I purchased two of your products because I was feeling yuck – bloated, distended stomach generally blocked up. The digesaid and the colonaid. I have been taking 2 of each tablet twice a day once with breakfast and the other after dinner. Started taking on the 9th of may thu to 25th which is today. I lost 3kgs of crap out of the system starting weight 72kgs and now holding at 69kgs. Eating a normal diet of breakfast lunch and dinner. Going quite frequently during the day. At first bowl motions where hard masses but now caramel in colour not well formed but always floating and have the same smell. I was reading about streatorrhea which decreases serum cholesterol levels and increased amount of fat in stools. A pancreatic insuffencey and failure to digest dietary fats. It says it prevents the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, E, D and K making you deficient. I also read that this condition is quite common with people taking diet pills. I wanted a healthy way to cleanse my body with out putting chemicals in it hence using your product, which i would recommend. It works just need a balance in my system and the weight decrease to match. Goal weight 62kgs any lighter to skinny. What do you suggest my next step is Brett.

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A very common diagnosis received at your Doctors visit is High Blood Pressure but what causes it and how can we reverse it without using drugs with all their nasty side effects?