Highly Recomended


Since I can remember I have had acne on my face and back and have put it down to puberty/hormones. My energy levels have never been very high so I just accepted it carried on. In the last 4-5 years I have suffered from chronic bloating and constant flatulence and regular headaches. My bowel movements were not as good as I would have liked (3-4 times a week) but at least I was going. Even though I exercised regularly I wasn’t able to lose any fat and eventually gave up. About 6 months ago I became ill and after a blood test I wasn’t surprised I got sick. All my vitamins were below the normal and cholesterol was high @ 6.2. a few bottles of pills later I was feeling better and the blood test reflected that. The cholesterol decreased to 6.0. i went in search of a detox to attempt to at least lower my cholesterol level, I was no longer willing to accept the “its genetic” comment as an excuse to make no change. I had previously tried a number of different products and none of them made any bit of difference. I also did a colon cleanse, it did make me feel slightly better but still not 100% and it made no change to the cholesterol. i came across the ultimate herbal detox and i thought it would be another waste of my time product that will do nothing for me but was considering giving it a go. In a casual chat with a friend i mentioned i was looking into doing a detox and was going to go to have a consult with a herbalist and she straight away recommended Brett Elliott’s Detox (her aunt had done it and it worked). So I didn’t waste any more time and placed my order (product arrived within 3 days) and started preparing myself for the detox. Being reasonably dependent on coffee, i decided that that should be the first thing i give up (harder than i thought) and continued cutting out things every day. i couldn’t wait to start the detox. By the end of day 1 I didn’t feel any different, still felt heaviness and bloating and headaches so i was no longer as excited (yes I was expecting a miracle). Day 2 however was a completely different experience, i could actually feel my digestive system working (struggling but working). bowel movements became existent and NO MORE HEADACHES. By Day 4 i was making a few more trips to the toilet and this as disgusting as it may sound i was enjoying it (the look of the stuff wasn’t pleasant). The bloating disappeared, no more heaviness in my stomach and acne was getting better. Having been a carnivore and carb lover all my life it was fun looking for healthy recipes and creating meals that i could enjoy without the processed carbs and meats and never felt hungry or like I was depriving my body of anything (its usually how diets made me feel). Day 14 I weighed myself and the excess was gone. A month later (including the silly season): Acne gone, bloating has not returned, energy level HIGH (didn’t know i could feel this fantastic), weight steadily healthy, and cholesterol level 3.7 I no longer feel like i need to eat bread, no longer have cravings for sweets and have bowel movement 3-4 times daily. i feel very clean inside and out. Cant wait til the next detox!