the articles on your phone or a desktop

**Question:** on the desktop

**Answer:** Okay just take a look for the reference tab at the top of the page for each monogram

**Answer:** Monograph

**Answer:** Not all of them have been completed yet so some of the references at the bottom of the page

**Answer:** Can you see them now?

**Question:** Yes, Found them. Great help! Thank you very much. Cheers


**Question:** Hi

**Question:** have an pack of [name] detox that I have found in the back of my cupboard. Is it still viable to use? It is 6months past

**Answer:** Hi did you see my answer? I’m not sure if we got cut off

**Answer:** The detox is perfectly safe for many months after the expiry date

**Answer:** Sorry many years after the expiry date

**Question:** No, I just got the Hi there

**Question:** and effective?

**Answer:** Yes and just isn’t as effective

**Answer:** Sorry it is just as effective

**Answer:** My voice activated software didn’t understand my accent

**Question:** Wow, that’s fantastic news. I will make a plan for a spring detox. Thank you

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I have an pack of [name] detox that I have found in the back of my cupboard. Is it still viable to use? It is 6months past.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes no problem at all the herbs take many many years to go off. It will be fine to use

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I purchased the detox n the slim. I have just opened it. The detox has two Colonaids, a digezaid, and a livafood. And no symlax… the Slim has a colonaid, satisfied, thermogenesis, xtrafood.. no Cleansa…. I take it these are packed wrong..

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** This is the grabone deal which is for factory seconds. Yes they are packed wrong but they will work perfectly OK. You just use the Colonaid instead of Cleansa for the Slim

**Answer:** For the detox you can use double the dose of colonaid which makes the cleanse a bit more powerful, or you can save the colonaid as a follow-up bottle and make the cleanse a fraction more gentle

**Question:** So I don’t need symlax?

**Answer:** That’s correct, they are very similar in action to the colonaid anyway

**Answer:** The colonaid is just a little more powerful and has the parasite herbs as well

**Question:** I didn’t know they weren’t full packs, I guess I should of read it more closely

**Answer:** Yes I pushed grabone to make it a bit clearer, but they still made it a little difficult to see unless you read everything and looked at all the pictures

**Answer:** Your programs will still work just as well

**Question:** Oh well.. I’ve learnt a lesson to read next time lol

**Answer:** The results will be just as good I’m sure

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] much longer would the BodiTune Bonus be available ?

**Answer:** It will be running for the rest of October

**Answer:** It comes automatically with the Slim at [price]

**Question:** Great, I am doing this at the moment and keen to continue loosing some more weight so understand it could be worthwhile repeating it?

**Answer:** Yes you can keep going like that as long as needed

**Question:** Cool, I will talk with you some more when you are in CHCH and get your advice on next step. Chhers

**Answer:** Look forward to it, what’s you name?

**Question:** [name].

**Answer:** See you there

**Answer:** [name] you then.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I have only just taken my capsules now rather than this morning when i woke up. I wondered if that is ok? I really need to psych myself into the pill thing because i dont like pills at the best of times! Just thought you may be able to put my mind at ease

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** I am also on day 2 of capsules if that matters

**Question:** am doing the 14 day option

**Answer:** Yes it is ok

**Answer:** Please don’t worry

**Question:** ok cool 🙂 I wasnt sure if it was imperative that i take them in the morning or not

**Answer:** Did you know you can add the Livafood, Symlax and Digezaid in a smoothie?

**Question:** Yes i did – I was going to try it out this weekend

**Answer:** Great I always find that taking them with a warm herbal tea helps. It relaxes the throat.

**Answer:** And they go down easier

**Question:** So to clarify, with ensuring i’m taking 40 caps per day – could i take maybe 5 an hour? or does it need to be 20 in one sitting and another 20 in the evening?

**Question:** or 10 an hour, between 8 and 12?

**Answer:** You can take as 5 every hour that is fine

**Answer:** You can spread them as you wish, Brett just makes a suggestion about morning and evening

**Question:** oh i’m so pleased to hear that!

**Question:** Thank you for your help Sarah – Health is Wealth 😉

**Question:** new favourite catch phrase

**Answer:** It certainly is!

**Answer:** Have a lovely weekend!

**Answer:** And you Ashleigh

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi I can give you a new link

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there I have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code sian25 which is no longer working

**Answer:** [name], our new website has deleted some of the old ones. You can use 252525 instead. Apologies we are just catching up.

**Answer:** Thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello, I ate a fair amount of chocolate last night while on the herbal detox, on day 4 of 14, and I’m just wondering if I should stop the herbs and clear it out of my system then restart or just continue on? Will it have much affect on the overall process?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** What kind of chocolate was it?

**Answer:** [name] haha probably the worst kind to have

**Answer:** Yes it is! Lol best to carry on but have a liquid day – smoothies, juice etc. this will flush it out fast.

**Answer:** Haha okay will do!! Thanks so much!

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello, are you best to do the detox before the Slim program? I already have purchased the detox.

**Answer:** Hello there

**Answer:** Yes it is definitely better to do the detox before. The reason is that it cleanses the body and loses any of the build up inside which can also help with weight loss. The other thing that happens is that the food will go through easier once you’ve done the detox.

**Question:** Thank you, I will start with that and them move on to the Slim.


**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I cant see the choc mousse recipe

**Answer:** Let me get it for you

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/chocolate-mousse/)

**Question:** Thank you

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello, can you help me with a tracking number for an order I placed some days ago and havn’t received yet?

**Question:** my name is [name]

**Answer:** Yes I can help you – what is your name?

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** OK bear with me – have you checked your spam folder? The email comes from DHL

**Question:** yes.. no mail at all

**Answer:** I will find it for you

**Question:** thks

**Question:** Order # 54543

**Answer:** The tracking number [phone] – There has been a mistake your order has gone to the address in the USA

**Answer:** [name] Duclaud

**Question:** but Im in London

**Answer:** Can you get the other one returned from Houston? We can send you another one ot the UK

**Question:** When will it arrive to London??… i’m here until saturday

**Answer:** It won’t get there by Saturday – where are you going after that?

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** The parcel has been signed for by D Salas

**Answer:** Can you get D Salas to send it to you? and we will help with the cost.

**Question:** the problem is that health supplements are not allowed to be sent to Mexico by carriers

**Answer:** Do you know D Salas at the address in Houston?

**Question:** i can find out

**Answer:** Ok, we will see how we can get the products to you in Mexico – we do know someone there who has the products and could get them to you. We need to get the ones back from Houston though. We will also need your Mexico address.

**Question:** ok.. but because of time difference i can reach them in about 5 or 6 hours

**Answer:** Ok that is ok – please give us the address in Mexico that you would like your order to go to. Are you aslo able to give us the telephone number in Houston?

**Question:** my adress:

**Question:** insurgentes Sur 1605, Piso 31, [name] Insurgentes, CDMX, 03900, Mexico

**Question:** The huston number I can get it from my friend in 4-5 hours that he wakes up

**Answer:** OK great – we will be in touch very soon once we have contacted the person in Mexico. Please accept our apologies for the mistake – the warehouse staff had not noticed th change in the delivery address.

**Question:** No problem.. thks!

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** If you could check and email me that would be great

**Answer:** Yes I will do that asap – I can see your email address 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello, I got two sets of the colonaid and didn’t get the symlax capsules

**Answer:** [name] I ask was it a Grabone order or through the website?

**Answer:** Grabone

**Answer:** Ok I need to check but I think the offer had one bottle switched out. I can check and email you asap

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name], Do you need any help?

**Question:** Hello! Can I use vital zing water drops in my water while doing the herbal detox?

**Answer:** Yes that’s fine

**Question:** Thanks 🙂

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hey I have a question realistically I cant maintain the 2 week detox diet as I dont eat veges on there own and living off fruit for two weeks is extremely hard for me can i ADD fish to the 2 week detox as just my dinnner portion or will this ruin it completely and would have to do just do the one month detox instead ?

**Answer:** Yes that will be ok, it will just slow it down a little, but won’t ruin it

**Answer:** Ideally, just plain white fresh fish, not crumbed or battered

**Answer:** Okay so if i had just plain white fresh fresh for dinner can i still follow the 2 week detox guide or do u reccomend just doing the month one because im having fish ?

**Answer:** You can still do the two-week program. Just try not to have fish every night and keep the serving size down to just one piece and you should be fine. The whole idea is to really educate people that meat is not really necessary, and you don’t truly realize this until you try it for a few days. The feeling of increased health really makes it worthwhile.

**Answer:** I know its not necessary and i wish i didnt need it but its my stupid taste buds i tried this whole week to force myself to just eat veges but I couldnt manage it so this is my next best option to just add the fish great sounds great im starting my detox this weekend

**Answer:** Have you been using any of our recipes? They are very full of herbs and spices which can help. Raw food can be an excellent way to reduce the cravings also, lots of fresh salad, and adding things like olives, gherkins, pickled onions, capers, sundried tomatoes, avocado etc

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there, I struggle to drink enough water so I’ve been adding the water drops sweetened by steviol I think it is, is this okay whilst doing the 14 day herbal detox?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi. I am currently doing the one month detox n slim with a 500gm [name]. What would be your recommendation of product to continue loosing weight. ?

**Answer:** Ok are you doing the BodiTune capsules with the 500gm BodiTune drink?

**Question:** [name] [name] and Detox n Slim 500g pot.

**Answer:** [name] could certainly carry on and do that program again. Or you could switch to doing the drink by itself. If you continued with the same program you would continue to get the weight loss. The BodiTune tune drink by itself is a little bit slower but it is also an option.

**Question:** OK Great I still have a couple of weeks on current program and will look into it again soon. Thanks

**Answer:** Ok get in touch if you have any other questions

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, Can you tell me how much Gymnema is in the Satisfed product? I am already taking a supplement with this ingredient in it. Do you know what is the maximum daily intake for this herb? Thanks

**Answer:** I can’t actually tell you but I can find out. Please give me your email address

**Answer:** And I can check with Brett and email you

**Question:** Thanks. Its cindy.inbox..com Thank you

**Answer:** Great be in touch soon

**Question:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It’s 25ml and it’s not possible to overdose on it

**Question:** Is that 2500mg? And is that per capsule or per full daily dosage?

**Question:** And what was the special you gave me again last week when I bought the protein powder. Anything I can use on the herbal slim?

**Question:** tablets that is

**Answer:** Sorry 25mg

**Answer:** Per capsule

**Answer:** It’s not possible to overdose on gymnema

**Answer:** You could use spring50 and get [price] off

**Question:** ok thanks 🙂

**Answer:** You’re welcome any time

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** This is the page you need [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** This is the page you are looking for [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** What’s the normal cream?

**Answer:** Dairy cream

**Answer:** Milk cream

**Question:** Can I eat eggs?

**Answer:** not on the 2 week program, only on the 1 month plan

**Question:** Ok. I also want know that why I don’t loose weight anymore

**Answer:** There are a number of possibilities and without seeing you in person it would be hard to guess

**Question:** How can get meeting

**Answer:** You can find out more here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic/)

**Answer:** You would have to come to Tauranga for ao consultation

**Question:** Hi, I’m taking the detox pills for 6 days already, just wondering is this detox will influence my period? Would my period be delayed by taking those pills ?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** it is not likely to delay your period, although if you eat mostly raw food then it possibly could, try and have plenty of good fats and cooked food

**Answer:** Yoghurt, avocado, coconut cream. olive oil and normal cream are all good

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** How successful are you with crohn’s ?

**Question:** How successful are you with crohn’s ?

**Answer:** We have a 100% success rate according to the feedback we have received

**Answer:** You can see our suggestions to work with the program here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-crohns-disease-treatment-program/)

**Question:** Does that mean medication free

**Answer:** Potentially if you can get a good results with the herbs, then possibly want to use a follow-up program as well,

**Answer:** Part 1.

**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the [name] Crohn’s [name]? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I’ve been doing the 14 day detox and have had a headache for3 days now and day four of my detox I’ve stopped coffee ( one a day ) but have done that before and only suffered headaches for a day just wondering how much longer as it’s affecting my work …. and my grumpiness

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes we don’t recommend stopping coffee during the program

**Answer:** That’s because you will combine detox effects and withdrawals which is not ideal

**Answer:** maybe try quiting coffee after you finish the herbal program

**Question:** Oh ok I’m just assuming it’s coffee contributing you just made my tomorrow morning haha nga mihi

**Answer:** YOu’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi I did detox in July, but have recently come a bit off the rails in eating and got out of balance with sleep, wanting sugary things etc. is it too early to do another detox? or i do have boditune sachets – should I do the rapid or steady plan for a week to 10 days instead? thanks

**Answer:** HI Katie

**Answer:** You could do either of these, but a combo of detox capsules and sachets is the ultimate

**Answer:** we do have [price] of the detox this month with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name], there is a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s you can use to get a further [price] we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s on any order

**Answer:** You can use spring50 at checkout

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need some help today

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I was trying to use we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code We no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bodi19 as I go through the checkout buying the 2 x [name] SLIM [price] but pops up with a notice that this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s doesn’t exist

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** Hi, I was trying to use we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code We no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bodi19 as I go through the checkout buying the 2 x [name] SLIM [price] but pops up with a notice that this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s doesn’t exist

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s you have is for one item only

**Answer:** It doesn’t work on multiple items

**Answer:** If you wish to purchase that combination

**Answer:** You will need to do 2 orders

**Answer:** 1 fir the BodiTune using the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s and then a second

**Answer:** Fir the 2 slims.

**Answer:** Does that make sense?

**Answer:** If you are just looking to buy 2 x slim you can use we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code spring50 and it will give an extra [price] off

**Question:** thanks

**Answer:** You would get the 20% off and an extra [price]

**Question:** just told me that this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is not valid for sale items

**Answer:** Sorry I have just been told if you add 2 x slim in the cart at full price then add code us19 it will come down.

**Answer:** It is a new website and I am still learning

**Answer:** It is the slim program and not the BodiTune that you are after isn’t it?

**Question:** yes

**Answer:** It might pay to put one slim program in the cart and then add the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s then Change the quantity in the cart

**Answer:** Apparently it is about the order of doing things.

**Answer:** I apologise for the confusion

**Question:** Seems to have worked anyway, thanks very much for your help

**Answer:** Awesome glad to hear it 🙂

**Answer:** Are there any we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s codes for [name] n slim 500gm pot?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes you can use 252525

**Answer:** It will give 25% off

**Answer:** [name] 500gm pot the same as boditune detox n slim 500gm pot?

**Answer:** Yes it is the same

**Answer:** Sweet thanks so much for your help 🙂

**Answer:** You are welcome any time 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is there a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code currently

**Answer:** Hi there what are you looking to purchase?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** please could you tell me what minerals is there in aloe vera? I am doing heavy metal poisoning so just trying to avoid the ones I am loaded with: thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** Hi!

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Question:** I need the level of manganese & copper please

**Answer:** You don’t pick up heavy metals from Alevera

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** No, no worries: just trying to figure what I can and cannot ingest and the list is very short because of copper and manganese among other things

**Answer:** Have a look at his it might help [Link](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d5a5/849ffc6ba2d87122c0adfdadc4f9222abccf.pdf)

**Question:** Thanks !

**Answer:** It all depends where it is grown and would have to be analysed

**Question:** OK so maybe it’s best I skip that one…Just trying to figure some healing sources for my body

**Answer:** Have you looked at our detox program?

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Its the best way to reboot your entire metabolism and digestive health

**Question:** No I just landed on your site after working the whole day yesterday on double checking some foood content to avoid to make my situation worst

**Answer:** It’s worth checking out

**Question:** thanks for your help!

**Answer:** Anytime

**Question:** That would be a NO NO for me as you put clove in it and close has a content of Manganese I cannot afford as I have already far too much so I am staying away of any food with manganese altogether…I did not check the other because it would not make any difference for me. Thanks for trying to help. Have a nice week end!


**Question:** Hello 🙂

**Question:** Do you deliver to Thailand?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes it should be ok to deliver there

**Answer:** We deliver via DHL

**Answer:** Where in Thailand are you?

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes that fine

**Question:** Ok great 🙂

**Question:** I have another question – the boditune drink

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** Now I am naturally slim so don’t want to lose weight but also want a product with protien and vitimans and reading about this product is also has that. Can I drink those drinks along with the diet for the 1 month detox herbal plan

**Answer:** Yes that is the perfect diet plan to do with the BodiTune drink

**Question:** Ok. and it’s not too much taking all the herbal detox supplements along with the boditune drink?

**Answer:** The are designed to work together so no problem there.

**Question:** Thank you for your responses 🙂

**Answer:** Happy to help we are here any time

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** I’ve just seen your message

**Answer:** I just asked Brett the answer and he advised me that it would be better for you to do the detox over one month.

**Answer:** You could then have a little bit of fish eggs and chicken once a week each.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I’m about to start herbal detox and curious if I can have homemade protein bliss ball – dates, coconut oil, almond meal, chai and cacao are main ingredients. Thanks

**Answer:** They are OK as a treat but ideally without the almonds

**Question:** Thanks.

**Answer:** Youre welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** I couldn’t find my we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code

**Answer:** YOu can use spring50 at checkout

**Answer:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** How can I help?

**Question:** I did a herbal detox back in April

**Question:** Would like your recommendation on what I should do now please

**Answer:** You can do a cleanse 3-4 times a year if and when you feel the need,

**Question:** My name is [name] from [name]

**Answer:** But it all depends on you goal

**Answer:** Yes I would like to do a cleanse please I have put weight on since may I went down to 88kgs now 94

**Answer:** Yes that can happen, but another cleanse should get your weight back down,

**Answer:** It’s always good to think about just one new habit you can develop during the program and maintain afterwards if you want to keep the weight under control

**Answer:** When you say cleanse do you mean detox?

**Answer:** Yes the 14 day [name] is the one

**Answer:** this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Ok I will do the 14 day detox please

**Answer:** Just click the link and you can get it there

**Answer:** Thanks for your help brett

**Answer:** Anytime, did you want a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** I have just made an order -will it get to Glenfeild AKL by Saturday?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** It has missed the courier today so will go out tomorrow for a Monday delivery.

**Answer:** Are you able to see my message?

**Answer:** [name]?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** is miso soup ok to have whilst on the detox programme?

**Answer:** Yes it’s perfect

**Question:** Thank you!

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** Hello, Do you still do the [name]?

**Answer:** I had to take it down when we set up afterpay, but I can still arrange it for you.

**Question:** Oh ok, yes that sounds good

**Question:** How does it work and what’s the cost?

**Answer:** Let me get the information for you

**Answer:** It’s an online questionnaire, followed up with an email and phone call. The page has been taken down, so I can’t show you all the details. This is a good outline of what I offer [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic/)

**Question:** Ok yes, I have read that page

**Question:** I would like to go ahead with it, if you can. I live in Auckland, so can’t really get to your clinci

**Question:** clinic

**Answer:** OK, the best thing is for me alter a product so you can pay the [price] then I can email you the questionnaire etc.

**Question:** Ok fine

**Answer:** You can use this page to pay and I will follow up ASAP with the email [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/cleansed-cured-live/)

**Question:** Thanks, I’ll do it now

**Answer:** OK, I will keep an eye out

**Answer:** Thanks for the order, here is the outline, and I will respond with the questionnaire etc now

**Answer:** How it works:

**Question:** Excellent, thanks

**Answer:** I have received your questonnnaire and should be able to get back to you by tomorrow, I’m sure we can help

**Answer:** Excellent, thanks so much

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** Como limpiar mi cuerpo de parásitos

**Answer:** We have a parasite cleanse in our herbal detox program.

**Answer:** Tenemos una limpieza de parásitos en nuestro programa de desintoxicación a base de hierbas. (traducido)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Are you looking for our detox?

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Would you recommend the detox for bacterial overgrowth?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes the herbal detox is ideal for that

**Answer:** It contains many herbs which help control negative bacteria

**Answer:** Goldenseal, wormwood, cloves, black walnut among others

**Answer:** The food is also helpful as there is a lot of garlic and other spices which can help

**Question:** Awesome! Can you use protein powder for breakfast shakes whilst on the detox programme?

**Answer:** Yes that is perfect

**Question:** Ooohhh yay that’s good news! Thank you!

**Answer:** You’re welcome, I would also suggest a good course of probiotics after the program to take control of the gut,

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I am a returning customer and overseas at the moment wanting to place an order so it arrives for my return, i have left my last we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s card at home, can you please advise this ? thank you and regards Sharon McLennan Queenstown

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** HI Sharon, I can help

**Answer:** There is a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s running this month which can give you [price] off your order

**Answer:** you can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50 at checkout

**Question:** Excellent thanks Brett, will place my order shortly

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi how much ml water with 15g scoop bodi tune (tub)

**Answer:** About 500ml will do it 🙂

**Question:** Sounds good.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Pls give more info of what kibd of diet

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi I have the herbal ultimate detox in the green box I’ve lost the booklet is there anyway I can get the booklet. I will pay for it if I need to, I haven’t started my detox yet.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Do you want to download it? I can give you a link

**Answer:** Oh yes please

**Answer:** Here it is it’s free of charge 🙂 [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)

**Answer:** Thank you.

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Would you be able to send to my email I can’t seem to open link amethyst1..co.nz

**Answer:** Yes I can do that but it will be about 30 minutes before I can get it to you.

**Answer:** That’s alright thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, do you have any special at the moment? I sometimes receive the [price] off vouchers in my email so just checking 🙂 I am looking at buying the 1kg boditune protein

**Answer:** Hi there let me see what is available for you

**Answer:** If you use spring50 you can get [price] off an Ofer for a 1kg pot

**Question:** oh wow great, thank you will order that now :_)

**Answer:** Sorry off an order for a 1kg pot

**Answer:** My predictive text is not on point today

**Question:** Haha ok thank you.

**Question:** Hi

**Question:** Is

**Question:** xream

**Question:** cream and butter ok on cleanse thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Yes both are OK

**Question:** thanks

**Question:** Hi brett am I allowed cream or no

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Cream is fine 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** What’s a naughty treat I can get away with

**Answer:** I suggest getting some 70% dark Whitakers chocolate and sucking on two or three pieces

**Question:** Mmm lol

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] I’m feeling lazy I’m at the supermarket what can I get as an easy snack

**Answer:** You can get mandarins, grapes, dates or prunes, raisins, or you could get a jar of pickled onions or gherkins.

**Question:** coconut youghurt ok

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** [name],

**Answer:** Hey can help

**Question:** [name] & Sarah, I am trying to log in to place a small order for now (will place a large order in the next few months) however my password or username is not being accepted. When I tried to place an order as a guest my we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code also wasn’t accepted. Are you able to assist with this? Will it be easier to place an order over the phone for 2 slim packs? Many thanks, [name] Leur tel: 021 [phone]

**Answer:** We are out of the office at the moment but will be back there in about 15 minutes and can check your wholesale login. We have had a new website since you last ordered so things have changed a little bit.

**Answer:** We can set you up with a wholesale login and you could place your order through that 🙂

**Answer:** We can text you the details as soon as it is set up and then you could place your order 🙂

**Answer:** The only thing is the minimum order is three for wholesale but it will give you a really good price

**Question:** [name], no rush at all. I’m about to head out myself. I have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code of ALONAVANLEUR50 that Brett kindly gave me for all my orders.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** I couldn’t find my we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code

**Answer:** YOu can use spring50 at checkout

**Answer:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** How can I help?

**Question:** I did a herbal detox back in April

**Question:** Would like your recommendation on what I should do now please

**Answer:** You can do a cleanse 3-4 times a year if and when you feel the need,

**Question:** My name is [name] from [name]

**Answer:** But it all depends on you goal

**Answer:** Yes I would like to do a cleanse please I have put weight on since may I went down to 88kgs now 94

**Answer:** Yes that can happen, but another cleanse should get your weight back down,

**Answer:** It’s always good to think about just one new habit you can develop during the program and maintain afterwards if you want to keep the weight under control

**Answer:** When you say cleanse do you mean detox?

**Answer:** Yes the 14 day [name] is the one

**Answer:** this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Ok I will do the 14 day detox please

**Answer:** Just click the link and you can get it there

**Answer:** Thanks for your help brett

**Answer:** Anytime, did you want a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** I have just made an order -will it get to Glenfeild AKL by Saturday?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** It has missed the courier today so will go out tomorrow for a Monday delivery.

**Answer:** Are you able to see my message?

**Answer:** [name]?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** is miso soup ok to have whilst on the detox programme?

**Answer:** Yes it’s perfect

**Question:** Thank you!

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** Hello, Do you still do the [name]?

**Answer:** I had to take it down when we set up afterpay, but I can still arrange it for you.

**Question:** Oh ok, yes that sounds good

**Question:** How does it work and what’s the cost?

**Answer:** Let me get the information for you

**Answer:** It’s an online questionnaire, followed up with an email and phone call. The page has been taken down, so I can’t show you all the details. This is a good outline of what I offer [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic/)

**Question:** Ok yes, I have read that page

**Question:** I would like to go ahead with it, if you can. I live in Auckland, so can’t really get to your clinci

**Question:** clinic

**Answer:** OK, the best thing is for me alter a product so you can pay the [price] then I can email you the questionnaire etc.

**Question:** Ok fine

**Answer:** You can use this page to pay and I will follow up ASAP with the email [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/cleansed-cured-live/)

**Question:** Thanks, I’ll do it now

**Answer:** OK, I will keep an eye out

**Answer:** Thanks for the order, here is the outline, and I will respond with the questionnaire etc now

**Answer:** How it works:

**Question:** Excellent, thanks

**Answer:** I have received your questonnnaire and should be able to get back to you by tomorrow, I’m sure we can help

**Answer:** Excellent, thanks so much

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/brettelliott) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** Como limpiar mi cuerpo de parásitos

**Answer:** We have a parasite cleanse in our herbal detox program.

**Answer:** Tenemos una limpieza de parásitos en nuestro programa de desintoxicación a base de hierbas. (traducido)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Are you looking for our detox?

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Would you recommend the detox for bacterial overgrowth?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes the herbal detox is ideal for that

**Answer:** It contains many herbs which help control negative bacteria

**Answer:** Goldenseal, wormwood, cloves, black walnut among others

**Answer:** The food is also helpful as there is a lot of garlic and other spices which can help

**Question:** Awesome! Can you use protein powder for breakfast shakes whilst on the detox programme?

**Answer:** Yes that is perfect

**Question:** Ooohhh yay that’s good news! Thank you!

**Answer:** You’re welcome, I would also suggest a good course of probiotics after the program to take control of the gut,

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I am a returning customer and overseas at the moment wanting to place an order so it arrives for my return, i have left my last we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s card at home, can you please advise this ? thank you and regards Sharon McLennan Queenstown

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** HI Sharon, I can help

**Answer:** There is a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s running this month which can give you [price] off your order

**Answer:** you can use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s spring50 at checkout

**Question:** Excellent thanks Brett, will place my order shortly

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi how much ml water with 15g scoop bodi tune (tub)

**Answer:** About 500ml will do it 🙂

**Question:** Sounds good.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Pls give more info of what kibd of diet

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi I have the herbal ultimate detox in the green box I’ve lost the booklet is there anyway I can get the booklet. I will pay for it if I need to, I haven’t started my detox yet.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Do you want to download it? I can give you a link

**Answer:** Oh yes please

**Answer:** Here it is it’s free of charge 🙂 [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)

**Answer:** Thank you.

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Would you be able to send to my email I can’t seem to open link amethyst1..co.nz

**Answer:** Yes I can do that but it will be about 30 minutes before I can get it to you.

**Answer:** That’s alright thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, do you have any special at the moment? I sometimes receive the [price] off vouchers in my email so just checking 🙂 I am looking at buying the 1kg boditune protein

**Answer:** Hi there let me see what is available for you

**Answer:** If you use spring50 you can get [price] off an Ofer for a 1kg pot

**Question:** oh wow great, thank you will order that now :_)

**Answer:** Sorry off an order for a 1kg pot

**Answer:** My predictive text is not on point today

**Question:** Haha ok thank you.

**Question:** Hi

**Question:** Is

**Question:** xream

**Question:** cream and butter ok on cleanse thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Yes both are OK

**Question:** thanks

**Question:** Hi brett am I allowed cream or no

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Cream is fine 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** What’s a naughty treat I can get away with

**Answer:** I suggest getting some 70% dark Whitakers chocolate and sucking on two or three pieces

**Question:** Mmm lol

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] I’m feeling lazy I’m at the supermarket what can I get as an easy snack

**Answer:** You can get mandarins, grapes, dates or prunes, raisins, or you could get a jar of pickled onions or gherkins.

**Question:** coconut youghurt ok

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** [name],

**Answer:** Hey can help

**Question:** [name] & Sarah, I am trying to log in to place a small order for now (will place a large order in the next few months) however my password or username is not being accepted. When I tried to place an order as a guest my we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code also wasn’t accepted. Are you able to assist with this? Will it be easier to place an order over the phone for 2 slim packs? Many thanks, [name] Leur tel: 021 [phone]

**Answer:** We are out of the office at the moment but will be back there in about 15 minutes and can check your wholesale login. We have had a new website since you last ordered so things have changed a little bit.

**Answer:** We can set you up with a wholesale login and you could place your order through that 🙂

**Answer:** We can text you the details as soon as it is set up and then you could place your order 🙂

**Answer:** The only thing is the minimum order is three for wholesale but it will give you a really good price

**Question:** [name], no rush at all. I’m about to head out myself. I have a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code of ALONAVANLEUR50 that Brett kindly gave me for all my orders.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi brett help!! I have a party tonight am I allowed a couple of beers low carb ones?

**Answer:** Are you on the detox program

**Question:** Yes

**Answer:** you can get away with it, but only a couple or you will feel terrible in the morning lol

**Question:** Lol thanks for that a couple it will be

**Answer:** good luck

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Have you tried your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s again?

**Question:** Hey i messaged yesterday I’m about to purchase the detox programme no I havnt tried it again was just wondering why it wasn’t working

**Answer:** It is a new website and that code had not been transferred. All sorted now I believe

**Question:** Oh ok Thankyou will give it ago

**Answer:** Great I will keep a lookout

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is there a list anywhere online of foods that we can eat and foods that we can’t?

**Answer:** Yes I can help you with that

**Question:** Can I use a vegetable stock cube? It’s vegan/vegetarian.

**Question:** I ask because I don’t think we can use salt (I’m doing the herbal detox)

**Answer:** Yes you can use the stock

**Answer:** And you can use salt too

**Answer:** I can give you s link to s page with the foods

**Question:** Oh, I didn’t realise – that helps. I’ve just made a spring green veg soup and it’s bland as hell.

**Question:** The link would be great, thank you.

**Answer:** [Link](http://www.brettelliott.com/detox-diet-plan-made-easy/)

**Answer:** Here you go

**Question:** Thank you.

**Answer:** Just click on the link

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hey I’m trying to enter my we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code talk19 but it keeps saying it doesn’t exist does but can’t see wether it has an expiration date why it’s not working

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I’ve purchased the herbal detox and I’m just finishing day 3 of the lead in, I start taking the supplements tomorrow.

**Question:** Are olives allowed?

**Answer:** [name] are fine throughout

**Question:** Brilliant, thank you. I’ve been craving olives 🙂

**Answer:** PIckled onions a great as well

**Question:** Thank you. I haven’t even started the supplements yet and I’m already sleeping better.

**Answer:** That’s promising, I’d love to hear about your results

**Question:** I will update you. The live chat is very helpful thank you.

**Answer:** Anytime

**Question:** Cheers, have a good evening.

**Answer:** You too

**Answer:** Thank you again for the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Question:** Hi there I’m about to do the cleanse for the 7th time starting next Monday and have encouraged some of my yoga students and girls I train with at crossfit to do it with me. Would you be open to offering a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s on the ultimate herbal detox as there will be quite a few of us. Ive been tagging it on my [name] social media as I love the cleanse. Steph

**Answer:** Yes I can give you them at [price] with a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s you can use on the website if that helps and you can get as many as you need at that price

**Question:** Wow that would be amazing

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is UD19 which can apply at checkout

**Answer:** I will look you up on social media, what’s your name

**Question:** It would encourage them to do it as Ive been plugging the benefits and its always better in a group. I really appreciate it. We’re up for a spring clean. Thank you.

**Question:** Instagram and Facebook is [name]

**Answer:** Thanks

**Answer:** I could come and do a live seminar for them if they wanted

**Question:** Sounds great. How would that work?

**Answer:** Maybe it’s a bit far from Tauranga lol

**Question:** 2.5 hours

**Question:** From everywhere ‍

**Answer:** Not that bad then, I would come over for 15+ poeple

**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/cleansed-cured-live/)

**Question:** Ok let me see what I can do re numbers

**Question:** What’s the best way to contact you

**Answer:** You can chat here anytime, but you can also call me on 0800 555 556, What’s your name?

**Question:** [name]. [name]

**Answer:** Cool, happy to talk anytime, the seminar fits right in with yoga groups, and I give the products at half price at the live events

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name], I see it went over [price],000 and you had to use credit card. I will see if I can get the limit increased for next time.

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** I have diagnosed with [name] . I want to know how to get this gone natural . The medication alone will kill a person

**Answer:** HI There

**Answer:** There is a way to help reduce the symptoms by completing our herbal detox program, it is very effetcive

**Answer:** It helps by reducing the acid load and resetting the immune system at the same time

**Answer:** Here is a good article to read about how it works [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-a-detox-program-triggers-the-healing-process/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hey brett I’m on day 3 of the cleanse and I’m feeling quite nauseous is there anything that can help

**Answer:** Yes, have you tried ginger or peppermint tea, they are great

**Question:** I have just had a green tea but felt worse I will give that ago

**Answer:** You could combine those two which is even better

**Question:** ok thanks brett will do

**Question:** Ta

**Answer:** Youre welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi is soy sauce ok In stir frys

**Answer:** Yes

**Answer:** Most sauces in small amounts are OK

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I’m looking for lube

**Answer:** H There

**Answer:** Can you elaborate

**Answer:** Are you looking for a cleanse?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I would like to know Brett’s take on Dr. Gundry discoveries regarding negative affects of lectin on our digestive and health overall. He has come up with solution of [name] however quite expensive for NZ. Awaiting your feedback. [name]

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Brett is actually coming online at the moment so he will answer for you.

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** Hello

**Answer:** I think there is something in it as lectins definitely trigger an inflammatory response, but I think you can easily go over the top

**Answer:** It’s like most things, once people discover something like that it can become a fad,

**Question:** well according to him, pretty much everything we eat its bad for us 🙂

**Answer:** Yes too many nuts and legumes are not good as they are hard to digest, but the rest I take with a pinch of salt

**Question:** He is making a compelling story though

**Question:** agreed. Thanks for your input

**Answer:** Yes he does, but like any fad they come up with a compelling story to get you following them, but the fact is we have been eating these foods for thousands of years and we have become intolerant recently

**Question:** hehe….touche!

**Answer:** I think it’s largely to do with processing and additives that we have all of the intolerances, and a simply cleanse once a year can keep it under control

**Answer:** That’s why we have no nuts or legumes on our cleanse, just so the gut can heal nicely

**Question:** well, thats my theory as well. I have done my bit for this year

**Answer:** Glad to support your position

**Question:** Tx a lot, cheers, Beata

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Question:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes if you want to mix or swap 500g pots for 32 sachets packs thats fine, I can make a note on your order

**Question:** How do I order?

**Answer:** you can do it on the site with the 3 x 500g pots and I will replace one of them with a pack of sachets for you

**Answer:** This one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/3-x-boditune-500g-pot-save-30/)

**Question:** Thanks. Will have a go.

**Answer:** I’m here to help if you get stuck

**Answer:** Got it through, I will make a note on the order for you

**Answer:** Done thanks heaps

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** Is it ok to take pea protein powder with ultimate cleanse thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Yes thats perfect

**Question:** and lastly what about those frooze ball plant energy snacks you buy from super are they ok thanks

**Answer:** Not really, but if have only one or two at night then it won’t do too much harm, better to snack on grapes, mandarins, raisins, prunes etc

**Question:** Brilliant thanks brett I will put them aside 🙂

**Answer:** Well done

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi what is the flavour of the boditune

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It doesn’t actually have a flavour it all depends on what you mix it with. Some people have said when they drink it with water that it has a slight banana flavour.

**Question:** Oh man I hate banana haha.. There isn’t any banana in it right

**Answer:** No there isn’t any banana in it. If you add it to a smoothie you wouldn’t taste it at all 🙂

**Question:** Amazing thanks

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Oh no I haven’t yet. I will check the post box this afternoon

**Answer:** Yes it should be there

**Answer:** Okay I will have a look today and let you know :). It says [name]… but Nhulunbuy isn’t in Darwin lol.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Good morning:) I made a purchase from you on the 1st September.. I was just wondering if there was a tracking link to go with the parcel please?.

**Answer:** Order number 54226

**Answer:** Amy ansell

**Answer:** Yes let me check one second

**Answer:** Thank you 🙂

**Answer:** You can track it here [Link](https://www.logistics.dhl/nz-en/home/tracking/tracking-express.html?submit=1&tracking-id=[phone])

**Answer:** It shows as having been delivered

**Answer:** Have you not received it?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I was looking for the best programme to start after the detox programme

**Answer:** It’s usually either the [name] or bodiTune, but it depends on your goal

**Question:** What would be the best one for weight loss?

**Answer:** [name] Slim is good for around 3-4kg over one month and the BodiTune is good 2-3kg over one month, if you combine the two then the potential is 5-6kg, depending on diet and exercise

**Answer:** You can get a Free pack of BodiTune drinks with the Herbal slim at the moment with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bodi19

**Question:** Oh cool thanks for the help!

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I was thinking about buying the triple combo and when I try to apply for the free bodi19 it will not accept the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi! I’m on day 1 of the herbal detox. Since I took them this morning, I’ve been farting excessively. Is that normal?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes that can happen as things move around

**Question:** Ok

**Answer:** You can expect things to be a little up and down while detoxing

**Answer:** did you need some help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi do you have other breakfast recommendation for a 2wk herbal detox aside from smoothies and fruit bowls?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Unfortunately that is the main breakfasts. There is also stewed apple and yoghurt. And you could have a hot breakfast using leftovers from the day before.

**Answer:** You could also have the chocolate mousse.

**Question:** Chocolate mouse for a 2wk detox you sure?

**Question:** Thought that’s for 1-2 mo plan only

**Answer:** Yes there is a lovely recipe on the website for it 🙂

**Answer:** It sugarfree and uses avocado 🙂

**Answer:** I can get you the link

**Question:** Yeah but it says in the brochure it’s for 1-2mos plan only

**Answer:** You could get away with it once or twice during the cleanse

**Question:** Ok cooltnx

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. I am doing a [name] and interested in going further with Detox n Slim and the Bonus. When doing Detox in Slim over 1 month when and how do you use ther BodiTune Bonus?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** Hi. I am doing a [name] and interested in going further with Detox n Slim and the Bonus. When doing Detox in Slim over 1 month when and how do you use ther BodiTune Bonus?

**Answer:** You can get the bonus rwhen you buy [name] [name] at normal price 199 you get a 500 g BodiTune pot for free when using the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bodi19

**Answer:** It’s a good plan for around 5-7kg weight loss

**Question:** OK, just wanted to know do I start taking BodiTune after Detox and [name] or at same time ?

**Answer:** You can do either, it just speeds things up if you do them at the same time

**Question:** [name].

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. I am currently doing [name] 14 [name]. Interested in going further, can you recommend next step?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Did you have a specific goal in mind, weight loss, health issue etc

**Question:** Mainly continued weight loss and feeling better in my digestive system.

**Answer:** OK then I would recommend the [name] SLIM over one month along with the BodiTune drinks 1 x Daily. We do have a deal on that at the moment where you can get [price] worth of the drinks included with the Herbal SLIM for Free

**Question:** Sounds good, is that the [name] N Slim 500g Pot ([price]) with the [name] [name] ([price])?

**Answer:** Thats correct if you use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bodi19 at checkout you get the bonus item

**Question:** Cool I will get onto it very soon and place my order next week. [name].

**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** do you have any combo packs with the slim tablets and bodytune sachets

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** You can actually get a free part of the body tune with the slim program at the moment.

**Answer:** Let me give you the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code

**Answer:** Use bodi19

**Answer:** It isn’t the sachets though it is the BodiTune pot the 500 g.

**Answer:** Thanks! thats a great deal

**Answer:** Yes it is

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Good afternoon, I visited the wellness show in Porirua on Saturday and this morning decided to check out the website for this product and have ordered the [name] and paid using the expo offer for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s. I am really disappointed to find that I have only in the last couple of hours received an email that says I could use another code to order the same product for [price] opposed to [price]. Is there any way I could get this offer and a refund as it seems bit unfair expecially as I am a first time user. Thanks. My order number was 54384. [name] Stewart, Whangamata.

**Answer:** The email was actually an error and I am so sorry. After the expos the price is [price]. I am resolving it with our IT team. I am so sorry

**Answer:** Ok thanks, that’s abit disappointing 🙁 looking forward to trying the product.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, I got an email yesterday (12th) saying I could get expo special until 8th September. Which is correct?

**Answer:** Hi there Laura

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Answer:** Which expo were you at?

**Answer:** Wellington 🙂

**Answer:** Brett was selling the detox for [price] or two for [price] each

**Answer:** Ok the closing for those we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/ss is 22 September I think there is an error in the email.

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/ss make the detox [price] as it is [price] at the expo

**Answer:** The email says “The good news is, you can still get the amazing EXPO ONLY SPECIALS until 8 September.” Seems you guys didn’t update the dates for Wellington

**Answer:** the [price] was an expo special

**Answer:** Yes you are right. So sorry I will pass onto the IT team

**Answer:** Yes it was for the purchase on the day for 2

**Answer:** Ok thanks. So how do I order the 2 at [price] each?

**Answer:** I don’t think you can. They were for at expo purchases

**Answer:** But the email contradicts that right

**Answer:** The good news is, you can still get the amazing EXPO ONLY SPECIALS…”

**Answer:** Sorry I don’t understand?

**Answer:** see my message above about the email saying I can still get amazing expo only specials

**Answer:** The deal after the expo is different due to shipping and handling, so the email is wrong and we are fixing it now.

**Answer:** I see there was another chat with you last week and we agreed to do the special prices the next day.

**Answer:** Brett called I believe?

**Answer:** he offered it at [price]

**Answer:** hence surprised at the email yesterday

**Answer:** Brett would need to call you to do that. He is coming out of a consult soon can he call you then?

**Answer:** [name]. All done 🙂 Have a great weekend 🙂

**Answer:** Great glad Brett could help

**Question:** Hi there,

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Answer:** I am here to answer any questions you have

**Question:** Sarah – its Hannah from yesterday. I’d like to place the order but there is a small chance I may use nother integrated programme… do you have an easy returns policy? ALthough would likely keep it fo a later stage if I chose the alternative

**Answer:** It would be best to check before purchasing. We do returns easily but it would be better to be clear on what you need

**Question:** Ok – I’ll get it. Purchase it online. [name]. As you say will arrive Monday.

**Question:** FYI – noticing a few broken links on the page.. i.e craving control.

**Answer:** Thanks for letting me know. We had a new website in early August and are still finding a few broken links

**Question:** 🙂

**Answer:** Can I take the Boditune protein whilst doing the herbal cleanse?

**Answer:** Yes you can do that. It works really well. We sell it as a combo in the store.

**Answer:** Seems good for cravings and energy as I want to keep my (just re-started) fitness regime up… but then I lose the livafood deal…

**Answer:** When you say store do you mean online too..?

**Answer:** Yes that is true re the Liver detox programme. Yes I mean our online store. Retailers don’t do the combo items

**Answer:** Got it. I have to run but don’t expect to order today. Would I be able to give you a call this afternoon?

**Answer:** Yes you can although you will need to pick up or arrange a drop off as courier will have gone.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Thanks

**Answer:** You are welcome, we are here to help at any stage.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Do you post from [name] to [name]?

**Answer:** Yes we do

**Answer:** We use a courier called Fastway

**Answer:** We are based in Tauranga

**Question:** Is there a charge for postage?

**Answer:** It’s [name] [name] Shipping in NZ

**Question:** How soon would a product arrive in Auckland?

**Answer:** If you ordered now it would leave tomorrow and should be there on Monday. You would be able to track it on its way.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name]!

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** I have used Brett’s detox kit some time ago and so know first handed how they work. I would like to have your advice on what approach I should be taking given my circumstances..

**Answer:** Ok what are your circumstances?

**Answer:** I can help

**Question:** Thanks.. first of all do you know [name], holistic health coach also in Tauranga?

**Answer:** No sorry I’m not familiar with him

**Question:** OK, I am trying to understand the cross over if any. Ok well let’s chat and I can come back to you after talking with him. I am 39/40 and I need to address my health – which has rapidly declined. I believe I need the liver detox which is the herbal cleanse plus the liver supplement popped in right?

**Answer:** That’s a great combination for resetting the hormonal system

**Answer:** It is hormone issues you have re your health?

**Question:** I expect so, adrenal, liver too.

**Answer:** The liver detox programme will be a great reset for those and for your metabolism too. Just took s look at [name] website and it looks like he is a personal trainer type person?

**Question:** I would prefer to do the ultimate herbal cleanse – the short one but I am potentially starting a new role next week and am conscious that the effects of the deep cleanse might affect me at work. What would you recommend in this case? Yes he is but he also works with thyroid, hormones and other things so he must use somethingelse… I’m going to find out.

**Answer:** The 14 days is actually the one you would need to do followed by the liver cleanse capsules in the Livafood. Most people find that after one week of the deep cleanse things settle down. So you may need to consider this.

**Question:** I’m still a bit confused. Is there a difference between the ultimate herbal detox and the herbal detox?

**Answer:** They are both the same thing 🙂

**Answer:** On this page you will find information about the liver cleanse but also the liver detox program Which is the ultimate herbal detox with the extra Livafood product [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program/)

**Question:** ok thanks. I see now, there is a 7 day, 14 days 1 month. 3 days elimination for each prior right?

**Answer:** Yes that is correct

**Question:** And the product is the same just the duration and approach different and some foods right?

**Answer:** Correct

**Question:** I’m just checking the link again for the liver detox..back soon 🙂

**Answer:** Ok

**Question:** So there is a LivaFood in the pack but for the extra liver support another livafood is taken following the last day of the cleanse?

**Answer:** Yes that’s right

**Question:** Great, I found a link were the extra livafood was put in free (I think) but I can’t seem to locate it any more

**Answer:** You will see it on this page

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program/)

**Question:** Found it. [name]. Can I get this in Health stores or is this deal only available online?

**Answer:** It’s only online from us. The stores don’t stock the single bottles

**Question:** Understood. Do you despatch on Saturday’s?

**Answer:** Sorry no we send Monday to Friday by courier

**Answer:** Are you in Tauranga?

**Question:** Yes I am 🙂

**Answer:** If you aren’t too far away we might be able to drop if off

**Question:** I could come and collect perhaps. Are you?

**Question:** I just need to talk to Steve first and work out a few more things.

**Answer:** It depends on day and time. We are in Maungatapu

**Question:** Otherwise, what time is your last courier if I can’t get away. Right, I pretty much live at Bayfair

**Question:** Hang on today is Thursday!

**Question:** Brain need unfogging 😉

**Answer:** We can despatch upto 12.30 on Friday

**Question:** and that would arrive on Sat courier. Cool. Ok I’ll do what I can and come back to you. Thanks for all your help.

**Answer:** No it would be Monday. Couriers don’t deliver on Saturday

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Have you got any herbal drops for hay fever

**Answer:** Let me check with Brett to see if he has anything in his clinic. Bear with me a short moment

**Answer:** He doesn’t have any sorry wish we could help

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Not sure why I got the message saying I haven’t opened emails as I look at them regularly and copy recipes! Have updated anyway. Thanks for your work! Regards, Lynda

**Answer:** HI There

**Answer:** Yes that was an automated update required by the system, some people have received it incorrectly. Thanks again

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** [name], do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Brett, i do a regular detox with enema and looking for a colon stimulant that I can take whilst on detox

**Answer:** Hi there, do you mean you do the [name] Detox and want an extra stimulant? While on it?

**Answer:** If you just do an enema the [name] Detox would be perfect

**Answer:** It has the colon stimulant plus many other benefits as it goes right down to cell level.

**Question:** yes I think I used this product from you last time

**Answer:** When do you think you last did it?

**Question:** i will sort for now thank you

**Answer:** Ok no problem if you would like to buy in the future let us know and we can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for some money off.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hey there.

**Question:** do you have any specials currently?

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Answer:** What are you looking to purchase?

**Question:** I used Fantastic40 before to get [price] off

**Question:** a detox

**Question:** a detox

**Question:** its probably an old code

**Answer:** You could use our special this month which gives [price] off the detox

**Question:** wow. Yes please!

**Answer:** I will get it for you

**Question:** Great. Thanks

**Answer:** Rcp50

**Answer:** Sorry rcp50

**Question:** Thanks a lot

**Answer:** You are welcome.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi I am umming and areing about which detox plan to go on

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** ultimate cleanse or the bod tox

**Answer:** BodiTune is not as powerful as the [name] Detox so it depends on the results you are looking for. What do you wish to achieve?

**Question:** Excellent thank you that’s all I need

**Answer:** Ok cool – the Detox programme is amazing!

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I can see there are 120 capsules in each bottle of the [name]. How many weeks does each pack last for?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** The pack last for 1 month, when you take 4 of each capsule daily, which is the ideal plan

**Question:** I have recently purchased the ultimate detox, so I thought I might also purchase the herbal slim to follow on from that.

**Answer:** That’s a perfect combination as the herbs follow on from the detox very well

**Question:** I have 12kg to lose, it says on the website the rapid plan would be the ideal. How many packs would I need for the rapid plan?

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Question:** Thank you. I won’t get them today, I’ve been eating clean this week, will start the detox on Saturday and then probably order the herbal slim at the end of the first week of detox.

**Answer:** You can normally lose 3-4kg per pack so I guess you could work it out from there

**Question:** Perfect, thank you. You’ve been very helpful.

**Answer:** I hope it goes well

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I was at the allergy show yesterday and want to buy 2 of the detox cleansers – there was a special rate of [price] each.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** hi

**Answer:** So sorry but that is the offer at the expo on the day

**Question:** Ok

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code gives them at [price]

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code is ud19

**Question:** brett didn’t say that when I spoke to him. He suggested I look online

**Question:** thanks for we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** Oh dear he must have got confused. I can call you and do them at [price] each. The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code makes them [price]

**Answer:** We only do the really good prices at the expo

**Answer:** On the day

**Question:** Can you call me tomorrow? I’m just putting kids to bed 🙂

**Answer:** If you would like to buy at [price] each just give me your phone number

**Question:** my number is021707222

**Question:** my name is laura

**Answer:** Yes we can do that. What is your name?

**Question:** Laura

**Answer:** [name] you were too quick

**Answer:** What time suits you?

**Question:** 🙂 I think there’s a slight delay with the messages :). Chat tomorrow.

**Answer:** This is the page you need [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Are you allowed to use salt & pepper on the 14 day detox program

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes you can use both of those

**Question:** Thankyou

**Answer:** You’re welcome happy to help 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** *Should

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there did you see my answer? It is much better to Carreon straight on with the slim program and have no gaps 🙂

**Answer:** Sorry carry on

**Answer:** Please confirm that you have seen my answer 🙂 I think that could be a bad Internet connection.

**Question:** Ok, so I guess after I finish the detox I’m ready for slim, no extra preps required ..

**Answer:** That is right no extra preparation is required for the slim program. You just start it straight away.

**Question:** Ok cool tnx

**Answer:** You are welcome any time 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi ! Sould I start the herbal slim straight after the herbal detox or would it be ok to have 1-2 days break / cheat day?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It is much better to continue on straight away to be honest 🙂

**Question:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi can I help you 🙂

**Question:** I wish to open [name]’s message to listen before going on [name] Detox…please advise why I cannot open the message??

**Question:** Kind regards

**Question:** Heather McCormick

**Answer:** I’m not sure why you can’t Heather let me see if I can email you another link. It could be a setting on your machine that doesn’t allow you to access the link but we will try another way.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** All details are entered but continues to not proceed thru. no time for it

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Do you have any we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s on Bodi tune

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** You can use hero 30

**Answer:** Sorry hero30 no spaces

**Question:** Doesnt work

**Answer:** Bear with me

**Question:** it worked

**Answer:** Great

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] I was at the allergy show a couple of weekends ago and wanted to purchase the total detox

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** I wrote down that the sale ended today but its showing [price] on the website

**Question:** Have I missed it or is there a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code?

**Answer:** You can use a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s bear with me

**Answer:** You can use udt19 and get it for [price]

**Question:** Yuss thank you! So excited for this

**Answer:** Great

**Answer:** It runs out tomorrow

**Question:** Weird it isnt updating my cart

**Answer:** Can you open another browser and try again. Your cookies might be remembering the last few things you’ve done

**Answer:** If you have any further issues I can call you and do it over the phone

**Question:** And it’s definitely UDT19?

**Question:** Good idea – I’m not very tech savvy

**Answer:** Let me double check

**Answer:** Give me you number and I can call

**Question:** [phone]

**Answer:** If you have questions I am here to help 🙂

**Answer:** hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** This is the link you need [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I returned two products unopened and was just wondering when I will be refunded

**Answer:** Hi there, it should be early next week. Our finance administrator is on holiday at the moment but back on Tuesday. Apologies for the delay.

**Answer:** Perfect.. thks!!!

**Answer:** You are welcome any time 🙂

**Question:** Hello, I placed an order a few days ago, and I havn’t receive any notification of when it was shipped and when will it arrive.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Was it being shipped to an overseas address?

**Question:** yes.. to the US… Houston TX

**Answer:** Have you checked for a DHL email?

**Question:** Yes.. and nothing..

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Question:** thks

**Answer:** I can give you all the details

**Answer:** Do you have an order number please?

**Answer:** Or a name?

**Answer:** yes.. name: [name]

**Answer:** Thank you

**Answer:** elgranduc1..com.mx

**Answer:** Please click here [Link](https://www.dhl.co.nz/en/express/tracking.html) and enter code [phone]

**Answer:** it looks like it is has been processed in LA

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** I received a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s which I can’t use? Wlt2019 doesn’t work?

**Answer:** Hi there let me help

**Answer:** That item isn’t on the expo list but you can use hero30 instead

**Question:** I did try with boditune detox slim vegan capsules & didn’t work which is in the list? I will try hero 30

**Answer:** Let me gove you anew code if you want to get the BodiTune capsules

**Answer:** use bdt19

**Question:** Thank you order placed.

**Answer:** Excellent – will get it moving for you thank you 🙂

**Question:** Thanks again for help really appreciated it.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/terms-and-conditions/)#guarantee

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi – I’m just after some Ashwagandha tincture – can you help? Thanks

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Answer:** Yes we have some. It is [price] for 200ml

**Answer:** It is not in our online store we would need to call you and her your details

**Question:** Great – it is for my daughter who lives in [name]. I’ll let her know that you have some and she can head over if she wants to

**Answer:** Yes OK we would need to plan a time so we can have it ready for her.

**Answer:** OK – I’ll get her to contact you – not sure what her plans are. Thanks

**Answer:** OK thank you

**Answer:** She can text Brett regarding the pick up on – [phone]

**Answer:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hai, i am Whidia form Indonesia

**Answer:** Hello there am I able to help?

**Answer:** I see you have been looking at our Detox program Whidia

**Answer:** I was just diagnosed with early stage thyroid cancer, I didn’t want to get surgery, and yesterday my friend advised me to try this

**Answer:** It can reduce the inflammation and acidity in the body and boost the immune system.

**Answer:** And that can have a positive affect on your bodies ability to deal with cancer.

**Answer:** What are the effects during detox?

**Answer:** [name], it’s Brett

**Answer:** hallo

**Answer:** Normally you will get extra bowel movements and extra urination as part of the cleanse

**Answer:** Sometime as you detox you can get a feeling like withdrawal symptoms

**Answer:** Most people also lose about 5-6kg in weight

**Answer:** During the detox process what foods are allowed to eat?

**Answer:** I can give you a page to look at which is easier to understand, one second

**Answer:** have a look at this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-diet-plan-made-easy/)

**Answer:** thank you, i will learn it first

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** just received my ultimate slim package..it looks like youve got the combo, i wouldve opted for that had it been released sooner

**Answer:** OK, maybe we can work that out for you now

**Answer:** also, is the detox a pre-req for the herbal slim

**Answer:** does that have a huge impact on the efficacy of the ultimate slim prodcuts?

**Answer:** It does work better after the detox, but is not necessarily the only way, it just helps reset the whole system, especially the liver, which can help the slim to work better, If you want to get the Detox and Sachets combo with the Herbal slim you’ve already purchased I can work something out

**Answer:** right, one sec

**Answer:** You paid [price] for the Slim and the triple combo is [price] so there’s a [price] difference, but I have an even better option to consider

**Answer:** You could use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s HERO30 on this combo and get 30% off making it [price] [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program/) and that gives you all three for [price]

**Answer:** whats the bodytune detoxn slimpack worth on its own

**Answer:** [price]

**Answer:** i thought its 35%..and can i use the rcp50 too?

**Answer:** Sorry it’s only one we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s can be used per order

**Answer:** ok, let me have a think. thank

**Answer:** s

**Answer:** Will i get this on Fri or will have to be Monday..?

**Answer:** Probably on Monday as it will get packed tomorrow and possibly not on the road for delivery until later that day, or even friday morning

**Answer:** Ok tnx.

**Answer:** Btw have you got any tips on how we can measure muscle mass manually?..

**Answer:** my bmi is obese per your guide but i dont look like it.. i wonder how i can measure muscle mass..

**Answer:** Not really easy to do that,

**Answer:** Do you workout? Often muscle mass the reason you can come up as obese

**Answer:** yeah i just started working out more..yeah..ill google and see what i can come up with

**Answer:** im also going to get my glucose levels checked

**Answer:** so that would give me a baseline..and then see how that changes after ive done the program..in combination with working out more and changing my diet (a bit!) <- this is gonna be the hardest for me.

**Answer:** Yes it’s more important that you feel happy and your metabolic health is good, rather than your BMI, it’s not the best marker to go by

**Answer:** metabolic health- is that gut health?

**Answer:** [name] programs come with a lot of food ideas

**Answer:** like digestion etc?

**Answer:** yup i see that..not consistent with my rich asian diet 😀 but im working on it

**Answer:** Yes gut and liver, pancreas, so blood sugar, hba1c is a good blood test to get for that

**Answer:** hba1c — is that the same as glucose test?

**Answer:** not really it’s more of a long term blood sugar health profile

**Answer:** By measuring glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), clinicians are able to get an overall picture of what our average blood sugar levels have been over a period of weeks/months. For people with diabetes this is important as the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications.

**Answer:** oh ok


**Answer:** thanks, ill have a look. so the glucose levels willbe important for just checking sugar in the blood?

**Answer:** yes but that can be quite variable and people often jump to conclusions about blood sugar, so hba1c is better to ask for

**Answer:** i see, ok, any other tests youd recommend for preventative health check..

**Answer:** CRP is also a good one, which tells your body’s overall level of inflammation

**Answer:** The rest like cholesterol, liver enzymes etc your doctor should order anyway

**Answer:** great, thanks brett

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi there, just browsing at the mo, so no thanks. Cheers.

**Answer:** Ok all good – happy to help at any time 🙂

**Question:** Thank you.

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/lemon-and-chia-protein-balls-with-turmeric/)

**Answer:** HI Santana,

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Answer:** Hey what was the expo code to use ?

**Answer:** It depends which product you want to buy, I will need to check for you

**Answer:** wlt2019 will work on the [name] or [name] programs

**Answer:** afa2019 will work on the BodiTune sachets

**Answer:** I want to do the Herbal detox that was 50% off

**Answer:** Yes that’s correct, try using wlt2019 for [price] we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** You can see that here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** do u think i should get just the detox or the twin combo slim and detox ? i just want to make sure i get the right one with the 50 % off sale

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s will only work if you get them as individual items at their normal price, so you can get both packs but they would be [price] each

**Answer:** See the Slim here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-body-slim-program/)

**Answer:** You can use wlt2019

**Answer:** You would need to add the herbal Detox to your cart, then add the [name] as two separate items, then the code should work for both giving you [price] off each pack

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I attended the healthy living show in Auckland a week ago and purchased the ultimate herbal detox. While i was there i also received a voucher to receive show prices on your website till 8th September. I just tried to this code afa2019 but it doesn’t work

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** What was the program you were trying to purchase?

**Answer:** I am able to give you a call and do your order over the telephone as it looks like we have an issue with the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code.

**Answer:** Are you able to see my messages?

**Answer:** Hi are you there?

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** I have emailed you the tracking result, they say it was delivered in your mailbox yesterday

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** what is the best product to loose weight

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** It all depends on your goal,

**Answer:** How much weight do you want to lose and how quickly

**Question:** About 3-4 kgs in a few weeks

**Answer:** OK then, next question, have you completed an inner body cleanse in the last year or two

**Question:** no but i do eat quite a high fibre diet anyway

**Answer:** The herbal detox is a pretty effective cleanse and the average person loses between 4-5kg over two weeks, I would suggest trying that first of all. It’s also the best product for general metabolic health

**Answer:** The herbal Slim always seems to work better after the Herbal detox and is good for approx 3-4kg also, but it’s always better to try the detox first

**Question:** Oh ok. So is that the [name] Detox 4x bottles of capsules? And do you have to eat specfic food with this?

**Answer:** Yes, let me give you the easy guide page, click this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)

**Question:** Thank you

**Answer:** Would you like a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Question:** Yes please. Can i use it as well as a code i was given at the recent [name] in Tauranga?

**Answer:** No, but your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is the best deal anyway

**Question:** ok thanks for that

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** calculation thingy is not working

**Answer:** Yes sorry about that, we’re working on it

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** the weight calc doesnt work

**Answer:** Sorry yes its having a technical problem at the moment. what is you goal, maybe I can help?

**Answer:** trying to see my ideal weight

**Answer:** thatsok, ill just calc it manually

**Answer:** Here is another one Cj0KCQjw2K3rBRDiARIsAOFSW_7hZUw1Jf3FssL_8owi6ycSsgtCIj0y72xF0MlOBJvPgX29D33wgL4aAk7KEALw_wcB

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.kiwicover.co.nz/your-health/bmi/calculator?source=google&medium=cpc&campaign=bmicalculator&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2K3rBRDiARIsAOFSW_7hZUw1Jf3FssL_8owi6ycSsgtCIj0y72xF0MlOBJvPgX29D33wgL4aAk7KEALw_wcB)

**Answer:** ah thank you!

**Answer:** how come your [name] SLIM doesnt have nay reviews

**Answer:** Actually is does, you can see them here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-reviews-and-testimonials/)

**Answer:** Have a look at the 4th video and select Slim in the reviews below

**Answer:** Ah ok

**Answer:** tnx, have you got any further we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s? its showing as 139.30 atm, still beyond my budget. if this works, im happy to provide testimonial and recommend to friends

**Answer:** HI There, you can use afterpay and put it over 8 weeks if that helps

**Answer:** mmm, i dont want to use afterpay..rather pay upfront. just that i havent used this before. is there a moneyback guarantee?

**Answer:** Sorry, we only do a satisfaction guarantee, as we can not guarantee weight loss results. This is because we can’t control what people eat or how much exercise they do.

**Answer:** You can see the Guarantee here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/terms-and-conditions/)#guarantee

**Answer:** ok tnx

**Answer:** how long does it take to get it delivered to wellington

**Answer:** should be there within 2-3 days

**Answer:** ok cheers

**Answer:** oh btw, would it react negatively with other supplmements. im taking vitc, st johns, collagen capsule & probiotics already

**Answer:** Absolutely fine with all of those

**Answer:** alright then

**Answer:** might give it a go

**Answer:** I’m here to help anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hi

**Answer:** How can I help?

**Question:** can you use balsamic vinaigrette on the 7 day detox?

**Answer:** Yes you can we have a recipe for that

**Question:** thanks

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi I would like to know if the colon aid tablets are safe for coeliacs. Thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes there are fine to have

**Answer:** They are good as they are antiinflammatory

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Is this good for cleaning kidneys?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes it is excellent for that

**Answer:** It also does the Liver, Intestines and Colon

**Question:** That’s excellent thanks for that

**Answer:** Plus a heavy metal detox and parasite cleanse 🙂

**Answer:** You are welcome here to help

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, it’s Karlo again with “where to get that awesome pillowcase” question 🙂

**Answer:** [name] said she got it from Farmers about 13 years ago

**Answer:** [name] says the brand is called Morgan and Finch,

**Answer:** One moment will double check where it’s from

**Answer:** The store is [name] and Table

**Question:** [name]?

**Answer:** They are a national chain [Link](https://www.bedbathntable.com.au/our-brands) she got hers in Auckland

**Question:** Many thanks, sorry to bother you with this. Have a nice evening 🙂

**Answer:** You too

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Try this link roger [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/the-ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Thanks, all ordered 54210, thanks

**Answer:** Excellent it will leave us on Monday 🙂

**Answer:** awesome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I am chatting with Brett or Sarah? Thanks.

**Answer:** HI It’s Brett here

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Question:** Karlo here, I just wanted to ask Sarah about the pillow case, sorry to bother you 🙂

**Answer:** That’s OK I will ask her when she gets back tonight, If you come on chat later we can give the answer

**Question:** Thank you, what would be the best time?

**Answer:** After 8pm would be OK

**Question:** Will do, cheers.


**Answer:** hey brett

**Answer:** how are you?

**Answer:** whats the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for august?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Good thanks

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code is HERO30 for 30% off

**Answer:** perfect, will there be a new one for september?

**Answer:** We’re not sure what it will be in September yet sorry, it could be just a special on a couple of products for Spring, not a percentage deal

**Answer:** ok, will take advantage of the HERO30 just in case, thanks for your help

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** have a great weekend


**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** If I buy detox and slim together do you get the 20% off

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** That combo is in the shop with a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s of 20%

**Question:** Ok I will look

**Answer:** Here it is just click on the link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Aside from the website promotions have you any items on sale?

**Answer:** We have a sitewide 30% we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s running at the moment

**Answer:** If you apply the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s HERO30 at checkout it will give you the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Question:** great thanks

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, just wondering if the detox program can alter your period regularity? I’m about half way or more through the detox and late for my period which is normally fairly regular. Is this common?? Thanks.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hiya just letting you know that I posted it this morning… and for reference it doesnt fit the [price] bag… I found out after purchasing that it fits the [price] haha

**Answer:** Thanks for that, It’s been a while since we used the post bags sorry about that

**Answer:** [name] just wondering if you can tell me what i can eat for dinners on this detox

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** [name], let me give you a page to look at

**Answer:** If you click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes/) you will find a selection which you can filter

**Answer:** its only because i dont eat veges on there own i usualy disguise it with meat so im struglling on what to eat

**Answer:** Ok that really won’t work as the entire program is plant-based, all the recipes are veggies only and you can eat the fruit in between meals. Can you drink green smoothies?

**Answer:** Here is another good page to look at [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-diet-plan-made-easy/)

**Answer:** Okay yes this is my struggle so I guess i would have to live off fruit and juices then

**Answer:** Is there a reason you cant eat vegetables?

**Answer:** I just dont like the taste i realy try force myself but I cant hold it down if i diguise it in a curry or with rice i really want to do this detox though i need it

**Answer:** Yes well 90% of our nutrients come from vegetables, so this a real opportunity to try some and feel the benefits, it’s often doing something you don’t like, and making changes that really improves your health and how you feel, then you can see the benefits and start to change bad habits

**Answer:** Okay thank you i will look into this now

**Answer:** Good luck

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-does-the-herbal-detox-work/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hi there I sent a message earlier… did you get it

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** HI There,

**Answer:** Yes, I did reply by email. You would need to return your pack to the store where you made the purchase if you are looking for a refund

**Answer:** I didnt receieve the email sorry

**Answer:** We do offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee which the retailer will honour

**Answer:** I spoke to the person at the store but she said I had to do it online

**Answer:** Which store did you purchase from?

**Answer:** [name] in Hamilton

**Answer:** If you return the Slim kit to us, I would be happy to replace it with a [name] for you, but I can’t do a refund as it has to go through the place of purchase

**Answer:** The replacement would be great please. How do I go about returning the slim to you?

**Answer:** Do I finish the month and then return it, or return with the capsules that are left?

**Answer:** You would need to return it with the capsules that are left. Please also write a note with what happened and your address for the replacement. You can send it to, [name] Health, 26 [name], 3112, Tauranga

**Answer:** Perfect I will post it tomorrow… do i just put it in one of those postage bags? How soon will the detox arrive?

**Answer:** We will ship it immediately once your return arrives with us, normally it would get back to you within 2 days

**Answer:** Perfect 🙂 Just as I need to know where to post to as Im moving house haha

**Answer:** Thanks so much for this Brett. I really apprciate it. I loveed the detox so am unsure why the slim was so unsuccessful

**Answer:** The metabolic stimulant herbs don’t always agree with everybody, it all depends on the state of the hormonal system, and maybe a second detox would be better for you anyway.

**Answer:** ahh right that makes sense. Yeah I think i will do the 7 days this time as i did 14 last time

**Answer:** That sounds like a plan, just be aware that is pretty powerful, but you should be OK, since you’ve already used the product once

**Answer:** ahh right! It may be good to hav it powerful as Im quite bloated and uncomfortable from the SLIM… I might try it again later down the track

**Answer:** [name], which [name] was it please?

**Answer:** We can let them know what has happened 🙂

**Answer:** [name], Tonic health centre place.. do i still post tomorrow?

**Answer:** Please please post it. We will call them and let them know 🙂

**Answer:** Perfect thank you!! Do you know what size post bag the box would fit into?

**Answer:** Usually fits in a [price] bag

**Answer:** Amazingthank you

**Answer:** this is amazing service

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Yes the detox will be [price] at the wellington show

**Answer:** How many per customer can be brought?

**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-body-slim-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, quite a random question but can the detox program cause changes in the menstrual cycle?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** We can answer any questions you may have

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there,

**Answer:** HI Dian

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Answer:** I recently purcased the blender Lady and only today opened the box. Have been seriously busy… Anyway followed instructions and plugged it in only to find that the power light does not come on as its supposed to…

**Answer:** Any suggestions please

**Answer:** Try pushing the reset button under the machine, you would need a small nail or paper clip to push it

**Answer:** I have tried with my finger but will try a nail … just a sec

**Answer:** the red button doesnt stay in but its only a reset understand however no difference

**Answer:** that doesnt work. even if

**Answer:** You might need to check with your supplier that it’s the correct voltage 110v or 240v machine

**Answer:** Did you buy it from Australia or the USA

**Answer:** its 220-240 V

**Answer:** I bought it from you Brett

**Answer:** That must be a long time ago ??

**Answer:** Anyway it wont work unless the lid is secured and clipped on at the top by twisting it sideways

**Answer:** Heck no only weeks ago though maybe a month it will show on your records

**Answer:** Yes tried that the lid locks in but nothing

**Answer:** OK yes, we dont sell may of them, but it should definitely go when plugged in. There is another saftey switch on the bottom of the jug, it pushes a little button under the jug itself, you will see it in a photo, one second I will snap one for you

**Answer:** Agent uploaded: IMG_7169.jpg

**Answer:** No button under the jug

**Answer:** I have the bigger machine, but I think yours could have something similar

**Answer:** The little plastic lug pushes into a small hole under the blender when it’s attached corretcly

**Answer:** Om gosh the lady I spoke to recommended I purchase this model as its supposedly the most popular as in best

**Answer:** Never mind Ill have someone look at it and see how I go

**Answer:** Many thanks for your time

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes I have had mine for nearly ten years with no issues, If you like I can put you in touch directly with the manufacturer, as they will definitely know better than me, and could arrange parts, or replacements if it comes to that. You are best to contact him as he knows the tricks, and usually replaces anything that has an issue [email]

**Answer:** Sounds good. Perfect. Many thanks

**Answer:** Regards

**Answer:** One second I have his number here

**Answer:** Cool thanks

**Answer:** Australia [phone]

**Answer:** Or mobile 0401 885067

**Answer:** His name is [name]

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** If you tell him you got it from me he will help you out

**Answer:** Good tip. Will do

**Answer:** I’ve just emailed you a copy of this chat as well

**Answer:** Ive added all info to diary but emails are easier to find more often than not so that might be most useful 🙂

**Answer:** One final thing, Ive also had two sets of detox ready to go… and am about to launch for the second time however the booklets are misplaced and wondered if instructions are accessible online?

**Answer:** yes they are

**Answer:** let me give you a link

**Answer:** Just tired the grrensoup last night and loved it!!

**Answer:** green

**Answer:** click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/lead_form/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide/)

**Answer:** awseome

**Answer:** Yay THANKS

**Answer:** you are welcome just click on the link and fill out the form it will be emailed to you.

**Answer:** Will do.

**Answer:** Cheers

**Answer:** x

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there, I was just wondering if you were able to eat any of the Quorn vegetarian meat products while on the detox diet?

**Answer:** Ideally not

**Answer:** Ok. I’m on day 3 and just craving meat lol

**Answer:** Try eating some pickled onions, olive or gherkins they can help reduce the cravings, also you can have grapes or mandarins

**Answer:** I eat grapes and mandarins anyway, but no thanks on the others lol

**Answer:** The bitter and sour foods are great for digestion, metabolism and sugar levels, so if you dont like them, it could be a powerful new tool for you

**Answer:** Lol possibly possibly

**Answer:** its always something you don’t like that’s you magic home medicine

**Answer:** I’ll keep that in mind

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there! Just wondering we are on the detox at the moment and curious if we are allowed popcorn ? Really random but craving some popcorn 😀

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Unfortunately not, you can try some raisins, grapes, prunes, or some people find pickled onions or olive help with the cravings

**Answer:** Mandarins are also great

**Question:** I thought that might be the case . No worries I’ll grab some pickled onions on the way home from work. Thank you (: and have a ton of mandarins in the fridge so will have some of them too. Cheers

**Answer:** so which one is it sorry i need i cant see it ?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Just click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** You are on the right product “[name] [name]” The price is usually [price] but when you enter your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s at checkout it will drop to [price]

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** HI Santana, I’m here to help if you need anything

**Answer:** Yes i went to the show and wanted to know what would be the best option for me to get please

**Answer:** Do you have a specific goal in mind? Weight loss, health concern or just a general fresh start/reboot

**Answer:** well weighloss and also I have Irritable bowel sydrome so would like to fix that also stress anxiety and depression

**Answer:** OK then the Herbal detox would be the best program for sure. It has had great results with IBS as it helps restore excellent gut health, most people also lose 4-5kg over the two weeks

**Answer:** If you feel good after the first four days on half the does (which is the standard program) then continuing with 2-week plan would be best. If you find it a little too stimulating on the bowels, then you can drop the dose to the one month plan. You can see the plan options here for the [name] program, [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)

**Answer:** so what one do i buy sorry the one month or 2 week ?

**Answer:** i would probably need the one month as my gut health is servere how much is it ?

**Answer:** They are both the same pack, [name] Detox. it’s just the dosage that you adjust to extend the time.

**Answer:** If you use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s wlt2019 at checkout the price should drop to [price] and shipping is Free

**Answer:** This one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** So which one do you reccomend me the 2 week or one month i find detox quite hard so should i do the 2 week or what do u reccomend ?

**Answer:** Actually the 2-week plan gets the best result normally, and you would only need to lower the dose if you find it gives you too much diarrhea. A little diarrhea is acceptable during the 2-weeks, but not more that a day or so, and it should settle down. In other words I suggest giving the 2-weeks a go.

**Answer:** okay perfect

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, is [name] encrypted or anyone with the “now how” can intercept it and read it?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** [name],

**Answer:** It’s encrypted and goes into a private section of our database which is offline

**Question:** Thank you, I’ll try to fill it to best of my knowledge. Karlo

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** Have a nice evening and don’t work overtime too much 🙂

**Answer:** And you

**Question:** PS: maybe you should add one more option to answering the questionaire and that is :” I dont know” option

**Answer:** Lol we could will mention to Brett

**Answer:** Do you like the new website?

**Question:** Or maybe that’s just me 🙂

**Question:** Haven’t had a chance to check the new website yet. I jumped straith to the questionaire following a link in my email.

**Answer:** Ok

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] be used continuously as a protein drink?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes it can definitely be used as an ongoing protein drink

**Answer:** Many people choose to take it that way

**Question:** Thanks. Because it is also a detox I thought maybe it should only be used once or twice a year

**Answer:** It is very gentle and doesn’t have people sprinting backwards and forwards to the bathroom. It can be done as maintenance between the capsule programs or as an ongoing basis in definitely. It is a very flexible program.

**Answer:** Did you notice that we now have after pay? It is available if you’re in [name] or Australia.

**Question:** What is after pay. I am in [name]

**Answer:** It basically means that you don’t have to pay for the whole thing up front. You can pay in for payments if you purchase through after pay.

**Answer:** Sorry 4 payments for for

**Answer:** He can just make things a little easier.

**Question:** Thanks. Very helpful.

**Answer:** You’re welcome 🙂

**Question:** Bi

**Answer:** See you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipe/bretts-brain-bliss-balls/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** How long is the seminar for cleansed and cured?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** It’s about 1.5 to 2 hours

**Question:** Hi, ok i can see it is 1.5 hours. So I guess the allergy show will be a summarised version?

**Answer:** Yes it is a shorter version

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello again Sarah. Still confused. [name] Slim x 3 is advertised at a special price for [price].05. However on the checkout it still has [price].00. Could you please explain?

**Answer:** Just add 1 slim program and then add your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Answer:** You need to do 3 totally different orders of 1 item each

**Answer:** Does that make sense?

**Answer:** I can call it that would be better for you?

**Question:** 19GGC is the code I was given at the [name] and validuntil 25 August. The web site says this code doen’t exist

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Answer:** Bear with me

**Question:** ok

**Answer:** It should be ok now please refresh and add it again

**Question:** thanks will do

**Question:** Now it says ‘this we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is not applicable to selected products” I am trying to order [name] Slim showing a price of [price] ( [price] off retail price)

**Answer:** Have you entered 1 x 199 slim program in the shopping cart?

**Answer:** Would it be better if I call?

**Answer:** Our IT people are checking it

**Question:** Good idea if this is ok for you. My landline is 03 [phone]

**Answer:** What is your name?

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** [name] calling now

**Question:** thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** You are advertising 3 x Ultimate herbal Slim for [price].05. I have a voucher from the [name] [name] Expo. Yet the price comes up to [price].??

**Question:** Could you please explain this?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** I put a message up a few minutes ago. Did this not come through?

**Answer:** The voucher from christchurch is fir 1 item. You can make 3 orders and get the special price for each one.

**Question:** OK thanks I will try this

**Answer:** Sorry for not fir

**Answer:** It would be [price] then

**Question:** That would be great!

**Answer:** We would ship all 3 Slim programs together but just do 3 different orders and we can consolidate them

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi – I’m looking for a heavy metal detox, chelation etc. Is this what you do?

**Answer:** hi there

**Answer:** [name] Detox does heavy metals

**Answer:** Plus its a parasite cleanse and all key body areas.

**Answer:** A couple of the herbs work to chelate lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium

**Answer:** I would work very well alongside a specific homeopathic protocol, but does quite a good job using the 14-day herbal detox program

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I can collect from you guys and pay with cc

**Answer:** Yes we have eftpos and take cc

**Question:** Either detox or cleansed what is price.

**Answer:** [name] the [name] Detox is only [price] and the [name] is also [price]

**Question:** can collect on friday morning what the address.

**Answer:** Yes if you come before 11am. The address is 26 [name], Maungatapu, Just text me on 027 [phone] to let me know when you’re coming

**Answer:** What is your name?

**Question:** brandon

**Answer:** Cool, I will look out for your text on Friday

**Answer:** What’s pricing on the detox slim sachets

**Answer:** They are down to [price].50

**Answer:** are they more effective weight loss than others

**Answer:** No actually the detox is most powerful giving 5+ kg on average in 2 week, then the Slim 4-5kg over one month, the detox slim drinks are more gentle 2-3 kg per month. Most people use them in that order, depending on goals

**Answer:** We have people getting over 20kg with the triple combo

**Answer:** sounds good can we chat on friday on them

**Answer:** Yes can talk for a few minutes when you come

**Question:** yip is the pricing same as stores

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** The pricing is better from us directly as there are bundles, plus we have specials most months, such as during August you can get 30% off using the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s HERO30

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** Can buy and collect product from you guys

**Answer:** Yes you can if you are in Tauranga

**Answer:** Otherwise we ship by courier for Free anywhere in NZ

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello…please can I change my appointment on the 13th September for either the week earlier or later.. many thanks… [name]

**Answer:** [name], let me check for you

**Answer:** How about Friday 20th at the same time of day 10am

**Answer:** \great…. many thanks…see you then… love your recipe part of website…but I,d like a book with all the recipes in….lol….

**Answer:** One day 🙂 I’ll rebook your visit and send you a confirmation by email, See you then.

**Answer:** thank you & have a great afternoon / weekend

**Answer:** You too

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Any questions we are here to help

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, I am preparing to do the 2 week cleanse and wondered if the following were allowed throughout the two weeks. [name], brown rice syrup instead of honey and pickled gherkins? Many thanks 🙂

**Answer:** Everything but the popcorn is OK

**Question:** okay great thanks 🙂

**Answer:** anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** [name], Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** HI There, I’m here to help if you need anything.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Thanks, I’m just checking out the new website 🙂

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** I wanted to ask about the prices for the herbal detox….I have done this once before and then I was travelling overseas..lot of things shifted and my hormones were off so my cycle was all upside down for 52 days..I’ve monitored it for the past year and it seems to happen every time I go over seas..Whilst this is happening I also gain weight, is that normal ? And why program would you suggest for balancing my hormones and losing the extra few kilos I’ve gained..

**Answer:** We have had great success with the 14 day [name] program with hormonal issues. This is because the verbal detox program helps to clear the liver of estrogen.

**Answer:** We have 30% off at the moment using we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code HERO30

**Question:** Yes I trust that is the case too…

**Question:** Oh really ?

**Answer:** [name] will also help to shift the weight gained too.

**Question:** If I order today when could you ship that ?

**Question:** Yea I remember that too it as really good for weight loss

**Answer:** It would go tomorrow

**Question:** And then arrive when ? I’m travelling to Auckland on Monday and then back on Tuesday evening

**Answer:** Where do you live?

**Question:** Wellington cbd

**Answer:** Ok it takes 2 days to be sure – we could ship on Monday so it would be there on Wednesday if you like?

**Question:** Yeah that would be better and safer for me too…I think I will add my work address too. Thank you

**Answer:** Yes OK that is fine we can ship to your work address 🙂

**Question:** Ah ok good night Sarah

**Answer:** Goodnight have a great sleep!

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** How many per day does one take of the capsules on the [name] Slim ?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** There are four bottles in the pack and you take 4 of each daily for one month

**Question:** Thank you

**Answer:** This page might help [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-slim-program/)

**Question:** [name] wondering if on the Slim can you drink black coffee

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes that is fine

**Question:** Hi brett

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** it was lovely meeting you at the chch show in the weekend

**Answer:** [name] I help today

**Question:** would the show we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s apply for a 1kg pot of body tune?

**Answer:** Yes but I can give you the exact we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for the 1kg pot, one second

**Answer:** You can use 19ggc3

**Question:** Thanks a lot

**Answer:** That makes the 1kg pot [price]

**Question:** i have been loving it!

**Answer:** Well done

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello I want to buy a pot of BodiTune and have a code for the [name] special deal. I know he 500g pot will be [price]. Is the 1kg pot also on a [name] special? and if so how much is it please?

**Answer:** Yes the 1kg pot will go down also, just let me check

**Answer:** You would need to use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s 19ggc3 and it should give you [price] off making it [price]

**Question:** Thanks for your help this morning, Brett. Michele

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Good morning, I am about to embark on my third [name] herbal detox. I am currently on day three of the elimination diet and I can’t seem to my booklet…oops. was just looking on here for recipes etc and the guidelines. Thank you

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** I can give you a link to download a digital version

**Question:** Yes please that would be fabulous. Thank you.

**Answer:** You will find it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks/)

**Question:** Done thank you so much

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, for the meals, do u select just one option? Because there is soups, bakes and salads, can u have all in one meal, or do you just select one option? Thanks

**Answer:** you can have any combination

**Question:** ok thanks so a soup, bake and a salad all at once is fine?

**Question:** thanks

**Answer:** yes

**Question:** Cool thanks

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** Does heating the BodiTune powder diminish it’s efficacy? Wondering if I could mix it into vege soup, stewed fruit etc

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** That would be fine, no problem

**Question:** Thanks. Good to know. I got a sample of 4 sachets from you at the [name] in CHCH and seem to have been getting good results so far. I don’t need to lose weight but just feel blobby from the winter and too much eating! This seems to be helping get back on track though! I don’t seem to want or need a whole sachet a day. Am I wasting my time and money by using a smaller dosage?

**Answer:** No that’s fine, some people respond to lower dosage, in-fact many people find a pack will last the 2-3 months and keep using the product in that way, just for the energy boost.

**Answer:** Your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s 19GGC should give you a full pack of 32 sachets for only [price]

**Question:** Thanks. I think it’s what I need for a while just to get ‘re-calibrated’! I think the special also applies to the pot version as well?

**Answer:** Yes it does, but try using this one 19GGC2

**Question:** Will do 🙂


**Question:** [email]

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello, just a quick q.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Im on day 10 of 14 day detox, I know egg is not on the list with food to eat, but would it really be such a problem as in it could stop the detox?

**Question:** I know meat is not allowed.

**Question:** I have followed all advice so far

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** [name], Did you need some help today

**Answer:** You should be able to go through and order without logging in to your account.

**Answer:** The new website may not have migrated your details. Sorry for any confusion.

**Answer:** This link should give you the page you are looking for [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/metabolic-reset-for-metabolic-syndrome-and-insulin-resistance/)

**Answer:** HI Debbie,

**Answer:** Yes we have a 30% deal running this month

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s is HERO30

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hi i was at the green expo this weekend and I got a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code for the detox pack however i miss places it but i would really like to order the pack still. Am i able to get another? thank you

**Answer:** HI Marcia, Try using 19GGC

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello there

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** I’m on day 5 of 14 day detox. Today for first time i had cravings, but managed to stay on track. Its a good program

**Question:** I’d like to read more about the detox. Is there something written about after the detox, things to keep in mind or how to support body best?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** Hello 🙂

**Answer:** Let me give you something to look at

**Answer:** This is a good page [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/how-to-do-the-herbal-detox-program/)

**Answer:** Reading also helps with staying focused. Ok thank you!

**Answer:** The reviews and Faq’s are also quite helpful [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-reviews-and-testimonials/)

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-faqs/)

**Answer:** Oh great, thanks

**Answer:** This is the page you are looking for [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** If you look on this page [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink/) you will find an image just under the main image which contains the nurtitional information

**Answer:** You can hover over the image and it will enlarge so you can see the details

**Answer:** Yes you essentially replace meals on the rapid program bu having smoothies up to three times a day

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Who are you??

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, are you able to confirm the amount of protein, carbohydrates and calories per sachet of the slimming drink and clarify the rapid loss program? I.e. do the sachets replace meals?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Brett is just coming online to give you the information.

**Answer:** HI There

**Answer:** Let me get you a link to the information

**Question:** Hi,

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** I have 1 kg of [name], can I use this 1 scoop 4 x daily for equivalent to super hero cleanse?

**Question:** Thank you

**Answer:** Yes that is right – 1 scoop equals 1 sachet

**Answer:** Thank you. This is the most economical way to do it, I think anyway

**Answer:** Most people do one scoop a day but it all depends on your goals

**Answer:** super cleanse first

**Answer:** Thank you

**Answer:** bye

**Answer:** You are welcome have a good evening

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I’m halfway through the detox program at the moment & i’m then following on with the slim, can i just start the slim program straight away or is it better to wait a few days?

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** You can start it right away, in-fact that’s the best way to do it

**Question:** Awesome & good to know. How long is it best to carry on with the probiotics once i start?

**Answer:** A good course is usually 1 month on probiotics

**Question:** Thanks.

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** I’m actually enjoying the detox & haven’t felt the need for a coffee to give me an energy burst which is great!

**Answer:** Well done

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I met you at the expo in Whangarei last weekend. I am currently trying the Boditune having once daily I struggle a little drinking smoothes would prefer to take tablet form. My aim is to loose weight and I suffer with Bloated stomach so any advice appreciated.

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes you can get it in tablet form which also works out a bit cheaper, especially if you use your we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s from the show, then it’s only [price] for one month supply Click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-120-vege-caps/)

**Answer:** You can just take 4 of these capsules daily

**Answer:** Just click this link to see it Click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-120-vege-caps/)

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Try this one [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], christiane again. I have another question

**Answer:** How can I help?

**Question:** [name]

**Question:** Ive got an abnormal smear test and there had been slightly abnormal cell change. Do you have experience with other people were it went back to normal after Detox?

**Question:** I know it will definitely help but can it actually help cell renewal

**Answer:** I can’t say that I have any specific feedback on that, but you could always give it a go and see what happens, many other reproductive issues have responded well

**Question:** Ok, thanks. Detox is always good and will help

**Answer:** Many women report a major clean out after years of menstrual irregularities so it can be quite healing for that system

**Question:** Hmm ok. Never had that. Always normal and good

**Question:** I’m with hospital too and it’s monitored

**Answer:** I would suggest a 2-week program and a pot of raspberry tea each day during the detox

**Question:** Hmm yum – good isea

**Question:** idea

**Question:** Will do, thanks

**Answer:** You’re welcome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/brett-elliotts-ultimate-herbal-detox-body-cleanse-program/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** Hello sarah, I’m into my 3rd day of 14 day detox. All very good so far. No withdrawals (as I stopped coffee long time ago), no bloating, good energy. I’m eating stewed apple for brekkie, fruit / veg juice for morning tea, and veggies for lunch/ dinner. I would like to shorten the 14 days by a couple of days and like to increase dosage on the weekend

**Question:** Would that be ok?

**Question:** Basically switching plans for a bit

**Answer:** Yes you can do that if you feel comfortable 🙂

**Question:** Ok thought so

**Answer:** You can always switch back if it gets too hard

**Answer:** Heaps of capsules!

**Question:** I guess it be ok on the weekend as I’m not at work in case i might be unwell

**Answer:** Sounds like you have it covered. Awesome

**Question:** Ok great. Thanks for your support. I might check in again later down the track

**Answer:** Absolutely we are here to support you

**Question:** Ka pai

**Answer:** [name] Wa

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Bear with us we are fixing the link

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello, with the detox, do you not have meat for the duration of the diet? Thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes you are right, there is no meat on the 14 day detox plan

**Question:** ok thanks, is there usually a source of protein in the recipes?

**Answer:** However, You can have a little fish if you choose to do the one month gentle plan

**Question:** ok thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, is the Detox ‘n Slom still available x8 [price].65? Thanks

**Answer:** HI There, Let me check for you, one moment,

**Answer:** The 8 pack is no longer available, but You can do slightly better than that price

**Answer:** If you click on this link [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/3-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-30/)

**Answer:** Then go to your cart and change the qty to 3 items, it will put nine packs in your cart,

**Answer:** Then you can apply the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s HERO30 which will drop the price by 30% making them 61.25 each

**Question:** Thanks I buy this option regularly but thought I’d go for the other this time

**Answer:** It should work out about the same

**Answer:** We have just launched the new website today so it might appear a little bit different

**Question:** Thanks anyway, the other option would’ve been great at [price].36!

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** HI Mandy, We had our new website go live today, so please try refreshing your page and it should work for you, Brett

**Question:** I’m on a low FODMAP diet, which has shown I am intolerant of coconut & fructose (honey). This was under the supervision of my gastroenterologist & a dietitian. Should I leave out these parts of this diet, or try them & see what happens?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Would you like Brett’s Free eBook on the [name] Crohn’s [name]? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)

**Question:** Thanks, I just downloaded it

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Great glad to hear

**Answer:** Let me answer your question

**Answer:** You mentioned leaving food out. Are you doing our detox program at the moment?

**Question:** Not yet, I was reading about it, and it says coconut & manuka honey, which I have had to eliminate already.

**Answer:** It is up to you if you wish to leave them out

**Question:** OK

**Answer:** Fructose is in many things. Were they specific about honey only?

**Question:** No, I found I can’t eat stone fruit, apples, sweeteners in fruit juice, etc.

**Answer:** Okay all good

**Answer:** Out of interest how did they test you for those things?

**Question:** same for other things – garlic, onions, almonds, apricots, avocado, wheat, milk, beans, peas…

**Answer:** The got is an interesting thing quite often it can be fixed by doing a really good detox and creating better bacteria

**Answer:** Sorry gut

**Question:** It’s because of the damage from Crohn’s, I can’t digest certain foods, and they ferment in the gut.

**Answer:** Brett has had a lot of success with people who have Crohn’s disease. I’m glad to hear that you have downloaded his e-book.

**Question:** [Link](https://www.monashfodmap.com/)

**Question:** I started with the elimination diet, then reintroduced each of the 6 food groups over 6 weeks, to see which I was intolerant to.

**Question:** I have Crohn’s and IBS, by the look of it.

**Answer:** Well the detox program has been very successful with both of them. The herbs are very soothing and healing along with the diet.

**Question:** Turned out I can’t tolerate most of them to some extent, but onion/garlic & almond/cashew were worst.

**Answer:** The detox can quite often resolve issues in the gut because it cleanses thoroughly and helps with the pre-biotics. The gut flora can improve significantly. This helps most people with the symptoms.

**Question:** OK. I’ll read it properly & prepare. Just not sure ehat to do about honey & coconut. Might try them first to test. I’ve not had them for a year. The reaction to them wasn’t as bad as the two I mentioned.

**Answer:** Okay it sounds like you have a plan together which is awesome 🙂

**Question:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there, I am into the Ultimate detox Day 3. I am getting cramps at nights… is it ok for me to take my Calcium/Mag citrate supplement? or is there a food high in magnesium I could take to help with the cramps

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** my email carolynkiwi88..com

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Are you still there?

**Answer:** Epsom salt baths are great for helping and the extra supplements I’ll be fine.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hello. I started today with the herbal pills as part of the detox. Im

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** How can I help today?

**Question:** then today i got a prescription from doctor for frush (a cream) and also a pill for fungus.

**Answer:** They will work OK together, no problem

**Question:** Can I take both?

**Answer:** Yes

**Question:** Ok 🙂

**Question:** I didn’t like the doctor lol

**Answer:** The herbal program will also help that problem

**Question:** I know


**Question:** That’s what I thought

**Question:** So I would have preferd only herbal Detox – but a one pill

**Question:** sounds good too

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name] has your [price] dollars off promo finished? I did the candida detox and would like to do another starting asap

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there. Could you please advise what I could substitute the capsicum for in the zucchini savories Capsicum does not agree with me! 🙂 ta! I am doing the Ultimate detox. Carolyn

**Answer:** [name], I’ve actually just emailed you. You can switch to bok choy or chopped cabbage. Is it the zucchini saver is that you are doing? These are just for the slim program

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** You can send an email with ref. to above question when you are available carolynkiwi88..com

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** [name] I can’t see your question

**Answer:** Can you copy it here?

**Answer:** Thank you

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there..how much can I expect to pay for the ultimate herbal detox package?

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there. Could you please advise what I could substitute the capsicum for in the zucchini savories Capsicum does niot agree with me! 🙂 ta! I am doig the Ultimate detox. Carolyn

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** wanting to know if Chlorella and cilantro will chelate copper.

**Question:** This is from copper piping

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Question:** inorganic copper is a very dangerous heavy metal and very prevalent in our society

**Question:** eklein36535..com I have found an excellent scientific study concerning the different effects of organic and inorganic copper in the body. There is a major difference and few health practitioners know the difference.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes they do help with reducing copper

**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.

**Question:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi there can I help you?

**Question:** I’ve been doing Dr. Hyman’s 10 day detox and was looking for some remedies for the headaches. I’m on day 5

**Answer:** We don’t know anything about that detox but the tips on our Managing detox headaches article should help.

**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/managing-detox-headaches-and-withdrawal)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hey guys!

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, just wanting to check if nuts are allowed during the 2 week detox?

**Answer:** Sorry they are not allowed

**Answer:** They are hard to digest and slow things down quite a lot

**Answer:** Nut milk is OK though 🙂

**Question:** And no eggs?

**Answer:** That’s also true

**Answer:** They can bind you up, and slow down the bowels

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need some help today?

**Question:** Hi can u have tinned tomatoes on the 14day detox?

**Answer:** Yes they are OK

**Question:** Great thank you

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** hi, how much weight on average to you loose in the slim?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** n

**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. [name] team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** The average is 5 kgs

**Answer:** But depends on your body

**Question:** is that in the 4 week program

**Answer:** Yes that’s right

**Answer:** Also depends on food volume and exercise

**Question:** I was doing the 14 day detox but stuffed it up as I have depression and I got really low and ended up having a binge on chocolate and foods that weren’t in the program so am so guilty and full of regret and feel I put back on the weight I lost in the detox so Im going to be super strict with the slim and excerise every day and hope to loose 5 kg

**Answer:** Ok there are more good options too. [name]’s videos to keep on target

**Question:** I watched his videos

**Answer:** Have a look on his YouTube channel

**Answer:** Heaps more there

**Question:** Yeah thats where I watched them!

**Question:** do u loose more weight on the slim than the detixi

**Answer:** Wow there’s heaps you must have been busy

**Question:** Yeah I was really determined to find out everything before I did the detox program and then revisited during the 12 days ive done so far

**Question:** 13

**Answer:** About the same weight loss but it’s a different kind of weight loss

**Question:** What do you mean?

**Answer:** 12 days is pretty good

**Question:** yeah I was going well

**Question:** i should have done the 7 days and i would have been sweet

**Answer:** The detox is cleansing the gut and the sling is boosting the metabolism, cutting cravings and balancing blood sugar. So the weight loss is more permanent

**Question:** ohh maybe thats what i need anyway

**Answer:** Yes it will be great for you.

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** HI Nalisha, Thanks for your order. it will be shipped within 24 hours and we will email you with tracking details. [name], Brett

**Answer:** [name]. My husband ordered a kit for himself last night – order 7899. Mine is 7903. Please ship them together to [name]. Thank you!

**Answer:** OK thanks for letting us know, we will ship them together. We’re here to help anytime.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Can you please ou have Kimchi when in 14 day detox? (Korean fermented spicy Cabbage)

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Yes you can that’s fine

**Question:** Yay that’s awesome 🙂 thank you i just got some fresh Kimchi from my mum so that is great to know in can eat it

**Answer:** Awesome

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, im on day 3 of 10 detox & am experiencing very painful cramping. It seems to happen about half an hour of eating anything.

**Answer:** Are you sure you’re doing our Program because ours is 14 days?

**Answer:** Is it [name] [name] or [name] Cleanse?

**Question:** Hmmmm maybe not, health house. Better change to yours next time. Sorry about that

**Question:** The ultimate clense

**Answer:** All good, yes our has herbs which stop cramping, but I could give you a home remedy which could herlp

**Question:** Yes please

**Question:** Where ate you based, interested in your products

**Answer:** 6 Cloves crushed makes 2-3 cups of herbal tea to give immediate relief of stomach pain or nausea., See more about it here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/cloves-syzygium-aromaticum-herbal-monograph)

**Answer:** We are based in Tauranga, we designed the old [name] which health house sell, but have improved it with 10 new herbs about 10 years ago, Cloves being on of them

**Answer:** Happy to help anytime

**Question:** Been doing this for a few years now. Last time had some cramping. This time worse

**Answer:** Yes that’s one thing we have fixed with the new formulation

**Question:** Will get some cloves tomorrow. None in the house

**Answer:** Also the diet on ours is better for a comfortable result, you can see that here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/detox-diet-plan-made-easy)

**Question:** Thanks a lot! Will check it out

**Answer:** Anytime

**Question:** We in tga too


**Question:** we have just seen your address on website. We walk our dog on fantail drive often. Live on maungatapu rd

**Answer:** That’s a coincidence, I run a home clinic and we supply our product for people to pick up there as well, Happy to help anytime

**Question:** Thanks. We will look you up

**Question:** hi

**Question:** ship to spain??

**Question:** Thanks

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** I am so sorry we can’t ship to Spain as customs won’t let them through. We can ship to any other country.

**Question:** ahhhh

**Question:** OK

**Question:** Thanks

**Answer:** Are you able to get it delivered elsewhere and brought to you?

**Question:** I will ask a friend in London

**Answer:** [name] London is no problem

**Question:** Thanks.

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], I’ve got a day to go on you detox program, I learnt about it at the Mount health 2000 evening.

**Question:** Sorry just wanted to say how great I’m feeling and managed to lose 4kg along the way, also discover some great veg recipes .

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** thanks Robert

**Answer:** Glad to hear it is going well 🙂 4kg is great and so happy you re enjoying the food Robert

**Answer:** I will pass the message on to Brett so he knows 🙂

**Answer:** Thanks

**Answer:** Would you perhaps like to leave us a review?

**Question:** Hi, is mustard allowed?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Yes it is

**Question:** great thanks

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Question:** Tried to put code 125KIT and says invalid

**Answer:** Yes that only works on certain products, let me check for you

**Question:** Ok trying to buy boditune 500

**Answer:** Ok, that we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s reduces the [price] product down to [price], let me give you another code

**Answer:** Try 25NOW that should give you 25% OFF

**Question:** ok ill buy that one is it 1kg

**Answer:** Yes it should work on that

**Question:** ok thanks

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help this evening?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi there, can you have butter on the detox?

**Answer:** Hi there, yes you can have butter on the detox 🙂

**Question:** Fantastic thanks

**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Can you use arrowroot powder when on the detox 14 week cleanse

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** I mean 14 day cleanse sorry

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Answer:** We don’t recommend using any refined starch so unfortunately no sorry

**Question:** Thank you for confirming this I thought thisighr be the case

**Answer:** You are welcome 🙂

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** which of your products contain glutamine?

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** [name]

**Answer:** None of our products contain that 🙂

**Question:** [name]….I thought I’d check here first. have a good day.

**Answer:** No problem happy to help

**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?

**Question:** 🙂

**Answer:** Hi

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Can we help?

**Question:** Hi, my friend was just messaging you I believe.. asking about the detox/slim

**Answer:** Yes how can we help?

**Question:** How much is the slim program? I noticed she had to take so many capsules per day on the derox.. I don’t know if I can do that many..

**Answer:** The slim programme is [price] the same as the detox but we can give you a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s for a we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s

**Question:** oh yes, how do I go about getting the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s?

**Answer:** You can open the detox capsules and put them in a smoothie

**Question:** oh really! does it make the smoothies taste gross haha

**Answer:** You will get better results if you can do the detox first

**Question:** Awesome, and how soon after should I do the slim from that?

**Answer:** Would suggest not adding the Colonaid ones but the others are fine

**Question:** oh cool

**Answer:** Straight after 14 days then 30 days of slim

**Answer:** If you use DRY30 you can get 30% off the detox

**Answer:** And then the slim

**Question:** if I have a gap will that limit the results? just as if I do the 14 dayts starting soon, I have just enough time before I go on holiday overseas, and don’t want to take the pills over there etc

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code can be used until the end of the month

**Question:** thank you!!!

**Answer:** It will be less effective but you will feel amazing on holiday if you do the detox before

**Answer:** And you will get some weight loss

**Answer:** Have you checked the calculator? [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/ideal-weight-calculator)

**Answer:** It will give you the program based on your goals

**Question:** Yes! my friend sent me that before!

**Question:** I also need to take provera to help with my hormones etc, can I take that the same time as slim?

**Answer:** Yes no problem with the detox or the slim

**Question:** is slim only for those overweight? my BMI is in the ‘healthy range’

**Answer:** It’s for anyone who wishes to improve their metabolism and reduce cravings

**Question:** does it also help with digestion etc

**Question:** can I use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s code if I buy instore?

**Answer:** Yes it does

**Answer:** The we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/ss are only for online the stores will charge the full price

**Question:** how long does postage take?

**Answer:** Sent out within 24 hours and delivered within 2 days

**Question:** oh woah! And does it cost extra for rural

**Answer:** It’s free anywhere in nz

**Question:** Holy moly! thats insane!

**Answer:** all good

**Question:** do you have to just sit and wait for someone to ask you questions on here hahaha I hope you are kept busy

**Answer:** Yes very busy, we have people doing our programs all over the world. 🙂

**Question:** oh thats soo cool! so grateful to hear about you guys

**Answer:** Happy to help

**Question:** oh one more ques

**Answer:** Yep

**Question:** hahahahah if one day I happened to eat a piece of choc when doing the slim or some sugar or something thats not on the list, does it ruin the entrie thing

**Answer:** If it’s a small one off then it would be okay. But if it is a massive binge then you would have to start again 🙂

**Question:** and yu are sure that I can take provera at the same time to bring on my period as well as doing the slim haha just to be sure

**Answer:** Yes it will be fine to carry on taking that. People can continue with medications on our programs.

**Question:** Oh PERFECTTTT woohooo so glad to hear

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** hi

**Answer:** Hi can we help?

**Answer:** I am loving doing the cleanse! Im finding it really rewarding. My friend is looking into it, but is wanting to loose weight instead (My aim is to flush my system). She was wondering if she should do the detox first and then the slim? Or if that wouldnt give the most effective results. We werent sure if she could message you off the website or not as she hasnt brought a pack yet?

**Answer:** We can speak with anyone the detox over 14 days is the one to do first and then if she wants to lose more the slim

**Answer:** There is also our weight calculator which may help her

**Answer:** Oh perfect! Thats what i thought! Ill tell her to message you directly for more info. Do you have a rough avergae of what people loose on the 14 day detox and then the slim ?

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/ideal-weight-calculator)

**Answer:** Normally between 3 to 6 kgs on each but it can be more depending on how their body is

**Answer:** Awesome! Thanks for your help, Ill pass it on 🙂

**Answer:** Great happy to help

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Question:** With slim finding v regular toilet trips ‘urine is that normal and does it last!

**Answer:** It is quite normal and should pass. How long have you been on the program?

**Question:** 3 days!

**Answer:** Ok so it’s early days. It can be your body dumping acid. Keep drinking regularly

**Question:** Cool. Otherwise enjoying it!

**Answer:** Great keep in touch and let us know how you are going

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** Yes you can take flax oil and seeds, and yes you can take the capsules earlier also

**Answer:** awesome thanks!

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Did you need any help today?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, I met Brett at the [name] in Wellington. He mentioned a trial where blood tests are taken before and after. I’ve ordered a second detox programme for my husband who is a skeptical but willing participant in the detox. I wondered if this could be an option for him to be monitored as part of the trial mentioned? He has managed high blood pressure and is overweight, definitely needs to make some changes and I’m thinking seeing some actual charted results might help keep him on track for healthy options following the detox. Is this option still available?

**Answer:** Let me get Brett online for you and he can give you more info

**Answer:** [name]

**Answer:** Yes he sounds like a candidate for the [name], let me give you a link to the application form

**Answer:** If you click this link and fill out the form I will let you know if he is elegible [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/human-study-applicants/)

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Ive just purchased slim programme and it did not come with brochure?..What’s meals are recommended as can this programme be done in 2weeks.

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** [name] guide is normally in the box but I can give you a link to download it

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/free-ultimate-slim-user-guide)

**Answer:** The diet is fruit and vegetables plus chicken and fish for 2 weeks

**Question:** thanks.

**Answer:** This page may also be useful [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-slim-program)

**Answer:** And this one for recipes – you choose the program you are doing from the drop-down [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-recipes)

**Question:** And what’s would you suggest to snack on during the day or night.

**Answer:** Fruit is good as it helps with the sugar cravings. Pickled onions also help but I can give you more ideas if you bear with me a mo

**Answer:** dates, prunes, raisins, mandarins, cherry tomatoes, pickled onions, gherkins, figs, baby carrots, olives will all help

**Question:** Sounds good and no bread at all whole grain

**Answer:** No bread sorry – it needs to be wholefoods and not processed foods

**Question:** brown rice in evening?

**Answer:** Brown rice is ok

**Question:** liked the chat, will contact again..if need be.cheers

**Answer:** Ok great – we are here to support you

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Question:** [name] – I am on Day 10 of 2 week ultimate detox – loving everything about it so far (except for taking that many pills!! – I know I can break them and add them to water but haven’t got time for that!!). Ultimate goal is to lose weight – would I be better doing another two week detox or Slim – and how long does a pack of Slim last?? Are you allowed to drink Kombucha while on detox. I confess that I am drinking one latte per day – organic coffee beans and raw milk from the farm gate – is this going to ruin things too much. Cheers and thank you so much. [name]’s talk in Paraparaumu. [name]

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi, i have purchased your product for the detox, unfortunately no instructions

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** I can help you

**Question:** Great

**Answer:** You can down the user guide and I can give you a link

**Question:** Wonderful that would be helpful

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide) Here you go – fill out the info and it will be emailed to you

**Answer:** [name],

**Answer:** We will get that extra bottle on the courier to you today. Apologies for that, hopefully, this small item will get past customs without any charges.

**Answer:** [name], the code is 125KIT

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name], Just wondering if my order for x3 [name] has been sent yet? Order # 7836. If not, would it be possible to add x1 additional pack at the same price? I was discussing this with another family member and they would also like to do 🙂

**Answer:** Let me check for you

**Answer:** Unfortunately, your order was shipped on Thursday

**Answer:** It should be delivered today, but I can give you a great price on one more, let me see what I can do

**Answer:** You could use the we no longer offer We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/vip-clenz-club/s 125KIT to get one pack for only [price] including shipping

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** is there a list of what to eat on the detox on the website? I’d like to see if it’s going to be too expensive for me to purchase the foods

**Answer:** HI There, let me give you a link

**Question:** Thank you!

**Answer:** This page has a good list if you scroll down, but I will get you another page which might help also [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)

**Question:** Many thanks Brett!

**Answer:** This one is good too [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/detox-diet-plan-made-easy)

**Answer:** You can also download the full user guide here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)

**Question:** Wow thank you so much, appreciate that.

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** [name],

**Answer:** Hi can I help?

**Question:** My question is… this year I have been having some issues with what they think is inflammatory arthritis in my feet… at times earlier this year I could barely walk… which was a problem for me as I do work in retail and am therefore on my feet constantly, I have been on a three month course of medication which finished about a month ago… I am now taking Omega 3 and Glucosamine… recommended to me by a customer!! this does seem to be helping… can I continue taking this while on a detox program?

**Answer:** Yes you can keep using the items you are taking. The detox will help with reducing acid in your body which normally reduces inflammatory arthritis

**Answer:** Especially if you do it over 2 weeks with the fruit and vegetable diet

**Question:** Cool, thanks 🙂

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Let us know how you get on

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Are you looking for a detox and a slim program?

**Question:** I thought I would look at them both and decide which to try…

**Answer:** [name] detox is definitely better for reducing acid and gives about 3 to 6KG weight loss.

**Answer:** The slim program is normally done after the detox and works on reducing sugar cravings and balancing the blood sugar plus boosting metabolism.

**Question:** Okay… I do want t start with a detox as Brett’s Detox flyer says to start with a detox…

**Answer:** If you are looking to get both of them I can point you to the page where you can purchase them at 20% off

**Question:** Is that a better deal? Am I also able order a couple of Bretts books on this order?

**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim)

**Answer:** Yes you can just add Brett’s books to your order as well

**Answer:** [name], do you need any further help?

**Answer:** No, I’m good thanks

**Answer:** Great we are here to help if needed st any time

**Answer:** [name]

**Question:** Ohh OK thanks!

**Question:** In fact can we have fried tofu?

**Answer:** No sooty that is off the menu

**Answer:** No sorry

**Question:** Ohh ok

**Question:** We are not allowed anything that is fried?

**Answer:** Only stir fried vegetables

**Question:** Hi there

**Question:** I am on the detox and this is my 5th day

**Answer:** Hi there

**Question:** Is it possible to take a break for one day and eat meat and continue after that?

**Answer:** Not really. You could have a tiny bit of fish and carry on.

**Question:** Ohhhh OK….

**Answer:** The meat will slow it down a lot

**Answer:** Only a tiny but of fish

**Question:** Can we have chilli?

**Answer:** Absolutely we recommend it

**Answer:** Have heaps

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi i spoke to someone the other day about this programme, i found out about it at field days have just gone to order and it says the voucher is only valid till the 30.6.19 i spoke to someone via here 3 days ago

**Question:** Quiet dissapointing i wanted to try the detox and the slim however if this voucher wont work so i can try both then i will go back to dr curous

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?

**Question:** Hi

**Answer:** Hello

**Answer:** Hi how can I help?

**Question:** I am wondering if doing the weekly herbal detox is more effective than two week..for weight loss

**Answer:** The two weeks is actually better as it gives your body longer to lose weight.

**Question:** Oh ok…i have done it once before but for two weeks and i found it difficult because of the limited veggies I could eat..I have minor ibs

**Answer:** You could try the seven day detox. Just be aware that you might not lose as much.

**Question:** So let me tell you my measures…I’m 167cm and 64kg…my ideal weight is 58kg but again I think that I have also gained some muscle weight

**Question:** I would like to lose 4 kg

**Question:** My hormones have been unbalanced too…..for a long period

**Question:** Hence the weight gain

**Answer:** Most people with IBS find their symptoms ease when doing the 14 day plan

**Answer:** Have you looked at this page [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-natural-solutions)

**Question:** Yes I have seen that in the past whilst I did the two week detox

**Answer:** It would be best to follow that diet plan while on your detox and you should get good results, plus lose the 4kg

**Question:** I will review that site again

**Answer:** Then your bowels should settle down and you could tolerate more foods

**Question:** Now that avocados are in season again it should be easier I hope

**Answer:** I would also suggest having a look at this at the end of the 14 days [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/shop/biogaia-probiotic-l-reuteri-200-million)

**Question:** Let me read up on this…thank you so much

**Answer:** Anytime

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** How much to buy detox bundle??

**Answer:** Hi there

**Answer:** Which bundle are you looking for?

**Question:** Thank you….

**Answer:** You are welcome

**Answer:** Have you seen the parasite article?

**Answer:** [Link](https://www.brettelliott.com/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies)

**Answer:** Hi do you have any questions you need help with?

**Answer:** Hello

**Question:** Hi. I am keen to do a [name] however as I am on a rather tight budget I was wanting to know if you you will have a special at the [name] like you did last year?

**Answer:** Yes we will be there of the 10-11th of August in [name] Force museum

**Answer:** They will be half price there

**Question:** Awesome I will see you there. Cheers. In the meantime I will read your book and get some tips.

**Answer:** Awesome, thanks so much

**Answer:** Hello


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