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How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally with Herbs & Food

7 Secrects To Healthy Cholesterol
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Having high Cholesterol causes your body to have some negative health effects and can lead to a narrowing of the arteries by fatty plaque deposits (known as atherosclerosis). Excess cellular Cholesterol induces apoptosis in macrophages, an event likely to promote the progression of atherosclerosis. (25) Having these fatty plaques in your body may increase your risk of having a heart attack and/or stroke, therefore it is important to have regular Cholesterol checks to assess your Cholesterol levels. In some cases it may also be necessary to take supplements to lower cholesterol.

The prevalence of elevated total Cholesterol is highest in the World Health Organization Region of Europe (54% for both sexes), followed by the WHO Region of the Americas (48% for both sexes). The WHO African Region and the WHO southeast Asian Region showed the lowest percentages (22.6% for AFR and 29.0% for SEAR). (1)

The Good and the Bad Cholesterol

There are two main types of Cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good Cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) sometimes called bad Cholesterol, but what are normal LDL levels and good LDL levels? 

HDL is essentially the ‘good Cholesterol’ that travels from your cells to your Liver where it is processed and removed from the body.

LDL is the ‘bad Cholesterol’ when it’s in excess, as this is the form that travels from the Liver out through your arteries, to your peripheries. It is the LDL form of cholesterol that is most likely to clog your arteries and cause heart disease. When the ratio of HDL / total Cholesterol is high (i.e. not enough HDL, too much LDL) more bad Cholesterol is being stored and circulated in the body rather than being removed from the body. This is bad news and needs to be sorted. 

To calculate your cholesterol ratio, divide your high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”) Cholesterol number into your total Cholesterol number. An optimal ratio is less than 3.5 One study did show that both extremely low or extremely high HDL Cholesterol can be harmful. (23)

Participants whose HDL Cholesterol levels were 41–60 mg/dL were the least likely to experience a heart attack or die from a cardiovascular event. However, for people with very low HDL Cholesterol levels (less than 41 mg/dL) and those with very high levels (higher than 60 mg/dL), the risk of adverse cardiovascular events and death increased. (23)

Specifically, people with Cholesterol levels higher than 60 mg/dL were almost 50 percent more likely to have a heart attack or die from cardiovascular disease than those with levels at 41–60 mg/dL.

It can be a little difficult to get your head around, and even today new information is emerging about Cholesterol so it’s an ongoing field of research.

How to Lower Your Cholesterol Ratio

Conventional Drugs And Liver Function

1. Statins – The Most Common Option Statins help lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol by slowing down an enzyme in your liver that makes cholesterol. (11)

This forces your liver to pull more cholesterol out of your blood, which helps clear it from your system.

Side effects:

  • Muscle pain or weakness
  • Higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes
  • Can interact with other medications

Think of statins as a “shut-off valve” for your liver’s cholesterol production—but this also means your liver can’t send cholesterol where it’s genuinely needed in the body. 

2. Bile Acid Sequestrants – A Less Common Alternative These medications stop your body from reabsorbing bile acids in your gut. (11)

Since bile acids are made from cholesterol, your liver starts using more cholesterol to make new bile—which lowers cholesterol levels in your blood. They can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10–30%.

Side Effects:

  • Can cause constipation and other digestive issues
  • May raise triglycerides (another form of fat in the blood)
  • Can interfere with how other medicines are absorbed 

Why Your Liver Matters So Much Your liver is central to managing cholesterol—it produces it, processes it, and removes it from your body.

When your liver is overloaded or sluggish, cholesterol levels can rise. That’s why many natural health practitioners recommend a liver cleanse as a foundational step toward healthy cholesterol balance.

A Deeper Layer of Science Recent research from Dr. Carlos Fernández-Hernando at NYU has shown that your liver also uses tiny genetic switches called microRNAs to manage fat and cholesterol levels.

One in particular, called miR-27b, helps regulate how your liver handles fats and cholesterol. When this genetic pathway works well, it can naturally support better lipid metabolism. (24)

What causes high Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a type of fat that can be found in certain foods (e.g. meat, dairy, eggs), and is also made in your body by your Liver. You actually need Cholesterol to live – your body makes hormones like estrogen and testosterone plus many other important biological molecules from Cholesterol.

The problem is not having Cholesterol in your body – it’s actually having Cholesterol deposited in your arteries that can affect your health, increasing blood pressure and potentially causing a heart attack. Eating some Cholesterol-lowering food (low fat) is not necessarily the long-term solution as many low-fat foods are high in sugar which can lead to other problems such as pre-diabetes.

The Acid Link

It has been shown that Cholesterol is deposited in the arteries as a defense mechanism against blood vessel wall damage. The Cholesterol effectively protects the blood vessel from breaking down completely or bursting due to lesions or weakness. For example, it has been shown in studies with mice that a high potassium diet, protects blood vessel walls (endothelial cells), which can greatly decrease this Cholesterol deposition. This effect could possibly be useful for preventing atherosclerotic complications such as heart attacks. (26)

It has also been shown that high potassium citrate levels can reduce uric acid levels and kidney stone formation. (27) Potassium citrate is obtained at high levels by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. This means you can reduce your acid load and blood vessel damage by eating fresh fruit and vegetables, thus lowering Cholesterol deposition in your arteries.


The Ultimate Cholesterol Program Free eBook

Find out the completely natural protocol for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Discover the power of simple foods and herbs.

Brett Elliott (Author of “Cleansed & Cured” & Medical Herbalist for 20 years) has created one of the world’s best Cholesterol programs that you can do at home.

From this Free eBook, you’ll also learn about:

  • What the program is designed to achieve
  • How to get started
  • What to expect
  • A Cholesterol-lowering diet plan

Here are six other natural ways to lower Cholesterol

People who have cardiovascular health risks such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, need to make lifelong dietary and lifestyle modifications to improve their health.

Diet and lifestyle changes must form the foundation of any Cholesterol-lowering plan. Incorporating the following simple modifications into your diet and lifestyle will help you to successfully treat high Cholesterol for life.

Foods for lowering Cholesterol

1. Follow a Cholesterol-lowering food plan

One of the ways how to reduce Cholesterol without medication is to follow a Cholesterol-lowering diet.  How to lower Cholesterol with dieting and/or supplements can be fairly simple. See some ideas below.


Food to avoid with High Cholesterol

Making key changes to your diet can significantly lower LDL cholesterol levels. Here’s how you can adjust your eating habits:

  • Limit Acid-Forming Foods: Cut back on foods like sugar, coffee, red meats, processed carbohydrates, alcohol, and dairy products such as ice cream and cheese, which can negatively impact cholesterol levels by increasing LDL.
  • Increase Soluble Fiber Intake: Aim for 5–10 grams daily. Psyllium husk is an excellent choice, as it’s a well-researched supplement known to reduce cholesterol effectively.
  • Avoid Trans-Fatty Acids: Steer clear of trans fats found in margarine, products with canola oil, frying oils, stick margarine, baked goods like crackers, cookies, doughnuts, and bread, as well as foods fried in hydrogenated oils. (7,9) Even when increasing unsaturated fats, remain vigilant about minimizing trans fat intake.
  • Lower Saturated Fat Consumption: Reduce intake of deep-fried meats, BBQ red meats, processed meats like sausages, and full-fat dairy products. Opt for lean meats and boost healthy fats from sources like cold-water fish, nuts, and seeds. Keep in mind that this isn’t about going completely “low fat”—healthy fats are beneficial.
Cholesterol lowering foods

Foods that Lower Cholesterol

Here is a list of the best foods to help lower cholesterol.

  • Potassium foods. As mentioned above, high-potassium foods will help reduce Cholesterol deposits by protecting the blood vessel walls. Many fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium such as bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, apricots, and grapefruit (some dried fruits, such as prunes, raisins, and dates, are also high in potassium), cooked spinach, cooked broccoli, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, peas, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, pumpkins, other leafy greens, orange juice, tomato juice, prune juice, apricot juice, grapefruit juice.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar, regardless of the production method, decreased triglyceride and VLDL levels in all groups when compared to animals on high-Cholesterol diets without vinegar supplementation. (22)
  • Apples, grapes, strawberries, citrus fruits – These fruits are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that lowers LDL.
  • Barley and other whole grains – Like oats and oat bran, barley, and other whole grains can help lower the risk of heart disease, mainly via the soluble fiber they deliver.
  • Beans – Beans are especially rich in soluble fiber. They also take a while for the body to digest, meaning you feel full for longer after a meal. That’s one reason beans are a useful food for folks trying to lose weight. With so many choices — from navy and kidney beans to lentils, garbanzos, black-eyed peas, and beyond — and so many ways to prepare them, beans are a very versatile food.
  • Cinnamon – 13 randomized controlled trials with 750 participants investigating the effect of cinnamon supplementation on blood lipid concentrations were analyzed. Cinnamon supplementation significantly reduced blood triglycerides and total Cholesterol concentrations without any significant effect on LDL-C and HDL-C. (21)
  • Oats – An easy first step to improving your cholesterol is having a bowl of oatmeal or cold oat-based cereal like Cheerios for breakfast. It gives you 1 to 2 grams of soluble fiber. Add a banana or some s
  • Strawberries for another half-gram. Current nutrition guidelines recommend getting 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day, with at least 5 to 10 grams coming from soluble fiber. (The average American gets about half that amount.)
  • Eggplant and okra – These two low-calorie vegetables are good sources of soluble fiber.
  • Nuts – A bushel of studies shows that eating almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts are good for the heart. Eating 2 ounces of nuts a day can slightly lower LDL, on the order of 5%. Nuts have additional nutrients that protect the heart in other ways.
  • Vegetable oils – Using liquid vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower, safflower, and others in place of butter, lard, or shortening when cooking or at the table helps lower LDL.
  • Foods fortified with sterols and stanols – Sterols and stanols extracted from plants gum up the body’s ability to absorb cholesterol from food. Companies are adding them to foods ranging from margarine and granola bars to orange juice and chocolate. They’re also available as supplements. Getting 2 grams of plant sterols or stanols a day can lower LDL cholesterol by about 10%.
  • Plant sterols – Consume more Plant sterols Add 2 grams/day to your intake. Corn and Soy products contain sterols. (8)
  • Soy – Eating soybeans and foods made from them, like tofu and soy milk, was once touted as a powerful way to lower Cholesterol. Analyses show that the effect is more modest — consuming 25 grams of soy protein a day (10 ounces of tofu or 2 1/2 cups of soy milk) can lower LDL by 5% to 6%.
  • Fatty fish – Eating fish two or three times a week can lower LDL in two ways: by replacing meat, which has LDL- boosting saturated fats, and by delivering LDL- lowering omega-3 fats. Omega-3s reduce triglycerides in the bloodstream and also protect the heart by helping prevent the onset of abnormal heart rhythms.
  • Olive Oil – Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and macrophage Cholesterol accumulation are both involved in atherogenesis.  LDL obtained after 1 and 2 weeks of the olive oil diet demonstrated reduced cellular uptake in comparison with LDL obtained before the supplementation of olive oil, by 50 and 61%, respectively. (20)
  • Fiber supplements – Supplements offer the least appealing way to get soluble fiber. Two teaspoons a day of Psyllium, bulk-forming laxatives such as Symlax, provide about 4 grams of soluble fiber, making these effective supplements to lower cholesterol. (10)
  • Detox Diet Foods – All of these foods are recommended as part of our Ultimate Herbal Detox diet and have been proven to help lower Cholesterol. Cucumber, BeetrootBlueberry, Celery, Chia seeds. Pineapple, Avocado, Tomato 
  • Follow the principles of the Mediterranean diet as this style of eating has been found to be beneficial in reducing and managing Cholesterol levels. This diet comprises of fresh fish, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, and garlic. Find many good recipes with the natural Cholesterol-lowering food here

2. Herbs that lower Cholesterol 

Some of the best herbs for lowering cholesterol are listed below

  • Cinnamon – The blood Lipid-lowering effect of Cinnamon has been shown in clinical tests (2)
  • Cayenne – The fecal excretion of cholesterol and triglycerides can be significantly increased by the consumption of Cayenne. (3)
  • Ginger – Has been shown to possess both Anti-diabetic and hypolipidaemic (Cholesterol-lowering) properties (4)
  • Garlic – There is consistent evidence that garlic intake reduces cardiovascular disease risk factors including lowering LDL Cholesterol. (5)
  • Turmeric (Curcumin) and Black Pepper – This combination is an efficacious adjunctive therapy in patients with Metabolic Syndrome and can lower blood cholesterol concentrations. (6, 12)
  • Papaya – A study dose-dependently inhibited the total Cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoproteins (LDL) level, and significantly increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level. (13)
  • Psyllium – Total Cholesterol was significantly decreased from 252+/-39mg/dl before treatment to 239+/-37mg/dl after 3 weeks of treatment. (14)
  • Milk Thistle – One animal study found that silymarin worked as effectively as the Cholesterol-lowering drug probucol and with the extra benefit of greatly increasing good HDL Cholesterol. (15)
  • Globe Artichoke – Based on recent basic and clinical investigations, the extract of artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaf has been revealed to be used for hepatoprotective and Cholesterol reducing purposes. (16)
  • Turkish Rhubarb – Data has suggested that emodin from Turkish Rhubarb had the potential value for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. (High Cholesterol) The underlying mechanism is probably associated with a binding capability to Bile acids and subsequent increased expression of Cholesterol-lowering enzymes. (17)
  • Dandelion – Results showed that treatment with dandelion root and leaf positively changed plasma antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profiles in Cholesterol-fed rabbits, and thus may have potential hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects. (18)
  • Aloe Vera – studies suggest that oral administration of Aloe Vera might be a useful adjunct for lowering blood glucose in diabetic patients as well as for reducing blood lipid levels in patients with hyperlipidaemia. (19)

Isn’t it funny that the hot spicy herbs help to melt away the Cholesterol!

3. Lose weight

It is well established that a BMI ≥ 30) is associated with 2 to 3 times higher likelihood of elevated LDL and low HDL cholesterol levels.

If you are overweight then weight loss is an essential part of reducing your cholesterol levels. If you need to lose weight, you could use the Ultimate Herbal Detox and Slim programs to assist with your weight loss.

You don’t have to lose a lot to make a difference. Losing just 5–10% of your body weight can significantly improve cholesterol mark

4. Get moving

Daily physical activity is vital to improving cardiovascular health, for weight management, and to keep you as healthy as you can possibly be.

If you need help getting started on an exercise regime, start gently with some daily walking and look for a physical activity that you really enjoy.

5. Make some key lifestyle changes

It is also important that you address factors such as stress and smoking as these can severely increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

6. Have regular Cholesterol testing

Regular Cholesterol testing helps keep you informed about how your treatment is progressing, as well as providing you with motivation to stick you your new way of life. You can get Cholesterol tests done by your Doctor or your Natural Healthcare practitioner.

7. The Ultimate Cholesterol Program

Because high cholesterol is largely connected with Liver function, high-calorie diet, blood sugar levels, metabolic acidity, and general inflammation a full inner-body cleanse is recommended. The best program we offer is the Ultimate LiverClenz Combo which you can see outlined below. Of course, you can just try using the parts of this program individually and each part will help, but the combo program is virtually guaranteed to bring your cholesterol down within a month. This program contains some of the most effective supplements to lower cholesterol.

Herbal supplements that address the entire digestive system indirectly support the Liver. By clearing undigested, built-up matter from the colon these herbs will reduce the amount of re-circulating waste substances straining the Liver.

The Ultimate Herbal Cholesterol program includes almost all of the dietary changes and herbs mentioned in this book and has proven to help lower cholesterol. The high dosage of herbs in the Ultimate Cholesterol Program includes Aloe Vera, Chia seeds, Dandelion, Globe Artichoke, Milk Thistle, Papaya, Pineapple, Psyllium Husk, Turkish Rhubarb, Ginger, and Cayenne. You consume a mega-dose of the herbs in capsules or in drink form along with the detox diet, rich in all the cholesterol-lowering foods. After the 30-day program, you should be able to get your blood tested again and see the result of your efforts.

This will inspire you to make a few simple long-term dietary adjustments.

The Ultimate Herbal Detox and BodiClenz

The Ultimate Herbal Detox or BodiClenz programs both give the benefits of most of the very effective herbs we have talked about, including Milk thistleGlobe ArtichokeGoldensealDandelionWormwoodTurkish RhubarbKiwifruitand Barley grassIt is the combination of these foods along with the specific foods mentioned above which give you an excellent liver cleansing program.

You should use these programs over 30-days following what’s called the Gentle Cleanse Program. Read more about the Deep Cleanse program here

The LiverClenz 500ml Liquid Formulation

Because your liver is central to controlling cholesterol production a liver tonic is essential. LiverClenz contains a blend of the following herbal extracts in a base of pure New Zealand bush honey.
Click the names to read more about each ingredient.

Take 15ml Daily

Aloe Vera Juice – 1 litre

 Because aloe is so healing and has proven cholesterol-lowering effects it’s an important part of the program. I’ve been using this Aloe vera gel in my clinic for the last few years, and I swear by it. Unlike many Aloe vera drinks you buy, that are watered down, this Aloe juice is thick and still has visible pulp in it.

Take 30ml Daily

Symlax Bulking Fibre Blend – 120 capsules

 Because soluble fibre is one of the more important supplements to lower cholesterol, it is important to include some extra fibre during your one-month program. Symlax contains a blend of these herbs.

Take 4 capsules daily

 Ultimate Herbal Cholesterol Program Complete

Get all four products in one easy-to-follow program.


FREE Cholesterol Flipbook

In this book, Brett will share some background to understanding cholesterol in simple terms. Brett will also be sharing the Ultimate dietary and herbal approach to solving the cholesterol puzzle.

Find out about the completely natural protocol for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Discover the power of simple Foods & Herbs. Brett Elliott (Author of “Cleansed & Cured”) has created one of the world’s best Cholesterol programs that you can do at home.

Contents include:

  • Understanding Cholesterol
  • How To Lower The Cholesterol Ratio
  • The Seven Cholesterol-Lowering Steps
  • Specific Foods and Herbs
  • The Ultimate Herbal Cholesterol Program

Reviews and Feedback

Blood pressure and Cholesterol

I have lost 42lbs on this detox and slim and am back to the body shape I had at 16!! similarly for blood pressure and heart beat! and a reducing Cholesterol count to boot!! so blessings on you all for your passion in getting these products developed and out into the community.

Sue and I are monitoring our progress and will hand you a full report at the end of our first 12 months.

Blessings and regards to you both.



My cholesterol & liver count improved

Hi my name is Brendon and my wife brought me your Detox set which I have just completed. I have recently finished 20 yrs in the Military and was very fit. I am 5ft 11 inches, slim and by no means unfit, but in the civilian life I have let my high standard of fitness level slip and my eating habits are not as good as they should have been.

Anyway, I had blood tests 5 weeks ago and my cholesterol level was 7 (normal is 5), liver count HDL was 5.5 and weighing 96.9kgs. My wife and I completed the 14 day detox course which I found to be hard at the start but after day 3 I noticed marked energy increases and enjoyed your diet without feeling hungry.

The great news is I just received my blood test results where my cholesterol is now 4.8, liver count 3.2 and I weight 94.8kgs (without exercise).

Pretty amazing results. I am now motivated, joined a gym and back into running/circuits. But the biggest change for me is not having a huge desire to eat red meat. I get full on small portions of meat but load up on all the good stuff like veggies/fruits etc.

We will now do this course annually and I look forward to it.

Many thanks Brett, on a very simple life changing result.


The results are AMAZING !!

My husband who has high cholesterol that he was due to go on medication for, went in for another cholesterol test after finishing the 14 day detox we have just received a phone call from the nurse stating that his results were amazing and what had he done he now no longer needs medication for high cholesterol as he is back in the safe range and only has to have yearly check ups. He now has a healthy weight, is sleeping through the night and no longer craves unhealthy food. I have also had great results I no longer have IBS symptoms, I feel alert, energised and am also lighter. I urge anyone who is thinking of doing this to take the plunge and stick with it as its only 14 days out of your life and the results have been life changing for us. Get inventive with the food, I created an aioli out of yogurt, Garlic, lemon juice and olive oil which was lovely on salads and veggies…

Gavin and Linda

Highly Recomended

Since I can remember I have had acne on my face and back and have put it down to puberty/hormones. My energy levels have never been very high so I just accepted it carried on. In the last 4-5 years I have suffered from chronic bloating and constant flatulence and regular headaches. My bowel movements were not as good as I would have liked (3-4 times a week) but at least I was going. Even though I exercised regularly I wasn’t able to lose any fat and eventually gave up. About 6 months ago I became ill and after a blood test I wasn’t surprised I got sick. All my vitamins were below the normal and cholesterol was high @ 6.2. a few bottles of pills later I was feeling better and the blood test reflected that. The cholesterol decreased to 6.0. I went in search of a detox to attempt to at least lower my cholesterol level, I was no longer willing to accept the “its genetic” comment as an excuse to make no change. I had previously tried a number of different products and none of them made any bit of difference. I also did a colon cleanse, it did make me feel slightly better but still not 100% and it made no change to the cholesterol. I came across the ultimate herbal detox and I thought it would be another waste of my time product that will do nothing for me but was considering giving it a go. In a casual chat with a friend i mentioned i was looking into doing a detox and was going to go to have a consult with a herbalist and she straight away recommended Brett Elliott’s Detox (her aunt had done it and it worked). So I didn’t waste any more time and placed my order (product arrived within 3 days) and started preparing myself for the detox. Being reasonably dependent on coffee, I decided that that should be the first thing I give up (harder than I thought) and continued cutting out things every day. I couldn’t wait to start the detox. By the end of day 1 I didn’t feel any different, still felt heaviness and bloating and headaches so I was no longer as excited (yes I was expecting a miracle). Day 2 however was a completely different experience, I could actually feel my digestive system working (struggling but working). bowel movements became existent and NO MORE HEADACHES. By Day 4 I was making a few more trips to the toilet and this as disgusting as it may sound I was enjoying it (the look of the stuff wasn’t pleasant). The bloating disappeared, no more heaviness in my stomach and acne was getting better. Having been a carnivore and carb lover all my life it was fun looking for healthy recipes and creating meals that I could enjoy without the processed carbs and meats and never felt hungry or like I was depriving my body of anything (its usually how diets made me feel). Day 14 I weighed myself and the excess was gone. A month later (including the silly season): Acne gone, bloating has not returned, energy level HIGH (didn’t know I could feel this fantastic), weight steadily healthy, and cholesterol level 3.7 I no longer feel like I need to eat bread, no longer have cravings for sweets and have bowel movement 3-4 times daily. I feel very clean inside and out. Cant wait til the next detox!


The best Herbal Detox ever

I have only positive things to say, after the Herbal Detox, all my cholesterol, sugar etc had normal test results plus I felt very good and it worked well, I can tell that it’s really detoxing all your body.


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