Hi Brett, after many years of gastric problems, I’ve had a recent diagnosis of a rare neuro endocrine cancer. My liver is choked with metastases and I’ve been told that my conditional is terminal and very advanced. However, I don’t feel too bad. I’m not blaming the docs for not getting a diagnosis earlier – it’s a hard one to diagnose – but I must say your herbal detox programme has rescued me on three occasions, over three years, from being incredibly sick and incapacitated. At the moment I’m using one capsule of digizaid, colonaid, and liver food twice a day. The gentle lax seems superfluous as bowels are working overtime already. I’m wondering if it is good to continue with the capsules I’m taking, or if some of the ingredients are not for long-term use. I’m also wondering if you have a better option for cancer patients. Will appreciate your reply. Keep up with the good work! Best wishes, Phillippa Ulenberg
Acid Or Alkaline Diets for Metabolic Health
Acid is just like rust! It’s insidious and it eats away at you causing all kinds of problems.